Poisonous Attraction (unedited-not finished)

Story by Tigara on SoFurry

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Nelly was a masterpiece, no one understood her, and no one wanted to because that was simply another part of who she was. There was no one she willingly opposed, always looking for the friendly way out, as her mother had said: "Never part in hate" before she died. Nelly made it her motto, good in school, helpful in the house, unique for a teenage human girl, almost too good to be true.

Of course it was too good to be true, no one is that perfect. Her father was a drunk; never cared about how and probably never will, as for her...she became an exotic dancer in order to pay for her college tuition. After all, she couldn't expect her lazy scum for a father to pay her, with what? Beer? She wasn't sure they accepted alcohol as payment nowadays.

Two days before graduation she went to work, like every normal day she slipped on her black boots, dressed her tight body in the most delicate corset and pulled up her diamond-rimmed slip. She walked to the mirror looking at her flashy, black-lined eyes and fixed her hat taking a sip of her water she pushed her breast up, getting ready for the standard show.

"You're up" Billy interrupted her seductive trance. She jerked her head sideways nodding quickly to make him go away before she looked back in the mirror one last time. So this was what she's become, what would her mother think? What would her father think? Her father would probably watch and stuff dollar bills down her slip.

Ignoring her guilty conscience she turned away from the mirror and made to walk out, but she never reached the stage. Right before the entrance she collapsed, it went too quick for her to say anything or call for help, she was simply out....

Hot air embraced her as her senses woke up again, she was panting heavily trying to shake off the blurry vision. Finally, as her vision cleared up she looked around to try figure out what happened. Seeing countless girls sit in a line tied to chair-like figures on either side her first reaction was a frown. After noticing that several girls were being tormented by mutant looking men, panic began to arise in her.

She still felt dizzy and the hyperventilation wasn't helping her get any better. She looked to the other side to find a red skinned man shoved his full 9 inches in a tiny girls mouth grabbing her hair in the process. Nelly began to shake as she thought of herself having to commit to that, she was an exotic dancer but had never done anything sexual in her 18 years of living.

"Hey! This one woke up!" A multiple voiced demon called towards the end of the long hall before he turned his attention to Nelly. She gulped still shaking violently as he began approaching her. It seemed like he was moving at the speed of light, next thing she knew he was in front of her placing his claw-like hand on her chin and pulling her head up to meet his eyes.

"'ello gorgeous!" he said with a smirk that revealed his fangs and foul breathe. The bad thing about the figure she was tied to was that it kept her sitting wide legged and had no piece to cover her nude bottom. Though she was still dressed as she was before the show, her g-string could easily be forced aside.

Her thoughts were immediately blocked out as she felt the demon's tongue penetrate her tightly shut lips forcing it in and forcing her to kiss him. He ran one of his claws up her right knee all the way to her hip sending chills through her body. Before she knew it his hand was squeezing her ripe backside pulling her closer to him as if she could move forward in her bound position.

He moved in between her wide-spread legs, kissing her more deeply, forcing his hand around her leg he wiggled his fingers under her slip. Skipping the intro he pushed two of his fingers into her immediately making her gasp in pain, shock and terror. She tried to pull away her head but his thirsty lips followed her head and maintained the contact.

Shoving his thick demonic fingers as deep inside her as he could, he pushed up against her kneeling in front of her. She felt his sharp claws scratch at her walls bruising them for the first time. Her maiden skin sent flashes of pain up her body telling her to scream in agony but she was crippled by the engulfment of his tongue pushing deeper down her throat with its sharp tip.

As if it couldn't get any worse the demon felt a sudden urge to push another finger into her, and so he did making her moan, whimpering to the disrupting feeling. She pressed her eyes shut tightly as she felt them wet up to release the pressure of the pain. He shoved them deeper in, pulling them out just as fast and repeating that process he obviously found pleasure in her anguish.

Suddenly the pain all stopped, his tongue was gone and her opening felt lonely again. As she opened her eyes she saw another, more fearful looking, demon in front of her with a more luscious smile who had flung the other one back.

"I told you this one was mine Russ!" he scolded, he was obviously higher rank. He walked up to Nelly, she was already expecting him to rape her there and then, but what he did was completely unexpected. He untied her and helped her to her feet leading her away from all the commotion into a secluded room.

Still shaking she looked around as they past the raped, beaten and abused girls who she feared she'd look like soon. Holding her arm as he walked he felt her trembling, and seeing him looking down at her arm she tried to hide it but he simply chuckled at the weak attempt.

"I'm Ivy....leader of the demonic clan, you're probably wondering what you're doing here correct?" he asked shutting the door to his own personal room. She nodded weakly frowning as she looked around confused. He smirked halfway, his voice sounded like a normal man's would but his eyes were a piercing red.

