Working with Animals

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#1 of Working with Animals

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone!

What I've got here is a commission from good sir Canine80 over on FA a.k.a Xaie! ( go show some love to the donk!)

I had a lot of fun writing this, and I'm hoping to expand it into a series as time goes on! Weather donk butt decides to pay for it or not ;)

Hope you all enjoy! I think I'm really improving on my description's of things :3

Comment and fave please ^.^ wags


He-hawww!...*ahem* pardon me! This is a story with references to M/M sex/sexual attractions! It also has transformation and mild themes of bestiality! But there isn't any actual sex in it per-say....or does masturbating count? *shrug* anyway I'm rambling! Don't like this kind of stuff? Then don't read it! Go ride a bike or take up gardening or some other silly hobby. If you are interested however, sit back, relax, and enjoy! I'm hoping this develops into a rather nice series.

Working with Animals

The trip to the island was long, but in the end, Adrian knew it would be worth it.

"Free food, board, and a discount on an island resort theme park. Not to mention a big fat salary! Who wouldn't want to work here?" he thought to himself as he took his first step off the boat onto the wooden pier that was still mostly obscured by thick fog that had followed them the second they left the past port.

As Adrian dragged his suitcase and walked down the pier, he reminisced on how he had found the job ad out of the blue. When he met her, the rep from the island was kind, perky and seemed to know exactly what it is she wanted. After she explained how it would be mostly manual labour and customer service she offered him a four month contract for the summer rush on the spot.

The sun then suddenly began to shine through the thick fog, cutting through void like a bright, shining blade and making the path to the mainland much clearer. However, Adrian soon noticed a large, strange square object protruding from the ocean that had been hidden by the thick fog. As the fog began to clear more and more, Adrian realized it was some sort of stone marker, or sign. As he walked along the pier he finally came close enough to the rock to be able to read the weathered lettering.

"Pleasure Island"

Adrian shrugged off the name and continued down the path as the fog dissipated and the island came into clearer view.


"This place is ancient...yet new at the same time..." he muttered.

After passing through a massive, vine covered, marble arch Adrian was brought to a full stop as he looked around the grand entrance. He was awestruck at the sight of the large, decorative statues of mythological creatures and bright, colourful flowers that covered the entire main entrance area. To the north sat a beautiful stone mermaid sitting on a rock surrounded by blue and white flowers that looked like the waves of the sea washing against the rocks. To the east was a powerful looking Minotaur with detailed abdominal muscles and pectorals as wide as dinner plates. The beast stood guard in front of a road with fleet of black carriages and an empty wooden stable nearby.

The most impressive display however was in the centre. A massive golden fountain, stood proudly even though it was not active. The rim was covered with elegant depictions of many of the creatures on display in the garden. Many were shown in singing, dancing, and drinking what one could only assume was wine. But something seemed to stand out from the re-occurring theme of mythological creatures. At the very top of the statue sat a smiling donkey with the stem of a cluster of golden grapes hanging in his muzzle.

"How odd..." Adrian thought to himself. Everything looked as if it belonged in a museum, yet it also looked like what ancient artwork would have looked like in its hay day.

Soon the other passengers began to catch up to him and began to disperse across the main area. A good portion of the crowd walked toward the mermaid statue and walked down the path she sat in front of; the trail leading down to a tall building that was still slightly obscured by the dense fog. Others stood nearby the Minotaur statue and seemed to be waiting for something. Anyone else left either wandered around the main area, admiring the artwork or went off on the path that had a statue of a satyr playing the pan pipes were the smell of cooking food on the air seemed to be coming from.

Adrian felt his stomach growl in hunger and he began to realize just how long it had been sense he had eaten or slept sense he had gotten on the boat. But he knew there had to be some sort of orientation going on when he would first arrive, so the needs of his stomach would have to wait until later. Adrian hefted his suitcase off the ground and looked around until he spotted a bright yellow "New Employee's" sign stuck into the ground pointing off to a side path hidden from the general view.

"Ok, first day on the job...don't make an ass out of yourself and you will do fine." He thought to himself as he continued down the path.


The orientation was dull; no matter how much the annoyingly happy supervisor tried to make it fun, talking about shift arrangements and proper safety measures would never be exciting. Adrian leaned back in the group of about twenty or so other newly hired employee's, trying to keep himself awake and resisting any urge to leap up and slap the energetic woman.

