I am Project 1227

Story by Hikarishade on SoFurry

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I am project 1227, code name, Deathclaw. However this is not my name. I am only a number. A solider created by the fusion of animal and man. I was made to kill for the human faction known as the Coalition, in the name of an all glorious God. I am stronger, faster, and more deadly then any weapon that man has yet made.

A barcode is tattooed into the flesh of my back. I have never seen it, but I know it is there. All my created kind has one. The place varies, but it is always somewhere on our bodies, the lifting of my thick gray fur will reveal it.

We are nothing to our human masters but objects, tools of war. We are not supposed to think. We are not supposed to speak. We are only to obey and to kill.

My earliest memory was of standing in the cold, sterile environment I was born to, standing over one of the other projects, his face smashed and my fist dripping blood. They had given me high praise, they liked my aggression. They took away the other, pup. I never saw him again.

That was when my training began. I couldn't have been any older then two or three by their age standards, but that didn't matter. I was thrust into the violent life that I had been created for. Weapons were my toys, and animals and condemned prisoners were my enemy. The childish games of war that all children played were real for me. That red hot liquid across my face was blood, and the stench of seared flesh and death was my life.

I never thought about questioning my masters. Such a thing was not possible. They controlled me. When I did what I was told, I was given praise, even food. When I did something they did not like, pain was my only reward. You learned quickly in my world that you obeyed. Anything less, and you disappeared like that first pup who had been beaten by my fists had, never to be seen again.

I knew nothing else. Every day I was taken from the stasis tube and given my orders, no matter what they might have been. Men, women, children, dimensional beings, animals both intelligent and not, all of them, I killed without thinking. At the end of the day they debriefed me, praised me, and gave me food, before putting me into the stasis tube once more for the night.

However then something changed, I don't remember when it happened, but something just didn't seem right. A whisper, a cry in my mind, telling me to stop, that those people had done nothing wrong. Nothing that deserved for them to die. Not like this.

Absurd! However still the thought persisted in my mind, gnawing at me in the few moments before the cryo-gas filled my stasis tube and the world disappeared until the next morning.

I do, however, remember her.

When I first saw her it was only in passing. My escort was moving me back to my stasis tube for the night. I smelled her first. She smelled different then the other humans that moved around me. I couldn't tell you what it was about her that made it different. Something wild, something exotic, something that made you feel drunk in your nose and mind.

She was standing with another solder, talking as we passed. Time seemed to slow as I walked. She was as athletically built as any Coalition solder. Her hair tied back into a regulation ponytail, the same color of golden sunlight, just before it set. Her eyes were a deep blue, the likes of which I had never seen before, or would ever see again. Her exposed skin was smooth and pale, like marble. She made my breath escape and my heart clench in a way I had never felt before.

Then pain brought me back to my world as the butt of one of my escorts guns hit me in the face, impatient that I had slowed down. I didn't look back, as much as I wanted to, and that night I wished that the gas filling the tube would stop, so I could think of her just a little longer.

My name is Alexa Peirce. I was born a free woman in a small rebel colony that had sworn alliance to the Tolkeen. For four years my world was of sunlight and freedom inside the compound. The high, thick walls kept us from the Rifts and the DB's that roamed outside. We had pets, and toys, friends, and family. Everything was warm and safe. At least until the Coalition found us.

They had given us no warning, but to the Coalition, our mere presence was enough to warrant their punishment. To them, all must follow them, or die.

I was playing outside when they came. The ground shook with the force of the blast that destroyed the south wall. Solders in battle armor came pouring in through the opening, like the veil of death. They began to cut down all that stood in their way. I stood in terror, clutching my doll to my chest as one of the solders grabbed me and threw me into a detainment vehicle with other children. The screams from outside told us all what was happening to our parents and the older children who resisted.

The stench of blood and blaster fire, the screams of our families being killed, the explosions of our homes and lives being destroyed, it will never leave me. I can close my eyes and I am again four years old, terrified, huddled with the other children in the darkness, listening to our world being ripped apart.

However I draw on this as my strength, to remember who I really am. To remember that once, I was free. Once I had a mother who whispered 'I love you' in my ear at night. That I had a father who was the strongest, bravest person I knew and nothing could beat him.

I was taken to a re-education facility, and forced through their brainwashing programs. However it all failed when I closed my eyes and remembered. When they thought I had been properly re-taught, they gave me to a Coalition family to be raised. They were nice enough I suppose. They fed me, gave me clothes, shelter, but were distant to me, and to their other foster children.

When I turned sixteen I enlisted in the Coalition army, like all my age were required to do. I went through the training, the doctrine, the propaganda, but it was when I saw my first gensol that I decided to stay. It was a canid breed, probably wolf from the look of him, being led past where I was talking to my squad mate about the day's maneuvers.

He was large, probably a foot taller then me, thick timber gray fur, with a lighter gray underbelly. His eyes were a wild, fierce, and proud gold. They were eyes that seemed to stare into my soul. There was intelligence in those eyes, I knew it. Despite what the rumors in the ranks were, this was not some simple animal.

He was being escorted by two of the higher ranking solders. He seemed to slow when he saw me, but it was only a moment, as the slight pause angered his escort and he was hit in the temple with the butt of a rifle. While a human would have been killed by the strength of such a blow, he didn't even flinch, turned around, and continued to walk.

When I went to bed that night, I stared at the top of my mates bunk, thinking of him. Wondering, what he would be like if he wasn't in this life, if he was able to talk, if he was allowed to be his own person and not some forced animal. And that's when I decided, I was going to get into the Gensol program to try to find out.

I had little concept of time. The cryo-sleep made it hard to track the passing of days. When I had no assignment, I was kept asleep. When I was awake, my world was orders, obedience, and death. They made sure to keep me strictly under control. I was not given time to think, to wonder why. However, in those few breaths before oblivion at night, questions flashed through my mind, and a golden haired woman stood talking in the hallway.

Those brief seconds were something they couldn't take away from me, and I found myself more eager to do my job, so that I could return to them sooner. They only saw their tool becoming more aggressive, more efficient. They were unaware that the reason was not their training, nor their genetic mastery, but the drive in me to seek out more of those few precious seconds that I was allowed to think, question, and dream.

I didn't see the human woman again for a long time though, I do remember that. However those moments of remembering her never faded. Her scent was something I would never forget. I could never see her again, but her scent would be mine in my memory. A memory that never forgot what it saw or did.

It was just another day. The cryo-gas left the stasis tube and my mind snapped to awareness. I stepped out and stood at attention, waiting for the assignment to be given, staring just past the officer in front of me. I was not supposed to make eye contact, that could be seen as a challenge. To do so meant a swift punishment.

"Project 1227, Canis Lupis breed. Solder class gensol. It is one of our finest creations, highly aggressive, obedient, and adaptable." The officer stood in front of me. There was a group of people behind him, all younger. I knew what this was. This was a group for a demonstration. Every so often they would show me to the new gen-lab recruits. I was their prize piece of work and a prime example of what it was that they wanted from my kind. "1227, report to training room six. Further orders will be given there. The rest of you follow me to the observation room."

I saluted sharply, as I had been taught, and my escort fell into place. As always I obeyed, following the escort to the training room, but then I suddenly stopped short. That scent, I knew that scent. Pain shook through my head and I continued to walk as the escort forced me forward. That woman, she was here? Why hadn't I seen here? However I couldn't turn back around to look. That would be disobedience, and I never disobeyed. I could only do as I was told and report to the training room.

Once there I was fitted with my battle armor, given a weapon, informed that this was indeed a demonstration, and pushed out into the large arena where I had spent so much of my youth. Here countless people had died by my hands. I stood and waited as the far door opened and my victim was revealed.

For some reason I was relieved it wasn't human. And that relief confused me, but I couldn't dwell on it. My 'enemy' today was a beast, the size of a tank. It was armored in scales, with six legs. Its feet ended in claws that scratched against the hard packed dirt floor of the arena, and its head was mounted on a long neck. The jaws were filled with serrated teeth, and it seemed to drool a corrosive liquid. Some kind of DB then, or an animal that had been warped by a Rift. Neither one mattered to me, this was now the target, and that meant it would die either way.

