Tell Me All About It [ Commission ]

Story by Jacinth on SoFurry

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After saving the weekend for three sets of parents by coming in to babysit a sleepover at the last minute, Jane is asked by the Keatings' to come over for an interview. With three daughters, babysitting for Mr. and Mrs. Keating would be a dream come true for Jane, both in salary and in... exploration. But in the course of the interview, Jane reveals a little more about her technique than she intends, and finds herself in a rather compromising position in front of Bill Keating....

Commission for RisingDragon and bendover of InkBunny.

This work was one of the most fun but also most challenging I've worked on! Thanks for taking the time to read, and please, leave a comment!

Jane (c) RisingDragon.

Bill Keating and the Keating family (c) bendover

Text, locale, and all other characters (c) me.

Jane leaned her bike up against the brick wall of the Keatings' home. Their home was near the edge of town, but still just a modest bike ride away like hers, closer than the school. Across the street from their subdivision, the lot was empty, with raw dirt and a backhoe hinting at more expansion soon to come.

Jane mounted the front steps and found the door ajar. A note was taped there that read: "Jane, Back Patio." She let herself in and closed the door behind her. The living room seemed small, but had a massive kitchen to her left and a finely appointed dining room, complete with breakfast nook. To her right, a hallway lead to the back of the house. She stepped gingerly through the distribution of Legos that covered the living room floor.

She found William Keating through the back door on the house's patio, a shallow redwood deck that stretched across the entire back of the house. The early afternoon sun baked the stained wood and the large man stretched out on a patio chair. William Keating was even more massive than he had sounded on the phone. Thick shoulders and a barrel chest that was accustomed to hard work. His feet were propped up on a glass side table that looked tiny in comparison, and she worried it would shatter right out from under him. His hands cradled a creased novel, and she could barely make out the Warhammer 40k logo on its tattered back cover. His massive muzzle favored a thick cigar, unlit, and Jane had a sudden flashback to a portrait of Winston Churchill from her history class, only this man had the physique to match the Prime Minister's personality.

She coughed conspicuously from the door. She was always wary of accidentally startling a predator. The tiger looked up, smiled around the stogie, and tossed his novel into a nearby chair. He stood, the little glass table rocking wildly on the deck. Standing, he towered over her and when he stuck his hand out to shake hers, she felt even tinier with her little hand enveloped in his massive paw.

"Jane!" he exclaimed warmly, his voice heavy like thunder but bright with sincere joviality. "Thanks for coming by. You really helped us out of a tight spot this weekend," he said. With two sets of parents out of town and a third couple finding themselves with a scheduling mishap, Jane had agreed at the last minute to cancel her weekend plans and take on three cubs for an overnight babysitting gig. Mrs. Tana had jokingly called her the "Hero of Griffin Heights' PTA." For her part, she'd been perfectly happy to collect three weeks' worth of pay in a single night, and her knees had been just as weak the next morning as if she hadn't cancelled her date with Kailee.

She smiled. "No problem, Mr. Keating. I do what I can. Isn't Mrs. Keating here?"

He shook his head. "No, she had to run down to the school. Karen got in a bit of trouble standing up to some older kids who were bullying the Tanas' girl. From what I hear, she sent a pair of seniors to the nurse! She takes after her old man, you know!" He laughed. "Not that I would condone fighting in school," he said, but the sentiment was ruined by the big, proud grin on his face. Jane had gone a little pale under her fur, and made a mental note to call Nikki as soon as this interview was done.

"Anyway," he said, still grinning. "The principal asked for Sarah, specifically. I think she knew I wouldn't have anything but praise for my little tiger. So big ol' dad's left at home solo to interview the babysitter." He gestured broadly. "Please, take a seat."

She sat across from him, sun warming her back. She felt comically small. The patio set had been purchased with an eye to supporting Mr. Keating's massive frame. She had to spread her arms like wings to rest her elbows on the armrests, which were too high anyway. She settled for folding her hands in her lap, instead.

"Nice cigar," she said, straining to be conversational. "I recognize it from my grandad's humidor."

Mr. Keating grinned around the stogie. "One of my favorites," he agreed. "Your grandad has good taste. Would you like one? Little Sammy can't stand the way they make my fur smell, and piggyback rides are more important than an indulgent smoke. But Sarah says they make me look dashing, so I can't seem to stop chewing on them." He bellowed another laugh.

"So anyway, I've got plenty, if you'd like. I imagine a girl like you knows how to handle a nice thick stick between her lips."

His laugh was raucous, enjoying his own dirty joke as Jane blushed dark through her fur and squirmed in her seat. She struggled out a nervous little chuckle, but Mr. Keating didn't seem to mind being the only one laughing at his own jokes.