"No one should be this freaking perky at six in the morning..." he grumbled to himself while trying to keep his mind off the void in his stomach.

Thankfully however the class was short and the supervisor dismissed them all after assigning everyone a key card and showing them the way to the employee bunkhouses. As they all wandered down the path, some of the members assigned to the same houses gathered together and chatted as they walked. A few people had even approached Adrian, flashing cards with pictures of Satyrs, Minotaur's, a few wolves and something that looked a bit like a lion. But it seemed that he was the only person in the group that held a donkey card. As they reached the end of the path, they found themselves at a large marking stone at the intersection of several paths that lead off to assorted wooden houses. A few of the other hires said goodbye as they went off to their bunkhouse but Adrian lingered near the massive stone until he stood there alone.

"The ass house...really? Irony is a bitch..." he muttered to himself before he went down his path to the house.

As he approached the door, he noticed the log cabin sort of feel that it seemed to display. But the door also reminded him of what he thought a frat house would look like. Silently hoping he wasn't in for a summer of drunken idiots and slobs, he opened the door and stepped inside.

The interior...well surprised and didn't surprise him to say the least.

The public area was clean and well kept, a few other people were gathered around a large screen TV, playing a loud and violent shooter game on some new generation console. Most paid him no mind as he entered and went down the hallway to his room, passing by the kitchen and a hallway that led to what appeared to be a communal shower room. It seemed that this bunk was an all-male area, which he didn't mind; in fact he was secretly hoping he would be placed in one.

What most didn't know about this 5'10 male with black hair and blue eyes was that he was actually gay. He had kept this secret fairly under wraps for most of his life, waiting until he went to a place he would believe would be more "open" for him to explore his sexuality. But that hadn't stopped a few propositions in the past. By a general term, Adrian was considered handsome, if nothing his exotic sounding name tended to get him a lot of attention from girls and boys alike. He was also on the swim team in high school and he kept in fairly good shape, he had lean, somewhat defined muscles befitting of a swimmer. His skin was also a slight olive, showing a bit of his Italian heritage that drew most of the attention to him. However, his genes could be a burden on him, especially during his swimming years. Given a few weeks without regular waxing and his body would look like a shag carpet. Even after not shaving for about a week his chest was already covered in short black hairs and his happy trail was growing in long and thick.

Adrian scratched his stomach idly as he approached the number seven marked door and inserted his key card. He added a mental note to himself to trim the fuzz after a nap as he slowly opened the door.

"Hey! You ever hear of knocking?" he heard someone suddenly shout inside his room before he could even open it all the way.

Adrian blushed and waited a few moments before he opened the door the rest of the way. Inside the small room on one of the two beds lay a blonde haired boy with tan skin hurriedly pulling up and zipping his pants.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be coming in today!" the boy said as he noticed the suitcase next to Adrian. The boy then pulled his legs up and leapt off the bed and landed on the floor with surprising grace.

"My name is Dexter! But you can call me D, pleased to meet you roomie!" said Dexter as he outstretched his hand to Adrian.

"I'm Adrian; sorry for the surprise I didn't even know I'd be having a roommate!" responded Adrian as he took Dexter's hand and shook it.

Dexter laughed heartily and went back to his bed and sat down on the edge playfully as Adrian pulled his suitcase inside and closed the door. The inside of the room was fairly simple, two beds, a nightstand, desk and it seemed that Dexter had somehow gotten a mini fridge and kept it at the foot of his bed.

"It's no trouble! Just give a guy a little warning next time. So, you're new here huh? How was the trip over?" he asked excitedly.

"Long to put it in so many words....I'm beat. Happen to have anything to eat? I haven't had a bite since we took off from Orlando."

Dexter chuckled before he walked over to his fridge and pulled out a bright orange carrot from the bottom shelf and tossed it to Adrian who regarded it curiously.

"Heh, alright, there ya go. I'll take pity on ya this time because I remember how starved I was after the boat ride here. But for future reference this is my food." Said Dexter as he closed the door and went back to his bed.

"Um...thanks! I was hoping for something at the orientation but they just sent us all this way." Said Adrian before he took a quick bite out of the carrot.

