Eager Fire

Story by Keelin on SoFurry

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I was just too excited to sleep. I had turned eighteen the other week, and decided to become a trainer.

The time when kids used to be able to battle their pokemon competitively at such young ages had come and gone a long time ago. Eventually people wised up and realized sending children off with creatures that could destroy entire towns by themselves was not the brightest of ideas, and set an age limit. In preparation I had been taking courses in competitive training for years, although they weren't full time.

No, I didn't have time to take full time classes working on the ranch. You see, helping around my family's Pokémon ranch may as well be a full time job. While we mainly breed companion Pokémon, plenty of them are purchased for competitive training as well, so we need to make sure all of our critters are in tip top shape at all times. It's a tough job, but we manage well enough.

When I brought up leaving to my parents, I was shocked by how supportive they were. Not only did they understand my wanderlust, but they even offered to let me take one of our Pokémon with me to start off! I already had an idea of who I wanted to take, but I didn't officially leave and chose until tomorrow.

Which, of course, brings me to my restlessness. It was past midnight and yet I felt wide awake, my mind running with excitement of things to come the next day. Would I be prepared enough? Would the Pokémon I planned on taking be happy with me? What if I failed miserably? The more I thought, the more my excitement turned into nervous tension. Curled up in bed, I knew I needed to do something to try to get myself to go to sleep. My brain was running at a mile a minute, and before I knew it I had a sudden itch between my thighs as well.

Absently, while I worried my brain out, my hand started to wander. First I just lightly scratched my leg, then slowly started to just run my fingers up my thigh closer to my folds. Very slowly, I skated around the edge of my panties, carefully running my hand into them and through my lightly shaved pubic region. I gently ran my middle finger just over my opening, chewing on my lip to try to prevent myself from making any noise. My own juices quickly lubricated my fingers, and I deftly plunged one into myself, failing this time at stopping a small moan from escaping. Yes, now, this was one way to stop fretting myself to death. Before very long another finger joined the first, both pushing in and out quickly as I tried to push them both in further and further. Ignoring the noises I was making from my mouth and with my hands I quickened, rubbing my clitoris with my thumb and eventually adding a third finger with the first two.

My breath quickened, and I felt myself getting closer. The hand that wasn't inside of me gathered a fist full of my sheets, slowly pulling them closer. I was right at the edge! Suddenly my thumb hit just the right spot with my other three fingers and I came quickly, twitching slightly. I didn't take my hand out immediately, wanting my orgasm to last as long as I could make it, but before long it ended regardless and I was left unfulfilled.

Sighing, I dragged myself to the edge of the bed, swinging my legs over. Even after that I wasn't the slightest bit tired. Standing up I walked over to my bedroom door, grabbing my bathrobe as I went. Sure, my family was probably long since passed out, I still didn't want to chance any of them waking up and seeing me wandering about in just a shirt and underwear. As quietly as I could muster I left my room, slowly closing the door behind me. Maybe if I walked around the grounds a bit and peeked in on the Pokemon I was thinking of taking with me I could finally make my mind stop racing.

It didn't take me long to get to the building we kept my soon-to-be partner in. It was a large building attached to the large fenced in area outside, although the doors leading to it was closed for the night. Inside were many rooms where the Pokémon slept separated by breed and gender for the night to avoid roughhousing and unplanned litters. Pulling the key I had grabbed on the way out of the main house from my bathrobe pocket, I used it to let myself into the main room.

The main "room" was more of a hall you could use to reach each of the previously mentioned sleeping areas, and knowing my way around it took just a couple minutes to get to where I was headed. Letting myself through a second door, I was now in the room that held our few male growlithes. These were from our most recent litter and were a few months old--just ready to be taken by trainers. One particularly I had fallen in love with. He was sweet and playful, and seemed to learn with amazing speed. All in all, he seemed like the perfect starting partner for me.

Looking around, it didn't take long for me to spot him sprawled out and sleeping. Smiling, I walked over and knelt down, slowly running my hand through his thick fur. Seeing my future partner calmed my nerves a bit, making my mind stop racing. I could do this. I've been studying hard, and even if there is more to learn, I should be fine. Petting the warm fire pokemon, I continued to work on calming myself down. However, so lost in my thoughts I hadn't even noticed he had woken up until he suddenly sat up straight. Jumping, I stopped petting him and slowly pulled my hand back, frowning. "Oh, I'm sorry for waking you. I just couldn't sleep, so I came down to visit."

He cocked his head slightly as though to say he didn't understand why I was apologizing, and stood up. I started to reach to pet him again, but he seemed distracted by my hand. Turning, he started sniffing it, and it wasn't until his tongue darted out and started to lick it did I realize what he must smell on it. It was the same hand I had used to masturbate earlier. I felt my face turn beet red and started to pull my hand back but he just followed it, licking it heavily. "No boy, I'm sorry, my hand isn't clean." For some reason, him licking the hand that was covered with my juices just moments ago made my blood rush, and I felt dirty for it.