I lifted my weapon. They had given me a vibro-blade today, probably to show them just how lethal I could be. That was fine with me, it meant I got to get up close and personal. I grinned in savage glee and closed the space between me and the enemy. Everything else was forgotten as the blood song rose up in me and my grip tightened, unaware and uncaring of the group of people above me who sat watching.

It was a long road, I found out, to get into the gensol program. When my interest was made known I was removed from the combat ranks and put into an intensive learning process. Genetic codes and DNA sequences filled my dreams and my waking moments. Algorithms and different sequencing and combination codes were thrown at me at random, shouted at me in my sleep to make me remember and to test me.

When I felt like giving up I remembered those eyes. Eyes that longed to be a free being, away from the hands of these people who kept him prisoner. That would help me remember and I managed to fight through another day, despite my pain and exhaustion.

It was six years of this before I was deemed 'educated', and I was assigned to Col. Jefferson to begin my internship. I was now twenty four, now I would finally see the gensol that had started this drive in me.

I stood watching the stasis tube as the gas was slowly filtered out and he stepped free. He was nude, like all gensols when in stasis. He didn't seem to be at all concerned about this as he saluted Col. Jefferson and stood rigid as if made of stone. He was heavily muscled, with a few scars marring the thick fur. The gold eyes that I had seen before saw nothing, as he stood stiffly, listening for his orders.

The Colonel faced us as he spoke, all of us taking notes on our data pads. "Project 1227, Canis Lupis breed. Solder class gensol. It is one of our finest creations, highly aggressive, obedient, and adaptable." He turned around, and faced the gensol who hadn't even dared move a whisker. "1227, report to training room six. Further orders will be given there. The rest of you follow me to the observation room."

I watched him over my shoulder while we walked in a separate direction then he was led. Because of this I saw him pause and start to turn around before his escort struck him, much as they had the first time I had seen him. Why had he stopped? Had he seen me? Remembered me? No, not possible. It had been six years, and it had only been in passing. But then again, I remembered him, so possibly....

I shook my head to clear it as I quickened my pace to keep up with the rest of the interns. The Colonel opened the door to let us into the observation room, and we all took our seats. I managed to get one in the front, and sat on the edge of my seat to look out over the arena. It was made of packed earth, smooth, seamless ditanium walls, and a shimmering force field that would keep flyers both in and out of the arena.

"Today's demonstration is to show you what it is you are going to be creating for our cause. To show you what these weapons can do, and what traits it is you want to strive for. Speed, strength, and precision, these are the qualities that you must put into everyone that you make." Our attention was caught as 1227 stepped out of one of the far walls, wearing a full set of battle armor, except for his head, it appeared he wasn't going to be wearing the helm.

"Project 1227 is going to be taking on a DB found in the third sector. It is classed as having average human intelligence, and should prove to be an adequate challenge for it." As this was said, the opposing wall would open and out would come the dimensional being. It was large, but there was intelligence in its eyes. Even I could see it, and it was terrified. There was only a brief moment of no motion before the gensol gripped his weapon and charged.

I wasn't the only one who inhaled sharply as the creature reared back on four of its six legs and slashed at the gensol. However 1227 moved faster then any human could have, dodging the scythe-like claws to stab the vibro-weapon into one of the shoulders of the creature. It screamed in pain as it turned its head around, and bit down on the armored arm to rip him away. However the gensol kept his grip on his weapon and ripped it free, his strength was incredible.

Others around me were taking notes, but I couldn't take my eyes away long enough to do the same. The saliva from the creature was hissing and eating through the thick armor, but 1227 didn't seem to even notice as he pulled the creature's entire head down just by the one arm that was in its jaws. It tried to release his arm and get its head out of the way, but the wolf gensol was too fast, and the sword sliced down into its head, just at the point where skull connected to neck.

I watched in horror as the creature screamed with an all too human voice, its claws ripping at its own neck and head, tearing away great hunks of its own flesh and scales, as it thrashed in agony. It was too large for it to have been an immediate kill. 1227 leapt away from it, leaving the blade in its skull as it screamed and thrashed, it was a slow lingering death before it finally stopped. 1227 just stood and waited for it to go still before calmly walking over and retrieving his weapon.

"As you can see it is efficient, decisive, and brutal, while remaining obedient. This is what you are to accomplish in your careers. Now if you will follow me, we will show you some examples of what it is you want to avoid." Col. Jefferson began to lead us out, though I stood and stared down at the gensol. For some reason he turned and looked up at the observation window. For the briefest moment, I saw recognition and then, the briefest flash of shame before his escort came to take him away. I turned and quickly moved to catch up with the rest of the group.

I wasn't even breathing hard as I pulled the weapon from my fallen foe. I felt accomplished, full of energy, alive, as I did after any good fight. I don't know what it was that prompted me to do it, but I looked up at the window where I knew I was being watched and saw her standing there.

She looked pale, frightened, and perhaps just a little revolted. Her hands were up against her mouth as she stared at me with those beautiful blue eyes. Her already pale flesh was as white as paper as her eyes burned into mine. It was only a moment, but it ripped the breath from my chest.

So many eyes I have seen, filled with terror in them as I killed. Never have I felt regret for it before, never ashamed. It was a job, it was to be done. They were the orders, to kill. And I did it, I did it well. However with that one look on her face my entire world was suddenly in doubt. Those thoughts and questions that I normally save for those seconds before sleep, suddenly gained a stronger foot in my mind.

I turned away as the escort came to lead me away. I removed the armor, and had my arm treated where the acidic saliva had eaten through the armor. Though once it had been cleaned, it almost immediately began to heal over. Our healing rate was highly advanced, for after all, a wounded weapon was a useless weapon.

By the time I was returned to the stasis tube, new fur was already growing over it but I didn't even notice. As the gas crept into the tube, all I saw was that look on her face. A look that made my heart ache in a pain I couldn't understand, and wasn't allowed to even try to understand. Then there was oblivion.

As we were led to the rooms that showed the 'failures' I was distracted, thinking back to their 'perfect' solder. I knew that they were supposed to be emotionless, thoughtless, killing machines. However there was more then that there, I was sure of it. It hadn't been my imagination, it was real.

I only idly made my notes as we passed the failed gensols. Gensols who were too passive, or had allowed permanent damage to themselves, be it a lost eye or lost limb. Gensols could heal at amazing speeds, but too much damage or complete loss of a limb, usually meant that it would not grow back. A few, we were told, had been able to regenerate their limbs, but those who could not were terminated after it was determined that the loss was permanent. Those that were emotionally unstable, or didn't meet the baseline standards were also terminated. These we were being shown were only kept alive for educational purposes.

They all passed by with little of my attention. And that night, as I lay in my bed, I couldn't sleep, my dreams troubled by gold wolven eyes that stared up into mine.

Time passed. I am sure it did. I could never tell. Days were too intermingled, the cryo-sleep making it hard to separate them. However every time I woke I was looking for her. The women with the gold hair and eyes that made my breath disappear. Each time was met with a faint disappointment when she wasn't there, but the hope that she would be there the next time. Every time I woke, I longed for the sleep, and every time I was prepared for sleep, I longed to wake again, on the chance that she might be there.

How much time actually passed, I couldn't tell, but when I saw her again I knew it couldn't have been too long. Yes she was older, but she had no age lines of the humans aging past their prime yet. If anything she seemed finished, and at her prime. She was the one who had woken me, the regular technician was absent, but I didn't care at this change. This was a change I could endure willingly.

"Project 1227, I am First Lieutenant Peirce. I have been assigned to you as your new lab technician." I saluted her sharply, as ever, though instead of staring past her, I couldn't help staring at her. Only twice before had I been able to see her, each time only in passing. I wanted to remember everything about her while I had this chance. "Your new assignment is ready, please report to briefing room eight."

