An...Unexpected Outcome

Story by Mourning Zephyr on SoFurry

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#1 of Movix and Kyra

Hello, everyone! This is the first yiffy story I've ever written, and definitely the first one I've posted. So please tell me your thoughts about the story, and what you liked (or didn't like) down in the comments section!

(Disclaimer: This story involves sex between a feral wolf and feral vixen. If you are under the age of 18 or simply do not like this kind of story, do not read it.)

Movix and Kyra are copyright to me.

If you just want to skip to the yiff, press Control+F and search for "folds".

An...Unexpected Outcome

Movix was something very unusual for an alpha male: He was single. Not that he couldn't get a wolfess -- in fact they were practically trampling each other to get to him -- but he just didn't like any of them, especially because they constantly pined for his attention and affections. And now they were in heat. So now the wolf with glossy white fur and yellow eyes found himself wandering around the forest in the evening, with a throbbing erection. He was avoiding the dens as much as he could, because the smell of so many wolfesses in heat made him just want to mount the nearest one and rut her into the ground until she howled.

And so he came up with every excuse he could to stay away from them. He'd thought giving the other ranks permission to mate would help, but that plan had failed horribly. He considered licking himself until he came but that'd be a temporary solution at best.

With a sigh, he decided to hunt to distract himself.

* * *

A mouse squirmed beneath Kyra's paw. The vixen granted it the mercy of a quick death by snapping its neck and ate it quickly. When she was done she was still hungry and crept back into the underbrush to hunt again. She wasn't just hungry, however, she was bored. Bored beyond belief. She was the only fox in the area, and mating season was a ways off. She had plenty of small rodents to herself and several brooks near her den so most of her time was spent sleeping.

Kyra never thought it was possible to get tired of sleep, but she was.

Near one of the brooks that wasn't close to her den she came upon a squirrel eating an acorn while it took a break from burying its nuts. As she stalked towards it through a strawberry bush, Kyra remembered a terrible joke her last mate had told her.

_ "What is a male squirrel doing when he fucks another squirrel?"_

_ "What? Oh, not one of your stupid jokes aga-"_

_ "Burying his nuts."_

Just the memory of the joke made her roll her eyes. At least that fox's cock had been big.

Kyra stalked up to the squirrel perfectly and sprung out. She caught it by surprised and pinned its tail to the ground. The squirrel's paws and claws scrabbled at the ground as it tried to flee but it only succeeded in falling down with its tail pinned.

Kyra was about to bite into it when the winds changed and she smelled wolf.

A white wolf stepped out from the bushes to her right and the vixen turned to face him. He was close, too close to run without finding the best path first. Kyra glanced around scanning the- The wolf stepped forward and she stepped back, releasing the squirrel. The rodent immediately scampered off.

"A vixen? You'll do nicely," said the wolf.

It was only then she noticed the raging erection between his legs.

"Oh hell no!" shouted Kyra. "You'll have to rape my corpse, because I'll die before I let a wolf fuck me!"

Suddenly, the wolf stopped his advance and tilted his head in confusion. "What? I don't want to mate you, I want to eat y- Hey!"

Kyra had taken advantage of his confusion and whipped around, shooting around a tree and sprinting to the brook. She hopped from stone to stone and hit the ground on the other side running. The wolf was right behind her. He cleared the brook in a single bound and chased after her through the sparse trees.

The vixen used the evasive maneuvers her mother had taught her: Bolting around trees and taking a path that was easy for a fox and hard for a wolf. The white beast nearly hit an oak as he gave chase, and Kyra gained some ground.

She saw tree with an angled trunk and shot towards it. She started to climb, claws digging into the trunk; then there was movement to the right and she kicked off the trunk -- not a moment too soon as a giant white paw slammed down where she'd've been. The vixen sailed through the air for a moment and crashed into the ground upside-down. Pain exploded in her back and the wind was knocked out of her.

