Demon Choir Chapter 3

Story by Ciel Kliendell on SoFurry

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#3 of Demon Choir

Hey all! Sorry, I know this chapter is long overdue but I hope you can forgive me. For a while I thought I was going to just stop with this series due to the lack of feedback I was getting. For those of you who are watching me, you know I posted a journal asking my readers to give me a reason to continue, and some of you did just that...for now at least. So thank you to:

balto ya



Thanks to you three, Demon Choir has lived to see another day. For those of you who read my story but don't have an account created, please, make one and comment on my postings. When you join, so many more options open up for you and it's free to make! If you are worried about using a certain email address then make a new one and use that one :3. Again thank you all for reading my story and I hope you enjoy the newest chapter of my Demon Choir series. As always, read, comment, vote, and watch me if you aren't already. Also, my buddy Artwolf5 is doing a colab with Madwolf17. I like what the two have done so far and I highly suggest you check it out. If you don't like the first chapter very much, please, keep reading it because it gets much better. I can't wait to see where they take there series, so many options...anyways here is a link to the first chapter: Check it out and give these guys some comments and watch Madwolf17 for the updated chapters. Now, enjoy the read! =:^_^:=

Chapter 3-Old friends


Never in a million years would I have thought that demons would have actually existed, let alone having been saved by one, and a classmate none the less. I knew of Ciel from back in high school. I was the varsity baseball pitcher and a jock that everyone would look up to, or at least that is what I thought. Ciel sure has changed since then, he lost a lot of weight, had grown taller and stronger...but that could all just be part of the demon thing. I still remember the day I first encountered Ciel.

It was our junior year of high school. I had just been promoted by coach to varsity starting pitcher and I felt like top dog, or giraffe I guess is the word for it. Everyone in the halls would yell my name saying "Yo, what up Wes?!" or "YEAH! WESLEY!" I felt on top of the world. All the girls would check me out, I mean, look at me, I am one hunky piece of meat. Although, I guess comparing myself to just being a piece of meat was why I have so many problems.

Everyone seemed to look up to me back then and that's exactly what I thought. The day before the biggest game of the season, our school was full of school spirit. Everyone was routing for the team and routing for me to pitch the team to victory. Mrs. Prescott, my English teacher at the time, had assigned us a big report which I had forgotten to do. If I didn't turn in that assignment then I wasn't going to be allowed to play in the game the next day. I headed for the library, hoping to find some willing nerd to help me or even do my report for me; back then I used to use the nerds for my academic needs.

When I arrived at the library, there was practically nobody there, just me, the librarian on duty, and one lone fur in the corner reading some book. He seemed pretty nerdy; he was short, plump, and looked to be reading some sort of book by Shakespeare or something.

'Bingo!' I said to myself, my muzzle growing into a wide grin.

I knew that I would be able to convince this nerd to do my assignment for me, after all, everyone loved me here and they wanted me to do well in the game. I approached the fur sitting by himself. Pulling the seat across from the lone fur out, I sat my bag down on the table and took the seat. He didn't even look up from his book to see me so I decided to 'clear my throat' to try and get his attention; it didn't work. He just sat there reading.

"Hey there." I said to him. He finally acknowledged me by looking up into my eyes but only turned back to his book without a word. "So I need a favor, I-" I was suddenly cut off.

"Look, I'm assuming you're going to say you need help doing some big assignment that you forgot to do or you won't be able to play in tomorrow's game, right?"

"Well...yeah, actually that's exactly what I was gonna ask."

"Well sorry but I'm not interested in helping the likes of you." He spoke, giving me a cold stare, something I only ever got when I did something to piss of my mom.

"But, why? I mean, if I don't get this done I am not gonna get to play tomorrow and then we are gonna lose and-"

"And you should have thought about that before you 'forgot' to do your homework."

'Who is this little shit? Who does he think he is? Does he know who I am?!' the anger was starting to consume me. I was about to speak again but then the feline continued.

"I could care less about this school, I'm only here until college and then I can leave all you sorry assholes behind. I'm tired of all the shit you jocks put me through, all the name calling, the beatings, I'm just DONE!" he slammed his book closed and stuffed it into the backpack that had been on the floor next to his chair.