"Heh, yea you just missed breakfast. But I like to keep something here for myself when I'm off shift. Plus buying stuff at the park is hellishly expensive and bad for you. Also we tend to work in the fields a lot, so we can get stuff straight from the farmer for even cheaper than you would get at the employee store." Said Dexter.

"Wait, fields? We?" stammered Adrian, nearly choking on a bite of carrot.

"Yea, the donk house tends to get the hard labour duties, just like the Satyrs work in the kitchen and the Mino's work the rides and security. Didn't they tell you that kind of stuff at the orientation?" said Dexter with his eyebrow raised.

Adrian stopped, and then looked down at the floor hopelessly.

"This summer is going to suck..." he said with a grim tone.

Dexter then suddenly started to laugh loudly and fell back onto his bed.

"Haha! Aww come on! It's not that bad, ya get up early to see the sunrise, the shift ends at noon and frankly it pays a lot more than the other jobs." Dexter said before playfully winking.

"Sure, the work is hard, but it's simple and doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Plus you get the added benefit of working out all day! Check this out!" Dexter continued before he lifted his shirt and displayed a rock hard set of six pack abs and thick pectorals that you could bounce quarters off of.

"" stammered Adrian, trying not to drool at his roommate's extremely hot body.

Dexter laughed again and pulled his shirt back down before he got off the bed again and stood in front of Adrian.

"Don't worry, the first week is going to suck I can promise that right now. But you will get the hang of it in no time and get guns like these!" Said Dexter before he playfully flexed his toned arms, displaying his hard earned muscles to an awe struck Adrian. He then quickly gave Adrian a pat on the shoulder before he went towards the door.

"Anyway, I gotta go out and do a few things before my shift this afternoon. I'm working the carriages today so I'll be gone till late. You rest up and I'll let one of the other guys know to wake you up when Miss Creic gets here. See ya later!"

Dexter then quickly opened the door and went out into the hallway and the door closed slowly behind him. Adrian heard the sound of a few cheerful shouts coming from the living room, but couldn't make out any of the words. Still feeling a bit dumbfounded, he took another bite out of the carrot before sitting down on his new bed.

"Ok...extremely hot guy for a roommate in a house full of guys who work hard labour. I have to be in either Heaven or Hell with all this temptation on display." Adrian thought to himself as he took another bite.

He then let out a loud sigh and fell back onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling while periodically munching on the carrot. He wasn't one for plain veggies normally, but this actually tasted surprisingly good. But he still felt exhausted and decided it was best for him to get some shut eye before the tour. Adrian took one final big bite out of the carrot before he set it on the nightstand and pulled back the covers of his bed. Not even bothering to change out of his clothes he lay down and closed his eyes as he rested his head on the surprisingly soft pillow.

Adrian lay there for a few moments, thinking about the future, what friends he may make and how hard the job would be. He hoped it would all go well and if nothing it would only be temporary. A little hard work might actually be good for him and his build. Adrian then smiled, thinking about what benefits he could gain from this job, but then he suddenly squinted and opened his eyes and lifted up his right hand to his face. The very one he had shaken with Dexter only moments ago.

"Why is my hand so sticky?"


The Next Morning.

After his nap and being given a tour of the island, Adrian seemed to be settling in well. He met his other housemates, unpacked, and got a proper meal in him later that day. After a bit more social time meeting everyone else he eventually went to bed again and caught up on some much needed sleep.

Well...until about four o'clock in the morning that is.

"Wake up roomie! Time to head to work!" shouted Dexter

Adrian groaned and pulled the pillow over his head

"Five more minutes..." he groaned

Dexter laughed and pulled the pillow off Adrian then pulled back the sheets and gave him a firm slap on the ass.

Adrian let out what sounded like a surprised yelp and was suddenly fully awake and looked up at Dexter with an angry scowl. But he just stood over him smiling, wearing a worn, white tank top and a pair of dirty work shorts.

"Come on city boy, up and at'em! We gotta be across the island in thirty minutes and we got some work to do!" said Dexter with a grin.

Adrian grunted and pulled himself off the bed. Dexter, or D as he liked to be called, said the whole house was pretty much ok with however you dressed around the house. They were all guys after all, but for the sake of his own modesty Adrian had worn his boxers and some sleep pants he had brought from back home to bed.