She rolled over and was up and running in a moment anyways. She hopped over the root of an ancient tree and veered left. Any advantage she'd had before was gone: The wolf was so close now his hot breath made her tail fur stand on end.

Kyra darted and weaved around trees and between roots and through bushes but the wolf just jumped the roots and charged through the bushes, keeping up with her. He was fast enough that the only way the vixen could see of escaping was to climb a tree but he was way too close for that to result in anything but death. She silently cursed herself for going this way. She'd seen an opportunity and taken it, but this wasn't her area -- she didn't know the land -- the wolf, however, probably did.

The area in front of her was suddenly open -- they'd entered a glade devoid of trees and rocks. This was good for Kyra if the wolf was stupid. Unfortunately he wasn't.

She started to run in a zigzag pattern, trying to draw the wolf to run off in a different direction. But he seemed to know what she was doing, and before the vixen could even react to him not falling for it, he was upon her. He leapt, Kyra tried to throw herself out of the way at the last moment but failed -- they tumbled through the bushes on the edge of the glade and then they went over the side of a steep and rocky hill.

The fall seemed to take forever; they almost bounced each time they collided with the hillside, sharp rocks biting into their flesh. The final impact was the worst, and Kyra landed first. She rolled along the ground and ended up on her back, slumped against a tree.

For her, though, everything went black.

* * *

Movix's vision vanished for a moment too when he finally landed. He rolled as well, but when he stopped his muzzle ended up in something warm and furry. After several seconds, his sight returned and all he saw was white. It took him a moment to realize he was staring at the vixen's underside, and that his muzzle was buried in her folds.

The first lick was instinct -- there was something wet in front of his muzzle -- and he found out the vixen was not in heat or as a wolf he couldn't tell by tasting her. Movix really didn't know why he licked the second time, but he knew why he licked a third time, because the second lick had made her shudder.

The white wolf's mind was in a haze. Because of his arousal and the taste of the fluids now leaking from the vixen, he kept on licking.

The fox's eyes flitted open, and she took a good look at the wolf eating her out with his large tongue. She probably thought she was dreaming because she just shut her eyes again. The wolf continued his oral assault and she started to moan or let out a purr-like sound every time Movix roughly lapped up her fluids.

Her eyes opened again, and she knew she wasn't dreaming. "Gods, wolf," she said weakly, "you are good with your tongue." Movix responded by thrusting his flexible muscle as deep as he could, and the vixen let out a pleasure murr.

"You like that vixen pussy, don't-"

He interrupted her by undulating his tongue which made her bite her lip. She looked down at him, unamused. She didn't like getting interrupted. "So this is what you meant when you said you were going to eat m-"

Again, he cut her off by swirling his tongue and she yelped.

She growled. "Damn wolf, you nearly made me bite my tongue off. Can't you let me finish one snide com-"

He undulated his tongue again and brought a paw up to rub the vixen's teats, making her let out a shuddering moan. With that, she finally gave up.

"Fuck it, just make me cum."

Movix took her words to heart and began to thrust his wiggling tongue in and out of her. He felt her folds clench tightly around his tongue, and all of the vixen's muscles tensed. He kept on rubbing her teats and eating her out as her pants got higher and louder and higher and louder until finally she hit her peak.

The vixen let out the fox equivalent of a howl and her fluids flooded his tongue and muzzle. Her cum was extra sweet and exotic, and Movix was ready for them. He drank them, but his tongue didn't stop ravaging her insides as he did. He lapped and swallowed as she continued to cover his tongue. He tried, but some of her fluids got away from his tongue and covered his chin. Finally, the vixen's orgasm ended, and Movix pulled away, licking the remnants of her cum from his chin.

* * *

The afterglow was as serene and pleasant as Kyra remembered it. And she could think of no better time to die.

"Come on, wolf," she said contentedly, "kill me before my afterglow fades..."

"I don't care about eating anymore," said the wolf.

