A Digi-Transformation

Story by Nevar Felrnn on SoFurry

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The following is the intellectual property of DKGrayWolf being hosted by Nevar as DKGrayWolf left Yiffstar.com.

Disclaimer: This story is extremely sexual and gay minded so if you do not like to read such stories or are under the age of 18 years old do not read it. For that matter why are you here then. Other wise if your sick and twisted like me enjoy.

A Digi-Transformation

"Hurry up, I have something I want to show you." said Flamedramon as he hurriedly pushed me along.

"Why are we in such a hurry again?" I protested as Flamedramon continued to drag me along for the journey. Giving no response he continued to lead me through the forest, on what seemed to be a trail, except for the fact that it was so over grow with vegetation that I was sure that even if it was a trail that it hadn't been used for years. But still I couldn't help but wonder what had gotten into Flamedramon, he's never been this persistent about anything before. And there were certainly no more monsters or evil digimon bent on ruling the world, was there? It was only then that I realized we had stopped and that we where standing in a small clearing facing a very peculiar monument or statute, to be honest I didn't really know what it was, but it did have the mark of courage on it. Curious of what it was, I very cautiously walked over to it and reaching out my hand.

Suddenly I was started awake by my alarm clock. It was 6:00 A.M. man I hated mornings. I hate them even more when I get woken up from a good dream. As I pulled myself out of bed I couldn't help but miss the good old days, back when I was one of the digidestines. But that was along time ago. This morning went like every other morning. I got up and made a lunch while eating breakfast then headed off to work. Man I hated mornings, and I had even more time to think about that since my drive to work took about 45 minutes.

The whole way there I couldn't help but miss Flamedramon, it had been at least five years since I last saw him and was staring to give up hope of ever really seeing him again, it seemed as if these dreams were all I had left. I knew this would happen though, it seemed like every year I got older it got harder and harder to get back to the digital world until one day I just couldn't. I wish I could talk to some of the other digidestines about this, but we had all long since parted ways, ever since I moved to Wyoming and started working construction. Trying to make it on my own, but I was doing a lousy job at it. I still didn't have enough money to rent anything in the city and was force to live in a small trailer house in a small farming town outside of the city. I showed up for work at 7:30 and enjoyed another fun day of hard labor and hot weather. Although it wasn't a fun job at least the time went by quickly and before I new it, it was time to go home. Tired, sweaty, and smelly I got back into my truck and began my 45 minute drive home. Well at least tomorrow was Friday and although the job was hard I had a really nice boss, so work didn't start until 10:00 on Friday and the company bought breakfast for us in the morning at 8:00.

I got home late as usually and started making dinner. Once again I found myself thinking about Flamedramon, the last time I saw him he had just figured out how to remain as Flamedramon instead of having to digivolve back and forth each time. Man I miss him, some times I just wish I could live in the digital world forever leaving behind this crappy life. Just me and my digimon, that would be the life. Suddenly I was snapped out of my trance by the ding of the microwave, grabbing my meal I headed for the couch to eat my dinner and watch some tv. With nothing really good on I decided to get cleaned up and go to bed a little early, on the off chance that I could continue my dream from last night. As I got into bed I just let my mind wander drifting off to think about Flamedramon again and all the fun times they had. Man I really liked him, he was the best friend I ever had, no we were more than just friends we where partners. We looked out for each other and were both willing to lay down our lives for each other. I don't know if I would ever find another friend like him.

Drifting off to sleep I found myself standing in the little clearing in the forest with Flamedramon and that strange monument. Turning to Flamedramon I asked "What is it?",

"Its what I've been looking for these last five years. It is what will reunite us once again.",

"What do you mean reunited?" I asked desperately trying to believe what I was hearing. The only response I got was a single finger pointing to an inscription engraved in the stone itself. Which read: To release that which is hidden within, to reunite those who have lost a friend, and grant a wish you desire within. Both must stand and face each other, hand upon one another, And those who are true in heart will receive that which they truly desire. "Wait, how will this thing allow me to see you again if I have to see you first in order to do what it says?" I asked.

