Who am I?

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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Who am I? By Raven Fox: A male Black anthro wolf wakes up under a house with no memory. He finds out that his name is Paul from a tag he's wearing and a good fighter. Paul be-friends a fennec vixen who's five years younger than him. They go to search for answers, but should he remember who he is?

Prologue, skies over a forest.

The dark gray fighter banks avoiding a barrage of laser fire from the other fighter. Unfortunately the fighter maneuvered into another barrage of laser fire. The aft section caught on fire, and then the fighter started to go down. "You got him Cobra 2. That traitor is going down."

"Cobra 2, this is Cobra lead. Follow the fighter down and make sure he doesn't survive." Said a voice in the headset to the pilot following the damaged fighter.

The fighter crashes into the forest. A figure climbs out of the wrecked fighter. He throws his helmet into the cockpit and rips off his flight suit, and then runs in to the forest. A fighter dives and strafes the wreck causing it to explode. "That's the last of we'll see of him. I can't believe he started to mercy to our victims."

The next morning, unknown place.

He wakes up feeling an extreme pain in his head. The figure sees dark; he rolls over and saw a square area with light. He craws toward it shading his eyes as he emerges from this place. The figure looks around noting the wooded area and small house that he crawled out from under. He grabs his head and yelps in pain as the feeling of his head in a vise comes back.

"Get away from here wolf!" He turns and sees a brown ferret holding a type of weapon in his hands. "I said leave! Your kind is nothing but trouble." The ferret lowers the weapon aiming it at him. "If you don't start walking, I am going to start shooting!" He cocks the weapon.

He leaves the area looking back noting that the ferret is still aiming the weapon at him. "Who am I? What is his problem? I just want to know, where I am at." The figure looks at himself noting that he covered in black fur. He looks at one of his hands seeing the back is covered in short black hair. While looking at his muscled chest he sees a silver tag on a chain. He looks at it. PAUL T. WALKER M. CORPS BLOOD TYPE O+ D.O.B. 9/25/2103 SER # 456987123.

"So my name is Paul, now I got to find out where I am from." He mutters to himself as he walks down the trail. Paul looks at his body seeing that he's only wearing tan shorts and the silver tag on a chain. He noted that he's in good physical shape with a well muscled body. He feels his head, feeling a long muzzle with short head hair and triangular ears. When he touched the back of his head, there is a flash of pain.

"Help, someone please help me!" screamed a female voice. Paul ran to the source of the voice. On a path he saw a couple of male canine anthros roughing up a fennec vixen. Paul ran to them.

"Oh shit, a wolf." Said one of the canines as a fist hits him. The other canine tries to help him and gets knocked down.

The vixen watches the fight with shock. "Who's that and where did he come from?" She thought to herself straighten out her outfit. The fight is over; the vixen looks at the unconscious forms of the two canines. She directs her gaze to the tall black wolf who's holding his head whimpering.

Paul looks at the two canines on the ground, and then a flash of pain goes thru his head. He grabs his head and whimpers falling on his knees. A hand touches his shoulder; he looks at the dark blue eyes of the fennec fox vixen. Paul stands back up looking down at the vixen.

She's a foot shorter than Paul counting the large ears. The vixen is tan in color with a compact build. Paul noticed that all that she's wearing is a breach cloth at the waist area, plus a halter top containing a set of medium size breasts a 34 C. her other color is like the pattern on other foxes a cream color that starts in the middle of the check going to her lower jaw. It continues to the front of the neck, front of the torso all the way to the inner thighs. Paul looked at the thick tuff of cream color hair on the upper chest area going over her breasts. He also looked at her long reddish blonde hair stopping pass her shoulders. Paul grabs his head again and flinches in pain.

"I think you better come with me. You're in pretty bad shape. My home is only a half hour walk from here." The vixen grabs his hand and starts leading him. "My name is Cyndi. What's yours?"

"Paul, my name is Paul. That's all I know, I don't know anything else." Paul said as Cyndi lead him down the trail. He flinches in pain again.

Later at a clearing.

