Brotherly Love: Chapter 16

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#4 of A New Venture

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

Richter could think of a lot of place he'd have liked to have been five minutes after he sat down to breakfast. Being chased by bulls, run over by a truck or being tackled by the entire offensive line up were just a few of those places as he and Grant sat frozen in their chairs and watched Roan lean back in his chair. The big stallion had been waiting on them the moment they'd come downstairs for breakfast. But that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was the fact that Richter was having to cram himself into a chair that used to fit him just fine and by the looks of it Grant wasn't having the easiest of times in his own chair. The lion was looking at him with wide eyes before a throat being cleared forced their attention back on Roan. The red eyes hadn't left them, but he hadn't asked any questions either.

He knows, oh god he knows... Richter fought the urge to sink into his chair and try to escape by making himself small.

"So, you two have a good nights sleep?" Roan kicked his legs out and folded the paper in front of him neatly.

"Yeah, we did. Where's everyone?" Grant hurried the second question and Richter shot him a look. The white gold lion looked more like Artemis at this size and especially with the bored look he tried to keep on his face. "Thought we were going to have a big breakfast together?"

"Oh, Skarlath and Artemis have decided to go have a bit of a talk with your brother." The big stallion flicked his fingers and the thick lips twitched a little bit. "I got the honor of talking to the pair of you this morning."

"Oh.." Richter tried not to squirm in his seat. He glanced over at Grant and tried to see the lion's reaction, but Grant had dropped his head down into his paws.

"We're in trouble aren't we?" The voice was a little uncertain from behind the paws and Richter fought not to groan.

"It's my fault." He spoke up before his father could and Roan gave him a longer look. "I just.. you know.. school and all the tension. I guess I kinda broke and um..."

"Seduced your brother?" Roan spoke the words with a hint of amusement and Richter flinched a bit. They were so dead. They were so horribly dead. "I think that there's a mutual bit of seduction going on. Though how on earth you got Siber involved..."

"You know about Siber?" Grant's head came up a bit and he winced. "Please, please tell me you haven't talked to his Dads..." The lion looked pale, quite a trick for someone as pale as Grant.

"No, not yet. But he apparently spent the night up at that little cabin they keep and I assume that's where Keirlan is hiding out." Roan tapped a finger against the paper and snorted out a bit. "Did you really think you were going to be hiding this from us forever? The way you've all been slinking about, the... ahem.. messes that Skarlath has found, the fact you were hammering the bed post against the wall hard enough to wake the dead.."

"I'm sorry, Dad.." Richter flicked his ears back a little bit. "I just... I mean... I'll stop, we'll stop. We didn't mean anything by it, you know? It was just.."

Roan flicked his fingers for silence. "Listen, you kids are old enough now that you should understand a few things about how you were brought into the world." The older stallion sank back and gave his head a shake. "You know, sometimes I forget that it's been so long. Seems like just yesterday.." He trailed off and Richter risked a glance at Grant.

"Yeah Dad, you told us. We're the first generation that came from Dr. Lupe's new program, that's why he's always checking us out." Grant piped up and lifted his head up, "To be fair, Kierlan kinda had a weird reaction..."

"We all did.." Richter glanced down at his larger hands and flexed them a little bit and swallowed. He'd already been large! What was going on?

"Yes, and that's part of the problem. Where to start.." Roan pushed himself up and gave a flick of his thick silky tail. "When we decided we wanted kids we went a new route. Now, that route is a lot better now. You know that we had some effects from it and worried about you kids. Things seemed just fine, but certain parts of the drug have always been in your systems. It should have been obvious from the start if it was going to be an issue, or at least when you hit puberty and started getting active. That was our bad. We should have talked to you before all this started.." He flicked his fingers a little bit towards them.

"So, what? We're having a bad reaction?" Grants voice was sharp and Richter moved his hand beneath the table to hold his brother's knee lightly and gave it a squeeze to keep him from panicking or getting worked up.