He lifted his body up and turned to the side so she could see what he truly cared about: His arousal, which was still fully erect after all that had gone on.

"Care to return the favor?" asked the wolf, though Kyra knew she had no choice in the matter.

"Only if you don't eat me the normal way afterwards."

"Wouldn't imagine it," said the wolf, looking off to the side. Though he had no plans to, that would just be cruel.

Kyra flipped over onto her stomach and stood. She carefully walked underneath the wolf, fear running through her system at being in a position of weakness around such a large predator. She was so distracted, his tip nearly poked her in the eye before she stopped moving. Now, she finally got a good look at his cock. It was large, red and throbbing. It was fully out of the wolf's sheath, knot and all. Wow, this wolf was hung. Sure there was a size difference, but...damn...

"You going to lick it, or just stare at it all night?" asked the wolf humorously, though his tone had some desperation in it.

The vixen was disgusted and intrigued by the idea of tasting his meat (mostly disgusted, of course), but it was please his cock or please his belly, and she had no interest in the second one at all. Kyra hesitantly stuck her tongue out and licked the tapered tip. She had expected his member to be unwashed, but it wasn't and, admittedly, didn't taste too bad. Above her, the wolf shivered. Kyra began to feel turned on by the taboo of everything they had already done, and were going to do. The vixen grinned slyly. She was going to make him cum in her mouth, she would drink his seed.

Kyra ran her tongue along his length several times, getting a good taste of his wolf meat. She started at the tip and then went back to his bulbous knot. She curled her tongue around him, enjoying the act more than she probably should have. After multiple licks, she went back farther and gave his hefty furry balls a few laps, and that got a moan out of him. The vixen licked his knot and nipped at it gently with her teeth.

The wolf started to leak pre, some of it running down his length and clear droplets of it dripping to the ground. Kyra went back to the tip and tasted of his pre. She was pleasantly surprised by how sweet the watery fluid was. The heat in her body combined with the wolf's musk made her want more. She took just the tip into her mouth and- The wolf's hips thrusted forward and forced half of his shaft into her unprepared muzzle. She choked and nearly bit down on his shaft.

"Oops, sorry," said the white wolf sheepishly.

Males, thought Kyra as she rolled her eyes, no self-control. Nonetheless, she went and started to feed the length to herself. Inch after red inch went into her fox muzzle, and she got a good look at the massive knot at the end as she went farther down the wolf. Kyra made it almost 3/4 of the way down his shaft before the tip brushed the back of her throat and she gagged. When she did, her tongue pressed the shaft against the ribbed roof of her mouth, and the red length twitched and shot pre down her throat. The vixen felt some disappointment at not being able to taste it.

After she recovered from her gag reflex, she backed off until the tip of the wolf was leaking pre onto her tongue. She lapped at it, swallowing the pre and teasing the white beast's glans. Then, she went back down on his length until she gagged again. The reflex was weaker this time and she managed to get a bit more inside. Kyra began to bob her head up and down his length, sucking on the red wolfhood and taking more each time she went down. The wolf's hips were trembling as the vixen sucked him off, like he was barely keeping from thrusting into her mouth.

"I guess it's my turn to make snide comments," said the wolf, his voice wavering from pleasure.

Kyra gently bit down on his cock in response.

"Ow -- hey, hey -- I was kidding -- stop!"

Pleased with his answer, she pulled her fangs out and went back to suckling his cock. The sweet pre was now tainted by the metallic taste of blood, and that was a shame. She kept going anyways, swallowing more and more of the wolf. It was difficult for Kyra, not that she hadn't sucked a male off before -- but the foxes she'd let fuck her muzzle had been nowhere near the size of this wolf. His length was not so much spurting pre now as it was leaking it at a constant rate, and the vixen was enjoying it. Finally, her nose bumped his knot, a good amount of his cock going down her throat. The wolf shuddered and shot another rope of pre into her stomach.