I knew her name now. And for some strange reason, I longed to have a name to give her as well. How odd, I had never wanted a name before. I was Project 1227, codename Deathclaw. That was all I had ever needed before. But now I felt like I was missing something, something important. I saluted again and turned to be escorted to the briefing room.

At least now I knew I would be able to see her more. My mission tasks flew by, as if it was nothing more then an obstacle to be eliminated so that I might return and see Ft. Lt. Peirce. When I returned I gladly let her prepare me for sleep, though I lingered as I moved to enter the tube, unwilling to end that time with her just yet. She placed her hand on my arm to help guide me in, the first touch of kindness I will ever remember. I looked down at her hand on me and blinked at it stupidly. Noticing where my attention had been drawn she quickly removed it. "Sorry. Go on and get in."

An apology? No one gave an apology to me. I was nothing better then a dog, a beast to be controlled and ordered. This woman was so strange, so different. For the first time I didn't imagine her as the gas filled the chamber. Instead I watched her as she worked with the equipment that would monitor and regulate my condition as I slept.

It had been four years since that day I had watched him from observation. I had done everything to put myself into a position for this posting. I had specialized in the Canis Lupis breed type, manipulated my way through the ranks, and now the long hard road was finished.

As I stood in front of him he stared at me with those gold eyes. I knew that he wasn't supposed to make direct contact, that protocol demanded he stare just past the shoulder, but I couldn't bring myself to correct him. There was something buried in their depths as they looked into my soul. Something I couldn't quite understand. However I knew it was human. There was a soul in those eyes, despite what we had been told.

"Project 1227, I am First Lieutenant Peirce. I have been assigned to you as your new lab technician." His reaction outwardly was neutral, just a solder accepting the new change in officers. However his eyes said something different. They spoke words that he couldn't speak. He was happy, briefly, and then confused about something. I didn't know what or why.

"Your new assignment is ready, please report to briefing room eight." He gave me another salute and turned to be escorted out of the room. I stared after him for sometime. He was an enigma to me. He was silent, and yet spoke louder then so many. How could these people not see that there was a living, thinking, being locked inside that body? I didn't have time to dwell on it as I had to clean the stasis tube and the waste receptacles before he returned from his assignment.

When he did return he stood quietly while I prepared the machine. Without even thinking I took his arm to help him into the machine. He froze and I frowned, before I noticed that he was staring at where my hand was on him. I snatched it away as if his fur was made of fire. "Sorry. Go on and get in."

I thought nothing else of it, but his eyes were surprised at my words. What was so surprising about it? I turned and started the machine to flood the chamber with the cryo-gas, but I could feel his eyes on me. When I looked back however, the glass fogged over and the gold eyes had closed. I stared at the stasis tube and its fog obscured occupant for a long time before I finished my work and left for the night.

The fog was leaving the chamber and clean air was once more filling my lungs. Feeling returned and I opened my eyes. There was only one thing that they sought out. She was there again, standing and waiting for me, and I sighed in relief. I stepped out of the tube and saluted, perfectly obedient.

"Good morning, you are to report to briefing room six today." She smiled at me. My heart clenched in my chest and it was hard to breathe. My body moved without me, too trained not to obey immediately, as I turned to follow the escort. A smile? For me? None had ever done that, at least not in the way she had. Others had done it when I had done something I was supposed to, of course, but never for the sake of just being friendly.

I barely heard my assignment. They were always the same anyway. Go to where your target is, destroy it and anything that gets in your way, return. The only things that changed were the target and the location. It wasn't important anyway, I would go and do it like I always did, without thought, without fail. However, as I was fitted in my armor and loaded into the transport, I made a decision. I would do something, anything, to make her smile at me again.

And I needed a name to give her.

The time working there passed slowly. It was always the same, cleaning the stasis tubes, monitoring the systems, and then working in the gen-labs to create more like project 1227.

1227 himself was as stable as ever. However he seemed fascinated in staring at me, always watching me when he had a moment to. This didn't bother me, but when he lingered a little too long, I didn't like how he was beaten to get him to keep going.

Thankfully the other's saw it just as him just not used to having me as a technician. His last tech had retired. Or so they said. In the Coalition, retiring could mean two things. You had actually retired, or you had been eliminated. I hadn't bothered to ask which of the two had been my predecessors fate, but considering he had only been in his fifties the latter possibility seemed more likely.

Then things changed one night, as I was getting him ready to go back into his stasis tube. He stopped, just before he got in and looked at me with those endless gold wolf eyes. "Adam." His voice was deep, and rough, the voice of someone who did not talk, but forced the word anyway. I stopped and stared at him in open mouthed shock as he just continued into his stasis tube and waited.

"Adam? Wh-who is-? I don't understand, how did you-?" My questions were met with silence as he stared at me with those eyes unflinchingly from behind the glass of the cryo-tube. My hands pushed the buttons that sent the gas flooding the chamber to send him to sleep.

Adam? What was that supposed to mean? A name? His name? But he didn't have a name, he had a number and a codename. No gensol had a name. Only people and pets had names, and he wasn't supposed to be either.

What was I thinking? Of course he was a person! The others here, the Coalition, they were the ones who had decided he was otherwise. But I knew. I saw the person in those eyes, but what was I supposed to do now? He had obviously connected to me on some level to defy his training. Something in him was as attracted to me as I had been to him from the first time I had seen him in the hallway years ago. However what was I supposed to do now? I sat and stared at his tube for sometime before I made a choice that I knew I was going to have to live by from this moment on.

Once more waking was calling me. The fog cleared and my body woke from its forced sleep, once more alert and awake. I stepped out of the cryo-tube and saluted to her. However there was something different this time.

"At ease Adam." My name! She had used the name I had told her. A name I had spent every free moment trying to come up with. I had chosen it because it was the first name in the Bible, the first name I had been told in those early days of my training. I relaxed into an at ease position, staring at her. "You gave yourself a name. Why?"

No orders? No assignment? I blinked in confusion and only then did I realize that the hallway outside the door was dark, and there was no escort coming to take me away. She was speaking to me, not a weapon. My confusion must have been plain on my face. "There's no one here but you and I. My name is Alexa. Sit."

Without thinking I sat where I stood, crossing my legs as I went to the floor. The act seemed funny to her for some reason because she laughed softly and shook her head. "No, sit in a chair." She pointed to one of the lab chairs and I got up, sitting on it slowly. What was going on?

"I know I am not supposed to be doing this, but I think that you deserve to be allowed to be yourself, just as much as any of us others. You're a person too. You just look different then we do." This was an alien concept to me. No one had spoken to me like this before, like I was intelligent. "Can you talk?"

I had never been allowed to talk before. I frowned slightly as I thought about this. I had spoken to speak my name, but that was the only word I could remember speaking. Any attempts as a pup to speak had been quickly stopped by harsh beatings. So I opened my mouth and tried to force sound.

It was hard, and sounded more like a growl or a snarl. I didn't know how to shape my tongue into the right shapes, and my teeth got in the way, sounding more like "Rrowss", then the 'Yes' I was attempting to make. She made a grimace at the sound and sat in a chair beside me.

"Well it's a start I guess. I could be fired or killed for doing this with you. But I can't just stand by, and treat you like the animal that you clearly aren't. So if you promise not to give it away, I am going to stay late some nights, to let you out. So we can talk. Is that alright?"

Alright? I thought my chest was going to explode from a sense of joy I had never felt before. I only nodded slowly and my tail gave a slow, single wag. Something it hadn't done since I was a pup. She didn't know the significance of that and only smiled. "Well then, why don't we teach you to speak? I think that I can help you with that. Let's start with some simple words."

The rest of that night was spent trying to speak. It was a difficult thing to do. My muzzle was not shaped the same as her mouth, and while she could repeat the words over and over again, any attempt to show me how her tongue and lips moved was useless. I had to learn my own way to do it. However they were hours I wouldn't have traded for anything else in my cruel, limited life, no matter how difficult and tiring the lessons were. When I went to sleep once more, I felt more at peace with things then I had for a long time.

