Unit 1206

Story by Sixclaws on SoFurry

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UNIT 1206

By Sixclaws

Subject name: Orson Grimes

Serial number: 1206

Species: Black bear

Gender: Male

Age: 40

Height: 5'10"

The analysis on subject 1206 indicates that the individual has no living relatives whatsoever and apart from the other homeless subjects who know him there's little chance of being searched by the police units.

Subject 1206 was harvested from the streets, with the lure of food and a shelter. It still surprises us the strong will of survival among the homeless, this subject was no exception. It proved quite a hazard to our harvesting units to collect him; as subject 1206 was later found out to be a retired marine; failure to detect this has resulted in the recycling and reassignation to the same duties this Orson individual was meant to for the research units in charge of background check.

Upon arrival, the sedated subject 1206 was removed of his tattered clothing and laid on the examination table. Medical analysis suggests a moderately high liver damage due to heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. Despite being homeless, subject was found 40 pounds above normal weight; further analysis indicates that 50% of that weight belongs to muscle mass. One advantage to us is that there will be fewer resources to invest in developing the subject's body.

Apart from the standard one on the left arm due to vaccination at an early age, no scarring has been found in the subject's skin. In fact, Individual 1206 have been found to be circumcised; only filth due to living in unsanitary condition has been found in the urogenital area. An injection of papaverine in the penile tissues has proven a satisfactory nine inches long erection matching the substantially above average testicles. Further urogenital analysis shows a slightly enlarged prostate consistent with subject's age; the necessary modifications to modify the enlargement into a functional one have been recommended.

Gastrointestinal analysis shows a mild parasitic infestation, already taken care by our medical units. On the fly modifications to the rectal tissue, sphincter and large intestines will be on their way once the subject has been properly sanitized.

Once the initial medical checkup was done, the sedated subject was sent to the cleansing facilities where he was properly sanitized; nails trimmed, teeth removed and the gastrointestinal tract sterilized.

Then standard defurring procedure began, the eyelids were glued shut with a hypoallergenic agent; the same were applied to the anal ring, the lips, the ears and the nose, of course, nasal catheters were inserted into the nose to prevent suffocation.

The fur was taken off the subject's body using chemical burn, strong enough to stop any fur regrowth. After rinsing the subject with sterilized water and standard body checkup for traces of any resilient hair growth.

The subject's skin was a rosy pink as it was supposed to be after such an aggressive treatment and it was satisfactory that there were no skin diseases whatsoever. After drying up 1206's skin, one of our colleagues suggested that ornate tattooing should be placed on its body, suggestion dully noted.

After defurring, 1206 was transferred to the processing division; where our colleague brought some designs to be printed into 1206's skin. The intricate weaving pattern ran over 1206's forehead; tracing down the neck and the back and following the spinal cord, where it branched and ran over the limbs. Once it reached the cleft, two tendrils traced around the anal ring and then spreaded all over the base of the testicles, surrounding the base of the scrotum and then covering up the erect penis. In the future, I recommend that our colleague should be transferred from accounting and into R&D

The workers whistled at the size of 1206's penis, most of them agreeing that it would take little effort to develop 1206. By then the effect of the sedative given to 1206 began to wear off, the bear struggling to open his glued eyes and muttering incoherent noises. That gave the personnel at Processing some amusement and one of them began to stroke the chemically erect cock; subject 1206 shook and tried to ward the hand stroking his penis but still, the sedative kept him very weak.

The teasing went on until the manager scolded them as they did not noticed that the subject was minutes away from regaining its full strength; and the manager attached a spray on anesthetic into one of the nostrils, rendering the subject immobile but conscious.

Right then, the printing of the tattoo began, the automated machinery injecting the ink into the tender skin and soft mewling noises came from the drugged bear, specially when the needles touched the anogenital area.

Once the printing was done, the tender skin was rinsed and the glue stuck to the various cavities were removed. Then 1206 was submerged until the nostrils remained barely above the liquid in the preprocessing tank. The cool, clear fluid soothing both the tender tattooed skin and the acid irritated skin, other components in it though, were removing the dead skin cells until the tender dermis was exposed.

Then the tank was drained and subject 1206 was rinsed again. Its immobilized body was transferred into a secondary tank, where specially designed nozzles were attached to its muzzle; the same was done to the meatus and the anus.

