The hunters trophy Chapter 4 Tight tunnels

Story by Rozar on SoFurry

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#4 of The hunters trophy

The door closed; with cuffed hands, his neck beeing chained on the wall and a still hurting shoulder Surasshu was kneeling in his „cell" how he thought it was the best name for this place. He had many question, one of these questions was what the name of this Predator was, but he could imagine that this alien wouldn´t understand him at all. Surasshu was looking around, sighs and falls asleep.

The name of the Predator who kidnapped Surasshu was Scar; without his mask he walked through the corridors of the ship, feeling the warm air on his skin and looked into the faces of other Predator which crossed his way. Everyone of this hunters had his job on this ship, but when they saw Scar they give him an angry look. The Predator ignored this looks, goes further until he reached the train room of the ship.

He became this ship three years ago, after his first succesfull hunt. At this year he was only a hundred and twenty years old! Many older Predators said that he was to young for taking care of a ship, but his father was the leader of this clan, so he ordered without any struggle. The crew had to follow this order, but their opinion about Scar was still the same: he was young and had no experience. But with this feeling in his mind Scar had something he could work: to gain the strength for gaining this crews loyality.

His last part of gaining this goal was to go alone on this planet, to show that he can hunt alone without any help.

In this training room were many other Predator, males and females using the different sports equipments like weight bench, treadmills and a about ten meters high climbing wall, where you wasn´t saved, just beeing watched from the ground and a sauna where two or three exhausted hunters were sitting and relaxing; but this wans´t something for Scar, he wanted to train his body. He goes to one the weight benches, putting some weights on his barbell, took a deep breath and took the barbell and started to lift it up. Some other Predators looked at the „teenager" who tried to lift a barbell with an weight which was the half of his own.

But for Scar this weight wasn´t a big deal, he easily handled this weight, made a few lifts with the dumbell before he put it back to the station. He looked to the other Predator and noticed that these are lifting dumbell with a much more weight than him, almost 88ilbs more! Provoked from this Scar took more weights, this 44thirty ilbs more. At first Scar didn´t manage to take so much, his first try ended so that the dumbell was almost crushing his neck, but in the last second he managed to put it back on the station. He grunted, got angry from his fail and tried it again and again.

By doing this so hard and without taking a break some other Predators, even some women were getting interested by this young hunter trying to lift up this dumbell. Maybe this wasn´t the way Scar wanted to show that he was strong, but it was a good start. When he make the first lift he managed two, then three and then four. With each lift Scar was getting into it, but he wanted more, wanted a bigger challenge! He put the dumbell back to the station and added more weights on it, this time so much that the weight of the dumbell was 134ilbs! He got back on the bench and tried to lift it.

At first it was amazingly heavy, but then he calmed down and concentrate himself, lifting this damn dumbell with a loud roar one time, two times and after the third time he threw it forward and it landed with a loud metallic sound on the ground. At first there was no response from the young Predator, but after he stood up from the bench, looking around and saw the excited faces of the other he roared loud, so loud that it was audible in the whole room. But the following applaus wasn´t loud he had imagined, but it didn´t matter to him, he wanted to show his strength and so he did it! Now he was exhausted and needed some relaxing. Scar goes to the sauna, opened the door and noticed the temperature: 176°F hot steamy and sticky air was filling the room.

The Predators where all lighlty clothed, looked at Scar when he entered the sauna and goes then back to their break. Scar took some of his armor down, sitting on the bench in the sauna and layed back, tried to calm down but in his was a huge mess. He knew that this little show of his strenght wasn´t enough to gain the respect of the others. Scar had to do something, something what none of his kind done before.

Later, when Scar was on his way to the bridge he heard some muffled behind a metallic wall. He knew that there many maintenance bays in the ship and some hunters would use them for training or for some repairing works.

He was there by himself in his full armor! The most difficult by doing this art of training in this bays was not to touch some sensitive parts that would end in shooting some of the ship weapons or cause another accident. He was very interested in that was going on in this bays, so opened one of the small doors to them, goes in and closed it behind him.

When he was in the bay Scar searched the source of this noises, but when he found it he activated his camouflage, hides and looked into one the small service rooms in the bays.

In this small room were to Predator, the name of one of them was Rhuc, the other was Radoc and both of them were engineers not hunters. The only thing they did was fixing something here and there, looked at the displays if the repaired thing was working again and some other stuff. But if you were very attentively you could see that these Predators were fondling each other!

