My Muse is a Fucking Bitch

Story by Steel Ankh on SoFurry

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I had suffered a lot to stand in front of the door I now hesitated before. It had taken me months to track down it's occupant. There was no mistaking the scent, hauntingly familiar to me. I had missed it so much.

I studied the door. It was tall and wide and made of some ancient wood of a kind I couldn't hope to recognise. Originally the wood had been quite pale, but age and polish had darkened it's surface, giving it a rich, dull gleam that reeked of Old Money. There was a nameplate on the door, a small plate of bronze with the owner's name written on it, presumably in Greek. As I stared at the text, the characters seemed to squirm and dance in front of my eyes. I had to blink and look away, wiping moisture from them. When I looked back, the word was different, but the meaning was the same.


It was the right door. I leaned a little closer and made sure that I was presentable, wanting to look my best for this meeting. My fur was neat, the brown gleaming golden, my teeth a fetching shade of yellow protruding from just under my top lip. Not a bad looking rat if I said so myself.

I realised I was hesitating and gave myself a mental slap for being such a wuss. It wasn't every day a writer gets to meet his muse, but that was no excuse. I spat on my paws and rubbed them together, then picked up the sledgehammer. The rubber grip creaked softly as I swung back, the joints in my spine crackling and popping as I drove it down hard just beside the upper hinge. The tough old wood splintered but held, a scream coming from the iron hinge and from the woman inside. I swung again harder, growling with effort as I smashed the fifteen pound steel head against the copper nameplate.

The second blow stung my paws and smashed the door right off the upper hinge, the heavy door toppling back under it's own weight, twisting the lower hinge almost completely free of it's ancient seat. I stamped down hard as I shouldered into the room, the square nails almost poking me in the eye.

Erato was sat bolt upright in her seat, her dark brown eyes staring at the lunatic in the doorway clutching a big hammer. Her hair was long, dark and curly, trailing all the way down to her waist and spilling over her naked breast. She was a small little thing, as slim as a rapier point, her skin as smooth as marble and and skin the colour of beech wood. Hauntingly beautiful, of course, and with a scent that haunted my dreams. To a rat like myself, smell meant a lot. It was a scent that could only be described in terms of memories, of long walks through summer forests. Beneath the desk I could see her legs, rich black fur ending in dainty little cloven hoofs. Just like I'd imagined her.

I could tell that she didn't even recognise me. Her eyes flashed with anger and not recognition as I crunched across the splintered remains of the door. It's hard to toss aside a great big hammer in a nonchalant fashion, but I did my best. It landed head first on the ground, chipping a beautiful mosaic, then clunking loudly as the metal handle struck the floor a few moments later. I fought down the impulse to wince. I'm not a destructive person by nature.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" she demanded. Though she was speaking Greek, I could understand her quite clearly. I heard her in English, the translation lagging slightly behind the true speech and failing to match up with the dialogue. Watching her talk to me was like watching a badly dubbed porno. I took a deep breath to steady my voice, and to get the words right in my head before speaking. I'd waited a long time for this.

"I'm Steel Ankh. You might remember me. You used to visit all the time, remember?"

She glared at me and jabbed a finger at the door.

"Get OUT you fucking rat!"

She jumped to her feet, her hooves clacking on the tile, the chair grinding backwards a foot or so before toppling over with a crash. I stood my ground as her finger shot forward, an inch from my whiskers.

"Look what you've done to my door! Get the hell out before I have you killed you crazy bastard!"

Erato spoke with her hands, scything through the air like a belligerent conductor at an angry orchestra, her expression furious. I was almost impressed, but I'd been furious a lot longer than she had. I'd been storing it up for months since she'd stopped visiting me, leaving stories unfinished and idea to steam in my growing frustration. I let her rant at me for a few moments, then grabbed her wrists tight, holding her hands just in front of my chest.

She glared at me in outraged astonishment, staring at her trapped wrists. She tried to yank them away, but I was stronger than her. I kept my hold and stepped backwards, tugging hard as I moved, forcing her to follow. The edge of the desk bumped her hips and forced her bend and I encouraged that motion, one paw on the back of her neck, forcing her down.

I had to work quickly and I wasted no time. I unhooked the rope from my belt with my tail and wrapped it tight around her wrists, lashing them together and letting a single length trail down that I wrapped around the nearest table leg, knotted securely. I put a hand on the desk and faulted over it, my palm slipping slightly on the polished surface, making my heart leap into my mouth. I landed awkwardly, my ankle twinging. I ignored the pain and knelt down, using the other rope I had brought to bind her feet to the legs of her desk.

"LET ME GO!" She shrieked, all outraged dignity and fiery eyes. I stood up and brushed myself off, feeling thoroughly pleased with myself. It had all gone to plan, more or less.

