Under Dragons\' Indoctrination.

Story by GerShark on SoFurry

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#2 of Take Heed, Submit, Obey.

Written by: Gerik Shark

Part 2 of a story commission for TimboWolf.

This is a direct continuation after Part 1 of the series. Please read that first before continuing.

The cool night air whisked by two dragons and a shorter wolf behind while striding towards an apartment complexes parking lot. The taller, red dragon's stride was determined and powerful, while the blue dragon's pace was more relaxed and casual. Both looked somewhat out of place in this area walking around shirtless; most scalies preferred the quiet solitude of a house or den rather then a tightly compacted neighborhood like this.

The aura of oddity emanating from the pair was only made more noticeable since they had an anthro wolf behind them attached to a leash. The fact that wolf's arms were bound behind his back and his muzzle-fur was flattened with drying dragon-cum didn't help either. The wolf didn't seem to even notice though. Timbo's eyes stayed lowered to the sidewalk as he walked obediently behind his two masters. His tail's motions were slow and relaxed thanks to Abraxas' pheromones keeping his mind from focusing on anything for too long, and he kept up with the taller males' pace somewhat eagerly. He wasn't being dragged away from his home against his will, the wolf was following as ordered.

Timbo's tongue occasionally flicked out to pick up some of the seed that was drooling from his fur and threatening to drop to the ground. He didn't particularly like the taste, but he was growing more accustomed to it as the flavor stained his lips and marked his muzzle. The scent of the blue dragon was also quite strong right around his nostrils; having his face ground against Abraxas' crotch so lewdly and so repeatedly as he was face-fucked made the smell stick to his flesh and fur pretty well. He had already begun enjoying the scent, and would no doubt be craving it once it was gone. The wolf didn't expect Abraxas or Metis would keep him wanting long once it did fade, though.

The two dragons came to a stop in front of Timbo, and the wolf snapped out of his pheromone-induced haze as he tilted his muzzle up just enough to see their car.

It wasn't so much a car as it was a piece of art. The two dragons were rather well-off it'd seem, since the shiny, black Mercedes SLK was practically brand new and in perfect condition. It was only a 2-seater though, which made the wolf wonder how they were going to fit. The dragons didn't notice anything odd about having three bodies and only two seats though, since Abraxas unlocked the doors by the remote and got into the driver's side seat without hesitation.

Metis opened up the door to the passenger side next and took a seat in the plush, leather interior. It was obviously a bit cold against his cold-blooded scales though, since he cringed momentarily and flicked his tail between his legs. The red dragon then smirked over towards the wolf still attached to the leash he was holding with the door open.

"Slaves ride on the floor, kneeled before their master." Metis said towards Timbo. A sharp tug of the leash followed, and the wolf whimpered momentarily from the strain around his neck before he stepped closer.

Timbo looked down awkwardly towards the floor and the small space between Metis' digit-grade legs, knowing there wouldn't be much room for him. His arms were tightly bound, so there was no way he'd be easily getting in there either. The wolf leaned forward and placed his face against the inner thigh of the red dragon to get some leverage before he lifted a foot and placed it between Metis' legs.

Metis then grabbed the wolf's head and pressed it firmly right against his clothed-crotch to hold the pet's muzzle in place. Timbo kept silent as he was forced to breath yet another male's scent through the fabric, and his other leg shakily placed itself on the floor between Metis' legs until he was fully kneeled over in front of his master.

Timbo could barely hear the door close as he looked forward into the red dragon's belly and chest, and he shifted awkwardly in place to try and get comfortable in the tight confines surrounding him. He was obviously uncomfortable, but it was not his place to complain or to even speak out of turn as the dragon's pet. He began to look up to the red dragon's snout questioningly, but he quickly decided against it to avoid being punished. He wanted to be a good pet, which meant not giving his masters any possible reason to reprimand him.

The rumble of the engine starting up quickly turned to a quiet purr; one that accompanies a finely tuned and well-kept engine. The SLK was pulling out of the parking spot before too long, but it seemed almost surreal to the wolf. He couldn't see any objects moving out the windows that would register in his mind how fast they were going. His body only shifted about as much as it could between the strong, scaled thighs of his master as they began driving off.

