Can You See Me Now? (Pt. 5 of 5(Pt.1)

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#5 of Can you see me now?

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. Although there's no adult content in this story, There is definately M/M contact here. Just warning you, k? Enjoy Everyone!


Night painted darkness into the sky, dabbing its twinkling spots before Dr. Liode drove

Coda home. As he pulled up to 662 Fangelo, they said their goodbyes and thanks before

driving off and leaving him alone in the driveway. The wolf suddenly was reminded of

Jack's disgruntled face before he told him he wanted to talk to him about something.

"It couldn't be about me and him..." Coda thought, shredding the ray of hope that

formed. He walked up to the front porch, where he unlocked his front door, sighing

before he stepped inside. Immediately, the atmosphere changed from the outside

cooling breeze to warmth as the smell of roses filled the air. Then Jack floated in, a look

of relief spread over his face.

"Hey," He said after a moment, almost bashful.

"Hi," Coda could only reply. His heart was pounding hard as the specter came closer,

keeping eye contact every second. Silence hung, airborne, as they stared. Coda looked

into Jack's pink eyes while Jack stared into the cool blue of Coda's, lost in a moment

that seemed to make time stand still.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you," Jack spoke first. He seemed

distressed about it, which made Coda assume the worst.

"Go on?" He said, and suddenly, as if by some cruel act, that unholy doorbell chimed

it's chirpy, 14-ring tune which made them both jump.

"I... should get that... shouldn't I?" He sighed, looking to the door behind him. Jack just

nodded before he began to fall through the floor. "Wait, though," He said, holding out

his paw. "Stay up here with me, okay? We'll talk once "whoever this is" leaves."

"Okay," Jack smiled, closing the gap between them as Coda opened the door,

revealing his brother with his shades on, even thought night had already fallen.

"Adam?" Coda said, curious. "What are you doing here?"

"There's something I need to tell you," Adam replied. The look in his eyes could start

fires as he invited himself in. His jacket was soaked from the sudden rainstorm that had

decided to appear from nowhere, as it dripped water all over his tiled floor.

"Well don't just stop talking," Coda said, helping his brother out of his coat. "What's


"It's Whitney," He said, taking out his vibrating cell phone from his pocket. "Excuse

me," He told him as he walked a few paces and greeted "Hello?"

Coda just rolled his eyes. There he was, in-between Jack and Adam, each with their

own important conversation they needed to have with him, and all he could do was

stand there and wait. Adam was on his phone talking to "God-knows-who" while Jack

floated silently beside him. He had to admit though; he couldn't help but get a little

aroused from the scent that Jack was giving off.

"Sorry about that," Adam said, closing his cell phone shut as he turned back to face

him. "I've got sort of a search party going, that's all."

"Search party?" Coda raised an eyebrow. "Search party for what?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" He said, almost joyfully. "It's Whitney, I'm

afraid. She's up and gone and I've sent out a search party after her."

"You're wife's gone..." Coda said, looking to Jack, who seemed as amused as ever.

"And you're here with a smile on your muzzle like it happens all the time...?"

"Sounds like he killed her, if you ask me," Jack said in a whisper. "I was watching that

episode of C.S.I. with you last night and the very same thing happened, remember?"

Coda just nodded slightly before giving his "I demand an answer, Adam!" expression,

which his brother didn't seem to be picking up on.

"Well..." Adam said, holding up his finger as he spoke. "I'm going to tell you in all

honesty Coda..." He looked at him long and hard before he took in a deep breath. "I'm a

little... drunk..."

"God damnit, Adam," Coda sighed, giving him a slight push. "How is it that you're so

retarded sometimes..."

"I couldn't help it!" Adam tried to defend himself. He must have just taken the drink

just before he arrived. His staggering movements were more rigorous by the minute and

his speak was becoming more and more slurred. "I found out the F.F.O. took her away,

leaving a ransom note for them to meet me somewhere at midnight! What else was I

supposed to do? I CALLED a freakin' search party..."

"We need to get you some coffee," Coda sighed, looking over to a clock that hung on

the wall. It read 10:00, which only meant they had 2 hours before he had to be

somewhere at midnight. "Come into the kitchen and I'll make you a cup, okay?"

