S under D[Arc 2]: The academy; Chapter 5

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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#12 of S under D

This is the last released story. S under D is now almost up to date.

Chapter Five

"Control is something that everyone wants but it not something everyone gets. Control over our lives is something we would all love to have but none of us have it. All we can do is fight for it and that is the only kind of control we will ever have."

A few hours ago back at the library Tylan had just heard a voice call out to him from the book 'History of S under D'. He dropped the book and stammered back a bit but the book glowed and began to float. Ty tripped up over his paws and fell backwards staring in fear at the sight in front of him.

"Fear me not young one. I can help you" The female voice said again. Ty was still nervous evidenced by the amount of sweat pouring off of him currently but he tried to compose himself as to not draw the attention of the librarian. The booked stopped glowing and a beautiful brown fox white blonde hair appeared out of thin air and let the book drop into his hands.

She appeared to a ghost or some kind of spirit because she was completely translucent. He dress told Ty she was from a European country in the 1800's as he clearly remembered that they dressed quite similar to how she was. The pink dress she wore fit her nice and slender figure perfectly.

She helped Ty back to his Feet solidifying herself in the process. "Do not worry about the librarian I have placed an illusion on him he will not know what happened." She said smiling at Ty. For some reason that smile made Ty feel at ease. It carried a warmness that reminded him of something but he could not place it.

Ty gathered himself and finally garnered the courage to ask this ghostly figure some questions. "Who are you? What are you? And what do you mean you can help me?"

The fox smiled at him and answered "I am someone here to guide you. You are the first the destined ones. Furs who shape the very core of S under D!"

Ty became apprehensive now. She was just another person working for S under D.

"Do not fret. I am not working for S under D. But I need more time to explain everything and we are about to be interrupted by your friend Spike and his brother." The fox answered starling Ty a bit who realized she could probably read his mind being a ghost and all.

"I cannot read your mind young one. But you should hurry. Check out this book and call me when you are alone with some time to spare. I will explain everything to you then. But I must go for now. There are those who can see through my illusions on their way." The fox figure said scaring Ty even more. He nodded in compliance though and the fox disappeared into the book changing the book's appearance back into the real thing.

Ty went to the counter and waited for Spike and Scratch to barge in as they did.

Now Ty is under a tree away from Spike who had to attend a lecture with a good amount of time to be had he summoned the fox back from the book.

"Okay it is time for you tell me what is going on!" Ty said impatiently to the glowing book.

The fox appeared again and answered "I will tell you everything you need to know young boy".

"I am one of the Ten women who founded S under D. My Name is Alphatrea and I was the one who recruited the first person to S under D" The fox said to Ty who was listening with great attention.

"If you founded S under D then why are you helping me? And I thought S under D never messed with women. I thought they were just some pedophiles." Ty asked curiously. He still did not trust this fox.

"Sub Un Des Domm" The fox said causing Ty to turn his head to the side in confusion.

"It means Help those in need. I do not hail from earth. I came from another world quite different from yours. A world that knew nothing about hate and violence. I came from a peaceful world one where everyone got along and there were no disputes. A perfect world. So perfect that we decided to help other worlds. I was sent to this one along with nine other women. I came to this world in the year 1856 during the time of many revolutions that were shaping the land. We travelled across Europe for many years helping those who were sick and in need." The fox said as Ty watched the book he was holding show him pictures of some foxes helping different furs around Europe with their problems. He saw a few sick kids turn from hopeless bed ridden to full energy and bouncing in joy.

"We found many organizations Flowers for Life, Talk for health and S under D were our three most prominent." Ty looked up from the book and stared at the fox before he replied.

"Talk for health is a big medical company and Flowers for Life is the biggest company for herbal remedies! You founded those as well? If you are all about helping people why form S under D?" Ty asked in a fury. Talk for health was at his old school and really helped deal with some bully issues he had. Flowers for life also made his favorite vitamins. How could those companies be related to S under D?