As they stopped at the exit from his apartment's parking area, Timbo saw Metis' arm reach forward and tap a button on the dashboard. Sunlight suddenly began pouring down over his face, and Timbo's muzzle tilted to one side so he could see what was going on. The practically silent motors of the SLK were tugging the entire roof back to expose his position to anyone that might look over. It turns out this pristine vehicle was also a convertible.

The wolf's ears lowered quickly as he tried to hide between the dragon's thighs, although Metis just flexed his strong muscles so the wolf was stuck with his muzzle in plain sight. That wasn't nearly as embarrassing as the command that came next though...

"Undo my pants, bitch. Show me that maw is good for more then just sucking dragon-dick." Metis ordered.

The red drake then glared down towards the wandering eye of Timbo that had been watching the roof retract, and a playful smirk spread his lips.

The wolf gulped audibly and looked down towards Metis' crotch to see the button and zipper of a standard pair of cargo pants. He gingerly leaned his maw forward to grasp the button between his lower and upper jaw, and then shifted his upper lip until he had just the edge of the pants' outer layer in his maw. His tongue then got to work pressing different parts of the button to try and twist it just right.

The pants weren't overly tight on the muscled drake, so the bitch had a bit of room to work with while gnawing and licking. He let out a somewhat frustrated growl as the button slid into the hole and then popped out again, and the distinct taste of metal from the button made his teeth feel funny. He gave a few licks around the button to try and lube it up with his saliva, and he finally got the button undone, much to his relief.

Timbo's eyes then wandered up towards Metis' snout as he felt around for the zipper with his tongue. He then grasped the small metal flap between his lips and began tugging carefully downwards, not even giving off a sound as each set of teeth came undone. The wolf pulled the zipper down as far as it went before he rested his head against the side of Metis' thigh, showing off his work to his master.

"Good job, pup." Metis congratulated with a smile.

Timbo's ears perked up at the congratulating tone, and he was rewarded with a firm scritch right around his ear-base.

The wolf's heart practically leaped with pride inside his chest, and he didn't try to suppress it this time as he beamed under his master's attention. His muzzle tilted side to side to encourage his master to scritch at certain spots, although the scritching ended after only a few moments.

Timbo looked eagerly up towards Metis' snout to wait for his next command. He was having the time of his life doing such simple things for his master and getting only a scritch for a reward. That scritch was far better then a promotion at work he'd longed for in his previous existence, and he'd do just about anything to feel it once again.

"This drive will be about thirty minutes long... As a slave, your job is to keep me hard but not bring me to climax during the entire trip unless I tell you to." Metis said down towards the wolf, and Timbo just nodded his reply eagerly before looking down towards the red scalie's groin.

The dragon had a standard crotch for one of his kind, and the genital slit still housed the entirety of the male's cock that he seeked. Timbo had no idea how to properly expose that wonderful piece of meat that he craved, but he tried his best. The wolf's tongue slid out to lick right along the dragon's slit, coaxing a warm rumble from the dragon almost instantly.

Metis' paws rested heavily to either side of Timbo's face, holding the wolf's cheeks in place while Abraxas once again began driving. If it weren't for those paws, Timbo would no doubt be shifting about on occasion and nudging his face directly into the dragon's crotch. The wolf's weight rested forwards against either of the dragon's thighs and also the front of the seat as he began coaxing his master to an aroused state, and his tongue's velvety texture was obviously quite pleasing to the dominant male.

A warm cock-tip soon began prying open the slit beneath Timbo's tongue, and the wolf could easily taste the pre-fluid that had accumulated there while Abraxas had face-fucked him earlier. This dragon's taste was much smoother and slightly spicy though, analogous to a desert's evening warmth that drooled down onto his tongue. The slit's natural musk and oils to keep the shaft well lubricated and moist had a similar albeit less salty flavor that Timbo enjoyed licking up as well.

