Can You See Me Now? (Pt. 5 of 5(Pt.2)

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#6 of Can you see me now?

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. Although there's no adult content in this story, There is definately M/M contact here. Just warning you, k? Enjoy Everyone!


Coda didn't know it, but he was holding his breath. His lungs felt like collapsing as

Adam kept the peddle to the metal.

"I wonder if he knows where he's going..." Jack said, causing Coda to gasp for air. "You

shouldn't deprive yourself of oxygen like, you know?"

I wasn't meaning too..." Coda replied back to him. "I just forget to breathe in the heat

of the moment, okay? And he obviously knows where he's going..."

"Why don't you ask him," Jack chuckled, obviously joking.

"Cause he'd veer off the road, crash, and kill us both." Coda said. That's when the van

screamed to a halt as gravel shot out from the left side.

"We're here," Adam said, cool as ever. Here he was, about to stick his neck out and all

he could do was sound like the America's Next Top Cool Guy.

Coda looked at the L.E.D. clock on the dash and couldn't help but smile. 12:00 on the

dot. "Remind me to call him when we're running late." He giggled in his head to Jack,

who just laughed back.

The wolf stepped out, only to be bombarded by his carbine and rifle, which he barely

caught. The thing was, he wasn't sure if it was his reflexes that kicked in, or if Jack just

took over. Either way, he strapped his sniper to his back and looked at a giant

abandoned hangar that barely stood in the background.

"This is the place?" The wolf asked as his brother suited up. "Kind of spooky..."

"Where else would you expect?" Adam scoffed, checking ammo. "The middle of town


"I guess not..." Coda said, looking back at the hangar. Its rotted wood jutted out like a

menace and the tin roof looked like it would cave in at any minute. Shreds or fabric

trailed off of its body in the wind, like a war-hero who was trying to find his way home.

"But hey, at least it's not raining anymore..."

Adam just nodded and told him the plan. "Coda, do you see that door to the left?" He

pointed as Coda looked and nodded. "That's the way I'm going in. I want you to go

around and find a way up to the rafters. Station yourself there and blow on this when

you're ready." He handed him a small tin tube.

"Oh damnit..." Coda said with a sigh, taking the object. "This is a dog whistle, isn't


"Yeah," Adam said, slightly grinning. "But we have to. I don't know if anyone else will

pick up on it, but blow once. And make it short, okay?"

Coda nodded before heading out to the left. He trotted silently as the rifle bounced on

his back, neglecting to wear shoes. Adam advised against it, seeing as the pads on his

feet kept him quiet.

"I can't see a damn thing," Coda thought as he got closer to the building.

"How about..." Jack whispered. ""

Coda felt his surroundings light up as everything became clear as day, with a tint of

pinkish. He then remembered about the eyes he had noticed once he and Jack bonded,

which made him nod in approval.

Upon this new gift, he noticed the hole in the side of the left wall, which was big

enough for him and his rifle to slide in perfectly. He got down on all fours, crawled in the

soggy dirt, and then arose slowly within the hangar.

He looked around, his eyes glowing slightly in the dark, and saw a rusty old latter that

lead to the railed landing that surrounded the second floor.

"Careful," Jack said before Coda grabbed on. "Try not to make to much noise."

"I can't see anyone," Coda replied to him as he slowly started to climb. "I hope this is

the right place..."

"It is... Can't you feel something?"

"Feel what?"

He made it to the top before they could finish and jumped at the bear that was

snoring right in front of them. Coda held his breath again before he actually believed he

was asleep and pulled himself up entirely.

"Leave him," Jack told him, reading Coda's mind.

"But I wanna knock him out..." Coda whined in his mind. "It's always a hoot in Splinter

Cell games..."

"Yes," Jack agreed, even though he'd never heard of it before. "But do you hear any

noise right now? What if his body fell and caused this whole thing to collapse?"

"Charlie!" Came a voice from Coda's right, which made him jump. "Charlie, you there?"

It was the bear's radio, which woke him up in an instant.

