Central New Year #4- Aftermath

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#15 of Exploration

Several creatures were walking from the hall in twos and threes, their intentions plain. I lay against the wall, searching for my infinite calm after the last two hours. It was getting on to half past twelve, and I felt weary. I'm not really into the staying up all night, and I contemplated going back to my bunk, and sleeping late.I could really do with a long sleep. I looked in, and decided that it was unlikely.Alecto was the only one of my friends who wasn't already making out. Then Brendan came over. His stunning gold chest looked magnificent, and he seemed rather happy.

"Ah, Alduin. A little tired?"

"A bit more than a little, Brendan. Well done on the time, you're better than most."

"Coming from the person who managed double my time." Brendan chuckled. I managed a weak smile.

"Well, it was a matter of luck."

"And leaving a trail of debris behind you. You broke a glass bottle in front of Tufty, so I hear." he smiled. That was a really perfect smile.

"Hey, it's an energy drink, it boosted my performance no end. And while I'm not a fan of littering, I wasn't a fan of being caught by Tufty."

Brendan heard the last sentence, and as we walked along the corridor, he asked.

"You got any more of that drink? If it boosted your time that much, I'd like to have a taste of it." he said, rather curious.

O.K., look, I was tired. I forgot that when Draco had drunk Lift Plus, he went on a massive sugar high. Tufty reckons he still has the bruises. But I had completely forgot this, and nodded.

"Sure. Do you know your way around?"

"Most of it." Brendan smiled again. He led me through a series of corridors.

After a good ten minutes, we came to our quarters, and we went into my bunk room. My back pack was lying on the floor, and we sat down on the bed.I drew out two bottles of Lift Plus, handed one to the expectant dragon, and drunk the other myself, feeling the Niacin and the Guarana/ Ginseng mix flood through my body, enervating it for a bit longer. Brendan skulled the other one. I removed my shirt , and lay down on the bunk, Brendan sitting beside my legs.

"That's one thing that annoys me, I still don't know my way around this place." I said wearily.

"Well, there's always a silver lining." Brendan said cheerfully.

I heard the voice,the highly charged, sweet voice and then remembered Draco's little incident. I groaned, and put a hand over my eyes.

"I didn't just give you a bottle of Lift, did I?"

"Yep, you did." Brendan's smile was wide as. As I debated what to say next, I felt his scaly claws fiddling with my trousers.

"Oh for Christ's sake. Brendan, leave my trousers alone. I'm not going to have sex with you. I need my sleep."

"Let me do all the work then." he suggested.He undid the button, and I tried to push him away.

"Hello, Earth calling Brendan, I need some sleep!" I sighed. This was probably pointless.I added. "That's the last time I give you anything with sugar in it."

"Come on, Alduin. You'll enjoy it.And what's so wrong with sugar?I like sugar, and lots of it." he smiled widely.

"Correction, you will enjoy it, I won't. And as to what's wrong with sugar, it turns a dragon in to a sex crazed, hyperactive dragon. And I do not need one of those in my bunk right now, thank you."

Nope, no effect. Brendan pulled down my trousers and boxers, critically looking at my uninterested member.

"O.K., then I'll fuck you."

"Brendan, do me a favour, go a long way, away.Go find Winslo or Grant, or even better, Draco. They'll give you what you want."

"Except for the fact that Draco's doing it with Winslo, and that Grant disappeared with a rather submissive fox in manacles."

"Well, at least Gareth won't be bothering me for a while." I replied. I crossed my legs, and Brendan sighed.

"Come on, Alduin, be a sport."

"Brendan, I've already had Draco and Devlin doing me tonight, I do not need a third dragon following suit."

Brendan removed his own trousers, his cock already erect in anticipation. As he reached down to unprise my legs, I shot up with another item from my backpack. With one hand I cuffed his hand, the other to the bedpost.

"As I was saying, I'm not interested."

Brendan laughed.