Adam just nodded before throwing his arm over his brother's shoulder. Coda "Oofed"

as the full weight of his brother fell on his left side before he took him and sat him down

at the head of the table.

He swapped glances with Jack, who seemed to be getting restless, as he took out his

coffeemaker and poured in everything he needed, set it, and put it aside.

"Now," He said, pointing at Adam, who was rolling his head as he slumped in a chair

beside the kitchen table. "I want you to stay there. And don't move, okay?"

"Where you goin'?" He said with a chuckle. "Gonna go play with your boyfriend?"

"Adam," Coda growled, coming closer. "This is the last time I'm going to tell you... I

don't have a boyfriend..."

"Oh really?" Adam scoffed. "Then what's his name?"

Coda just gave him a swift smack against his cheek before he exited the room. Adam,

who was left hanging off his chair, wasn't sure if he had just fallen or if he'd not moved

at all.

Upstairs, in Coda's bedroom, Jack waited as he stared at himself in the mirror. His

glow shone on the walls as Coda entered, huffing from running up the stairs.

"Okay," He gasped. "What was it you needed to talk to me about?"

"Never mind," The phantom just sighed, keeping his eyes focused on his reflection.

"It's stupid anyways..."

"Oh?" Coda said as he closed the gap between them. He threw his arms around Jack's

chest and his head over his shoulder, smiling, as the reflection looked like he was

holding him. "I'm sure it's not that stupid."

"I..." Jack said, floating through Coda's grasp. "Coda... I like you..."

"Jack..." Coda started to say before Jack interrupted him.

"I know it's stupid, but, as I'm sure you know, even though I'm dead I can still have


"It kills me that you like me, too..." Coda sniffed. His words stabbed him as he finally

heard them himself. "Because I think I've fallen for you, Jack Folley..."

"You have...?" Jack said, floating backwards. "But... You can't... Because I've fallen for


"I know it's stupid..." Coda said, almost smiling as a tear ran down. "But, as I'm sure

you know..." He moved in a little closer before finishing. "...even though I'm alive I can

still love a ghost..."

"Coda..." Jack said, closing his eyes.

"Jack..." Coda replied. With eyes closed, he felt the cool wave of Jack muzzle touching

his. Then something happened that made Coda's eyes slit open. Balls of light

surrounded the room and he felt himself rise and Jack then began to shine. Starting with his eyes, the light started to spread until he resembled a glowing ruby.

"What's going on?!" Coda screamed as he tried his best to touch the ground again.

Jack seemed oblivious as he spread his arms and pointed his chin to the ceiling. His

paws raised in front of the wolf as intense warmth surrounded.

"Touch them..." He said through gasps. "Go on... It's okay..."

Coda raised his own paws and touched his fingertips to Jacks, sending a ripple of light

through the room, making everything shake. He began to push, watching the wolf pass

through him slowly as his body was filled with unexplained sensations. First bone

chilling, then warmth as the spirit started to fade into his body.

Then, in an instant, everything darkened and he felt himself descend, collapsing as

soon as he touched the ground. He breathed heavy for a few moments until he had the

strength to sit up.

"What the..." He gasped as he looked at his paws; his fur was all matted from sweat,

which dampened his shirt. "Jack?" He called into the darkness, but nothing answered.

"...hello...?" He whimpered and jumped when he heard a voice in his head.

"Now THAT was amazing..." He heard Jack's voice, which caused him to look around.

"Jack?!" He shouted, getting up to his feet. "Where the hell are you?!"

"IN you, Coda," He heard the wolf chuckle. That's when he looked into the mirror,

which only revealed his rose glowing eyes.

"Whoa..." He giggled as he pulled back his eyelids. "It's like I'm possessed!"

"Sort of..." Jack replied. "We bonded, Coda. It's when..."

"Yeah I know," He interrupted, still amazed at his new eyes. "Scubble told me all

about it. My therapist is bonded too."

