Chapter Twenty One - Dallas Is Back!

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#21 of Part Two - Dallas, Electra, And The Fight Against Team Onyx

WARNING: Once again, I have been asked to do a vivid mating scene. And not just by one person either. I was planning to do it sometime later, but ironically it fits HERE. So I'm going to put it here, rather than where I'd planned. I might however, do them both. This is, however, only my SECOND time doing this, so again, it might not be too good. HOWEVER... I did NOT read over the first one I did in the last story, on chapter 30. If I had, it would have been a lot better. I am NOT going to make that mistake this time. I WILL read over it and revise it, add in as much detail as I can, you know, that sort of stuff. So yes, this one is going to be a lot better than the first one. However, since I'm going to perfect it and all, it will take a bit longer for me to release the chapter. Of course you're not going to see this message until I upload the chapter anyway, so, this is sort of an explanation as to why it took so long.

This is just a warning to let you all know that this chapter is going to contain adult content, blah blah blah. Skip past if if you don't want to see it. It's going to start somewhere in the middle of the chapter.



"Okay, this room is big..." Electra said as she looked down the hall.

"This is a hallway..." Cameron said as he picked me up, sighing. "And I have no idea where we are..."

"Maybe we go to the place that has electric types like we did before." I said as I looked up at Cameron, who smiled at me.

"Well I don't see it..." He said.

"Is there a map or something?" Electra asked. "Or... A way we can just get the hell out of here and like, join another colony or something?"

"A colony?" Cameron asked.

"It's a big group of Pikachu that live together." Electra said.

"Oh." Cameron laughed. "Um... Maybe if we take the elevator we'll find where we're supposed to go..." he said as he walked up and pushed the button.

"Or maybe we'll just wander around end never find it." Electra said. "Because I know that's what you're thinking."

"Smarty." Cameron laughed as we got into the elevator.

"Wow, lots of buttons..." Electra said, laughing.

"Oh look, we're not lost..." Cameron said. "There's a button for each Pokemon type... Ha, I knew we'd be fine if we got in here. This is the ground floor so it's the ground type floor... Besides the cafeteria... The top floor is the flying types floor... Um... Where the heck is electric?" He asked.

"This one." Electra said as she hopped up and pushed a button on the wall.

"How do you know?" Cameron asked.

"Well for one, there's a lightning bolt on it, and there's also a nine." She said.

"Okay the nine has nothing to do with it." Cameron said.

"But the lightning bolt does." I laughed. "I didn't even see it."

"You weren't looking." Electra said. "It's not hard to miss if you look at the buttons..."

"Well... We've got it now so it doesn't matter." Cameron said as the doors opened. "And... That was kind of fast..."

"That was really fast." She said as she dashed out of the elevator, followed by Cameron. "And it's a big elevator too..."

"Well this is special." I said as I looked around. "NOW where are we?"

"I don't care, we're in the electric type floor so no matter where we are we're in the right place." Cameron said.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Electra said. "And besides. If all these humans want to constantly kiss my ass then I guess we've got some serious privileges." She said.

"Well everyone is afraid to fight me because I'm like, really strong and stuff..." I said as I wiggled a little in Cameron's arms. "I mean... People fight legendaries to catch them, and they're strong too..." I said.

"Yeah but you're a billion times stronger." Electra said. "And I'm probably only a thousand times stronger." She laughed.

"Well a thousand is still a lot..." I said.

"Compared to a billion?" She laughed. "Not at all! That makes you... A million times stronger than I am." She laughed.

"Well..." I said, laughing. "I meant compared to normal Pokemon."

"I'm sure there are more out there like you two." Cameron said.

"Yeah, right." Electra laughed. "A Pidgeoto threatened to eat me a while back, and I laughed at it. So it swooped down and tried to pick me up. And I let it, because I knew it couldn't. And you know what I did? I thunderbolted it, immobilized it. Then I ate IT." She laughed. "The food chain doesn't apply to me. I eat all and am eaten by none." She laughed.

"Well... I guess when it comes to you guys there really isn't really... Anyone like you..." Cameron sighed. "And I'm really lucky to have you two..."

"Well we've got a serious fight to prepare for." Electra laughed.

"Well let's just go into a room." Cameron said. "Maybe you two can battle someone."

"As long as I get to eat them afterward..." Electra mumbled.