"Oh shut up, Erato."

I took a moment to relish my handiwork, to really appreciate what I'd accomplished. Since Erato had stopped talking to me, I hadn't been able to do that in a long time. I enjoyed the feeling. Her tight narrow rear was held up by the desk. The satyr clearly saw little point in wearing clothes, and I saw little point in pretending I wasn't staring, her tailhole and slim vagina lips little islands of pink in the sea of neat black fur.

"What are you going to do?" She demanded, venom dripping from every word.

"I don't know, why don't you suggest something?" I snapped. "Oh, that's right. You've stopped talking to me, you bitch!"

"What in Hades' name is wrong with you, you loon?!

"I haven't finished a story in more than a year since you stopped visiting. Do you have ANY idea how frustrating that is? I've owed pieces to friends for nearly two years now, good stories that I've not been able to TOUCH because I've not been inspired. It's payback time!"

The most annoying part was I could tell that she still hadn't the foggiest idea who I was. I know she was a busy woman, but seriously! After a moment's thought, I realised that there was a still more annoying part: I had left the stuff out in the corridor. Damn, damn bloody damn, I'd embarrassed myself again.

"Don't go anywhere!"

I stomped over the ruined door and hunted for the plastic bag I'd brought my gear in. What it lacked in style it made up for in convenience. I spotted it quickly, alone and unloved beside the door I had smashed in. I scooped it up by the handles and carried it back in. Erato eyed it cautiously.

"What's in there?"

I decided to show her. I upended the contents noisily on the desk beside her, plastic and rubber and metal bouncing loudly, rattling on the wood.

"Sex toys, lube, nipple clamps...not sure what that is, but it squeaks, a paddle..."

"You can't be serious!"

"You're right. I forgot the paddle. Lucky escape there. Oh, and edible panties. I got them free with the rest of the stuff. They're not for you, though: I'm missing lunch for this."

I grinned, but my winsome smile did nothing to lighten the mood.

"You've been a very bad girl, Erato."

I stood behind her desk and brushed paperwork onto the floor, clearing the desk of everything but my toys and the bigger toy I currently had trussed up over her own desk. I admired her cute little ass again, for a moment regretful. However, despite my many faults, I was no rapist. Admittedly, the difference between rape and grevious sexual assault was slim, but I had no problem walking that line.

I patted her on the ass and felt the muscles clench under my palm.

"Don't you fucking touch me, rat!"

"Such a naughty girl with such a naughty tongue!" I sneered, "if you'd kept whispering naughty words to me instead of giving me the silent treatment, maybe I wouldn't have to do this!"

I drew back my right paw to shoulder height and paused. Erato scrunched up her eyes and tensed expectantly, guessing what was coming just before I moved. I swung down hard, slapping her right on the tush, catching her square on the left buttock. She squealed in pain, my fingers stinging as I raised my hand again. I shook it furiously, then spanked her again, hitting a little lower and a little to the right of last time, making her bounce forward as though stung by a wasp.

"Ahh! Stop it!"

"Not until you're good and sorry!"

I swatted her a few more times, her tight, skinny butt ringing loudly with the strike of my palm against the dense fur. Her eyes watered, and I could feel the heat coming from her buttocks as the flesh underneath reddened, my own palm burning.

"Are you going to apologise to me for being a naughty muse and abandoning the rat?"

"Fuck you! OW!"

I tried to rub some life into my palm and stood the other side of the desk so I could change hands.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Alright, alright!"

I let my hand lower and watched her as she opened her eyes and looked at me, blinking away a few tears.

"I'm sorry I stopped talking to you. Really. I'm a busy woman and there are so many of you furry types, all wanting to write porn. I apologise for forgetting about you. OK?"

I smiled broadly at her. That was just what I had wanted to hear. Just a few simple words.

"Thank you, Erato. I accept your apology."

She looked up at me hopefully.

"Can I go now?"

I shook my head.

"Oh, absolutely not. You've still got to give me some inspiration."


"You'll see."

I picked up the tube of lube and squeezed some onto my fingers, the transparent goo warming quickly on my fingers, a welcome relief after the punishment I had just put them through. I rubbed gently against the outer folds of her bare slit, the skin feeling wonderfully soft. I watched the muscles of her pert rear spasm as I stroked up and down, barely touching her slit.

Erato tried to lift herself away, pressing her hips up and away from the table, making it that much easier or me to cup her completely. The self-heating lube smeared easily over the delicate petals of her slit, making her squirm.

"Cut that out, rat! Let me go right this minute!"

I ignored her, of course. I was having too much fun. I fumbled with the toothpaste style lube container, trying to squeeze with the same fingers I was applying lube to, dripping a damp splotch on the back of her thigh before finally managing it. I put the tube back down and stroked with my freshly lubed fingers, feeling for her clitoris.