"Ugh..." The bear groaned, still half asleep. "I'm here, Trim..." He gave a yawn.

"Any sightings, yet?" The voice asked him.

Coda closed his eyes and moved to the left a couple paces, just before the bear got

out of his seat.

"Nope..." The bear replied. "Nothin' here,"

"You aren't sleepin' again, are you Charlie...?"


"Kay, Trim out."

And with that, the bear sat back down and began sawing logs again.

Coda's heart was thumping in his throat as he moved away slowly. He felt the blood

rushing in his face as he looked around for a way to get into the rafters, which was made

easy by a bunch of boxes piled up next to the wall.

Finally, after he climbed the unsteady mountain, he made in into the uncomfortable

position of sitting on a plank of wood with his rifle slung over his knee. His other leg

hung down and he hung his carbine on a stray nail that was driven randomly into a piece

of wood. He then took out the tiny tube and felt his ears fall as he whimpered slightly.

"Here goes..." He gave a sigh as he blew for a second, trying his hardest not to

scream. The pain was like a knife in his ear drum, which caused him to stop almost


That's when he noticed that, right in the middle of the hangar floor, was a female

wolf, bound in a chair with a gag over her muzzle.

"Shit..." Jack whispered. "It's a trap..."

"It's okay," Coda said, not convinced himself. "We're gonna get out of here. Just trust

in Adam."

That's when he noticed his brother tiptoeing out into the floor, shotgun held at the

ready. He snuck quickly and quietly as he reached Whitney, whom he startled.

"Shhh..." He said quietly as he kissed her on the cheek. He then pulled out a combat

knife and began cutting her free. That's when another fur, opposite to them, started

making his move. He wore all black as he moved double the speed Adam did, still silent

as ever. Coda saw him, clear as day, as he snuck up with a knife in his paws.

The wolf took aim, held his breath and touched his finger on the trigger. He heard it

shake as the crosshairs floated over the rogue who was ready to strike his brother down.

"I sure hope this thing is silenced..." He thought as he tugged the trigger. An explosion

fired from barrel that sent a red-hot bullet screaming towards the assassin. The

kick-back almost sent Coda off his plank as his shoulder thumped hard against the wall

behind him.

A scream of pain followed as the killer flopped on his back, grabbing his knee, which

had been shattered by the snipe.

By this time, Adam had Whitney out of her chair and were both sneaking their way to

the exit, but not before an immense light filled the room. Then a voice broadcasted over

a P.A.

"Mugsly, Adam," The sinister voice rang through the hanger. "How are we this evening?

You didn't think you could just come and steal your wife back, just like that did you?"

"I was sort of hoping..." Adam replied into the air. His voice was fused with anger as

he and Whitney were escorted by a couple thugs back to the middle of the room. They

then left them and carried the assassin away, still wriggling in pain.

"Adam," The voice cackled. "We're going to play a game, you and I."

"I'm good at games," Adam replied as he held his wife in his arms. "Just to let you


"Ah," The voice replied. "But you see, every game has rules. When rules are broken,

you receive a penalty. That beautiful sniper shot, one of your friends made, broke one of

the rules. "Which means..." A gunshot was fired that scored Adam right in the shoulder,

just beside Whitney's head. Blood slowly leaked out as the female stifled a scream.

"One penalty is awarded to Mugsly."

"You..." Adam screamed as he let go of Whitney, and grabbed his shoulder. "YOU


"I want your head, if you MUST know..." The voice chuckled again. "Now, here are the


Coda had been listening to the whole thing, but noticed a slight stream of smoke

coming from the corner opposite to him. Then a fox, who had a microphone up to his

muzzle, grinned, so hideously familiar.

"That's him..." Jack and Coda said at the exact same time. Coda then felt his body take

control of itself as he aimed straight for the head of the cackling fox.

"This is for killing me, you bastard..."

His finger felt the cool metal of the trigger as each crosshair pointed directly in

between the fox's eyes.

"3...2...1..." He counted in his head.