"Davis" Flamedramon said, "I've discovered how you can return to the digital world."

Desperate to know I asked "How, How can I come back to the digital world, tell me."

Startled andconfused I found my self awake and lying in my bed drench with sweet. It was 6:00 again and with my alarm set for 6:30 I couldn't help but wonder what woke me from the dream only minutes before I discovered how to return to the digital world. Wait a minute; it was just a dream wasn't it. But it seemed so real and to have it pick up right where the last dream ended. That's weird and as much as I want it to be real, it was only a dream. But man if only it was real if only I could return. No it was a dream and I have better get going and get ready for work. So I did my normal morning activities and headed off to work, but during the entire day I still couldn't shake the dreams I have been having. They just seemed so real, and if it was Flamedramon trying to communicate, then maybe I really could go and live in the digital world. Work that day went as it did everyday only I got yelled at a lot more because my mind just keep going back to Flamedramon, and I kept forgetting what I was doing. It was one of the most spacey work days I had ever had. But I just couldn't wait to get home and go to bed, on the off chance that the dream continues.

The work day ended promptly at 5:00 and it was time to go home. The drive back home just flew by as I couldn't wait to get home and just enjoy the weekend with a six pack waiting for me in my fridge. Getting home I grabbed a few beers and sat down in front of the tv. Knowing good and well that drinking would help me fall asleep faster and sleep longer. I just couldn't wait till I returned to my dream just to be back with Flamedramon. And before I knew I was passed out on the couch, drifting off quickly back into my dream land.

Awoke once again in the clearing with Flamedramon I immediately turned to him, "How do I get back into the digital world? You must tell me."

Looking me dead in the eye he told me "The only reason it became harder and harder for you to return to the digital world is because you started to doubt its reality. The digital world will always be there but only those who believe in it can return on their own without the help of a digivice."

So that's it, is that the whole reason I have not been able to return. "Flamedramon tell me is this real or all a dream." I asked impatiently.

"I had tried to communicate with you sooner but it was only until recently that you opened back up to me and that allowed me to contact you."

This is real, it has to be. "Flamedramon I ...."

Damn it. I woke up again. Flamedramon I miss you and I do believe! I just want to get back and leave this world behind. "What the!" Man I am either hung over or the tv is screwed up. "Wait a minute that looks familiar, is it, no it can't be." As I found myself standing to my feet, my eyes fixated on the tv. It hit me, Flamedramon said all I had to do was believe, well its worth a try I thougth. As I walked to the tv I kept telling myself that this is real and that I do believe. Then staring point blank at the tv came the moment of truth, reaching out my hand I touched the tv, but nothing happened. "come on man" I said "I Believe." Then it happened, I stood there stunned as my hand slowly sank into the tv. It worked the portal had been reopened. Then without a second thought I allowed myself to get sucked in. Shocked at first at what had just happened, I couldn't help but wonder if this too was just a dream. No it was real the smells the sounds, I know this place. I did it, I'm back in the digital world. Letting out a chuckle as I took it all in. Finally I'm back.

"Davis" wait I know that voice, that's Flamedramon.

"hey where are you buddy" I called back, turning around eagerly looking through the forest for my long lost friend. Hearing something move I quickly shot around to see Flamedramon spring out of the forest lunging strait for me. With no time to react he slammed into me knocking me off my feet and gave me the biggest huge I had ever had. "Hey buddy I missed you." I said almost tearing up,

"Davis I've missed you too." Flamedramon said as he squeezed me even tighter.

At which point I returned is hug with one of my own, so glade to be back here after all those years of separation. It was only now that I realized how much I real missed him. "Hey Flamedramon; I love you too buddy, but your kinda crushing me, mind putting me down." As he set me down we finally got a good look at each other, and it hit me, "Flamedramon what happened to your all your armor." I asked.

"Oh that, I've had to fight a lot of battle since you've been gone and without digivolving back and forth I can't regenerate it after it breaks. But look at you, you sure have grown up" And at that Flamedramon seemed to snap out of his trace, "Oh yeah I have something I want to show you."