Let it be a soft course with the hand over the back or the cold touch of the tools on the chest. Without any fear both of them giving the other one some pleasure without noticing that there beeing observed. These play was going further, Radoc was loosing himself in the touching of his friend and stopped his work. The Predator stood up, goes in the middle of the room and let Rhuc did what he wanted to do with him.

The whole day he was waiting for this moment: Rhuc was going over his sweaty chest, over his hard abs and then up along his neck. Pleased both of them looked at each other, murred together in a pleased sound when Rhuc let his mandibles goes over the naked body of Radoc.

Rhuc was enjoying this so much that he pulled the other Predator to his body, which showed the size-different of them: Rhuc was about 7,21 foot high, Radoc was only 6,56 foot high. The bigger Predator layed his head on the shoulder of the other, his claws goes over this warm back and brought the memories of their first hunt together.

It was about four years ago when the two Predator were on a dangerous planet for six months; they´re there to test they ability to survive under extrem conditions. It seemed to be no problem for the two experienced hunters, but this was a huge mistake! It was like hell on this planet: poisened plants, limited breathable air or water and the wild animals was anything, but no little!

To fight against 16 foot high beast was the part of every day for the both; sure it wasn´t the best six month in their life but who said that this was a vacation trip? And above all this things they found a little cave were they could hide and make it to their home on this planet. They gathered some water and flesh and the weapons which they don´t need.

They didn´t sleep for long on a day, if it was enough for the day it was enough they thought. What builded up in this time was the friendship which they had before the hunt too, but on this planet if get better and better with each day. Sometime this friendship reached a point were you couldn´t say if it was only „friendship" or not. About the caring of the wounds each other had, there were some little massage rounds, only for relaxing the muscles of the other.

And then the time has come: after a stressfull day full of dangerous beasts, difficult climbings and a bad wound on his back Rhuc needed more than a bandage and some massage. He took the last three bottles of painkiller and drinking them all in once. In this moment he forgot that such a huge ammount of painkiller can have a confusing effect on the body and making him loose any controll over himself.

At first Radoc was looking at his friend a little bit nervous when he was staggering in the cave and then goes on his knees in front of him. He said nothing, only took off his helmet and pressed Radoc without giving the chance to struggle on the ground. The Rhuc was taking the helmet from the face of his friend and looked into his eyes. It was a very silent moment, even if there was a storm outside.

Their both mandibles opened slowly, Radoc wanted to say something, but the other Predator was faster than him, pressed his mouht on his and let his tongue enter the mouth of his smaller friend. Soon the excited hunter wanted to get free from his drunken friend, he ended the kiss soon, tried to get him off from his body, but Rhuc was stronger than him; the bigger Predator took his hands and searched for the tongue of his friend in his mouth.

When he found it he didn´t let it go; Radoc shut his eyes, don´t looked at his friend but after some he slowly opened his eyes, he wanted to see his friend. Whe they was half opened he saw the orange-colored eyes of Rhuc and how he was slowly ending the kiss, lifting his head and asked Radoc, how it was.

The other hunter couldn´t find a word to describe what happened, only a simply „Yes" leaved his mouth when he felt something pressing against his intimate armor. What happened next was very suprising for the young Predator: Rhuc was going under his armor with his hand, touched the dick of his friend and looked in his eyes. Radoc moaned a bit when he feld that Rhuc was stroking his dick slowly, felt that he got harder and looked in the eyes of his friend.

He felt the hot hand of Rhuc on his cock, stroking it until it gets fully hard. Soon the dominant Predator opened the lock of the intimitate armor of Radoc, tooked it away and looked at the now proudly 10inch long and 3inch wide throbbing cock. Rhuc was moaning aroused when he saw this hard erection in his hand and noticed the small amount of precum on his head.

They looked into the eyes of each other before Rhuc was stroking Radocs cock faster, The moaning sounds of the aroused Predator became louder and more pleased, his body came to a state of ecstasy, he really enjoyed what his friend did to him, more then he could imagine. After three minutes Rhu was getting of Radocs cock and let his head goes down to the leaking and throbbing alien cock.

Shivering Radoc was looking at his friend when he was going down to his cock, opened his madibles wide and tooked the hard dick into his mouth. Immediatley Radoc was laying his head in his neck, roared loud and pleased and shot a small load of precum into the mouth of his friend. The hunter swallowed it at once and starts to bob his head on Radocs cock. He was looking at Rhuc, watched him sucking his cock while he felt his tongue around it sometimes.

