R&M Ch. 1

Story by Malichi Vestal on SoFurry

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#1 of R&M

First furry story I've written, so if there's any thing I need to work on, lemme know please.

R&M Chapter 1:

Giving Thanks

"Ssshiit!" is all that could be heard out of his room. Malichi had invited his girlfriend over to his house for Thanksgiving dinner, but waited till the last minute to clean his room. Now, Malichi was sixteen and at the age where he didn't care about his looks, except on special occasions. His hair, jet black, laid smooth on his head. His short, coarse, snow white fur stood on end. He stood six feet tall with a slight build, and always had the look of "Mess with if you have a death wish," though he wouldn't hurt a fly.

Golden red hair flowed down her back and behind her ears. Her emerald green eyes sparkled like the stars on a clear summer's night. Her fur was dark brown with white spots down her back. At the age of sixteen, she had a good size rack, DD's. Even though she was beautiful, she was a loner. Past lovers and abusive parents caused her to separate herself from the world. Being home schooled since kindergarten didn't help either. Until she met Malichi, Raelina had only one friend. Once Raelina met Mal, the walls she had built up began to crumble. The more time they spent together the more she fell in love with him. She didn't realize just how much of a country girl she was until she started hanging out with him. His small town way of life and loving made her fall in love with him even more. When she was with him, she felt complete.

Malichi kept growling at himself for procrastinating. "Mom's gonna kill me if I don't clean my room in time," he said as if someone was with him. He hurried about in a frantic effort to make his room presentable, "I only have two hours until she gets here, agh, dammit!"

Just as he finished his room, his mom hollered, "Come on, Malichi! You get to drive,"

"Thanks, mom, love you," he yelped in delight as he gave her a big hug. "Where's the keys?"

"Here," she said as she tossed the keys his way.

"I'll wait in the truck," he called before picking his cell up and dialing his girlfriend.

"Hey, babe, where are you?" the vixen said coyly as she answered.

"Hey, darlin', we're bout to leave, just waitin' on my mom. Guess what!" he slied.

"What, hun?"

"Heh, I'm driving!" he mused.

"Oh, hell," she whispered.

"What, babe? Something wrong?"

"Nothing. I'll see you when you get here, and, please, be careful!" slight desperation in her voice.

"I always am, babe, love you, see ya." As he drove, he couldn't help but think of his vixen for a girlfriend, Man, how'd I get this lucky? The more he thought of her, the hornier he got. When he came to a stoplight, he accidentally stomped the brake pedal due to his body reacting to his thoughts, almost scaring his mom in the front seat.

When they finally pulled into Raelina's drive, Malichi said to his mom, "I'll be right back," then bounded down her walkway. After knocking twice on her front door, a tall, muscular husky opened the door. "Yes?" he asked with a deep, intimidating growl.

"Is Raelina ready?" Malichi yelped out.

"I'm right here!" she said as she slipped past her behemoth of a dad to give Malichi a much needed hug and kiss. She was dressed in a skin tight shirt that showed off her curves and figure. Her skirt matched her midnight black shirt and came down to her knees. She had brushed her tail in an attempt to fluff it out to see how much of a 'rise' she could coax out of Malichi.

"Come in for a minute," rumbled her dad.

"Okay. Rae, go wait in the truck with my mom," he whispered to her.

"If you do anything to hurt my little girl, you're dead! GOT ME?" her dad howled.

"Yes, sir!" Malichi barked in fear.

Malichi had an even harder time driving now that the love of his life was in the truck with him. "Have to warn you, my brother's girlfriend's coming over too, so be nice," he mused as he winked in the rear-view mirror at her.

"I'll try my best, hun," she coyed with that oh-so-innocent look in her eye and tone in her voice.

When they arrived at his house, Malichi jumped out of the driver's seat and opened the truck door for Raelina in one swift motion, the truck didn't have time to come to a complete stop. "Thanks, babe," she said as she got out, sliding her tail under his chin as he slightly dropped his jaw and let his tongue hang out, ears back. She giggled as he quickly regained his composure in front of his mom. "Smooth, babe," she toyed.

As she entered the house, she was met by his brother, a seven-and-a-half year older, but three inches shorter, white wolf. "Damn, Mal! Where in hell did you find her? She's gorgeous!" said the older sibling.