The wolf's eyes stayed planted on his master's muzzle to make sure he was pleasing the dominant male, and he could see how relaxed and comfortable Metis was while being sucked off in such a public setting. The protruding organ pried open Timbo's lips easily as inch after inch began forcing its way to freedom, and the flavor of the drake grew equally intoxicating as his scent. Metis' pheromones began mixing with those of Abraxas that were already flooding his system, and the wolf's eyes soon lidded as he was used as the dragon's sheath.

Timbo soon heard the brakes of a truck next to them as they slowed for a stop-light. His eyes opened up slowly as he tilted his muzzle to the side, and he saw a bear looking right down at his muzzle with a cocky grin.

"Looks like you got yourself a regular cock-sucker there... How much does he cost?" The bear said over the rumble of his truck's large engine to Metis.

The wolf's ears shot downward as he was reduced to the status of a whore to a random stranger, and he whimpered submissively as he exhaled over the red dragon's groin through his nostrils.

"We don't pay this cock-slut one cent. He's sucking me off because I told him to." Metis replied with a wink before gliding a pair of talons through the wolf's head-fur. Some of Abaraxas' cum was picked up in the process, and he lifted his paw up so the bear could see the viscous fluid drool down from his claws.

"Abraxas already took his turn, and our bitch is just getting me prepped for when we get home." The red dragon continued. He had to stifle a groan of pleasure as Timbo licked his sensitive cock-tip while speaking, but it only came out as a pleased rumble.

"Lucky dragons... Wish my wife was that easy! Mmm..." The bear said in a playful tone before getting one last look of the wolf's cock-filled maw. It was obvious the bear's paw was helping relieve a raging hard-on while watching, but his truck was high enough that no-one would notice.

Abraxas then drove off leisurely as the light turned green with the bear's maw gaped in pleasure. The dragons knew they'd probably never see that male again, but the look on Timbo's muzzle afterwards was plenty worth the short talk. The blue dragon drove a bit quicker though, not wanting to have their car hit due to a bear climaxing and driving at the same time.

The wolf's inner ears burned with a blush as he gingerly suckled and licked upon the cock of the dominant male, and it was obvious he was trying to hide himself as much as possible from sight. He knew that anyone driving by in a car high enough to see the dragon's lap could see what he was doing, but what made it worse is that he was enjoying the thought of them watching. Timbo always had his muzzle tilted to the side so he could see if anyone noticed him. Most of the drivers passing by didn't glance his way since they were more interested in the car itself, but more then a few gave shocked expressions as Timbo looked them right in the eyes while servicing his master.

Metis' cock was fully hard by now and pressing at the soft entrance to the wolf's throat. Timbo had to pull back a few inches and just bob his head slowly since he couldn't take in a fuck-rod of that size without cutting off his air-supply. He knew his supple, unused neck would get the dragon off too quickly, and he hadn't been ordered to bring the red dragon to release.

Timbo's eyes lidded in pleasure at the thought of being rewarded with yet another load from his masters, and his tongue held firmly to the bottom-side of Metis' cock before gliding up and down. He could feel the pre-fluid bead out from the tip when his tongue-tip reached the underside of Metis' glans, and he smeared that slick mess right over that sensitive spot afterwards.

Abraxas just kept his eyes on the road the entire time while his friend was being serviced, although the bulge in his pants was quite obvious. He'd occasionally glance over to watch with a toothy smirk, but for the most part he kept quiet. When he thought the pup was slowing down a bit too much for his tastes, he'd press the gas-pedal to the floor for a moment so the wolf would be lunged into the red dragon's groin. Metis' cock would then pry open his throat instantly, and he'd gag around the fat phallus before the blue dragon would tap the brakes hard enough for the dick to forcefully pop out of his neck.

Metis groaned out his pleasure each time Abraxas did that, and his snout soon rested back against the head-rest angled upwards. His lips showed a broad grin of content pleasure while the warmth of Timbo's mouth kept his dick snug and secure, and it was obvious the red dragon wouldn't be lasting much longer if the wolf began working the dick like he wanted to.

Luckily for both of the males, the car soon came to a stop.