Just before he pulled, there was a tug on his foot that sent him crashing down onto

the boxes below.

"Gotcha, bitch!" Shouted the very same bear that had been sleeping minutes before.

He wielded a club in his paws, which was currently on its way, falling with force towards

the wolf's skull.

Coda closed his eyes and brought his limbs in, which caused him to pull the trigger of

the rifle that was still in his paws. He heard an "oof!" as he braced for the swift

bludgeon to strike his head, but felt the weight of the bear fall on him.

"Ugh!" Coda screamed as he pushed the body off of him, and checked to see if he

sustained any injury.

"Ah," The voice said as a spotlight turned and pointed at the wolf, blinding him.

"Looks like we found your sniper. Boys, could you wrap him up for me please?"

That's when he felt the many paws grab him and his rifle, which dazed him as gravity

suddenly took hold and hurled him to the floor.

"You guys didn't have to throw him over," The voice laughed as he continued. "But it

was a good effect. Bravo, boys!"

"Coda!" Screamed Whitney as she and Adam ran to see if he was okay.

"I'm okay," The wolf tried to sit up, but felt a dizzy spin that sent him falling over

again. The other two helped him to his feet and turned back to the only corner that was

covered in darkness.

"Now this makes things interesting," The voice said. "I'll have to change the rules for

this one. Please allow me some time, and while you wait you can play with a couple of

my friends."

Doors from the back opened as four rhinos came, all dressed in bulletproof armor, only

leaving their horns showing. They grunted in unison as they whipped their hooves

against the ground, shaking the dust and gravel around them.

Adam took his shotgun, which had been up against the chair by this time, which

caused Coda to wield his pistols. Luckily, he'd been thrown over with his pack, which

held several clips, so he could afford to be a little trigger happy.

Each rhino took charge at their own pace, some fast, some slow, but each with their

own bone-crushing strength behind them. All Whitney could do was scream as Adam ran

her off to the side, leaving Coda to be the supreme target.

"What the hell!" He shouted as Adam left. He then rolled to the side as a rhino nearly

struck him with his horn. The wolf then turned and shot a couple bullets before Jack took

control, making him roll out of the way of another charging tank.

Adam ran back, helping his brother to his feet again before popping a couple shells

into the armor of a beast that ran beside him.

"They can't turn very well," Jack said as Coda rolled, shot his pistols, and then rolled

again. "And they slow down when they try to turn. Mount one and open their armor."

"Kay," Coda agreed as he picked his target. The slowest of the four, was running away

from them to turn and try for another charge. Coda sprinted, catching up right behind

him, and made his move, which landed him, panting, right on the shoulders of the

terrifying force. He opened the padded jacket and stuck his pistol in.

"Sir," He shouted, as he tried to hold on. "Mr. Rhino, I have a pistol on you right now,

and I really don't want to kill you... So if you could just stop running and go home that

would be just lovely..."

The rhino huffed and sped up slightly, aiming right for a concrete support beam.

"Damnit..." Coda sighed and clenched his teeth as he pulled his trigger over and over

again until the rhino fell and slid on its stomach, sending a dusty cloud up through the


"Good one, Coda," He heard his brother call, which made him turn as he tried

wrenching his paw out of the tight rhino armor. The other three had fallen in front of him

as he walked towards his wife, who ran to him and hugged hard.

"Good job, boys," The voice said, almost unsteady. "But I figured you'd pass that


"He talks too much..." Coda said as he reloaded his clips. "There's a ladder over there.

Why don't we just go up there and take him out?"

Adam nodded and said "I'll follow you." as the voice kept talking about his stupid rules

that he had just made up.

They reached the ladder, which looked like it was going to fall apart at any moment,

and Adam turned to his wife.

"I need you to go to the van and get out of here..." He said. "I'll call for a cab when we

get out of here, okay?"

"No Adam," She said in her "I am woman, hear me roar!" tone of voice. "I am staying

with you until the end."

"But..." Adam tried to plead her to go before Coda interrupted.

