The kobold's garden

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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And another one; kobolds seems to get in so much troubles, don't they?

Sithenys looked around him; since that blow to the back of his head, he didn't remember much about what happened to him before the accident... all he could remember was that he walking in the city, minding his own business, looking at what it could offer him... after all, he wasn't used to live in big cities, as he was born and raised in a small village...

Where was he, anyway? He wasn't in a dungeon, a house, nor anything that could really hold him against his will...

He was in a garden; the vegetation was luxuriant, gorgeous and full of life, but something seemed odd... almost as if he was being watched, or, studied from afar... but maybe it was only the concussion and the stress of getting trapped in an unknown environment that causing such a feeling to rise in him and not something else. After all, he was a proud kobold, good with traps, hit and run tactics, ranged weaponry and he wasn't a coward, just a clever fighter, not like some rumors would like to paint his kin...

He advanced through the garden; being small had advantages some time, but this time, it was working against him, for the plants were too big for him to move them. He could cut them, but he had neither weapons nor tools on him; he wasn't so surprised, since he was placed in this situation by a force greater than him... and there was no way that this force could have let him escape with ease.

There was a sweet aroma in the air; with the number of flowers and exotics plants around him, the fragrance of each plant were mixed together, creating a unique scent, arousing his sense and making his head spin. He tried to focus, but his mind wouldn't let him do so; it feel so good not to think about what happening around him but just to stay there, enjoying the moment and the intoxicating aroma.

He could feel something brushing against his left leg in a gentle manner; he could panic, but it wasn't something that really troubled him in the moment; after all, why should he worry? It is such a beautiful place and he was feeling so good; there was no need to panic and thus ruin the moment.

The brushing became a grip and made him fall to the ground, where he could see that a slim vine was wrapping itself up around his left leg, while other were moving toward his other leg and arms. He didn't feel like resisting; the grip, although firm, was soft and tender, as if the vines were nothing more than the multiples hands of a single lover.

He was pinned to the ground, his arms and leg spread; it felt good to be in such a position, dominated by an unknown force, with obscure plans and desire towards him. But none of these desire were malicious, he thought; he would be dead if this was the case...

He watched with amusement as more tendril launched toward him, grabbing his clothes in several locations. His clothes were made out of resistant leather, treated to resist damage and bad weather; yet, it only took a moment for the determined tendrils to tears them apart, exposing his body to the element.

He could feel the breeze on his greenish scales, the soil on his back and the vines on his flesh, still holding him. The other vines were gone, their duty done; he wondered why the plants wanted to strip him in the middle of this garden? Maybe because it felt so good and it was to make him enjoy it?

Then a lone tentacle like vine came back, bigger than the others and with a softer looking end; it twisted in the air, as if it was trying to mesmerize him, while getting ever so close to him. When he tried to focus on it, he realised that it was already gone, its movement had brought it up right near his tail hole.

He couldn't move his legs, but he could try to swat the protuberance away with his tail, but what would be the point in that? It smelled so good and made him so dizzy at the same time... at was hard to think, to focus on something else then the soft caress on his scaly hide.

The vine started to tease the flesh around his tail hole, rubbing the entrance; it didn't take long for his cock to emerge, feeling the wind on his rising member. He could feel the vine prod him, never given him the full pleasure of penetration, only the teasing. He was at the mercy of the plants, which had plans for him...

Another vine came, wrapping itself around his cock; he was scared at first that it would hurt it, but he soon realised that his fears were misplaced. The touch was delicate and experienced, stroking his length in a slow pace. The vine was wrapped tight enough to prevent orgasm, but no enough to deny the pleasure he could feel, making him growl and moan, wishing that the plants could release him so he could release him.

But it wasn't a possible thing; the vine kept the infernal pace, exploring his shaft... he bared his teeth when he felt it sounded him, the sensation of the vine going inside his cock being something that he never thought he could ever experience in his life. It was like... if a male decided to use his shaft to penetrate him instead of his tail hole; it was a feeling he couldn't really describe, but deeper the vine went, more he felt pleasure. Could it even reach the end, or would it stop it the present level? He didn't mind, as long as the pleasure was present...

He felt the other vine enter his tail hole without hesitation, cutting short to the teasing and prodding; he could swear that it was bigger than what he saw, but the thought died when it started penetrating him. He didn't care that it was a plant fucking him; he wanted it to never stop...

When another vine entered him, he gasped for a moment; he could feel the twin tentacles entering and exiting him, rubbing inside him in unison, exploring him in ways that males never did before.

His moaning was put to a halt when another vine appeared and forced itself unto his open maw, making him suck it, savoring the taste, as delicate as the scent that mesmerized him in the first place.

He could feel the vine around his cock loosen a bit; just enough for him to cum, but the plants weren't finished, going faster and deeper in him. He felt the vines came in him, savoring the sweet, exquisite taste that drenched his muzzle.

He thought the plants would now release him since their purpose was now complete, but they didn't, as they continued caressing his body. He just enough time to take a small breather before the vines started back, with the same intentions...

The view is nice, above the garden; nothing could beat enjoying watching the show that is presented, though the keeper, wondering if he should keep this new addition or should he sell him, like the last ones.

«He seems a devious little slut; it could be fun to have him around, as a personal toy; after all, a dragon does need some servants»

He chuckles as he watched Sithenys being raped by the plants over and over...

The Dragon and the cult

It was another day in the peaceful, remote kobold village of Corys, in the temperate region of Tasus. It was too far and isolated to strike interest from potential invaders; in fact, it was too small and isolated to even exist on the official maps. Of...

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