The Dream: Good Friends

Story by Soen on SoFurry

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This is the second part of a series that I've started. I read all my posts so feel free to tell me what you think ^_^. Enjoy

Sam continued to wander through the forest, trying to make sense of all of this. The sun was high in the afternoon sky, beating down on his back. The more Sam spent in the forest the more he came to realize that it wasn't so bad. He had gotten used to his new roo body and quite liked hopping through the forest. He He did want to go back to his old life, but the longer he stayed, the more he seemed to forget things about his past.

His wanderings lead him to a small stream where he decided to take a cool bath. Sam slid off his black shirt, jeans, and boxers leaving his fine, black fur exposed. He murred and dove into the crystal clear water. Small fishes were darting around by his feet, nipping at his toes. Sam smiled and swam after one of the fishes using his tail to propel himself through the water. The fish was fast and darted back and forth but Sam quickly caught up and grabbed the fish in his teeth. He suddenly darted to the surface, sending water droplets everywhere. The fish was flopping in his mouth when he heard a soft giggle.

Sam instantly dropped the fish and looked around. "Who's there?" there was no answer, only the soft chirping of birds. Sam quickly got out of the water. "Is someone there?" still no answer. A cold breeze blew across his wet fur. He looked for his clothes, but they were gone. A rustling noise came from the bushes. "I know someone's there. Show yourself" Sam searched around and picked up a stick to defend himself.

"What are you doing here?" said a voice. Sam couldn't quite pin point where the voice was coming from.

"I was just washing and cooling off...what did you do with my clothes?" Sam listened intently to try and pick up the voice.

"You look better with out them." Sam didn't like the idea that someone was watching him. It made him very uneasy. The thought of someone watching and examining his exposed body made him very uneasy. "What do you want with me?"

"Nothing... I just like playing around."

"Playing? Well how can I play if I can't see you?" there was a long pause. "Ok. I'll come out if you put down the stick."

Sam dropped the stick and heard a rustle from the bushes in front of him. A fox fur appeared out of thin air. He was the same height as Sam and had dark orange fur. His ear tip was jet black and under his chin was white. His eyes were ice blue and he had on a black military type outfit on, covered in many pockets. A small patch on his shoulder read 'FSRU'. Two guns were holstered at his sides. A black bandana was wrapped around his head and a pair of green tinted goggles was slipped over his eyes.

"H-how did you do that?"

The fox smiled and raised his wrist. A small device that looked somewhat like a sports watch was fastened around his wrist. "This is a cloaking device. I can turn invisible whenever I want." the fox's eyes traced Sam's body, smiling the hole time. "So what's your name, little roo?"

For some reason, he couldn't remember his name. It was like the flicking off of a light switch. "Umm....I know this is going to sound strange....but I don't know..."

"What do you mean, you don't know?" questioned the puzzled fox.

"I just don't. I can't explain it. I knew it this morning....and before I went into the stream....but somewhere between then and now....I just...forgot." The fox walked closer to the obviously confused roo. Placing a paw on his shoulder. "It's ok. Well you can't go walking around with out a name. How 'bout....Soen."

"Soen...I like it." smiled the roo. "Good. Then from now on you'll be known as Soen." Soen smiled, looking at the fox. "And what is your name?" the fox laughed. "Sorry. I'm Marco. What are you doing here?" Soen blushed.

"I'm afraid I don't know that either. One minute I was in my bed sleeping, the next I'm here."

Marco wrapped his arm around Soen. "Then I take it you don't have anywhere to stay. If you want, I can take you to my town. It's not too far from here and I'm sure you'd be welcomed there." Soen really didn't have anywhere to go, but there was just something about Marco that made him uneasy.

"Well....I wouldn't want you to go out of your way to do that. I'm sure I can find somewhere to stay." Marco pulled Soen closer, rubbing his shoulder. "Nonsense. You can come with me." They walked through the forest idly chatting and getting to know each other. The whole time Marco's arm never left Soen's shoulder. It started getting late so they stopped at a small clearing and set up camp. The cool night air blowing through Soen's exposed fur causing him to shiver.

"Can I have my clothes now?" Marco smiled and shook his head. "I already told you. You look better with out them."

