Raven of Blackshire: The Lake of Tears

Story by Crowchild on SoFurry

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Raven of Blackshire The Lake of Tears by Crowchild This story contains sexual/homosexual content and is intended for mature readers. If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to view such stories in the area which you live... What the fuck are you doing here! Get out! Get out NOW!! With that being said enjoy and please leave comments/criticism/whatever. Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Khadra ran down the end of the long beach after the thin figure. He wasn't going to get away so easy. Although he was older, the boy had spirit and was still able to keep his teasing pace. He wanted to get caught but also wanted to keep just ahead of the brown wolf. It was fun. Then again, Khadra was considerably motivated to catch the young lad so the two were evenly matched. He heard the boy teasing him up ahead. "C'mon Khadra! I thought you said you'd be able to catch me before I got started! Unless your giving up?" Khadra just gave a playful snarl and gained a quick ten feet on the boy. "Aha! Thats what I thought! The reward is too hot for you to pass up, eh!" With that Khadra tackled the boy and the two went down in the sand. They wrestled around for a few minutes until the boy was pinned with his long braid completely undone. He looked up at his lover with deep sensual eyes. Khadra licked his nose. "Your so beautiful. I'm so happy we're going to do this." The boy kissed him deeply on the lips. " I know. I'm still a little nervous with all that madness going on in the Northlands." Khadra stroked the boys hair. "Thats thousands of miles away, my love. It has nothing to do with us. We're going to be heading north only for a little while and then far the the east. We're as good as gone." Khadra kissed him again. "You know how much I love you, Rin. You know I'd never let anything happen to you." Rin nodded. They lay there in each others arms for what seemed like ages. Rin finally opened his eyes and looked at Khadra longingly. The brown wolf turned his head inquisitivly. "What are you thinking, baby." "I'm thinking that your thinking the exact same thing." Khadras eyes narrowed into those sexy green slits. "I'm thinking that we're the only ones on this beach." Rin reached down to his side and his loincloth fell away. His eyes were wide with lust and his words were perfect. "Take me." Khadra wraped his arms around Rin and the two kissed. The next day would begin the two month journey to the ancient city. A journey to complete what had started two years earlier. Once they were at the port they would be able to go werever they wanted and be free of the burden they now carried. The next day they would start their journey to true freedom. But tonight, they'd make love. Rins eyes closed. "Khadra!" He moaned. "Khadra! Oh, Khadra!" A sudden cracking sound broke the air. It was a familiar sound and it startled Rin. The sound of his own voice had woken him but that crack got his attention. He reached over for his lover, but Khadra was not there. Then he remembered. He had been dreaming. Raven stood a few feet away from him. His head tiled and his black bow held out in front of him, the shot still echoing in the frozen wood. Rin looked around cautiously. "What is it, sir." Raven glared out onto the icy field. "There are a few more of the bastards out there. They showed up about three minutes ago. Their coming for the bodies." Rins eyes followed Ravens. "How many?" Raven spat into the dirt. "Seven." Rin nodded. The fog had lifted and he could see the outlines of the bloodthorn soldiers. He grabbed his bow and stood beside Raven preparing to load an arrow. Raven had paused and looked at Rin with an annoyed glare. "What's wrong sir?" Raven looked down at the boys nude body and snorted. "Aren't you going to put some cloths on?" Rin blushed and reached for his pants and tunic. Raven suddenly started backwards up the side of the camp. "Meet me by that rock on the hill". Rin looked up and nodded as he slipped into his pants and boots. Raven lept up to the side of one fallen boulder and looked out over the ice field into the trees on the other side. He didn't see any more soldiers then what had already showed up only now he was puzzled. How the hell could they have gotten word of their dead scouts so fast? How did they know? He growled. These soldiers weren't scouts. They were regulars and well armed at that. No horses, luckily and from what he could tell the other troops were still stunned from the shot he had landed into the one fat troopers head a few moments earlier. He snickered to himself and scanned the horizon. Rin was backing up the hill also scanning the enemy camp. He stayed low and moved very quickly and silently. Raven noted this and it amused him. He had an arrow loaded up and ready to go. Rin