However, a few moments into his rude awakening, he mentally thanked himself for remembering to put on some pants, because the moment he saw Dexter standing over him with his muscular body on display through a tight fitting tank top he started to feel his morning wood stir.

"Across the island? Shit...I'm starting on the fields already? I don't even have any work clothes!" Said Adrian as he rushed to the closet he and Dexter shared and started grabbing random articles of clothing.

"Don't worry, they fit you for a uniform the first day and they have a locker room to change in. Just grab whatever and let's head out, don't want to be late on your first day on the job do ya?" Said Dexter with a grin.

Adrian nodded in acknowledgement and grabbed a random t-shirt and jeans and quickly stripped and put them on. He was a little unnerved with Dexter standing there and watching him undress, but he was mostly worried about keeping his slowly growing stiffie hidden. The moment he was done and before he could even ask how they would get across the island in time, Dexter grabbed Adrian by the arm and dragged him out the door.

The island air was clear and crisp that morning, there were no signs of fog and the sun was just beginning to peak its way out in the horizon. Dexter walked briskly a few feet ahead Adrian who was desperately trying to keep up with the pace. Dexter lead the both of them through several twisting back roads and across a few buildings until the smell of upturned soil and manure begin to fill Adrian's nostrils.

As they arrived, Adrian remembered just how massive the fields covering the island were. He had been brought here on a tour yesterday and all that he really saw were a few people walking down the recently tilled soil, spreading seeds with every step. He was also told that the island was mostly self-sufficient, only importing special mechanical equipment, livestock and growing everything else. After being told that Adrian assumed that the fact that these fields supplied food for the entire island would mean it would be large, but even after seeing them for a second time he was still awestruck at just how far the fields stretched.

As they approached the few wooded buildings that stood nearby a large, red farmhouse, they noticed a large group of their other housemates were gathered outside. Dexter shouted hello to all of them and Adrian tried his best to remember all the new names and faces.

A few of them shouted back "Morning" and "What took ya?" as they quickly approached the buildings. Dexter laughed and rubbed the back of his head when they joined the group, giving off a few excuses while Adrian looked around the fields trying to find the equipment they might be using. There were signs of an irrigation system here and there along with a grain harvesting machine, but there didn't seem to be anything out there that looked like it could till the vast fields of untilled soil that went on for what seemed like miles.

After Dexter had finished talking the entire group began to quickly enter one of the wooden buildings in single file. As they entered Adrian noticed a bright blue screen and a machine that each one of his housemates was swiping their key cards. One by one they passed by the screen where they inserted their room keys before entering the changing room. With each swipe the screen flashed a different word with each swipe seeming to indicate the job duties of the day, but the words flashed by too quickly for Adrian to read most of them until it was his turn.


"Soil Tiller? How am I going to...." But Adrian was soon interrupted by Dexter pushing him forward to keep the line moving.

He heard another beep and then he heard Dexter let out a loud whoop of excitement before he followed behind Adrian.

"I got Puller today! Awesome! Say, this means we can work together today! I can show you the ropes and everything, but don't expect me to go easy on you!" said Dexter with a joking laugh as he gave Adrian a pat on the shoulder and lead him into the locker room.

The locker room seemed simple enough; greyish lockers lining the walls with the other employee's standing in front of them fiddling with the combination locks and opening the metal doors. Most of the other boys were talking amongst themselves as they undressed while some simply put on a pair of overalls or some working boots over their current clothes. Adrian looked around for an empty locker but then he felt Dexter's hand guiding him towards a set of lockers, both with the number seven welded to the front on a bronze plate, matching their room number.

"Combo's 8-14-2. I've got the left one, also we gotta get out there before Farmer Eddy gets in here and starts yelling. You do not want to keep the man waiting." Said Dexter as he quickly turned the dial and opened the locker.

Adrian nodded and carefully turned the dial until he hit the right numbers and opened the door. Inside was a set of work pants and a bright blue t-shirt along with a set of working gloves and boots. Strangely enough as he pulled them out he noticed they all seemed to be just his size. Not wanting to question his luck at this point, he quickly stripped down to his underwear and placed his clothes in the locker and started to get dressed.