His hair was black and hanging down, wildly cut, half hanging in his face but not covering his eyes or hiding his features. Looking at him she couldn't deny he had charm, his body too was muscular and covered in weird symbols that looked unworldly but attractive. She kept silent because she wasn't sure what to say or who he was.

"Well...long story short, demon's like pleasure...I saw you dancing and just couldn't get enough of you. So I mixed some of my poison in your water and lured until you drank it...waited 'til you collapsed and took you with me before anyone saw." He said simply, although one could tell it was a long story short.

He stepped closer to her, she stepped back. "Sorry for Russ...he has no manners"

He stepped closer again, she stepped back. "And he doesn't know how to treat women either..." he added stepping closer again, but again she stepped back.

He snickered enjoying the little game, what good was a woman if she was easy to have he thought. Finally she hit the wall to which his smirk reappeared and he stepped closer to her thrusting his hand forward into the wall beside her head making her jump.

"So how much did they pay for a night with you there?" he asked licking his teeth. Nelly starred anywhere but in his eyes finding the floor the most comfortable place to look at.

"I--I was only a dancer, n--not anyth--thing else." She said quietly. Ivy cocked his head back, "They let you do that? Attractive thing like you only a dancer? That's weak."

Nelly frowned meeting his eyes only for a second before she undid her frown and looked right back at the floor still trembling. He looked down at her head, his hands still firmly beside her, his other hand leaning on his hip.

"Look at me when I'm talking...in the demonic world it's disrespectful to look away!" He ordered her, she immediately starred up at him trying hard to keep her eyes on him as he ran his hand along the shape of her cheek all the way to her chin. He broke their eye contact and sank his eyes down her corset, his hand quickly following his gaze, the other hand still firmly thrust into the wall.

Nelly's eyes shakily followed his hand as he ran it down the side of her breast. Her skin burst out in goose bumps as he reached her waist, barely touching her but still sending electrical impulses through her body. She had no recollection of ever having felt like this before.

"So you are a maiden?" he asked seductively, looking back into her eyes. Nelly's eyes still looking down fearfully, she refused to answer the question. "What did I say before?" he asked more sternly, Nelly immediately looked at him with glassy eyes.

"Second lesson, answer my questions!" he added, his hand still teasing her waist. Nelly breathed uneasily, her eyes twitching to look back down, but he wouldn't let her. Raising an eyebrow at her as she still didn't answer, she smirked.

"You know...there's other ways to find out..." he began, making his way down to her slip with his greedy claw. Nelly closed her eyes, slightly shaking her head in disagreement. Ivy, seeing this was tempted to tease her further, by now he knew she was a virgin but he liked to hear his prey beg.

"No don't!" she stopped him right before he reached her clit. He nodded his head to the side in amazement looking at her and waiting for her to answer. "I...I'm untouched" she said quietly. Ivy chuckled a little starring into her eyes with his glowing red ones.

"There, doesn't that feel better?" he asked, his hand continuing its downward movement, finally petting her bud through her slip. Nelly gasped at the sudden penetration, her head bending forward to see what was going on. She looked back up at Ivy, frowning at him as if he betrayed her.

"You're pretty wet for someone who's never had sex before" he said rubbing her wet pussy deeper, enjoying how her expression went from fearful to unsure and finally enjoyable. Just as she began to feel how good it felt he moved his hand, making her twitch in disagreement. His expression suddenly became fearfully serious, forcing her to hide her pleasure.

"Turn around." He ordered fiercely.

"Wh-what?" she asked breathlessly, confused by the sudden mood change.

"You heard me...turn around!" He ordered calmly still.

Without another word she turned around, facing the wall her naked butt exposed to him, covered in goose bumps. He ran his thirsty hand over it before slipping his fingers into the top of her corset, ripping it off with a powerful tug that made her gasp for air. She turned her head to look at him but he pushed it back to face the wall, he leaned against her lining his mouth with her ear.

"Take off your boots!" he ordered seductively, his hand making its way around her front grabbing her breast firmly, almost too firmly. Trembling in fear she reached down to undo the zipper of her first boot, pulling it off carefully so she wouldn't fall. She could feel his forming hard between her ass cheeks, hidden by his trousers. She leaned the other way to unzip her second boot, pulling it off as well, standing there with only her slip.

Ivy smiled deviously, one hand still massaging her breast he took the other to undo her hair. He grabbed her and turned her back around to face him, and with another powerful tug he flung her onto the bed beside him.

