Birthday Surprise: Father W.I.P.

Story by Seigi on SoFurry

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#1 of W.I.P.s

Wind blew gently across the surface of the sea, kicking up water into a spray of droplets coating two furred forms lying on a nearby beach. Steve shivered and cuddled close to his father, who wrapped his arms around the smaller german shepherd, chuckling softly, while waiting for the sunrise on the horizon. Both held onto each other close as time passed. Adam smiled warmly, rubbing his son's back; Steve, in turn, nuzzled contently into his father's chest. Another gust of wind washed over their naked forms causing Steve to wrap his tail around them to try and keep them warm.

Ahead of them sky and sea met in the distance, unseparated and one until golden red streaks of color burst forth from the horizon to illuminate the darkened sky. Murring from his father giving a soft squeeze, Steve rubbed his hands over the strong creamy brown furred chest his head rested on.

Adam's ears twitched when his son spoke, Steve's voice not even louder than a pin drop on a carpet. Adam, however, heard his son perfectly.

"Yes, it is." He replied watching the sun start to peek over the water. Curling a finger under the smaller sheppy's chin, Adam tilted Steve's head up and stared into his eyes. It didn't even register that his son's face was blurred, nothing distinguishing eyes, mouth, nose or fur colors separating each other.

To him his son looked the same as he's always looked. Pressing his lips against the tip of his son's muzzle, he let out a content sigh holding the pose for a few moments before pulling back. Again his son spoke, the distortion of his face blurred further as he moved his mouth, letting out the barest of whispers, and Adam smiled warmly in turn.

* * *

Rolling over, a stray beam of sunlight washed across Adam's right eyelid. Moments passed before rousing the german shepherd from his slumber; rubbing his eye he groaned at the new day ahead of him. Reaching over with his right arm to pull his mate close, he found it to be empty. Tiredly he pawed at the bed several more times until he finally opened his eyes to confirm he was, in fact, alone in the room. The sheet half turned over and a few rose petals from the day before strewn all over the black silken bedspread.

Forcing himself to sit up and stretch, he let out a drowsy sigh while his mind slowly became aware of the sound of running water from downstairs. Sliding out of the comforts of the double bed, Adam stretched out his back and legs before striding out of the room; not even bothering to put of underwear of any kind.

The smell of sausage and bacon filled the air causing his nose twitch, and stomach grumbling in hunger as he padded to the staircase. Starting his way down the steps, a soft humming caught his attention. Half way down a broad grin crossed his lips at the sight of his son, stark naked as the day he was born, swaying his tail side to side while he washed away at a large pan. Streaks of light seeped through closed blinds on the kitchen window, glistening off -what he could see- of Steve's dark brown fur.

Steve continued to wash away the grime on the pan, rinsing off the soap and setting it in a dish basket when he deemed it clean, unaware of his father reaching the bottom of the stairs and carefully moving behind him. Two strong arms wrapping tight around his midsection, pulling him into a wall of fur and muscle, practically made him jump out of his skin.

"Good morning, hun." A firm squeeze calmed him slightly as he turned his head to see a familiar loving face behind him, "Holy shit, dad, why do you always do that?"

"Mmm, maybe because you're cute when you're startled?" Adam chuckled kissing his son's nose while letting his hands roam along Steve's white furred torso; noting the slight dampness along his entire body.

Getting over the initial shock of his father's surprise, he playfully stuck his tongue out at his dad before going back to cleaning. Rocking their bodies gently from side to side Steve giggled, feeling a cold nose pressing into his ruffled hair, a soft murr following afterwards and a gentle kiss replacing the wet nose.

"Is that apple cinnamon I smell?"

"Yeah; new shampoo I bought a few days ago." Steve giggled when his father nipped at his neck, "Like?"


"Amazing isn't it?" Adam sighed contently holding his son a bit tighter in his arms, never letting go while Steve finished cleaning a pair of tongs; both enjoying the feeling of the other against their body.


"We've been together for a year, silly."

"No we haven't." Steve replied, smiling from his father nuzzle into his neck fur and tilted his head to rest softly on his dad's muzzle.

"Oh yes we have," Adam growled playfully as he brought his hands to Steve's hips and started tickling. Steve yipped and giggled, unintentionally pushing himself into his father, who moved his hands to tickle his son's stomach, before trying to get away.

"S-stop it!" Steve laughed grabbing at his father's hands, only to have them move to a different part of his torso.

"Not till you tell me what'cha mean." Adam snickered softly, continuing his assault of fingers dancing along flesh as his son buckled underneath him; both soon on the ground, son in a fit of giggles and father smiling wide above him. Now on his knees Steve crawled away from his father who grabbed his hips and rolled him onto his back.

"Oh no you don't." He said as he crawled over his son's body, laying his body down effectively pinning his son on the ground. Steve was still gasping for breath when his father's nose bumped against his.

"So are you going to tell me?"

"Okay, okay." Steve smiled and kissed his father's nose, wiggling a little despite being stuck. "We got together on my birthday right?"

"Well," Adam started, running his hand through Steve's hair "technically yeah. I guess so."