"So that's where you went today," Jack said in a laugh. "How come you couldn't tell


"It was a little awkward..." Coda said in honesty. "And I was afraid you wouldn't

understand or something..."

"Codaaaaaaa..." He heard a bellow from downstairs.

"Damnit..." He sighed, as he walked to the bedroom door.

"Ah," Jack replied in his head. "The drunkard calls...."

"Yeah, well," Coda said as he walked down the stairs. "He's an idiot I know, but he

means well..." The wolf stepped into the kitchen and noticed a cigarette in his brother's


"Were you talking to someone?" He asked. A cup of coffee sat beside him as he puffed

on the smoking tube. "Cause it sounded like you were talking to someone..."

"Crap..." Coda thought as he froze with a slight blush. He then searched his mind for an

excuse before his muscles took control of themselves. "You're just hearing things, Adam.

I see the alcohol is still taking effect..."

"Heh," Adam scoffed, almost falling out of his chair. "I guess your right. You were up

there for a while, what's going on?"

"Nothing," Coda told him. "But I have to go to the bathroom so stay there." He padded

his way back upstairs and looked at himself in the mirror of his bathroom, and noticed

the pink had faded from his eyes when the light turned on.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Jack said, once again taking control of the wolf's jaw.

"So you can control me now?" Coda giggled, still staring at himself in the mirror.

"Yeah," Jack replied inside his head. "And remember that we can talk without you

saying something. Just say it in your head, ya know?"

"Okay," Coda replied in voice, then giggled before he replied "Okay." in his head.

"CODAAA..." Another scream came from downstairs.

"Damnit Adam!" Coda screamed back, running down the stairs. "What's wrong?"

The wolf was sobbing a small pond on his kitchen table, his voice shaking as he spoke

with his head down.

"Th-they t-t-took my wife, Coda!" Adam threw into the table. "W-w-what the hell am I

going to d-d-do."

Coda walked over to his brother and hugged him from behind. The chair cut him off at

the balls, making him hold his breath. "It's okay, bro. We're going to figure this all out

and get her back..."

"W-w-hat if she's..." was all Coda could make out before Adam went off into a crying

fit. He couldn't help but feel sorry for his brother, shedding a few tears of his own that

stained the back of his shirt.

"Don't worry..." Jack reassured him, causing Coda to say it. "We're going to get through

this in one piece. Whitney included..."

After about a fifteen minute sob-fest, Adam and Coda seemed to be back together,

with a little help from Jack, and were on their way to formulating a plan.

"Kay..." Coda said, holding the ransom note in his paws, reading it over and over

again. He sat across from his brother who was in intense thought. "So what exactly is

the plan, then?"

"Ummm..." Adam said, keeping focused on one spot of the table. "I say we go back to

headquarters, suit up, and go in guns blazing."

"You're stupid," Coda replied, not sure if it was him or not who did so. "I like the

headquarters idea, though. How long would it take for us to get there?"

"Approximately 22 minutes," Adam said in an almost computer-like voice.

"Kay..." Coda said, getting up. "Are you okay to drive, then? I mean that alcohol is still

in your system."

"I'm fine," Adam said, getting up with ease. He walked a straight like while counting

backwards from 10 and looked back, scoffing. "I peed, so everything's fine now."

"Peed?" Coda thought, not remembering him leaving the kitchen. He then looked over

to the corner, which housed a newly made puddle. "That better be from the storm

outside..." He sighed before taking his coat as he followed his brother.


The car ride in Adam's minivan was nothing less the adrenaline pumping, what with

him occasionally veering off the road, only for him to freak out, turn with a smile, and

give some excuse like "Just checking to see if the shoulder of the road works... and it


"You're brother's crazy..." Hissed Jack.

"Oh hush..." Coda replied to him in thought. "This is the first time you've been out of

the house who-knows-how-long and all you can do is fret about dieing?"

"Yeah well," He defended. "Be that as it may, I can't make out a single thing through

this rainstorm, and all I can feel is your two paws clutched to your seat, so don't go and

say I'M the one's who's freaking out."

"We're HERE!" Adam screamed, drifting his van into a parking lot that veered off the

main road. "Okay, now let's move quickly so we don't get soaked, now!"