"Well yes, and no. I think that if you guys had stuck to boyfriends you'd be fine, but you're drawn to each other. Dr. Lupe had mentioned this, oh ages ago, and it didn't seem like that big of a worry. Now we have to wonder if the trace of the fertility drug left over in you is kicking into high gear. You're growing and I don't know how much of that is due to what you're doing together and how much is due to just coming of age or at least getting older." Roan leaned backwards against the fridge and gave them a long look. "I'm not the brightest one here, but I do know that we're going to the doctors. All of us. Because-"

"We went to Dr. Lupe already, Dad." Richter broke and flushed. "He was going to do some tests. And um.."

"Well at least you're smart enough for that." The stallion gave his head a shake. "For now, I want you kids to behave yourselves. I'm sure he'll have a good idea on what's going on, but I'm not going to be risking you pair because you can't keep it in your pants."

"Dad!" Richter realized he was flushed a hot red and tried not to squirm too badly in place. He was burning so hot that his cheeks felt on fire. "Geez, just can we not talk about that. This is bad enough already."

"Hmmph," The stallion gave them a long look and he felt Grant squirming. "I'll say this only once, your health and safety comes first. So keep your loins in check and we'll figure out what's going on. And be grateful I'm talking to you. Artemis could take your ear off on this subject. For now, you're both going to your own rooms. And that's where you'll stay.."

"BUT-" Grant stood up and Richter's hand fell away and his eyes widened. "You cannot be grounding us!"

"I'm going to keep my eye on you pair." The stallion glared for a moment. "Once we have answers we'll figure out what we're going to do, for now if I find you two creeping into each others rooms or Kierlans I'll be sending Skarlath up with a bucket of cold water."

Richter flattened his ears and tired not to blush any hotter then he already was. Grant looked as if he was going to be sick or ready to challenge the stallion, and eventually they both mumbled an agreement. The pair of them turned towards the stairs rather then argue, both simmering with the injustice of it all. Richter glanced down at his glaring father and puffed out a sigh. He could only hope that Kierlan would be treated delicately. His brother had enough hang ups as it was without being mortified by his parents.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Are you sure.." SIber's voice was soft in the darkness and Kierlan swallowed a little as he shifted on the bed and felt the powerful form of the husky pushing himself up on one elbow. "I mean, you've never.."

"I never did what we did before either.." Kierlan swallowed a little and turned his head to look at the husky. The dawn light was coming and he could see the silvery edge of light outline the thick furred head and the ears pricked forward. "You don't have to if you don't want.."

"Oh damnit, Kierlan, I didn't mean that!" One of the dark arms moved to wrap around his waist and pulled him backwards so he was pressed against the broad muscled chest and belly. His breath came out in a soft little puff of relief at the hold. "I just want to make sure you're okay with it. Hell, you know I have a weakness for you lions."

The tension the tawny lion had felt building relaxed as the fingers stroked along his bare chest and belly. They had slept after their bit of fun, though he had forgotten his promise to draw the husky for Grant. It had been awkward to wake up with the warmth of the husky pressed in close and the dawn light creeping up. He'd never known Siber well, but he'd always liked the husky. Now he was waking up naked in bed with him and didn't quite know what to do. When the dog had woken up the unease had faded away as he seemed to be affectionate and rather snuggly beneath the covers. The easy going laughter and murmuring voice had set him at ease. The night before had made a wall fall down away from the young lion and he had grinned shyly at his new found friend. He'd always kept his distance from Grant's boyfriend, but they'd taken it down almost completely.

It wasn't until Siber had teasingly insisted on snuggling at Kierlan had found another fact about the husky. He was very happy to both be awake, and the to be awake next to a lion. As the large white and black form had wrapped round him he'd found something hard and heavy sandwiched up against his rump. The feel of it resting there and pressed against the base of his tail had made him tense and feel his stomach twist in a moment of need. Siber was so like him in so many ways, and the warmth pressed along the crease of his rump let him feel the thickness of the base. He'd pushed his hips back and stammered out his offer before he had even thought. The boldness of the move shocking him, but not enough to make him want to take the words back. His own body was quite happy to be in bed with the husky as well.

"I'm okay with it." Kierlan flushed and shifted enough that he caught one of the paws and moved it down. "I just.. I'm tired of always being the shy one and never making any moves. I feel like I'm going to be left in the dust if I keep hiding away."