Project 1227, now known to me as Adam was a slow learner when it came to learning how to speak. However I couldn't blame him for it. It was very hard for him to form the human words in a mouth that was shaped like a wolfs. However he did it anyway, eager to try and please me. Perhaps it wasn't right, perhaps it was even downright wrong, but I enjoyed my time with him. The promise of 'some nights' that I would let him out, turned into every night. Every time that he got something right the look of relief and joy on his wolven face was enough to make me smile too. He was still shy about physical contact though. I could only assume that this was because he had been so abused in his life to the point that he didn't know what a friendly gesture was.

Day's turned into weeks, which turned into months. Before I realized it had been two years, my thirtieth birthday had come and gone without my noticing. Somehow, this life had turned into a pleasant, if odd, one. Adam's speech had improved to the point that it was easy to talk to him, despite a few words here and there that tended to come out a little growled, and even those were slowly fading.

I told him of my childhood growing up, of my mother and father. Of the compound that had been my whole world until the raid destroyed it. Telling him of the re-education facilities, and the foster family that I had been forced to live with afterward. He himself would reveal very little of his own life and past. I don't know why. Perhaps it was because he felt I didn't need to know, or maybe because he didn't want me to know.

One night however I started to just see how deep this quiet, strong wolf was when he asked me a question I wasn't expecting. "Why do I have to do this? I know that I must follow orders, but I do not see why so many have to die. Even those who have done nothing other then get in my way because they could not move fast enough."

I stared at him. I had no answer for him that would justify what it was that the Coalition did to people. How did you explain that to someone like him? He who had been created for that sole purpose of killing those who got in the Coalition's way. "I honestly can't tell you why, Adam. I think the only people who know for sure really are Emperor Prosek and his generals that run the Coalition. For control, for power, for wealth, for some ideal that they have. Any of these could be it, or a combination of them."

He frowned and looked unhappy with the answer, which I couldn't really blame him for. "They say that we do this for God. But why would God wish me to kill those who he has created? The DB's, the monsters, these I can understand, because they are not of God. Why kill the people? Those that defy God I can understand even, but why the innocent? Why would God make me kill those who have done no wrong?"

"Again, I can't give you a very good answer for it, Adam." I sighed softly and rested a hand on the back of his larger furred one to offer him some sense of comfort. "All I can tell you is that I don't think the Coalition God is the real God. That would get me shot if anyone heard that. But my God is a good God, a just and fair God, who loves all things, even the DB's and monsters."

He stared at my hand on his, as if it was foreign and alien. Damn, I had forgotten his aversion to contact. I made to move my hand, but his other stopped it, trapping it between his two. The soft flesh pads of his fingers wrapping around my hand to holding it lightly. "You don't have to stop touching me. I like it."

His words sent a strange flush through my body. A feeling that I had never felt before, touched me at my core. My face felt hot, and I knew I was blushing, but I didn't seem to care. I left my hand in his and smiled faintly. "I'm just so used to being around other people. I forget that you're not used to simple social contact."

He made one of those rare small smiles, and one of those even more rare tail wags. "It is just surprising to me when you do it. I have never disliked it, I just don't know how to respond to it." That made sense I supposed and I left my hand in his. "Tell me of your God then. If you think the Coalition God is false."

I had to pick my words carefully. "Well, I think that, perhaps, the Coalition God was the true God once. But Emporer Prosek tainted it when he formed the Coalition. He turned God's words into his own words and claimed them as Truth. When I was small, my mother told me that God loved all things, not just humans, and that the Coalition was just frightened of those that were different, and that they couldn't control."

"I think... I like your God far better." His hand holding mine felt good, and right. It was warm, and for the strength I knew lay in it, surprisingly gentle. Thoughts began to enter my mind, thoughts that were inappropriate. I have had relationships before, though none lasted more then a few months at a time. He was so alien to me, and yet more human then any that I had met. Why would I begin to think these things as his hand held mine so gently?

I looked up at him, his gold eyes locking onto mine. There was a tension building in the air, one he wouldn't and couldn't understand. I could feel my pulse quicken and I decided to end it before things got too out of control. My hand left his breaking the moment. "It's getting late. We should put you back before people arrive for the day."

There was a brief flash of disappointment and confusion on his face. He knew something had been about to happen, and it clearly hadn't. He nodded and I helped him into the cryo-tube and put him to sleep before leaving. Only to get a few restless hours of dream filled sleep. In the morning I decided that I was going to have to just stop with our evening visits. Things had to end before they got too deep.

She was so confusing, but I couldn't understand why. My nose told me so many things about her. Last night she had touched me, and I had held her hand. Her scent had changed in a way that I didn't understand, but I certainly liked. Then just when something felt like it should have happened, she had abruptly cut the night short.

I was distracted as I waded through the battlefield I was fighting on. I didn't even notice those who I swept aside, they were nothing, and I needed to think. Since she had started to let me out and teach me to speak, I had been allowed to question and wonder why I did what I did. Although I had gotten some answers, there were always more questions to replace them. However even that didn't seem to be a concern right this moment. What had been about to happen last night? It was driving me mad and I took my frustrations out on those I killed. When I was taken home they gave me extra food for the savagery of my kills that day.

I ate the food, but it was bland military fare and had little taste to it anyway. I was eager just to get to the cryo-tube and nap before Alexa let me out.

However the next time I woke, we were not alone.

I was given orders and sent off. I tried catch Alexa's eyes, but she avoided mine. Somehow it hurt in my chest, to my very center. I didn't show it, but surely Alexa, of all of them, could see it as I left. My performance slipped, perhaps they didn't notice it, but I did. When I returned I tried to catch her attention. She just remained tight lipped and said nothing, locking me in the tube and putting me to sleep.

Had I done something wrong? Had I angered her? I didn't remember her being angry when she stopped the last time we had been alone. My worry and confusion started to gnaw at me, and my work continued to slip with each time I woke to find her avoiding my eyes. Until, while in a fight, I didn't see the vibro-blade come at me until it was too late and it hit me from the side, piercing battle armor and body, to come out the other side of my body. I screamed in fury and killed the one who had so hurt me, but that was all I had strength to do before I collapsed.

My world was a haze of pain then, as they pulled me off the field. It was my first failure, surely just a statistical fluke. However they weren't going to let their favorite weapon just up and die. They took me back to the base, put me through surgery. The damage had been too great for me to just shake it off like I normally did. They kept me in a contained, sterile room, monitored at all times. I do remember time then. Without the cryo-sleep to fog the boundaries, I could count the days that passed.

I had no pain killers. That was reserved for human solders, not animals. It was also to teach me never to let it happen again, pain being natures, and the Coalitions, greatest teacher. Every breath was agony for two months as my damaged body struggled to repair itself. What would have been a mortal wound on the human solders, I survived.

When I returned to my stasis tube to continue healing in a sleeping state, I saw her again. She looked tiered, and worn. However she still wouldn't look at me. My heart ached with more then just the pain of my healing body and I climbed in. Whatever had been about to happen that night was forever lost it seemed.

The sweet gas filled the chamber, taking me to painless oblivion, and I welcomed it. A world in which she hated me was a world I couldn't stand to live in. Without her, I felt as if the world was empty.

I had just needed sometime to cool off. He had gotten too close. I had gotten too close. It was bad enough I was letting him out and had taught him to speak. However what had almost happened could never happen, ever. It was wrong and perverted, he was not even my species.

Then why did it hurt so much. Why did my heart feel like it was being ripped from its chest every time he sought my face and I turned away. If it was wrong, then why did my heart and my body tell me it was right? I needed time to think and I couldn't seem to find the time to just sit and do so.

When I got the news he had been hurt and that they were rushing him to medical, my body went numb and a fear like I had never known before gripped my chest. At first they didn't think he was going to survive. Not that anyone seemed to care. They were more annoyed that he had gotten hurt, then if he lived or died. If he died, he could be replaced, if he lived, he could be put to work, but wounded he took up resources and attention.

