From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Arc 2, Chapter 1

Story by coreguardian on SoFurry

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#15 of From Ice Cream to "Topping"

Lackluster home life? Check. Deteriorating romance? Check.Mixed signals? Check. Hot college guys? Still Checked...

Welcome to Arc 2 of From Ice Cream to "Topping"; a continuing series following the life of young Charlie Fair.

Set several month's after we last left him, Charlie has become a stronger, more loving person. With classes for college starting up again that will test his mental limits and his new lover Daniel to contend with as well, read on to see if perhaps the new flavors in his life are too much for him to handle...

** From Ice Cream to "Topping"**

** Arc 2, Chapter 1**

Hi, my name is Charlie Fair, and from present what was a summer seasons time ago, I can admit now I used to be a very lost, lonely little grey wolf; ready and willing to trade everything I had for someone who'd care. If you knew my history, or maybe heard about it by word of muzzle, you'd understand why my life always bordered on challenging and impossible; although I suppose some back-story never hurt anybody to hear if you hadn't before...

Let's rewind the clock a bit, when it was the close to my first year of college. I hated every day I had to be there, but I did endure enough to pass the semester, even if by looking at my GPA you'd assume otherwise. By extension I should have been filled with excitement and joy like any normal person would, but instead I was just left feeling the bitter sting of mediocrity; my accomplishment equal to less than nothing in my eyes. I was without ambition back then though and held no passions in life, so in turn I had no gauge to judge my success against anyway. I merely subsisted; no goals or objectives for me except to live out my existence the best I knew how and survive. To be honest, even if I wasn't with myself at that point in time, I was just depressed and stopped caring about what the future had in store for me. It was a sad world I inhabited, and at the end of the day I never thought anyone noticed or minded. At least that's what I had thought...

When I was younger, I never comprehended love; never valued it. The word and its meaning were foreign to me, on par with that of another country I had never been to. In spite of this empty ideology I carried in my heart all my years growing up though, everything suddenly changed for me one day as I rested securely in the arms of what I would later find out to be unconditional loves embrace. For the first time I can remember, I would dare to say I felt true happiness and never wanted to let it go.

Following that moment, thanks to affection and its influence on me, I was able to finally get over my neurosis concerning other people and face my sordid past; a moment which will remain forever frozen on my doorstep in history for me. The recollection was a flavor of ice cream all its own, meant only just for me to enjoy. I referenced the memory often and by only one moniker, but a smile and a shiver down my spine would always accompany its call; Daniel.

Going forward from that occasion after we started dating and moved in together, I can honestly say Dan and I only fell deeper in love with each other. I would feel the warmth of it growing more and more with every passing day, and in his beautiful eyes I could see he felt the same. From the beginning to present we had always shared the same tastes in everything; from our favorite foods to sexual positions, so for us being together wasn't only easy, but felt completely natural.

Months have since passed as time has continued winding down for the rest of the world, a whole season came and gone instantly realized by just looking out at both the sky and the trees outside. For me though, life seemed to have stilled. I could argue with you for hours why I felt as I did, or how naïve I was to think that way, but only I would understand the truth behind it all; that emotion called adoration which kept me suspended in seemingly eternal bliss.

Unfortunately however, even something as well constructed as ice cream eventually melts...

At some juncture down the road that was our relationship, darkness had managed to sneak its way into our home. At first it seemed small and manageable, but grew quickly to be an insurmountable discord; the root cause of such bedlam my lover himself. My German Shepherd lover and his perceptions on life were starting to shift for some reason, and as misfortune would have it, his view towards us was the most radical change of all; his kindness and generosity now instead often mixed with bitterness and spite whenever we spoke.

One day, as Dan and I sat down for a homemade dinner together, I could instantly see a frustration of something starting to build inside him as he ate his meal in silence. The tension he felt was palpable, and instead of resolving the issue causing the problem, he instead allowed it to subsist and spread. He kept the misery associated locked tightly in his heart, and because of its poison he slowly developed a narcissism to his character. Despite all my best efforts to alleviate him of his anguish, nothing but failure occurred.

When I first realized that something was eating at his core, I asked right away of course what was wrong; my hope in doing so that given where we were in our relationship, he would confide in me the truth. However, as that particular topic quickly turned from one thing to another thanks to some abrupt double speak on his part, I realized then that the person I love most of all is heading in a direction I don't understand how to follow, and can't fathom where the journey ends.

