Chapter Twenty Seven - The Journey Begins

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#27 of Part One - Life Through The Eyes Of A Former Human

"You let them get her..." I said in a low voice, my ears falling to the sides as I looked down. "You... LET THEM... Get her..."

"W-what? No I didn't!" Zeke said, panting. "I... Tried to get her to follow but... She got hit with th-that thing th-at y-you got h-hit with and i-it pinned h-her to t-the tree."

"Catch your breath and speak slowly!" I said as I growled, looking around. "You know what? What am I doing? I have to go get her back!" I said as I took off running, the stone tied to my tail glowing a bright purplish black color as I ran, turning the corner and looking around the park before taking off and heading straight for the parking lot.

If I'm going to stop them, I've got to get in their way.

My heart began pounding as I watched them one by one pull out of the parking lot. Grunting, I gave it all I had, lowering my head and pushing myself to the fastest speed I could go, dashing right up to one of their cars right as it pulled out. Yelling out, I took a huge leap and landed on the trunk, my claws making screeching noises as I slid off, my claws hooking onto the back of the bumper and giving me a good grip, my feet hanging below me as I tried to find something I could use to climb up. As soon as my claws made that squealing noise however, the car sped up ad swerved, then swerved the other way, braking and speeding back up. As soon as they braked, I pulled myself up with the momentum, only to lose my balance and tumble backwards as they sped back up. Not even wasting a second, I rolled off to the side of the road and got to my feet, taking off and running after the car, but it was no use. It was going way too fast. Slowing to a stop, I watched it as it sped off, disappearing into the horizon. Angrily, I dashed out into the middle of the road and fired off a huge bolt of electricity straight down it, hoping it would at least hit it and stop it. Although that wasn't my intention at all. The only reason I'd done it was because I was infuriated, ready to tear someone apart if I didn't find out where that car was going.

Growling, sparks flying from my cheeks, I walked off to the side of the road and angrily punched the air, electricity swirling around my fist as I slammed it into a wooden lightpost, one I didn't even know was there.

That didn't cross my mind at all as I did it again and again, nailing it again and again with both fists, until the whole thing was on fire, and it was too hot to stand next to. Snarling, I backed away from it, looking up at it, then down at my paws, static sparking around them as I clenched them into fists, huge jolts of electricity flying off my cheeks as I looked up into the sky.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I shot off a bolt straight up into the sky, flopping onto my belly as tears came to my eyes, then rolled down my cheeks.

"CALM DOWN!" Zeke said as he walked over to me, panting like crazy. "Jeez... You're so freaking overpowered... Just calm down, we'll find her."

"NO WE WON'T! UNLESS YOU KNOW WHERE THEY TOOK HER, NO WE WON'T!" I yelled as I got to my feet, dropping down onto all fours and trying not to cry. "She's EVERYTHING to me! I CAN NOT lose her!"

"RELAX! I know where they took her!" Zeke said as he tried to catch his breath.

Perking my ears up, I whipped around and tacked him right to the ground, looking him in the eye and wagging my tail.


"Ow... Come on get off of me." He said as he shoved me off of him, rolling onto his belly and standing up. "I'll take you... Just relax... She's going to be fine. They do this all the time. All they really do is take her and try to sell her back to the owner for a huge amount of money. Then they send threats and stuff if the owner refuses, but never really harm the Pokemon."

Well Kevin has a shitload of money I picked up from the colony so that's no problem at all!

"Well they know I'm after her, and if they know that, they're going to want to set traps and try to catch me or something, then put me in a Pokeball and use me to kill people or something..." I said as I looked down the road. "But they can't do that because they figure I don't know where they went... Or maybe they figure since I'm with Zeke that he'll lead me to them... But how does Zeke know where they went?" I asked myself, frowning.

"Well I used to work at the Pokemon Center, I had to go and get Pokemon from them countless times. It's a normal thing for me really." He said as he began walking down the side of the road. "Come on."

"So you know where they took her?" I asked as I walked alongside him.

"Yes... And really, there's no need to rush to go find her. The slower we go, the-"

"The more time they have to set up traps for us." I interrupted, sighing. "So let's pick up the pace and get there sometime today." I said as I pushed against him, growling. "You might not know this but I happen to love her, and I also happen to want to see her alive sometime soon if you don't mind."

"Relaaaax Dallas. Jeez, it's not like it's a thousand miles away or anything like that." He said as he looked down at me. "It'll take a day or two since we don't have cars. However, I can assure you she'll be okay." He said as he looked ahead, sighing.

"Can't you just TELL me where they took her? I mean, I want to see my mate as soon as I can, and you just want to take your time, no offense. It's actually getting me a little irritated..." I growled.

"Lighten up! I understand that your mate is in the hands of complete lunatics, but trust me when I say this, she's fine. The most they'll do is put her in a cage. She's already registered to a Pokeball, right?" He asked, frowning.

"No... We got registered to Kevin just about an hour or two ago... We can't be put in Pokeballs anymore..." I frowned.

"Well good then, we don't have to worry about that then... Now, how tough is she? I mean, can she survive alone in the woods and stuff?" he asked.

"Hell yes she can." I said, making a face. "What are you getting at?"

"Well I'm just asking... I mean, would she be able to fight off their whole team if she wanted to?" He asked, frowning.

"What the hell? No, why would she be able to do that? I mean, I know there's no doubt that we could take out their whole team if we were together, but I don't think she could do it alone... I mean, she could definitely EAT them all, but I really don't think that's what she's doing right now... I mean, her main goal is to be able to eat a human whole in front of a bunch of other humans, but I highly doubt that's what she's thinking about right now..." I said as I looked behind us, frowning.

"Well if she can at least defend herself she'll be fine." Zeke said as he too looked behind us as Kevin approached us in the car, pulling off to the side of the road and getting out of the car.

"Brian what the heck are you doing out here?" He asked, frowning. "Where's Electra and Ben? Did she eat him or something?"

"Electra got taken by Team Onyx... And Ben went with them." Zeke said as he looked up at Kevin. "But can you like, give us a ride so we can like... Get there faster?"

"Um... You're talking..." Kevin said, frowning. "Did you like, work at the Pokemon Center or something?"

"No, I didn'- I mean yes... Yes I did." He said, sighing. "Got fired today for trying to eat a Torchic that was all bloody and stuff... It was barely alive and it was taunting me, ASKING to be eaten! I HAD to do it!" He said, sighing. "Got kicked out for it... Instincts sometimes... They suck..."

Funny, that's not the story he told me and Electra...

"Okay I really didn't need to know that..." Kevin said as he opened the passenger side door. "Get in..."

Nodding, I hopped inside and climbed into the backseat, sitting next to Cammy and hugging her.