"Sorry, fox..."

Kyra only had a moment to be confused as to why he apologized before the length was pulled out of her throat and suddenly thrust back in. She gagged, but the wolf was too dazed with pleasure to care and repeated the motion, making the vixen's nose slam into his giant knot painfully. Kyra had to fight the urge to bite his member off -- knowing that the result would be her becoming his dinner. Instead, she just stood there and took the thrusts that made her nose collide with his knot.

He kept thrusting faster and faster, like he was fucking a wolfess' pussy and not Kyra's small mouth. The vixen started to suck, wanting the violent facefucking to be over as soon as was possible. Kyra wrapped her tongue along the wolfcock, lapping at it even as she felt disgusted. The wolf kept going, jerking his red cock out and then forcing it right back in again. Precum shot from the tip regularly, painting the back of her throat. He was thrusting so hard that Kyra was starting to become worried that he was trying to tie her muzzle, which would break her already-stretched jaw.

But he wasn't, and with a final thrust he came. Kyra had expected him to cum soon, but it was still a surprise when he did. Thick, creamy wolfseed shot down the vixen's throat. She tried to swallow, but there was so much and her throat was small so a good amount splashed back into her mouth, flooding her taste buds. She was shocked by how delicious his seed was. It wasn't like the bitter, metallic flavor of the foxes she'd blown, but more exotic.

Even as the cum entered her mouth she continued to swallow as much as she could, but she had no chance of keeping up. Wolfcum spewed out of her muzzle and splattered onto the ground beneath them as the wolf continued spurting down her throat. His climax went on for much longer than Kyra had expected, and her stomach soon felt full from all the swallowing. But more important than that was her need for air. She kept trying to wait it out, but the need grew and grew...

Finally, she pulled away, more of his seed dripping from her mouth as she gasped for air. The final shot went right between her eyes, and the last of the wolf's cum dribbled onto her muzzle.

The vixen was left panting. Warm seed had completely covered her throat and muzzle and tongue. It'd be forever before she stopped smelling like him. The vixen swallowed what was left in her mouth and wiped her face off with a paw. She brought the paw to her muzzle and licked up his sperm. She had been too busy getting muzzlefucked by him to notice the blowjob's effect on her own body. Kyra felt the familiar heat in her nethers. Not as powerful as when she literally was in heat, but too strong to ignore when the opportunity to sate it was right in front of her.

"Thanks..." said the wolf between pants, looking down at the vixen under him.

"We're not done yet," Kyra said back and turned around, pressing the red tip to her nether lips.

His eyes went wide in surprised. "I thought you'd die before you let a wolf-"

"Shut up and fuck me," the vixen interrupted him. She pushed herself back and the wolf moaned deeply. He thrust forward but barely got any of his thick wolfhood inside of her.

"Gods, you're tight..." he moaned.

"I'm not -- umph -- tight. You're just more than four times my size." The wolf pushed his hips downward, and then barely pulled back before pistoning forward again. The cum that still coated his cock mixed with her juices to make Kyra's inside slick, but she was still a vixen, and him a wolf.

"Was there a size compliment in there somewhere?" asked the wolf with a clever tone.

"I'll -- umph -- admit you have a big -- umph -- cock. Not so sure about the brain."

"Says the vixen getting fucked by a wolf because she got caught," the wolf taunted back.

Kyra's reply -- which was witty and clever, by the way -- was lost when he gave a particularly forceful thrust. Damn wolf had done that on purpose... She glanced back and saw that just over half of his thick wolfhood was inside her, which scared her a little. If they had so much trouble just getting that much into her tight pussy, then what about the knot?

The wolf quickly got into a steady pace. The sensation and pleasure of his massive length going in and out of her sent Kyra's mind soaring. This felt almost as good as when she was in heat! She felt her climax coming on and gritted her teeth to try and stave it off. Even if she'd asked for the fucking, she didn't want to let him know how much she was enjoying it.