Abraxas opened his door and stepped out leisurely, and the other two could easily hear a rumble of pleasure as he adjusted a rather obvious bulge. The door beside Timbo's face soon opened as well, and the red dragon tugged Timbo's muzzle back smoothly to unsheath his dick.

"We're here, boy. Lick those lips and look presentable." Metis ordered.

The red dragon's dick throbbed right in front of his face for what seemed like an eternity before Metis slipped out from beneath the wolf and got to his feet again. Timbo then attempted to get out of the car as well, and it took him a few tries and stumbles before he finally got to his feet. The wolf needed a good stretch after being confined in such a small space for so long, and his own raging hard-on became obviously apparent through his business-casual pants.

"Looks like he enjoys sucking dick as much as I like getting mine sucked." Abraxas said with a grin while a talon tapped the wolf's crotch.

"We'll have to train him to enjoy it even more later. I won't be satisfied with his submission until he cums when I do just from getting used as my personal cock-sucker." Metis said with a wink towards Abraxas.

Timbo didn't feel ashamed of wanting to please his masters, and his ears perked as Metis mentioned his own release that he'd no doubt be needing. He was proud they let him do what he desired so willingly, and was more then a little curious on how they planned to get him to climax at their will. The wolf wouldn't feel that way towards anyone else saying those same words, but these two males had earned his respect and forced his submission.

The wolf then realized he was in the home of his masters as he glanced around. The dragons had parked in a single-car garage meaning they didn't live in an apartment building, and he noticed that it was oddly clean with a Mercedes brand set of tools for their own car against one of the walls. His masters not only owned the car of his dreams, but probably knew it inside and out judging by how well-kept both the car and their tools seemed to be. A rather hefty paper manual was sitting on the workbench by the tools as well, but the majority of the information was probably on the PC resting right beside with a connector made for the Mercedes' internal computer.

Timbo's daydreaming and awe-struck state were soon cut short as his leash was tugged commandingly, and the wolf quickly stepped up behind the two males as they strode into the living room. The floor was partitioned from wall to wall in creamy colored, 12" tiles, but the odd thing about the stone was how warm it was. The entire room was at least 75 degrees, but the floor was obviously heated separately for the scaled occupants. Timbo had to admit it felt much better then stepping onto a cold floor, and the dragon's obviously loved how it felt as well as they both rumbled pleasantly once in the confines of their warm abode.

It seemed the living room was all the wolf was going to see for now though, since Metis turned with his raging hard-on still drooling saliva and pre in front of their bitch.

"Your knees will not fare well on this floor, but luckily you will be standing for what we have planned for you, pup." Metis said with a toothy smirk spreading slowly.

Abraxas casually stepped up in front of the wolf and began undoing his pants once again, the familiar scent of the blue dragon soon overtaking the small wolf. The shorter scalie grinned and placed a paw on the back of the pup's head before tugging it down so his muzzle was pressed snugly up against the groin he'd been hammered against only a half hour ago. It was obvious what Timbo was to do, and he got to work quickly. His tongue flicked out and brushed over the partially erect dragon-dick presented to his muzzle, and the familiar flavor of pre and cum came back to him as the remnants of the blue dragon's release still stained that warm phallus.

Metis had stepped behind the wolf by now, and Timbo's eyes suddenly shot open as he felt a single claw press through the fabric of his pants and shred downwards as if his khakis were paper. The ripping wasn't the worst part though, that claw-tip was gliding right between his cleft along the sensitive flesh which made the wolf whimper quietly right into Abraxas' groin. A shiver ran down the furred male's spine, but it wasn't long before that claw-tip traveled down one of Timbo's legs and made a complete slice in his pants. Metis made sure to slice a line down the other leg as well, and the pants fell to the floor to leave the wolf in his silk boxers.

"Ooh, looks like the pup has some class after all. I'll leave these intact..." Metis said demeaningly down to their pet, and he only tugged the silk boxers down far enough to expose the male's rear end.

That supple rump was just begging for the red dragon's attention, and Metis stepped forward while resting both paws on Timbo's sides.

"Gag him, Abraxas. I don't want him squealing too much while defiling his virgin ass." Metis said to his friend.