"Electra got stolen..." I said, sighing as I buried my face in her belly.

"Awww... Is there anything I can do to help?" Cammy asked as she rubbed my back gently, frowning.

"I... I don't know..." I said as Zeke got into the car and Kevin shut the door, walking over to the driver's side and getting in, closing the door and pulling out onto the road.

"So, no one's heard from Ben at all? He told me he had to take care of a problem, and that he'd be back in literally two seconds. I thought he had something in his fur and wanted to take it out in private or something, but he went outside and ran off..." Kevin frowned.

"Nope, haven't seen him. And to be honest I don't care." I said as I lay down on the seat next to Cammy. "He can burn in hell for all I care."

"Err, Dallas says no." Zeke said, laughing.

"Well he used to pull this shit when he was human too. We'd be in the park and he'd just walk off and say he'd be right back, then never come back... I'd get bored of waiting and go home, and he'd show up at the house like a couple hours later... When I ask where he was, he'd be like "Oh, I was just doing something important, work called me and I needed to go in right away." Yet he'd never tell me where he worked... Actually, he never told ANYONE where he worked... And now that I think of it, he never had a set work time, he just went in randomly... What the hell kind of work is that? Not to mention his paycheck was in huge random chunks, and was never the same amount... He even got paid in gold once..." Kevin said as he looked in the mirror. "Where do you wanna go anyway?"

"Well, take us to your house I guess. I have a feeling I know who Ben is now..." Zeke said as he curled up in the seat.

"Um... Sure?" Kevin said as he sped up a little, sighing. "So Team Onyx got a hold of Electra huh?"

"Yep..." Zeke said, sighing. "And we're going to get her back too."

"That Team Onyx really is something..." Kevin said, sighing. "It wasn't too long ago that they had their team of Pikachu raid the Pokemart... They completely trashed the place too..." He said, slowing the car down a bit. "If you ask me, they all deserve to be arrested."

"Yes, they do. And since they can't arrest Pokemon, then they should only arrest the humans." Zeke said, grinning.

"Yeah but they can put the Pokemon down..." Kevin said, frowning. "Or like, wipe their memory and completely retrain them... It's amazing what the alternatives are these days..."

"There's NO WAY you're putting m-" Zeke said, quickly stopping and looking around. "Um... I mean there's no way they're wiping my memory... I've learned far too much to be just wiped and retrained... All Pokemon are friends except the tasty ones." He grinned.

"Riiiight... Well whatever, I just hope Electra will be okay... I mean, there's not much we can do about it right now, so... We'll just have to wait. By the way, that key she threw up was to the Pokemart... I wonder how the hell she got a hold of that?" he said as he sped the car back up.

Wait what? The colony is part of Team Onyx? No, that can't be, it makes no sense... The colony is on their own, they're not affiliated with them... They can't be... But Kevin said himself that the Pokemart raid was Team Onyx's doing. If that's true then... Maybe I can go to the colony and find out where they took Electra... But then there's that thing about Ben... How he randomly disappeared right as Team Onyx arrived... Not to mention his collar is sitting right here on the floor... And why the hell would he call the Pokemon Center to tell them that Electra was coming? I KNOW Kevin didn't do it, because Kevin never uses the phone unless he receives a call first. So the only one that could've done it was Ben... And if he DID do it, then how did he know Electra was rare unless he has access to the Pokemon Center's data? But there's no way he could've gotten a hold of it unless... Unless he wandered off while Electra was getting registered...

"Hey Kevin, was Ben with you the whole time when we were getting Electra registered?" I asked him, sitting up.

No wait, even if he wasn't it'd take the center some time to get her data ready... He had to have done it while we were at the house, while I was talking with Electra out in the front yard... But then the only place he could've been is somewhere in the house... Somewhere like his room, that he always keeps locked for some reason. His room that he never lets us into. He probably has a million little gadgets stashed in there that tell him everything he needs to know.

"What?" Kevin asked as he looked in the mirror.

"Nothing..." I said as I shook my head, laying back down next to Cammy.

"Cammy... Do you know about Team Onyx?" I asked, licking the back of her head as she lay curled up on the seat.

"Um yes... They're the team of criminals that go around stealing things and selling them back for a much higher price. I know all about them." She sighed. "THAT is how I wound up in that Pokemon Center." She said as she sat up. "We need to talk..."

"Not here, when we get home..." I said as I looked at Kevin, then at Zeke, frowning.

"Yeah I know... And I'll tell you why that's a good choice later too." She said as she curled up tighter, shivering. "Uuuugh..."

"I won't ask ANY questions about what you just did..." I said, frowning as we pulled onto our road. "We're almost here anyway..."

"Yeah good..." She said as she sat up, looking out the window. "Good..."

We pulled into the driveway, and Kevin shut off the car, getting out and opening the passenger side door. Zeke hopped out, and I climbed onto the passenger side seat, hopping out, followed by Cammy, who took my paw and tugged on it, before winking at me and taking off across the yard, turning the corner and disappearing behind the house.

"Um, see you later I guess. You've gotta go find Electra... So go, I understand." Kevin said as he waved at me.

Nodding, I turned and ran, rounding the corner of the house and immediately searching for Cammy. When I saw her, and she saw me, she immediately began running again. She ran down the hill and around the pool, stopping when we were on the other side of it. Without saying another word, Cammy jumped up and grabbed the edge, pulling herself up and looking around, before hopping down and tugging my paw again.

"Come." She said as she began running again, this time into the woods. Frowning, I took off after her. We ran all the way to the tall grass, then through it, all the way to the lake, where Cammy stopped and began looking around, panting a little. Her ears perked up as she jumped into the water and began swimming, turning around and motioning for me to follow before turning back around and swimming a bit faster. Sighing, I leaped into the water and took off after her, swaying my tail back and forth in the water to gain speed, since it was flat and could be used as an ore. We kept going until we were at the other side of the lake, where Cammy dashed into the woods again, leaping over a bush. Shaking my head, I followed her, leaping over the bush and taking off after her. I didn't have to go far, because she'd stopped now, and was sitting down, panting a little.

"Okay, what the heck." I said, a little tired myself as I shook myself off, then sat down next to her, leaning against her and licking her cheek. "You sure can run..."

"Yeah, and now I'm going to tell you why..." She said as she looked around, before sighing and standing up, then quickly sitting down in front of me and smiling.

"Okay... You have to listen closely now..." She said in a serious tone. "I know a lot more about Team Onyx than you think..."

"Okay... I'm listening..." I said as I perked my ears up, smiling.

"This is serious. They took your mate right? Electra?"

"Yeah..." I said, my ears falling back down to the sides as I thought about it.