"Eat them?" Cameron asked. "You can't eat the trainer's Pokemon..."

"Yes I can, and I've done it before. It's an automatic win." She laughed.

"Well... I'm not stopping you if you do, but I-"

"Darn right you're not!" She laughed. "Kevin already tried that with that annoying Furret..." She growled. "And then he fed me something weird and... Whatever." She said. "I just need a good fight. Something big to go against." she grinned as she folded her arms. "Like a... Zekrom or something." She said.

"Zekrom huh..." Cameron laughed. "If you ask me, Dallas should be Zekrom. Because Dallas has way more electricity than Zekrom does... Dallas is the king of lightning if you ask me." He said.

"Plus he can fly too, so Zekrom doesn't have an advantage at all." Electra said.

"Wait he can fly?" Cameron asked.

"I can fly?" I asked as I tilted my head. "How?"

"I don't know, you just think about flying or something." She said. "Picture yourself in the air..."

"Ugh..." I mumbled. "That doesn't make sense..."

"Holy shit..." She sighed as she grabbed me, shaking me. "I want the old Dallas back! Come ON! You HAVE to remember SOMETHING!" She shouted.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as I hugged her. "But I like you... I can't put my paw on it, but something about you just... Draws me closer..." I said, smiling as I wagged my tail.

"Ugh..." She said as she hugged me back, sighing as she looked into my eyes. "Come on Dallas... I love you, you're like... The only mate I've ever had, and you're perfect... WE'RE perfect... How can you look into these eyes and say you don't remember?" She asked as she stared at me.

As I looked into her eyes, I saw something... It wasn't just her eyes I was looking at... She was staring at me in such a way, that I almost felt... Intimidated by her... I felt that her stare was eating away at my defence somehow...

"U-um..." I mumbled as I looked down, sighing. "I'm sorry... But I just don't know what you're talking about..." I sighed.

I really didn't know what she meant. She knew so much about me, there was no way we'd just met at the Pokemon Center for the first time... She's told me things about myself that I didn't even know, so we must have known each other very well...

I sighed as I closed my eyes, and attempted to picture us together in the woods or something, but I just couldn't. I don't remember her at all... But... She remembers ME just fine... Everyone says she was my mate... But... I don't remember her at all... She however, also says she's my mate, and... Well she just KNOWS me! And not only that, but... I think I really like her... She HAD to have been my mate at some point... And we must have been really compatible, because... Well, even though I don't know her, I still like her...

But... If she WAS my mate before... Then how the hell could I forget her? What in the world would make me forget my own mate?

"Okay, so..." I said as I looked her in the eye, sighing. "We're mates... Right?" I asked.

"Yes.... We are..." She said, smiling. "Do you... Remember?" She asked.

"No." I said, sighing. "But... The logic behind what the humans say... And how much you know about me... Tells me that you had to have been, at one point, my mate... Now I don't know what could have driven me to forget you, but... I like you enough to accept the fact that we're mates. I mean... I like you... And even if no one had said anything, I probably would have... Asked you anyway..." I said as I hugged her. "But... From now on we're mates... Again... Electra." I smiled as I wagged my tail. "And now that that part is out of the way, and back to normal I guess... What else don't I know?" I asked.

"Everything apparently." She said. "There's got to be a way that I can refresh your memory...." She sighed. "Cameron, can you like, go somewhere? Do something else?" Electra asked. "I need some time alone with Dallas..."

"That's fine." Cameron smiled. "I'll just go back to the cafeteria."

"Yeah, go." She said as she took my paw and lead e down the hallway.

"Well... I don't know what to do." She said as she lead me around the corner.

"Um..." I said as I stopped walking, frowning as I looked down the hallway. "Is this like... T-"

"It's orgy hall apparently..." She said as she looked at me.

Up ahead, there were about ten couples making out against the walls of the hallway. They were all humans too, just standing there and going at it. They were like, sucking eachother's faces and feeling all around each other... It looked so weird...

"Well then..." She said as she lead me about halfway down the hall, before turning around and looking back at the humans. "They seem to be having a good time..." She said.

"They're like... Getting so into it..." I said as I turned around. "It's weird..."

"For them it is." Electra said as she pushed me up against the wall, grinning as she rubbed her nose against mine. "But for us... It's not." She said as she gently licked my nose. "I think I know how to jog your memory." She grinned.