Abraxas just smirked and tugged the wolf's muzzle back before his free paw guided his dick straight for Timbo's lips. The furred male couldn't even whimper before that organ was crammed into his mouth and down that warm throat once again, and Timbo's neck flexed as he gagged involuntarily on the only shaft to claim his throat. His voice was silenced and his breathing cut off, but that didn't keep him from squirming and trying to breath through flared nostrils.

Metis watched their pet struggle some in his new role, but the red dragon knew how to calm down a bitch. He leaned forward and pressed his slick, pre-drooling cock-tip right against Timbo's ass, and the wolf instantly went calm. He'd never felt anything brush against his taint and the sensitive flesh of his rear, and the sensation was oddly soothing for him before he figured out exactly what it was.

Timbo knew approximately how big that dragon-cock was, and his eyes opened wide at just the thought of taking it all in his virgin rear. A tear began running down his cheek again as his gagging forced his eyes to water, and he had to blink away the moisture to try and focus his gaze. With his maw occupied and his breathing cut off, all he could do was swivel his ears and look around. Even that was too much for the two dragons though, since the world around Timbo suddenly went black as a blind-fold was placed around his head, and his ears perked up instantly to hear what was going on. He didn't know what to do as one of his three senses left were cut off, and he looked around the inside of his blindfold for at least a little bit of light.

The wolf found no escape from his blindfold's darkness, and the sensation of the red dragon's dick became even more noticeable. He whimpered submissively up to the blue dragon that held his throat plugged completely, and he wondered how he'd ever get the air he'd be needing in only a few seconds time. The wolf's mind was soon guided elsewhere as he felt the warm cock-tip change angles and aim straight for his clenched rear.

Timbo could feel his tail being tugged upwards forcefully by one of Metis' paws, and the wolf tried to relax as much as possible as he felt pressure building against his virgin fuck-tunnel. He tried to lean forward into Abraxas' groin, but his lips were already hard-pressed to the base of that cock as he whimpered and whined. His body writhed as he felt his tail-hole slowly stretching, and his body soon began to give way to the insistent male's massive phallus.

Just the width of the tip was enough to have the wolf's paws clench into fists, but the dragon suddenly thrust forward after his glans forced its way past the tight ring of flesh. Timbo's eyes shot open and he cried out into the gag of a cock shoved down his throat. His eyes watered powerfully now as he felt himself filled with over five inches of dragon-cock. It felt more like ten feet to the virgin wolf, and he sobbed quietly while the red drake shoved deeper still.

This wasn't for Timbo's enjoyment and pleasure, this was being forced on him only because his masters willed it. The wolf had no say in how his body was used, and he had no right to resist as the dominant male behind him began thrusting himself farther through the furred male's tunnel inch by inch.

"Rrng.. Fuck, this bitch is definitely a virgin... Feels like a vice-grip on my dick." Metis said with an amused grunt.

The red dragon's motions were insistent and smooth, and his strokes became longer with time as he was able to stretch out more of the wolf's tunnel. It was obvious Timbo wasn't getting used to the intrusion by the way his eyes watered and his body writhed on each inward thrust, but it wasn't his place to object so he took it like the bitch he was silently.

Abraxas' lengthy cock suddenly popped audibly from Timbo's maw to allow the pup to breath once again, and a sharp breath accompanied a pained cry from the wolf. He was about to speak, but the blue dick was forced into the wolf's mouth was again to silence him. It was obvious Timbo was not meant to speak or make noise while being taken, and Abraxas' dick would make sure the pup followed that simple rule.

The wolf's eyes clenched as his throat was once again filled with cock, although his mind could only focus on the one forcefully raping his rear. The sensation burned and stretched him painfully, but something in his head kept telling him it was right and it felt good. The furred male's own dick was painfully hard and drooling pre into his boxers even as he was being defiled by such a massive fuck-stick, and he forced the notion of shame aside to enjoy his duty fully.