"N-no, thank you, sir. I'm fine."

"You sure are," he said without missing a beat. "It's no wonder the other fathers are so quick to recommend you." As he laughed again, oblivious to her stammering blush, he pulled the cigar out and gestured with it as he held it between two fingers.

"Anyway, this is mostly a formality. Put a face to the name, lay down some rules and all that. We've got three little girls. You've met Karen. Her two little sisters are Rachel and Samantha. Now, I'm not willing to pay you three times what James is," he said, referring to Mr. Tana. "But my girls are also a little easier to manage than that cub of his, and you can tell him I said so." He laughed again, but Jane didn't get the joke.

"So I'll start at twice that, and you can earn yourself a little tip if the girls are asleep and the place is clean when we get home. Meat at every meal, no matter what Sammy says, and that includes breakfast if there's an overnight. But I bet I don't have to tell you how nice it is to have meat inside you, eh?"

The thunder of his laugh rolled again, and all she could do was blush, mortified. Karen had passed along a little warning about her dad's humor, but she had been expecting to interview with Mrs. Keating. She wasn't sure if she should be embarrassed, offended, or amused.

"Rachel and Sammy in bed at 8:30, and Karen at 9:30," he continued on, oblivious to her discomfiture. "But the rule is they can read as late as they like. No playing or talking or electronics, but a good book late into the night never hurt anybody. Let's see, what else?"

Jane was only half listening. Her other half was enjoying a little fantasy of how she'd spend all the money she'd earn, now that she would basically have her pick of babysitting gigs every Friday and Saturday. Within six months, she could probably save enough for a decent car. Then again, in a couple weeks she'd be able to afford that new tablet she'd been eyeing. She wondered what color gemstones Kailee and Nikki liked best. She'd bet amethyst for the bunny, but Kailee was more mysterious. Opal?

"Oh, and definitely no taking their virginities."

Jane's shopping spree fantasy came to a screeching halt. She looked up at Mr. Keating, expecting his laugh to rumble out again. Instead, he nodded seriously.

"I mean obviously, the only reason to babysit is to sate an appetite for little girls and boys. I'm not judging. Whatever makes you squeal right? Make sure you get my little girls off equally, just no cherry popping, missy!"

The silence hung tense in the air. To Jane, it seemed to stretch into forever. She couldn't breathe. Mr. Keating knew. She tried to swallow but her mouth felt dry. She couldn't gauge the big tiger's real emotions. Was he really approving, or was this a dry front to an oncoming rampage? How many other parents knew? Her little fantasy bubbles of a new used car, a new tablet, trinkets for her girlfriends, all popped. Her stomach sank into a dense knot as she found herself wondering if the police would get involved.

The silence still rung out in the early afternoon. How long had she sat there, dry mouthed and staring? She had to say something.

The two broke the silence simultaneously.

"Did Karen tell you?" Jane blurted.

At the same moment, William exploded into the thunderous roar that passed as his laughter.

"Oh, your face, little doe. I really--wait, what was that?"

Jane swallowed. What had just happened? She reviewed the last few seconds. Mr. Keating's bizarre humor had baited her and she had unwittingly blown her own cover. Her mouth gaped and she groped for words.

"I . . . uh, n-nothing?"

Mr. Keating shifted in his seat, leaning back and crossing her legs. His brow lowered, giving his eyes a stormy look.

"You really have then, you dirty little minx! My Karen, too? I hope you can explain yourself."

He crossed his arms then, and Jane swore she heard his muscles creak. She swallowed nervously and found the words flowing out of her.

"It wasn't my idea, sir. Not really. It started with Nikki and she was so sweet and so curious and so h-horny, like ALL the time. It was all just exploratory and mutual and never forced or dirty or anything anyone didn't want to do. It was Nikki's idea to invite the other girls and we just kind of explored. Not that it was all Nikki's idea. I take responsibility, but I just wanted you to know it was all totally, um . . . mutual."

The last word came out a little lamely, with Jane out of breath She stared at the deep red wood of the Keatings' deck. That silence fell around her again, dry and oppressive, her own little pocket of motionless time.

"Well," Mr. Keating said finally. "In that case, I meant what I said about their virginities. I've already had to have this talk with Jake. Put the fear in him so good I bet he was limp for a week!" He laughed. "Luckily, little Karen gets off on butt stuff. Makes me wonder if it's genetic, ha! But, I guess you knew that, huh?"