"Oh yeah? And just how are you going to do that?" I asked as I put my arms around her, smiling.

"That's something I think you already know the answer to." She chuckled as she once again rubbed her nose against mine.

"We're going to mate?" I asked. "But... How is that going to-"

"Shhhhh..." She said as she pressed her mouth against mine, purring softly as she looked me in the eye.

"You said we were mates... And mates mate." She said as she pushed her tongue into my mouth.

I closed my eyes, hugging her tightly as I sucked on it. It tasted like... Lemons... And lemons are one of my favorite fruits.

"You taste... Lemony..." I said as I pulled away, smiling.

"I know..." She said as she leaned against me, purring as she rubbed her cheek against mine. "How can you not remember..."

"Remember what?" I asked as I hugged her, smiling.

"Everything..." She said as she licked my nose. "Mainly us... I mean, it's not an easy thing to forget..." She said. "Mewthree must have done something..."

"I still don't know what that is." I laughed.

"Well... The closer we get, the more of a chance I have at restoring your memory, or at least some of it..." She said. "Even if I only manage to get the memories of just ME back... That'll be fine..." She said as she rubbed her belly against mine, purring as she nuzzled me. "I'm going to show you how much you loved me..." She said as she nuzzled my neck. "You just wait..." She grinned.

"For what?" I asked as I placed my paw on her head, smiling.

"You used to feed me while we mated... It made it so much better... And it made you want to mate even more..." She said. "How do you not remember..."

"Well... Maybe if you somehow recreate the situation... Then I'll remember..." I said, frowning.

"Then recreate we shall." She said as she grabbed my paw and pulled me off of the wall. "Let's go to a place that there's food." she said. "I know this is going to work..."

"What if it doesn't?" I asked.

"Well then we find another way." She said.

"Well okay." I said as I followed her down the hall. "Those human creep me out..."

"I'm sure they do." She said. "Crept me out too."

"Well where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"Into that room." She said, smiling as she hopped up and pushed the elevator button. "The one with the icky food."

"Well why would I want icky food?" I asked as I tilted my head.

"There's other stuff too." She said, smiling as the elevator all the way to the right opened, and we walked over to it and stepped in. I watched as Electra hopped up and pushed a button, and I sat down.

"Well, what other stuff?" I asked as we began moving down.

"Stuff..." She said. "I don't know."

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I sighed.

"I hope so..." She said as she leaned against me. "I mean... I have to at least remind you of how close we were... We used to literally want to do anything we could to protect each other." She said.

"Well that seems a bit...-"

"A bit like we both cared a lot? Exactly." She interrupted. "And we did. You're like, everything to me..." She said as she looked down. "It may not seem like it... but under all this meanie 'Chu, there are feelings... And most of them are for you..." she said as we stepped out of the elevator. "Now... Let's go." She said as she took my paw, smiling as we walked toward the cafeteria.

"I thought all your feelings were anger and hunger..." I said. "And all the other ones went toward me..." I said. "All the nice feelings like love and stuff..."

"Pretty much. Although hunger sometimes goes to you too." She laughed. "Anyhow, where is that room?" She asked. "I don't see the counter..."

"Maybe we came in a different way." I said, shrugging.

"Ah whatever. Let's just check the tabl-"

"Right there." I said as I pointed across the room, smiling. "There's the place."

"What the..." Electra mumbled as shs made her way over to it, laughing. "All the way over here..."

"How do we get in?" I asked.

"Jump over." She said as she hopped up onto the counter, then hopped down onto the other side.

"Err, okay..." I said as I followed her, hopping up and jumping down at the other side, only to be literally tackled by Electra as she pointed to the counter.

"Look..." She chuckled as she stood up. "There..."

On the other side of the food counter, there were shelves with yogurt and fruits on them. Of course I didn't know what the yogurts were, so I just focused on the fruits.

"Apples?" I asked as I tilted my head.

"You used to... Nevermind." She said as she licked my cheek. "We're behind something... No one will be able to see us here..." Electra grinned as she helped me to my feet, wagging her tail.

"Okay, soooo..." I said as I played with my paws nervously.

"Well you used to kind of... Gimme stuff." She said as she looked down.

"What?" I asked as I tilted my head. "Give you what?"

"Food..." She said. "Because you wanted me to eat... Because you liked watching me..." She said.