Subject 1206 struggled feebly but to no avail, the tank was filled with a specially designed nutrient bath and the first part of the processing began. The subject flailed his arms inside the thick fluid as the nozzles began the rinsing process. 1206's abdomen swelled and relaxed according to the pumping and/or vacuuming of the fluids; then the nozzle wrapped around the subject's muzzle extended some tendrils, clamping tight around it, the same happened to the nozzle penetrating 1206's anal ring, this one the tendrils wrapped around his thighs.

Mechanical arms sank into the tank holding the subject by the wrists and the ankles, securing its movements when in the nozzle inserted into the subject's muzzle opened and the probe began its way inside.

1206 gurgled as it struggled to spit out the large wormlike device, the probe equipped all its body with silvery tendrils that coated the delicate mucous membranes with an equally silvery coating of nanobots, seeping into the subject's body through 1206's bodily cavities.

As expected, the subject's veins swelled as the nanobots moved through the capillary conducts, the rosy pink of the lips gone as silvery white replaced it; ECG indicating peaks as the level of discomfort increased while the probe slithered through the esophagus, the device pausing as a pair of tendrils slipped out of its "tail" and lurched into the individual's respiratory tract. By now the effects of the anesthetic were fully gone and 1206 trashed violently as our probe coated his lungs.

Another arm slipped into the tank, attaching a collar around 1206's neck, if the subject could scream now was the time as needles pierced the main arteries and veins on his neck. Artificial oxygenation beginning since the reprocessing of the lungs would take time. The collar also injecting a second type of nanobots, designed specifically to reprocess waste found in blood and convert it into the necessary nutrients, reducing the amount of nourishment needed in the future; of course, this was a redundant metabolic feature due to the bear's advantage to recycle and convert cellular waste.

A third set of nanobots were injected, these ones migrating to the adrenal glands in his body; modifying them to a secondary source of testosterone and at the same time to synthesize chemicals designed to inhibit the estrogen byproducts, to those at management who specialized only in business management should be reminded that Estrogen is a leftover hormone after the testosterone has fulfilled its use.

1206's abdomen trembled as the probe slithered through the intestinal track, and 1206 convulsed as it reached the rectum. Once the entire gastrointestinal tract was coated in the nanobot film the probe then pierced the rectal area behind the prostate, inserting a fourth set of nanobots, these ones working on the urogenital tract. Increasing prostate muscle tone and the production and volume of seminal fluids and sperm.

Once done, the probe left through the anus, slipping into the tube and sent for disposal; I should warn you that recycling the probes are not recommended at all despite the claims at the upper level management that they can be reprogrammed, the level of genomic specialization each probe achieves once it finishes its work on a subject deems them unable to work properly on a different individual.

All attempts to reprogram the probes have resulted in a loss both of the probe and the subject. I also recommend the disposal of several upper level executives due to their highly deficient traits in decision-making and long term planning. The research for the recycling and reprogramming of the probes has not been halted though, but testing on individuals should be done in the latter states, not right from the beginning.

Within minutes, the nanobots' modifications began to kick in; 1206's skin began to turn from rosy pink to a milky white color, except from where the tattoo was printed on him.

Subject 1206's was then lifted from tank by the mechanical arms, rinsed with a sterilizing solution and then placed in the incubation tank where he would remain until his body is entirely reformatted to suit the client's need.

The incubation tank is filled with a much more viscose nutrient bath, inside here an umbilical connection was inserted inside 1206's bellybutton, its function not only to pump both nutrients and oxygen into the subject, but also to retrieve any unprocessable waste; a third function though, is to administer a specific amount of muscle relaxants to prevent the subject from harming himself.

Once 1206 was settled there, he was ready for the next phase. One advancement of the new design is the non invasive way to reprogram the subject's mind, a standard biomechanical arm sank into the tank, on its end a set of four fingerlike extensions held 1206's scalp, the electrostatic properties of the skin allowing a quick mapping of the subject's brain areas and the immediate signal transmission; Our R&D calls this "Wireless Touch." In my opinion they should call it anything they want as long as it does the job right.

The connection allows us to monitor responses as we stimulate the areas of the brain that enables us to modify his behavioral pattern; because of the nature of the transmission 1206 is unable to ignore the information uploaded into his cerebral cortex.

Our first signal is meant to stimulate the frontal areas of the amigdala, causing a pleasant sensation of well being as a means of distraction while the complete mapping of the brain is done; once its complete, the computer aided by the nanobots starts the slow reprogramming of 1206's mind by modifying the billions of interconnections between each neuron's dendrites.