"Kay!" He said, angrily. "Whitney, have you ever played Resident Evil 4?"

The female shook her head, confused.

"Well," Coda said, hearing paw-steps from above. "There's this girl named Ashley

Graham. And basically all she does throughout the entire game is get captured, shot

every second she gets, captured again, shot every second she gets, and captured again.

Do you want to end up in that same situation? Cause I'll tell you right now, if you,

somehow, get captured again and we get another note saying "Come to this place to get

her back", I'm gonna be pissed..."

She shook her head again, this time disheartened.

"Then get the hell out of here." Coda shouted, climbing the ladder with his brother.

"We'll be fine."

She said "Okay!" Before grabbing the keys from Adam's pocket, kissing him goodbye.

"You guys BETTER not die!" She snuck into the shadows and out the door before Adam

giggled a little.

"I hated Ashley throughout that entire game..."

"You have no idea, Adam..."

After they ascended the ladder, each was greeted by their own set of thugs. Six came

in a set, and all held their very own weapons, ranging from "Old Bluey" crowbars to

pathetic broken bottles.

"Guys," Coda said with a sigh as they stared him down with aggression. "Can't we just

like... talk about this? Maybe split a couple beers or..." And before he could finish a

bobcat swiped at him with a small pocket knife. Coda shifted to the side, pushed the

body, and ended up flinging him over the railing, very much like he was.

"Guess not..." Adam said as he began tackling his obstacle with violence in the form of


"Are you doing this, Jack...?" Coda thought as he narrowly dodged another weapon and

threw the assailant over the edge like the bobcat. "Because I feel like I'm hardly in

control...And I feel like I should be terrified right now..."

"I'm doing some of the work," Jack told him, sounding like he was panting. "But you're

putting up your end, so it's together."

"I like that..." Coda smiled, finishing off his group with ease. "Coda and Jack...


"Coda!" Adam said as he shook him. "Quit dazing on me, will ya?"

The wolf snapped to attention, picked up a piece of debris from the ground, and threw

it behind him. He then held out his paw as his carbine, which was still hanging from the

ceiling, plopped down with ease and gave a grin. "Shall we?"

"Think your hot shit?" Adam said as he began to walk, taking his own rifle off his back.

"Let's go then."

The brothers walked down the iron walkway together as a mindless fox started

freaking out over the P.A. on the other side.

"Don't come any closer!" He screamed. "It's against the rules..." Were the last words

before the feedback of a fallen microphone rang through. Then a silhouette of a body

flew over the railing, landing on all four paws, making a break for it.

Adam took aim and laid a round right in front of him, causing him to stop dead in his

tracks. By this time Coda had already headed for the ladder to cut him off as Adam


"Cell, Superior..." He mocked with his rifle still trained on him. "How are we this


"You bastard..." He called out to him as he turned around. Then he pulled a pistol from

his coat, aiming instantly. Adam made the first move as a spark hit the fox's paw,

making the handgun fly away, causing him to cry in pain as he landed on his knees.

"You see..." Adam spoke again, his voice echoing through the hangar as he jumped

down and landed. "When you make up rules that only work in your favor..." He cocked his

rifle and took a shot, which cleared through the howling fox's left bicep. "You get so

used to winning..." He cocked for another shot. "... That when you lose... You end up dead..."

"That's what you think..." He growled as he pulled out a switch from his coat, flipping it

instantly. Complete darkness immediately surrounded the room as the unsheathing of a

knife was heard. Then a swift movement, followed by a whisper.

"When you make up the rules..."

A white-hot slash ripped through the wolf's left arm, causing him to drop his rifle and


"You always have one last trick up your sleeve..."

Another slash aimed for the calf, which directly cut in, sending blood-splashing to the


"Any last words?"

Two green slits appeared in front of him, looking immensely joyous.

"Yeah," Both of them heard, before Adam felt a swift movement from behind him.

Suddenly, his combat knife unsheathed as quick footsteps flew beside them both. Then a

heart-wrenching splatter as something metal fell to the ground, followed by a gasp.

