A Little Crush, part 7

I heard Alistair's footfalls on the stairs. I jerked towards my clothing tossed across the room, and Victor tightened his grip on me in response. The tiger was almost twice my size and muscled to the teeth; there was no way I was overpowering him....

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A Little Crush, part 6

To sum up, within a matter of weeks I had spoken to my crush, gotten to hang out with him, was invited to his house, shared food and drink, had lengthy conversation, seen one another's vulnerabilities, and even briefly held hands. Oh, and I got to...

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A Little Crush, part 5

Harold was on my right, visibly and audibly uncomfortable, clearing his throat a couple times and making the gestures to begin speech, but found appropriate words only after some diligent thinking. "Well... I guess that answers that question." ...

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A Little Crush, part 4

The pizza began to disappear as we stuffed ourselves. Most of us had two or three beers by this point, so the group was nicely buzzed. Once everyone had eaten their fill, Alistair began to clean up. I stood to help, but he placed a paw on my shoulder...

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A Little Crush, part 3

The next several minutes of my life are sort of hazy, as I was hopelessly drunk on emotion. I stood in his foyer marveling at the affluence like an open-mouthed fish, dangling from his words as he answered the questions I formulated in my half-aware...

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A Little Crush, part 2

"Are you fucking crazy, Lex?! They'll tear you apart! And I'm not talking about your asshole." Ah, Eliza. You couldn't ask for a more trustworthy, more reliable, more considerate fag hag. Unless she was stressed from pulling extra shifts, or someone...

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A Little Crush

I'm no jock--let's put that out there right now. About the only sports I play are catch-the-bus, little brother-hunting... and the occasional bout of cowboy-riding. Very occasional, I'm afraid. My point is that I'm no good at sports. Life is about...

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My Furst Tail: Conclusion

I make my way back to our room, walking right past the kitchen, inches from where the innkeeper is preparing Lorek's dinner. She neither sees nor hears me. I sit on the bed, trying not too let my emotions get the better of me, trying not to freak out....

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My Furst Tail, part 3

Sounds like he's making this easy for me. Lorek must be splashing water all over the ground. What is he doing? I open the door as silently as possible. No way am I getting caught. I'm gonna scare the crap out of him, hehehe.... I crack the washroom...

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My Furst Tail, part 2

There's no path to speak of on the route we take, so there are no highwaymen for us to forcefully retire. We were both hungry before the run-in with that ethereal spider; the unexpected expenditure of energy had left us starving. We could have hunted...

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My Furst Tail

Two days ago, we left our adventuring party-a trio of mages-for dead. They were all too typical: Thoroughly drunk with their own power, ready to throw handfuls of coin at anyone who could increase it, and too stupid to realize not every problem can be...

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Into Darkness: Icebreaker

I poke my head out of Boris, and I'm on a ship from a parallel universe. Anu's pitch black. The only visible light is coming from the hibernation pods, all of it the same shade of amber-green. It diffuses off the chrysalis lids and makes them glow...

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