I should remind the board again that there is no quick fix method yet and the insertion of a primary sentient control on an individual's cerebellum is out of the question. Our research groups have demonstrated that even though it can be done, there is a direct link to the subject's emotion and the overall health of its body, thus lowering the quality of our products. The emergency control installed on the cerebellum is only for emergency uses in the uneventful case the subject's regains some of its memories and thus control of himself.

During 1206's stay in the incubation tank the nanobots inside him continued the much needed work, replacing body fat and stimulating muscle growth, our client had asked us that some of the subject's belly fat should remain; an odd request since most of our requests demand a fit, slender unit.

1206 remained immobile as the overstimulation of the amigdala sent electrical shockwaves throughout the subject's brain and reduced the mapping time to ninety-six hours. Again, I should notice that quick fixes are not recommended specially on units capable of tearing a compact car in half.

After 1206 brain's was mapped we proceeded to the complete reprogramming by chemical deletion of the protein links in the subject's hippocampus responsible for memory; employee 110-997 warned us of a noticeable scarring throughout the cerebral cortex probably due to severe post-traumatic stress disorder, that would explain why 1206 lived on the streets despite a spectacular profile background. Because of that we decided a more thorough mapping in case our unit exploded in a murderous rage; I should remind you that we invested way too many resources to scrap the subject and finding another viable unit would not be feasible in the short time remaining for the delivery of the finished product.

Employee 110-997 also indicated that the subject had spent ten days without sleeping and the EEG showed increasingly irregular peaks so we decided to let the poor sap a rest all the while nanografts were inserted throughout the scalp and reprogramming via sleep was administered.

We were expecting standard reprogramming procedures until we received the written requests and realized we didn't have anything related to what I can only describe as hard core S&M; our colleague from accounting suggested something he was working on during his lunch break, apparently he had been using his spare time developing the proper reprogramming applications and then more. I highly recommend his reassignation to R&D considering that the entire developer crew is composed of average heterosexual males interested only in submissive women with large breasts and ass whereas demand for submissive female units has been steadily declining for the past five years and yet demand for male units not only has increased in quantity but also diversified behavioral patterns; we have already received too many complaints and merchandise returned when instead of what the wanted they ended up with large males behaving like extremely feminine women.

Standard EEG patterns began to emerge as the reprogramming course began, subject 1206's memory was being chemically erased and replaced by newer ones; desires were imprinted into his brain and modified as instinctive behavior; I should inform you that the most challenging part of the reprogramming involved an unusual desire for the future owner of unit 1206 not only to have a submissive behavioral pattern but also custom made dominant performance at the owner's whim.

I should note that not only his mind had to go through the reprogramming session but his body as well otherwise we'd get a clumsy lump of rubber and flesh for out client; I have no idea were the guy from accounting managed to get those organic body movement records nor I care, they're all now stored in the main database and also in the backup server.

After so many delays unit 1206 was prime and ready for testing, which is displayed in the video attached to this report.


The camera rolled and within in there were 2 individuals; a naked, frightened paunchy man in his mid 30s and this monstrous beast who vaguely resembled a bear; the creature had a thick, black and rubbery skin, veins bulged throughout the animal's frame, his cock hung limp like a nine inch monster covered in a web of bulging veins, his ballsac hung low with heavy testes slowly swinging up and down according to their temperature need; the creature remained immobile save for a barely noticeable breathing.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Shouted the naked man, he covered his groin with his hands as he stood on the wall opposite to the rubberized bear, one moment he was at the parking lot getting in his car and the next thing he remembered was waking up naked in his room, feeling as if something had cleansed his body and his bowels felt strangely empty; before him was a large bear with a strange black film coating the anthropomorphic animal and an electric blue pattern running through the creature's back and genitals.

"Stand up," came a voice from nowhere and the man didn't comply.

"Please man, get me outta here, I'm not a crook man, I don't want to be with that thing."

"Shut up!" And the poor man felt a very painful tugging within his head, his cheek muscles clenching hard and his mouth was shut, stopping him from uttering anything except guttural noises.

"Now stand up." But still the man wouldn't rise, lost in his efforts to pry open his mouth. A high pitched sound came over and the chubby man screamed through his shut jaw, his body wiggling like an earthworm through inside a glass full of vinegar; eventually the pain dissipated and he was laying on the floor panting and covered in sweat.

"Stand up." Came again the monotone voice and shakily the chubby man stood up.

A second voice came out of nowhere saying, "Approach the subject." And the rubberized bear opened his eyes, the iris the same empty black as the bear's skin, his pendulous member swaying with his slow, steady pace. The human pressed himself against the wall; not knowing what will the black skinned creature would do to him.