It felt a bit odd to him to be wearing such rough and durable clothes. Sure he usually wore jeans back home, but these clothes seemed to be made of a much sturdier fabric than anything he had ever worn before. As he slowly pulled on his pants he looked around the room. Some of the other boys were dressed in similar outfits to him, while others seemed a bit lighter looking, but with longer fitting boots. But others didn't seem to be in any rush to get dressed and after they had stored their clothes they just stood around in their underwear stretching and talking. Adrian blushed and tried to focus more on getting himself dressed as he pulled on one of his large work boots. Unfortunately for him, it seemed that all of the other boys worked about as hard as Dexter did. The entire room was a literal parade of farm boy muscle. There were a few boys that seemed to be built a little bit like he was but with much clearer definition and some that were much more stocky and densely packed with muscle. Adrian was almost certain he saw a full six pack on every one of the underwear clad boys that he had glimpsed at around the room.

"Ok, I'm going to head off and get ready, meet me in the barn and we can get started!" Adrian heard Dexter say next to him.

Adrian nodded without looking up and tried to focus on getting dressed, but as Dexter passed by he noticed something in the corner of his eye that made him turn his head in surprise.

One by one, the barely clothed boys had shucked their underwear and were walking around the locker room completely naked. A parade of bare muscular asses passed by him, giving him teasing glimpses of his housemate's cocks as they walked by him out the front door. Adrian looked around the room to see how the other boys were reacting to such a display, but they all appeared as if this was a normal routine. One boy even gave a naked boy a slap on the ass as he waked out the door into the sunshine outside. Adrian was confused and shocked, not understanding anything that was going on, but he felt himself freeze when he saw the bare muscular ass of his roommate sauntering out the front door.

"Ok, what the hell is up with this place..." he said to himself.

Adrian quickly finished getting dressed after that and followed after the boys through the same door they had exited through.

The sun had begun to rise more and more and its warm glow began to light up the rest of the fields. Adrian followed shortly behind the small group of about six or seven boys that were heading to the barn, naked as jaybirds and acting like nothing was off about it. It didn't take them long to reach the barn and the boys entered through the wide open front door and went inside. Adrian waited until the last boy had gone inside and stood by the door and listened inside.

"He seems like a good guy, caught him eyeing me a few times. I hate not being up front with the guy though, but the boss told me not to overwhelm him after a long trip." He could hear Dexter say from inside the barn.

"Heh, must have been hell for you keeping it all in for so long. I swear deep down you really are an animal D." said another voice inside.

The inside of the barn soon began to fill with the sounds of laughter.

"Hey? Can you blame me? How could I not like something that feels so good! He-haww!"

Adrian was shocked by the sudden bray from Dexter, not so much that he made the sound, but just how realistic he sounded. He had heard what a donkey had sounded like long ago and he seemed to mimic the sound perfectly. Having enough of hiding in the shadows though, Adrian stepped out from the door and revealed himself to the group.

"Oh hey! There he is! Hi buddy!" Dexter shouted and waved.

The other boys were simply gathered in the centre of the barn, except now they were dressed in assorted leather harnesses that crisscrossed their chests. However Adrian's gaze was immediately lowered to their groins and noticed that each one of the muscular boys were sporting major hard on's. Much larger than any average dick he had seen online.

"Hey, telling me why you're all naked?" said Adrian, trying to seem as casual as he could as he approached the group.

The others all suddenly looked at Dexter in shock.

"Wow, he really doesn't know yet?" said one of them.

"You weren't kidding D, he doesn't have a clue..." said another.

Dexter laughed and casually brushed their comments off and walked forward. Adrian tried to avert his eyes away from Dexter's groin, but the fact that he was also sporting a massive eleven inch hard on made it hard for him to not notice.

"Well...the boss told me she didn't want me to let the cat out of the bag all at once. But you would have had to have found out sooner or later bud."

"Find out what..." said Adrian, trying to keep his eyes on Dexter's face, but constantly glancing down at his chiselled body and hard cock.

Dexter sighed and then stood back a few feet, the other boys soon grouped up behind him, some of them groping their groins and stroking their cocks. The boys then soon began to grunt loudly and Adrian blushed and began to make his way toward the back door.

" should see this." He heard Dexter say from behind him.