"It is to our shame that S under D became what it is today but you must understand we created. After founding those two other organizations in Europe we came across a woman was in a great deal of pain. Her husband was beaten to death by members of her village. Her husband was found to be what you now call a Homosexual. They were called abominations at that time but we called them normal. She was torn about telling the village to kill him after she found out he was sleeping with other men. She had read his journal he kept after many years sailing to the new world and back. Turns out he had found quite a few other men who like him. They felt love for other men but married women as were expected. His words cut her very deep as she read the journal and the pain these men suffered. She said it was not right and she was questioning it. We did not understand such a thing as where we come from it was quite common for other men to marry and fall in love with other men. So common in fact most men had a relationship with another man before they married their wives. We were quite troubled by this but realized it would not do anyone any good to try and change it. SO we setup a third organization using the man's journal as a guide. We knew where to go and who to talk to unfortunately these men insisted on hiding. We needed to get them to accept themselves. So we knew we had to force them. We developed what you know as programming using different natural plants we brought in from our own home world. We found those who were knew were hiding and converted them and brought them to the sanctuary we called Yogen. A small hidden island in the Caribbean. That is where we setup our base and began S under D's mission to change the world of love." Ty had not faltered in his attention to her story as he watched the book change to an image of different furs all men enjoying each other's company some were holding hands two were even kissing.

The fox continued her story. "We helped so many before our time was up and we passed the baton on to our daughters and they expanded everything and so did their daughters after them. But something changed after a few generations. Instead of daughters which were something we could only produce the ten changed over to boys and during a time when it could not be worse. It was the First World War and as the boys traveled and became overwhelmed with the pain and sorrow inflicted they started to change. Since S under D was a secret organization it could not be changed but the other two were turned into companies to make profit and they started to use their influence to affect politics and that was the start of it. The next generation inherited World war two and thus another set of pain and despair. The boys came to a conclusion. Those who were homo as they called it were much more peaceful and less likely to start into wars. They decided to expand themselves and start to recruit those who were not attracted to men thinking it would help stop the violence. They were right in way but also wrong. Our world was about freedom and respect. Not suppression and control unfortunately our world also began to change and become filled with oppression and control. Some of our helpers who went to other worlds were converted into a strict religion and came back to spread it. It took hold and now this is the last world where we are not suppressed. I need your help. I need you to take control of S under D!"

Tylan jolted out of the book that was showing him what the fox was remembering before he stuttered out a reply. "Take... over? I am getting out of here and reporting S under D for this! They need to be stopped!"

The fox lost her smile and stared at Ty with a serious expression on her face. He gold eyes shivered with sadness and fear that even Ty could pick up on. "The Exile is what they call themselves. The ones who will invade this world and try and convert them. S under D will enter a war with Exile very soon. The key to this war will be furs like you!"

"Like me? You mean runaways? As I heard they had all been caught?" Ty responded back. He had overheard a conversation about Benjamin Ville killing himself and how all the runaways had been caught already.

"Not runaways. The destined. Ten furs in this world who have abilities beyond the normal." The fox said gesturing for him to turn the page in the book. On the next two pages was a picture of him and a Black wolf.

"Tylan you have the ability to lead. That wolf is Ben and he has an enhanced ability to survive" The fox said pointing towards the pictures.

"Me lead? And this guy died!" Tylan responded again.

"Ben did not die. He has an amazing ability to survive. He survived that fall. But he has fallen into Exile's hands. I have no idea what they plan to do with him. Tylan you have been born to lead. You just have to be confident. The reason I contacted you is because of the ten you are the most important. You single handled can turn the tide of this upcoming war."

"How can I turn it? I am just a kid! How can I turn a war between a parallel world and a secret organization?"

"As I said the destined are the key. Ben's ability to survive is what allowed him to run for all these years. What would happen if he uses it to against someone instead of using it to run?"

Ty stopped to think. He could run from S under D for so long that meant he had some skills. Skills that would make him the perfect spy. As the fox said he had more skills that would make him a great leader but he had no idea how that was even possible.

