The Start of Something New: 6

Story by Jango Steel on SoFurry

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#6 of the start of something new


October 5th afternoon,

Finally Friday and no more school for two days but they bite us with homework, they have no life but to bother us and try to ruin our lives like theirs. Today was pre-calculus then after that it was English four with an essay on Shakespeare, then wood shop assignments on dividing the fractions of the

wood board.

"Fuck." I said to myself, my phone began to vibrate on the desk I grabbed it and checked who it was and thankfully it was Jon. I unlocked my phone and read the message.

"hey how was the rest of school 4 yah?"

"hey stud it was hell lol i was thinking about you during school."

"hope you didnt jizz n ur pants lol :P"

"im saving it all up for u sexy."

"ohh stop what u doing?"

"HW T_T not fun."

"whats the subject?"

"Pre-calculus, woodshop and english."

"u need help?"

"u know how to do this?"

"yeah i do."


"I'll explain later u going to pick me up?"

"yeah be there n 10 min."

I went off with my keys and drove off to pick up my boyfriend.

Hours later

"Shakespeare used men as women in his plays and made a stage for people to come see his stories. He also wrote poems that encourage a lot of people today..."

Jon was telling me everything about Shakespeare and it was really helping me out, he even helped me on calculus and wood shop my ass was saved by a freshman. Wow how epic is that?

"K I'm finally done so now tell me how do you know all this?" he looked at me and sat on my bed his beautiful light blue fur was shining in the light of my laptop on my desk and his brown eyes, they were like chocolate brown eyes he look so cute especially with the dark blue shirt I got him last week on our last date.

"When I was little I read a lot and when fiction books got boring I read math books, science books even English books. I really was bored."

"What about spending time with your family?"

"Most of the time my parents went out to parties and I lived with my bro remember?"

"Oh yeah. But you're smart as hell, how come you're grades aren't like a's?"

"They are, my grades are high up and my classes are being advanced but I don't want that it'll make me feel too smart and last time I did I was picked on for it." he said to me. Then he laid on my bed while I looked at my phone. It was ten pm already.

"Hey does your dad know you're here?" Jon asked

"Yeah and he told me if I wanted to I can stay here but I don't think your parents want that much."

"They are always gone so..."

"Man they are always like this. Do you even get to spend time with them?"

"They stopped that when I turned ten. My dad put me in football because of my size which worked but neither him or my mom ever went to my games. They even won't be at my homecoming next

week, I'm really bummed out."

He got up slowly and he grabbed my hand and lead me to my bed and laid me down and once I was in bed he then laid down on me his soft fur felt so warm on my body I hugged him tightly and he

started snuggling me it felt so great.

"If you want I'll go to your game. I would even be on your side if you want me to."

"You wouldn't do that, it'll ruin your reputation at high school." he came up to me and softly planted a kiss on my lips and I felt so much love out of it.

"Fuck my reputation some-one needs to be there to support you and if your parents can't do that then I will."

"You would really do that for me?"

" Yeah Khile, I would. I really care about you, ever since we started dating. Now where was I?"

"Hehe. I think I was about to plow you."

"Still won't do that, but what I will do is this."

I felt his hands slide under my shirt and start rubbing my stomach. It felt so good, adrenalin flowed through me from it.

"Sorry that I've not got big muscles."

"What are you talking about? You are so strong behind the fat muscle you're still stronger than me and I don't care how strong you are I still love yah."

I started rubbing my higher sections of my chest and I knew what he wanted I began lift my shirt up and revealed my black fur to him. He then laid flat on my chest and rubbed his face on me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him as tightly as I could and planted a kiss on his cute small head and laid back down.

"I love you Jon."

I heard him yawn, slowly falling asleep. "love.."yawn".you too Khile, night."

I heard the sweet sound of him sleeping and I thought of getting up and turning off the light, I got up as slowly I could so as not to wake him. Luckily he was in a heavy sleep and a fast one too. I turned the lamp off and went straight back to bed but first I took my pants off and I looked down to see I was super aroused from our earlier little fun. So I walked to my bathroom across the hallway and locked the door. I brought my jockstrap down and my stick was about ready to explode already so it wasn't going to take long. I laid my hand on one of the walls and started to rub my pole up and down slowly thinking of only one thing. Jon's cute ass, him begging for it. God I can't wait. The pressure of my cock was increasing so much 'till "aww" I said while spurting ropes of cum on the wall, it took at least five minutes for it to stop. Finally I set my jockstrap back on and walked right back to the bed where I left the little angel. I laid next to him then I hugged him from behind and spooned him, finally falling asleep.

The Start of Something New: 7

Khile ? The whistle blew loud signaling the third quarter ending. It was our home coming game and almost the whole high school was here it seemed. My team and I ran off the field and the varsity gathered around while the seniors grabbed their parents...

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the road to happiness: 3

jon december 16 midnight "JESUS CHRIST ITS COLD!!" yell out loud my heater broke down and tonights temp was suppose to be in the 20's, all i felt was cold and its was hurting everytime i moved my body. i started getting frost bites it was burnng on...

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the road to happiness: 2

2 weeks into December The weather hasn't been bad the lowest has been 50 degrees and with low money and the money I been saving for three years we had enough money for food and clothing and medicine. A week ago Jackie caught the flu and still has it...

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