"Well... I DO like watching you..." I said, smiling. "Eat..."

"I know you do." She laughed. "And I still don't understand why..."

"I think.. I love you..." I said as I picked an apple off of the shelf, smiling.

I didn't know why I had so many feelings for Electra all of a sudden. Maybe it was the kiss that brought me to my senses, made me realize how much I really loved her... But... I liked her before it, and it wasn't really much of a kiss anyway... I think the only reason we did it was because those humans were doing it too... It didn't really mean anything... Right?

Well to me it did. To me, that kiss destroyed the barrier of friendship, and allowed me access to the next level, a relationship. But not only I passed this imaginary barrier. My feelings did too. That kiss told me that she truly saw me as a mate, and not just a friend. I guess becau-

"Dallas..." Electra sighed as she grabbed my right paw. "Please don't spend hours thinking like you used to... I mean, I know you want your memory back, and so do I, but wasting time isn't the way to do it." She said.

"Actually I was thinking about... How much I like you..." I said as I held out the apple. "Here... You can have it..."

"Awwww... Now I feel like an ass..." She said as she took the apple, smiling as she leaned against me, rubbing her head against my belly. "I'm sorry Dallas."

"No no, I understand how just standing here for a while can get annoying, it's my fault." I smiled.

"Well..." She said as she licked the side of the apple, smiling. "Thanks..."

"For what?" I laughed.

"The apple silly!" She said as she stuffed it into her mouth.

"Oh... You're welcome I guess." I smiled as I watched her swallow it. I shivered as I watched it go down, my tail subconsciously wagging behind me as I stared at her.

"How do you...?" I asked as I hugged her. "Do that..."

"Well." She smiled. "I just do..."

"Um... How much CAN you eat?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Well I don't know." She laughed. "It seems weird telling you all this because just a day ago you knew it all, but... I'm unaware of my limit..." She said. "I just eat and eat and eat and never get full... Whether I eat little or eat a lot, it doesn't make a difference... I know I told you I'd cut back because it doesn't help anything, but every human here knows me as the "Devourer of all." Or whatever. So I'm living up to that title." She said. "If they all recognize me by the way I eat, then I'm not holding back." She said.

"But if you... Eat all that... Then..." I said as I looked down nervously. "How do you..."

"What?" Electra asked.

"Well..." I said, looking down at I took a deep breath. "How much do you..."

Electra tilted her head as she stared at me, confused.

"Pee?" She asked.

"Well yeah..." I said as I looked at her. "That stuff..."

"Well that's just it. All I do is pee..." She said. "And a lot." She laughed. "I use those things that humans go in because they never seem to fill up..." She said, laughing. "You know, those glass bowls they all use the bathroom in... Otherwise, when I go outside, I have to go while I'm swimming in a lake or something, or else I wind up creating a lake of my own..." She laughed as she looked down. "Yes, it's THAT much... Especially since I don't have to go for several weeks..." She said, laughing. "But when do... It's a lot." She chuckled.

"Well what about..." I asked as I blushed a little, my tail's wagging ceasing as I looked her in the eye. "What about... p-"

"Nope. I only pee." She said. "I know what you're about to say." She laughed. "Yeah. I never do that. I don't think I ever have in my entire life to be honest..." She smiled. "Oooooonly pee."

"Oh..." I said as I played with my paws, nervously fiddling with my fingers. "That's pretty... Cool..." I said. "I li-"

"I know." She laughed. "Come on Dallas, you're forgetting that I know everything about you!" She laughed. "I know you like it when I pee and stuff!" She said as she poked my belly. "And I also know, that since you can fly, you wanted me to eat you at some point so you can fly around inside my belly and see what it's like." She laughed as she rubbed her cheek against mine.

"T-that's crazy..." I said as I looked down, blushing.

If I could really fly... Then that would be like, amazing! I mean, I-"

"Heheh..." She chuckled as she hugged me gently. "I know everything..." She said. "I just don't understand how you FORGOT..."

"Well..." I said, sighing. "Maybe if..."

"Yeah yeah I know." She said as she rested her right paw on my lower back, smiling. "Mate, I know..." she sighed.

"Well... I was going to say walk in a place I used to know, but that works too..." I smiled as I flashed her an awkward smile.