Then as suddenly as we meet he was off dragging me with him through the forest. I was so weird to see everything happening just as it did in my dreams. The same trail almost completely covered in vegetation and just like in the dream he suddenly stopped, in the same small clearing I had seen before with a small monument or statue, (I still had no clue what it was) but I couldn't help crack in a smile at what had just happened. "Hey how were you able to talk to me in my dreams anyway?" I asked as my mind tried to grasp all that was happening.

"Oh that happened when I touched this red square." As I walked around the small structure I noticed that it did indeed have two red squares, they appeared to be transparent, located on opposite sides of the statue, as well as having the same inscription I dreamed about.

As I stared at the inscription Flamedramon spoke up saying "this is what I wanted to show I thought that since this thing had symbol for courage on the top I thought that it must be for you and after reading the inscription I was hoping it could bring you back." At that I had to look on top of it and sure enough there was the symbol of courage engraved into the top of the stone.

Being drawn back to the inscription I read it aloud. "To release that which is hidden within, to reunite those who have lost a friend, and grant a wish you desire within. Both must stand and face each other, hand upon one another, And those who are true in heart will receive that which they truly desire." But what does it mean. I know it has something to do with me and the red squares but what am I suppose to do and for that matter what will it do. Cuz if this thing is going to send me back home forget it I don't want to go back. Or perhaps this is here so that I may final be able to stay. That's what it means when it says reunite us. It is for those like me who wish to remain here. "Flamedramon I have an idea."

I reached out taking Flamedramons hand and directed him over to one side of the rock where he was facing the red square. "Alright now you stand here and put your hand on the red square." I instructed him as I walked over to the other side of the stone and placing my and on the other red square I holding up my other hand out towards Flamedramon. "Take my hand" I said. Reaching out to me Flamedramon grabbed my free hand and at that moment it seemed as if time stood still as I was looking into his eyes. Suddenly there was a bright flash and everything went dark.

Sitting up I found that I was no longer in the digital work but either dead or in some sort of weird dream. For there was nothing around me, I was just in a big white place. Then I heard it, a voice so grand that it came from every where at once asking "WHAT DO YOU DESIRE?" Thinking about this I remembered the last part of the phrase; that which they truly desire and truthfully deep down inside I just wanted to live in the digital world with my partner Flamedramon. Or was there more I never really thought about it but I had always envied Flamedramon, his power and strength and sometimes just wished that I could be just like him. Then out of nowhere I heard the voice again saying "YOU SHALL HAVE THAT WHICH YOU TRULY DESIRE."

Suddenly I awoke finding myself laying on the ground as if I had been thrown back from that stone, which oddly enough was nowhere to be found. "What the" did it just disappear, well stranger things have happened here before. Standing to my feet I looked over to where the stone used to be and there on the other side lay Flamedramon just as if he had been thrown back from the stone as I was. Only he was still unconscious, running over to him I dropped to my knees to see if he was alright. But no everything was not alright as I looked down on my partners body I noticed something new. It appeared to be a sheath and balls. Wait I didn't know digimon had sexual organs at least I had never seen any. Then it hit me that which I truly desire. I had fantasized about this but never even thought it to be a possibility but now... No he is my partner I would never... Or would I, I mean if he wanted to... My mind began became so clouded with these different thoughts that I hadn't even realized that Flamedramon was coming to.

"What's wrong Davis you don't look well", snapping out of my trance I looked back a Flamedramon, who was now sitting up at this time looking me square in the eye.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just glad your okay." As my mind began to clear I realized that just the thought of having sex with Flamedramon was starting to get me hard. Shaking the thought out of my head, I looked back up at Flamedramon who by now had just discovered his new body parts.

"What the? Davis what is that" Flamedramon said in shock as he stared at his crotch.