"Turn the page the next two will be important as well." Ty complied still not completely understanding what was going on but he looked on the next page. On the right was a picture of a young black wolf named Josh and on the left a brown fox named Jeff. Ty realized that was probably the Jeff guy that had failed to capture Ben and had everyone in throwing a fit.

"Those two. Josh has an enhanced ability to hunt while Jeff has an enhanced ability to persuade." The page of the book turned itself this time and showed two more furs. One was a pink feline the other a black panther. "They are two more furs. Fred and Jamison. Fred has an enhanced ability to learn. Jamison has an enhanced ability to deceive. As with all of the destined it is all about how they are used." The book turned again. This time a Black lion and a brown fox Ty instantly recognized appeared. "Leon and Scratch. You have met Scratch he has an enhanced ability to fight and Leon has an enhanced ability to heal."

Ty looked at the spirit like she was crazy he was starting to doubt her again. "I know you feel that I am just trying to trick you but I am not trying to deceive you right now as I said I need your help. And these last two are two we have yet to find we know of their names but not their location. We know nothing of how they look or their enhanced ability but we sense them when they are close to us. We have to ensure that we find them before Exile does. If Exile gets a hold of these furs then the war is theirs."

"Okay I get it ten of us can change the flow of a war that is bigger than the world wars that we have already been through! But how do you expect me to find these guys? Some of them work for S under D! They will not be willing to help me! They would first turn me into Spike's sex slave before helping me stop these Exile furs who are coming to try enslave us. How can I stop this? Why am I so important! I am not super fox who can fly around and save the world!" Ty voice became quite loud but not loud enough for anyone nearby to hear it. The Spirit's expression still carried the amazing warmth that made Ty feel comfortable as she smiled at him in response. Ty could not explain it. She was not someone who would lie her entire existence just radiated kindness, warmth and love.

"Young one. Believe in yourself. You can lead! Lead them all! It is what you were born to do. Just do not doubt yourself or you will fail. You have the instincts and a great feel for everything around you. You instantly sensed something wrong in this place from the day you entered it. You made a move that allowed for us to meet. I have complete faith that you can do this" The spirit said in an extra warm voice this time.

"Then tell what I am supposed to do?" Ty said hanging his down and not making eye contact.

"It is your choice. You must choose what you are going to do. Do not doubt it. Do not hesitate. Allow yourself to be as confident as ever and rise to the top to fight this war." The spirit made the book glow and caused a necklace to appear on the page. Ty took the necklace out and investigated it before putting it on. When he did he froze for a few minutes as the necklace worked its magic. The spirit just kept a lookout to ensure he would not be disturbed. Ty snapped out of his trance and started gasping for air and feel over onto his knees. He was hunched over looking like he was about to hurl.

When he finally gathered himself back together he turned to the spirit. "What was that? Can everything Change so drastically just by what I do?"

The spirit still smiled at him. "Yes young one. The future hinges on you whether you like it or not. So which future will you choose?"

Ty just sighed then looked at his paws. He just stared at those blue furry paws shaking at what he saw. Those visions he saw were making him tremble. He just clenched his paws and then grunted in anger. He then finally resigned himself. "It is perfectly clear of what I have to do. I have to go back to Spike. My future is with him. Then I have to take control of S under D and defeat Exile. I need to rescue Ben and prevent Exile from turning the world into that horrible place you showed me. But first I need to get out of here."

Ty got up and looked around it seemed most of the other students did not bother coming around this area. Weirdly he realized that the sun was getting close setting and that meant Spike was already out of his class and he needed to find Spike. He went to find Spike but gathered up his books and nodded to the spirit who went into the necklace she had given him. After getting his stuff together and placing in the part of his bag pack that was not chained shut so he could not get in he went to look for Spike.

Elsewhere Spike was also looking for Ty. That brown fox was getting a bit tired of looking but he could not find Ty anywhere he expected him to be. He was about to give up when he ran into his brother. That muscular fox still intimidated him.

"Scratch! I need some help, I cannot find Ty anywhere!" Spike called out to his brother.

His brother looked at him curiously. "He is right behind you!"