He couldn´t help himself when he put his hands on the head of his friend and starts to press it down on his cock; he added slow thrusts to this procedure, increases the pleasure both of them felt in this moment. But when Rhuc started to play with the balls of Radoc it was to much for him. With the loudes roar he did in his life his cock shot his huge load of cum into the mouth of the other Predator, which had problems to swallow it all. It was so much, that some of it runs out of his mouth and goes down to the ground.

After he swallowed the rest of his friends cum Rhuc took Radocs cock out of his mouth and looked at the panting and aroused male. Suddenly he took his legs, lays them around his waist and pulls the smaller hunter to his body. Again it was quiet, both Predator looked at each other, their breath touched and grunted at the other. Rhuc lays Radoc down to the ground, kneels between his legs and opens his intimitate armor and threw it away.

When his hard erection Rhuc wasn´t waste time and rubs his member at the softening of his friend, bringing new pleasure to him. The sounds of them were so loud and pleasing, Radocs couldn´t get hard again and Rhuc was moaning when he saw this. They still looked in the others eyes, the bigger Predator lifted the hips of the smaller and shoved his throbbing cock in the entrance of the other.

Both hunters stopped suddenly, let this moment goes down in their minds, felt the heart beat like hell, the sweat running down on their skin and don´t want to wait for the next part. When Rhuc did his first thrust into the insides of his friend he felt the hot and tight of his entrance, the feeling was amazing, but his friend couldn´t share this at the first moment.

He felt the stinging pain in his insides, also the feeling of beeing filled by Rhucs dick, what doesn´t make it better for him; when Rhuc doesn´t had drank the painkiller, he sure did it! He presses his claws in the ground, moans loud and wanted to stop this feeling, but then Rhuc hold his hands, looks into his eyes when he started to fuck him in a soft rhythm.

Rhuc pulled his cock out of Radoc, then thrusted it complete back into the Predator. The moaning sounds of them both mixed with the thrusts of Rhuc, both of them lost in the deep pleasure caused from this feelings. It took half an hour before both of them reached their climaxs, Rhuc shot his thick and hot cum into the ass of Radoc, while his cock shot his load on his body.

The feeling this load caused in his insided let any pain that Radoc felt in his body go away; Rhuc was falling on his friend and moaned the rest of his pleasure together with the other hunter before they both fall asleep. And now four years later they show Scar a really pleasing play, what showed that they had a really deep relationship.

The two Predators loosed their hug, grunted at each other and pressed their mouths together. While they were kissing they opened the belt of the other and let the intimitate armor fall down. Rhuc lifted his arms, hold at one of the iron rod, pulls up on it while Radoc goes on his knees, layed the legs ot the other on his shoulders and closed his hand around the hard cock of the lifted up Predator.

While Rhuc was moaning Radoc was jerking him off until his cock was rock hard and throbs in front of his eyes. He opened his mouth and took the hot member of his friend into his mouth. Rhuc was pulling on the rod, grunted loud when he felt the hot and wet mouth of his friend around his cock. He could handle a much, but this feeling was so intense that he almost let go of the rod.

But he took all his strength to hold up, he don´t want to loose! They both invented this „game" a year ago: the rule was that one of them has to hold up while the other was sucking his cock and had to make him cum before the other had to let go of the iron rod. At first it was really difficult for Radoc, because Rhuc was heavier than him and they had to stop it sometimes, but with the time he learned to handle it, holding his friend up as long as he wanted to.

But Rhuc was in a other state, he wasn´t good in holding up, so he lost the game more times then Radoc. He was always horny when they started, so he didn´t had a chance against the cock sucking loving Predator which he called his mate. But this time he wanted to hold it, he don´t wanted to cum this time! Radoc couldn´t move his head so he used his tongue pretty much, what was by the sensitive hunter a really hard test. He could feel that he was close, but he tried to calm down, concentrated at something else and moaned while Radoc was sucking his dick.

But then Radoc stopped his work, took Rhucs cock out of his mouth and catched his breath; the cool air sorounded the bigger hunters cock and let his climax go down. Rhuc was more then pleased when he felt this cold air around his dick, he calmed down for a short while but then Radoc was going back on this hard member, bobbed his head on it and moaned around it.

His rhythm at the sucking goes faster and faster, he added his tongue to his work and brings Rhuc over the edge. The whole time Scar was watching them, goes under his intimitate armor and stroked his cock slowly while he hold his eyes on these two hunters. He had to be quietly, because even when he was invisible, they both could hear him.