"I know right? Out of all the others, she's the only one that caught my eye," the younger sibling commented as he wrapped his arms around the fox's waist from behind. "Not only is she good looking, she also knows how to make me laugh, which isn't easy, is it, babe?"

"Sure isn't," she replied as she kissed his muzzle.

"Dinner will be ready in about twenty, so go have fun," said the mother.

"'K, mom!" the boys yelped in excitement.

Back in Mal's room, him and Rae had been laying on his bed, sharing a tender kiss. They had been exploring each others' mouths with their tongues as they had done back in her room, until she broke off to say, "I love you with all my heart, baby."

"I love you too, Rae, babe," was Mal's response.

"Brrrrrraaaaaaaggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!" his mom howled in a successful attempt to scare them.

"Shit!" yelped Raelina, jumping clear off Malichi's bed as his mom scared her.

"Dinner's ready," she said in a fit of laughter.

"That's funny," joked the wolf, helping her up. All the fox did was stick her tongue out at him. "I can stick mine out farther, and I know how to use it," coyed the wolf with a wink.

"We'll see about that.... after dinner," was the fox's only response. When they walked into the kitchen, his mom had already fixed herself a plate of baked ham glazed in honey, potato salad, and dressing. His mom, being the alpha of the house, was at the head of the small table, which barely fit four, with the boys on either side and their lovers beside them.

"What would you like to drink, Raelina? We have Dew; Code Red, Live Wire, and regular, grape Crush, sweat tea, and milk," offered the eldest.

"Just a glass of ice, please," she answered.

"O.K. What about you, Kristen?"

"Glass of sweet tea's fine by me," said the orange tabby.

"Dig in, everybody!" said the mother.

"Yum, looks good, Ms. Jackson!" remarked Raelina.

"Thank you! At last, somebody likes my cooking," said the alpha with a sly smirk.

"I've always liked your cooking!" howled the eldest.

"Looks like she got you again. Ha-ha," toyed the younger sibling.

"Shut it!!!" the sibling growled as the others howled in laughter. As they ate, Malichi had to try to keep from laughing as his lover's tail wrapped around his waist, almost tickling him. As she did so, she pulled him closer to her, not that he was that far from her, and away from his mom.

"Slow down, babe! I'll be all yours after dinner," he whispered in her ear.

"I know, but I'm horny now, I can't wait!" She whined back with a shudder. When he heard her say that, he glanced down and noticed that her nipples were visible through her thin cotton shirt. Seeing this, he started to get horny himself as he began to pitch a tent in his jeans.

He had hurriedly finished his plate when he had to "take a leak." "I shall be right back," he said as he dashed down the hall. Instead of going to the bathroom, which he didn't really need to use, he went to his room to set the mood for the 'special' time he wanted to spend with his lover by putting on some love songs. When he returned to the kitchen, he finds that the table had already been cleared. So he decides to "disappear" along with his girlfriend. As they go down the hall, Malichi slaps Raelina on her ass and purposely digs a claw into her cheek.

The sound she let out was a mix between pain and pleasure, more pleasure than pain, but was pleasing to his ear, as she slapped his paw away. "Don't do that! You're teasing me," she pleaded.

"Well, I am all yours for the rest of the night. We can do whatever we want!" with a coy smile and a wink. As he did so, she turned around and in one quick motion, and the other down his pants. "Horny, are we? Scale of one to one hundred," he asked.

"Screw the damn scale!" she huffed. "I was horny when you went and got me. I'm way past horny now!! I want-- no-- need you in me now!!"

"Well, we'll get there. First..." he trailed off as he pressed his lips to hers, picked her up, and carried her to his bed. He then laid her on his bed, got between her legs, and started to dry hump her, his groins aching in their cloth prison.

Malichi proceeded to undo the zipper on the back of Raelina's shirt and slowly peeled it off her. In response, Rae unbuttoned and peeled off Mal's shirt. He then started to kiss her, going from her lips, down her neck, between her boobs, and down her stomach. As he moved back up, she slid her skirt down off her legs. Malichi, noticing this, goes back down towards her legs and stares.

"We haven't even started and you're already wet," cocked the wolf.

"Well, what do you expect?" she deeply growled. "With your strong arms 'round my waist, and near my pussy, then at the table with you pitching a tent in your jeans..... In fact, lay down!" she said with a coy smile and a deep growl. In that instant, Mal laid down as Raelina had ripped his jeans off him, exposing his extra member. Seeing his wolf cock for the first time, she gasped and jumped back in shock.