"Now please him." Said the voice commanding the rubber bear and the rubberized creature knelt, gone was the cold expressionless features on his face and a more submissive stance was displayed; the bear was on his hands and knees worshipping the man's feet, softly nibbling and kissing the toes, his long pinkish tongue slithered around licking around the ankles, the rubbery lips trailing upwards until it reaches the man's shaved crotch, taking the loose ballsac into his toothless maw, the chubby man's cock shriveled as much as it could.

"Hard." Was the single word coming from above and much to the man's fear his own member began to rise, swelling up until it reached its full, circumcised five-inch length.

"You can speak now," and the man began to sob.

"Man I ain't queer, don't do this to me man, I ain't no queer." He started to sob as he kept on saying; "I ain't queer" over and over.

The 1206 unit took the throbbing manhood in his mouth, chewing on it with his toothless gums, nibbling on it, his long bruin tongue licking around the fleshy helmet and the bruin's black rubber hands reaching upwards to fondle the light brown nipples, making the man stiffen and moan.

"Cum." The voice said and human cried, his body tensed and against his will his cock pulsed and fed the servile bear his creamy human cum until his cock pulsed and no more seed was spurting from his cock and yet his member wouldn't soften at all.

The bear pulled back, standing up and his face returned back to its normal expressionless stance. "Now rape him." And the man cringed when the voice spoke those words.

"Dude, please don't rape me, I-I-I'll do anything man! Just don't listen to that voice man." And the chubby guy tried to run away when the voice from above let out a "Halt!" and the middle-aged man began to sob when his legs became unresponsive. The rubber bear's face was now an evil stare, forcing the immobilized man to face the wall, his black rubbery cock hard to a full mast and leaking a generous amount of precome; the bear knelt, spreading the asscheeks and forced his eight inch bruin tongue into the man's rectum, opening it, spreading it, feeling it relax, the long tongue rubbing against the unwilling pleasure nut.

The bear pulled back when the man began to moan; his fat rubber cockhead pressed against the man's dilated pucker forcing its way into it. "Fuck man! Fuck man!" Whined the chubby, middle-aged man, "I ain't queer man! Don't do this to me man!" He sobbed as the black rubber cock slid in and out, touching buttons inside him.

And the black rubber bear leaned his rubbery muzzle on the man's left side and whispered in a low baritone voice, "Yes you're queer," His right rubber paw squeezed the man's erect cock, roughly stroking it and using the man's leftover ejaculation as jack off lube, "You were hard when I sucked your small pig like cock and you are still hard when I filled your mancunt with my cock." His coarse voice a far cry from the normal monotone used when the unit was not performing its usual activities.

"Man stop it," The human kept on repeating over and over, his sobs were cut short when the bear's free hand held him by the throat, the black bear grinned and whispered "I want to hear your squeal."

"No man, no I ain't que..." His breath was cut short as the grip on his throat intensified, relaxing when the bruin spoke again "Squeal." and his thrusting into the abused hole settled in a steady, machine like rhythm.

"Dude please st..." The vice grip returned, this time in a much more painful way. "I said squeal." This time the man complied, letting out an "oink."

"Good," The bear said, "Squeal for me again."


"Again." And his thrusting increased in pace, his hand stroking the abused cock in a faster pace.


"Squeal for me pig." His cock pumping so hard into the man's hole his chubby body rippled every time he slammed his hips into the chubby arse.






"I said louder!"

"Ooiinnnghh!!!" And the man convulsed, his cock throbbing and spurting a second load; his human semen landing on the clear, polished wall; the man sobbing uncontrollably as he collapsed and laid on the floor on his knees, on his back a trail precum and rectal mucus left were the bruin's cockhead had rubbed against.

He was roughly turned to lay his back against the wall, swinging in front of him was the pendulous rubber cock, a thin strand of precum dripping from the piss slit; the pudgy man looked with horror as the bear grasped him by the forehead, pinning his head against the wall and the other hand stroked vigorously his thick rubber cock.

"No!" the human let out, trying in vain to loosen his head from the hand holding him against the wall, "No! No! No! No! No! No!" And the black bear growled, his cock bobbed furiously and thick gobs of bear seed landed on the chubby man's face coating him thoroughly and making the man sputter as some slipped between his lips until the bear sighed and shot his last gob of cum.