Adam wasn't sure, but there seemed to be this pink light was coming from his brother.

Maybe he was dazed, but all he could make out was Coda, who had his knife buried into

the chest of the fox, who had an expression of "God damnit..." on his face.

"Jamie," He heard Coda say in a voice that was way too deep to be coming from him.

"It's been a while, hasn't it...? Almost three decades...?"

The fox's eyes dimmed to normal as he finally realized it. He then groaned "...Jack?" as

the pitter-patter of blood-drops hit the floor.

"Bingo..." Coda said before ripping the knife from his body. "Pay-backs a bitch..."

The pink shine was gone as Adam held the image of his brother, battered and bruised,

in his head. The knife against the chest of the fox.

Then something clacked and the overhead lights glared into the wolf's eyes as Coda

come over to him.

"Adam," He cried, putting his arm on his shoulder. "Adam are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, bro," He groaned as he tried to get up, but failed. "Just a bit of blood loss is

all." He picked up his rifle with his right arm and smiled. "You did good bro..."

Coda smiled as he hugged his brother hard. "So did you..."

Suddenly, Coda's body shuddered, leaving a confused expression on his face. Again

and again his body did so until he looked up at him, a lonely tear streaming down as his

body fell in slow motion from Adam's grasp.

"CODA!" He screamed as his brother's body fell to the floor, revealing the cackling fox

in his last moment, wielding a smoking pistol. "YOU BASTARD!" He shouted as he took

aim with only his right arm, shooting within a split-second of doing so.

"Looks like I get the last laugh..." The fox tried to say before the lonely bullet entered

his skull.

The recoil sent the crippled wolf backwards as he reached out for his brother, who laid

lifeless on the floor. The wolf landed with a smack against a concrete support beam and

was knocked out cold, his paw still reaching for his long lost brother.


"CODA!" Adam awoke in a hospital bed with a fiery-hot sting in his arm and leg. He

only slightly relaxed as his wife entered the room with a smile.

"Hey," She said as she hugged him with tears staining her muzzle. "You're finally


"How long have I been out for?" Adam asked, looking around, noticing the many gifts

and flowers that were left for him at his bedside.

"Three days," Whitney replied.

"And Coda...?" Adam was almost afraid to ask. "Where is he...?"

Whitney could only look away before she shed more tears, which replied louder then

any words.

All that was remembered of this day was the couple howling together in memory of

their lost brother and friend, Coda.


Three weeks later, a memorial service was held in memory of their fallen kin. Coda's

body was held in a casket at the ceremony, which was placed outside, sun shining and


Adam, who had been hysterical the whole time, was forced to limp up and give the

speech this time, seeing as Whitney couldn't even form words in the state she was in.

"Hi everyone," He stuttered as he got up to the podium in front of his brother's casket,

adjusting his sling. "I'd like to say a few words about my brother, Coda Mugsly." He gave

a sigh before he continued. "He was the best homo a brother could ask for... He cared a

whole lot for me and my wife... He even put us in one of his novels, which made me

speechless..." He paused for a second to wipe a tear. "He was brave, too. He saved mine

and my wife's life the night he went down and I could never feel like..."

Suddenly, Adam did a double-take before freezing. A confused "What the fuck...?"

expression painted his face as he stepped down from the podium, leaving his speech

hanging in the air. The rest, taking this as a chance to mourn the body, all made their

way to the casket, saying their remorse.

Adam moved and sat down, wide-eyed, on the cold metal chair, staring.

"So..." Coda smiled as another wolf sat next to him, holding his paw. "What makes you

think you can see me?"



That's the end of me series "Can You See Me Now?" I really hoped you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed peppering little video game references here and there. I know i got kind of off genre at the end with the guns and violence... but Hey... I like it lol.

I assure you all now that Coda and Jack are having a great time with their "happily ever after" in the Ghost-world. They come back to visit every know and then. They're so cute together =P.

Anyways, Catch you guys with my next series, which i still need to figure out ideas for lol. Bye all! *hugs*