Adam had reached his uppity, two-step mood that marked the alcohol was just about

out of him. The only thing that was to follow was his downward spiral into depression,

which Coda hadn't seen for a good long while. He just hoped to God that it would stay

that way.

The two bodies got out of the car, only to be greeted by the downpour that fell from

the night sky. Upon their immense flee into the front doors, Coda got the swift whiff of

familiarity as the neon sign outside blinded him.

"What are we doing here?" Coda said in anguish as he stopped his sprinting brother

right at the front door. "Adam, this is a restaurant. There's no time to be filling your


"Let go of me, will ya?" He said as wrenched his arm free, opening the glass doors.

The snooty tabby at the front eyed him and scoffed.

"Evening Blake," Adam said, passing him something that Coda didn't see. "No table for

us tonight, we need to go... downstairs..."

"Misuer, I'm afraid I can't let you do that..." The tabby said, eyeing the crowd. His

heavy French accent lay on top like syrup. He then motioned with his eyebrows and the

two wolves we taken to the back.

"Heyyyy, Back so soon?!" Coda heard from behind him. He turned to see Reggie and

Scubble up to their old tricks.

"Guys," Coda whispered with a smile as the two floating along beside him. "What's

going on?"

"We're about to ask you the same question," Scubble said, his creamy mist following

behind him majestically. "Why exactly are you following Detective Mugsly?"

"He's my brother," Coda said proudly.

"The Mug is your brother?" Reggie laughed, floating up beside Adam, who hadn't heard

a word they were saying. "I don't really see a resemblance..."

"Oh it's true..." Coda said before they were taken into the kitchen area, which was

bustling with cooks, chefs, and waiters. All of them were hard at work and none noticed

them walking into a steel door at the very back of the kitchen.

"Keep this place under your hat, Coda," Adam said as they walked through a long,

slopped tunnel that was lit with red. The air was thin and spelled of soil as the

temperature started to drop as the descended.

"What is this place...?" Coda whispered, hearing his voice echo off the rounded walls.

"This is our headquarters, Coda," Adam responded, even though his question was

directed to either Scubble or Reggie. "Our detective organization, known as the F.D.A.O,

is based here. Everything that makes our corporation stable..." He said as they reached

the end of the tunnel. The feline opened the door, which lead to a vast, underground

dome that looked like it was made of chrome. " all right here..."

The place was bustling with life. Fur, scales, and feathers all worked together, handing

each other file folders on one side, making experiments in test tubes on another, and

still further practicing their marksmen abilities on another. Everything was fast paced

and unstoppable as each member had crime written somewhere near them, trying to

bust their next big case open.

All Coda could do was stare, and, inside him, he could feel Jack doing the exact same

thing. That's when he heard the "Pretty neat, huh?" from Scubble as he and Reggie still

accompanied them.

The wolf could only shoot each phantom a look of "Why the hell didn't you tell me

this?" as Adam and the feline walked on.

"Ah," Greeted an old bloodhound dressed in blue. "Mugsly, what bring you here on your

day off? So sorry about your I.M..." He took off his matching hat and bowed.

"No worries, mate," Adam replied, putting his paw on his shoulder. "My brother and I

need to be suited..."

"Your brother?" The hound looked behind him and saw Coda, still aw-struck, as he kept

his gaze glued to the floor below. "What ever for, my friend?"

Adam reached into Coda's pocket, much to his dismay, and pulled out the ransom note

that depicted where and when his death would be set. "This is why..."

"You're dealing with the Five Feathers, you know...?" The K-9 said, his tone sounding

disheartened. "There's a big chance you won't be coming out of this..."

"I can't let my wife take my fall," Adam growled, throwing the letter into his jacket.

"Especially when she's carrying my child..."

"Whitney is WHAT?!" Coda came into the conversation. Adam just ignored him as he

stared the hound down.

"I can see that there is no stopping you, friend," He said. "You know where the arms are... Feel free to equip yourself and your brother... I'll send Jackson to get him a

temporary badge..."