"I am." He gave a wrench at the cuffs, and to my utter surprise, ripped the wood out. I leaned off my bunk, and grabbed my rifle as he grabbed my legs. I pointed it at him, as he pulled my legs apart, sitting between them, his cock only inches from me.

"Brendan, I said I'm not interested, now go away. I am getting annoyed." I said patiently. Brendan completely ignored the loaded rifle, and thrust his cock into my anus. I moaned in pain.God, I give up easy.

I put my rifle down on the ground, and grabbed my pillow for support.The dragon, under the influence of the sugar, started thrusting at the rate I'd gotten used to from Draco. I resolved to let him finish once, and then make him go away. I still had one of the C.E.O pistols in my backpack, which was easily in reach, which I could use to daze him, on the lowest setting. There were nine setting on a C.E.O pistol, one being a light jolt, much like a big electric shock, and nine being disintegrating any d%^n thing that got in the way.? As I cried under Brendan's affections, I had a second plan unfolding. I had three bottles left, and I could use Brendan's weakness for them to get him out of the bloody room.

He fucked me for about ten minutes, my patience growing thin, but my pleasure growing larger. I swore inwardly I would not cum, showing just how much he was getting me off. Granted, he was doing a damn good job of it, but I was tired, exhausted, and irrational.I just wished that Brendan would finish me off, and then go find someone else to expend his sugar high on. Some one, to my hope, that was a long way from my bunk.

After a ball bruising time, Brendan gave off a huge roar and a searing burst of flame, which flew harmlessly across the room, leaving a black carbon mark on the wall.His seed splashed inside me, and I sighed in relief and pleasure. As he withdrew his cock, I reached down, and grabbed a bottle from my bag. I brought my arm, and flung it across the room. It went directly through the door, and clattered noisily off the opposite wall. Brendan looked up.

"What's that?"

"That's another bottle for you." I smiled.

The dragon, having my full attention, got off me, and headed to the door. As he went through, I dived off the bed, ran across the room, and slammed the door shut, locking it. To add protection to it, I then turned, grabbed the bed itself, and hauled it across the room. I got it against the door as Brendan knocked against it.


The replying thud as the bed was placed against the door made him worried.

"Alduin, what are you doing?"

I lay down on the bed, and saw him try the door. He gave the door handle a rattle in annoyance, and shouldered the door. It rocked on it's hinges, and held. I shouted.

"Brendan, go away. I've locked the door, so don't waste your time. Go find someone who wants it more than me."

Brendan whined. "Alduin, I haven't got you off yet. Give me that at least."

"No , because if you get in here, I'll be sexed until dawn. I don't want to get off tonight, I want to get some sleep, while there still is time to sleep."

There was no reply on the other side. Either Brendan was sulking, or he had taken my advice.

So I slept. I slept surprisingly well, and woke refreshed. As I did wake up, I realised that something was wrapped around me. It was strong, and it felt, scaly. I felt the same feeling across my back, and along my legs. With dread, I twisted my head, and saw the shoulder of a dragon. I realised my bunk had been forced back into place, and that my while the door was shut, the lock had been busted open.

Calm, that was what I needed. This was not a time to go spare. This was a time to be pleasant. Getting angry was for later. Putting on my perma smile, I forced Brendan to let go in his slumber, and stood up. He rolled in his sleep, and I grabbed my clothes. Having been raped god knows how many times in my sleep, I was now rather annoyed. As I got dressed, I grabbed my rifle, aimed it upwards, and fired a round.

On the sound, Brendan leapt out of bed like some one had put his hand in cold water.He looked around for the gun fire. I had my C.E.O pistol levelled at him, on the one setting, and I was looking at him with a miffed expression.

"What some people don't seem to realise is that I quite like sex, but when I say no, it's usually for a good reason." I said firmly. Brendan raised his hands in slight surrender.

"Ah, yes. Sorry about that, I was under the influence of sugar. Have you got any more for me?" he asked hopefully.

"Brendan, the reason that it was me who gave you the energy drink in the first place is the only reason I haven't stunned your sorry hide. Now, please, go away." I very slowly and carefully emphasised the last three words.

