Inner Dragon

Story by Furry Guy on SoFurry

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#2 of A Different Form

My Second Chapter. Opinions and thoughts are always welcome and appreciated!

After a straight weeks worth of nights of sex in our bear forms, Michelle and I decided to try another form. As I am able to take any form, we decided something more mythical would be hot..... so we elected to try the dragon form. The dragon was also one of my favorites, for many reasons. Flying was one of my favorite things, and the dragon was probably the grandest, most powerful, and sexiest creature that could do that. We would need a bit more room for this one though, so we decided to go to a relatively isolated state park in the mountains. If anyone saw us, they would just sound crazy. So we hiked up the trails a ways, and found a big clearing. This was gonna work perfectly.

Location chosen, we both stripped down naked. While transforming in clothes was fun, it could also get expensive, especially given our activities in the last week. Both of us totally nude, we were fully exposed to each other. I took in Michelle's impressively perky breasts, and this caused my shaft to grow hard. It was tempting to simply take each other right there, as humans no less! But I persevered, and began to focus on my dragon form. As I did, I gave the same warning I gave last time I changed into a new form for her: "It's still me. This will be more intense than the bear. Just letting you know."

I could immediately feel the changes happening, the familiar low-current feel flowing through my body. The first change was somewhat odd- all my hair began to disappear. Not fall out, but disappear. It simply vanished, no trace. I was suddenly hairless- always the strangest part of the change for me, not having any hair, particularly after being so used to the bear, where hair is such a major part of the change. As the last of my hair disappeared, my body began to grow, but not totally in proportion.

My torso was expanding rapidly, and it was not growing in thickness as much as it was the other dimensions- my body was begining to take on some reptilian proportions. My nipples suddenly grew smaller, lost their color, and shrank into my chest, which was now featureless. My belly button had also been filled in with flesh. Muscles began growing now, needed to support my increasing size and bulk. I was, at this barely transformed point, already over 8 feet tall. But my body was still to change almost completely before I reached my final, very impressive size.

My torso was now displaying a powerful 8 pack, as I began to lengthen. My legs and arms grew in strength as well, but in a more svelte kind of way. My limbs slowly bulked up, but not tremendously, at least not in appearence. I was more powerful than any human being on the planet right now, but it didn't necessarily look it. Dragon's muscles are much more dense, allowing for much more power in a comparable volume to human muscles. I like that- subtlety where there is little else that is understated on this magnificent beast. The area where the most muscle growth had occurred was my back- I now had large networks of muscles growing on my back, and it was very sexy to me. I like the power they carried with them, as they would enable my draconic form to move with lightning quick speed, and gargantuan strength.

Finally, the major changes started. My hands began to change into large draconic claws. Fingers lost a segment, becoming less mobile, but grew in size, as the nails fell off and claws punched brutally through the tips of the fingers. Unlike the bear, these were not retractable- and they hurt. I cried out in pain, but what came out was a low bellow. Apparently my voice had been changing too, as the low, loud tone even caught me a bit off guard. Michelle was qutie surprised, but mesmerized by my changing body. As I looked back at my changing claws, there was one finger that had not been changing with the others. But as I looked at the unchanged pinky finger, it suddenly shrank into my claw, no longer needed. then my thumb began to move towards my arm. It stopped at my wrist, where it flipped around, turning into a bird-like extension of my claw. I looked down further, and my feet had undergone a virtually identical change. Suddenly, the actual sharp part of the my claws- on the thumb and big toe- grew larger, which added a fearsome look to my legs and arms.

Suddenly, my growth spiked. With great pain, my skin broke open at my midsection, but little blood came out. As I continued to grow, my skin continued to tear apart, revealing thousands of small red scales. My chest was covered in finer scales, a slightly darker tone of red. My balls were a contrasting black, while my cock seemed to be the only thing not skinned in this change. While my genitals had kept pace with the change, making them now quite impressive, there was a lot more to come on that front. A sudden *crack!* brought me back to attention.

It signaled a major change in structure of my body. No longer able to stand up on my back legs, I fell forward, landing on my front legs, as I assumed my now natural, quadrupedal stance. My next change was my face, even with my flesh still clinging to my changing form. My nose suddenly broke, and at the same time, my jaw began to push out, forming a muzzle and tearing the skin on my face, revealing the same red scales that covered the rest of my body. My nose had joined my muzzle, as my nostrils simply moved to the end of the muzzle and came to rest there in their new place. My brows became deeper and more pronounced, as my eyes began to change.

They turned into a very draconic yellow, with my irises becoming the same yellow color, leaving my pupils as black slits in the goldish-yellow eyes. My tounge had been growing, and became forked at the tip, giving me distinct control over both tips, it's new rough texture sure to please my partner. My teeth grew into sharp fangs all around, and the final changes on my head began. Horns erupted from my skull, growing out of my temples, and grew into curved extensions, ending facing forward. My ears shrank until they were gone, as my head elongaed, becoming the draconic head that belonged on such a creature. There was the issue of my neck, however. It was still short. That was soon to change.