"Oh hush!" She laughed as she pushed me over, giggling as she flopped down ontop of me. She giggled as she put her arms around me, purring softly as she lowered her face to mine and kissed me. It wasn't the same as last time however. This time, it wasn't rushed, and it began as a normal kiss. I however, was the first to introduce my tongue into the kiss this time, and I think it caught Electra by surprise, because she'd perked her ears up and almost pulled away. When we did however, pull away, she tilted her head as she stared at me.

"What... Was that?" She asked.

"What was what?" I asked as I tilted my head in the same direction.

"You just... Dove into it... I thought you'd be nervous and stuff..." She said as she looked into my eyes.

"Well... You just dove right into it back there in the hallway!" I said. "And I didn't know what to do back there either!"

"True." She said, smiling as she licked my cheek. "So I guess you're not nervous at all huh?" She laughed.

"Well... That's not exactly what I meant..." I said. "I only did it because I thought you'd like it." I said nervously.

"Sure ya did." She laughed as she rolled over onto her back. "Come on, you're sitting here bragging about how much you like me and then come up with that silly excuse? Heh!" She laughed.

"Okay fine you taste good. There I said it." I said as I sat up, folding my arms.

"That all?" She asked as she sat up, smiling at me. "Well... And you're soft... And stuff... And I like you. You already know that!" I said.

"Well I wanted to hear you say it." She laughed as she stood up, wagging her tail. "Now are we going to mate or not?"

"Well yes..." I said as I stood up, smiling. "But how is mating going to make me remember things?"

"I don't know, you suggested it." She said.

"No you did." I said, laughing.

"It doesn't hurt to try it, now shush." She laughed as she pulled me into a tight hug, wagging her tail as she let go. "Come on."

I watched as she lay down in front of me, rolling onto her back and smiling as she held her paws up in the air. Her tail flopped over on the ground every couple of seconds, and it took me a little while before I finally dropped down onto all fours. But when I did she placed her paws on my sides, and I just stood there. Not because I didn't want to mate with her, but... I simply didn't know what to do. Not only that, but I was terribly nervous. So I stood there for a good minute or two staring at her belly with my tail hanging between my legs. It wasn't until I looked away that she finally said something.

"Dallas... What are you doing..." She asked calmly as she stared up at me.

"M-mating..." I mumbled as I looked up at the wall.

"No you're not... You're just standing there..." She said. "And you're not even... Ready..." She said as she glanced underneath me. "What's going on?"

"N-nothing..." I said as I blushed nervously, refusing to lose the staring contest I was having with the wall as Electra sighed.

"Dallas there's something wrong... Just tell me..." She said as she lowered her paws to the ground. "Is it me?" She asked.

"N-no!" I said as I looked down at her. "It's not you!"

"Then what is it?" She asked calmly.

"It's..." I said as I stood up, my cheeks underneath my fur darkening to a crimson red as I spoke. "I-it's me..."

"You? How?" She asked.

"W-well..." I said as I took a deep breath, my tail slowly swaying behind me as I stared down at her. I could feel the pads of my footpaws, and the palms of my handpaws begin to moisten with sweat as I thought of a way to word this. I was so nervous. What would she think if I said it? Would she not want to mate anymore?

"Electra it's my first time and I don't know what to do!" I blurted out as I covered my face with my paws, whining nervously. "There I said it!" I said as I turned around, my cheeks bright red as I closed my eyes, holding my breath as I awaited her response.

"Dallas..." She sighed as she stood up. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about... I mean, sure you've forgotten a ton of stuff, but... This... This is a ton more than I thought!" She said.

"You're not making it any better!" I said as I lowered my paws, staring sown at the floor.

"Well I'm not making it any worse... Am I?" She asked, tilting her head as she stared at me. "Can you at least turn around and look at me?"

"Y-you're not making it any worse..." I said as I turned around, slowly looking up at her as she stepped forward and hugged me.

"Come on Dallas... It's nothing to be afraid of... I remember our first time, it... Was kind of like this, but you were ready back then... I mean, I thought you were ready now too..."

"Well if you did the same things back then and I wasn't ready back then then what makes you think I'd be ready when you did it this time?" I asked.

"Well for one, as soon as we got in here you demolished me in a game of tonsil hockey..." she laughed. "And then you SAID you were ready..." She said. "An-"

"Okay okay!" I said as I shook my head, whining. "I WAS ready! But now that I think about it and how I'm going to do it I'm terribly nervous!" I whined. "I don't know what to do!"