"Oh? OH!" Siber tensed a little and the muzzle brushed his neck as Kierlan boldly pulled the paw down until it pressed right against the exposed hardened shaft. "Mmm and here I thought I just shocked you into our fun last night."

Kierlan laughed a bit breathlessly and flushed as a warm tongue flicked right along the curve of his neck and tickled up towards his ear. "N-no, I mean at first, yeah.. but.. not now. I'm not shocked." He felt his ears darkening in a deep blush. "Right now all I can think of is feeling you inside me, not just in my muzzle, but in me, knotting me..." He trailed off as his own shyness reared up and he felt his face pounding in time with his heart beat.

"Mmm... well now... I can't let you go unrewarded for being so forward." Siber teased and the hips gave a firm roll against his hips. "Besides, you're making it really hard to think about being all noble and second guessing your offer.."

The voice was playful as the hand on Kierlan's sheath gave a squeeze and the lion whimpered out. He was already out of his sheath, not quite entirely hard, but hard enough that he throbbed against his belly and felt a dribble of precum escape from his tip. He squirmed and pushed his hips back so that the ropey length of his tail curled right against Siber's hip and he moved his own hand back to up along the curve of the hip. The husky was so warm against him, they were so close against each other that he was breathing a bit fast. Part of him was embarrassed out how boldly he had offered himself, but the rest of him was just eager to feel exactly what it would be like to be with someone who had a knot as well.

Siber's tongue curled against his neck lightly while his hand wrapped right around Kierlan's cock tip and pulled upwards so that the barbs started to lift upwards. It made his back arch and he broke off a whimper and pushed forward into the hand. The fingers teased downwards and curled right along the sensitive rise of his base before giving a squeeze. The pressure gripped along his knot lightly before slipping upwards again, but the pressure was enough to make his hips give another buck back before pulling backwards. He pushed himself against the white and black hips while something dribbled against the base of his tail. He wedged the cock right between his rump cheeks and gave a squeeze against it until the canine's teeth nibbled against the back of his neck.

He shifted his hips upwards just a touch and Siber drew his haunches backwards until the tapered tip teasingly trailed between his rump cheeks. The warm paw squeezed against his tip lightly as the canine pulled back all the way until the tip brushed right against his pucker and rested there. It didn't try to push forward, instead it dribbled the oozing precum out along it while the husky started to use his thumb to massage along the lions glans. It was a gentle touch that proved he'd learned quite a bit about lions with Grant. The fingers pulled the barbs up and then slipped downwards to smooth them back down again. The light tugs sent jolts of pleasure through Kierlan and he tilted his head back to lick along the long pale muzzle. A soft whimper broke free from this throat and his hips wriggled back and forth against the hold.

The wriggling was enough. His rocking backwards lightly pressed against the tapered tip that nudged up against his pucker. The slippery precum that oozed out pushed into him just as the glans started to spread him open. Siber didn't lunge forward or try to force his way in, instead the husky held still and shivered slightly as Kierlan's own movements started to impale him on the crimson violet shaft. His inner walls started to spread open and he paused a little to suck in a breath before biting her lower lip. The canine wasn't as big as Richter, but he knew one part that would get bigger, that would get thicker and larger by the moment. He pushed backwards and pressed himself against the fluffy white and black thighs so that Siber let out a groaning cry.

The hand on his cock gave a firm squeeze before the husky started to ease his way forward as well. The pressure built and Kierlan's inner walls stretched open wider and wider. He clenched and squeezed around the shaft eagerly while he let out soft little puffs of breath. It wasn't like Richter at all, but the way the tapered boned shaft rubbed and pushed long his passage was just as pleasurable. It made the lion squirm and curl his toes before rolling his hips back and forth lightly. His breathing came in short hard pants as his tawny paw moved upwards to slide along the back of the thick furred neck. Siber's entire body felt tense against him, it was shivering slightly before the husky groaned out and buried his muzzle into the tawny mane.