Well I guess this isn't normal, as I looked down at his crotch again then back up to his face I could see that he was actually afraid and confused, so I thought it best to try to comfort him. "It's okay" I said, "I have one too it's not a bad thing, in fact it's a pretty good thing." As I finished talking Flamedramon bent over and sniffed his new balls, "It smells pretty nice" He said, as he continued to smell his crotch.

Then out of no where he stopped and began smelling the air around us, he seemed almost infatuated with it, as he continued to try to locate the source of this new smell, as I continued to stare at his crotch I found my self being even more turned on. Looking down at my pants I realized that I had become fully erect without even realizing it. As I stared at my crotch trying to figure out what was going to happen next, I realized that Flamedramon had found that strange smell he was trying to find, as he proceeded to stick his nose right into my crotch. Taking a few deep breaths he looked at me for the first time with passion in his eyes.

"Davis you smell better than anything I have ever smelt before. You said you had one of these too, can I see it." Flamedramon asked as he continued to take in my smell, it was almost as if he was addicted to it. Thinking to myself I decided that if he asked I wasn't going to say no, and besides deep down inside my body was screaming out for him.

Reaching down I undid my pants pulling down my boxers to exposing my fully erect cock. With no hesitation Flamedramon just pushed his nose right back into my balls taking in one big deep breath.

He turning to me "Davis I have to have you, you smell so good I just... I need you." Flamedramon said, and as quickly as he had left my crotch he returned to it, taking in the smell for all it was worth. As I couldn't help but lay on my back and enjoy this it seemed that Flamedramon was going all in, as he got on all fours and began licking my balls. It felt so good as he slowly began to lick them with his wet tongue. He continued to work his way up from my balls to my dick.

Then it seemed that he had found what he really wanted as began sucking on my cock, his tongue wrapping around it again and again, It felt so good, in fact it felt better than anything I had ever felt before and I could help but notice that it almost felt as if my balls were getting bigger and that my penis was changing. But admits the pleaser I couldn't even concentrate on that it felt so good that I couldn't help but grab his head and shove my entire member into his mouth, trying to hold back as long as I could but Flamedramon was sucking to hard and it felt so good I just couldn't take it and with a shove I pushed his head into my crotch and blew my load straight down his throat. Even after I had shot my load Flamedramon kept sucking as if to somehow get more of my cum.

Satisfied with what had just happened he looked up at me "that was the tastiest thing I've ever had."

As Flamedramon backed off me licking his chops I started to sit up, but freezing midway when I looked down at my crotch. My balls had actually grown and the skin around them had turned white and leathery, not to mention the weird warm sensation that came over me as I watched my penis slip back into my leather white sheath. I let out a yell so loud that it startled Flamedramon so much he jump back 6 feet.

"What's wrong Davis? Did I do something wrong?" Flamedramon asked as he came back to his normal self.

All I could do was stare at my now white crouch which looked exactly like; Flamedramon's. As strange as it was I was actually glad at what was happening, this day was turning out to be a dream come true. If I was in fact becoming a digimon. Remembering Flamedramon's question and noticing the look of concern on his face I replied "No I'm fine and you did excellent." As Flamedramon settled back down he began to explore this new thing of his smelling it and licking it. As I pulled my pants back up trying to block out the change that had just happened, a thought popped into my head.

"Hey Flamedramon let me give you a hand with that." I said as I crawled back over to my little blue buddy who was leaning up against a tree playing with himself unsure of what it was or how it worked. Moving over to his crotch I began to work it with my hands. Slow rubbing it until it came out and then pumping on it to get it nice and hard. The whole time Flamedramon just watched in amusement as the feelings of ecstasy would rush through him and as each one passed I could feel him tense up and relax. Once his member was at its full length I couldn't help myself, I lowered my head and began sucking on it and rapping my tongue around his meat. Wait, I can wrap my whole tongue around this, as I backed off to check my tongue I noticed that it was quite a bit longer than normal. For that short moment it seemed like I had just forgot about Flamedramon and was just playing with my new tongue.