Cyndi lead Paul to a small house at a clearing. Paul looked at the place, it's a small place. Due to the size of the occupant. Paul is lead in and put on a small bed. His feet hung over the end a foot. He felt a cold damp cloth on his muzzle and the feeling of someone examining him. "Paul, it looks like something hard hit the back of your head. The injury might need stitching, but I need to clean it. I warning you, it's going to hurt." He feels something scrubbing, then a very sharp pain. Mercy stepped in, Paul passed out from the pain.

Unknown amount time later.

He wakes up, the pain is less. Paul rubs his eyes and focuses them. The wolf feels a bandage on the back of his head. He looks at Cyndi, who's staring at him, sitting by him. She's holding a small bowl with bloodied strips of cloth. The vixen sighed, picking out an object that's thin and jagged. "This piece of material was under your scalp. You're lucky you passed out or it would have caused you great pain. You slept for four hours. I had a lion friend of mine examined you, he thinks that this piece is part of a helmet what a pilot wears. Paul are you a pilot?" She hands him the unknown piece.

Paul turns the object over in his hand and examines it. The piece is a half inch wide, two inches long and eighth of an inch thick. Made out of a hard material, black in color. There are two red letters WA and part of another. A memory plays in his mind. He sees a seat with a panel in front and a silver colored stick on the right hand side. "I don't know, I have no memories. I can't remember anything. I don't know what I am." He holds his head hitting it with his fists.

"Paul stop it! Hitting you head won't bring back your memories. My lion friend Sammy had to put a couple of stitches after I pulled out that piece. Speaking of what you are. You're a black furred wolf with gold colored eyes with a nice build. I looked at your tag; you're thirty years old five years older than me. Now relax for now, with Sammy's help. We might cure you of your amnesia." Cyndi said taking the piece out of his hands. She puts the bowl in a sink and looks at him. "I am going to start lunch now; you must be famished after that nap. Sammy gave me a couple of fish for lunch." Cyndi starts cooking the lunch.

Paul watched the vixen cook; he looked at her nice rounded backside and tan colored tail with a cream colored tip. He looked at her slim legs and felt his penis starting to unsheathe. "Whoa, I just meet her. Don't think stuff like that till you know her." He thought to himself. Paul press on his head wound causing himself pain. The trick worked, he felt his member go back inside his body. The wolf laid back and looked at the ceiling. Paul looked around the small house, it's a one bedroom lay out. The bed he's in it is at one corner, with the kitchen area across from him. He saw a large closet space at another corner with pipes going to it. A wardrobe is at the foot of the bed. "Nice place, simple lay out, but small like the occupant." Paul thought to himself looking at the beams supporting the roof.

A half hour later Cyndi walked up to him with two plates. Paul smelled the aroma of cooked fish and his mouth started to water. Cyndi grinned showing her small canine teeth. "Looks like your hungry Paul. Let's sit at the table and talk, maybe your memory might start coming back." As he got out of the bed to join her at the table. Another memory played in his mind; he saw a wolf and a type of feline beating up a red colored fox. Then he saw the wolf shot a type of weapon at the fox. Paul flinched at the memory as he sat down.

"What was that all about? Who where those guys? Why did they do that type of stuff to other anthros?" Paul thought to himself as he sat down at the table. He smiled at Cyndi as they ate their meal.

Cyndi looked at the wolf as she ate her meal. The fennec vixen watched as the six foot tall black wolf eat his meal. "Where are you from my lupus guest?" (Latin word for wolf) Cyndi thought to herself. "Black colored wolves are very rare, but at the planet of Mattox where those group of rouges rule they are common." She thought to herself thinking of the rouge group that robs towns and terrorizes planets.

A few hours later there's a knock at the door, Cyndi answered it and a tall male lion walked in. Paul looked at the six foot nine tall feline whose tan in color with a dark tan mane with medium green eyes. The lion looked at Paul. "Well Cyndi it looks like you guest is awake. Does he remember anything?"

Cyndi looked at Paul who shook his head. "No Sammy, he doesn't remember a thing. He just woke up a few hours ago."