He sounded genuinely thoughtful. Jane looked up. He was leaning forward in his chair now and looking at her with intense eyes. His eyes weren't on hers. She could practically feel where they raked over her body. She took in a shaky breath.

"None of the other parents know? Hmmm," he purred. "What an advantageous position I find myself in. I don't see any reason we can't keep this between us. You, me, and Sarah, that is. My wife and I, though, I think you'll find we're just as eager to explore new things as your young charges." He leaned farther forward, eyes finally locking on hers. "Understand?"

She stared into his eyes for as long as she could stand, then lowered her eyes demurely, her blush hot in her cheeks and her breath coming shallowly.

"Y-yes, sir," she said quietly, proud that she kept the tremble out of her voice.

Mr. Keating stood then, towering over her. She couldn't help but notice that his crotch was level with her face. She could see him stiffening in jeans that were already a little snug. He was proportional there with the rest of his physique. Huge.

His massive hand lowered down to her face, fingers tracing her jaw and gingerly lifting her face to look up at him. The knot in her loosened a little. There wasn't any cruelty in his face. Instead, she found a smile and a boyish excitement.

"Unfortunately, Mrs. Keating won't be home in time for our little expedition. She's going to be terribly disappointed." The grin on his face suggested he enjoyed getting one up on his wife in this regard. She wondered fleetingly at their relationship, not to mention his implication of both of them 'exploring' her. She shivered. She felt the slightest pressure under her jaw from his fingers, and found herself standing up at their suggestion.

That hand lowered and she yelped when it found her butt, the huge paw able to cover an entire cheek easily. "Come on," he said, forcing her forward with his hand, one finger pressing her blue skirt up against her crotch. "The grass is much softer than the deck. You won't believe how thick it is. Some kind of hybrid seed from Europe. Sarah's so proud of it. She makes sure to keep everything neatly trimmed. How about you?"

The lawn was indeed lush under her hooves as Mr. Keating lead her out into the backyard. She glanced nervously around at the privacy fence, but the unrelenting cadence of Mr. Keating's monologue was somehow putting her at ease, despite his unique brand of humor. She squeezed her thighs together and felt a bizarre relief that she was, in fact, neatly trimmed down there.

The huge hand left her ass and she blushed as she felt herself pressing her butt back, eager for the touch. She turned around just in time to see Mr. Keating peeling his shirt off, and she couldn't suppress a gasp. His fur glistened in the sun, as thick and lush as the lawn under her hooves. But where the earth under the grass was springy and soft, the flesh under his fur was firm like chiseled marble. She wondered at his line of work, that he maintained such a powerful physique. He certainly didn't seem anything like any bodybuilder she'd ever known. For one thing, he'd already proven to be literate.

"Some men make a lady strip down for them, and then just unzip themselves and stick it in, fully clothed. Selfish, right?" His hands pulled the strap of his belt through the buckle. He popped the button on his tight jeans. "A lady likes a little something to look at, too. Or so I'm told." He flexed for effect. Jane didn't really consider herself a sucker for a muscled man. Mr. Universe and strongman contests vaguely turned her stomach.

But Mr. Keating was different. His muscles were earned through real work, not through countless hours in a gym. He was built differently than those disgustingly taut men. Each muscle, she knew, had grown from hard labor, earned like a callous or a scar. Usually, she appreciated the soft curves of a young woman, like Kailee. Or, she had to admit, the slender lines of a sexy cub like Nikki. Mr. Keating's body was arousing in a new, primitive way to her. This was the body of a man who knew how to use his hands. And he intended to use them on her. She shivered again and blushed when she felt the crotch of her panties growing damp.

Mr. Keating grinned at her, a knowing smile when she shivered. "Right?" he said teasingly, but left it there. Her eyes were drawn away from his pecs as his hands kept moving at his waist. She inhaled when he pushed his jeans off his hips. His cock was bigger than Kailee's, whose equine cock was thick but under a full foot in length. Mr. Keating did not miss that mark. Small barbs covered its surface, small fleshy nodes with rounded points that reminded her of a few of the toys she'd seen at Mitzi's store.

He stood in the middle of the lawn, nude, herculine, and utterly without self-consciousness. He watched her staring and stalked around her slowly in the grass, his eyes drinking in the sight of her body the same way hers did his. After he had looked over her thoroughly, he laid out in the sun, shaft towering over his pelvis like a pillar. Jane couldn't take her eyes off it.

"As I was saying, most men don't give their ladies the proper consideration. They've never taken the time to appreciate a girl, back arched, face contorted in ecstasy, and only slightly more have taken the time to make sure they get her there in the first place."