looked over his shoulder and saw Raven. He paused. Raven motioned him closer. Rin made his way swiftly up to the rock and kneeled down. "Well? What now?" Raven looked back out at the camp. "We wait." Rin shifted slightly. "You don't sound pleased about that?" Raven glared at him and didn't answer. "Well if it makes any difference we may get some supplies from the bastards." Raven turned and looked at Rin sharply. "What do you mean?" Rin smiled. "They have a supply cart hidden under some brush off to the side of the camp." Raven looked skeptical. "What? How do you know." Rin pointed. Raven looked out into a small area of moss near the Bloodthorn camp. There was nothing there except for dead leaves, dry blood, and... a line of tread. Wheels. Wheels that stopped right next to an opened supply wagon. Raven looked back at Rin and cocked an eyebrow. "Not bad." Rin smiled. "Don't get cocky kid. If you survive maybe then you'll be worth shit." Rins eyes lowered a little. "We're going in there. Stay close if you don't want to die." Rin started. "Sir?" Raven was already half way down the hill. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bloodthorn soldiers were on edge. That shot ripped right through their archer and came from nowhere. Some one was out there. Someone good. "Bloody hell, Skites. Did ye' see thet! Bastard, cut poor folburds 'ed in aff!" Skites wasn't concerned with Folburd. He was dead and honestly they better off for it. What he was concerned about was the arrow. He yanked it out of the fat wolfs head with his boot on the neck. The others grimaced as blood squirted into the air. Skites looked at Mahak cooly. "Don't be scared children. It's just a little blood." He said mockingly. The others looked at each other uneasily as the tall white wolf cleaned the brain matter off the arrows tip. He flipped it in his hand, studying it. "I know this one." The others stared at him with a sense of awe and nervousness. Skites was crazy. Not bloodthirsty, and not sadistic like some great warriors. He was stark raving mad. He claimed to have gotten his fighting skills from demons and was known to tear apart captured prisoners with his bear hands just to get the blood. So when he said " I know this one" they took that as meaning anything but what he said. Then again this might also mean they were safe. He wasn't the bloodthorns most valued warrior for nothing. Mahak readied an arrow and looked at Skites. "Jus' give us the word, ma lord. Ye want us to hunt the bitches down" Skites didn't answer. His blue eyes looked out towards the line of threes across the slaying field. He narrowed his eyes through the thin mist and focused on the two figures heading through the woods. None of the other saw them. It didn't matter. What did matter was the arrow. The arrow and it's owner. "I know you, But I don't remember your name." Mahak looked around with a puzzled and anxious stare. Finally, after a few minutes Skites turned and began heading to the blue circle that had been cut into the frozen earth. Around the circle were acnient runes. "Mahak, you come with me, now! The rest of you men stay here and hold this spot. Two troops are coming this way. I take it you will have no trouble with them?" The others seemed to relax a bit. "No me lord! Only two?" He didn't answer. Mahak joined his master in the circle. "Yes, only two But one that matters more." Mahak came up to his master with a look of uncertainty. "You'll see." Skites smiled. As the other troops strained their eyes to see the oncoming attack Skites and Mahak vanished. The circle faded from the ground and they were gone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Four more days?" Rin said sounding disappointed. "Yes. Four more days out here in this frozen shit hole. More of them showed up and so we can't leave until this area is secure." Rin looked at the chain at Ravens waist. "More ears too sir. Better pay. More fun when this is over. Or we're going to get stuck out watch duty." Raven grunted. "Well, either way kid I know one thing for sure." Rin paused. "What's that sir?" Raven stopped and scanned the horizen. "Your going to be sucking my dick again tonight if you survive this." Rins face turned bright red. Raven snickered. "Towns overrated anyway kid." Rin cocked his head. "I thought you were looking forward to it?" Raven shrugged. "I was, but then again your supposed to be dead." Rin looked out onto the field. "I still have a chance." Raven put a hand up and they paused. Rin looked around and readied his bow. "Sir?" Raven was looking at the camp. "I only see five now. Watch your back, kid. You still have a chance and this could be it." Rin trembled but the two moved on. As Raven had thought the other two soldiers had left. This group was equaly inept as the first had been but he had lost the element of suprise. He had also lost the fog and cloud cover meaning that