Brazen Endeavors Part 2

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#2 of Brazen Endeavors

a continuation :)

I do hope you enjoy it.

Please tell me what you think.

Pahroudrasius, the great and powerful brass dragon, loomed over the naked, frightened females in the water beneath him. They gaped at the powerful form, tons of bulk and yards of length, that hung effortlessly from the ceiling. He had simply faded into view, suspended impossibly upside-down from a surface that should come crashing down with him. Dragon magic, of course, prevented such a calamity and added to his centuries-old mystique.

"We will begin," he boomed, not a request or a question, but with a tone of finality and authority, "Who will be first?"

Kinj and Gnarl looked to each other, their earlier boasting completely forgotten at the sight of the monstrously large form who stared at their naked bodies from above. Just minutes ago they had talked about what an experience it would be. Now they both cupped their hands over their femininity and fretted over visions of being torn asunder. Seeing that the other was nervous only furthered their own trepidations.

"I assure you both," said the dragon in a somewhat more comforting tone, "you will not be harmed by this."

With that, he dropped from the ceiling, flaring his wings as he fell and righting himself in midair. Both females cringed in expectation of some monstrous impact, but to their surprise the great dragon landed with nary a ripple upon the water. Both weren't even sure if the dragon had landed until they witnessed him with their own eyes. The glittering scales of brass reflected a warm light from the ever-present fires in the room, drawing their eyes upward to his head towering over them.

Gnarl was tall, even for a gnoll, and still Pahroudrasius dwarfed her. His shoulders were nearly twice her height and, where he stretched to his tallest, his neck doubled this. If Kinj were on her shoulders, Gnarl doubted she could reach his collar. Of course, none of this could match her surprise when she saw what awaited her and Kinj.

He sat similar to how a dog would sit, but jutting from his pelvis stood a member that distracted from all else. If anything about this dragon was terrifying, it was that cock. Gnarl stared, wide-eyed as her mind tried to wrap itself around such a thing. It had to be four, even five feet long (her addled mind couldn't be certain) and as thick as both her biceps together! Despite her own distress she turned to look at Kinj.

The kobold stood in awe and shock. It was easily taller than her and roughly as wide. Her poor little kobold brain simply couldn't imagine such a thing being used as she knew it would be. Grappling with the impossibility, she was left staring and gibbering as the dragon's patience ebbed away.

"Well?!" he thundered, "Choose!"

Unsurprisingly, both kobold and gnoll pointed at the other. Speechless, they could only hope that the dragon would make the selection for them, and their callous hearts desperately hoped he would choose the other. Seeing that the two would never decide thanks to their cowardly nature, Pahroudrasius made his choice.

"You. Kobold. You will be first," he announced. When the little reptile shrank down in fear, he added, "If only to prove that you won't be harmed."

In a flash of glittering metallic scales, Pahroudrasius reached out and grabbed Kinj with one gigantic claw. Only her head and shoulders stuck out from the top of his fist, her feet and tail dangling below. A shriek of utter terror squeaked in the kobold's throat, rendered nearly mute by her surprise. In a commanding voice, Pahroudrasius intoned several magic words and gesturing with his remaining claw. One massive talon touched Kinj on the forehead, then proceeded to dip down toward her tail. Gnarl saw the little kobold jump in surprise as the claw touched her, followed by a brief shine of light.

"There," the dragon sighed, a wide toothy grin creeping up his cheeks. "My spell will now protect you from my... ravages."

Kinj's eyes grew wide, but her pupils shrank to little dots as the dragon reclined, with her still held firmly in that monstrous claw. Anxiously she looked around, unable to see the dragon's massive meat any longer. The huge reptilian dong hovered somewhere behind her, she knew, but not knowing what to expect... or when to expect it... was extremely worrying. More troubling, the dragon had now made himself comfortable and was bringing her backwards toward that waiting, unseen cock, ready to impale her upon it.

Pahroudrasius braced himself as the kobold touched his tip. Already aching, his cock silently demanded that he simply drop the kobold onto it and screw the vile little reptile into oblivion. Of course, his mind had much more to say. Though he was loath to treat with evil creatures, he simply could not be cruel with ones who had offered him their bodies. Now the little one squirmed, but not enough to resist his mighty grip.

He would just put it in slow.