Never before had anyone talked to me like Ciel did that day. After that incident I started asking around, trying to figure out who he was and what he was talking about being beaten and having furs call him names. My friend Duncan was the one to confess first. He told me how he had been picking on "the little faggot" (his words, not mine) and of how just moments before I saw Ciel in the library, that he and a few other friends we shared had started beating him and kept talking about raping him "but only to scare him," he admitted, "I would never do any of that gay shit."

I, personally, have never beaten up a kid for no reason. After Duncan openly admitted to bullying the cat I decked him, my fist making full contact with the side of that Husky's muzzle. Never before could I have suspected that Duncan, my friend since kindergarten, was a bully. After the punch I gave him, I told him to tell me who the other furs that were involved were, but he refused. I only wished I had known the consequences of that punch, I wish I had known what would happen to Ciel.

I had convinced the teacher to let me stay after in her class room to finish the assignment. I told her straight up that I had forgotten completely to do it and she allowed me to stay and finish so I would be able to play in the game tomorrow night. After less than an hour and much brain power later, I had completed my assignment. The teacher graciously took it and wished me luck in tomorrow's game. Exiting the classroom and into the vacant hallway, I headed towards my locker to put away my belongings. During my walk, my ear picked up distinct sounds of whimpering and yelps, consistent with someone being beaten.

I rounded a corner and headed toward the noise coming from the stairwell. There, in the middle of the stairwell, stood Duncan and a few of my teammates. There, on the ground curled up in a ball in pain, was Ciel. I wanted to help him, I really did...but I was scared, scared that if I were to help Ciel that people would start to think I'm a faggot to. Despite what I should have done, I did nothing. I walked away and left Ciel with those thugs, I left him to die.

The day of the big game, I did not see Ciel. Everyone else from school was there to cheer us on, but not the geeky cat. Even though he was on my mind, I did not let it get to me. I pitched a near flawless game and even hit a few home-runs. We won the game easily. Everyone cheered for me, their MVP. Several girls gave me their number, and my teammates patted me on the back before heading out. My best friend Rodney, a gator I had been friends with since we were in diapers, stuck around with me after the game.

We didn't do anything but sit around and talk. We talked about how awesome our game was, how awesome the whole season had been, and of course he got on me about how many girls were practically throwing themselves at me. I told him that I wasn't interested in any of them, that I wasn't really interested in anyone at the moment.

Rodney kissed me that night. My best friend of all my life. I did nothing but run. I ran away from him after we kissed. We never did speak again and graduation was the last time I saw that gator that was my best friend. The funny thing is, that kiss is what started all this...that kiss is what confused me. In my mind I knew I should have been grossed out, but I wasn't, and I enjoyed it. I only wish I could go back to that night and done something other than run away, I wish I could find him now and just apologize for everything, but I wouldn't even know where to find him or contact him. It seems that all I'm really good at is running away from my problems.

After having been in my own thought for several moments, I had almost reached my desired destination, the LSF building. I was maybe ten feet from the doors when they opened. Out stepped a beautiful lioness. As she came out she continued to hold the door for someone. I was not prepared for who I saw step out of the building next.

"Hey! Wesley?!"


I wanted to just grab Ciel and pull him out of the classroom and just ask where the hell he's been, what happened to him, and why the hell are his eyes a different color; unfortunately, the professor walked in before I could even ask. While the professor began the class, I could not pay attention; my mind and eyes were on Ciel. What did happen to him? It has only been a few days and somehow my cute fluffy kitty cat has turned into...well, a hunk! His eyes have changed color, he's taller, and most of all he is toned! I swear, if he was not my friend, and a total sub like me, I would probably be all over him.

The rest of class I checked out my friend. I still could not get over just how different he was and how he seemed to be so much more confident than he used to be. After about an hour worth of math that I completely ignored, the professor concluded and wished us a good day. Ciel packed up his stuff and started towards the exit. I quickly packed up what little I had out and followed in pursuit.

"Ciel! Wait up!" I yelled.

He finally stopped and allowed me to catch up.

"So what are your plans for tonight bud? I have some homework and stuff I need to catch up on but I was thinking that tomorrow night we should hit up that club again, that place was fun! Plus, you did get laid." He winked after finishing his sentence.