The dragon, looking slightly sheepish, shuffled out of the room. From outside I could hear Draco walking around, and he spoke.

"Brendan, what are you doing here?"

"Leaving." I replied, before Brendan could give an excuse.Draco looked around the door as Brendan left, seeing me with pistol raised.

"What happened?"

"I gave him sugar, and he went after me like I was a bitch on heat." I replied. Draco looked slightly amused.

"You gave him sugar, remembering what I was like?"

"No, forgetting what you were like. So what's happening?"

"In half an hour, we're off to the Hall."

"And why is that?"

"To get your recordings of how you did in the hunt." Draco smiled.

What is this, Central's funniest Home Videos? Nope, apparently these videos are treasured by the Hunted, for various reasons. We get there, and the rest of the Hunted are already there. Silverine has a box of little cubes. These cubes are, in essence, DVD's and CD's. They store large amounts of infomation, can change the info at will, and can be played by placing them against practically any playing source. Apparently they would work just by placing it on top of a DVD player. In the centre of the room is a holographic piece of equipment, and as we recieved each of ours, and everyone else who wasn't a Hunted walked out, Brendan looked at us.

"Who goes first?" he asked.

With no Draco around, I volunteered. I place my cubed of the top of the device, and pressed a green button. Instantly, a two foot orb of light filled the suddenly dark hall, and inside the orb it is Alduin, about ten seconds before the start of the Hunt. It is magnificent, the quality. Then the movie started, and we all take up floor space around it, me closest to the device, so I can fast forward through the boring bits.

Instantly, I am bombarded with questions about the special round. I explain to them it was an AP round, cost a darn sight more than an ordinary bullet, but did more damage. Thomas nodded, he was familiar with the concept. They watched as I kept time with Time, and then saw Tufty. The camera was ahead of me, looking back, and so everyone saw me drink the bottle of Lift, discard the cap, and hurl the bottle onto the ground. Now I looked, Tufty's face was a riot, changing from grim hunter to terrified as he skidded to a halt.Then they saw me join Winslo, and the unicorn. The wolf chase and wipe out into Time's pursuers was greeted by a round of applause, and Time smiled at me.

We skipped the parts of no pursuit, but did show Valmeero and Arachno. After that, we watched as Draco pursued me through the corridors, while Devlin walked away.The climbing through the air vents, the capture of Time, and finally the last stand in Arachno's office. This was important, because I wanted to know what happened. There were a few comments of 'the poor sod' as I was surrounded, and I watched as my screen figure leapt onto the balanced rifle and into the vent, watching as Silverine grabbed me by the boots. As Silverine and Draco went up the vent, Devlin went casually back into the office, and we saw me reappear. Thomas watched me as I was thrown against the wall.

"You should of kept going along that vent."

"I know, I was clutching at last straws."I nodded."I didn't stop to think Dev had that in mind."

More enjoyable was the sex scene itself. There were quite a few comments, but none that could be put into print, and the sound had been killed at the two hour mark.

So, having volunteered and got it over and done with, next was Doran.Now I got to join in with the clever comments, as we watched Doran's terribly simple but frighteningly good strategy. True, he had been chased many times, but he knew where they were, and so could avoid most of the traps that had been set.Finally, the falcons had split up, and as he dived to avoid the one coming from the side corridor, the one behind him had dived upon him. He was stripped, and the bird creatures fucked him from both ends.

"It seems to be a popular choice."Brendan commented with a smile.

"With the males." Time replied."This is what happened to me."

She had had a difficult time of it, but she did exceptionally. A unanimous vote showed we all wanted to see my waltz with her in slow motion.

Then the black dragons had given chase, and they didn't lose her. Time did her best to shake them off, but they had hung grimly on, and finally overpowered her. The camera had picked me up just as she was captured, along the length of a corridor.

"Huh, didn't even stop to help a lady." Grant scoffed.I rose to the bait.