Sammy looked at Paul, and then directed his gaze to Cyndi. "I went over to Bruce's place a while back. He confronted a black wolf crawling out from under his house. The wolf ran off toward the trail by his place. I found the remains of type of fighter a half mile nearby. The fighter was destroyed on the ground, there's a line of burnt circles going to the wreckage. It was strafed and destroyed, there's not much left of it."

Paul shrugged his shoulders shaking his head. "I don't remember anything; I just had a flash of memory of a seat and in front of it a console with a stick to the right of it."

Sammy nodded and said. "I think you're the pilot of that fighter. I think that group of rouges shot you down last night and destroyed your craft. You might be a member of a military branch."

"You're right Sammy, I might be. But I can't remember anything; maybe I should go to the nearest town and find out if there are any pilots missing?" Said Paul looking at Cyndi.

Cyndi looked at the two male anthros. She is beginning to like the tall wolf and didn't want him to leave. "That will half to wait till tomorrow morning, it will take us two hours to walk to town. It's going to be dark in a couple of hours, thanks for your help Sammy."

Sammy looked at the vixen and snickered to himself. He knew that Cyndi is lonely and has no mate. The fennec vixen has been living at this part of the woods for the last four years. Cyndi tried to be friendly with him but he's mated to a lioness. "I am going to head to the town early, meet me at the diner at noon. I am going to see my friend at the base to see if there are any missing fighter pilots." The lion left the house shutting the door.

Later on Paul felt sleepy; he started to lie on the floor. Then a hand grabbed his shoulder, he saw dark blue eyes. "No Paul, you're sleeping on the bed with me." She lies in the bed lying on her side. Paul climbs in and the covers covered him. He is drifting off when he felt a compact body get closer to him. Paul felt medium size breasts press against his chest. He looked at the vixen against him and fell asleep.

The nightmare consisted of the cockpit. The view in front showed a passenger liner getting attacked. Then he's grabbing stuff from other anthros, stuffing loot in a bag. The view shifted back into the cockpit and the liner blew up. He saw the fighter that destroyed the liner, and then weapons fire from the fighter hit the fighter causing it to be destroyed.

The next day, Cyndi's house.

Paul woke up in Cyndi's embrace. He saw the vixen looking at him. She gave him a kiss, got out of bed and got dressed. Paul sighed and got out of bed, he went in the closet area seeing that it's a bathroom. He used the facilities looked around the small room noting the sink and shower stall. Paul walked out and saw Cyndi making a meal, she turned to him. "It's a long walk Paul; we'll eat on the way. The reason I insisted that we wait till morning, because it's dangerous for me to be out after dark. Guys like you and Sammy won't have any troubles, but a fennec vixen like me will have problems."

"Like yesterday, when I saw you?" Asked Paul looking at Cyndi who nodded. They left the house and started to walk to town.

One hour later, walking down the trail.

Paul looked at the scenery while walking with Cyndi. He looked at the faint outline of three different size moons in the sky. A few minutes later Cyndi pointed out a large planet starting to rise in the sky. "That's the planet Mattox Paul. It's the home of the scum and villainy of the universe. I heard they robbed and destroyed a space liner two nights ago, Sammy told me that yesterday while you were out." Paul watched as the ringed planet rise into the sky. "This happens every two weeks, in a minute the sunlight will dim for seven hours and the temperature is now going to drop." The vixen said glaring at the planet. Paul felt the temperature starting to drop as the sunlight dimmed.

One hour later Paul saw the town come into view. The various felines, canines and other types of anthros stared at Paul. He shrugged off the stares and looked at the different types of buildings making up the town. A type of vehicle drove by, but most of the population rode bicycles or walked, motorized vehicles were rare in this town. Cyndi saw Paul looking around and said. "This town here is a vacation spot, so there are hardly any high tech devices here; other anthros from larger cities come here to relax. It's not so bad, I have a small power cell powering my place and I get my water from an underground river. I call a cab to my place to get here normally, but I like to walk. I work at a store in town three days a week."

Paul looked around and asked. "What's the name of this town and planet?"

"This town of Duchene, this planet is called Eros. I was born on this planet at the town of Faust on a different continent. I visit my parents once a year during the winter months when the town's population drops, but I mostly live at my house. I like the peace and quiet here at this section of this planet." Cyndi answered looking around the town.