"What's wrong, baby?" asked the wolf, a little embarrassed.

"Damn, babe! I didn't know you were that well hung!" shrieked the fox.

"Well, I can put it away if I'm too big for you," he said with sarcasm.

The fox just glared at him. "No, its fine. I just didn't know." At that, she hesitantly wrapped her paw around around his pulsing, rock hard penis and slowly stroked him. "But, I have to warn you, if you even think about popping your cork in my mouth, I'll bite it off!" she growled.

"Gotcha," Malichi barked in fear. She chuckled and slowly went to work sucking him off, starting with his head and making her way down his shaft fitting as much as she could in her mouth and down her throat, before pulling him out and doing it again. She'd do this for about five minutes before pulling him all the way out, licking from his head, down his length sucking his balls, then back up as she started to suck him again.

She had done this eight times before the inevitable. "Babe, I'm not gonna last.... I'm gonna blow!" he said in a huff. His warning not a moment too soon, because when he said that, she quit sucking and started stroking him slowly while playing with his balls.

"Cum for me, baby!" she teased, staring Mal in the eye.

He grinned wide enough to almost show his molars before he went over the edge, his length twitching and spasming in her paw as he gasped her name, sending pleasure down her spine. She watched as jets of hot semen shot in the air, landing and pooling around his naval, one strand catching her nose. She watched in surprise as it took two minutes for his orgasm to wind down.

"Damn, babe, when was the last time you masturbated?!?!" she said in half shock/ half amazement that he had so much spunk, still not noticing the strand of sperm on her nose.

"Ah... It's been... It's been about.... three months," he replied, gasping for air as the room stopped spinning, eyes rolling out from the back of his sockets. When he finally looked down at Raelina, he noticed that his spunk was on her muzzle. "Hey, babe, you got a little something right--" he was caught of guard by her reaction. Instead of breaking eye contact or wiping it off with her hand, she simply licked it off her nose.

'Holy shit, is that what his stuff tastes like? Gotta have more!' she thought to herself as her eyes shot wide open, the taste surprisingly not tart at all. She swallowed, a shiver going down her back, following his seed. There was a look in her eye he had never seen before. Her tongue hung out as her eyes glazed over, slightly, with ecstasy. She no longer had control of her body, she was just along for the ride.

Malichi watched as she went straight for the cooling pool of cum on his stomach. He groaned with pleasure as her tongue licked over the soft fur of his belly. She was like a mother licking him clean. She made sure to get every last drop, covering every last fiber of fur.

"Having fun, darlin?" asked Malichi, bringing Raelina back to her senses.

"Huh? Oh.... sorry!" she responded noticing what she was doing.

"It's Okay 'cause it's your turn to lay down," he said with a wink.

She hesitantly laid down on the bed, not knowing his intentions, him being...unpredictable. As she watched him crouch between her legs, she prepared for him to get rough, but he just sat there, staring, sniffing till he finally moved forward. He slid his nimble fingers up from her knees to her crotch, using his thumb to rub her swollen clit. Sliding his hands back down, he grabbed her knee caps and picked her legs up, spreading them, giving him more access to her crotch. To help him, Raelina reached forward, grabbed her lower legs, and held them open as she ground her crotch in his face. Her eyes shot open when she felt his cold, wet nose make contact with her clitoris as he licked her folds, from bottom to top, eliciting a soft moan from Rae. Bringing his tongue back down, he made sure to put a little bit more pressure on her clit, making her moan with intense pleasure. He wasted no more time as he slid one finger into her sopping wet folds, then two, then, to his amazement, three fingers.

To his shock, the vixen slid a hand down to stop him. Putting on her coyest smile, she cupped his chin, pulling his head up to look at her. Huffing, she said, "Screw the foreplay, I really need you now!" He slowly crawled on all fours as she held his chin in her hand. He paused just long enough to kiss each of her nipples, then he stops just as the his tip makes contact with her folds. "What are you stoppin' for, babe?"

"Do you want to have pups at sixteen, or do you want to play it safe?"

"Who are you and what have you done with my "ready to screw" boyfriend, Malichi?" She didn't have on her coy smile anymore, for she now had on a loving smile. The one smile that only Malichi could get out of her.