I pulled my hand back quickly and sat on my feet, putting that hand under my butt so he wouldn't have access to it, instead petting him with my other hand. Making a small aggravated noise he gave up trying to get my hand, instead letting me just pet him. Thinking that would be the end of that, I just continued to pet him.

If I was smart, I would have left right then and there. Instead, it didn't take his powerful nose long to find the source of the yummy taste on my hand. When his warm, wet nose bumped the edge of my leg I jumped, frowning. At the moment I didn't think much of it, he was behaving fine otherwise, but when his head suddenly pushed underneath the edge of my bathrobe I gasped. The shock of it made me jump and I quickly scolded him "Growlithe, no!" I tried to keep my voice down, not wanting to wake one of the other Growlithes, but the panic was evident.

He hesitated for a moment, and I almost thought he would leave it be. Apparently he changed his mind and shoved his head back under, and before I could react his tongue pushed against the thin fabric of my underwear. My breath caught and my arms that had been ready to push him away froze. No, I thought, this is wrong on SO many levels. I need to get back to my room!

"No, Growlithe!" I tried again, voice shaking as I finally moved my hands to try to push him away. He pushed back, tongue once again assaulting the fabric keeping him from my entrance. My breath caught as arms stopped pushing, even though my brain knew I needed to. He seemed to take this as permission, and he continued with vigor. Even with the cloth between us it just felt so good. My conscious was screaming at me to stop, this was vulgar, this was just so wrong!

But by Arceus, this felt wonderful.

My arms fell back to my sides and I sat down all the way, watching him roughly lick me through my panties, seemingly frustrated by the barrier. Before I even knew what I was doing I moved my legs to a more comfortable angle and my hands were there, pulling my panties over my hips and down my legs before untying my robe and giving him full access.

He wasted absolutely no time to return his attentions, and I couldn't help but fall back and release a moan, eyes squeezed shut. His tongue ran from my asshole up to my vagina, filling every crevice along the way. His saliva mixed with my own juices as his tongue pushed roughly into my passage, nose pressed against my clit as he tried to get to the source. I pulled my arms out from my bathrobe and pulled my shirt off. My hands found their way to his fur, taking handfuls of it and gently pushing him closer. He didn't seem to mind, continuing to lick excitedly, not missing a single spot. His tongue continued to dart in and out, pushing in as far as he could make it. With all of this stimulation, it didn't take me long to reach my peak, coming hard. My back arched, and I moaned louder, feeling his tongue continue to ravage me. Even when I finished he continued. My mind was spinning, still trying to yell at me about how wrong this was. I half tried to listen, closing my legs to prevent his access. He grumbled, still trying to push in. Shuddering as his rough tongue still tried to assault my now sensitive region, I started to try and stand when something caught my eye.

My blood ran cold when the sudden realization hit me. My growlithe was very smart, of course. That was one reason I chose him. Even if he wasn't quite positive, I'm sure he had an inkling as to what he was doing. And, oh boy, did his body too.

Apparently our sudden excursion made him quite happy as well, judging by the red flesh visible between his back legs. My face felt hot, what was happening making my stomach churn. Not only did I just let my future partner eat me out which is not only illegal but wrong on so many levels, it also gave him a raging hard on.

At the moment, I just felt worse than crap. Distracted, growlithe continued to try to push past my closed legs, small growls of frustration getting louder and louder. When I saw one of the other growlithes stur, I froze, trying my hardest to quiet him. "You're going to wake everyone up," I whispered, "Please, be quiet." His eyes looked up at me and I'm sure he was scowling, and growled even louder out of spite.

The growls didn't make me fear for my safety, I knew he would never hurt me, but I was terrified of what would happen if the others woke up. If this was making my growlithe so 'happy', I couldn't imagine...

Quickly dismissing that thought I tried thinking back to the thought at hand. He wasn't quieting any time soon, and I needed to do something. As he suddenly growled sharply and I saw one of the other male growlithes twitch, I did the first thing I could think of and reached out to the red flesh. It was very, very warm--almost like that heat you feel when holding your hands in front of a fireplace, or holding a piping hot cup of hot coffee. It felt very soft, but didn't look anything like a human's penis. Not to mention just how large it was. I would have never expected it to be as large as it is by looking at him. Of course, a few hours ago I would never expected to think about this in my life. And then, there was that bulge at the end. I knew very well what it was and shuddered, thinking for just a moment about how that would feel.