"Well you just... Mate..." She said.

"That doesn't help..." I mumbled.

"Well... We don't have to mate if you don't want to..." She said calmly as she placed her right paw on my left shoulder.

"Y-you mean it?" I asked. "I don't want to disappoint you and stuff..." I said.

"Nono, it's fine..." She laughed. "We can do it when you're ready..."

"Oh thank you Electra!" I said as I went to hug her, only to be pushed onto my back. "AH! W-what are you doing?" I asked as she sat down on my belly.

"Seducing you." She said as she scooted forward, wagging her tail as she stared down at me. "If you're not going to do it, then I am."

"B-bit I thought you said we weren't going to mate!" I whined.

"I did not say that." She grinned. "I said we didn't HAVE to mate. I never said we weren't going to." She laughed.

"Electraaaaa!" I whined as I wiggled underneath her. "I'm not ready!"

"The move attract says otherwise." She said as she stared at me, grinning.

"You wouldn't..." I said as I stared back in disbelief.

"I would." She chuckled as she wagged her tail.

"Ohhhh... You're so..."

"Assertive?" She asked, grinning. "I know..."

"Well I was going to say something else... But okay..." I said as I smiled at her, attempting to change the subject.

"Eh whatever." She said as she raised her tail, grinning as she folded her arms. "I'll get you ready, you just watch..."

"Wait what are you doing?" I asked nervously as I stared at her. But not just at her face. I was secretly glancing at her vagina in my peripherals. I wasn't ready yet, and I was extremely nervous, yet the way she was sitting on me, the way she was... Showing herself off... It was pretty intimidating to tell the truth.

"I'm going to pee on ya." She said as she stuck her tongue out. "Because y-"

"Noooo!" I whined as I wiggled underneath her. "That's not fair!"

"What's not fair?" She asked.

"You're cheating! You're forcing me to do something I don't wanna do!" I whined.

"That's a lie." She laughed. "You WANT to do this. You're just too nervous to do it yourself. So I'm going to." She said.

I had to admit it. She was right. I WANTED to mate, I really did, but I was afraid that, with my lack of experience, I'd disappoint her. Maybe even bore her. And a boring mating session is never a good one. Not to mention the embarrassment I'd get from it all. Dallas the all-powerful Pikachu doesn't know how to mate. Now how do you think that'll make me look? Not very good!

"I'm right and you know it." She grinned. "Come on Dallas... Don't fight it." She chuckled as she scooted up a little more. "You waaant it..."

"Use attract and I'll kill you." I growled.

"No you won't." She laughed. "You're just saying that because you're afraid."

"So what!?" I squeaked out. "I'm not ready!"

"But you are." She said as she trailed her right paw behind her, giggling as it rested on my lower belly. "You're ready, and I know you are."

"I-I'm not..." I said as I stared into her eyes.

"They were so adorable... With their shiny blue luster... And her scent.. That strong lemony scent... I would have thought that it was her scent that was luring me in the most, until I realized she was about to use attract, and I desperately attempted to break eye contact.

I whined softly as I forced myself to look down and out of her gaze, only to have my own vision plastered on what was below, her vagina.

Damn she's good. She knew exactly what I was going to do... She know that I look down when I get nervous, and she's sitting like this so that I look at... Ugh! She knows me inside and out, how can I possibly avoid her?

"Electraaaaa!" I whined as I looked to the left, whining as I felt my member poke its way out of my sheath.

"Yes?" She asked as she placed her tail in front of my face, giggling as I looked up at her.

"You're... Unavoidable..." I mumbled.

"Well duh." She laughed as she placed her right paw over the tip of my member. "We're doing this... You're ready..." She chuckled.

"Ch-chaaa!" I squealed as she touched the tip of my member, a chill running through my body as her paw rested upon it. I shivered and tightened the muscles in my belly as I felt it push out more, and I looked her in the eye as she grinned down at me.

"Y-you're touching it!" I whined. "You're m-"

"Oh hush!" She laughed as she wrapped her paw around it, before giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Chuuuu..." I purred as I wiggled my left leg, my eyes closing halfway as my member fully emerged from its sheath.

"See, what'd I tell ya." She said as she gently moved her paw up and down my erect length, smiling. "I told you you were ready."