"Then, technically, we've been together for a year and a day, since I turned nineteen yesterday." Steve replied wrapping his hands around his father's waist.

"It's definitely been one of the best years of my life."

"Mine too." Steve grinned leaning up to press his lips against his father's. Adam, in turn, returned the kiss in full pushing forwards till his son's head was pressed firmly against the wooden floor. Those soft furred lips interlocking with his always sent chills down Steve's spine, his sheath swelling against his father's, and a tilt of the head he swallowed a moan as a warm tongue slipped into his maw.

Adam groaned softly holding the kiss just a bit longer before pulling back. "Did you enjoy your birthday?"

"Very much," Steve murred running his hands along his father's taut chest "and last night was very romantic."

"I fell asleep didn't I?" Giggling Steve planted a soft peck on Adam's nose.

"Yeah, but I don't mind. I already have the best gift I could ask for, you."

"I feel honored to hear that." Adam nibbled along Steve's neck softly, feeling the wet tip of an erection bumping along his stomach. Steve groaned the moment his father's subtle short fur brushed along the head of his swelling shaft. Sliding an arm under Steve's neck, Adam pulled his son, and himself, into an upright position before grasping his son's rear. Holding on tight he carefully stood himself up, Steve shivering as his shaft was forced against more of his father's fur.

"Come on, let's deal with that on something more clean." Adam chuckled carrying him over to the wooden table in the middle of the kitchen. Setting his son down, he immediately pressed his lips against Steve's, roaming his hands along his son's supple body and firm muscles.

A low murr slipped between Steve's lips and flowed into his father's maw as he wrapped his arms around his dad's neck, pulling himself back and consecutively pulling his father half way on top of him. Adam let out a pleasant groan as Steve's tail wagged gently between his legs, tickling his scrotum and sheath; blood coursing through his member causing it to swell and stretch his sheath while he and his son continued their lip lock.

Minutes passed as they lost themselves in the kiss before the burning in their chests reminded them of the need for air. Panting heavily Adam nuzzled and nipped and licked along the side of his son's neck and shoulder.

Tilting his head to the side to give his father more access to his neck, Steve closed his eyes, shivering as Adam made his way down his body. Stopping over a perky pink nipple, Adam grazed his teeth over the nub of flesh, grinning when his son let out a sharp gasp and arched his back; Steve's shaft already hard and soaking his father's stomach with pre.

Running his hands up along Steve's sides, Adam moved lower kissing down his son's trembling stomach until the wet tip of his son's erection bumped against his chin. Wrapping his left hand around that hot malehood, Adam went about nuzzling it tenderly and murring as the warm fluids forming at the tip rubbed into his fur.

Steve's heart thumped hard in his chest, watching his father attending to his aching length. A soft kiss at the base of his shaft; a cold nose against his skin; a slow tantalizing lick that stopped right before it reached the head of his member; hands caressing him every so often. Steve groaned again, resting his head against the table, and huffed from the sensations washing through his body. God did his dad know how to please him and boy did he take his time to hit ever sweet spot on his body.

Lying there under Adam's ministrations, Steve lost track of time; focusing solely on his father and his actions. Seconds ticked by into minutes, minutes into what seemed like hours, as his father tended to his arousal; only stopping once to nose in the crease of Steve's groin and thigh. That one motion got his son's attention real quick. Picking his head up he knew just what Adam planned from the wicked grin on his face.

"N-no, you wouldn't dare!" His dad chuckled, gripping his son's hips to keep Steve from moving and nudged himself closer, ignoring the protests and licked. Steve went rigid the moment that tongue touched his skin, letting out a mixed laugh and moan while his father lapped away.

Adam murred, happily attending one of his son's more sensitive spots; tail wagging behind him as he watched through half open eyes, Steve covering his gaping mouth to silence his moans and laughter. He couldn't help but chuckle at Steve's futile attempts to actively buck his hips away from his father's maw and Adam only licked more vigorously in turn.

Eventually, to Adam's dismay, Steve forced a hand away from his jaws and to his dad's head to push him away. He didn't force himself to continue, even if he loved the lingering musky taste on his tongue, just laid his head on his son's right leg watching Steve catch his breath.

"You . . . y-you said . . . you w-wouldn't do that . . . anymore . . ." Steve gasped through labored gasps.

"So?" Adam said playfully, "You know you like it." He grinned cheekily while sticking the tip of his tongue out at his son.

"It's still not fair." Steve huffed in a pseudo pout. His dad stood and Steve nearly swooned watching Adam's left paw grip his swollen sheath, pulling it down over the large budge that hid his knot with a lewd wet pop.

"Come here and I'll give you something that's knot fair." He grinned, grasping Steve's hips and pulled him down the table. Steve groaned, both at the bad pun and the feeling of his father's shaft press against his sac, while his dad loomed over him; leaning down to intermingle their lips once more, Adam snaked a hand behind Steve's head to keep them together while he ground his hips into the younger shepherd.

Again this is a WIP and I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions about it. And anything that could make this better.

Characters (c) me

Edited by a friend

Note: To anyone reading this and wanting to see more, this story is already done, but Was renamed to Adam and Steve: A year together