"Okay... And like I said in the car back there, they're the reason I wound up in that Pokemon Center with the Ivysaur..."

"Oh... Well did they catch you or something?" I asked, frowning.

"Actually no... Now I don't want you to get mad at me for saying this... And promise me you won't... But put the pieces together. I know a lot about human things. A lot more than I should know. And do you know why?" She asked me, sighing. "Well it's because... I... Used to be a member of Team Onyx..."

"WHOA!" I said as I leaped to my feet, taking a step back.

"RELAX. I'm not anymore... If I were, I would have given you to them a long time ago, which brings me to me to another topic, how your mate really got taken. You see, Zeke, he's a member of Team Onyx too... And I'll tell you how I know this. Okay, so one day, Team Onyx got word from the colony that your thunderbolt could melt through rocks. They all agreed that there was no doubt you had to be a purebreed, and if you were, they wanted ME to force you to mate with me until we got purebred Pichu eggs. Then, when they hatched, they wanted to sell them for a lot of money. Now, I went with it at first, and agreed that I'd do it, until I realized that everything I was doing was all wrong, and that taking away your Pichu would really hurt you. I put myself in your place, and wondered how I'd feel if the father of my Pichu randomly sold them to someone because they were worth a lot. So I told them I wouldn't do it. I refused to cooperate."

"So they fired you..." I said, frowning.

"Yes... They fired me and placed me in that Pokemon Center... With the Ivysaur... They said that if I got beaten up enough, maybe I'd change my mind. And I was literally about to change my mind and go along with their little scandal, until you showed up and saved me from the Ivysaur... Now, you getting trapped there was completely coincidental, but it happened nonetheless. When you told me your name, I just simply couldn't use you for money. You seemed so nice, so protective over me, determined to do what was right... I simply couldn't betray you like that. And when we switched bodies, I lost all contact with Team Onyx. Now that's good, but it's also bad in a few ways. I mean, for one, I thought I'd never get back to my original body which was scary enough, but I also knew they'd be looking for me. Not as an ally, but as a target..." She frowned.

"Okay, I get it, you don't have to explain any more." I said as I sat down in front of her. "I just have some questions..."

"Yeah, but before you ask them, what I'm about to say might answer some. You see, when I switched back into my regular body, I was so happy that I wanted to simply spend as much time with you as I possibly could. However, when I saw Ben, I wanted to spend time with you for a different reason... You see, remember when he let me out of the Pokeball, when I was still in your body, and all he said was "Lovely..." or something like that, then walked away and didn't say a word? Yeah, that's because he knew that he'd found me, and he needed to tell Team Onyx right away. You see, Ben is a member of Team Onyx. When I saw him, I knew he was planning to lure all three of us to them, so I felt it was my job to stay and protect you. You see, the real reason he bought Electra in the first place was because he knew from the start that she was rare. The fact that you wanted a Pikachu just gave him a reason for buying her. But that day, when she almost killed him, he decided enough was enough, and put the plan into action. A well played out plan too, because I didn't even know about it. That's another reason I was so nice to Electra, and respected the fact that she didn't want me to be with you. I understood why, but I wasn't ready to tell her that you were in danger. If I'd known Ben was planning to take your mate, I would've warned you earlier..."

"I knew it..." I mumbled. "It all makes sense now... He'd never let anyone in his room, and he CALLED the Pokemon Center to tell them that Electra was coming, which basically set her up with Team Onyx. I gave him tons of that green paper that humans love, and he wasn't nearly as excited as he should've been... And another thing, you said the colony is part of Team Onyx? Is that true?"

"Yes... All of them except Rice. If Rice knew, being the power hungry... Thing... That he is, he'd try to take over or something."

"Well I killed Rice for almost killing Electra over me... So he's gone... And no one ever informed me about Team Onyx until today... And it makes even more sense, because Ben never minded when I was out of the house for long periods of time, and when I'd turned into a Pikachu, he'd actually encouraged me to go out more... Probably so I could get caught, like I did before..."

"Like I said, that was completely coincidental. Your capture was not Team Onyx's doing. That was probably some random hunter or something. But anyhow, I'm glad it happened, because you stopped me from going back to Team Onyx and serving them... Thanks..." she said as she smiled.

"You're welcome." I chuckled. "And another thing..." I said as I stood up, looking around. "Since you were a member, you know where everything is, and all the traps and stuff, right?"

"Correct. And another thing, I might know Ben from Team Onyx, because I saw him there when he was a human, but he doesn't know me. He's never actually seen me there." She said, smiling. "So we've kind of got an advantage. You see, I don't think Zeke tried to protect Electra at all back there at the Center. I was in a tree watching the whole thing. They shot something at Electra and you dove in front of it.-"

"Actually I was just trying to run ahead, I didn't see them shoot anything." I frowned. "But I would've jumped in front of it if I had..."

"Oh... Well anyway, it hit you... I watched you get knocked deep into the maze, and I really wanted to help you, but I knew they'd nab me too if I did... I watched you get up and run, but you were running in the opposite direction, before I looked back at Electra and Zeke. Now, Zeke had stopped running, and... Well he pounced on Electra and held her down... I mean... I looked over at you and you were rolling around on the grass, I jumped out of the tree to get Kevin's help, and when I looked over at Zeke and Electra, I couldn't see them anymore because the corner of the bush was in the way... I saw Zeke leap into the maze though, most likely searching for you, probably thinking you got wiped out... If you ask me, I think Zeke's a member of Team Onyx too... I mean, it'd only make sense for me to judge that, because the way he ran out of the Pokemon Center was just... Unnatural... Not to mention his excuse for being fired... He said he tried to eat one of the Pokemon, a Torchic or something, right? Well if he were truly working there, he wouldn't have pulled that, because, well you just wouldn't." Cammy sighed.

"Well he told me and Electra he was running because he needed to get an item to someone really fast, and he got fired because he got it there too late..." I said, frowning. "So if he's a member of Team Onyx, and so is Ben, and so were you, and technically so was I, when I was at the colony... And even Electra then, when she too was at the colony..."

"Nope, you were just among them. You weren't a real member." Cammy said, smiling. "And another thing... Zeke knows how to speak human, so saying he worked at the Pokemon Center would actually be a good cover up for it, but being fired for two different reasons, and stupid ones, is just... Ugh... A Pokemon Center has a set stock of items that would never run out, because they're constantly restocked. Therefore, they would not send him out to get an item, no matter what it was. And if they were to somehow run out, they'd simply borrow some out of the PC, and replace the item when they restock. There's no way they could have run out of an item and sent Zeke to go get it." Cammy said, sighing. "He's one of them..."

