A Little Crush, part 6

Story by furcurious on SoFurry

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#6 of A Little Crush

Dogs will be dogs.

To sum up, within a matter of weeks I had spoken to my crush, gotten to hang out with him, was invited to his house, shared food and drink, had lengthy conversation, seen one another's vulnerabilities, and even briefly held hands. Oh, and I got to wear his swim briefs.

So where was I? About to have sex with a tiger I knew nothing about. In my crush's house. On my crush's couch. And where was my crush? Upstairs, in his bedroom, despondent and ashamed of himself. I look back on that night now, and two things come to mind:

First, I had less self-control than a zombie at a MENSA convention.

Second, that Victor gave me one hell of a night.

The tiger had pulled a one-eighty, going from shy and quiet to bold and commanding as soon as everyone else was out of earshot. With his left paw he fingered my nametag, holding my face close to his; with his right, he glided along the fur of my thigh, underneath the fabric of Alistair's swimwear, an inch or two from my groin.

"Victor, I..." I couldn't finish. I hadn't been touched by a man in months, and he was being about as manly as they come right then. I needed it badly. Victor needed to give it to me. My cock was poking out of my sheath now, the blood rushing out of my head and into my sex. The shorts bulged and tented from my emerging desire, the heat coming off of me in waves as I pulsed toward full erection. He still held me close, breathing his excitement but otherwise not moving, his head cocked to one side so he could watch my expanding member. My knot started to form; I put my arms around his back. Once he could see that I was fully engorged, he unfroze and went straight for my cock. I tensed in his arms as his paw firmly grasped hold of me... and then he kissed me. Not slow, passionate kisses, but the kisses of aggressive lust and magnetism. His tongue pushed apart my lips and forced its way into my mouth as he put his weight against me, making me go onto my back. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his hips, his hand still clasped around my junk. He finally let go of my tag and reached around his back to grab my wrist. He directed my hand towards his own package, tenting as well beneath his clothes.

"Take out my cock," he purred while giving me a hand job. I obeyed, lowering my other arm and unfastening the button. I tugged so hard on his zipper I thought I broke it. He had boxers on; I reached into the hole and fished out his stiffening arousal. I wrapped both hands around it and began massaging it dutifully, feeling Victor's length and girth.

After a couple minutes of this he pulled away from my upper body and took my hands off of him, tossing my arms behind my head. In one motion he slid his frame up the length of mine and positioned his prick right in front of my face at the edge of the sofa. I knew what he wanted. I opened my mouth with a smile.

I couldn't take all of Victor--it was a bad angle for deep-throating--but a deep purr rumbled from within him. He slid his meat onto my awaiting tongue, and I tasted a drop of pre. I looked up to see him staring down at me; once our eyes locked, he grinned and thrust in earnest. I held on tight to his ass while he muzzle-fucked me.

Whether it's my mouth or my ass, I never get tired of that sensation. It is endlessly rewarding having a man fill my orifice with his lust, knowing that I am the conduit that powers his eventual release. My tongued licked and encircled every inch of him as he lunged again and again into my face. I could feel my own sticky spot building in Alistair's trunks, and stuck my right paw down there to stimulate myself.

His pace began slowing until he withdrew from my muzzle in one long, slow pull, giving me time to thoroughly polish and wax his sticky dick on the way out. I flicked my tongue against the slit in his head, as a serpent would taste the air, and he shivered with delight.

He looked down at me and smirked. "You cleaned up hoping something would happen tonight, right?"

"I like to be prepared for anything," I breathed, "although you caught me by surprise."

Victor laughed but said nothing. He moved back down my body, letting his cock drag against the fur of my chest and stomach. And then he all but ripped off Alistair's shorts, tossing them out of arm's reach, leaving me naked and pinned beneath his athletic build. He grabbed the underside of my thighs and lifted them high in the air, my feet dangling inches from my face. He spit a few times onto my tensed hole, and then I felt the familiar pressure of a phallus seeking entry. I relaxed my sphincter, and he was welcomed into my depths.

He took hold of both my ankles with one paw as he steadied himself with the other. His purring became more of a growl as he fucked me. I was still jacking myself, and he divided his attention between watching me get off and watching his dick slide in and out of my hole.

After a few minutes he pulled out and let go of my ankles. He reached up and threw off his own shirt as I looked down at his raging hard-on, seeing it pulse and a bit more pre dribble from it while he partially disrobed. The cool room air hit his chiseled chest and his nipples hardened in response. I noticed they were pierced, little silver rings hanging from them. I reached up and began fondling them, and his back arched in delight.

Again he moved my hands for me, directing me to take off his pants. I pushed down as he pulled himself up off the couch, allowing them to slide off, taking his boxers with them. He got up and stood to the side of me, allowing me to marvel at his full nudity. Then he knelt down and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder like a fireman. With my ass so close to his face, Victor snuck a finger into my anus and teased it for a bit. I panted and gave a small yelp, and then he lifted me off his shoulder, spun me around, and tossed me face-down back onto the couch.

"Oooh, Victor! You're so--hmmmph!" He was already inside me.

His tempo was faster now, jackhammering my hole. He was fucking me so well, and I was still so hard, that I was made to dry hump the cushion. I fretted about it for a moment, worried about potential staining... but as he pulled out and plumbed my depths, his balls slapping against my perineum, I quickly got over it. In fact, I began bucking right along with him, reversing his motions so that when he pulled back, he pulled almost completely out as my leaking cock grinded against the couch; when he thrust forward, I leaned into him so he was as deep inside me as he could get. It felt amazing, and I was going to cum any moment.

"Mmmmm, Lex... I'm so close. Does that feel good?"

"Yes! Yes!" I cried.

"I'm going to cum soon, Lex. I'm going to breed you full of cum, and I want you to say my name."

"Yes, Victor!"

He growled. "Again!"


He lowered his chest and placed one paw around my jugular. His grip was strong, but not enough to choke me. The danger and the intensity and the smell of sex and the sound of slicked skin ramming together sent me over the edge and I began firing shots of semen all over myself and the couch.

Victor felt my hole clamp around his cock and yelled, "Yes! Say my name, Lex! Scream it!!!"

I was still cumming, panting heavily. He pulled completely out, leaving a vacuous emptiness inside me. And then he thrust with such force that I was partially lifted off the couch.

"VICTOR!!!" There was no way Alistair didn't hear that.

Thick volleys of tiger spunk filled me as Victor roared in pleasure, wrapping his arms around me and not slowing down. His creamy seed coated me from within, his continued bucking making it leak out of me, the scent of semen filling the air. He continued fucking until there was nothing left to leak from him, and then he reached beneath me, scooped up my own drying jiz, and fed it back to my hungry hole. Then he pushed his cock inside me a final time, and held me there until he was completely flaccid.

As I lied there in Victor's arms, rationale and sensibility returned to me. I became more and more concerned with what Alistair would do; with what he would say. There was no point in trying to move or throw clothes on. The smell and evidence of sex was everywhere, all over us, all over his couch... and we had both made such a racket that neighbors would have heard, were the houses of Alistair's neighbors not many hundreds of feet away. Alistair was by and large still a mystery to me; I had no idea what to expect.

I didn't have long to wait for my answer.