Bigger body, Bigger heart Part 3

Story by Nopenopenope on SoFurry

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(I am sorry to say, but this will be the final installment of this series. I thank all of you who read my series, and gave good reviews, for your words have given me more confidence to finish it.)

Lucky snored quietly, the early morning sun again assaulting his slumber. He lazily opened his eyes, and winced at the intense light.

"i'm up, I'm up..." He grumbled quietly, getting his bed made. He went to the closet, and picked out a grey shirt, and dark blue jeans, with a set of boxers to go. He got in the shower, and nearly yelped when the cold water blasted him.

"Dammit mom..." He muttered. His mother always was the first one up in the morning; Getting chores around the house done, as with other things. The water slowly went to hot, and he sighed lightly. As he washed, he remembered all the nights he spent with Jade. Their dates, the fun times, the bad times, their sex... He shook his head, trying not to think about it. He and Jade had numerous love-moments, where Jade always made the first move, and let Lucky work his magic after.

"I'll show her..." He said to himself. "I'll be a man and work her over first..." He grinned lightly, and remembered an extremely vivid memory of him and Jade, when they were out that one night... For some odd reason, the memory wouldn't seem to come back, and Lucky didn't realize he was lightly jerking himself off. He went to the first memory, when he and Jade first had sex together...

"Jade..." He said quietly, jerking off even harder, his hand formed into a cup, and rubbed up and down his cock, getting harder with each pass. He sat down in the shower, and pictured Jade's naked body; Her cute, sweet breasts, her adorable nipples, and her dripping cunt, spread wide open... Lucky was snapped out of his dream when he started to cum, his load squirting all over the shower walls. He quickly took the shower head, and washed the cum off, got out, and got himself dried, quickly throwing his clothes on. The phone rang with it's annoying ring again, and Lucky picked up the reciever.

"Hello?" He said, feeling more awake.

"Lucky... I need to talk to you..." Jade's voice was on the other line, and she sounded as if she was crying.

"Hey, what's up?" He said softly.

"Can I meet you somewhere?" Jade said, sniffling. Lucky looked out his window to see his mom's car driving off.

"Sure, I got the house to myself, want to come over here?" He said, looking at his clock, it reading 11:00 AM.

"Yeah... I'll be right over..." Jade said, and a dial tone was soon heard after. Lucky hung the phone up, and rubbed his chin, slightly confused. He shrugged, and popped the TV on, flipping through the channels, nothing really interesting. A doorbell was heard 20 minutes later, and Lucky hurried down, and unlocked the door, and swung it open, and saw Jade; Her eyes were red, as with her nose.

"What happened?!" Lucky said, taking a step back. Jade walked in, and shut the door behind her.

"My parents are outside, I told them I had to talk to you..." She said quietly, taking a sniff. She wrapped her arms around him, and started to cry. "I don't wanna leave!" She cried out, sobbing hard. Lucky patted her head lightly.

"Hey hey, it's allright... Why, where are you going?" He said softly, trying to comfort her.

"My dad has a new job down in the city, and it's in a different state... I have to go with them, but I don't want to leave you..." She cried, tears flowing down her face. Lucky patted her head again, and felt a twinge of sadness run through him. Jade pulled him up the stairs, and walked into his room, and sat on his bed, still crying. "I don't want to leave you..." She said over and over. Lucky sat next to her, and wrapped his arm around her. Jade rested her head on his shoulder, still sobbing lightly. "But I want to remember you..." She whispered, and tilted his head up, kissing him gently. Lucky felt his own eyes well up, and he kissed back, their lips gently sliding across each other. Jade pulled back for a moment. "Take me... Take me one last time... Show me you love me..." She said quietly, her eyes full of tears. She slowly took her shirt off, and tossed it aside, her bra was a bright green, and she undid her skirt, and tossed that away, also revealing bright green panties. Lucky leaned foward, and undid her bra, tossing it away, with Jade's breasts jiggling lightly, her nipples erect and hard. He slid her panites off, her cunt looked like she already orgasmed. Lucky quickly tore his clothes off, his cock jiggling as well. Jade leaned back, and spread her legs open, her cunt widening. "Please... Be gentle this time..." She said softly. Lucky nodded.

"I will..." He slowly edged closer, his cock tip teasing the lips of her cunt. She bit her lower lip, as he slowly pushed his cock in, his cock getting even more hard. Jade lied back, pulling Lucky on top of her, letting his cock push in fully. He slowly rocked his hips, letting his cock go in and out slowly, feeling some precome form up. Jade wheezed softly, and rocked her hips in unison with him, her cunt slowly tightening on his cock. Lucky started to rock a little harder, and put his hands on her breasts, caressing them lightly. Jade went from wheezing to gasping, her cunt giving off pleasured twitches, teasing his cock. Lucky increased his pumping speed, and wrapped his arms around Jade, pulling her closer. Jade followed suite, and also wrapped her arms, and her legs around him, pulling him in tighter. Her cunt tightened as much as it could on his cock, and Lucky started to grit his teeth, hard moans coming from him. to keep herself from screaming, Jade screamed in Lucky's neck, making him pump harder, his moans into groans, and vice-versa. Lucky not only pumped as hard as he could, but brought his cock out, and pushed it in hard, brought it out, and pushed in, the duo both moaning in pleasure. The two started to tense up, and in perfect timing, they both cried out, "I"m cumming!!!!" As the thier cum both started to spew out; Jade's cunt juice flowing outwards, with Lucky's load flowing into Jade. Both set's of cum collided, and for a brief moment, Lucky thought he had died, and had rose to heaven. Lucky pulled his cock out, and lied down, with Jade next to him. She smiled at him, and gave him a light kiss.

"I love you..." She whispered, and Lucky smiled back.

"And I love you too..." He replied, before closing his eyes, and falling asleep.

Lucky awoke a few hours later, to see that Jade was nowhere, as with her clothes. The only thing he saw was a piece of paper, with a gold locket on top. Lucky unfolded the papaer, and quietly read it:

"Lucky... For the past few months, you and I have discovered something great... Something unique... Something amazing... Love. I have searched for all of my life for a guy, but you were the special one. The one who treated me for me, not for my looks. You loved me for me, not for my body. All the time we spent together, I always felt happy, secure, and safe with you... You made me feel calm, and I hope you feel the same. Even though we might never see each other again, I want you to know, that for the rest of my life, I shall remember you, and treasure our time together. Until the day I died, I promise this. Please Lucky... Promise this... For me as well. I love you... Forever yours, Jade."

Lucky ran his thumg over Jade's signature, and felt himself start to cry. He looked to the locket with cloudy eyes, and flipped it open, one picture showed him and Jade cuddling, another of him and Jade kissing, and the last of him and Jade snuggling, the two of them asleep. Lucky pulled the locket close to his heart, and sighed, his tears flowing long and hard.

"I love you too..." He whispered quietly, and kissed the locket gently, and slowly lied down, still holding the locket, and slowly felt himself fall asleep.