His chest rumbled as he spoke, the massive tiger purring at a deep frequency at the edges of her hearing. She watched a bead of precum form on the tip of his shaft and trickle down, rolling left and right around the barbs.

"So what I'd like you to do, little doe, is come over here and sit on my face."

She looked from his cock to his face then, half expecting to hear his laughter, his words turning out to be a joke she didn't quite get. But he was earnest and this time, at least, she was pretty sure he was serious.

"Yes, sir," she whispered into the warm afternoon. She couldn't help but glance around at the perimeter of the Keatings' yard again. The privacy fence seemed impossibly short. The earth was damp under her hooves as she walked to where the big tiger lay. He craned his neck shamelessly to peek up her skirt like an excited boy. His big hands lifted up to her calves, feeling as though he could easily encircle one of her legs with a single hand. He stroked up her fur slowly and she couldn't contain a moan at his slow, confident touch.

When his hands reached just above her knees, he gripped her--proving that his fingers didn't quite reach all the way around--and pulled her gently. She found herself lowering her knees to the damp earth, one hand on that broad, powerful chest to steady herself as her skirt covered his head. He made a low appreciative sound and nuzzled her inner thigh.

His hands slid up further then, grasping and pulling down her panties and lifting his head so he could pull them down to her knees. He stopped her when she moved as if to take them off completely, instead leaving them at her knees with his head resting on them.

Then, both his hands were encompassing her bare ass. He grabbed her and pulled her onto his muzzle with a suddenness that drove her breath out of her. A good thing too, for the sound that she squeaked out would have surely alerted the neighbors if she'd had a full chest of air behind it.

Rough tongue. She'd been so busy staring at the barbed cock, she'd utterly forgotten the other trademark feature of a feline, the other one that girls gossiped about at school. As Mr. Keating dragged his broad tongue across her smooth lips, she understood what the fuss was about. The surface of his tongue was like silken sandpaper. Wet, warm, and wide, with tiny little hooks that tugged raspily at her flesh. The barbs stroked through her trimmed fur like it wasn't there and massaged her labia with a prickly sensation that made it impossible for her to sit still.

She gasped out sharply and fell forward, intending to brace herself on his chest. The tiger's pecs were like smooth stone, though, and his fur to short for her to find purchase. She pushed against his muscles to hold herself up and heard the low chuckle from between her thighs. Mr. Keating was certainly enjoying her reactions.

She felt his large thumbs press against either side of her labia while his fingers held her pert ass cheeks spread. Even practically fully clothed, she had never felt more exposed. Her fingernails scraped across her chest and his chuckle rumbled underneath her again.

His tongue thrust inside her then and she cried out, rocking her hips down onto his muzzle. Fleetingly, she made the curious realization that his tongue didn't rasp when it pushed inside her. This thought was soon shouldered out of the way when he started to pull that broad tongue out and those hooks tugged teasingly inside her. Her cunny contracted around the tongue, intensifying the feeling of the fleshy barbs abrading her tunnel. She felt one of his broad paws shift on her backside slightly and then his finger was pressed against her tailhole.

He purred underneath her as she shuddered around his raspy tongue, her whole body twitching at the onslaught of pleasure. His finger felt massive as he pressed it slowly against her tight tailhole. It was obvious he knew exactly what he was doing. His finger moved at just the right pace to stay comfortable, pleasure rather than pain mounting as she slowly stretched around it, and his tongue had stopped pulling out of her, not letting her cum just yet, but his purr made the thick muscle vibrate inside of her, keeping her juices flowing and her mind utterly fogged with pleasure.

She trembled, mouth hanging open, on that vibrating tongue. Before she quite knew what was happening, Mr. Keating had wiggled his entire index finger into her ass. The digit was thick enough to rival a few toys she'd manage to buy or steal in the past. She panted, feeling herself stretched around it as the big tiger paused under her. The respite was short, though. His other fingers wrapped around the base of her tail for leverage and then that finger was sliding in and out of her mercilessly. She squealed, both her tailhole and her tongue-stuffed slit contracting tightly.

The big tiger had been expecting her to do exactly that, though, for as she squeezed tight his tongue started sliding out again even as his finger fucked her tailhole rapidly. She could feel each of those hundreds of tiny, fleshy barbs as they raked like a fine brush over her most sensitive flesh. It was too much.

With nothing to hang on to, she balled her hands into little fists as she hunched over Mr. Keating's massive body, her fists thumping impotently against his chest as she bucked on his face. Her squeal was loud and unbridled, brief but explicit in a way sure to make the neighbors blush. Her cunny squeezed tightly around the intruding tongue, intensifying her orgasm. She felt herself contract and squirt, but her thick girlcum was caught by the barbs on his tongue and flowed easily into his mouth rather than spraying out onto his face and neck, as if the tongue was designed for exactly that.