Standing up, I looked between the branches of the bush, and across the lake. Zeke was standing there, sniffing the ground. I watched as he looked across the lake, right at me, but didn't seem to see me as he began sniffing around again. Growling, my paws closed into fists, and sparks flew from my cheeks as I charged up a bolt, getting ready to fire it across the lake and nail him right in the head.

"You..." I mumbled, growling. "You and Ben both... It's all your fault... My mate is gone... Because of you..." I growled. Just as I was about to fire the bolt, Cammy put her paw on my shoulder.

"Dallas it's not worth it... We should just go... I mean, all he's trying to do is lead us somewhere random and get us lost, or lead us into a trap or something... And even if he did lead us to a trap, I'd let you know, because I actually care about you and Electra... And before, when Electra was beating up Ben, I thought it was all over, I thought that was it, and you were safe. So I debated on whether or not I should leave and go back to the Pokemon Center. Then I heard Kevin say you needed to be registered, and I knew that THAT was it. Once you were registered, they'd have your info, and know almost everything about you. Then, I knew I simply couldn't leave you alone until I was sure they weren't going to go after you, or until they struck. I also couldn't tell you about Ben because I knew you wouldn't believe me, despite having no reason for me to lie to you. If I had told you, Electra would use it as an excuse to kill him, which would be alright and all, but with Ben dead I don't know how Team Onyx would react... Now, if we go there, and you somehow kill him while you're there, they'll probably never mess with you again, because they know your power now. But if Electra had killed him when she was beating him up, they wouldn't have a profile on you so they'd probably come and attack you directly." She said, sighing. "There's a lot I have to think about before I go off running my mouth, you know?"

"Well... I got profiled back when I got caught... So they already had one on me, right?" I asked as I turned around and faced her, smiling. "All they didn't have was Electra's..."

"Yeah, but it'd be different." She said. "I can't really explain it..."

"I know I know..." I said, sighing. "So you said you knew where this place was, right?"

"Right." She said as she pointed to the left. "That way."

"Okay then, let's go." I said as I began walking in the direction she pointed, smiling.

"Wait, Dallas... Promise me you'll keep this a secret though... I mean, if we run into Zeke again, promise me you'll pretend he's just a normal Mightyena, okay?"

"Yeah fine." I said, sighing. "But if I see him do ANYTHING that hints toward him being a Team Onyx member, he's done." I said as I got down on all fours, walking a bit slower than normal. "You lead the way..."

"That's fine. If you see or hear him do anything that would make you suspicious if you didn't already know about it, then go for it, and I'll help ya." She said, smiling as she followed me.

"Thanks..." I said as I stopped walking, looking back at her and smiling.

"Dallas what the heck..." She said as she pounced on my tail, squealing and pulling at it.

"Cammy what the heck are you doing..." I asked as I looked down at her, frowning as she stood up with the black rock in her paws, the string dangling from it.

"Where did you get this?" She asked me, tilting her head and frowning. "Do you know what this is?"

"Um... Zeke dropped it... And no... I don't know what it is... But it started glowing when I got hit, and I felt really funny..."

"This is an Onyx... It's a rare gem that only the best Team Onyx members get to carry... They put some sort of psychic attack on it to make it do things. Each one does something different, so you'll have to find out what this one does because I can't tell you just by looking at it... Another thing is, that these things are very expensive, not to mention rare, and I have no clue how Team Onyx got their hands on them, let alone gave them psychic abilities, but if Zeke really dropped this, then that means he's a lot more than just a Team Onyx member..." She said as she grabbed my tail and tied the rock back around it.

"Well should I be worried?" I asked as I watched her, frowning.

"With your power? Heck no... But you SHOULD be worried about your mate. Now it'll be a day or two at the most before we actually get to where we need to go. It would have taken three probably if Kevin didn't give us a ride to his nest. But IF we keep going, and don't stop much, we'll probably get there by around this time tomorrow. I mean, we still have to sleep and stuff, so... that doesn't count, but you know what I mean." She said as she tucked the rock into the string, smiling. "So, let's get going."

Um... Okay, but one more question." I said as I walked alongside her, smiling. "Since I know about the rock now... Does that mean that the very next time I see Zeke, I get to attack him? Because I know this came from him, and I can use this as evidence instead of the other stuff, then gradually piece together the puzzle as if I didn't know it in the first place. Then none of it would point to you at all." I said as I looked at her, smiling.

"Well... that could work I guess." she said, giggling as she leaned against me, holding my paw in hers. "You go ahead and do that."

"Good." I smiled as I looked ahead of us, leaning back against her as we walked, giggling as she held my paw.

"But there's one thing that confuses me..." I said as I frowned.

"What's that?" Cammy asked as she looked at me, tilting her head.

"When we were walking with Zeke... He was almost determined to get us away from them... And he had some really convincing strategies... And when Ben came out of the Pokemon Center, Zeke lowered his head and growled at him... And once Ben saw Zeke, his eyes opened wide and he ran off, frightened... Now if Zeke really is a member of Team Onyx, then why was Ben afraid of him?" I frowned.

Cammy remained silent as she thought about this, frowning. "I have no clue... And... I'm sure after we rescue Electra, she won't mind if you be my mate too..." she giggled as she turned her head, licking my cheek gently. I blushed a little, quickly looking forward again as I tried to stop my tail from wagging.

"Well... That'd be so awesome!" She giggled as she pulled me into a hug, wagging her tail. "I mean, spending so much time with you has really been awesome, and I'm actually starting to like you for well, you..." She giggled.

"Heheh... Well let's not get into this right now, I mean... We're keeping her waiting as it is, and I really want to get to her." I said as I licked her nose, smiling. "Let's hold off until after we save her."

"Right." Cammy giggled as she turned to the side and continued walking, giggling. "That makes sense."

"Hehe... To tell the truth, I've always actually kind of liked you." I said as I walked behind her, smiling.

"Well of course you did!" She chuckled, walking a bit faster. "Why else would you have mated with me back at the Pokemon Center?"

"Well..." I said, giggling. "I alw-"

"Hey there you are!" I heard Zeke say as he leaped through a bush and came running up to us. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Why'd you two run off lik- AH!" he yelled as I tackled him, growling as I got down onto all fours and jumped ontop of him, sparks flying from my cheeks as I pressed my face against his, standing on all fours ontop of his belly.

"You... It's YOUR fault that my mate is gone!" I yelled as I pressed my face harder against his, flopping onto my belly as I grabbed his throat with both my paws, squeezing hard. "If you weren't there I'd still HAVE HER!" I yelled as I dug my claws into his throat, snarling as I went to bite his nose, but was pushed off of him as he squirmed, quickly getting to his feet and leaping backwards, coughing as he spoke.