"Excuse me? I was busy being chased by Draco! I would, had there not been a sex crazed reptile after me."

"He's got a point."Time replied."Although I don't remember seeing you then."

"I saw you, and one of the dragons had struck you. It looked as though it hurt."

"Well, it did, but not as much as the next part."

After forcibly removing Time's garments, the dragons stood either side, and one went for her vagina, the other for her anus. There were several winces at this.

"If I'd have known they were going to do that to you, I would have stopped." I said, looking as Time's image cried in pain.She orgasmed multiple times before they ejaculated.

Brendan had had hard going throughout. Not once in the fifty five minutes did he have enough time to stop and take a breather, and we watched as he sprinted down the corridor at the fifty five minute mark, a grey wolf in tow. As he came to a four way crossing, three other wolves jumped out at him, and he fell under a mass of grey fur and growling. They tore off his clothes with their jaws, and as he lay facing up, one went for his mouth, one for his anus, one sucked on his cock, and Brendan very oblingingly worked the last one with is hand.

"And the title for this is, 'Honey, we're running out of options.'" Doran laughed. This got a huge roar of laughter, and Brendan chuckled.

"Hey, two more and there would have been no options left."The wolves changed positions three times before the end of the two hours, and Brendan looked well and truly serviced as they headed back.

Thomas' duel with Abby was epic. He had to guess where she would be, and she had to likewise, so occasionally Thomas ran straight into her, and occasionally she was teleport down the wrong corridor, and have to run after him.But finally she got it right, and teleported straight in front of him. Thomas dropped his pistols, and raised his hands before she could fire her taser.

"That's defeatist." Time laughed. Thomas looked slightly surprised.

"Oh, yes, how was I supposed to get out of that one. False move, bam, ten thousand volts. Not keen." he emphasised the last two words.

"Although Alduin got out of close range."

"Yeah,"I interjected,"only because I was close enough to knock the weapon, and then Valmeero arrived.Speaking of which, is he going next?"

He did, and promptly skipped most of it. Brendan had been challenged constantly, Valmeero had nothing for ages. Then he ran into Tufty, and they described several cartwheels as they rolled over and over, trying to force the other into submission. Tufty, having learnt a trick from me, threw himself backwards as Valmeero got on top, crushed the wolf/dragon hybrid against a wall, and landed on top.

"Ouch."I said, in sympathy."He learnt that from me, sorry Val."

Then the sex happened, to roars of surprise.

"Wait a second, you're fucking him!" Brendan laughed. Valmeero was indeed having it off with Tufty from behind, one hand holding Tufty's breast, the other stroking his cock. I almost stood up.

"If I'd known I would be getting the action, I'd have given up to him, instead of showering him with glass."

Valmeero laughed at the reaction."Hey, he asked for it, and enjoyed it. And I didn't complain. Although he did fuck me anally later on. But I wasn't complaining then either."

"Yes, but we are complaining."Grant shot back,"I would have hunted Tufty, had I known."

Winslo was kind of shy, and didn't want his video to be shown, and, all of us knowing what he was like, didn't press him. Grant showed his video, and after that, we stood. Grant asked if we could see how I managed that move again, and me and Time agreed. Grant agreed to chase me, and I tried to copy my movements. As me and Time whirled, Grant ended up springing at my head, and missing completely.

This piece of dramatic re-enactment completed, Silverine came back in.

"Finished?You are hereby released, and go enjoy yourself. Today is New Year, so everyone is free to do what they will until tomorrow.

The spell was broken, and we started shuffling, looking slightly confused as to what to do now. we made for the door. Winslo walked with me.

"er, hi Alduin.Thanks for helping me with the unicorn."

"Not at all, although I'm surprised you didn't use one of your own spells. You looked truly cool when you stepped forward, with the ice spell, and the pyrotechnics."

"Um, thank you.Could I come with you back to your room?"

"Sure, except I think we might get lost."

"Ah, I've got a spell that could help that. Name something in your room at the moment."

I thought about this, and then spoke.

"My bunk."