"Let me go, dammit!"

"Shhh! I'm trying to concentrate..."

I soon found the soft little nub I was looking for and circled around it, lightly teasing the hood of her clit. She was squirming more vigorously now, the ropes slapping loudly against the back of the desk as she tried to pull her arms free.

Her labia began to feel hotter, and it wasn't just the lube. I added more pressure to her sex, my fingers beginning to slide just between them now, the softness somehow increasing the deeper I pressed my digits. She growled wordless frustration, her ears flat against the side of her head, almost vanishing into her hair.

I couldn't resist any longer, and began to press two fingers inside her. The softness of her inner walls contrasted with the strength of the muscles just underneath the surface, which were clasping tight around my rough, slick fingers. I ignored the resistance, probing deeper, past the second knuckle and then deeper still. She growled again, but was helpless to stop me as they pressed slowly in and out of her.

She had stopped yelling at me now, making me worried enough to look up from what I was doing and see if she was OK. Her eyes were closed tight, her lower lip bitten hard enough to almost turn white, but she didn't seem to be in too much pain. I decided to continue. Her clit had swollen beneath my touch, enough that I could circle my finger right around the edge.

Her scent had acquired a new, harder edge. As well as the beautiful, delicate fragrance that used to haunt my dreams and my imagination was a deeper, more earthly tone that had always made my heart leap in my chest. I began to move my fingers independently, each following it's own path, intimately exploring the satyr's increasingly moist tunnel.

"See?" I purred, almost feline in my pride and triumph. "I'm not such bad company. You should visit me more often."

I rubbed her clit very carefully between thumb and forefinger, making absolutely sure both were thoroughly lubed as I stroked. She finally let out the moan she had been trying to hold back, shuddering violently as it welled up seemingly from the pit of her stomach. I took that as my cue, rubbing faster and harder, my sodden, slippery fingers making soft slitch-slitch-slitch sounds as they pressed into the muse.

Erato squirmed harder, no longer pressing away from my digits but pressing to them, bearing down hard on my paws. I let her gladly, my fingers hooking inside her, the pads of my fingertips massaging firmly. I finally felt the slight difference in texture that marked her g-spot and focused all my attention upon that area.

She groaned, her eyes and mouth wide open, her head resting just on the desk. There was no pretence or restraint as she rode my fingers now, humping at her desk like an overexcited puppy. I grinned, delighted by her response. It felt so good to see her like this, so pleased and excited. I was hard as a rock in my pants, but I left Steel junior alone. This was for my muses benefit, not mine.

"Oh! Steel! I...I'm so close I could burst! Harder!"

I pulled out my fingers sharply and grabbed the nearest toy. It was a relatively small one, a chunky six incher that bulged in the middle and tapered toward the end. Her body accepted it easily, her tight muscles drawing and tugging upon the textured rubber once it passed the halfway point, the base resting nicely, obscuring her tanned slit. I switched it to low power and let the vibrator tremble and buzz, a low whirr from it's powerful motor.

She pushed her hips back as though rocking against a lover and whimpered, her hooves swinging above the floor, making little kicking motions as she bounced in her restraints.

"Yes! That's it, Steel! More!"

Instead of turning the toy up, I leaned over her and placed a kiss upon her still tender rear. "Nope. That's all you get."


I left the toy buzzing inside her on the lowest possible setting, just enough to keep her aroused, nowhere near enough to bring her to climax. I crouched down so that I could talk to her face to face, her dark cheeks flushed, her breathing heavy. Her eyes half glared and half pleaded with me, a sight I knew I would treasure on lonely nights.

"Mmmoooooore! NOOOOW!"

I smiled and shook my head. Revenge was so sweet, and smelled like a walk in the woods followed by a tumble in the hay.

"Now you know how I feel, Erato. Sucks, doesn't it?"

She growled again, her teeth gritted, her dark little goat eyes boring into me.

"OK! You've made your point! Steeeeel! Please!"

I stood up and turned to leave. She called after me, her voice drowning out the buzzing of the toy wedged securely inside her.

"Ge back here and finish me off, you fucking rat! I'll suck your cock! You can even fuck me! Just don't leave me like this, you BASTARD!"

I left the toys and even the edible panties, my appetite forgotten. I figured I had a good few hours before the bodyguards slept off the sleeping pills I'd slipped into their coffee. A few hours for a certain muse to decide against torturing a certain rat ever again, hopefully. It was worth a try, after all.

I paused at the door and looked back at her, giving her the most evil, ratlike grin I could muster.

"If you want to finish off, you should come visit. You know where I live, Erato!"

I was out the door before she could spit at me, but her angry roar followed me all the way down the hall. Payback was a bitch, and I was a complete bastard.