"I... Don't know what you're... Talking about!" He said as I quickly leaped at him again, my claws lashing out as I tried to latch onto him with them, only to have him leap out of the way at the last second.

"I SAW you!" Cammy said as she walked over, her arms folded. "I SAW you jump on her... I SAW you hold her down!"

"I didn't jump on her to hold her down! I jumped on her because they were shooting things and I was trying to protect her!" He said as he jumped to the side, whining.

Almost instantly, my anger vanished, and I stood up, staring at a tree, not knowing what to say.

"They were shooting things and one of them hit Dallas. I jumped on Electra because they were shooting things and I didn't want her to get hurt." He said, panting.

"Oh..." Cammy mumbled as she looked down, her tail drooping down along with her ears. "Well... If that's true, then why'd you just jump into the maze and leave her alone like that?"

"Like I said to Dallas, they blew a whistle... It hurt my ears so badly... I had to flee... It was like, this high pitched thing... It hurt... It just hurt so much..."

"Well what about that lie you told about how you got fired from the Pokemon Center? Dallas says you told two different stories about it, one saying you tried to eat a Torchic, which I myself heard too, and one about not getting an item to them in time. I already know you lied, because Pokemon Centers NEVER run out of items. There's NO WAY they'd ask you to run and get one. They'd call someone and have it delivered by PC, because that'd be much faster, or they'd withdraw it from someone else's PC and then put another one back when they got a replacement." She said as she folded her arms again, grinning.

"She has a point... So what were you really doing?" I said as I looked at him, folding my arms and standing next to Cammy, a serious look on my muzzle.

"Well I'm not allowed to tell you." He said as he looked at me, then Cammy, sighing. "It's a secret..."

"Tell us or we kill you." Cammy said as she got down onto all fours, sparks shooting off of her cheeks as she growled. "I hate Team Onyx, and if you're one of them, you're going DOWN."

Whoa, she's a fighter too?

"I would show you if I could, but I can't." He said as he took a step back. "If you want to kill me, then fine, but it's your loss... I'm only here to help..." he frowned.

"Here to help what? Here to help us get CAUGHT?" She said as she leaped forward, knocking him over. "What about the rock?"

"What rock?" Zeke said as he leaped to his feet and pushed Cammy away with his head, jumping back and whining. "I don't want to hurt you..."

"Why not? Leaving us for your little teammates? Answer my question! What about the rock? How did you get it?"

"WHAT ROCK!" Zeke shouted as he growled, lowering his head. "If you're just looking for excuses to fight me then it's a fight you're going to get!" he growled.

"This rock..." I said as I turned around, showing Zeke the Onyx tied to my tail. "This Onyx... You dropped it when you literally ran me over back at the Pokemon Center... I felt something get caught on my tail and next thing I know the tugging stops and I hear something fall to the ground... I found it when I was looking for what fell off of you..."

"Oh, that rock..." Zeke said, his ears falling as he sighed. "Well..."

"WHAT?" Cammy said as she took a step toward him. "I swear I will FRY YOU IF YOU DON'T TELL ME!"

"RELAX!" Zeke shouted as he opened his mouth, a black ball forming inside of it as he snarled. In an instant, he spit out the ball and it smacked into the ground right in front of Cammy, exploding and sending a cloud of dirt and leaves into the air. When it all settled down, Zeke was growling, and Cammy was just standing there, staring at him. No sparks were coming from her cheeks, and there were no sounds coming from her. She just stood there silently.

Wow, what happened to her aggressiveness?

"Now listen... I went into the Pokemon Center, and I saw the rock tied to the neck of a Meowth... I DO still work at the Pokemon Center, but not as someone who treats the sick Pokemon... I work as a hunter, someone who hunts down all the fakes in the center... I know all the profiles of all of the Pokemon ever registered in a Pokemon Center, kind of like a member of Team Onyx would... Except my job is to roam around Pokemon Centers, and based on what I know as far as profiling, pick out all the Pokemon that don't belong. So like, since I saw the Meowth in the Pokemon Center, and he was working, or in this case, pretending to work, yet the system says there's no Meowth that works in the Pokemon Center, then I have no choice but to capture the Meowth, and turn it into the Police for questioning. However, there are exceptions, like if I see a specific Team Onyx hint. I know you don't know what that means, so I'll tell you. Here's an example of an exception. This time, when I saw that the Meowth had the rock around its neck, which was a stupid move on his part, I knew that the rock was an Onyx, which was clear proof that he was a member of Team Onyx. In that case, I am permitted to attack immediately without asking any questions at all. If I see one single hint of them being a pert of Team Onyx, I'm permitted to strike without warning. Now, I was supposed to kill the Meowth, but I didn't, because the main priority was the Onyx at that point. The Onyx is very valuable, and if I turn that in, I'll get a good reward. Now I realize that reward isn't everything, because now that I really look at it, I see it as me not doing my job. I was supposed to kill the Meowth, and I should've, because the Meowth that busted us and shouted to all his teammates where we were, was that same Meowth I attacked earlier. That's how he recognized us so easily... But to answer your question, I knew he was a member of Team Onyx because of the rock, so I attacked him... I grabbed it and ran out, and that's the truth..." He said as he sat down, looking at us. "You can believe me if you want, and you can call me a liar if you want, but that's the truth." he said as he sighed.

"Wow... I feel like an asshole right now..." Cammy said as she sat down, her ears drooping to the sides.

"Yeah me too..." I sighed as I hugged her, sitting down next to her.

"So if you're really on the resistance... Then you're going to help us, right?" Cammy asked as she sighed. "Sorry I accused you like that, but you've got to understand what it looked like from my point of view, and Dallas' It seemed as if you were one of them..." She said, sighing. "Sorry..."

"Yeah me too..." I said, frowning as I looked down at the dirt.

"Nono, no need to be sorry. It's only natural that you'd think that. I mean, if I was watching someone else do what I did, I'd suspect them too, and attack them without warning, like I said. Or ask questions while I attacked. I completely understand. You just want your mate back is all."

"Exactly." I said as I perked my ears up, smiling. "So... What do you say we forget about this and pretend it never happened?"

"Oh nono... We have to remember it. We learn from our mistakes, and this was just a little mistake, no harm done." He smiled. "And yes, I'm here to help you all out. I'll fight to the death to take down Team Onyx, and I know so will you. ANYTHING you need just ask me." He smiled.

"Anything?" Cammy asked, tilting her head and grinning.

"Zeke, at your service." He said as he bowed his head, smiling. "Anything."

"I'll keep that in mind..." She chuckled as she winked at him, smiling.

"Um... Let's go then." I said as I smiled, then frowned at Zeke stepped in front of me.