The powerful hips pushed forward and suddenly put force behind it. Kierlan pushed his hips forward into the eager paw as the bucking thrust drove the smooth cock into his passage entirely. The base was slightly thicker, not swollen yet, and it forced his anal ring open before it popped in smoothly and left the lion pushed firmly back on the sheath. His breathing came out in harsh little pants while his eyes glazed over. The knot pushed up against a certain part of him that made his walls start to squeeze and pull around the girth. He let out short little pants while Siber whined out and gave another push upwards so that their orbs pushed up against each other.

"Oh.. oh god.." Kierlan whimpered and contracted the muscles down again before SIber's hips pulled backwards the tip spilled out another hot dribble of precum. "Don't stop..."

"Don't.. think.. I can.." Siber's voice was a bit strained and his paw moved down to wrap right around the base of Kierlan's cock before giving it a firm squeeze and his hips suddenly pushed forward again.

The thrusts started slowly at first. Kierlan was left whimpering as the base pulled free and pushed in gently as if making room. The tip plunged in deep while his own barbed cock was drooling copious amounts of precum over the edges of the fingers. He was so hard he almost ached and each brush of the husky's paws made it all the more pleasurable. Siber was careful and gentle as he pushed his hips forward and then pulled backwards again. The slow steady movements worked to make room for the thickest portion of the base. The base was so much thicker then the rest of him. It made him let out a short little cry as he felt it stretching him wide before the husky pulled backwards again. It left his cock pulsing right along his belly as precum oozed out over the edge of the tip.

Siber let out a low growl and the hand on his cock shifted and trailed away. It left him throbbing and eager while he tried to suck in short harsh breaths. His lips parted and he rolled backwards while the husky's other hand moved and pushed beneath his side. The arm wrapped around him and pulled him backwards firmly while the hand that was glistening with precum moved to grip his tawny upper thigh. The fingers gave a gentle squeeze before pulling and spreading his legs wider so that the next thrust plunged forward and the sheath bunched right up against his spread pucker. The arm that had snaked around his waist moved to grip the base of his cock and squeezed it until a low moan spilled out of his lips.

He felt the cock throbbing inside of him, the tip oozed dribbles of precum as the husky thrust forward and used the grip on his leg to pull him back. Kierlan was all too happy to help. He turned his head and ran his tongue along the husky's neck as they began to move together. The shifting of his hips was encouraged by the firm pull of the fingers wrapped around the base of his cock. The paw moved upwards in time with the strokes and pulled along the sensitive glans until the barbs were lifted up and smoothed down again. His breath came out in harsh pants and he arched his hips backwards to grind backwards until he felt the canine's orbs snugged up firmly against his own. A dribble of precum escaped the tip of his cock and coated the padded finger before it pulled downwards and spread the lubricant over his swollen base.

The blood roared in his ears and he gave himself over to the heat of the moment. The feel of the powerfully muscled husky pushing against him and the hips that clapped up against his own before he pushed back. Siber's muzzle rubbed against the back of his neck before the canine let out a deep groaning cry before pulling backwards again. The knot pulled out with a wet popping noise before it plunged inwards again. He whimpered softly at the feel of it stretching open wider and wider. It was just as thick as Richter's cock tip, but felt so different as it pulled in and out of his passage. His muscles quivered and squeezed down greedily along the shaft each time it pushed inwards. It made Siber work to pull backwards and tug it free before pushing back in.

The lion's ears flicked back along his head as he tried to brace himself as best he could. His hips rolled harder and faster against the canine's. He felt his orbs tightening up between his legs as the white paw continued to pull and tug along his cock. The fingers worked up around his tip to constantly tease over his barbs before pulling downwards again and squeezing around his knot. It was that pressure that made him squirm and let out soft little whimpers. The walls squeezed and massaged as he was forced to stretch open wider and wider around the girth. Each plunge forward started to come harder and sharper. The walls were being strained open to the point that it was almost impossible to take the thickness of the knot, but each time the husky managed to do it.