Cyndi checked her various sources of information, she talked to different anthros. Paul noted the vixen has a lot of friends in this small town. "Nice town, from the looks I am getting from the population I never been here. This is not looking good; I must be from a different place on this planet or from a different one. Bad for Cyndi, I think she likes me, I like her to, but do I have a mate?" Paul thought to himself as the two anthros walked to a different section of town.

Noon at a diner, the town of Duchene.

Sammy sat at table thinking. He spent the morning talking to his contacts in the military. None of his contacts said that there's a military pilot missing or a black wolf missing. "Where's that wolf from? To bad the fighter is completely destroyed. I can't make out the model type because it burned down. The I.D. tags are melted off the major components." He thought to himself as the door opened. The lion looked and saw a fennec vixen with a tall black wolf walking in the diner.

Paul and Cyndi walked in the diner, they saw the defeated look on Sammy's feline features as they sat at the table. "I take it, you have bad news Sammy?"

The lion sighed and looked at them. "There's no missing pilot or wolf in the military branches Cyndi. I even checked private security firms who guard wealthy businessmen, Paul might be a mercenary or one of them." Sammy said, thinking Paul might be rouge.

"Won't those rouges go looking for a missing pilot?" Asked Cyndi looking at Paul with mixed thoughts.

"Yes and no, if Paul was a valuable member, they'll scour the landscape looking for him. If he betrayed them, they let him rot on this planet. I think Paul might be a mercenary of a businessman, who's unregistered." Sammy said looking at Paul.

Paul looked at Sammy and asked. "What do you know about these rouges?"

"They are criminals who rob towns and space liners. A couple of days ago they robbed a liner near this planet and destroyed it. The population is in an up roar over the destruction of that liner and demanding military intervention. I think that's the end of that group now because of the destruction of that liner, I bet right know whoever destroyed that liner is either dead or being tortured." Said Sammy looking at Paul.

The nightmare flashed through Paul's memory. He's in the fighter watching an unknown fighter destroying the space liner. Paul saw laser fire destroying the fighter from him. Then he saw the other fighters attacking him. Paul yelled clutching his head resting his elbows on the table.

"What did you see?" Asked Sammy looking at him.

"I am flying through space in a fighter. There are others attacking a space liner, the liner exploded. I destroyed the fighter that blew up the liner. They attacked me, that's all I know at the moment." Said Paul breathing heavy.

Sammy watched as Cyndi put a hand on Paul's shoulder. She looked at him and shrugged. "Well, I think Paul might be a mercenary, who wandered into that liner while it was being destroyed. They shot his fighter down onto this planet as retaliation for destroying one of theirs. Paul, I suggest you lie low for now till more of your memory returns. Let's get something to eat, the steaks are good here." Said Sammy feeling better about Paul, knowing that he destroyed a rouge fighter.

One hour later at the diner.

The trio of anthros finished their meal, and then paid the bill. Sammy said goodbye to Cyndi and Paul, then left. Unknown to Paul and Cyndi a type of plane flew over the town and took a picture. The picture was changed to an encrypted signal, and went to a base on the surface of Mattox.

Unknown base, planet Mattox.

The wolf looked at the picture of the town. He smiled at the simple town. "I don't think this place is worth the trouble." He was going to delete the picture when something caught his eye. The wolf zooms in at a couple of anthros, seeing a tall black wolf and a tan fennec fox vixen. He sneered at the sight of the vixen holding the wolfs hand. "So, the traitor lives. What's with you Paul? You don't normally show friendship with a female other than a forced mating. Paul, what happened to you? You hate foxes and despise fennecs." The wolf looks at Paul's features and laughs. "Did you lose your memory? Paul, are you stupid now?"

Another wolf walked up to the laughing gray wolf. "What wrong Jack?" Jack points at the picture on the computer screen chuckling. The other wolf looks at the screen and snickers. "I can see the comedy in it. Print this picture, the boss is going to be interested in this. Looks like a couple of fighter pilots are going to have their dungeon stay extended a few years." He said as the picture printed.

"David, are we going to burn down the town after robbing it?" Asked Jack looking at the picture.