"Hop on." He smiled as he lay down on his belly. "I'll take you two there, my treat."

"Are you sure?" I asked as I climbed onto his back, sitting down on it and chuckling as Cammy climbed up in front of me. Scooting back a little, I smiled at her as Zeke stood up and nodded. "It's the least I can do. After all, I DO owe you..."

"Owe us? If ANYTHING it's US that owe YOU." Cammy said as she leaned forward, giggling. "And I know just the thing to give you..." She whispered as she leaned forward and licked his right ear, grinning as she sat up and looked back at me.

"W-what do you have in mind?" Zeke said as he looked back at her, blushing. "I-is it something good?"

"Ohhh yes... It's something we'll both enjoy... Something I know you'll like..." She chuckled as she rubbed her paws together, leaning forward as she whispered something into his ear. When she sat back up, Zeke was blushing, and his ears were twitching.

"T-t-that's a g-great gift!" He said as he looked straight ahead, his ears flicking forward. "We'd better get moving then!" he said as he suddenly sprinted forward. Grunting, I grabbed ahold of Cammy so I wouldn't fall backwards, and Cammy grabbed a hold of his neck, holding on tightly as we steadied ourselves.

"JEEZ! What the HELL did you tell him to make him take off so quickly?" I asked as I loosened my grip on Cammy, then leaned forward, hugging her around the middle to keep myself from falling off.

"Well I told him we were go"nono don'tingtotellmat-""

"What..." I said as I tilted my head, frowning. "I can't understand when you and Zeke talk at the same time..." I frowned.

"Well I told him that we wer""N-no" Zeke interrupted again.

"Nono don't tell. I want it to be a surprise! Please Cammy." He said as he picked up speed, panting a little. "Keep it a surprise."

"Okay Zeke." She giggled as she leaned forward a bit more, more hugging him around the neck than holding on now. "I'll keep it a surprise."

"Well apparently the reward involves me..." I said as I nodded, holding onto Cammy's middle a bit tighter, giggling as I realized that this could easily be taken as an excuse to hug her or something.

"Hey Zeke you're going the wrong way." Cammy said as she pointed to the right. "It's that way."

"Huh?" Zeke said as he shook his head, looking around as he skidded to a stop, almost knocking us off again.

"Ugh... Warn us when you're going to do that..." I said as I let go of Cammy, laughing. "I almost fell off twice now..."

"Oh, sorry... I was just... Thinking about something... About Cammy, and how pretty she is and stuff..." He said as he turned to the right, panting a little as he walked. "I d-don't want you getting hurt so I'll just walk." he said as he started walking, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he panted.

"Wow... Your tongue is so big..." Cammy chuckled as she patted the top of his head. "That's a really good quality to have you know."

"Cammy..." I said as I poked her back, frowning. "Stop intimidating him."

"Whaaaat... I didn't mean it like THAT..." She said as she grinned, not looking back at me.

"Yes you did..." I said as I poked her side, laughing. "I know what you mean... You're trying to intimidate him into liking you, then when we stop tonight to rest, you'll act all seductive and probably mate with him or something." I smirked. "You did the same thing to me you know."

"Wow, um... You're good..." She laughed." Can't hide anything from you... Well I figured since I can't mate with YOU until I get the O.K. from Electra, I'd might as well go after Zeke, right?" She chuckled.

"T-that's what the reward is! I'm so excited!" Zeke said as he wagged his tail, walking a little faster. "I can't wait to show Cammy how much I'm sorry." He said as he lowered his head a little. "Cammy is so pretty... I owe her everything I have... I'll do anything for you Cammy... You're so pretty... I can't wait to taste your sweet-"

"ZEKE STOP IT." I interrupted as I grabbed my ears and pulled on them. "LALALALAAAAA I didn't hear any of thaaaat... What the heck Zeke... You acted all tough back there until we attacked, and now all of a sudden you're like, her servant or something..."

"No, I am more than that... I will do anything for Cammy... She's so pretty... She deserves the best." He said as he wagged his tail again.

"Awww thanks Zeke." Cammy giggled as she patted his head. "You're kind of cute too..."

"She called me cute!" Zeke yipped as he jumped a little. "She thinks I'm cute!"

"Alright enough of this... I'm changing the subject..." I said as I cleared my throat for no reason at all.

"A-hem... Now... Um..." I said, frowning.

"We made it awkward..." Cammy whispered, giggling.

"Yeah, a little..." I said as I frowned. "I'm hungry, wanna like, find something to eat or something like that?"

"Sure! Anything for you Dallas." Zeke said as he stopped walking, smiling as he lay down on his belly.

"Whoa there, now you're just acting weird." I said as I climbed down off of his back. "I don't care if you do that to Cammy, but pleeeaaase don't act affectionate towards me... It kind of creeps me out..." I said as I grabbed Cammy's paw and pulled her off of Zeke. "Look what you started!"

"Well I don't mind it... I think it's kind of cute." She giggled as she looked around. "So what's there to eat around here anyway?"

"Oh! There are bananas in the trees over there." Zeke said as he stood up, walking over to a tree and standing up on his hind legs, pawing at the trunk and whining. "But I can't reach..."

"No worries Zekey!" Cammy giggled. "I'll get them for you!" She said as she walked up to the tree, jumping up and grabbing the trunk with her claws, quickly climbing up and grabbing a branch, giggling as she pulled herself onto it and looked down at us.

"Okay, I see them." She giggled as she walked across the branch, sitting down when she got to the end of it and messing with something. I couldn't see her, but I could hear the twigs snapping as she pulled off a bunch of bananas, giggling as she stood back up, squinting through the leaves.

Not one of us realized that a banana tree shouldn't be here in the first place...

"Um, I can't see any of you..." She said as she took a couple of small steps backwards on the branch, giggling as she lifted the bunch of bananas over her head.

"Here it comes..." She giggled as she jumped down.

"AH CAMMY!" Zeke yelled as he dove underneath her, catching her on his back and smiling. "You fell out!"

"Nono, I jumped." She giggled as she hopped down off of Zeke's back, pulling off a banana and putting the rest down, giggling as she peeled it and held it up to Zeke's mouth.

"MmmmmMMMMMmmmmMMM..." She chuckled as she pressed it against his mouth, grinning. "Eaaaaat itttttt..."

"Y-Yes Ms. Cammy!" Zeke said as he opened his mouth and took a bite, swallowing it down whole and smiling. "A-all of it?"

"No, that's fine." She giggled as she took a bite of it. "Arishino karmnggrgn mmpharinit!"

Zeke tilted his head and whined. "Ms. Cammy I don't understand!"

Cammy swallowed and laughed as she reached up and poked his nose.

"Just call me Cammy okay?"