"You threatened to pee on me and used attract!" I whined.

"But it got you ready, didn't it?" She laughed as she stood up.

"Chuuu..." I whined as I placed my paws over my face.

"Oh stop it." She laughed as she took two steps backwards, smiling at me as I peeked through my fingers.

"Electra... W-wait..." I said as I held out my right paw.

"Nope, not waiting." She said as she raised her tail, positioning herself directly over my member.

My paws trembled nervously over my eyes as I struggled to keep them still, all the while peeking through my fingers.

Then, it happened. It was slow, but it happened.

I let out a soft gasp as I felt a hot wet sensation envelope the tip of my member, and I held my paws tightly over my eyes as it slowly spread down my length. It was then that I removed my paws from my face, my cheeks a bright red as I looked at her.

"Y-you..." I said as I looked down, blushing brightly as I stared at her vagina. I shivered nervously as I took in everything that was happening. I found It difficult to focus however, with the wet warmth of her insides massaging my member. Not only that, but it felt... Strange... I couldn't place my paw on it, but something didn't seem right... It felt as if there was enough room around my member to fit a million more, yet her insides were squeezing down around me... It was so strange, I didn't know what to say.

"So..." She said as she folded her arms. "You REALLY ready or what?" She asked.

"I-it all feels so strange..." I whined as I rested my head on the floor and looked straight up at the ceiling. "It's so... Awkward."

"No it's not." She purred as she laid down, smiling as she gently kisses my nose. "It's normal... You're just not used to it. When, and IF you get your memory back however, you'll know exactly what to do." She said, smiling as she put her arms around me.

"B-but..." I said as I returned the hug, letting out a soft whine. "F-fine... I'm ready..." I said as I placed my right paw as far down on her back as I could reach, which was just behind the second brown stripe.

"Oh come on..." She growled as she looked up. "Dude get out."

"W-what? What's going on?" I asked as I perked my ears up.

With all my nervousness and anxiety I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings, other than Electra, who was literally surrounding me...

"W-who's in here! Go away!" I whined.

I turned my head to see a Pikachu, a male walk in.

"I've been looking everywhere for you two." He said as he fiddled with something in his paws. "Jeez." He sighed. "This might be a bad time to do this, but I don't care." He said.

"Do what? How did you get out?" She asked as she stared at the Pikachu.

"Ask questions later, you're busy." He said as he threw the thing he had in his paw onto the floor, as if bouncing a ball. "Bye." He said as it exploded with a small "Pof!", which threw a fine red power all over the room. It disappeared however, as it touched the floor. Leaving no trace of red at all.

However, as the thing exploded, it caught me by surprise, and since I was already all tense and nervous, I gasped out loud, and inhaled a nice mouthful of the powdery substance.

As soon as I exhaled, I began to feel tingly all over. I almost felt... Dizzy... This intense feeling washed over my body, a feeling of numbness, a feeling of... Lifelessness... I felt like I was fainting. However, as I stared up at Electra, she seemed to be just fine.

"Great, what the hell did he do..." She growled as she looked me in the eye. "Dallas?"

All of a sudden, the feeling just disappeared, and a wave of nostalgia washed over me. Memories of random things began flooding into my mind. Who I was, who Electra was, what my goal was, who Mewthree and Cammy were, even Ben. All of these memories just flooded into my mind. I stared blankly at Electra for about a minute until it all faded, and I blinked, staring down at her vagina as I took in what was happening now. Somehow, I was able to maintain an erection throughout all of that.

I, the real me, was back.

"Dallas... Are you okay?" She asked.

All of a sudden, that feeling of nervous submissiveness melted away, and a feeling of courageous, hormone driven dominance took its place.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Oh I'm more than okay..." I chuckled as I flipped her over. "I'm back." I grinned as I lay there ontop of her, my member still buried deep inside her as I slowly began rocking my hips back and forth...

--END Chapter Twenty One.--

Okay, so I didn't show us actually finishing, but hey, at least there was SOME action in this chapter. I know you're all disappointed that we didn't finish, and you're all going to say it's not enough, blah blah blah... Feel free to say just that. Leave a review or comment asking for more. You know why? Because it just might happen. Not only that, but I think I've gotten the hang of writing yiffy things... It's only my second time, and I think I did well this time. I didn't even go back and revise it. Sooo yeah. Let me know how I did! ^_^