"No, it's not worth the trouble. The boss will send maybe ten personal to get him. We are already in enough trouble for destroying that space liner. Right now we can't spare a large force; we got to defend ourselves for now." As the other wolf grabs the picture from the printer and walks out of the room.

Jack looks at the monitor of his computer and bursts out laughing again. "So traitor, you lost your memory. A female from a race you despise is being kind to you. What will be her reaction when you regain your memory and then you start loathing her?" The wolf snickers deleting the picture from his computer.

A half hour later a shuttle took off from the planet surface. In it are three wolves and two bobcats. The leader of the group of rouges can only spare five personal due to a military strike force heading to the planet. The five personal on the shuttle wanted to stay on their base. But the leader wanted Paul back so he can have the wolf rot in a dungeon cell for the rest of his life.

Surface of Eros outskirts of Duchene, one hour later.

Paul and Cyndi walked to the entrance of town. The wolf looked up into the dim sky looking at the ringed plant of Mattox. Cyndi followed his gaze and replied while looking at her watch. "It will be in view for another hour then disappearing for another two weeks. I hope someday it will disappear for good."

"Be careful for what you wish for. There's a reason for every small inconvenience in the universe for balance." Replied Paul looking at the vixen.

Cyndi looked at Paul with a puzzled expression. "You're saying there's a reason for that planet to dim our sunlight for seven hours, once every two weeks."

Paul looked at her and nodded. "There's a reason for that, ask Sammy or a scientist for the answer. Like I said, there's a reason for this planet to have this inconvenience."

"Shut up traitor, you always talk too much like a science geek. Paul how come you in the company of a scrawny fennec vixen? You always liked female wolves and tigers, but you always hated foxes." Said a wolf with four anther anthros in black uniforms.

Paul looked at the three wolves and two bobcats. "Who are you guys?"

"They're rouges, the scum from Mattox. They are robbers and thieves, a couple of nights ago they graduated to mass murders." Hissed Cyndi looking at the group of anthros.

"The scrawny vixen is right traitor; you were one of us till you killed Huck. Why did you kill one of your kind?" Said one of the bobcats.

Paul fell to his knees grabbing his head. All of his missing memories flooded back to him. He saw all the wrong things he did in life, the robberies he done with the thievery. Paul said to himself. "No, no, no way I am like that." Then the memory of the looting of the liner played through his mind. Paul saw the wolf Huck shoots a passenger, a red fox. Then he saw Huck's fighter destroy the liner.

One of the bobcats sneered. "What happen Paul did your memories returned? Do you remember who you are? Still want to hold that vixens hand or you rather break it?"

Cyndi looked at Paul and gasped. He's now feral, the wolfs ears are laid flat against his scull and his teeth are bared. Paul didn't do anything to her. He turned to the rouges and snarled. "It was only a robbery, a looting. Huck got carried away by killing a passenger, and then he destroyed the liner. I flat out told you guys I'll quit if you started killing citizens. The fennec is right, were the scum of the universe. You forced me to join your group when I was nineteen. It was either that or become the leader's servant or executed. I should have taken the execution instead of being in the company of murders." A bunch of fighters lifted of the surface of the planet and started to head toward Mattox. Paul watched the squadron of fighters with troop transports fly away. He turned to the rogues and grinned. "Looks like this planet didn't like Huck destroying that liner."

One of the wolves stepped forward. "We're going to stuff you in a cell for the rest of your life. The vixen is going to be the leader's sex toy, when he grows tired of her, maybe he'll make her your cell mate." A fist hit's the wolf as Paul attacked the five anthros.

Cyndi watched as Paul fought the five anthros. She watched as Paul started to tire, he is staring to lose ground. The two bobcats are not making it easy for him. The vixen reached down to her lion cloth and pushed a button on a small device like a cell phone. Cyndi bought the device earlier today at Paul's urging. A few minutes later a police vehicle pulled up and broke up the fight. The vixen said to the officers that the five rouges tried mugging them. Paul is loaded onto an ambulance and the rouges went to jail.

Later at a hospital bed.