With some pain, my neck began to stretch, shredding the skin that was tenaciously hanging on. Loud popping could be heard as new vertebrae were added to my neck. Muscles grew, giving me total control of my lengthened neck, as it hit the end of it's growth, reaching 10 feet in length. I clumsily fell forward, my center of gravity now all messed up. This was remedied quickly though, as I felt a sudden pressure at the end of my spine. A large tail suddenly snaked out of where my tail bone was, growing to about 11 feet. It was quite thick at the base- about 3 feet around- but it tapered to a hardened point that was about 5 inches around. My balance restored, I was now able to tear all the skin from my body, and, with no other convenient solution nearby, put it into my mouth. It was actually rather tasty, reminding me that the mental change was a bigger part of this transformation than most. As the skin came off, it revealed my entire body in all its red glory. My cock had turned a shiny, jet black along the way, but was still very humanoid. This was the last change that was to occur.

I was a very big animal now. My large form, now just over 38 feet from tail tip to muzzle, needed an equally impressive cock. And indeed, it had one that was forming now. The normal mushroom tip shape of my currently soft cock seemed to melt away, leaving a more threatening shape in it's place. My dick was now tapered, looking more spear like than a human one. The ridge before the glans was still there, but the entire glans was now longer proportional to the whole thing, a sleeker look that was quite fitting. I felt something growing within my penis, but no external signs were visible. I knew exactly what they were- muscles. I had the ability to control my draconian cock with just a thought, which made me hard just thinking about it. As I came to full attention at about 2 and a half feet, my erection didn't seem to stop. My cock was growing.

And grow it did. With indescribable pleasure shooting through me, my dick slowly stretched to an alarming 4 feet long, about 8 inches wide, the skin stretching very tight, hardly able to keep up with the growth. This made every vein and vessle visible on the outside of my black dick. My balls grew in turn- it would take a lot of testosterone and semen to support such a large creature! My sac was stretched tighter than ever by my massive balls, and they finally stopped at around the size of large pumpkins, as my sac was stretched to the point of veins becoming quite pronounced there too. My cock, now finished growing, became flaccid rather quickly, and began to retract into my body, which I assumed was for efficient flight. My big balls followed suit, retracting about 3/4 of the way into my groin, which not only reduced drag while I flew, but also protected them, a good thing, since they were so huge.

Nearly done, I began to take stock of my surroundings. There were still residual feelings of energy bouncing around inside of me, but nothing really serious. I roared, unable to contain the pure feeling of power this form gave me! Suddenly, large wings violently exploded from my shoulders, their thin, red flesh outlined by the black that marked the bone structure on these new appendages, with an impressive wingspan of about 50 feet. The loud cry was enough to shake the area, and sent Michelle's hands to her ears, trying to keep the loud roar out. I was now able to control my mind once again, no longer overtaken by the pleasure and lust the change brought with it. I was a dragon once more.

I gazed down at Michelle, who was about 9 feet below my head at this point. Noticing this, I lowered my head and asked her, "You ready for this?"

She stared nervously at my groin. "I'm not sure about this one. Can you get any smaller?" Well, I could, but I didn't really want to....

"It would take too much energy. There'd be none left for the sex!" I told her. "I'll be gentle, I have quite a bit of control over my cock right now. Very precise. Come on, you trust me, don't you?"

She responded by relaxing her nude body, and laying down on the ground that had been swept clean in the process of my change. As she spread her legs, revealing the source of that wonderful scent I could smell with my enhanced senses, my cock responded. It dropped out of my protective groin, and started to grow to 1 foot.... 2 feet.... and finally its full 4 foot length. My large balls accompanied it, dropping down into the open, as they prepared along with the rest of my body for sex. I was using my muscles to idly flex and twist my cock, which seemed to alarm her a bit. I could smell the subtle change in the pheremones her body was emitting. I love the extra sensory detail a dragon could percieve.

I moved my massive form into position over my mate. I stretched and flexed my cock for a moment before continuing to work out all the kinks, it had been a while. I carefully brought my sleek cock into position between her legs, and very slowly pushed it into her, using my muscles to guide it. She cried out in momentary pain until my pre began flowing like a hose. It was quickly going to fill her up, and she was going to change very soon as a result. Sure enough, she began to grow larger as I had, her proportions beginning to change into the same reptilian ones I currently posessed. Suddenly, and expectedly, her hair vanished into nothing, which left her looking quite odd.

Her muscles were growing to rise to the task of supporting the huge dragon she was becoming. Now about 10 feet long, the sudden crack that signaled her skeletal change into a quadruped sounded like a shot in the forest. It echoed strangely through the trees, a fact I would not have noticed with my comparatively dull human senses. Michelle's insides were beginning to change now to accomodate my large draconian cock, and I pushed my dick further into her to keep filling her with my fluids which were responsible for the change. I nudged my tip all the way in, since she was was now able to fit at least that much. I think muscles were growing in her too, as she was moving her dripping sex in ways that seemed quite exotic. I moaned in pleasure, a low rumble coming from my mouth. She grinned in amusement, but this was cut short by her face changing.