However, she stood no chance when the wolf thrust forward so hard another inch of his cock was buried into her folds and his tip shot pre into her depths. Kyra yelped out her climax, and her vixen juices only added more lubrication that was forced out with lewd sound every time the wolf impaled her on his thick member. She hoped he didn't notice her orgasm, but knowing this wolf...

"Well, a certain vixen is really enjoying this..." he said playfully, panting as he 'buried his bone' inside her.

"I -- umph -- have a name, you know. It's Kyra."

"I have one, too. Mine's Movix."

"That's a -- umph -- stupid name. I think I'll -- umph -- call you wolfy."

He pushed forward with a lot more force than before and Kyra decided to take that as meaning he liked it. Movix started to pick up the pace, slamming his wolfhood deeper and deeper into the stretched vixen pussy. He pistoned on and on, until his knot was rubbing against her entrance. Kyra shuddered. The size of that ball of flesh was terrifying...

"Hold still," said the wolf, "I'm going to get the knot in."

Kyra nearly jumped. The idea of something that large going into her pussy horrified her. "What?!" she asked, her witty tone vacant for once. "You can't force something that size inside me!"

"It'll fit..."

"You'll split me in two!"

"It'll fit..."

Kyra tried to pull away but she was suddenly being lifted up and her paws flailed in the air as they lost their grounding. The wolf was lifting her up with a paw! Immediately afterwards, the vixen felt herself being pulled back by the paw as his hips thrust forward and ground the knot against her entrance. She whimpered, knowing there was nothing she could do to stop him now and genuinely worried.

His pace became erratic as he pumped his hips so they knocked into her rump and made her insides ring. He got a bit more of his knot inside each time, and stretched her entrance farther. The pressure and feeling of her pussy being opened so wide brought a stinging pain to Kyra, but all she could do was close her eyes and grit her teeth. There was still a lot of pleasure, but it was mixing with pain. Movix fucked the tight little vixen without much care about her, growling in pleasure with each rough thrust.

After what seemed like a day, the wolf began his final thrust. He pulled out until only the tip was inside and then his hips surged forward, giving a powerful thrust that forced most of the knot inside and Kyra yelped. But the stubborn thing refused to go in, but Movix would have none of that. He continued to push forward, making searing white pain explode in Kyra, the pressure on her nether lips enormous. More went in...more...and then with lewd pop it forced its way inside.

Kyra was dumbstruck. The tip was so far into her it went places she didn't even know she had. She came immediately. Movix climaxed right after her. With only a whine to herald it, his pulsing cock flooded the vixen's insides with warmth. Very quickly her womb was full, and the hot seed rushed back around his throbbing member and pressed against the knot's seal as his member just shot more and more in.

The vixen orgasmed again, her juices swamped and overcome by wolf seed in seconds. Movix didn't stop thrusting, pushing his cock back and forth a few inches inside the vixen and making his furry white balls slap against her cuntlips. The pressure inside her built and built... Kyra had never felt so full. Wolfcum was heavy in her stomach, was filling her insides more and more, and his giant knot kept it all inside. Just as Kyra felt about to burst, the tide of cum won out and the wolf's seed spilled out of her and splattered down onto his right back paw and covered the ground.

Kyra was completely out of it. All rational thought had been replaced by the feeling of their mutual orgasm. The heat and the sensation of his cum forcing its way out of her sent the vixen whirling and made her body shudder and shake with more pleasure than she'd ever felt before. His orgasm went on for more than a minute, and then it was over. They were both left panting and gasping, still reveling in the afterglow but more exhausted than anything else. Movix fell onto his side, and the tie brought Kyra with him.

She was tired, very tired. Her eyes struggled to stay open but it was a losing battle. The wolf was just as enervated, and neither of them moved more than was necessary to breathe.

As they both were taken by sleep, Kyra mumbled, "I thought wolves were supposed to howl when they cum..."