Gnarl gritted her teeth as she watched Kinj slide onto that pillar of flesh the dragon called a penis. The little kobold screamed in surprise, short gasping screams that told of the unnatural volume she was taking. As the giant pole disappeared between her spread legs, Gnarl couldn't help but wonder if the dragon was truly putting it in her or if he was just slipping his meat between his fingers and her minute body. In the back of her mind she considered fleeing immediately, nakedness and sandstorm inconsequential, rather than facing this same treatment. Only morbid, perverse fascination kept her fixed to the obscene sight of a dragon fucking a kobold.

Great bellowing breaths burst from the dragon, heating the room quickly to nearly unbearable temperatures. It was then that Kinj realized she had come to rest against the dragon's belly, her legs splayed lewdly and her body feeling as though it had a full-grown dwarf sitting inside it. Her breaths, by contrast, came in short gasps as her body grappled with the impossibly massive girth inside her. She desperately wanted to look down to confirm that she was still whole, but huge brazen fingers covered her still.

Pahroudrasius had not breathed during the whole insertion, concentrating on pushing forward into the tightest cunt he had ever entered. He knew that he had to wait for things to adjust, for his own sake as well as hers, but for now he could only breathe and wait. Eyes screwed shut against the sensation; he could only imagine the reaction he was missing upon the kobold's face. Little by little he felt her relax and the magic take a stronger hold. Though she was still the tightest thing he had ever put his dick in, at least it no longer felt like it was being crushed in a slickened vice.

"Aaah, there we are," he groaned at last, "You know what they say; the first time is the most uncomfortable."

Kinj was still in no condition to speak. She simply couldn't grapple with what had happened. Worse yet, the great brass pervert decided then to take his claw away, leaving her splay-legged upon his expansive belly. She saw then what had intruded into her sensitive parts, so thick that she couldn't possibly close her legs, a bulge that ran up her stomach to her ribs as if her bones were not even present. Still she gasped, too surprised and horrified to be pleasured.

"HOW in all the BLOODY HELLS did you get all that IN?!" Gnarl shrieked, breaking the terribly tense mood in an instant.

Pahroudrasius laughed as he considered her amazement, stating simply, "Magic needs no explanation. It is magic."

With that, the dragon bucked his hips, sending the tiny kobold slipping up his great maleness, disgorging his now-glistening cock. Enough meat slid from her magically stretched cooze that her feet left his belly-scales! But before she had even reached his cockhead, gravity pulled her back down onto it, filling her once more. This time she was amazed; yes it still felt impossibly huge, but now it elicited an unimaginable jolt of pleasure through her body. She had become acclimated already! So intense was that single thrust that she quickly rushed into a powerful orgasm, her muscles clamping and gripping against the obscenely large intruder.

Again the dragon bucked her, bathing her in sensation even as she continued her climax. His teeth were gritted against his own rushing sensations as he fought his own pleasure-starved body against the insane grip of the tiny kobold cunny wrapped around him. The taunts of young female dragons from his past rung loud in his ears as he pressed on... but it was simply no use. The cavern shook as he cried out.

Gush after gush of opalescent cum poured from Pahroudrasius' need-tensed testicles, flooding Kinj's miniscule body with more than she could possibly handle. The force of the dragon's centuries pent-up ejaculation pushed the poor little reptile all the way up and off the several feet of dragon-cock. Only two spurts unloaded at the time, the dragon's sizeable balls emptied themselves upon his belly-scales, likewise drenching Kinj in pint after pint of his seed.

Aglow with amazement and pleasure, Kinj rolled about laughing, flexing her horrendously sore legs and hips as she went, and inadvertently covering herself with shining dragon-cum. Her ruddy scales now glistened with pale color as she pulled herself up into a sitting position. Turning her eyes to Gnarl, she affected a superior smile as she beheld the gnoll so far below her.

Still high from her incredible orgasm, Kinj easily broke into renewed laughter at the sight of her comrade. Pahroudrasius' bellowing had dried Gnarl's hair with the heat of his breath, leaving it voluminous and fluffed.

Gnarl still stared in disbelief and awe that she had witnessed the impossible. What incredible things awaited her?!

"You... are next," Pahroudrasius intoned.

Thoughts of power and prestige flooded Gnarl's mind. Unthinking, she yelled, "TAKE ME!"