Spike looked around and sure enough Ty was hurrying to him. He turned and grabbed Ty up into a big hug. "Where have you been Ty? I have been looking for you. What-" Spike was cut off when Ty leaned him and kissed him passionately. Spike and Ty just let themselves melt into the kiss and let time pass them by. If it was not for Scratch clearing his throat and interrupting them they would have just stayed there forever.

Spike looked at Ty and noted the lust in Ty's eyes. It appeared his programming was finally complete. It may have just been delayed. "Want to go back to our room and join Squeak and Tim. I am sure squeak has been punished enough." Spike asked Ty and got a very enthusiastic nod from Ty. Spike and Ty left for their room paw in paw. Scratch suppressed the urge to go 'daww' and then made his way to the principal's office.

He reached at the office to find it void of any naked students involved in an orgy. He looked around and found Leon sitting in his chair. The lion was looking at a computer screen quite worried.

"Something wrong Leon?" Scratch asked Leon jolting him from his trance.

"Yes! Quite a lot. There has been a breach, a huge one!" Leon said quite frantically.

"What kind of breach?" Scratch asked.

"All cameras and security devices are currently offline! Someone hacked our system and took them offline. We do not know who but this is serious." Leon said. Scratch nodded in agreement.

"I will go on patrol then. Some of our best computer techs should already be on the case. All the guards should be patrolling the perimeter even more now. I shall take over security until this issue is resolved!" Scratch said then left to take control of the situation.

'Who could have done this? Was this a random attack or a concentrated attack or a failed diversion? Ty disappeared and then we he a random hacker attack that disabled our security systems? If this distraction was for him, why did he come back? If they aren't working with Ty then who are these hackers. Those cyber specialists better have some answers.' Scratch thought to himself as he went to get the guards organized.

Back with Spike and Ty. The two lovers were about to enter their room together. They had not moved more than arm's length apart during their trek to their dorm. Once they opened it and went in they saw Tim and Squeak cuddled up together and sleeping peaceful.

"Well let's not disturb them too much." Spike said while stripping his boxers away revealing his limp sheathe to Ty. Ty licked his lips as he stared at his target.

Ty quickly chucked his panties off and then threw the tie around his away. Ty then pounced on Spike pushing back on to the bed. They started to kiss each other passionately again.

Spike's tongue invaded Ty's maw and Ty let him. It was like Ty was being kissed by the sweetest fox in the world.

Spike reached down and grabbed Ty's crouch and gave his package a good squeeze. He got a groan from Ty as he did it. Spike then broke the kiss.

"ON all fours!" Spike ordered and Ty complied. Spike reached down into his bag pack and retrieved a few of the toys he bought earlier. He brought out a ball gag, rope, a bottle of lube and two bottles of bright red liquid.

He put all his toys to the side as Ty was kneeling on the bed in front of him tail up in the air presenting his tight hole to spike. Spike licked his lips and plunged his muzzle right between the cheeks. He started licking furiously at the target in front of him.

Ty was almost purring in delight at every movement of Spike's tongue. Spike was really good at hitting his sensitive spots. Ty had a huge moment of ecstasy as Spike reached his tongue in as far as it could reach.

"Ready for the next step Ty?" Spike asked retreating his tongue from Ty's insides.

Ty nodded in agreement and Spike reached over for the bottle of lube. Spike squeezed some of it out on his fingers and smeared his fingers and rubbed them together to really lube them up and then worked on Ty. Spike inserted one finger and wiggled it around a bit so that he could spread the lube properly and Spike really went to town on him.

Spike inserted a second finger and then pressed in further and started to tease Ty's insides. Ty began to moan in response to the movements of his partner's fingers inside. Spike was really good at hitting his sensitive spots just right. Ty moaned out when Spike withdrew his fingers instantly. Ty turned to look at him needingly as his hole burned for something else to enter it.

Spike smiled at him and then got the two bottles of bright red juice and then forced to Ty drink it. He then opened the second bottle and gulped down the juice faster than Ty than Ty did.