Adding to the insult, the bruin grunted and a thick stream of bear piss flowed from his still hard cock, washing away the pearly semen and taking its place on the human's face, making the man sob quietly as the flow subsided and the bear resumed his normal stance, any trace of emotion gone and the only visible movement was his slow, paused breathing.


"What do you think?" Asked a bit nervously the chief of the production department to his boss.

The Upper level manager looked at him; the head of production was a bit chubby, balding, with round glasses and a strange innocent look that just didn't fit once you knew him. "Weren't you hairy?"

"Oh that's a long story."

"Never mind, I don't want to hear about that." He kept on looking at his computer screen, "That was a fast demo."

"It is a demonstration of the unit's capabilities, it's not a full on porn flick."

The manager stood still for a few minutes digesting the information and looked at the chief, "Why are all the trial subjects in the demos you've shown me are chubby men?"

"That's... Another long story."

"Which I'm not willing to hear." He took a sip of his coffee mug and said, "Very well, this... Product is free to be sent to its owner, I don't see the reason why we shouldn't produce more in the near future. Now scram I have other things to do and I have to deal with HR for the reassignation towards the R&D department for your colleague from accounting."

And as the head of production began to leave the office, his boss said "You know, I do like submissive chicks with big tits and fat asses you know."


"OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod!" Shouted the pudgy raccoon in his white polo shirt and his tenting khaki shorts as a pair of big buffed rhinos placed the large wooden crate inside his living room, the rhinos wore a shiny silver latex bodysuit beneath their blue coveralls.

"Thank you for purchasing another fine Texasltx unit," Spoke one of them in a deep monotone voice, "You'll find the instruction booklet and the seal of warranty along with the unit within the packaging; please sign here, here and here."

The raccoon signed the papers with a shaky hand and said "Can you open the crate for me?" The rhinos effortlessly opened the crate, clumps of Styrofoam were spilled on the carpeted floor along with the warranty and the booklet but standing firm was the black rubber bear; making the raccoon gasp and reached the sleeping bear's limp cock, squeezing it and feeling it so alive and yet so unnaturally rubbery.

The rhino on the right spoke in his usual monotone voice, "If there is nothing else we should leave. Thank you for preferring our fine products."

"Wait!" shouted the raccoon, halting the two rhinos, "Uh... How do I turn this thing on?"

The rhino on the left replied, "Squeeze the glans and say awake."

With a shaky voice the raccoon spoke the word as he gave the bear's glans a weak press. The creature opened his eyes and upon looking at its new owner nodded in acknowledgement.

"Enjoy your product," Was the last word from the rhinos as they turned around and started to leave.

"Wait!" Shouted again the raccoon and the two rhinos stopped, turning around and facing him with their expressionless figures. "I forgot to give you guys a tip."

"Sir," spoke one of them, "We do not require monetary compensation."

"Please," Pleaded the raccoon, "I swear this won't take long."

The two rhinos looked at each other and remained still just like the black rubber bear; the plump raccoon's heart was beating much faster than usual, adrenaline running through his veins and his eyes looked around in search for some comfort until he blurted out "Please rape me you three."

As if on cue, the three rubberized creatures looked at each other; engrams within their modified brains were activated and their once cold, expressionless faces were now warped into perverse stares; the crotch area of the rhinos' coveralls tented as they began to unzip the front; the raccoon's eyes widened as he saw black rubber bear's cock swell up and reach a foot long in size, a visible ring forming at the base of the bruin's cock squeezing it and helping it retain a maximum size for a longer period of time.

The raccoon let out a gasp when the bear held his polo shirt by the neck and easily tore it to shreds exposing the round paunch and the slightly floppy moobs, he saw the rhinos stepping out their coveralls, the two with their rubbery silver skin gleaming under the light and sporting both a hefty silvery erection already oozing a thin line of lube from their piss slits.

The pudgy critter began to have second thoughts until the black bear smirked and leaned next to his right ear whispering, "The safe word is kiwi..."

The end.

The road trip 6

Road Trip By GrayLocke 2006 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Warning this story contains material that it might not be suitable for people under 18 if you're underage PLEASE STOP READING NOW. Chapter 6 ...

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The road trip 5

Road Trip By GrayLocke 2006 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Warning this story contains material that it might not be suitable for people under 18 if you're underage PLEASE STOP READING NOW. Chapter 5 ...

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The road trip 4

Road Trip By GrayLocke 2006 [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Proofread and contributions by Papa Werebear Warning this story contains material that it might not be suitable for people under 18 if you're underage...

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