"Well if I don't need clothes, then why do you wear cloths?" Marco thought about it for a second. "I need clothes because I wouldn't be able to carry all of my equipment with out them. Plus it's for protection in case any wolves try and sneak up on me. You do know about the war, right?" Soen nodded. He had forgotten about the war between the foxes and wolves. Rikou had told him all about the foxes, but Marco didn't seem too bad.

"How did the war start?" Marco let out a long sigh and crouched down to start a small fire to warm the cold roo. "No one knows exactly how or when it started, but there is a story in my town that parents tell to their children. Long ago, wolves and foxes lived together peacefully in the forest. Everyone knew each other. It was like one giant family. Then one day it started to snow. It had never before snowed in the forest. Everyone started to panic. The elders gathered to discus what action they should take and ordered everyone to stay indoors."

"One night, a fox and wolf snuck out to explore. They walked over to a lake and were astonished that the water's surface was solid. They walked out, sliding around and just plain having fun. Their fun ended when the fox fell through the ice. The wolf abandoned him and ran away. It was said that the fox blacked out and laid on the brink of death. He saw two visions of the future. In one, the wolves and foxes were enslaved by a strange group of furs. Those who rebelled against the new furs were killed with out question. In the second vision, the wolves and foxes lived relaxed lives. No one had to hunt for food or work. Everything was provided at the push of a button."

"Before he came back to consciousness, a soft angelic voice told him that one of these futures was the fate of the forest. Which one, was up to him. The fox awoke in a snow bed and walked home. He told the elders of his visions but he was thought to be crazy. No one took him seriously. Everyone laughed and thought he was playing some kind of prank. He decided to run away, determined to bring technology to the forest. Though no one wanted to admit that they believed the fox, what he said was on everyone's mind. It was all they talked about. And naturally it caused a lot of controversy. Wolves and foxes argued and fought. Eventually the fighting got so bad the foxes left and helped to bring technology to the forest and that's basically all we know about how the war started."

Soen had curled up next to the warm fire, listening to the story. He yawned, causing Marco to laugh. "It's really late. Let's get some sleep." Marco pulled out a small, card shaped object. He pushed a button and threw it on the ground. The card grew into a small sleeping bag. "Sorry, but I wasn't expecting to bring anyone along with me. If you feel uncomfortable sleeping with me then I can sleep on the ground or something." Soen was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't want to be rude.

"I don't mind sharing it with you." The two crawled into the sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep. That night Soen had his first dream in the forest. It started on a battle field. Trees had been burnt to the ground and foxes and wolves were killing each other. Lasers and fire balls flying through the air. A hooded figure walked through the carnage unscratched. It stopped in the middle of the battle and a strong wind blew across the land, knocking everyone down except the figure. The first to stand was a wolf. It was Rikou. He charged at the figure, slashing with his sword. The figure dodged and unsheathed a sword, slashing across Rikou's chest. Rikou gasped and fell to the ground. The figure crouched down over the fallen wolf.

Then something unexpected happened. Marco walked up to the figure and placed his paw on the figure's shoulder. He smiled, looking down in an approving manner. "Very good, my pet... Now kill them. Kill them all." The figure rose and swept through the land. Devastating the wolf forces. After so much blood shed, the wolves gave up and were captured by the foxes. The foxes rounded up the last of the wolves. The hooded assassin swept through the battle field and returned to where Rikou had fallen. A gust of wind blew down the hood, exposing the figure. It was Soen.

Soen gasped and awoke from his dream in a cold sweat. His eyes were wide open and he was panting. "Oh was just a dream. But what did it mean?" Suddenly Soen felt something on his sheath. It was Marco's paw. Soen moved his paw and slowly started to crawly out of bed but Marco pulled him back into bed. "Mmm...Please stay here..." murred Marco. He continued rubbing Soen's sheath. Soen tried to move Marco's paw, but his grip was too strong. Soen's heart stopped when he felt something hard, yet soft, pushing against his tail hole. That was all Soen could take. He shoved his elbow into Marco's gut and jumped out of bed. Marco coughed, holding his stomach as he looked up at Soen. "What was that for?"