Winslo chanted and gestured with his hands, and then, eyes closed, spoke.

"Follow me."

I did so. We talked quite naturally, Winslo could talk even though he was concentrating on the Locate spell.

"So how did you get involved with Central?"

"Our planet,"Winslo explained," is one in frequent conversation with Central, and some of our top magicians can join the scouts. We seem to be quite popular, the two that caught me I know from our planet.You?"

"Draco and Simba met me when they teleported to our planet. We have little if zero tolerance to aliens, most people would not react well to an alien landing, and I've had personal experience of this."


"Aliens are different."I said, in a spooky impersonation." They look different, they are not human. They don't feel things the way we do."

"That's ridiculous."

"It is, but it's what some people think. Besides, sometimes I think they might be just jealous. You've got magical powers, astonishing hearing, run like the clappers. I can only do one of those."

We got to my room, and as no one was about, we went into my bunk, and sat on my bunk, me at one side, Winslo on the other.

"So, joined a party yet?"

"No.I'm still far too shy, as I put it. Silverine thinks it's just nerves, but I'm just far too, submissive, and scared of people." he looked away. I nodded.

"That's perfectly normal."

"Er, you seem so confident, I'm not good at that."

"Simple remedy.What do you want to talk about?"

"Er, I was wondering if we, you know, er..." he tailed off.

"I see. Now, let's try that again.Imagine you're acting something, like you did at the start of the Hunt."

"Could you,sort of, have sex with me?" Winslo tried.

I smiled.

"You're getting there.Now try again."


"No, no! That's far too nervous. Don't say er."

Winslo took a deep breath.

"Alduin, fuck me now." he said, firmly.

I laughed. Winslo managed a faint grin."Now, that is how it's supposed to go." I said, and added, "but even when you're not talking about sex, imagine you're like that."

Winslo managed a grin."I'm still submissive during sex, so you can choose what you want."

I smiled."Now we're getting somewhere, not even an er shoved in there. See, it's easy. Just assert yourself. I've found yoga helps.Now let's try and help you when you're reacting to assertion."

I stood, and stopped smiling.

"I'm going to make you suck me off, slave." I said, glaring. Winslo looked at me in a slightly frightened way, but did his best.

"N-no!" he cried, backing off the bunk. I chuckled, it was a funny scene.

"O.K., you almost had it there. Just remember that, you are in control."

"O.K., Alduin. But actually, I would like to taste your cock."

"Now you're talking." I said. Winslo took my pants off as I took off my dragon shirt.I sat down on my bunk, my legs spread apart, and the bunny worked his way close, kneeling on the floor.

He licked my semi-erect cock, and as he did, I noticed there was something horribly wrong. I have already gone into length that my member is only six inches in full length, but as Winslo gave it his full attention, I realised it was getting somewhat larger. Without showing a tremor of emotion on my face, I wondered what I had done recently that could have caused this, and thought of the elven planet.Kohana had said something, and I thought about it, her voice echoed their words.

"I have also given you a few, bonuses, although you might not be aware of them. One of them will be obviously apparent next time you get off with someone."

She had nearly doubled my length,increased my width a bit, and made it feel a lot more pleasurable, that's what she had done. I was trying to hide my amazement, and doing very well, and wondered what else she had done. Admittedly, I could have worked it out before, but my escapade on the Plant World didn't really count, because we were slightly panicked at the time, and when Draco was stroking me, I was also otherwise preoccupied.

So Winslo was now licking me off, and completely unaware I was thinking all this. I decided that this could be left til later, and turned my attentions to the submissive bunny in front of me. My cock was now fully erect, and Winslo was licking the tip with enthusiasm. Gently, but with some firmness, I took the bunny by the ears, and made him suck.I let go quickly, realising that such activity would hurt, but by then Winslo had got the message, and was now thrusting back and forth, almost taking my entire cock in his mouth. I leaned back, feeling the sensual bliss go right through me like an electric shock.

Then Winslo went all the way down, and started licking my balls with his tongue. Good it felt good. I managed to ask him.