"I'm still here, I just think we need one of these," he said as he reached under her head and the pillows to pull out a pack of extra-strength condoms.

"Do you sleep with that under your pillows?" she asked in only he knew as her teasing tone.

"No, I put it there when I left the table at dinner, for easy access," he said as he tore into the gold package.

With a wink, Raelina offered to help him put it on. He didn't show the slightest hesitation or want to stop her. Both shuddered as she slipped the latex over his length. Once it was on, she laid on her back, legs spread wide. "Don't go easy on me- ahh!" she managed to get out before Malichi shoved his length as far as he could go, but not yet hilting himself. "Dammit, Mal! Warn me next time."

"Hey, you're the one that told me not to take it easy," he said with a smile.

"Oh, shut up!" she huffed, wide eyed. The two stayed in the position for a couple minutes as she adjusted to his giant rod spreading her folds, making them red.

He started off with slow, steady thrusts, getting deeper with each. Moments later, he was met with some resistance, he decided not to push any deeper. He'd want to make her first time last without popping her cherry.

Once she realized he wasn't as deep as he could be, she asked, "What's-ah-wrong, ooh, baby?" between gasps and squeals of ecstasy.

"I'm close-god your tight-to popping your -good lord- cherry, and I'm not ready to yet," her lover responded through gritted teeth.

She placed a paw on the side of his muzzle as she wrapped her legs 'round his waist. "It's okay, I want you to pop it," she tried to coax him. When he refused, she used her legs to force him to hilt himself, which sent them both over the edge. Her vaginal walls milking him as his balls emptied their contents into the rubber he was wearing. Although he spent a lot of his spunk earlier when Raelina masturbated him, Malichi still had a lot in reserve, which was made evident as his seed was seeping out from the open end of the condom at his groins. He stayed standing over his lover riding out his orgasm. Once he was done, he laid on the bed beside his dazed lover.

"Dammit, babe. I wanted to make our first time last," he confessed.

"I know, but I didn't think you were that close," the tired vixen responded.

8:30 rolled around as Raelina got up and dressed only to walk across the hall to take a shower. The sixteen-year-old wolf joined her as they replenished their energy in the shower.

"Since you have to be home in 'bout an hour, I'll drive you home, if you want,"

"I'd rather you than your mom, with that look she gave me at dinner," she was looking him in the eye.

"Yeah, I saw it. That's why I'm offering to take you home," he was slightly aggravated, but tried not to let it show.

When the two got back to his room, the fox's phone had a message on it. It was her mom yelling at her, telling her she was supposed to be home two hours ago, funny thing though, they never set a time for her to be home by. Her parents never really cared for her. They treated her as if she was a maid. They even had a door bell set up so that they had to speak to her as little as possible. The message push Malichi to his limit, now he was pissed. On the way to her house, Malichi had his mom's 5.6 liter V8 Nissan Titan pushed to its limits. He had the ass end sliding around every corner. Driving wildly was the way he used to calm himself down. By the time they arrived, Raelina's dad was on the landing, waitin with a ten gauge shot gun.

Malichi just put the truck in park, got out and opened Raelina's door. When she got out, her lover walked her up the landing and to her door with out looking a her dad. Malichi gave her one last kiss before he heard the subtle, and unmistakeable, shick-shick of the gun being loaded. He opened the front door and tells Raelina not to worry about him and that he loves her with all his heart before turning to face his oppressor. The big, burly, male fox raised the shot gun up to his shoulder, hoping to scare the scrawny young male wolf, to no luck.

Malichi just walked past him saying, "Sorry, but guns don't scare me. I've been raised around them and had them pointed at me. I told the fool, 'Pull the trigger' after I put the barrel to my forehead."

The fox was aw struck as he dropped the gun at the wolf's sudden and insane boost of courage. Malichi jumped back in his truck and floored the gas, smoking the rear tires on his way out, he even managed to bark the tires going into second gear. Again, he was sliding the truck around the corners, but he pushed a bit harder now that he was on his own. When he pulled into his drive, he checked the back tires and saw that he had really worn them down.

"Here, Mom," Mal said as he handed her three hundred twenty dollars.

"What's this for?" she asked wide-eyed.

"You need new tires. I wore them out takin' Rae home,"

"'K," his mom surprisingly laid back about the whole thing, but then again she knew how his temper was and left it alone.