Her nose broke and joined her jaw as it did mine, but at the same time, her whole head was expanding forward. Her eyes underwent a similar change, becoming yellow with black slitted pupils, as her teeth sharpened and her tounge split. Finally, her skin tore open, revealing something I'd been curious about: what color she was. Her scales that had been forming underneath were a beautiful blue color, A deep blue that reminded me of the sea. Her brows became pronounced and her ears disappeared. Females lacked the menacing horns that adorned the head of male dragons, which meant that, as she tested her new snout by snapping it shut, her face and head were completely transformed. Her size quickly increased, tearing the skin on the rest of her body, revealing the same gorgeous blue that was on her head. Her torso was now nearly full grown, and her breasts had grown accordingly. I wonder if that was due to my will or her own- it seemed to me that dragons did not have large breasts, but who was I to complain?

Her hands and feet quite rapidly changed into fearsome claws, going through the same process mine did, and the result was frightening indeed. Her skin was now just barely hanging on to her shifting form, and her neck began to lengthen, emitting loud cracks as vertebrae were added to her neck. When it was done, it was 10 feet long, and her tail grew out the end of her back. It was similar in size to mine, perhaps a bit smaller. By now she was essentially complete. Her vagina was totally draonian, and had grown much deeper to accomodate more than my full length, but I had been to distracted with her changing body to notice. I noticed she did not seem too comfortable on her back. I slowly pulled my cock out of her, giving her the free room she needed to complete the change. She tore the skin off her body, and without any hesitation, put it in her mouth. This revealed massive breasts, covered in the same blue scales, except for her nipples, which were a darker, almost navy blue color. Now at full size, 34 feet, her wings erupted powerfully from her back, accompanied by a roar from her large muzzle. We were now the 2 most impressive creatures on earth- dragons, long thought extinct, were back on the planet. And more than ready to mate.

She turned to me, looking intensely hot as a blue dragon. I could hardly contain myself, and I asked in my low voice, "Was that intense or what?"

Her reply came, "That was even better than the bear! Now fuck me, I can't wait any longer!" As she said the words, she rolled onto her back. Spreading her powerful hindlegs, she finally revealed her dragon sex to me. The leathery folds were all I could think about. My cock actually began to grow some more, to about 4 and a half feet, about 10 inches across at the base. Fortunately, I had a large, willing target for me to put it in. I leapt on top of her, my chest colliding with her massive breasts, a product of the aggressive nature of the creature I'd become.

I flexed my cock, pulling it as short as I could, and suddenly let it go, almost like a slingshot, as it went slamming home into my mate at lightning speed. I immediately hilted myself on her, her tight tunnel grasping and twisting my huge dick. Twisting only could mean one thing: she had indeed also gotten similar muscular control over her insides as I had in my penis. I twisted and pushed back, riding her hard, causing the trees to shake around us. Loose branches fell to the forest floor, and we began to quicken the pace.

I began to bunch up and release parts of my cock, stretching her insides. It was almost as if we were having a contest to see who could push the other around, and right now, it seemed to be a draw. This was intense stuff. My large cock filling her, both of us using powerful, powerful muscles on the inside during this sex. It seemed instinctive, in fact. I let out a loud roar as I began to fuck Michelle with a new found fury. This seemed to cause her to orgasm, as she began to rhythmically pump my dick with her insides, but no roar accompanied it, so it must have been her own actions.

We were fucking so fiercely that trees were beginning to come down around us. Miraculously, my cock grew another 6 inches, to 5 feet long, completely filling her up, punching through into her womb. She cried out in pleasure, grabbing my dick harder than ever with her powerful walls. This seemed to trigger another growth in my cock, as it grew to 6 feet long, pushing further into a place it wasn't really supposed to be in the first place. But only physically speaking. Michelle seemed to love it as the width caught up, leaving my cock a foot across at the base.

This kind of sex couldn't last too long, despite the fact that I wanted it to go on forever. My large balls, previously just building up large amounts of sperm, were needed now. As I orgasmed, my cock bucked with force that could have crushed a car, but inside my mate, it just made her explode too. Both of us came, out of control for a moment, as the most intense pleasure either of us ever felt rushed through our massive draconic bodies. I shot what must have been gallons of cum into her, and it began to fill her. I kept pumping into her, my cum filling her. Finally, she couldn't expand any more, and the combined fluids we were producing exploded out of her around my cock. We kept going for about 20 seconds, and by that point, tens gallons must have passed through my massive shaft. As we both surrendered to the warming afterglow, we murred, my cock pulling from her and letting gallons of our cum flow out with it. Still flowing the product of our sex, she grabbed me and we fell into each others arms, and fell asleep next to each other as the sun went down. No one would bother us here. The last thought I had before falling asleep was what form I should give her next.