"Have you done this before?"

He rose off my cock, his right hand stroking it as he replied.

"Several times."

"You've turned it into an art form." I commented, breathing shallowly.Winslo smiled, and nodded, accepting the appreciation.

Then he continued sucking. His tongue managed a counterpoint rate, which made me intensely sexual. Finally I could take it no more, and I sat up and placed my hands around the back of his head.He stopped, expecting me to take control, and I did.I brought him all the way down, deep throating him hard, and then started thrusting at a fast rate. Winslo responded magnificently, and his tongue brushed my cock, coating it with slick saliva.I could feel the moment arriving, and as I did,Winslo placed his hands around my lower back, and pulled himself in deeply, just as I forced him deep, taking my entire ten inch cock in his mouth and throat.His nose was against my lower chest, and I ejaculated.

Kohana had increased this as well. A huge amount of cum flooded down my shaft and into the greedy bunny's mouth.He didn't swallow, just letting it mount each time.Six bursts erupted into Winslo's mouth, and finally there was no more room, and it burst outwards, splattering over my balls and his mouth. Winslo waited until I had stopped cumming, and then gently stroked me, milking me to the last drop. Then he swallowed, and withdrew.

"Now, I order you to recieve me." he said, glaring at me. I did my best to look affronted.

"Is that how it is? I don't think so."

"I did it for you, why can't you do it for me, or are you too scared?" he replied maliciously.

"I'm not scared, but we never discussed that before it started." I replied flatly.

"How's that?" he asked, with a smile. I laughed.

"Yep, you're getting the hang of it.Assertion isn't hard, once you get the hang of it. But yes, I'll recieve you, or at least, you can fuck me."

I lay back, exposing my anus. Winslo paused briefly.

"Er, I didn't mean fucking you like that."

"I did, and you should. Don't worry, I won't bite." I dispelled his nerves, and Winslo got on to the bed, on top of me, and thrust his cock gently into me.I moaned.

He wasn't one hundred percent sure about this, but I told him to go as hard as he wanted, and he followed my advice.He gained confidence, and thrust deep as he could, and at a rate not uncomparable to Alecto. Nowhere near Draco, but I enjoyed him going slow.

His cries of pleasure went on for some time, for I let him ejaculate multiple times inside me, his seed filling me inside.Finally he stopped, falling onto me, and he kissed me gently. After that, he left,feeling somewhat shy of me, and I decided to take a nap.

Two hours sleeping later, I was woken by the sound of Devlin and Draco arriving back.

"Hi Alduin, did you enjoy the replay?" Draco smiled widely.

"Oh, yes. I'm not sure which bit I enjoyed most, Tufty, or my quick step with Time. Hard to choose."

"What about your quick step with us?"

"Oooh, didn't think much of that part." I said, putting on a fake shake of the head. We laughed together.

"So what are you looking at me like that for?" Draco asked.

"I'm waiting to be teleported home. I have work in approximately fifteen hours, and I don't want to arrive late, because no one would believe my excuse."

Draco laughed, and Devlin stepped forward.

"I can do that, Alduin." he offered his hand forward, and I took it.

"Thank you, Devlin."

Bam. I was back on Earth, looking at the afternoon sky out my window. Devlin looked around.

"I think I'd like living here. You have a lot of creature comforts."

I acknowledged this, and spoke.

"You're quite welcome to come again.It's a nice little place."

"I certainly will. good bye, Alduin."

"Bye Devlin."

And the dragon disappeared. I went over to my armchair, and sunk into it. What an incredibly exhausting couple of days. The images of the last few days were circling around in my mind, and I lay back, imagining about the Hunt. I smiled as I replayed the events in my mind, and all the new friends I had made. Thomas, Val, Dev, Brendan, Time, Doran, Winslo and Grant, all of them excellent friends, and I couldn't wait to see them again. But my world called, and I had to answer. I went into the kitchen, and made lunch for work tomorrow, and started making dinner.