Ty felt his body heat rising and his heart rate pounding. His arousal was also spikes where his penis as only semi hard a few moments ago it was hard as rock now.

Ty felt the need in his body rise the burning sensation in his tail hole burn harder and the need for release rise. He groaned out as the need became too much for him. He needed to be fucked hard and now.

"Please Spike make me your bitch!" Ty groaned out.

Spike smiled in response and lubed up his penis and lined it up right behind Ty's hole.

"Are you ready my bitch?" Spike asked and Ty nodded. Spike smiled again and then rubbed the tip of his penis against Ty's hole without penetrating it. He continued to do this for a few minutes before Ty yelled at him.

"Stop! Please stop teasing me! Just put it in me already!" Ty screamed out in response to Spike's teasing.

"Aaaww. I wanted to do let the juice work more on you but here I come!" Spike said then gave a huge thrust straight in Ty. Ty gave a huge scream as Spike started. When spike started to retreat his felt his insides clench around the foreign object not wanting to let it go.

Spike complied and pushed himself right back in. Ty and Spike got into a rhythm soon after and the effects of the juice were just making it rougher on everyone. Ty was floating on a cloud as Spike ploughed him rough. Each time Spike's member touched his inner most sensitive spots he felt like he had fifty orgasms at once.

Spike was enjoying making Ty his bitch. Ty was moaning in pleasure. Ty was in total awe of him. His mere presence was probably enough to make Ty cum. But he wanted more. He wanted to ensure TY was really going to enjoy this so he kept up a very fast pace.

Ty felt himself get close to orgasm himself and started to tense up a bit and Spike took notice. Spike grabbed Ty's hips and gave a hard thrust and they both orgasmed at the same time.

Ty felt his insides swell from the cum of his fox. And Spike was shooting a very heavy load into him. Ty let out a huge breath as he came down from his high. Spike just pulled out and let his cum leak out a bit and leak down Ty's thighs.

"That was fun! Want to go again?" Spike asked Ty.

"Do you even have to ask?" Ty said then raised his tail up again.

"I guess I did not have too!" Spike reached for his bag pack and brought out another bottle of the heat juice. He then smiled and looked at Ty again. He reached over for the ball strap and placed it into Ty's mouth. Ty let out a muffled protest but then got a nice hard slap on the thigh. Spike then took the rope and bound up Ty's Legs and arms.

"This is going to be fun!" Spike said as he lubed himself up again and positioned Ty.

A muffled reply was all Ty could muster as Spike went right back to work.

Meanwhile outside Scratch was patrolling along the front entrance monitoring a change of guards.

'Who the hell put us on such high alert in the first place?' He thought to himself before he started walking along the wall of the premise that ran adjacent to road outside.

He was jarred from his thoughts as he heard someone step behind him. He turned and saw a figure running away in the distance.

"Hey! Stop!" Spike yelled out as he gave chase to the figure. He reached for his radio. "This is scratch I am currently chasing an intruder please be wary that he is heading towards the dormitories. All guards head that way and find him!"

Scratch continued to run but then the figure took a quick right turn towards the center of the compound. 'What is he after?' Scratch thought to himself as he continued to run. Why would he head towards the main school buildings?

Scratch saw the figure enter the gymnasium so he speed up to try and keep in touch with it. Scratch busted through the doors and started looking around for his target. But he could not see the figure anywhere.

"Come out now!" Scratch yelled out but he got no response.

Scratch cautiously started to survey the insides of the gym. He checked under the bleachers and up in the roof but saw no sign that anyone was there. He was about to give up when he heard the back door creak close.

"Gotcha!" Scratch ran after the fur with great gusto. Scratch exited the back of the gym and saw the figure running towards the dormitories again.

'Is he the one who is supposed to break out Tylan? Then what was the purpose of going through the gym? And Ty should be bound up in his room. I told my brother to be very dominant with him tonight.' Spike just barely managed to make the sharp turn as he entered the dormitories. But once again the figure disappeared without a trace.

"What the fuck is with this guy?" Scratch said out loud. He noticed that this was the hallway that his brother was staying in. He ran straight to Ty's room and burst right in.