Looking back up into his eyes I could see how intrigued he was with my new tongue, without even thinking we both just lend forward and kissed. Oh man he tasted good, as we embraced each other our tongues both exploring the others mouth. But man this sense of taste was over whelming as I drove my tongue deeper into him. Then I felt his firm grip on my shoulders as he pushed me back and looking at me I could once again see the lust in his eyes.

"I want you" he said "I want to mate you" shocked at what I was hearing for the simple fact that I didn't think he new what that was, but before I could even think it through he had me turned around and kneeling on all fours in front of him. I felt a slight tug as he pulled my pants down reveling what he really wanted. As he slid into position I felt his smooth skin sliding across my hips as he got into position behind me.

Without any foreplay or warning I felt my ass tighten in defense against this intrusion, as he slowly slide his cock in between my butt cheeks. Ohhh yeah it was so warm, and as if on queue my whole body just relaxed, as he began to slowly work his way into me, pumping his way in deeper and deeper with each passing thrust. It felt so good, to feel him inside of me, there was no pain as I would have expected, only bliss. It feels so right. But mixed in with this ecstasy was another feeling, and odd feeling as if someone were pulling on my spine and stretching it.

As Flamedramon began to pump faster I felt his paws clamp down on my chest as he rammed harder and harder into me. Looking back I could see what appeared to be a blue tail, my blue tail growing out of my back, as shocked as I was I was quickly drawn back to the feeling with in me as I could feel Flamedramon began to reach his climax. Then with a hard thrust he drove himself deep into my ass releasing his entire load. Flamedramon let out a roared of pleaser as he continued to pump his load into me. Ohh it felt like paradise as my whole body tightened to enjoy this feeling. Suddenly I heard a loud rip as I felt my legs and feet literal explode with pressure as the bulked up and stretched, tearing out of my shorts and shoes.

As Flamedramon slowly slide his member out of my ass, I couldn't help but collapse on the ground, laying there I looked down to see that all I had left on was my T-shirt, as the rest of my cloths and shoes lay shredded on the ground. Shocked at what I saw next I jumped to my feet. Staring down in amazement at my new legs I couldn't help but smile at the new power I felt in them, it was intoxicating, it felt like I could run for hours on these things. Running a hand down my smooth blue legs I turned to look behind me. Not only did I have legs like Flamdramon but I had a tail to. As I began to explore my new self I couldn't help but get turned on by how strong and sexy I looked. As my penis began to work its way back out of my sheath I could feel it pulsing with new life as if were begging for a second chance.

Looking back at Flamedramon who was now drooling at the sight of my new form I ask "you like it".

"yeah" he said trying to hold back his lust. As if on autopilot we slowly walked closer to each other until our lips met at which point we began making-out as we rubbed our hand all over each others back.

As we continued to make-out I couldn't help but push him to the ground. With my dick fully erect again I new I had to get inside of him and I had to do it now. Oh God I needed him. Sliding back down on his chest I lifted up his legs getting a full view of what I desired to have. Without a second thought I slowly eased my cock into his ass. It was so tight I could feel every movement he made. Once in I began pumping in and out slowly as I continued to pump I could feel the skin on my arms tighten. I watched as my arms grew in size, my muscles bulging out as blue skin spread across my shoulders and down to my hand. Pumping harder I felt my face expand and stretch as I watched my hair fall to the ground. I continued to pump harder and harder I could feel my climax coming, I could also now see the blue tip of my newly formed snout. Then it hit, I pulled out quickly and gave one final thrust, releasing my semen deep inside of him, I couldn't help but let out a roar of pleasure as I pumped the rest of my seed into him. Oh God this was bliss.

Looking back down at my partner I slowly pulled my cock out of him allowing it so shrink back into the warmth and safety of my new sheath. As Flamedramon continued to star at me in amazement at what had just happened, no words were necessary at this point as I looked deep into his eyes. "Partner I am never going to leave you again." I declared as I rolled of my mate. As we laid there looking at each other I realized that my senses had changed as well for not only could I see better I could smell everything, including the distinct smell of my new mate. As the sun began to set in the sky we curled up together for the first time as one and drifted off into the deepest sleep I had ever had.