A Romantic Night

A Romantic Night He leaned against the railing of his second floor balcony, looking out over the countryside. The ferret was clad only in pajama bottoms so that his deep brown fur could soak up the warmth of the late afternoon sun as it sat just above...

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Southern Charm

Southern Charm So, there I was, lying under the covers of my twin sized bed. It was two in the morning and I couldn't sleep. My brain was assessing the past few weeks and how I was able to get this girl in my bed. She was the most beautiful calico...

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A Christmas Dream Come True

He sat at one of the metal tables on the edge of the river. '_That's just like 'em_,' he thought, '_they beg me to go to an event, then forget all about me_.' The young adult ferret looked out over the ink black river. He had been brought to the River...

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Learning to Live Again: Foreword

What does it mean to live? Is it when you sit and watch t.v? Play a video game? Drive to and from work or school? No. That's merely surviving day-to-day. To live means to hold the one you love, push your luck, make mistakes, have fun and just get some...


Fire: Creation or Destruction

Fire Destruction or Creation? Fire, explosive, engulfing, destructive Grows out of control in mere seconds, consumes every thing in its path without second thought, Destruction? Even when contained, it still ruins. The reds, the yellows, the...


R&M Ch. 2

R&M Ch. 2: Retaliations A log cabin sits in the woods of Montana, twenty miles from the nearest town. In that cabin lives a couple. Malichi and Raelina had been dating for about three years now, but this is their first year to live together. They...

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R&M Ch. 1

**R&M Chapter 1:** **Giving Thanks** "Ssshiit!" is all that could be heard out of his room. Malichi had invited his girlfriend over to his house for Thanksgiving dinner, but waited till the last minute to clean his room. Now, Malichi was sixteen...

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