Shaking my head quickly, I noticed how the shock of me grabbing his penis made growlithe freeze, staring at me incredulously. I couldn't help but smirk a little at his expression. "I told you to be quiet, didn't I?" He blinked and narrowed his eyes, growling (although much, much quieter) in spite. My face was still bright red, I'm sure, as I started to move my hand. He stopped mid growl and moved his hips, pushing into my hand. Chewing on my tongue and telling myself all I was doing was returning the favor, I started moving my hand quicker. In order to get closer to him, I had sat up. Growlithe's penis was dripping with pre, and I used it to avoid much friction on his already hot member. His hips met my hand as I went, but so focused on what I was doing I hadn't even noticed that my legs were no longer tight together.

Oh, but he certainly did. My hand faltered when his tongue suddenly found my folds again. I gasped, eyes snapping shut. Helping him along seemed to get my blood pumping again, and instead of pushing him away I found myself spreading my legs wider again. He pushed in, licking as quickly as he could manage while I stroked him. My other hand returned to his ears, scratching them and urging him along.

His tongue lapped roughly at my sex, pushing in and out. I couldn't believe just how long his tongue was as it pushed into me deeper and deeper before pulling out and licking up my body again. I gasped every time it grazed my asshole, occasionally going inside that slightly before continuing it's path to my tunnel. His teeth would graze against my lips sharply, and the light pain just made my heart beat faster. My breath quickened again as he licked faster and faster, my hand matching his rhythm stroking his penis.

That devil thought returned as I looked at his knot, and I chewed on the inside of my cheek. No one would know, I told myself. There were no cameras in here, and everyone else was fast asleep. I was surprised he had lasted this long, but judging by the look on his face it was completely intentional. I pulled my hand back and he stopped licking. Looking at me he growled again, just as loudly as before, but this time I ignored him and pulled away. He started to follow, confused at my sudden change of heart, but I gently pushed him away. Turning over quickly before he could jump back in I got on my hands and knees. Looking at him over my shoulder I just barely saw him glance at me once before accepting my obvious invitation. His front paws quickly locked around my hips and he thrust. His first time slid through my butt crack and up my back, making me shudder. His second thrust just through my folds but too far in the front, rubbing against my clitorus. Frustrated, I reached back between my legs, holding my hand as a guide. The third time, with the help of my hand, he hit his mark and sunk in deep.

Gasping loudly, my hand slammed back on the floor to keep my balance. My head was spinning as he continued to thrust into me, his knot slamming against my entrance each time. Oh, Arceus, it felt beyond words. The squelching noises our activities were making were quickly drowned out by my moaning, my head now clouded with pleasure and no longer thinking about waking up any of the other growlithes. He continued to hump furiously, his abnormally hot penis warming my tunnel wonderfully. Feeling him thrust into me repeatedly made me groan out, grabbing a fistful of my bathrobe for something to hold onto. His knot continued to slam against me, trying to get in, but I had a feeling he had something to do with it not popping inside yet. My back arched and head went back as I bit my lip, trying and failing to not cry out. "Oh, growlithe, you feel amazing. Please, just keep fucking me. Fuck me hard and knot me!"

He certainly seemed to like this and he growled loudly, quickening his pace inside of me. Every thrust of his burning rod brought me closer and closer, but just as I thought I would come again he would slow, choosing instead to thrust inside of me hard and slow. He suddenly started to slow more than he had been, and I opened my eyes to see what was wrong. I knew instantly, and given the place my mind was at at the moment I didn't care.

The other male growlithe from before had woken up, and by the looks of things he was just as happy as mine. He walked over to the both of us, first going to where my growlithe was once again humping furiously. My growlithe gave him a sharp growl as to say, "No, this is my bitch, and my hole. You go find your own."

If that's indeed what he was saying, it was true. At this moment, and I had a sinking feeling that from this moment on, I was his bitch. And being his bitch felt amazing. The other growlithe quickly backed, sniffing around. He found my hanging breasts first and licked one curiously, and I moaned at the attention. Noticing the reaction he continued to lick, his hot, rough tongue stroking my alert nipple. Crouching underneath me he moved to my other, licking that one as well. He was underneath me now, turning slightly so his back was directly under my head. I had to move my hand to accommodate him, but doing so gave him access to both of my breasts. This was more than okay to me as he alternated attention to both of my moderately sized breasts.

With my growlithe slamming into my pussy over and over again, my sex crazed mind had a sudden wonderful thought. I reached up with the closest hand and reached underneath other growlithe to take hold of hisdick. It felt a bit smaller than my growlithe's, but again, the growlithe was a bit smaller as well. It had the same hot feeling, and of course, that wonderful knot much like the one still pounding against my tunnel. The other growlithe yipped a bit, humping into my hand. I could feel drops of precum on his tip, and I used them to give me a little bit of lubrication. He backed up a bit and licked my face, and I quickly found myself opening my mouth to let him lick in there as well. It was so dirty, so wrong, and felt so fucking amazing.