"O-okay Cammy." Zeke smiled as he lowered his head, gently licking her right ear and smiling. "A-anything you want."

"Here, have the rest." She giggled as she held up the remaining half of the banana, giggling as Zeke gently took it out of her paw, peel and all, and gulped it down, blushing as he looked down at her.

So Zeke doesn't chew either... Am I the only one that does!?! But then again, Zeke is a wolf, and it's natural for him to swallow his food whole. His ancestors had to gorge themselves when they hunted in packs because they didn't know when they'd be able to eat again, so it's bred into him to eat and eat and eat and never chew or stop. But it's not bred into Cammy or Electra...

"B-bananas are so slippery... They go down so smoothly... I love them..." Zeke said as he blushed a little, looking down at the ground.

"Yeah, they are..." Cammy giggled as she peeled one completely, walking over to me and turning around so that she was facing Zeke. I watched as she dragged the peeled banana over Zeke's nose, and down to his mouth, giggling as she dragged it lower and lower. I couldn't see what she was doing since her back was turned to me, and I only got a clue of what she could possibly be doing when she suddenly lifted her tail, and I heard her sigh. I heard her mumble that the bananas were slippery again as she raised her tail straight up, and I could see Zeke blushing a dark red as he stared. I stared too for a couple seconds, wondering what she could possibly be doing until I caught a glimpse of something in my peripheral vision. Something pink... It was Zeke's penis, and I couldn't help but watch as it slid out of its sheath. Looking away, I focused on Cammy again as she squatted down and squeaked, my ears perking up as I heard a squish.

"Cammy what the hell?" I asked as I walked over to the front of her, my ears perking straight up as I turned around and looked at her. There she stood, squatted all the way down as if she were going to pee. Her left paw rested on Zeke's nose as her right paw held the peeled banana, except she had three quarters of it in her vagina.

"Wow..." I mumbled as she gave it a little push, and it disappeared completely inside her, a little squish echoing as she pushed a finger into her vagina and eased the banana deeper and deeper inside her, until it disappeared from view, and she pulled her finger out, standing up as she dragged her wet finger over Zeke's nose. Almost immediately, Zeke began licking it like it was the best thing in the world, his tongue lapping in and out of his mouth a hundred miles per hour as he vigorously lapped at her finger.

I blushed and stared at her as my own member began to emerge from its sheath, and I turned around, picking up the rest of the bananas.

"This is getting awkward again..." I said as I pulled off a banana and stared at it, frowning. "Are there at least apples here or what..." I mumbled as I peeled the banana and took a bite.

"Well I don't know." Zeke said as he squinted. "There are some across the lake up ahead. We have to cross it anyway, so we might as well hurry up." he said as he lay down on his belly. "Hop on!"

"No I'm fine..." I mumbled as I just stood there, sighing. "Really, I'm fine..."

"Zeke you're awesome." Cammy giggled as she walked up to his face and lifted her right leg, closing her eyes halfway as she pressed her crotch against his mouth. I watched as the banana slowly emerged out of her vagina, and she pushed it into Zeke's mouth. Zeke wasted no time as he snatched it up with his mouth and gulped it right down, his tongue vigorously lapping over her sex as he cleaned up the moisture that remained around her vagina.

About ten seconds later, Cammy took a step back and patted Zeke's head, blushing as she wagged her tail.

"We've gotta save Electra." She said as she smiled at him.

"O-oh yeah... H-hop on Cammy!" Zeke said as his ears flicked backwards.

I watched as Cammy hopped up onto Zeke's back, and leaned over as she licked the back of his head.

"Ugh whatever..." I said as I climbed up and sat behind her, sighing.

"T-thank you Cammy!" Zeke said as he stood up, smiling. "You're awesome too! And you taste great!"

"Aww thanks." She giggled, wagging her tail and slapping me in the face with it.

"Hey..." I said as I grabbed her tail, grinning. "You just hit me..."

"Whoopsie, sorry Dallas." She giggled as she pulled her tail out of my grip. "Didn't mean to."

"Off to the lake!" Zeke said as he took off running, but this time I grabbed onto Cammy's sides before he took off, and didn't almost fall.

"Aaaaah!" Cammy squeaked as I grabbed her sides, laughing as she twisted and wiggled. "That tickles!"

"Oh, sorry..." I chuckled as I let go, leaning forward and hugging her.

"Hehe, no problem." She smiled as she pointed ahead. "We're kind of here already..."

"Almost there." Zeke said as he ran faster and faster, skidding to a sudden stop as we got to the lake, once again almost flipping us right off of him.

"Come ON ZEKE! WARN us next time!" I said as I flipped myself sideways, landing in the dirt and sighing. "You almost hurt Cammy!"

If anything was going to get him to warn us before he stopped like that, it was telling him that what he did put Cammy in danger.

"O-oh no... Please forgive me Cammy..." He said as he lowered his head, whining. "I didn't mean to..."

"Awww come on Zeke..." Cammy chuckled as she hopped down off of his back, walking over and kissing him on the nose. "I know you didn't."

"Are you mad at me?" He asked as he looked at the water, sighing.

"No I'm not mad..." She frowned as she looked around, sighing. "Not mad at all..."

"Zeke, in all honesty... What the hell happened to the tough, strong Zeke I met back at the Pokemon Center?" I asked as I walked over to him and poked his side.

"It got lost in Cammy's beautiful eyes..." He said as he lay down on his belly and rested his head on his paws, sighing. "Lost in her beauty... And besides, I don't have to act serious here because all we're doing is walking. We're not in danger, so I can act carefree until we are." He smiled.

"Awww come here you..." Cammy said, grinning as she walked over to him, picking up his head and planting a huge kiss right on his mouth. Zeke's eyes went wide as she kissed him, and his tail went up. I let them kiss for another couple seconds before I walked over to them and grabbed Cammy around the middle, tugging her backwards and away from Zeke.

"Okay, fun's over for now." I laughed as I let go of Cammy. "How do we get across? I mean, I see nothing but water... This seems like an ocean if you ask me..."

"Well it's not, because it's fresh water..." Cammy frowned. "And there's supposed to be a boat right here somewhere..."

"Well it's kind of getting dark, so why don't we find a place to sleep for the night?" Zeke chuckled as he stood up, looking around. "We can find it in the morning. Besides, it's not going to be easy for us to go out on water in the dark."

"Well maybe not for you, but WE can see in the dark." Cammy giggled as she looked up at the sky. "But yes, it IS getting kind of dark out... I mean, the sun is really low in the sky and stuff..." she giggled.

"Well why don't we cross, then call it a night?" I said as I pointed to the left. "The boat is right there..."

"OH!" Cammy said as she walked over to it, pulling it out of the bushes and giggling. "It's too small to hold us all though..."