"You like danger?" he asked, his boner clearly printing through his trousers. Nelly quickly shook her head 'no', unsure of what he had in mind but not curious enough to find out. "Good it's more fun that way"

He waved his hand and the ceiling opened a small shaft through which dozens of venomous cobras came sliding through, dropping onto the bed beside, on top and around Nelly. She tried to remain still, anxiously looking around at the hissing beasts rearing up beside her.

"I control them, but they can still bite so be careful" he snickered ripping off his shirt and leaning forward on top of her. Nelly held so still that she looked like a statue, afraid to get bitten, afraid to move. Ivy, disregarding the snakes, came up to her face licking her shut lips wiggling his demonic tongue into her mouth firmly, kissing her deeply. As he felt her holding back, stiffened by the surrounding predators he pulled back.

"Don't just lay there, I picked you because of your moves....so show them to me!" he ordered her, his hard brushing against her pulsing clit with every movement. He leaned forward again, kissing her but again she remained motionless. He backed up again throwing her a threatening look.

"I'm sorry but I usually have a hard time thinking about sex when there are deadly snakes next to me!" she shot at him, clasping her hands over her mouth as she had finished for being rude. Ivy smirked "Now you're getting better" he said grabbing her shoulder and turning them around so she was on top of him instead.

"Now...start!" he scolded in a low growl. Nelly, still terrified of the snakes leaned forward at the clear threat and began kissing him deeply. He went along with it until she bit down onto his sharp demonic tongue, pushing off him and jumping off the bed. Immediately the snakes snapped out of their comforting position and wrapped themselves around her, standing in front of the bed covered in black slimy, hissing cobras.

"Go ahead...in her waist!" he said and suddenly Nelly felt a sharp pain in her waist rushing through her blood. She looked down to see the fangs of one of the deadly snakes sunk into her hip, already spreading its poison under her skin. Ivy got out of his satanic bed waltzing around her in circles.

"You have roughly 30 minutes to live....the antidote to the poison in is me, the easiest way to obtain it through my seeds, so now you have a choice. Behave and become my slave, do as I please and maybe I'll be kind enough to give you some of my seed. Or, be stubborn, try to run and die....which would be a waste considering that your body is perfect." He informed her beastly.

Nelly could feel her blood rush through her body carrying the poison around, he wasn't lying because she could already feel herself getting weaker. He stopped behind her, his head next to her ear. "Oh and movement slows down the poison...so I'd get to work!"

Nelly turned to face him, the snakes dropping off of her, crawling back onto the bed. She starred at him for a few moments before she dropped to her knees, bowing to him in submission.

"That's right....bow to your master." He chuckled.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked looking up at him to receive a slap across the face, completely unexpected.

"As my slave you are expected to use titles!" he scolded.

Nelly, clutching her throbbing cheek looked back up at him again, "What would you like me to do...master?" she asked, her eyes sinking to the ground.

"Be creative...surprise me!" he replied cruelly.

Nelly shyly looked up at him, she found herself starring at his oversized boner as she finally noticed it was right in front of her. She raised her hands and pulled down his trousers taking his stiff in her mouth and sucking on it like a lollipop. He smirked at how fast she was learning, enjoying the difficulty she had to take his entire vast cock in her mouth.

He let her suck on him for a while, hardly able to believe this was her first time doing this. Finally, after acknowledging her for her courage he pushed her back onto the bed, falling onto the salad of cobras bellow. She gasped at the impact afraid of another bite but he quickly fell on top of her pulling his trousers off all the way.

"You already got bitten...nothing left to fear." He told her eagerly ripping off her slip with his claws and burying his tongue in her small mouth mixing their saliva's. His hands slid down her front pulling her lips apart and rubbing her clit with one of his fingers to receive her heat. She was so wet that he got more hot thinking about it.

He licked her cheek from her mouth to her ear, grabbing her right leg and pushing it up beside her. Smirking at her flexibility, he pushed three of his fingers inside her, almost giving her an outburst of tears to the pain. He enjoyed feeding off others' pain and therefore didn't hold back shoving deeper into her just to hear her scream in agony.

Returning to kiss her he forced her to shut up as he continued to finger her brutally, feeling her tight pussy get even wetter. She tried to push him off with her hands, scratching him and trying to claw him off her but he easily overpowered her, grabbing her wrist with his free. She continued to bruise his skin with her other hand until he grabbed that one too with his other hand, removing it from her tight hole.

He knew she liked it, she was that type of girl who liked pain, she just wasn't sure how to accept it, and therefore he didn't hesitate to push his full eleven inches into her in a powerful thrust. She screamed extremely loud as she felt her maidenhood being raped away by an inhuman demon, trembling but unable to push him off because she was being held down.