Now, with our summer vacations from college coming to a finish and a fresh new semester beginning again tomorrow for both of us, I eagerly await for my boyfriend's senses to return so he can come back home to me as I once did for him; instead of being lost somewhere between regret and sadness like I used to be...

| ARC 2 - PRIDE |

"Lee... we're going to be late..." I looked at Daniel softly then as our tails swished back and forth together in happy unison against each other's naked bodies; the morning rays of the sun now starting to soak their way into the bedroom all the while. There on his back in our bed, the Shepherd moaned out in-between sentences as I sat atop his abs, each eager buck from his hips betraying his poker faced pleas for us to start to get ready. In reality, each thrust spoke true volumes for him to really how much of a rush he was in for the first day of the term to begin; his fervor for college days renewed equal to my excitement for what amounts to getting a root canal done.

We both knew that we overslept that morning because neither of us was looking forward to school starting back up, our freedoms of gaming, internet porn and enjoying each others company cut in half instantly because of it; even if I felt for weeks now disjointed as a couple anyway thanks to Daniel's lack of communication with me.

"Oh shut up pup..." I quipped back as I flashed him a seductive glare and grabbed for his red throbbing member behind me; the slick of precum dribbling out of his tip indicating his joy otherwise. Shamefully admitted by me seeing how I fail to compare in every conceivable way to him, the girth of his cock is without a doubt perfect; just that little too much for even one paw to wrap fully around sometimes, but never thick enough to prohibit you going down on all the way while deep throating. Despite his size though, he always is the top whenever we have fun, which leaves me with the happily daunting task of playing bottom boy to him. However, it was a mission I'd always gladly accept.

"You know you'd rather be cramming me... than instead of for a test!" He grinned at my horrible joke then as I smiled back in reply; this moment a reflection of our true feelings for each other, even if of late Daniel seems to forget from time to time. A huge contrast to the selfish tendencies I held before we met, at present I can say his happiness and well being is what is important and keeps me focused now. For that reason, even when he'd execute such a small thing like giggle, it'd mean the world to me and let's me know I'm still doing something right.

"Now just take it slow Charlie; don't want you walking around funny at school!" He smirked as I leaned down to kiss him, our tongues lapping together as we started up finally...

With me helping to guide him, his tender leaky cock smoothly penetrated my anal ring, making me howl out in delight as the familiar burn of being stretched open bit at my hole all the while. He and I moaned hard as he pushed deeper into me, the breadth of his member rubbing raw against the walls of my insides as he went along. Albeit Daniel's enjoyment in which I'd pretend to be world class champion at taking him fully right out of the box, secretly it was always a huge adjustment for me when he was inside. I would compensate the best I knew how by biting at my lip, tail or paw and bear through it though, knowing that by enduring the beginning it would lead to the best feeling later.

"Ah that's better!" I thought as I straddled myself on top of him some more then and familiarized myself with his girth, the fleshy center of my tail hole fully enveloping his dick further now as I squirmed lower on to it, his lack of resistance making it all the easier to achieve. I was mindful always when we had sex to soak up as much precum as he had to offer to lube me up properly inside; each drip and drop needed as he pushed deeper into me with his following thrusts, his humongous penis only a slip away from him knotting my tight wolfish ass.

"I'm going to get you back for this Wolf..." He moaned as I leaned forward from my position then atop him and nuzzled my nose around his neck, making sure to tease him by blowing small bursts of air from out my muzzle against his collarbone; a secret sweet spot of his I discovered some time ago that just drives him crazy. The mix of pressure and heat were often too much a combination for him, which always worked to my advantage as I started to move my lower body more in sequence with his movements so to match his wavelength as he groaned deeper; each impact of our bodies so soft I could swear we were making love on a cloud, even if evidence otherwise suggested whenever the bed frame would slam up against the wall.

"Charlie... if you keep this up..." He panted as he grabbed for my paw then to brace himself for release, this common gesture of his a simple reminder for myself that the man I adore is still somewhere inside this lately quieted Shepherd's soul. I hate to admit it, but only when we we're joined together at the hip such as we were, did I really feel connected to him lately and saw glimpses of my old love past.

It isn't enough for me to only have his attention during sex though; the reality being that the bond between us is disappearing otherwise. However, I am not going to give up; I'll keep trying to get him back to the way he was, unless he gives up on us first...

"Daniel, please don't stop!" I moaned aloud as I felt my orgasm swelling even more in my loins as I arched my back and let him slide into me completely, the thick base of his knot slipping easily inside now. My looseness and acceptance to swallow his giant dick was continuously a gradual achievement for me, but one I was always proud of in the end.

"Charlie, I'm gonna..." He tried to warn me but no sooner than when he tried did his loads of cum begin to escape his cock and shoot themselves deep into my hole, filling my person with his spunk; so warm and smooth. I could feel each pulse of his knot as he remained inside, each spurt from him more for me to absorb so I can say I'm always carrying a piece of him around with me; even if he's always remembered in my heart anyway.