sneaking up behind the group and tearing the throats out was no longer an option. Raven didn't mind the taste of blood but this would give his brain a work out. He looked at Rin. He seemed ready to go. His face was suddenly very cold. There was a hatred there in his eyes Raven had not seen before. Bloodlust? Raven gave a few quick hand singles to Rin. He responded very quickly and the two circled the camp, scouting for the best spots. The Bloodthorns were clueless. However they didn't seem to be lacking physically. Three of them were big, strapping grey wolves with thick painted fur and some nasty scars to show. The forth was thin and carried a long bladed staff and the fifth was short but has a full armored suite. Raven saw that their swords were well made and took careful note of the crossbow and one of the big wolfs sides. Raven had circled the camp to the far end when he noticed Rin was nowhere in sight. His eyes scanned the other side of the camp. He was growing impatient. Finally after almost half an hour in the brush he had enough. Slowly and carefully he loaded two arrows. The long sharp bow moved silently and he took point onto one of the big wolves. He waited. His unblinking gaze was suddenly broken when he did a final scan of the area. There were only four now. Before he could even ask himself were the fifth brute had gotten to it was too late. A massive fist hit him sideways and knocked him to the ground. One of the large grey wolves had circled around him while he was looking for Rin and now had the upper hand. That changed quickly. Raven spun the bow around and slashed it across the brutes stomach. He saw the Bloodthorn scream as his entrails spilled out in a steaming pile. He was howling and gurgling and feebly trying to shove his stomach and intestines back in when his neck was split open. Raven smirked and ripped it's head clean off. One of the other brutes let out a huge roar and charged, waving his sword infront of him wildly as the other began loading the crossbow. Raven reached around to his back and drew his sword. The two blades clashed and sent metal sparks flying. The Bloodthorn was taller but raven had much more speed and was lesss hampered by his light leather tunic. He spun around in a swift arch and took the Bloodthorn soldiers leg off at the knee. before the beast even hit the ground his head flew off in the other direction. Raven caught the blood soaked body before it fell and spun it around just blocking three fast incoming arrows. The last big grey dropped the bow and came crashing at Raven. Just before however he stopped and darted to his right. Raven barely dodged the swing of the blade and countered the blow. Then from his left came the thin Bloodthorn with the staff. Raven countered a second blow from the brute but the Staff hit him hard at the side and the drove into his back with the dull end. Raven hit the ground and recieved a boot to the chest. The staff hit his hand and his sword went flying into the brush. Raven snarled and rolled away, narowly escaping the brutes sword as it hit the ground were his neck had been. The staffs bladed end flew at raven but he ducked it. The from behind him the last soldier had emerged and Raven was off guard once again. The thick armored Bloodthorn held Raven in a head lock and laughed. The thin trooper readied his staff and was just about to split Raven in half. The thick armored trooper snorted and choked him even harder. "Any las' wards, ye blacksire pig?" Ravens eyes darted around. He smiled. "Goodbye." The three bloodthorns laughed. Then in what was less then a second the brute fell dead, then the staff wielder. It was amazing. Raven was now the one laughing. The last thing that went through the well armored troopers head before the three arrows, was how the hell did some boy get so high in that tree? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thats the last of them." Rin said cheerfully. Raven nodded and let out a slight chuclle. Rin smiled as he odd their prize. "Well, I guess staying out here won't be so boring after all, eh? I mean at least we have something decent to eat." That was a major understatement. The supply wagon had huge cases of spiced beef, salted pork, breads, pies, a whole case of spices and peppers (They would sell those when they returned to town.) and a stack of other items both tasty and useful. Best of all however was the second cart that they found. Inside that was thick, rich, Northland bear, whisky, ales, mutton, and an entire sack of smokeweed. (This they would not sell.) The five ears they had taken seemed of little value after this find. Raven had no intestion of reporting this and they stashed their find in a small cave by a lake six miles from their camp. Later that evening they returned to their camp and moved it down to the lake as well. The lake was closer behind the Blackshire territory then the