The strokes the dominant male was taking inside the poor wolf's ass had grown quite long and powerful after only a short time, and Timbo could feel his tail-hole indenting with each powerful thrust into his rear. The flesh was slicked by both pre and saliva, but that didn't keep the friction from building and keeping Metis more then a little pleasured. Deep grunts of lust escaped over the wolf's head and back while he was fucked in the ass for the first time, but it soon became apparent that Abraxas wasn't going to sit by and watch this entire time.

The blue and red dragon began thrusting in rhythm to each other to stuff the wolf's ass and throat at the same time, making Timbo feel far past full one moment, and painfully empty the next. The pace taken by both was determined but still somewhat leisurely. It was obvious the two had all the time in the world to fuck their pet, and they were going to enjoy the wolf's body as if its sole purpose was for their entertainment.

Timbo couldn't see what was going on around him thanks to the blindfold, but that only allowed him to focus on both the pain and pleasure of getting fucked in both ends by his masters. He willingly relaxed his throat once Abraxas began to thrust into him, and he was learning quickly how to relax his jaw and how to angle his muzzle just right so the blue dragon moaned the loudest. He found the perfect spot soon enough, and Abraxas' paws held tight to either of Timbo's ears to hold him perfectly still. That blue-scaled crotch repeatedly hammered right up against his lips while a hefty set of balls smashed against his lower jaw.

The wolf hadn't felt that same satisfying smack of nuts against his ass just yet, although it sounded like Metis was giving his rear everything he had to try and fit every last inch of that massive cock in his bowels. He could feel the tip pressing deep down into his guts, and he twisted and contorted his waist to try and fit the length more comfortably within him. It just didn't seem to fit right, although that very fact also made it more pleasant for the red male as he plowed away into the slut of a wolf.

Metis gave up trying to gracefully worm his cock in with smooth thrusts, and the grip on Timbo's tail suddenly grew tight before the red dragon let out a loud grunt. The cock in Timbo's rear suddenly careened forward with the momentum of the entire drake behind it that forced the wolf's guts to accommodate that thirteen inch dick. Timbo's throat vibrated heavily as he tried to cry out in both pain and pleasure, although the only sound that could be heard was that of the red dragon's hips colliding to the wolf's rear end.

The taller male grinned dominantly while holding the wolf's tail up high enough to look down and watch his cock-base ram repeatedly into their pet's body. He had fully sheathed his dick inside of their virgin fuck-slut, and the sense of achievement was obvious on his snout. He kept a faster rhythm now as his pre-fluid drooled out into the slut's tight ass, and Timbo's eyes lidded in pleasure now the intense discomfort had begun to fade. By the look on his muzzle, some might begin to think the virgin was actually enjoying getting defiled.

The wolf's cock gave that fact away rather blatantly though, since it was pulsing against his boxers repeatedly as the momentum from both males crashed into his body in sync. They were either very well-practiced, or extremely talented fuckers, since they were timed perfectly to hilt at exactly the same time. His throat's gagging had begun to slow as Abraxas' cock reamed him out and used his neck for a tight tunnel to pleasure his dick, and his ass was likewise beginning to relax enough for Metis to impale him without much difficulty.

Timbo was still extremely tight, but the look on Metis muzzle had changed from that of discomfort to one of extreme pleasure. The grunts and rumbles escaping the two males above the wolf were all he could hear besides the slapping of hips against him, and that was all he needed to know he was being a good pet. He didn't need to see the looks on their snouts to know they were enjoying using his body, and his eyes just closed eventually to savor the intense rush of being fucked so ruthlessly by both powerful males at once.

It all seemed to be coming to an end far too soon though, since both dominant males began picking up their pace. Their hammering grew out of sync for a while which smacked the wolf's body back and forth to impale his ass even deeper upon the dragon's fat dick. Metis' balls began hammering higher and higher against Timbo's inner thighs as he grew closer to his peak, and the wolf felt the same of Abraxas as his chin began getting smacked in slightly different locations. The subtle sounds of the dominant male's breathing changed as well, and he could hear occasional pants for air signalling they were getting close.