Adrian stopped in mid walk and thought for a moment. Was this some kind of prank? Or initiation or some other crazy custom? Should he really stand around and watch a group of guys jerk off in front of him in a barn when he was supposed to be working?

It was one of those "Mind telling you no but body telling you yes" kind of moments to him.

Body won.

Adrian turned around, his cock hard as a rock through his jeans and making a distinct bludge while he smiled and intended to enjoy the show as much as he could, but what he saw sent a chill down his spine, and killed his erection almost immediately.

The boys were all hunched over, each stroking growing cocks that were becoming more blunted and mutated with every stroke. Dexter stood at the centre of the group, seeming to enjoy his mutation the most as his cock grew longer and thicker and his shaft changed into a dark ebony black. Suddenly then one of the other boys let out a loud bray after his cock had reached fourteen inches and his balls had swollen to the size of apples.

"Awww fuck...I feel it...feel the tail growing in! Haww Fuck!" he shouted before a long, ropey tail shot out from above his ass with a brown tasselled tip.

"Wa...What is this?!?" Adrian said in a frightened stammer.

Dexter let out another soft chuckle through his grunts of pleasure.

"All part of the job..."

Dexter let out another moan and thrust his hips forward, his cock was as black as coal with his once mushroom shaped head blunted flat and flared wide. His shaft had also seemed to explode in growth, his strokes of his quickly thickening shaft seeming to stretch his cock like a piece of taffy until it reached an in-human seventeen inches by Adrian's best estimate.

The sounds of braying soon began to reverberate through the walls of the barn as the other boys seem to be further along in their transformations. Atop their heads had grown long, somewhat floppy ears covered in different fur colours and their chests had begun to lose their muscular definition and had begun to barrel outwards.



"He-haww! He-Hawwww!"

The other members of the group quickly grew more bestial, Adrian stood back in shock while they fell onto all fours as pelts of fur began to spread across their bodies. Yet Dexter still stood, looking like he was savouring every moment of his change.

"Dexter...What is this? What's happening to you? What's happening to them?" said Adrian as he pointed over to the hunched over boys that now all sported long, ropey tails with fur tasselled tips.

"Like....nngh...I said, all part of the job. Sometimes you plant the seeds, sometimes you water the grass, but someone's always got to pull the plow...Oh god...yea....Hawww..." said Dexter before he let out another bray. His cock was still hard as a rock, the veins more clearly displayed as the massive piece of equine flesh throbbed in his hands.

There was suddenly a loud sounding crack and soon behind Dexter swished another tail, just like the other boys, except his was tipped with fur that matched his black cock.

"You...this isn't right! Wait here! I'll get you some help! I'll get someone to help stop this!" said Adrian as he began to rush towards the open barn door. But before he could pass the threshold outside he heard the sound of Dexter's laughter behind him.

"Hehe...hahaha...Hahahahawwwwww! You think this is something I don't want?" Said Dexter.

Adrian then turned around to face him again. Dexter now had a set of long ears coming from his sandy blond hair that seemed to be growing shorter in some areas, but growing longer and darker in a single strip down his forehead.

"'re not you! You're turning into some kind of donkey!" argued Adrian.

Dexter let out another chuckle and took one hand off his cock and gently rubbed the inside of one of his new ears.

"I chose this buddy, and hell, I love it. You will like it too when it's your turn" said Dexter.

Suddenly then the area around Dexter's groin suddenly began to darken and creep up and down his body, covering his tan skin in a dark black pelt of fur. Adrian then glanced over to the other boys and gasped in shock. They didn't even look human anymore, their hands and feet had been transformed into solid black hooves, and their bodies were covered in fur. The only thing that remained were their human faces that seemed to be frozen in the throes of ecstasy. There were then suddenly multiple cracking sounds and the braying coming from the boys grew louder and more frequent. Their faces lengthened and grew along with their necks, their eyes moving to the sides of a large muzzle. There was one final loud crack as the final bone was moved into place and the boys let out a loud chorus of brays.

But then Adrian noticed something else, each one of the boys still sported massive hard on's, animalistic as they may be, but still throbbing with the beating of their hearts. As the first person whose muzzle had finished growing in took his first tentative hoof step as a full donkey, he froze and his body shivered. Underneath him, his cock began to throb wildly until it began to let out nearly a flood of yellowish donkey spunk onto the barn floor. As the next complete donkey took his first step, the process repeated and soon he was adding his cum to the growing pool of seamen on the flood.