"Well there's another over there..." I said as I pointed to the left a little, frowning. "So there's two... Zeke can take one and we can take another one..."

"Yeah but how is Zeke going to get to the other side? He can't hold stuff in his paws or anything." She frowned.

"Good point... Well is there like, one of those things on the back that make it move fast?" I asked as I looked around, frowning.

"Nope, those kinds stay in the water all the time." She sighed. "I'll have to go with Zeke so I can paddle for him..."

"YAY!" Zeke shouted as he hopped into the boat, spinning around in circles. "Cammy gets to go with MEEEEEE!!!!!"

"Whoa there, I'M going with Zeke." I said as I pulled on the boat. "Get out."

"Awwww..." Zeke whined as he stepped out of the boat, looking at Cammy and whining.

"It's okay Zeke..." She giggled as she walked over and hugged one of his legs, giggling as she wagged her tail. "We'll do stuff when we get over there. Meet you there!" She said as she pushed the boat into the water and hopped in.

"Awww... She's gone..." He frowned as he looked down, but quickly looked up ad I pushed the boat into the water and hopped in. He barked as he leaped into it, wobbling around before laying down, sighing. "I can't move around that much in here or it will tip over..."

"Exactly, so please don't." I said as I stuck my tail in the water and moved it left and right, using the flatness of my tail as a paddle, pushing us along the water. "At least we still have SOME light to work off of..."

"I miss Cammy..." Zeke whined as he closed his eyes.

"Are you KIDDING me..." I said as I paddled faster, using my paws too now. "You've only been away from her for like, a minute! Not even!" I said as I stopped paddling, sniffing the air. "Do you smell that?"

Zeke sniffed and shook his head. "No... I don't smell anything, why?"

"Must be just me I guess..." I frowned as I looked into the water, bringing my tail inside the boat as it began shaking.

"What the heck..." Zeke said as he sat up, looking into the water. "There's a current carrying us!"

"No really..." I said as I looked around, grinning. "And it's taking us the right way too..."

"WOOOO CAMMY LOOK AT US!" Zeke said as he waved one of his paws in the air, laughing as we zoomed right past Cammy.

"What the heck... Why isn't SHE moving like that then?" I asked myself as I dragged my paw in the water, frowning as the shore came into view. "Well it doesn't really matter I guess, because we're almost there..." I said loudly as we suddenly stopped, the acceleration coming to a halt. I could tell we were just moving with the inertia now, because our speed was gradually decreasing as we got closer and closer to the shore.

"What the hell was that..." I asked as I looked backwards, frowning as I didn't see Cammy anywhere. "I wonder, if we go back if it'll push against me..."

"Probably. I mean, it's a current, so..." Zeke frowned as he leaned over the side and began lapping up water out of the lake.

"Plop plop plop clunk, plop plop clunk plop, sploosh plop plop plop..."

"Zeke you drink so loudly..." I said as I poked his side, laughing. "Why do you plop your tongue into the water so loudly like that..."

Zeke looked at me as he licked water off of his chin, chuckling. "That's just how I drink... My tongue is huge!"

"Well I can SEE that! Jeez Cammy was right!" I laughed as I poked his nose. "Eew you got drool on me..." I giggled as I wiped it on my belly, not really caring.

"Well you poked me!" He laughed.

"I know, hehe, why don't we just go to the shore now..." I said as I stuck my tail in the water, frowning as we were facing sideways now.

"Wow, we're like, drifting... A lot..." I frowned.

"Yeah..." Zeke laughed. "Go sideways a little..."

"Okay..." I said as I began wagging my tail in the water, the boat moving forward a little. "I wonder where Cammy is anyway..." I said as I perked my ears up, hearing something moving around in the water to the left.

"COMING IN HOT!" Cammy laughed as she slammed into the side of our boat, tipping it over and sending us flying into the water. Laughing, she jumped in next to us and hugged me, giggling.

"Cammy what the heck..." I laughed as I hugged her back, quickly letting go so I could tread water.

"Heyyy, I warned you!" She laughed as she began swimming toward the shore.

"You said coming in hot... How the heck does... Ohhhhh I get it..." I said as I climbed into her boat, paddling with my tail as I got closer and closer to her.

"Coming in cold!" I laughed as I bumped into her, then hopped out of the boat onto the shore, laughing.

"There you go! Hehe." She laughed as she pushed me playfully.

"So coming in hot is like, when you're going fast, and cold is when you're going slow..." Zeke said, frowning.

"Something like that." Cammy giggled as she took my paw and tugged on it. "Come on! I know where we can rest for the night!"

"Err okay..." I said as I followed her, giggling as we went into the woods. With the thick leaves of the trees overhead, it just made it that much darker.

"Here we go!" She giggled as she ran up to what appeared to be a cabin. "Team Onyx used to use this but doesn't anymore. There's beds in it and everything!" She giggled as she opened the door and ran inside.

"Um, okay..." I frowned as I walked inside, almost getting trampled by Zeke as he ran inside right over me. Laughing, I shut the door and looked around, frowning as the place was covered in nothing but mattresses, making the place one huge bed. There were blankets and pillows scattered everywhere, and there were no recent scents of any humans or Pokemon, so I could tell that this place hadn't been occupied in a while. As soon as I stepped onto a mattress, I flopped onto my back and sighed, feeling the comfortable feeling of soft blankets underneath me. I almost immediately felt tired as I lay there for not even half a minute yet. I guess now that I finally have the chance to relax, my fatigue has gotten a chance to catch up with me or something like that.

"Oh WOW I'm tired..." I said as I sat up, yawning. "And I didn't even know it..."

Looking left, then right, I frowned as I didn't see Zeke OR Cammy anywhere. Sighing, I stood up and walked across the mattresses until I heard a sound, something I recognized as Zeke growling. Making a face, I followed it into one of the rooms, where I saw Cammy laying there on her back. Zeke was ontop of her, and they were making out. Zeke was growling for some unknown reason, and when they saw me, they stopped, and just stared at me, before continuing as if I wasn't even there. Zeke's member was fully out of its sheath, and amazingly it was large enough to touch Cammy's lower belly from the position they were in. I watched as he squatted a little, slowly easing his way forward as he pushed his way inside of her.

"Um... If you're going to do that... Just keep it down okay?" I sighed as I walked out of the room, bouncing across the mattresses as I headed to the other side of the main room of the cabin, flopping onto my belly and sighing as I rolled onto my side and curled up, closing my eyes.

I wonder what Electra's sleeping on... It's probably nothing like these beds... I thought as I drifted off to sleep, my tail curling around me as I fell asleep.

--END Chapter Twenty Seven.--