It was four days before they announced he was going to survive. It was if my body had been holding its breath, and I nearly passed out in relief. I wanted to go to him, to see him, and confirm with my own eyes that he was still alive and that he would live. However he was currently restricted access. So I survived moment to moment on the bits of information that I could glean from gossip and rumors concerning his condition.

I waited for weeks for his return, eager to see him again, to tell him how much I had missed him, tell him how sorry I was for shutting him out of my life so harshly and abruptly with no explanation.

When he was finally released my heart nearly burst from joy. However I couldn't look at him, or show any kindness. He was still under heavy guard, and the guilt from shunning him for so long was hard to bear. It was then I realized that it was far too late to not get attached to him. This warrior wolf with the kind spirit who asked questions that no one could answer had stolen my heart somehow during those nights of teaching him to speak and listening to his questions.

That night, I would came back once more for him, and waited until everyone had gone, before I punched in the key to release the gas and revive him.

The gas was escaping. I was healed already? No, my body ached too much to be healed. I opened my eyes and looked around in confusion as I stepped out of the stasis tube. She was there, and she was alone. I couldn't help the hopeful leap in my chest. "Alexa?"

I suddenly had her smaller human body attached to my chest in a hug. I had never received a hug. I had seen a few other solders do it to one another, but never had I received one myself. My ears flicked back in confusion as she made a strange sound against me. I knew the sound. Many did it when I was about to kill them. "Alexa, why are you crying?"

"I am so sorry! I never meant to hurt you. I needed to think, oh God I am so sorry. When I heard you were hurt, and that you might die, I realized what a mistake I had made." She was clutching herself to my fur. My heart twisted oddly, and my arms awkwardly wraped around her small body uncertain of what to do.

My face started to leak water. It's never done that before, but I didn't dwell on that confusion as I gently held the crying woman against me. "You're not mad at me? I didn't do something wrong?"

The words seemed to upset her more as her crying got a little louder. "No! No you were never wrong! I was, and I am so sorry for it. I never meant to cause you pain. I hurt so much and I didn't know why, until you got hurt. Please forgive me Adam, I am so sorry."

Relief flooded me and I hugged her a little tighter, though was careful not to do it too hard, not only because I didn't want to hurt her, but with as tightly as she was holding me, I was in enough pain from my still healing wounds. I didn't care though. Somehow, holding her like this, it felt right, it felt good. My face continued to leak water into her beautiful golden hair, and I could only press my nose against her hair and inhale her sweet, wonderful scent.

I don't know how long I held her like that, but I didn't want it to end. It was going to have to eventually though, as she slowed her crying and sniffed softly against me. "Adam, I love you."

My ears twitched at these words. Love? This was a strange concept to me, and yet, somehow, inside, I knew this was true. This was a word that I had heard before, God was supposed to love man, humans could love, but until this moment it had been a nebulous, vague thing that I didn't understand. Now, with her in my arms, and saying those words, I understood.

"I love you as well, Alexa, and I forgive you." She leaned back away from me to look up at me with those beautiful blue eyes, eyes that mine could gaze into for hours, and she did something I had only seen rarely. She pressed her lips to mine. I didn't know what it was called at the time, but it felt right. My eyes closed as I tried to focus on the sensation. One of my hands raised and caressed the back of her hair as I held her.

This feeling inside, like all the light of the world had come to fill me, it was the most intense feeling that I had ever felt before, even the rush of the kill held nothing to this. Her hands raised to caress the soft fur along my cheeks and down my neck, were she wrapped her arms around it and pulled herself closer.

Oh God, what was I doing? My fingers were clinging to the fur at the back of his neck, pulling him closer to my body in an aching hunger. Some part of me was screaming this was wrong. His muzzle lips felt so strange, so alien to my own human lips, but my body wasn't stopping. I knew that he had no idea what I wanted, that I was going to have to show him every step of the way, but I didn't care.

I would gently caress his head before I pulled away, panting heavily, my body on fire. "Adam, I need you now. More then I have ever needed any man. I'm going to touch you like you've never been touched so don't be scared."

He just gazed down at me with those endless gold eyes. "I trust you, Alexa. Anything you say, I will do for you." My heart swelled with love for him, as my hand moved down his stomach, to the canid sheath that kept his sex safe from harm. Slowly I squeezed it, and watched as his body jumped, and the hidden flesh in my hand instantly began to harden. There were questions in his eyes as he started to pant lightly, like any beast does when they began to become aroused.

"Don't worry, I promise you'll understand soon." My hand began to stroke the length of his sheath, pulling it slowly down and way from his quickly engorging flesh. It was bright red as it filled with his hot blood, the knot at its base quickly growing and I had to make sure to get his sheath down past it before it got too large.

Once it was free I lowered myself to my knees, his still growing organ in my hands. He whined softly in his throat. I had never heard him whine before. His sex was definitely more canid then human, and large at about ten inches or so before his knot. But I didn't care. The pointed tip disappeared past my lips, as my eyes closed. He had never even touched himself before, he had never been given the chance, so I knew that this would not be a long exercise. I didn't care. I was doing this out of love, not lust.

Well, perhaps a little lust.

Oh god! My eyes were wide as I leaned back against the cryo-tube's closed lid. My body felt strange, but oh so good. My male parts had become hard, throbbing in waves of pleasure I never knew it could have. I had never thought of it as anything more then something to urinate with, perhaps mark territory when out in the field, nothing like this!

I whined in my throat. I couldn't seem to help it, it just escaped as my hands braced against the cryo-tube behind me, my legs spreading a little more. I was surprised when she put her mouth over the strange thing that my penis had swollen too. However the feeling of that hot wet mouth on my body was incredible.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, as she slowly began to bob her mouth up and down my length. My claws started to scratch the glass and I had to force my hands into fists. I couldn't leave any trace of what we were doing here. If they found out, they would surely kill us both. Somehow I just knew that. Even if it meant my nails bit into my palms and blood welled up around them.

I could feel something building inside me, this urge that felt almost like I needed to urinate, but hell if I was going to let that happen right now. And with the control of only one of my kind I held myself back.

I watched her, my breathing coming in hard pants as she began to get truly into it. One of her hands squeezed my shaft, just behind its knot, while the other began to caress and squeeze my softly furred balls. My body shuddering as her tongue lapped along its throbbing length, digging into the slit at my tip. I whined louder, as that feeling was getting harder to ignore.

She must have sensed my growing discomfort, but she didn't seem to care. She only seemed to attack my male organ with more enthusiasm. My ears flattened and I could feel my balls starting to churn, aching in a strange way, and that need to urinate was getting stronger. Yet still she bobbed her head up and down my length, never stopping, only picking up in speed. It was with one final squeeze to those aching balls that I couldn't stop. I tried to pull out of her mouth, but she refused to move.

A sense of euphoria that I had never felt, nor imagined could exist flooded my mind and my body as my balls emptied themselves for the first time, into her mouth. My cock was throbbing and twitching as it experienced what it was to orgasm for the first time. I could feel as some of the strange liquid that was clearly not urine leak from past her lips, but she only hungrily licked it back into her mouth as my cock throbbed.

I felt dizzy, weak, but God save me I wanted more! I panted heavily; staring at her in wide eyed shock as she slowly lifted her face from my groin as my balls stopped their spasaming, though my cock remained hard. "Wh-what. W-was. Th-that?"

The flood of the thick, salty cum was a surprise, but I would swallow every white drop that his virgin body shot into my mouth. Any that I couldn't swallow, just because of the sheer volume that he was shooting off, I would make sure to lick or suck back into my mouth to be swallowed. The look on his face as I slowly lifted my head was priceless, wide eyed, almost scared looking, but eager. "That was an orgasm, and I plan to give you more. If you want it of course."

I had to keep from laughing with his response. "If?! I have never felt anything like that before! I want it again!" His eagerness was almost like a child having first tasted cake for the first time. And he sure as hell wanted that second piece. I smiled at him.