This is why they had blindfolded him. The wolf was picking up on the unseen things their masters do that signalled their enjoyment and their pleasure. Their breathing patterns, their grip on his sides, their pace, and even the position of their balls against his body when thrusting all showed their relative distance from release, and also their arousal level. This was something the wolf would have to memorize in time, but he pushed them to the back of his mind for now as he suddenly felt Metis hilt into his ass and stay sheathed.

Timbo's ears perked up as he felt himself filled to the bursting point with solid cock, his body not made to have a thirteen inch fuck-rod jammed into his colon. The reason the dominant male stopped was obvious to the bitch though, and he let out a quiet whimper as the tip flared within his bowels and suddenly unleashed a torrent of the red dragon's viscous cum. The fluid practically burned within him, the heated seed splashing into his depths and flowing through him like a tidal wave.

The wolf's virginity had been taken, his ass defiled by the likes of his dragon masters. He'd have it no other way, and his mind was suddenly flooded with a euphoric feeling of accomplishment as his body was used for the first time to bring both his masters to their climax.

Timbo cringed suddenly as his neck was given the same treatment as his ass, and his throat opened wide to accept the gift of his blue master as the second release was pumped deep into his belly directly. The wolf's body cringed again although in his own pleasure this time, involuntarily shuddering before his own dick flexed and then shot the wolf's fluid into his silk boxers. He writhed in pleasure as he was filled in both ends and came without any direct attention to his phallus besides the grinding of silk to his dick while getting fucked. The euphoric rush from being used as his master's fuck-toy was plenty enough for him to climax.

He tried to breath to fill his lungs and feed his brain with the precious oxygen it craved after an intense peak, but he was denied that blessing while being pumped full of his masters' gifts. Timbo's body went limp as his peak began to fade, and his ears drooped to a much more relaxed state. It was a new experience to feel the hot cum flow up into his guts and get forced into parts he'd never felt before, and he shifted his rear against Metis' groin to try and accommodate the large volume of fluid more easily. He even tried lifting one of his legs, although he quickly lowered it once again as he felt seed beginning to splash out around Metis' dick when he did.

As if on an invisible queue, both of the dragons pulled out of the wolf at the same time. Timbo was left in the middle looking like a geyser for a moment as cum poured out from his ass, and seed splattered out from his maw. He closed his jaws easily enough to block the flow of cum pumping up from his belly and throat, and his cheeks bulged out as he tried to swallow it all down again. After suppressing his gag-reflex for so long, he really had to try and gulp down the tasty seed he'd been force-fed. The cum in his ass was much harder to keep in though, since Metis' large dick had left his ring distended and gaped.

He whimpered submissively as he tried to clench his thighs together, but that only made the seed squirt farther from his rear. He could only wait out the embarrassing feeling of having cum drool from his virgin ass. The wolf slowly felt the flow subsiding eventually, and he quivered as the walls of his rear finally closed up again. It felt like it'd taken minutes, when in reality it'd only been a few seconds.

A red paw then grabbed the back of the wolf's head and tugged it upwards, the sudden rush of blood from Timbo's head causing him to pass out. Usually he'd only get woozy and recover almost instantly, but the depressant nature of Abaraxas' pheromones mixed with the intense high of his recent climax made the wolf's eyes close and refuse to open once again. He tried to stay awake, but he was fighting a dream as his body went limp in his master's arms.

The last thing he heard in his ear was a warm rumble from Metis accompanied by a few choice words.

"Welcome to your new life and home, slave..."

Timbo awoke with a start to the familiar darkness of his blindfold. As his senses slowly began to register once again, he noticed his arms were immobile and bound above his head with his wrists touching. His upper body was completely vertical while he kneeled on an oddly soft surface beneath him. The wolf's knees were not uncomfortable or strained from being placed this way, but he soon realized his feet were bound by a spreader bar at shoulder-width apart when he tried to move them.

The subtle sound of movement to his left grabbed his attention, and his ears turned before his muzzle followed suit. He tried to ask who was there, but his jaws wouldn't move. The wolf's tongue did some exploring and finally was able to feel the ball-gag that had been there all along. Timbo's senses weren't returning like they usually would after he'd been asleep, everything felt distant and vague to him even though he thought he was fully conscious.