He licked inside my mouth with as much fervor as my growlithe did to my vagina, which gave me another fantastic idea. I moved down a little bit, eventually taking my hand away and ignoring the grunt of complaint. I pulled my mouth away and pushed my head underneath him, spending almost no time taking him into my mouth, sliding my tongue around the hot piece of flesh. He yipped again, thrusting into my mouth as he did with my hand. I gagged a bit, surprised by the sudden deepthroat, but recovered quickly. He locked his front paws underneath my arms, humping into my mouth. I moaned around him, bringing my hand up to help hold him and keep his knot away from my mouth. If I was going to deepthroat him again, it would be on my terms.

With both beautiful creatures pumping into me from each end, I felt closer and closer to the edge. My growlithe was once again thrusting furiously into me, his knot hitting against me with renewed vigor as though he was trying to outdo the other growlithe. His pace picked up and he started to hump harder and harder, the second growlithe eagerly facefucking me with the same pace. Feeling both pieces of flesh thrusting inside of me I felt myself reach small orgasms. They felt good, but nothing close to the full experience. My growlithe's knot felt wonderful thumping against my tunnel, pulling back just as I thought for sure he would pop it inside and fill me up. The second growlithe's knot continued to hit against my hand, trying to push past it into my mouth.

My vagina felt used and sore, but it was a good feeling. The dog Pokémon's penis stretched it amazingly, and I was beginning to wonder by the feeling of it if his penis was just too large to fit inside with his knot. He continued to slam inside of me, abusing my hole over and over again while I continued to swallow mouthful after mouthful of the second growlithe's salty precum. Suddenly, my growlithe growled deeply before thrusting hard. I gasped, hand dropping away from my face to hold my balance again when I heard a loud POP. He had knotted suddenly, and it definitely did feel as great as I expected. I felt so full, his penis feeling so big inside of me, and his knot locking us flush together.

The growlithe facefucking me, now barrierless, continued his assault down my throat and I tried to take every breath I could and still keep my mouth suctioned to avoid being knotted at both ends. I thought about putting my hand back, but I didn't trust my balance in the least as my growlithe continued to hump vigorously, his knot tugging slightly but never budging. Finally with his quick pace and his knot tied in place I felt him twitch as the floodgate dropped. The rush of his seed filled me completely, and I couldn't help but come hard with him. His semen, like his penis, was burning hot and felt insanely good. I groaned loudly, my whole body shaking hard as I was filled.

As I cried out around the penis trying to force it's way down my throat I opened my mouth more, and the second knot pushed past my teeth. Gasping, my throat barely open enough to pull in oxygen, I felt him twitch as well before the second gate opened. The burning hot semen flooded down my throat. If it wasn't for me trying to relax my throat as I was taking in the growlithe's penis I was sure I'd have it coming out my nose. Both growlithes pushed in as hard as they could while they came, and I swear I continued to come the entire time as well. When My growlithe finished, he collapsed on my back, giving a halfhearted tug at his knot to make sure it wasn't ready to pop out. The tug made me moan, still in the buzz of my orgasm.

The second didn't take long to finish at all, and I tried to open my mouth a little bit more and slide my tongue around his knot, gently pushing it out with the help of my hand. Luckily his was able to leave with the help, but I shuddered imagining if his was as big as my growlithe's and trying the same thing. The second, now free, collapsed on the floor and seemed to pass out.

I followed suit the best I could, laying on my stomach awkwardly, moving my growlithe with me and flinching at the feeling of his member still inside of me. I must have dozed off slightly, because the next thing I remember was my growlithe tugging his knot away and gasping, the flood of our juices rushing out of me. He turned, licking me again. I grunted, although it felt wonderful I wasn't sure if I had another session in me. However, after a few deep and wonderful licks he turned and sat down, bending to clean himself up. I blinked, surprised at the gentlemanly nature considering what had just happened. Smiling, I waited until he was done before scratching behind his ear and giving him a close hug. Although I knew what the three of us had done was so very wrong, I found that I didn't regret it. No one had to know. It would be our secret... until next time.


I slept wonderfully after that. My shirt and bathrobe were near ruined from last nights excursion, so I shoved them to the bottom of the trash after I woke up and showered. When it came time to leave I couldn't help contemplate taking the second growlithe with me as well, but decided against being greedy. Who knows, maybe his adopter would find him as 'pleasant' as I did.

After saying our farewells, my new growlithe, Eros, and I hit the road. His Pokéball for show more than anything, now. After what he did for me, there was no way I could keep him cramped up in that tiny thing. Smiling down at him as we walked, I swear he winked back.