old camp had been. It was also further west and out of the way. They had hidden the wagon amazingly well and Rin had lost track of it twice. The sun set and Raven was finishing setting the camp. He sat down and checked the fire. The fire smelled rich. They had decided to burn a little of the Smokeweed, just for the buzz. Rin was seated near the flames with his shirt off. His hair was down and he looked into the flames. He looked relaxed. Raven pealed his shirt off and sniffed. Foul. "I'm going for a bath." Rin nodded. "Ravens pants fell to the ground and he removed his boots. Rin didn't notice. He continued to stare into the fire. Raven shook his head and started down to the lake. "Thanks kid." Rin blinked. "What, sir?" Raven turned and looked at the boy "I said thanks. You did alright out there. I guess you blew your chance at dying." Rin smiled. He looked at Raven. He realized then that the wolf had stripped down. He had never seen Raven out of his leather gear and the sight took him. He hadn't seen his master in the flesh yet. It was nice, Raven had a strong but thin built, a coat of black smooth fur, and sharp muscled lines defining his body. Raven was very handsome, even with his blind yellow eye. Rin had seen a good looking man before. He had spent years with them and Raven was very fine indeed. He only now noticed. His mind had been wandering to...Khadra. He nodded again and looked back at the fire. Raven shrugged and walked down to the lake. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raven returned from the Lake an hour later. Rin had stripped down and the bandage on his rump was removed. He lay on his stomach and was eyeing a ring he had on his hand. Raven sat down buy the fire and began to dry off. He looked at the bandage that Rin had removed. The stain wasn't very large on it. "How does that feel?" Rin looked at him and blinked. Raven motioned to the scabbed area on the boys ass. "Oh, uh, better. A lot better." He blushed. "Good." Raven looked over at the archer as he dried off. He was cute and now proving to be useful. Raven grinned. If he was useful now, how much better could he be when that wound healed. It had been two days since Rin had pleasured him and that was little more than a tease. That also was the only reason to back to town now. They had enough booze to stock a tavern for a whole winter and the stuff was strong. All that Raven was lacking now was the physical pleasure he had be needing for over two weeks, and that was over the edge. The need to go back to town was the need to find some sluty young thing at the tavern and screw her brains out for two or three days. The gods only new his appetite for sex was only second to his appetite for violence and those two went together some times. He could be kinky when he needed it. He had a reputation in some areas. He also had a handful of barmaids with swollen bellies and bastard children in the Northlands. Spreading the disease one cheap fuck at a time. That was something he could do with out. There were a lot of things he could do without in town. Thats why Rin was getting along nicely. The boy was a little flakey and quite feminine but not in a foolish manner. It was a frail grace and something exotic. Once again, Raven was getting turned on by the thought. Raven looked into the fire. "The sooner the better. I don't want to have to cut..." Rin broke in. "You want me? Right? You want to fuck me?" Raven was caught off guard. That was okay. He didn't like dancing around the issue anyway. "Yeah. I do. Is that going to be a problem?" Rin didn't answer. "I'm not going to do it if you don't want. I don't rape men. Right now however your looking like a nice peace of ass. So what do you say kid?" Rin looked at the fire. "Well...I..um... I mean you should..uh." Raven smirked. "I have to thank you for your help at least" His eyes narrowed and he got that silky drawl in his voice again. Rin melted. " I...I didn't think you were into men, Raven. If you want it?" Raven sat up and crawled over to were the boy was laying. He slid next to Rin on the fur blanket. Rins eyes were deep and filled with his own sexual fire. His hand slid up rins thigh and squeezed his buttocks tightly. Rin moaned. Raven massaged the sore spot of the boys rump working it slowly his eyes focused on Rins form in the fire "I want it. You think you can take it, kid?" His hand began to work the cheek harder and with a wider grip and the boys ass he squeezed. "Yes... I ...I want you Raven. I want it." Ravens other hand slid around to Rins front and he began to work the boys balls with his powerful hands. A whimper escaped Rin as he inserted one of his long black fingers into the boys tail-hole. "First time?" Raven asked. "No...No it's not." His eyes opened and he gazed at Raven lustfully. "You can bang me as hard as you want. I can take it." Raven licked his chops and turned the boy onto