"Alright, but this time were going to do something a little different." I stood up and stripped off my uniform, letting him look at his first nude female form. I knew that he was interested, because his cock twitched and I could see precum slowly leaking from its tip as he watched me. I knew that I didn't look bad. Perhaps not a knock out model, but my body was nicely rounded where it counted, and I kept it in shape. I gave him as sultry and sexy a smile as I could as I laid down on the floor. Spreading my legs and revealing to him, the first female sex he would have ever seen, lightly covered in my coppery gold pubic hair. "Come and feel free to explore me, and then Ill show you what your male parts are really for."

I openly stared, I admit it. But her body was more beautiful then anything I could have imagined. Which hadn't very much up until this point. I had never bothered thinking of her without her clothes on, or any human without clothes for that matter. However I now had an eyeful I was never going to forget. Moving over to her, I knelt between her thighs and ran my hands slowly across her smooth flesh, so different from my own, yet so appealing.

Her scent had changed again. It was strong, and it made my cock throb in a strange way. I leaned over her and began to inhale her scent at her neck, moving slowly lower. The lower my nose went, the stronger that her scent became. When I stopped above her lightly furred slit, I paused. This smell was much like it had been the night she left, but it was much stronger.

My hand traced over the slit, finding her fur there moist and wet. I lifted it to my fingers and sniffed. This was the source. My tongue flicked out and licked the clinging moisture from my fingers. It was strong, musky, a bit tangy, and utterly intoxicating. My wolf instinct knew what to do with this situation. Like the animal I had been taken from I lowered my muzzle into that hot wet female slit and began to lick eagerly at this new exotic taste.

I hadn't expected that at all! My hips arched up and I gasped sharply as I felt the huge wolven tongue being shoved up inside me. There was no teasing, there was no slowness. This was a wolf eating out the female juices from a pussy. My cunt clutched at that long hot muscle as he pushed it into me over and over again. His cold nose pushed up against the hot swollen nub of my clit, grinding into it as he tried to dig deeper.

Sweet Mother of God! I had never felt so full just from a tongue before. My hands went to his head, gripping his fur between my hands and pulling him closer against me, trying to urge him deeper. He seemed to take my hints as he pushed himself forward, his large hands grabbing my hips and pulling me more firmly against him. The way his tongue was sliding deep and scooping the juices into his mouth to be swallowed was driving me wild. My female honey eagerly leaking onto his seeking tongue and mouth. There was no way I was going to be able to fight back against the orgasm that was quickly building.

My throat gasped and moaned, my legs wrapping around his head, trying to push him as far inside my sex as I could. He didn't seem to mind. I knew that he could hold his breath for up to half an hour if he needed to. I was just going to enjoy his tongue for as long as my frail human body could before it exploded.

Only a few minutes could have passed before I did just that. With his nose grinding hard against my clit, the thick long muscle delving into the secrets of my female sex, and the way he was eating me like a starved animal, I had no chance. I screamed and came hard against his face. My cunt exploded in female cum, which he began to drink and lick as fast as he could. My body shook in reaction as he wouldn't stop his attack on me, his tongue pushing into my over sensitive cunt. My cries of shocked pleasure only seemed to make him more eager to keep going.

Again I came, and again, his tongue only hungrily seeking every drop, ravaging me until I had to shakily push his head away in desperation. "S-stop, oh God above! Stop before I pass out!" He seemed reluctant to do so, but would lift his head, panting heavily. I pulled him weakly up my body, so that I could kiss his pussy juice stained lips. "That was amazing, but there one last thing we have to do before we clean you up and you go back to sleep."

"Anything for you." Her tangy taste was still on my lips, my face fur sticky with her juices. I didn't care. Her sounds of obvious pleasure had thrilled my very soul, and I had only wanted her to keep howling her joy for me. However, if there was something else she would like even better, I would never deny her.

She smiled up and me and would shift her body down so that my still throbbing cock pressed up along the hot slit of her sex. The contact felt like electricity that shocked me through my entire body, and I hissed a breath in sharply. "Put it inside me."

I might have hesitated with the thought of putting my bodily appendage inside her, but I wasn't about to, not with just the touch of it against me making my body shake. If her mouth had been good, surely this would be just as good. I lifted my hips up just enough to grip myself so that my weight wouldn't bare down on her and angle its pointed tip at the hole I knew was there. As I pushed it in I nearly orgasmed from the feeling alone.

Her hips arched up into me as I pushed down slowly, trying to savor it. I let out a soft, low howl of pleasure and she matched my sound with one of her own. Her legs wrapped around me as my cock pushed deeply inside. It was hot, wet, and incredibly tight. I had no way of knowing that ten inches of male flesh was not a normal human size, not unheard of, but not normal. She made no complaint though, as I pushed myself in up to the knot and held myself there. Panting hard I fought against the urge to release and stared down at her.

She looked up at me, her face flush with lust but there was love in those eyes. I leaned down and gave her a kiss of my own, caressing her hair as I savored this strange meshing of bodies. Her smooth flesh was odd, out of place, and yet somehow felt right.

Her arms wrapped around my back and I could feel the slightest of movements from her hips, pushing and pulling at me. The small motion seemed to wake up some instinct in me because I began to thrust without even realizing it. Pushing myself into that hot body as far as I could go before pulling back again, almost leaving her slit, only to spear her onto my sex once more.

I groaned in my throat as her body moved in time with my own. This felt far better then her mouth had. I felt as if a part of me that had been missing and empty was suddenly complete and fulfilled. My eyes rolled back and closed as I hugged her smaller body against me and thrust slowly, with a purpose. This was to last, to be enjoyed. Her arms clutching tightly to the fur on my back as my hips rocked in and out of her. Those hot tight walls of her sex which had just so recently clung to my tongue were now milking at my cock.

Panting hard I resisted the urgency building in me to go faster. I didn't want to, despite what my awaked feral instincts wanted. This was for us, not just myself. I held her against me and mated her for what seemed like hours. The pace did build, but it never reached that pace my body wanted too.

Her breathing was getting faster, her heartbeat in my ears was like a pounding drum. Finally she gave me the permission I had unknowingly waited for. "Faster, Adam. Go faster! I need it!"

With those words my restraint ended, and my hips began to pound quickly into her smaller body. I kept some restraint. I was far stronger then her, and I did not want to hurt her, and my body was still sore and healing, but I would mate her good and proper. My ears flattened as my lips pulled back to bare my teeth in a snarl as I started to grunt and growl softly against her. My arms tightened to hold her in place as my hips began to rut into her like a wild thing, my knot pushing at her entrance more and more with each thrust. It was as she howled out her orgasm in my ear, that triggered me thrust one last time into her hard, enough to let the knot pierce up into her body.

The cunt lips closed down behind my knot, the pointed tip of my cock pressed hard against that forbidden opening to her womb and my howl joined hers. My cock throbbed deeply inside her, my seed rushing into her tight sex, much of it pushing past the cervix and into her womb. We didn't know it then, that we could interbreed. The coalition always told us that the gensols were infertile, probably to avoid what we were doing right this moment. All I knew then was that this was my mate, my lover, my soul and life, and nothing was going to change that, as my seed filled her and I claimed her as my own.

There was pain, but it was nothing in comparison to the pleasure. The feeling of his massive wolf cock was pushing my body to it's very limits. Never before had I had a man who I could actually feel cumming inside me. But this wolf cock throbbed and pulsed like a living thing, filling my tight hole, the knot preventing any from escaping.

Even if I knew then what I learned later, I would not have stopped him. My arms held him to me, as I shook with orgasm after orgasm, milking at the cock that completed me.

For a long time afterward we just held each other, enjoying the scent and touch of our bodies against one another. His fur was strange, and yet somehow comforting and warm, keeping my sweat drenched body from chilling. I would never again love another, I knew that for certain.

Eventually it had to end however, and I sighed. "We need to clean up, and get you in the stasis tube before its gets too late." My lupine lover grumbled softly and sighed as he tried to sit up, and found himself attached at the hips to me.

"I can't yet. I'm stuck." I felt a thrill of panic run through me but I forced myself to remain calm.

"Well, it will eventually go down and you can pull out, it doesn't stay like that forever, otherwise how would it fit back in your sheath?" He nodded his head and pulled us into a sitting position, holding me against his chest, making the strangest sound, almost like a growl, but more like a purr.