Rhuc was at the end of his strenght: the hot mouth of Radoc was pleasing him so much that could barely hold at the rod, but instead it was what he wanted: to reach the highest part of his arousal and shot his load into the mouth of his mate. His moaning which was mixed with grunting was making Radoc and Scar so horny, which strokes his cock in the other room very carefull. Rhuc was holding himself on the rod, was grunting in a lustfull tone and took some swung and thrusted his cock into Radocs mouth.

With a deep moaning around his friends cock Radoc was enjoying this game and sucked his cock even harder, so it was more difficult for the other hunter to hold himself at the iron rod. Suddenly he took Rhucs waist, hold it as strong as he could and sucked with all his will at his mates cock, which brokes his last try of holding; with a loud and deep scream he shot his hot and thick seed into his friends mouth, who swallowed it immediately, one load after another. It tooked three minutes until Radoc had swallowed the last drop of his friends tasty seed; he let Rhucs leg hang free, stood up while the other Predator get loose of the rod.

Rhuc was still gasping, his cock was till throbbing what make Radoc moaning and look into his eyes. Rhuc let his hand go through the hairs of his friend, pulling the smaller Predator to him and rubbed over his back; Rhucs claws goes over the smooth skin of his friend, Radocs over the scar which he had from the night four years ago.

Even if Rhuc doesn´t like it when somebody touched him there, he liked or more loved it when Radoc touched him on this special place, because it felt so amazing when he felt the claws of his friend going over this scar. In the next moment they looked in the others eyes and murred softly at each other.

Now the time for the end has come: Radoc was going into the maintenance bay where Scar was kneeling at the other side and was watching them the whole time. Rhuc was following him grunting full of lust; when he was in this bay too the place was very limited, but it was all right for them: they loved to be very tight, only space for them. The two Predators was laying together, pleasing the other one with lightly touchings while their cocks were rubbing at the other one, Radocs cock was leaking some precum at the cock of his friend.

It doesn´t take long until there was a great heat between these two hunters which makes their arousal bigger and harder to control. And although it was tight around them Rhuc was laying his legs around the waist of his horny mate while he lifted his own waist a bit. Radoc took his cock and lead it slowly to the entrance of Rhuc; he could enter very easy, because the heat around them make them sweat as hell!

What he was meeting there was the tight and warm insided of Rhuc, who answered this slow thrust with an loud and lustfull scream. Scar was watching them, stroking his hard cock and felt the desire of grunting and moaning coming up in his mind, but he knew he couldn´t. While he was watching the hunters were continuing having sex in this bay.

Radoc was giving Rhuc slow thrusts in the beginning because he was feeling on a hunt while having sex with his mate: sneeking slow to his prey, the weapon ready to strike and then hit it with all power! In this way were his thrusts: slowly at the beginning, mixed with deep grunting sounds and then faster and faster while he pressing his claws into Rhucs skin.

The other Predator was enjoying the sharp claws of his friend in his skin and making loud moans, filled with lust and arousal; he layed his hands around Radocs back, pulling him down to him and was begging for harder and faster thrusts. Without waiting Radoc was answering the begs of his friend and goes up, fucking him like he was a wild animal, let his inner beast take over him and giving him the desire to filling his mate with his load!

Without a break he was slamming into the other hunter, filling Rhucs hot and tight insides with his cock and leans his head down to him. They´re pressing their mouth together, swirling their tonguer around and reached the climax together.

At first they both moaned into the kiss, then they broke up the kiss, shutting their eyes and letting their orgasms free run: Radoc was filling Rhuc with his seed while Rhuc was shooting his load between him and his mate. Their screamings of pleasure were so loud that you could swear somebody else could hear them; they stayed close to the other und enjoying this moment with the other one.

In the last second Scar could stop his orgasm. His penis was ready for shooting his load, some of his seed was about to run down on his fingers. With all his strenght he was calming down, putting his intimitate armor back on it´s place, but he could feel how his hard cock was pressing against it.

He was looking at the two quietly murring Predators, which only rubbed the body of the other while the heat around them did the rest. Scar was looking for the exit, he wanted to open the door where he came through, but then he thought about it would be when these two hunters would get that somebody watched them? It would be a catastrophe, so he had to use another way.

He find one of the ladders which goes through the ship whole ship; for him it doesn´t matter where this ladder would lead him, as long as he could gets to another place. Quick he was going to the ladder and climbed down on it until he reached another service room and leaves it through the door. With a still semi hard cock was going to the bridge, hopefully to find a new planet for a good hunt.

To be continued.....