He kissed down her neck beginning to thrust into her with all his strength as if begging her to scream again. Humiliatingly he took her there and then disregarding the agony she was in, the shame she felt for being raped so ruthlessly by someone as careless as Ivy.

He lightly bit into her ear, thrusting deeper as he felt the ultimate pleasure take over. Nelly felt as if she would tear apart, it was one thing to be raped as a virgin but another to be taken by a vast cock like Ivy's so powerfully made her feel like an actual slut for the first time in her life. She felt used but she found herself liking it, she could feel the blood dripping down her leg but the idea of a man this powerful claiming her made her want him more and ignore the pain.

All of a sudden the pain began to mix with pleasure as her walls tightened around his stiff as he continued to pound into her selfishly. She felt the beast inside her break loose and wanted to let it out, fidgeting to free her hands but he didn't let go. She began to moan to welcome his thrusts wanting to call out his name, wanting to call her master, wanting to beg him to fuck her harder but she wanted her hands more than any of these things.

She wanted to grab him, pulling her arms back more until finally he let one go sliding it to her breast and massaging the stone hard nipple. Nelly wrapped her arm around his back immediately lightly scratching down his back to release the pressure she was feeling. Noticing her submission he released her other arm as it too clasped around his hot back.

She arched her back to welcome his powerful thrusts her moaning getting louder as her blood continued to run down her leg. She found herself crying in pain and delight, closing her eyes as if it would help. She pushed him over to sit on top of him, humping up and down, embracing his full grown dick inside her as a mixture of blood and juices flowed from her.

She began gasping aloud as her body shivered unable to take the pleasure that she was feeling and the pain now submitting form the snake bite as well. But as if she was possessed she continued to ride him as hard as she could because the great feeling was far more advanced than that of the pain. Surprised by her sudden mutation Ivy turned them back around, lifting her leg up beside her again and humping into her harder as he felt his peek approach.

"Do you want it?" he asked finally chuckling at her delight, moaning almost begging him to do her harder. She nodded frantically grabbing onto him and pushing him deeper inside her with every thrust. "Then beg..." he ordered.

Panting she felt her body tremble as her climax approached as well, but she refused to beg. Immediately he stopped moving starring down at her with a raised eyebrow waiting for her to beg. She felt like a drug addict, wanting him to do her harder than before, she shook at the thought of not reaching her climax.

"P--Please...give me your...seed!" she begged pitifully shaking like she never had before. Ivy still didn't move apart from a slight jerk that send a rush of pleasure through her body making her tremble more desperately.

"Don--Don't stop!!!" she begged like a dog. "Please master...don't stop!!" she said louder, but again he only jerked for a second and then remained still. She grabbed him tighter "Master please fill me!" she shouted so loud that the hissing snakes couldn't be heard. Ivy chuckling at his success he slowly pushed into her teasingly, not giving her the pleasure like before, just the longing begs for more.

Nelly moved with him, digging her nails into his back as he refused to go faster. She looked at him stunned, "Wh--why master?" she pleaded her lip trembling, "P--please...master, fuck me harder!" she begged further, running her hands down his back.

He looked at her for a while, before he leaned forward kissing her deeply again and speeding his pace, thrusting into her again, ignoring the blood he felt between them. She was barely able to maintain kissing him because she wanted to scream louder, but he didn't let her. Finally, humping into her one last time he released his sperm into her canal, filling her up with the hot greedy seed that burned her inside with lust as she too climaxed screaming out anyway.

Panting, he leaned over her, sinking his fangs into her shoulder and biting down hard. She bawled out in the pain as blood ran down her shoulder onto the bed. He let go after a few minutes remaining inside her to ensure that she would be forced to stay with him.

"Forever mine..." he hissed into her ear, his black pupils had transformed to snake-like slits. The place where he had bitten into her had no trace of bite marks but simply a small patch of snake scales as his mark. Ivy smirked at her tear streamed face as her pain returned after the pleasure left.

He finally pulled out of her with a powerful tug, releasing the excess sperm that spilled onto the bed. He got up and walked across the room picking up a collar lying on the table next to the entrance. Returning to her side he quickly snapped it around her neck disregarding the hissing snakes that reared up to her.

Nelly, still shaking looked up at him wondering what had just happened, why she had wanted him so badly. Ivy simply sat down beside her and smiled.

"It wasn't poison....Kila injected you with a hormonal serum, accelerating your heat and now...well let's say it's too late to take it back. The collar will make sure of that!" he said grabbing her as filthy as she was by the arm and carrying her back into the main hall. Dripping of blood and full of his seed he tied her back to the chair figure she sat in before naked and raped, his new and only slave...no one but him would have her. As evil as it was she found herself secretly liking the idea of being his to use.