His movements were lazy, his muscles nonreactive, and it was obvious he'd been drugged with a muscle relaxant. His mind was returning fully once awake though, and he could think as fast as ever. This made his concern only grow as his eyes refused to focus and his breathing stayed slow and deep. Nothing he could do could get his body to react how he wanted it to or to move as he thought it should. He'd always been in control of his own body, but now he was a mere spectator of his own existence.

The shifting grew closer until he could make out the steps of two distinct beings. He assumed they were his masters, and he visibly relaxed as he took in their familiar scent once again.

Metis soon spoke in his deep, rumbling voice while towering beside the pup.

"You've been taken under our wing as a slave. The rules of living under us are simple and have been passed down for generations. We've revoked your right to move so that you will listen and understand..." Metis said.

The red dragon's words were clear and precise while everything else was faded, forcing him to listen and to comprehend. Everything he heard stuck to his mind as if it were the only important things in the world. Timbo's ears perked as he stayed motionless, his breathing turning silent to take in every word of his dragon masters.

"Rule Number 1: You no longer have a name.

You are slave, bitch, slut, and cock-sucker to all those around you. You will correct anyone that uses your former life's name to make it clear you do not follow the ways of your old existence."

"Rule Number 2: Your body is a temple made to serve your masters and you will treat it like one.

You will not drink. You will not smoke. You will not overeat. You will keep your body in good shape, and you will keep yourself healthy so that you may serve at all times."

"Rule Number 3: You will be prepared to be fucked at all times of the day.

We will not ask if you are ready to be taken, we will only take. If you require lube, you will lube yourself because we will not do it for you. Each time we take you without preparation will be a lesson to remind you of your duty since we will get what we please whether you are ready or not."

"Rule Number 4: You are free to leave whenever you like, but you may never return once you've made that decision."

"Rule Number 5: You will continue to work your previous job.

We will provide everything you need to exist as our slave and will not allow any possessions of your own, but you will still earn a living for yourself while under our wings. One day you will leave this place under your own free will, and we will keep every penny you've earned for yourself in a high-interest account so that you may have the life-style of your choice once you leave. The longer you stay, the better your 'retirement' will be."

"Rule Number 6: As our slave, you will serve any male that wills your service.

You will lift your tail for everyone that even hints at wanting your ass for their pleasure. You will open your muzzle and get on your knees when ordered to even by a cub. You have no status and obey mindlessly."

"Rule Number 7: If you last to the end of your training and decide to leave this place, you will be an equal to us and to the dominant males that came before us.

You will no longer serve, you will be served by those you choose as we have chosen you."

"Rule Number 8: You serve willingly, and you obey by choice. You are not forced to stay here, and the door is always open for you to leave.

We are teaching you what your parents refused to. We are giving you the gift of passion, love, and servitude when so many refused it to you. You give us your respect, and we show you the path to the life you were meant to live. Only through your own complete servitude can you properly treat a pet you will have yourself one day."

Metis laid out the rules of some sort of ancient society as calmly as ever while speaking. The dragons were his masters, but they too had served. This is why they knew how to fuck so well and how to control themselves so completely. The concept of Domination and Submission required both parties to willingly participate, and required both to know and understand the role of the other to achieve euphoric equilibrium. The pieces began falling into place for the wolf as he stayed still and silent, and his mind suddenly snapped out of its own thinking to listen once again.

"Nod if you accept these rules to be your life's guidelines as long as you choose, and to formalize your submission beneath us as your teachers and masters."

Timbo solemnly nodded his head to accept the responsibility and the choice laid out for him, and he wagged his tail as eagerly as he could to show how much he now wanted and needed this.

Abraxas finally spoke after standing silently for so long behind the wolf.

"I believe a celebration is in order... And with a bound pup willing to serve, I think it's pretty clear what our best and only option is." The blue dragon said menacingly down to the pup.

There was no sound of a zipper coming down or pants being lowered, just the smack of a cock being slapped across Timbo's muzzle as both dragon's towered over their bitch...

The end.