I blushed a bit at the getting laid remark, which was weird for me 'cuz I am never shy when it comes to talking about sex or my sexual experiences.

"Wait...Ciel, what happened to you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I was a little dumbfounded, "What do you mean 'what do I mean'? Ciel, what happened to you? Why haven't I seen you the last couple of days? What did you do to change so much? Wha-"

"Chill! Look, I'll...explain everything to you later, just...not right now, ok?"

"Oh...okay." I wanted to just stop Ciel and tell him no, that he needed to explain right now. I could tell from his eyes, his new golden eyes, that he was scared; that confidence I had seen in class was snuffed out, just from the barrage of question I was asking. If I wanted answers, I knew that I would have to wait, that I would have to make Ciel feel better and instill that confidence in him. Too many times have I had to watch my fluffy kitty be depressed, too many times have I had to watch over him just to make sure he doesn't do "it" again.

After finding out about how Ciel dealt with his problems, I have always tried to make him feel better, to help him, just so he wouldn't start to hurt himself anymore. 'Now that I think of it,' I thought to myself, 'I wonder if the scars are gone...I mean, everything else has changed about him so, maybe...'

We drew closer and closer to our next class over at the LSF building. Ciel didn't seem like he was in much of a mood to talk about what had happened so I decided to drop it for now. We joked around a bit as we trekked across campus to our destination. After much pushing, I finally got Ciel to lift his shirt up. 'Damn this kitty got some abs!' was all I could think, and I'm sure that Ciel had gotten the message by the expression I held on my face. After observing his stomach, I confirmed to myself that his scars were, indeed, gone. There was just one other place the scars would be that I wouldn't get him to let me see; but I'm sure that they too were gone.

A good ten minutes later, the LSF building was within sight. We had been talking the whole time. I like this new Ciel, he seems so much happier than he was before. The doors are now within a few feet from us. Outside the door I see Amy, Ciel's lioness cousin, that hunk of a jock Wesley, and someone I recognized but couldn't recall his name. We grew closer and closer, I was planning on just going around them but Ciel apparently had other plans. Out of nowhere, Ciel breaks into a dash. 'Damn he's fast!' Ciel jumps into the air, pouncing towards Amy.


"Oof," was the sound I got after tackling my cousin to the ground, "what the hell was that for?!" she half asked half yelled, "who do you think-" it was then that she finally got a good look at me. "Ciel?!" she squealed.

I giggled at her in response, "Hey there 'cuz! What's up? Sorry 'bout tackling you, guess I just got over excited" I told her, putting on the best grin I could.

"Oh my god! Ciel! Look at you, you as fuck!"

'Cousin Amy always did have a way with words.'

"When did this," she spoke gesturing to all of me, "happen?"

"Heh, oh it's a long story, but yeah you're right, I do look hot." I pulled my gaze away from my cousin to look up at the towering muscle next to us. "Hey Wesley, long time no see." I said, the hint of suspicion rolling off my tongue. Wesley blushed at my words; it might not have shown to the others, but from what little time I have spent with the giraffe I knew when he is blushing.

"H-Hey Ciel."

I smiled and looked over towards the figure leaning up against the wall of the building. From far away I could not tell who this fur was, but after coming closer I knew exactly who he was, and my eyes went wide, my jaw hanging open, wanting to say something but the words never taking form.

"Hey Ciel," the fur spoke and gave me that damn toothy grin he used to give me every day since that day back in high school our junior year, that day he saved my life. I still was in shock but managed to finally get some form of words out.



Yes I know it's not as long as the other chapters but that's okay because it was intended to be a short chapter. Can't have every chapter be super long now can we? ;)

Demon Choir Chapter 2

Here we go! Chapter 2 done and ready for your viewing pleasure! Have a nice read. Chapter 2-Revenge and A New Acquaintance "Ha! You think just 'cuz you can jump from some place that high that I'm gonna be scared of you kid?" Jesse spat, venom...

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Demon Choir Chapter 1

It has been a long time since I posted anything on here. I made the decision to recreate my fursonna and came up with Ciel. He is a manx/lynx hybrid and most of all he is a demon. This is the first chapter of a series I have decided to do for him. If...

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