"Dan..." I panted as I felt his cum starting to slowly leak out of my tail hole and down the backside of my balls, driving me over my sexual edge as well. I couldn't resist it anymore, the need to make a mess myself now; the heat from my paw as I stroked at my cock making me reach my climax too. As the more forceful of the streams escaped from my member and began to splash all over Daniel's torso and face, I looked down to catch a more familiar German Shepherd of mine in between streams; him licking up the white goo as he after-glowed there on the pillow, his face that of angel as he closed his eyes to both relax and prevent me from making him blind.

I took the opportunity upon myself then to fall forward onto my lover, my head equal with his chest as we collided together, the smell of the aftermath to me just as wonderful as the whole ordeal. "Damn Daniel, now that was hot. I could feel you so deep inside me just now, and by the way your hearts racing I can tell you were having fun too!" I smiled as I listened for each individual beat from his organ as it skipped; the sounds of his soul something I wish I could carry around instead in my music player nowadays.

Sad to say though, the chorus does stop after awhile and as always I'm snapped back into reality...

"Yeah that was pretty good huh? Well, we better get cleaned up so we can go." Daniel said as he tried to sit up quickly then and grab for our nearby cum towel; to which I instinctively held him down instead.

"Dan can't we just lay here for a minute longer? I can clean up the mess another way you know." I propositioned him again as I started licking at some of the goo that was on his chest. However, I knew as soon as I started by his change in body posture what was coming next, but just thought I'd try to see if he had changed back yet...

"Charlie what are doing?" Daniel said as he grabbed for my ears then and stopped me short of lapping at his cum drenched areolas.

"Well guess I was kind of hoping for a round two." I said in soft response as I noticed the little bit of pressure he was keeping my head held with irritated my neck all the while.

"Seriously Charlie?" He said as he let me go and turned his gaze away from me. "God... What; once wasn't enough for you or something?" He growled slightly then as I tightened my grasp around him and kept him detained with a hug. Sad to admit, my new initial reaction to fear was to hold onto Daniel when I was afraid, even if he was the cause of it.

"Well no but... I mean, I barely even got to see you at all yesterday because I pulled that double shift at work, and now we're going to be headed for classes and I just thought..." It felt like a losing argument from the start as I saw my lover's disposition switch again; from loving caring boyfriend to the hardhearted jerk he shifted into lately...

"C'mon now Lee, don't be like that and don't make me the bad guy here alright. We got stuff we gotta do, and I really wanted to get a jump on it. I already took care of you now so..." Daniel said sternly in response as he broke away from my grip then, one flex from his muscles to much for my small frame to contain.

"Took care of me? Daniel it's when you say stuff like that ..." I thought silently to myself as I rolled away from his body and rested my face into his nearby pillow; the deep seated frustrations about my boyfriend's attitude an escalating problem I struggled to overcome growing daily. Rather than confront him and say something I knew I'd regret later though, I just fought to hide my moods from him instead. By this simple madness alone of sacrificing my emotions to spare his however, I would suffer anger anew more powerful than what I've ever experienced before building inside the pit of my stomach; a feeling so strong I hated myself for even indulging it as I screamed silently into the cushion then.

Completely oblivious to how his remarks made me feel, he just sat silently at the edge of the bed for a minute then and ran his paws through his ruffled hair, his lack of attention to the important things around him really driving me batshit insane; myself constantly trying to remember that he was better than this at one point and can be again... I hope.

"Damn I'm gonna have to shower now." Daniel finally spoke again after discovering a bit of cum had become entangled in his hair. "Ugh this is so not how I wanted to start this morning..."

With yet another callous remark escaping his muzzle, I just looked at him confused and hurt as his back remained turned towards me, my brain screaming "YOU MORON" at him but my heart whispering to me at the same time "he still loves you." It was a classic battle of mine to be sure; the struggle between what I know, and what I feel. However, even though I was veteran to the familiar game they hosted on the battlefield of my soul for many years now, I still couldn't tell who the stronger faction was or even who I wanted to win in the end.

Rather than beat myself up, or him for that matter, for the bum mood he put me in, I realized that somewhere in his twisted straight forward loveless logic he did have a point; time was running short for us this morning.

"Alright Daniel I'm sorry. I'm just gonna get ready real quick and make us some breakfast before we head out okay. What do you say?" I asked as I sat up from my burial then and breathed in some fresh air, letting the flush of red irritation disappear from my face before I turned to face my lover renewed; a smile so optimistic adorning my face it could cure cancer. It didn't matter though my façade in the long run however; my words falling on deaf ears as I watched Daniel make his way into the bathroom and close the door with no hesitation behind his swing.

"Daniel... please... stop. Come back to me please... I miss you." I begged internally as I sat up and started to get ready for the day finally; the rest of Daniel's cum seeping out down my leg and staining my pants all the while.

What happened to my good hearted German Shepherd Daniel Adams? Let's see what happens next...