"Hawww...Eddy's going to give us hell for that, says we need to do it out on the fields at least...Says it's good for the crops He-haww..."Dexter casually said to Adrian.

"No...Are...are they going to go back? Will they be human again?" said Adrian quietly.

Dexter laughed again, except this time his voice was mixed with the sound of him braying.

"Oh they'll come back, but I wouldn't say completely human He-haww..." Dexter then gave Adrian a playful wink before he suddenly let out a loud moan and hunched over. The fur had completely covered his body all the way up his neck and down to his hands and feet.

"They...hawww...are still them...He-haww Haww! But some things... Hawww...leak over...Haww! He-haww!"

Dexter could no longer speak and neither could Adrian. He watched in shock as Dexter's hands and feet began to merge together in an almost sickening way before they were coated in a black chitinous substance and solidified into hooves. Dexter tried to say something else but the only sounds he could make were the brays of a donkey. Finally Dexter simply huffed and stood there, his face looking pleased, although a big mischievous as his chest barrelled outwards and his Mohawk main grew along his backside. Finally the familiar snapping sound rang out and Adrian watched as Dexter's face grew out into a long muzzle while being slowly covered in the black pelt of fur that covered his body.

As the final pieces of his new muzzle snapped into place, the donkey Dexter stood there panting for a few moments, but then he looked up at Adrian and grinned, displaying his flat square teeth. He then took one hoof up into the air, and stopped onto the ground proudly before his body began to shake. His massive equine pole throbbed underneath his stomach, and it wasn't long until he was spraying a thick, yellow load just like the rest. But there seemed to be something different about Dexter. His load kept on coming, firing volley after volley of seamen until the pile on the ground began to rival the size of the puddle by the other six donkeys.

But eventually the stream began to slow until it became a slow trickle of precum down Dexter's shaft. Then without another word, Dexter turned around and swished his ropey tail back and forth and joined the other donkeys, which were beginning to form a neat line next to a small pile of metal plows.

"What the hell is this crazy place...?" Adrian muttered to himself as he began to pace around the room.

"Is it some kind of crazy science experiment? Or Curse? Am I being punked? Just what the hell is going on?!" Adrian then reached up to pull on his hair out of nervousness, but then he suddenly gripped onto something unfamiliar.

A chill shot down his spine as he rubbed the foreign protrusion from his scalp. He reached up with his other hand and slowly searched until he found a similar feeling object next to the one he was holding. He then began to rub the objects, realizing how soft they felt in his hands, and they seemed to send a pleasing tingle down his spine. He then pulled on them and winced, they were definitely attached.

"No....Nononononono..." Adrian said nervously.

Adrian then bolted out the front door of the barn and ran back to the buildings he had come from. His other bunkmates were quickly walking out of the building and greeted him with cheerful expressions, but he only stopped for a moment and made up some excuse about not feeling well and he ran.

And ran...

And ran....

And ran.....


The house was silent and the room was dark. After witnessing what he had just seen, Adrian felt he had every right to shut himself away from the world. After he had ran halfway across the island, he rushed into his room without speaking to anyone, closed the blinds and fell onto his bed. No one seemed to remark about his long ears as he passed by some other workers from different houses, but he did notice some of the newer members he remembered from orientation giving him a confused look.

Once he had settled back down and his heart rate slowed back to normal, he finally had time to think about what had just happened and what he should do next.

He had just seen several people he just met, including his roommate transform into animal's right in front of his very eyes, but what really disturbed him was.

They seemed to really enjoy it...

Adrian let out a deep sigh, part of him was wondering if he was doomed to the same fate while another part wondered if there would be a way he could sneak off the island. The last part of him was also wondering if there was some sort of punishment system on this island. Perhaps running away when he was meant to be on shift would end up making things a whole lot worse for him in the end. He then reached up and scratched his head, his fingers brushing his long donkey ears that he still sported ever sense he had left the barn.

"Not like I could go home with these without ending up on a dissection table though..." he muttered to himself as he idly pulled on his ears.