When he burst in he saw his brother pulling out of Ty as a pull of cum had formed on the sheets below Ty. Scratch noticed Ty was bound and gagged and looked a bit weak. His hands were tied and he had his head buried in a pillow. Behind them Stood squeak just standing their patiently but anxious he looked as if he wanted to use the bathroom. Tim was just exiting the bathroom himself. Spike took notice of him first.

"What's up big bro?" Spike asked as he clasped his paws below Ty's butt and started to collect the cum leaking from Ty.

"Nothing. I was just checking in on you. But I guess I am only interrupting you." Scratch just retreated slowly but watched as Tim came over and rolled Ty unto his back. Tim then removed the ball gag from Ty's mouth and Spike lined up his paws with Ty's mouth.

"Drink up Ty! Plenty of cum kept warm by that pretty little ass of yours." Spike said and then let Ty drink all the cum right out of his paws. When Ty drank enough Spike rubbed his paws into Ty's face rubbing the cum into Ty's white and light blue fur. Ty Smiled up at him still feeling sore and used but happy.

Scratch just closed the door. He was content to see Ty was going nowhere tonight or so he thought. HE was confident enough to return to inspecting the other rooms for his figure and leaving Ty and his brother to enjoy their night.

It was a long while before Scratch returned to his own room. It was nearly midnight in fact and they had not luck in finding the intruder. All they knew is that someone was inside the academy. He thought it might be a thief but would a mere thief break the system just to get in?

He then heard his phone ring and he picked it up. "Scratch here." That sounded so wrong to him. "Are you sure? Okay I continue to undo the damage."

'Dang! The attack was just a random Trojan some hacker wanted to mass test so he sent it out at random hit some pretty high profile buildings too! So if the hacker is not working with the intruder. Who is the intruder? DAMN IT! I have to figure this out. I cannot fail again' Scratch thought to himself as a vision of his past failure surfaced.

He and his partner Marquis a white rabbit were just on a routine surveillance mission but something had stopped them. A random encounter with a violent gang. Scratch was too pessimistic back then and it cost him dearly. Marquis did not survive the ordeal without some major damage. Marquis was currently in the hospital still in Acoma recovering from the bullet wounds he had received. It was Scratch's fault that marquis even got shot. He was so not forceful enough and it cost him his mate.

"DAMN! I refuse to fail at anything again!" Scratch yelled out to himself. He reached into his luggage and retrieved a photo of him and Marquis smiling before their last mission together.

"I am sorry Marquis. Please pull through for me! I know I am coward. I cannot even tell this to you to your face. I am too ashamed to even see you. I am sorry marquis" Scratch started to cry as he put the picture away.

"I promise. I will live our dream. I will become the best in all of S under D! And I will start by finding this intruder." Scratch regained his confidence but did not notice the figure he was chasing was listening carefully to him as he hid under the bed.

'Poor fox, But I guess that is what S under D does these days' the figure thought to himself and then disappeared from under the bed.

Back in Tylan's room everyone was asleep everyone except Ty! He was awake and out of the bondage that Spike had put on him earlier. He was careful placing some cuffs and gags on Tim and squeak so that they would not alert anyone in time to stop him.

He finished restraining them and then went to do the same to Spike. He quickly hand cuffed Ty to the bed post and then tied his legs together. He was about to place a Ball gag in Spike's maw when he woke up.

"Ty?" Spike said trying to move his arms. When he realized he could not he start to panic. "What the hell?"

Ty looked at him guilty then gagged spike the ball gag. Spike tried to get Tim and squeaks attention but he could not form any kind of audible message. He noticed Ty was fully dressed and had a bag pack filled and ready to go.

"I am sorry about this Spike. I really do like you but there is something I must." Ty walked over to Spike and then kissed him square on the cheek. "I love you Spike!"

Ty then grabbed his bag and ran out of the room. A singlet ear ran down from Spike's face.

'Ty! Please? Come back! TY!' was what he tried to say but only muffled sounds came out.