his side. Gripping Rin around hi chest he slowly worked his bulging penis around Rins asshole. He gripped the boys chest and his cock slowly passed into the moist hole. Rin took a deep breath and shuddered as he felt all seven inches of black wolf manhood enter his body. His mind eased as he took in the spicey sent of the weed. It was so different. It wasn't like... before. He turned over back onto his stomach. Ravens hand was begining to stroke his penis as he slid his own cock in and out of the boys tight ass. slow and deep, but still with some thrust to it. Rin began panting now. He was so horny. The mixture of Ravens hand caressing his cock, the smell of the herb in the air and the subconscious remembrance of his beloved Khadra, Mixed with the thrusting of Raven sex were driving him wild. He moaned louder. "Raven! Harder! You want to...Come on!!!" Raven clenched down on the boy and drove all Eight inches into him in one hot slam. Rin screamed and the black wolf began pounding his hole with lust filled energy. "Oh gods!!! Yes! Fuck me, Raven! Fuck me!!" Raven yanked the boys head back and bit down on his neck. Rin screamed again. Raven licked at the boys cheek. "Yeah, I'm just getting warmed up, bitch!" On a high mountain above the echo pass a few short miles from the lake. A circle appeared on the ground. Seemingly from nowhere two figures emerged. "Do you here that?" one said. A deep powerful and well spoken voice. " The shorter of the two answered "Yes, Master Skites. I still don't understand." Skites rolled his eyes. "It's an old acquaintance of mine. Judging from the screams of his little bitch thats the same Raven of Blackshire I remember. "He's the one who killed my boys. He's the one with that little slut archer." Skites looked down at the fire below. "Yes and that archer has taken a shining to him I see." Mahak grunted "Enough at least to sex him. Pigs." "A Little more than pigs, my friend. More dangerous and from the way thing seem more crafty." He nodded. "We will be keeping an eye on these two. Raven had caught my eye long before I took his. But our master might fancy his little bitch." Mahak spat into the dirt. "We'll return to the towers for now. I want to make ready and have council with our master." "Why my lord?" Skites raised his hands and the circle came to light. "To plan the fall of the Blackshire." Once again they were gone and the circle vanished into thin air. Raven pumped a quick final shot of his seed into Rins tail-hole. Rins voice was sore and his body spent. They were covered in sweet and Rins belly had a small shot of his cum worked into it and the fur blanket. "Ohhh...my...god."Rin said. His voice trebling. Raven grunted as he shook his sack. He had held Rin the whole time but now let him go. He pulled his dripping cock out of Rin slowly and and sat up. "So I take it this means your not planning on sleeping with me?" Ravens expression changed sharply. "That was great, kid but don't start with that again." Rin wasn't letting it go this time. At least not without setting some terms. "Well, don't expect me to put out again, Raven. I'm not going to be just some tight hole for you to squirt into whenever you need a free fuck." Raven shrugged. "Your choice. I hate to tell you this kid but I got what I needed from you tonight. So much for tomorrow...But I'm not your beloved Khadra!" Rins eyes shot opened and He flashed his teeth in a sudden burst of fury. "What did you just say." Rin smirked. "Does it matter? You moan it in your sleep and you think about it quite a bit more than you should. I don't know what that means in your part of the world but I ain't it." Rin screamed "Your goddamn right your not!" Rin was shaking with rage "Your not Khadra! You son of a...I..." He trailed off into short sobs. Raven growled. "Yeah, Khadra this, Khadra that. What the hell does that mean to me anyway?" Rin glared at Raven. The same look he had before they tore apart the Bloodthorn troops. Absolute hatred. "Khadra was my husband you son of a bitch." He stood up and limped down to the river. He didn't want Raven to see him cry like this. Raven didn't want to see it either. As far as he was concerned this was wicked turf that he wasn't wanting to tread on. He sat down by the fire and glared. He looked out to the lake. He saw Rin holding himself and sobbing. His head in his hands, Rocking back and forth and trying in vain not to cry. The sound of his sobs not even able to be heard by Ravens keen ears. But he was crying and there was some ungodly rage in this young boy that Raven had not seen in years. What had happened to Rin? Why Was he here? He didn't want hard booze anymore, or cheep thrills, or hot sex...he wanted answers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading. Hope you liked this. More to come soon. I love feedback so post whatever you fancy! :D You can Email me @ [email protected]Later!