Suddenly then, with his somewhat enhanced hearing Adrian heard the door open, the sound of footsteps hitting the wooden floorboards rang throughout the house with a strange, resounding "clop" as each step was taken. The sounds got closer and closer until finally they stopped outside Adrian's room.

"Hey man, can I come in?"

Adrian recognized the voice as Dexter's and cringed slightly. Was he there to drag him back? Or was he here to forcibly transform him so that he would forever live the life of a common jackass? Either way Adrian knew there would be few options of escape, even more so now that his records or pictures could be easily accessed by anyone who worked higher up. Adrian then let out another sigh and his long ears dropped unwillingly.

"Yea, come in..." he said quietly.

The lock to the door clicked without much delay, and soon it slowly began to open. Adrian was caught a bit off guard about what he saw, but after what he had seen, it didn't surprise him as much anymore.

Dexter stood there, as human as he could possibly be considered. Except now he sported a pair of long donkey ears standing tall from his dirty blond hair and a black tasselled tail that swished behind him sightly. However the most unique thing about his was instead of his normal legs, black fur had reached to about the length of his knees and his feet were a pair of thick hooves.

"Hey, I'm sorry for unloading so much on you at once...both figuratively and literally." Dexter said as he blushed slightly and his tail swished back and forth.

"It is kind of a lot to take in...So you weren't kidding, you do change back, but some things leak over?" said Adrian as he pointed at his own ears and Dexter's hooves.

"Heh, yea kinda yes and no there. If you work here long enough you can change a few different parts of yourself at will. I'm just like this because it feels more natural to me." Responded Dexter as he clopped over to his bed and sat down, being careful not to sit on his own tail.

"Change at will? How do you do that? And how come I have these things?" said Adrian as he got up and pointed at his ears again.

"You just gotta focus on your normal stuff, and the change comes naturally. You can only go all the way though if you're wearing one of these." Said Dexter as he lifted up a strap of the harness he was wearing.

Adrian nodded and concentrated, thinking about his pair of human ears on the sides of his head and his hair back to the way it was. He felt a slight tingling through this process and went deaf for a brief moment before his hearing seemed a bit more normal. He then reached up and excitedly tussled his own hair and smiled realizing his donkey ears were gone.

"See? Easy! Although I don't know why people don't like them...ya hear so much better with them, and you can understand other donks with enough practice." Said Dexter with a slight grin.

Adrian sighed in relief and fell back onto his bed.

"I really should have payed attention in orientation shouldn't I?" said Adrian with an exasperated sigh.

Dexter laughed and stomped one of his hooves on the ground.

"Yea, probably should have. But don't worry, I've been here for two years and you're not the first person to freak out. I know it takes some getting used to but after a while it will be like nothing. Imagine if you were in one of the other houses though! Sprouting horns and fur everywhere? Ha! I once had a friend over in Mino house tell me about this one guy who grew horns during dinner and he was convinced the salad had possessed him! Haha! He-haww!" brayed Dexter.

Adrian winced slightly at the sound of the bray and looked up towards Dexter.

"Was that on purpose?" he quietly said.

"Mmm, sometimes they just get out when you're excited heh...." Said Dexter.

There was suddenly a loud clopping boom on the floorboards as Dexter got up and stood over Adrian, offering his hand to him. Adrian then hesitantly took it, examining all of Dexter's strange animal additions.

"Anyway, no secrets now, which is good! Because frankly I'm usually like this all the time, so you better get used to this look! Also, I kinda promised Eddy I'd bring you back after I talked to you. He's an understanding guy, but he doesn't like people who don't work." Dexter said with a lopsided grin.

Adrian sighed and nodded; if he wanted to get paid he knew he had to work.

As they both went toward the door to the room Adrian thought to himself. There might be a few things he might have to get used to, but life experiences right? As long as he still came out as himself at the end, he figured there wouldn't be any harm in it.

As they reached the main lobby, Dexter suddenly stopped and blocked the door.

"Actually, we kinda need to get back ASAP, and it's about a twenty minute walk now with all the people out and about. Plus, they didn't take off my harness when I me to give you a ride?" said Dexter almost pleadingly.

"I guess...but!"

But before he could even finish his sentence, Dexter had already pulled down his shorts and had started jerking off.

" going to take some getting used to..." Adrian muttered to himself.