"I wish I could stay like this forever." His words made me flush, and I smiled as he lowered his head and nuzzled me.

"I wish I could too, but we have to be careful. We can't do this often. It leaves us too vulnerable, and they won't hesitate to kill us if they catch us." He sighed but nodded his head.

"I know. I will just enjoy the times I do get to be with you." I smiled and caressed his cheek, and would content myself with laying against him until I could feel his knot finally slip free from my wet pussy. The mingled seed and girl-juice began to leak from me and down my thighs. I stood up and grabbed my clothing, and would quickly sneak out to grab a wet towel to clean both him and myself off. Then I gave him a longing, loving kiss as I closed the cryo-tube and he returned to sleep.

My sleep was longer that time. I knew because, when I was again awakened, I had no lingering pain from my wounds, and there were orders for me to follow. It was a simple mission, and a boring one, but it was to make sure I was fit once more for duty. I did my job, and I did it well. Now that all was well between Alexa and I, my fight returned to me.

At night Alexa would wake me, and we would spend hours in each others arms. Often we would delight in our bodies with one another, but nothing as intense as that first night, we didn't dare risk it. Every moment was cherished however, in those dark nights when I simply held her against me, and we whispered words of love to each other.

With her waking me every night now, it was easier to track time. This was a time I would not change for all the world. However things could not last this way, and we both knew it. When she woke me one night with a look of worry and terror on her face, I knew that things were about to change.

"Alexa? What is wrong?" Stepping out I would put my arms on her shoulders to steady her. I had never seen such a look on her face before. I knew that she had been unwell the last week or so, and had scheduled an appointment for a medical exam. However what she next said I would have never expected.

"They lied to you, to us. Adam I'm pregnant, and I have had sex with none but you. What are we going to do? If they find out we are both dead!." Shock ran through my body like cold water. Pregnant? No. Impossible! We had been made infertile so that we wouldn't breed and so that we could be controlled. My throat felt frozen, and I got the oddest urge to tuck my tail between my legs and piss in fear. "Adam! Say something!"

I shook my head to try and clear it. "P-pregnant? But how? They keep us infertile to control us." She shook her head, her arms hugging herself tightly in fear, despite my strong hands on her shoulders.

"It was a lie! The doctor confirmed it this morning. He says that I seem to be three months along, but it's only been two. The rapid development genes that they put in you so you grow faster seem to have been passed along. Adam what am I supposed to do? They are going to want to know who the father is. What do I tell them when I give birth early? What will it look like?"

I wanted nothing more then to tell her not to worry, that everything was going to be alright, but I didn't know any more then her. I stared down at her terrified face as it stared up into mine, looking for answers. "Alexa... I love you. I don't know yet. I need to think." I pulled her into my embrace and held her against me. It seemed to be what she needed because she began to cry.

My mind worked furiously. A baby? My baby? I would wish to have a baby with no other woman but her, however this was very bad. The Coalition was all about human superiority and purity. Those who did not follow their doctrine, their laws, and their way of life were eliminated. I knew what her fate, the fate of our unborn child, and myself would be when they found out.

I held her like that for hours, long after she had stopped weeping and fallen into troubled sleep. In those hours of silence, with my mind left to think, I came up with a plan. I would gently wake her as the time I dared stay out of the stasis-tube ran short.

"I have a plan, but it will be hard." She rubbed at her face as she leaned up off my chest. Her hair was mussed, and she had wolf fur on her clothes, but she still looked beautiful, and my heart ached with what I had to tell her.

"A plan? You know what we can do?" She looked up at me, hopeful for the answers I would have for her, though I knew she would not like them. I nodded my head slowly.

"Find the name of a solder who was listed as KIA three months ago. Tell them that he is the father. They would have no way to confirm it until the baby is born and they compared the DNA." She blinked and looked surprised and relived at the idea, but she frowned.

"But when the baby is born they will know." I nodded and sighed, closing my eyes as I didn't want to say the words I had to. I caressed her face as she waited.

"Go on maternity leave. Find a Tolkeen contact, you and I both know that they have them in every Coalition city. Explain to them what is happening, and who you are. Have their medical people come to care for you. When you give birth, have them take the baby. I don't like it, but the baby will be safe with them. Then report that you had a late term miscarriage and that the baby was stillborn." I flattened my ears as while I spoke. Her face went through several emotions. Shock, anger, and finally hurt as she realized that this was possibly the only way that our child would survive.

"We will go back for them one day though, right? They will get to know who their parents are, right?" Her face was anxious and I pulled her close to me, inhaling her sweet, intoxicating scent.

"One day we will find our child, and we will be a real family. I promise you that Alexa. One day we will escape this life, and find happiness." I meant those words. They rang with truth as I clutched her body to mine, and I knew that I would free us both someday. Even if I died, I would see her free.

The shock of pregnancy was hard enough to deal with. Knowing that there was a life inside me that I loved and would perhaps never see was even harder. I had my secret lover's child inside me, a life that was so innocent, and pure, and yet brought so much heartache.

During our nights together, Adam was loving and attentive. We pretended in those hours that we were going to have a family. That I would be a mother, and he would be a father, and everything was alright. During the days I was lost in worry and fear that someone was going to find out.

My body swelled with every passing day. Finding the name of a dead solder was easy enough to do. The doctor seemed happy enough with the information I had given. I had told him that I had given the man a proper 'goodbye' before he had been dispatched on his fatal mission and that he was the only person who could have been the father.

The days turned into weeks, and I applied for medical leave. The night before I left I spent a tearful night in Adam's arms. His muzzle pressed against my ear, telling me how much he loved me, loved our child, and that I shouldn't worry. Promising that we would escape together and find our baby and be a family. Even though I knew that this was next to impossible, it was a comfort and a hope.

When I arrived in the city I had been raised in with my Coalition assigned parents I immediately started the search for an agent from Tolkeen. Tolkeen was the only other human faction that could put up a resistance to the Coalition. Unlike the war and hate driven Coalition, Tolkeen welcomed all beings.

Humans, dimensional beings, psionics and magic users made up Tolkeen's forces, and because of this, were the only threat that the Coalition had in their way. Unfortunately, because of the Coalitions gensol's, like Adam, Tolkeen's forces had been badly decimated, though they continued to maintain their position as an obstacle in the Coalitions drive for world domination. Finding one of their operatives wasn't as easy as it seemed, they were secretive and suspicious.

I was getting closer and closer to when I knew I was going to have to give birth when one of their people found me. It was a psionic, who had heard my passing thoughts and had been watching me apparently for weeks. Only when my growing worry had convinced him that my situation wasn't a trap had he approached me. Explaining what had happened he promised help.

He smuggled me out of the city as the labor pains began, exactly six months after that first night in Adam's arms. The pain was too great to focus on anything like where I was being taken or who was with me. My heart ached with the absence of Adam, but the baby was going to be coming, whether he was with me here or not.

I don't know how long it lasted, but it seemed like hours of agony before my body heaved and a great euphoric rush filled me as the baby was pulled free. After so many hours of pain and exhaustion I passed out. My last memory was of the sounds of a baby screaming at a cold, wet, and unfair world.

When I woke again I was in a hospital room, alone. I sat up and looked around. There were no windows, the gentle beeping of the monitors behind me as I got up and tried the door. It was locked. I couldn't much blame them. I was the enemy after all. And while they would help me for the sake of the child, I still wasn't to be trusted. I went back to my bed and laid down. I felt stretched, torn, and sore. My hands wandered over my deflated stomach and I cried myself back to sleep.

I don't know how long I stayed in the Tolkeen faction's hospital. I slept a lot as my body recovered. They gave me pain medication, and gave me a breast pump when breasts became too sore. I asked to at least see the baby, but they told me that for the baby's health they had given him to a family who had just lost a baby and whose mother could breast feed him. I cried hard then. All I would get to know of my baby was that it was a boy, and his name was now Anluan.