"You were trying to fuck me!!" yelled the distraught roo. "So? What's the big deal?" Soen's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what Marco said. "'re a....I gotta get out of here...." Soen ran off into the forest. "Soen wait!" but it was too late. Soen ran through bushes, trying to put as much distance between him and Marco as possible.

His mind raced almost as fast as he was running. Soen tripped and skidded to the ground. He looked up and found that he was back at the stream where Marco had found him. He stared down at his reflection. He gritted his teeth and beat the water hysterically as he started to sob. There was nothing he wanted more at this moment than to go home. "Why am I here?! What do I have to do?!" he yelled. Burring his face in his paws.

A rustling came from the bushes behind him. "Go away...just leave me alone" there was no response. Soen herd foot steps coming closer. "I said go away!" He gritted his teeth and spun around, swing at the noise. His paw was caught and a smiling wolf looked at him. It was Rikou. "Rikou. What are you doing here?"

Rikou smiled and touched the roo's nose. "What do you think? I was looking for you and then I herd something by the stream so I decided to check it out." Rikou pulled Soen close and hugged him. To both of their surprise, Soen embraced Rikou. Rubbing his back softly. "I missed you." whispered the roo.

"I did too... Why were you crying?" Soen blushed and shook his head. "I-I don't really want to talk about it..." Rikou nodded.

"Ok. I understand."

They sat there embraced in each others arms. Time seemed to stand still and all fear and doubt left Soen's mind. He After what seemed like an eternity, Rikou laughed and ran his paws across Soen's fur. "So....what happened to your clothes?"

"Someone took them and wouldn't give them back. They said I looked better with out them."

"They weren't wrong." Rikou smiled and nuzzled Soen playfully. Soen smiled and nodded

"Yeah...but it just feels....weird having nothing on" Rikou examined Soen's body and then had an idea. "Well I don't want you to feel alone" Rikou stood up and took off his vest, camouflage pants, and boxers, throwing them aside. Soen looked at Rikou's furry body. Almost his entire body was a deep grey. He had several battle scars on his chest, which was a snow white color. His ears were pitch black. Rikou sat down next to Soen, stroking his chest. "Why did you come looking for me?" Soen asked quietly.

"Why do you think? I came looking for you? Because I like you. I have since I first say you wandering around the forest." Rikou scooted closer. "When I watched you was all I could bare not to chase after you. I only spent two days in the village...but I couldn't stop thinking about you." Soen blushed. No one had ever felt that way about him. And Rikou made him feel happier than he had ever felt before.

Soen leaned close and spoke softly. "I feel the same way about you...but I...we can't...can..." Rikou put his paw on Soen's muzzle. "Shhh..." He smiled and kissed Soen softly. Soen closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, running his paws down the wolf's back. Soen's body seemed to be acting on it's one. His fingers stroked Rikou's soft fur as Rikou gently laid him down on the ground. He laid over the roo, gazing lovingly down at him. Rikou's cock had emerged from its sheath, pointing at Soen's tail hole. "Do you want this?" Soen smiled and nodded. "More than anything..." Rikou slowly inched his cock into Soen's tight hole. Feeling it stretch and constrict around the throbbing member. A mixture of pain and pleasure washed over Soen as he moaned softly. Rikou drove his hot cock deeper, watching the roo writhe in ecstasy. The sensation causing Soen to tighten further on Rikou, wanting more of his massive wolf hood. The two lovers started panting and moaning wanting this moment to last forever. Rikou gained speed and rhythm as his climax neared. He reached down and began to rub Soen's throbbing member in sync with his thrusts.

"God...mmm...Rikou. I love you so much." Soen moaned. His toes and paws curling as Rikou hilted him. Rikou grabbed Soen's shoulders for support as some of his wolf pre ran down his hot shaft. The two became engulfed in their act, lust clouding their minds. Their instincts began taking over their actions. Rikou gripped Soen tighter as he made one final thrust, filling Soen with his hot seed. The sudden heat was more than enough to send the roo over the edge, covering Rikou's chest and stomach. They collapsed on each other and slowly drifted off to sleep. For the first time since he had arrived in this strange world, Soen felt happy. At this moment, he didn't want to return home. The only though in his mind was to be with Rikou forever.