Adam nodded and pulled Coda by the arm. He had shifted from brother to husband

now and nothing in his path could stop him from saving his wife, and for once, Coda

really admired him for that.

"Okay," Coda thought, sort of talking to Jack, sort of talking to himself. "There have

been countless times when I've admired my brother. Now's just one of the best times."

"Makes sense," Jack agreed. "I mean, look at him. He's on a mission with fire in his


Coda just nodded and smiled as he was dragged on by his brother. Every time they

passed someone they turned their heads and questioned, but Adam just tugged and

Coda followed.

Finally they made it to a vault-looking door where Adam stopped tugging and pulled

out a card. He swiped, causing the door to exhale as steam flew out from the bottom. It

fell slightly and began to glide, effortless on it's hinges, as darkness leaked out of the

room it revealed.

With a flip of the switch, florescent lights came on one after the other, lighting a

forty-foot long room, bringing light to every type of arm imaginable.

"Holy crap..." Coda said, wide-eyed, as he felt the stench of death as each weapon

begged to held and fired, increasing its kill-count. "You guys have a lot of guns..." The

wolf gasped as he walked slowly, taking in every gleam off every barrel.

Adam said nothing as he armed himself with weapons off the table in the middle. Two

hand-guns, placed in holsters on the thighs, two more placed on his chest, a rifle slung

across his back, and a shotgun rested in his paws.

Coda, watching this, prepared his own arsenal, taking a couple pistols, a small caliber

carbine, and a sniper that he carried on his back. Adam looked and chuckled a little.

"You look dumb with a gun in your paws..." He said as he came closer and took a look

at the carbine he held. "And you might want to get ammo for them... They're all dry..."

"Heh," Coda said, looking in the chamber, feeling stupid. "You're Mr. Big-Gun-Guy here.

I'm just trying to look the part."

"Be that as it may," Adam replied, unknowingly walking through Scubble, who was still

following them. "I'm going to need you to cover me with that sniper on your back, so get

a sack and load up, will ya?"

"SIR YES SIR!" Coda replied, saluting him, causing Adam to prepare a swift smack with

his paw.

"This isn't the fucking army, Coda..." He sighed. "This is my wife we're going after, so

smarten up!"

After they were armed, ammoed up, and ready to trounce they headed out back the

way they came, once again turning every single head that laid eyes on them. Adam said

goodbye to everyone he knew and gave a hug to the bloodhound in blue, which Coda

learned was the Chief of the whole operation.

"So we gonna shoot some fur?" Jack said as they exited out the back, seeing as they

couldn't really walk through a restaurant equipped they way they were.

"I hope not..." Coda replied to him silently, pawing the fresh badge that lay in his

pocket. He held his carbine in his other paw and felt the rifle on his back bounce as they

walked to the minivan.

"Put your shit in here," Adam ordered, opening a side compartment from the body of

the van that Coda never noticed. The wolf did as he was told and jumped into the

passenger seat while Adam revved the engine. He looked at the clock on the dash, which

read 11:55 and felt his heart speed up.

"What if we're not gonna make it?" Coda gasped, feeling anxious, as he darted his

head this way and that.

"We'll make it," Adam said coolly as he gave the gas paddle a swift kick. This sent

Coda's head into the headrest as he felt his neck crack. "Just hold on, and don't speak."

"But..." Coda tried to say, pointing at the clock, which had already changed to 11:56.

"SHHH DON'T SPEAK!" Adam screamed as the van flew onto the main road and blasted

down the street. They must have been doubling the speed limit by the time Coda tried

to scream, but was silenced by his inability to.

"Sorry Coda," He heard Jack chuckle in his head. "Your brother needs to concentrate

so... No screaming for you, k?"

Coda nodded and looked over, witnessing the utter glare of awareness that Adam shot

on the road. He moved at a split-second's notice, dodging cars on the road by fractions

of inches as each of them felt time tick away by the second.


I have decided. To post this one in two parts. Just because i promised a friend of mine that i would make this a really long chapter, so it'll be almost double the length. That's why the title is Part 1 of 5 of 5. I think that's right. Anyways, I hope you guys really enjoyed it! =).