Cyndi watched as Paul's eyes fluttered open. He looked at her and smiled. The vixen studied his expression seeing no hate or anger. "So, do you despise me or do you want to be my friend?" Asked Cyndi looking at the wolf.

Paul looked at the dark blue eyes and sighed. "I was told while being raised that foxes hated wolves, because they envied our strength. I really don't hate foxes like those rogues said; I just didn't talk to them. The fox race is rare on the planet Mattox; they were servants to the higher ups. I never got a chance to talk to one of them. If you hate me for what I am, I understand."

Cyndi looked at Paul and gave him a kiss. "I don't hate you Paul; I understand why you were with that group. You were given a choice. Even thou you were part of that group, you had a kind heart. You didn't want to take any body's life, you had the guts to quit and leave."

Paul lays on the bed and look up at the white ceiling examining the light fixture. Noting that Cyndi smells heavy of perfume. "What happen to that group and how long was I out this time?"

Cyndi laughed. "That group is no more, they are either dead, captured or on the run. The military captured the leader and most of their pilots. So some places will breathe easier now. You were out for six hours this time."

"Till another group takes their place." Paul said with glum looking at Cyndi.

She locked the door and pulled the plug to the call button. Cyndi undid the band to her pony tail and her halter top. The vixen pulled down the lion cloth and got on the bed. She pulled off the covers and Paul's shorts. Paul stared at the compact built vixen sitting on his abdomen. "Are you sure you want to do this?" His answer was the vixen getting up a little and stuffing his unsheathed penis inside her. The wolf watched as his member disappeared inside the vixen. Paul watched and thought to himself wondering how a small gal can take the length of his penis. Cyndi moaned and kissed Paul's muzzle as he grabbed her small rounded backside. After the kiss she looked at him and smiled, she did a yelp as she orgasm. Paul looked at between his legs and saw the clear fluid going to his scrotum. He saw only a little bit of his member with the pink colored lips of the vagina wrapped around it. Paul looked at the firm breasts of Cyndi with one inch pink areolas with small nipples. She had him suck on one. Paul sucked on the breast. A minute later she orgasm again, Paul felt the vaginal muscles pull on his member. The wolf felt a build up in him and he ejaculated inside her.

Cyndi didn't get off him; she wrapped her slim legs around his hips and grinned with her dark blue eyes filled with lust. "Sorry Paul, I am not satisfied. I am going to keep this up for a little longer. I love the feeling of your large member inside me." Paul felt the vaginal muscles tug on his penis, then he felt her kiss him. Cyndi was finally satisfied a couple of hours later, then she let him go.

Paul lay on the bed, looking around the room. He directed his gaze to the vixen sleeping beside him. Cyndi is now fully clothed, she unlocked the door and reconnected the call button. Paul stroked one of her large ears and long reddish blond hair. He felt sore between his legs and his penis felt raw. "Man, I think I am in love with her. She wore me out, my dick is sore." He gave her a kiss and fell asleep holding Cyndi.

The next day, path to Cyndi's house.

Paul walked with Cyndi to her house. She begged him to be her mate. The wolf walked holding her hand looking at Sammy. The lion snickered as he watched the way Paul walked. "So Paul, she finally got you to mate with her. From the looks of it she wore you out. I think you'll love living with her. You might need a larger bed." He laughs to himself looking at Paul still walking funny.

Cyndi smiled as she walked home. She's glad that Paul decided to be her mate. The vixen got a job for the wolf at one of her friends shop. Paul didn't know that she was in heat last night at the hospital. She masked the scent with perfume when she visited him. Cyndi loved the wolf regarding what he did till he ended up in lonely life. She looked up at him holding her stomach. "In nine months we will be a family." She thought to herself as the vixen put an arm around his back and rested her head on his side as they walked down the trail. "I am not lonely anymore, my life is complete. I can't wait till I tell my parents the good news." As her house appeared in view.

Paul grinned and thought to himself. "I know you were in heat Cyndi. Wolves have a good sense of smell, I won't mind being a father, and I love you." He plants a kiss between her large ears as they walk up to the house.


Another one of my early stories. I rewrote a few areas and changed the ending making the vixen pregnant at the end. RAVEN FOX

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