The knot pushed and pressed against places that left him writhing in pleasure. He pushed himself backwards and arched to help the knot sink into him as the hips started to hit in short rough movements. The constant tugs and the pressure that ran right along his prostate had him squirming while his tail started to lash and twitch against the ground. The pressure built and Siber's hand started to pump in hard fast movements. The tugging worked the precum over and over his shaft until it was constantly dribbling over the fingers and being spread over his aching shaft. His knot spread open wider and wider, his entire cock started to swell from tip to base while he felt the barbs starting to lift upwards so the fingers caught along them.

Siber's hand pulled down and squeezed right around the base of his cock and gave a flexing movement that pushed Kierlan over the edge. His entire body jerked before he let out a short muffled cry. He arched his back while his balls drew up and twitched, forcing up the first thick splatter of seed that sprayed over his belly and even up against his chest. The husky's hips became harder and firmer against the curve of his ass. The knot popped in and out as it grew and ekpt him on that edge while his cock spilled out thick heavy rolls of seed along the edge of his chest. It smeared against his fur while Siber's last few thrusts nearly took his breath away. He couldn't stop the short moaning cry that burst free from his muzzle while his walls clenched and milked around the cock.

Siber's knot sank in a final time and made a lewd noise as some of the dribbling precum was forced out and coated along the edges of his pucker. He kept himself pushed against the husky as the heavy orbs rubbed upon his own just as the other male let out a groaning cry of pleasure. The knot flared open until it tied inside of him, almost too large, almost to the point that he felt as if he might not be able to take it. His muscles immediately clenched downwards and helped keep the shaft in place while he pressed his hips backwards so that he could feel the hairs teasing along the edges of his achingly spread pucker.

The low groan turned into a whimper as the balls pressed against his own started to pull up tight and he felt them grinding along him as Siber's hands clutched against his thigh. The swollen red cock started to twitch and spasm as it sent out thick dribbles of cum. It sprayed out along the passage and rolled down along the edges of the knot. His walls contracted and squeezed around the cock, he pulled and coaxed more and more of the seed out into his body. The hips rolled against him slightly while the husky's paws kept gripping right against the base of his cock. It kept Kierlan on edge while he let out a breathy little whimper and the pair kept rolling back and forth with firm gentle strokes.

Kierlan's head dropped down against the pillow and he swallowed roughly while he tried to relax. His walls continued to squeeze as he intimately felt each throb, each dribble of cum that spilled out of the tip and oozed around the swollen cock. His own shaft quivered against his belly, the swell of his knot forced the edges of his sheath down in rolls against his lower belly.

"Th-that was.. god..." Kierlan squirmed a bit and the hand on his thigh released him so the arms wrapped around him and gave a squeeze.

"Oh yeah.." Siber's tongue licked against his neck. "I was hoping you.. weren't regretting it..."

"Don't think I got.. it in me... to regret.." He grinned a little bit and wriggled his hips a little bit back and forth. "Felt great.."

"Good... that means I can talk you into doing it again." The husky let out a short little bark of laughter. "Least ways, that's what I hope."

"Mmm I do believe you can..." Kierlan grinned a little to himself and let himself relax back into the warmth of the muscled chest and broad form that nestled against him.

And that's where they relaxed as the sun crept along the floor and the rooms started to brighten. He hadn't even realized that it was getting so late since they'd first started, but it didn't matter. He didn't really have anywhere to be or had any plans for the rest of his day. Not that he could do anything, not with the knot that was still locking him firmly in place. He breathed out a happy noise to himself and closed his eyes almost all the way.


"Kierlan?" The lion jerked and he felt Siber go tense against him as the voice came muffled through the door. The voice was most assuredly Aremtis'.

"Dad?!" He yelped out and pulled forward only to whimper as he felt himself tugging against the knot. His walls clamped down and Siber whined.

"Come open the door!" Artemis sounded almost weary and Siber gave Kierlan a panicked look and shook his head.

"I'm not gonna shrink that quick." He managed to whisper, his voice strained as Kierlan kept leaning forward.

"Oh god.." He swallowed and lifted his voice. "Dad, it's gonna uh.. be a couple minutes, I'm not decent..."

The lion and husky were left staring at each other in mutual panic at the frustrated snort that came from the other side of the door.