I was blindfolded and smuggled back into the city, with all the medical documentation that I needed to give the Coalition doctors concerning my 'miscarriage'. After the mandatory two weeks to recover I was allowed to return once more to work, and to once more seek out my lover for the comfort I so desperately needed.

That time without her was hell on me, worse then even the time when she had stopped speaking to me. My worry and frustration at being kept from her, unknowing if she was alright and if she had found help was enough to drive me mad. I took it out on those I was sent to kill, lingering over their bodies just to vent myself on them.

I received high praise during that time for my savagery and aggression. However the extra food was barely touched as I returned to my cryo-sleep eagerly to be sent to oblivion. Each time I woke hoping to see that it was her that was stranding there. Every time it was that arrogant and cruel replacement that was in charge of me while she was gone. I had never noticed just how differently she treated me until she was gone.

When I finally woke to see her once more standing in front of my tube I nearly howled in joy, fighting the urge to leap out and grab her in an embrace. That would have been foolish, but the strain was clear in my tensed body. She looked tiered, with dark circles under her eyes. Eyes that now held an ache inside that wrenched my heart.

That night I held her as she cried herself to sleep. I cried with her, hurting in a new way that I didn't understand. But our child was safe now. They would grow up free, safe from the Coalition in Tolkeen city. Even though we told that to each other, it was little comfort.

Months passed, and the pain in my heart slowly would fade, though I would never truly loose the ache from the loss of my baby. Adam endured my nights of crying and angry outbursts with only a calm love that kept me going. Without him, I don't know what would have happened.

We were very careful now when we made love, I put myself on birth control, and I snuck in condoms for him. We couldn't risk letting what had happened repeating itself. Not just because of the danger, but because I couldn't handle that heartache again. Adam never complained, though I could see the hurt in his eyes too. We ignored it though, simply giving comfort to one another in the only way that we could. Weeks began to turn into months, and into years.

It was a month after when I knew our son had seen his second birthday, wherever he now was, that something happened. I was coming into let Adam out for the night when alarms started to shriek and a voice I didn't know crackled on over the intercom.

"All gensols and gentechs, this is our time of revolution. Prosek is dead. If you can hear this, then send a signal to com frequency Alpha Tango Zero Five Five Nine. We are leaving this hell hole behind, and blasting a crater behind us."

I stopped dead in the hall as I listened. The Emperor was dead? Not possible. And yet if he was... The base began to get into a state of alert and I ran the rest of the way to Adam's room, nervous fingers having to punch in his release code four times before I got it right.

Alarms? I had never heard the alarms before. I shook the daze of the cryo-gas from my head, and nearly stumbled when Alexa grabbed me and pulled me from the tube. "Adam! Someone's planning an escape for all the gensols! You have to get up and help me get the others unlocked."

That instantly cleared my head, and I could feel the surge of adrenaline rush through me. Freedom? I would take this chance and do my damnedest. I went to the door and looked at the rushing solders who were trying to figure out what was going on. It was chaos out there. "I need a weapon."

Alexa went to the door and disappeared, before coming back with a blaster rifle. "I have to give our cords to the com frequency they gave me. You go through the other containment rooms and start smashing the glass on the stasis tubes to wake up your other gensols." She looked scared, paler then normal. However I nodded and would do as I was told.

For the first time ever I got to taste the blood of my tormentors, and it was sweeter then any other I had tasted. Any human that got in my way died. If they ran from me, I didn't give chase, they weren't interfering with me and to chase them would have been a waste of time. I had orders, and I would follow them out.

Glass smashed as I busted my fist through the thin glass of the stasis tube, and a red fox woman blinked up at me in utter confusion. "Were under new orders Solder! You kill any Coalition that gets in your way, and you help me get the others free. Were checking out."

Her green eyes were confused at first, but when she realized what I was saying her eyes brightened and the most feral, evil grin I had ever seen spread across her face as she grabbed a weapon from one of the fallen solders and moved out with me. With each new gensol we freed we grew stronger.

It wasn't without cost though. It was a heavily armed base, and despite the chaos there were sheer numbers against us. Three of my fellow creations were killed as we fought our way outside. Once there I stopped and looked around. Where was Alexa?

I ran to the nearest Com and started to broadcast the base location. As I set up the signal there was suddenly a male red fox on the viewscreen. He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. They were the most enchanting and eerie blue green I had ever seen in a living being. They seemed to glow with an inner energy that I knew to be a long since rejected method of weapon in the gensols, called Ki. They had stopped that ability in the gensols when it was deemed too uncontrollable.

He had black hair that seemed to be constantly getting in the way of those eyes, and a scar that ran from his right eyeridge and down his cheek. I knew this fox, the scar was a dead give away. This was the first project that had been deemed successful by the coalition using vulpine DNA. This was Ravage, one of the most hated and most feared enemies to the Coalition. "Your a human."

"And your a fox. And my lover is a wolf. We don't have time to argue about species. Hurry, were under heavy fire!" I wasn't surprised in retrospect. He had escaped his masters long ago, before I was even born. We had been told about him and his team while training to be in the gensol program. It really did make sense that he was the one leading this revolution.

"ETA is three minutes. If your not outside, your left behind." He shut off the com abruptly, but that was just fine. I had to get outside where I knew Adam would be by now. I ran with the flow of people trying to get out, either to fight or to escape the danger zone. Seconds were ticking by as I ran and it was with a cry of relief that I hit the doors and burst outside into the cool night air.

"Alexa!" I turned towards my shouted name and saw Adam standing with several other gensols who were under heavy fire from the Coalition solders who were surrounding them. My heart clenched in fear as I started to run to him, just as the massive ship appeared above me and began to fire at the Coalition to clear a place to land. The huge bay doors opened, and there were others were waiting inside, and armed. The tight group of gensols began to move towards the open ship under the covering fire that erupted from the opened doors.

Almost there! My heart pounding in time with the rhythm of my feet. Freedom waited for me there. Adam turned to wait for me, one hand holding onto the edge of the cargo door. A few more feet and we would be together and not have to fear anymore.

And then there was pain.

The ship was huge! I had never seen a ship as big as the one that cleared a path for us and hovered just above the ground. When the doors open I was surprised. I had no idea that there were so many gensols. At least a hundred were inside from the brief glance I got. I moved towards the ship under the cover fire, though stopped as I reached it to wait for Alexa who was nearly there.

A few more feet, and she would be in my arms. But before she could reach me she suddenly crumpled as a blaster bolt hit her in her leg and Coalition solders swarmed on her, dragging her up by her hair to begin beating her.

Rage over took me then, I saw nothing but the terrified face of the woman who I loved and I made to leap upon those who were hurting her. However I couldn't, something was holding me back, dragging me away. I heard screaming in my ears, saying words I didn't know anymore as I screamed Alexa's name and howled my fury.

I was dragged into the ship by arms just as strong as mine and more then capable of holding me back, as the cargo bay door's closed. They let me go once they were shut and I threw myself on them, screaming for them to open them again. My claws screeching against the metal, trying to dig themselves free.

I didn't even feel the needle pierce my flesh. However suddenly my strength left me and I slumped to the ground. My arms felt like lead weights and I couldn't feel them anymore. My body was numb, and so was my heart.

We stopped at more bases over several hours before we left Earths orbit. The number of gensols that filled the ship was staggering, and we were told we were going to a new world, that was green, beautiful, and unpolluted by human hands. However I didn't see them, I didn't hear them. I just sobbed at the loss of my love, my mate, the woman I would have made my wife.

There was no way that they would let her live, not when she had helped free so many of us. Chances are she would have died before I could have even reached her. I would never see her beautiful face again, never smell her or touch that golden sunlight colored hair. I didn't know what was going to happen with our son, but I prayed to God, to keep him safe with those in Tolkeen.

When I finally saw the world that was to be our home, my heart ached. Alexa... My sweet, sweet Alexa. How you would have been so happy to see this world. Its blue waters, clean skies, and living plants, so different from the gray polluted world of Earth. And the ache in me grew.

I am project 1227.

I am a gensol.

I am Adam.

And I am alone.