The man underneath her rumbled appreciatively, making her moan and twitch, the low, resonating sound drawing another brief climax out of her body. Then his tongue pulled out of her entirely, leaving her feeling empty, raw, and satisfied.

His hands gripped her tighter as her orgasm faded away, leaving her feeling limp. When she would've fallen forward, his hands half-lifted, half-pushed her body forward. Her hands moved instinctively and she found her fingers buried in grass so thick and soft it was like a velvet blanket. It took her a moment to comprehend that she had been pushed forward onto her hands and knees, with Mr. Keating's body sliding lithely out from under her.

He was behind her now, and as soon as she realized that, she felt his hands on her ass again. Her skirt was hanging uselessly around her waist, her hindquarters completely exposed to the warm afternoon sun.

"Sarah says tigers have the perfect tongues for eating a girl out," he said conversationally. She looked over her shoulder at him, blushing bright red. He was standing on his knees behind her, his cock drooling precum as he stroked it with one big hand, looking thoughtful. His other hand was stroking her ass slowly, occasionally spreading her cheeks apart to openly admire her tailhole and dripping cunt.

"And I happen to think teenage girls have the perfect little pussies for such a thing too. Funny how such a perfect match can get you in such big trouble, hm?" He laughed thunderously at his 'joke.' "For other activities, though, I'm a little more open to suggestion. What do you think, Jane? Which is better for some raucous, outdoor fucking? Your pretty teenaged pussy, or the sweet little hole further south?"

As he asked, he angled his cock to rub the pointed tip against both in turn, smearing her liberally with his precum. His preseed was thick and abundant, more than enough to lubricate both holes, and she could feel it dripping obscenely down her inner thighs.

Jane inhaled a breath slowly, a little bit of her rational thought reasserting itself as the vestiges of her orgasm faded. Mr. Keating was more massive than anything she'd had inside her, including Kailee. Worse, Mrs. Keating would be home any minute. As her logical mind set things in order for her, it dawned on her what a precarious position she was in. Surely she could find another way to reason with Mr. Keating. Or, if it came down to it, lie well enough to discredit him in court.

Court? The thought made her sweat. She could feel the full weight of her situation looming over her, not to mention the weight of Mr. Keating's cock against her tailhole. She panicked. She set her knees underneath her and bolted.

Mr. Keating, however, was a consummate predator. His hands clenched around her hips purely on instinct, nearly able to encircle her entirely.

"Now, now," he said, his voice level and reasonable. "It's not ladylike to be so selfish," he said with a deep chuckle.

"What about Mrs. Keating?" Jane said desperately.

"Mmmrr, true," he said slowly, and the knot in Jane's stomach loosened a little.

"She'd be so upset with me," he continued thoughtfully. Jane let herself breath a little with relief, hoping her appeal had worked. Meanwhile, her muscles tightened, the doe ready to be away from him before he reconsidered adultery.

"She hates it when I don't make sure my playmates can't get pregnant. You're right, little doe. Anal it is. Thanks for helping me decide."

He let out a deep, rumbling laugh. Then she felt his huge body lower over hers and she tensed, despite knowing better, against what she expected next. But instead of feeling his penetrating thrust, she felt one massive hand glide from her waist to slide around her body. Not in a forceful or restraining way, but in an earnest embrace. She could feel the muscles of his chest pressed against her back. His arm, like a steel cable, coiled around her body. Yet there was no threat there. Her panic faded, and arousal stirred in its place: that primal lust for someone so strong and capable, yet so gentle when those hands found her body. His muzzle was by her ear and she could feel his deep thrumming purr in her entire body.

"I won't force you, doe," and she was a little surprised to realize she believed him. "You'll have to excuse me for indulging in a little cat and mouse. Or, I guess, cat and deer." Her body shook when he couldn't help but chuckle. "But I'd like to think I have a little to offer that you won't find anywhere else. And Sarah? She'll blow your mind."

His hand found her breast, and his caress was surprisingly delicate. She felt her nipple stiffen through her shirt and found herself whispering a shivery little moan.

"Sarah and I are always looking for a new playmate. There's all sorts of things we could show you, if you let us. As far as the girls are concerned, I know I'd prefer someone teaching them who was close, someone whom I could trust, than them learning it god knows where. I know Sarah would agree. This could be a learning experience that we all benefit from. But only willingly."

The fingers teasing her nipple through her shirt were distracting, but the sense of what he was saying slowly sank in. Not just the sense, but the possibilities. Mr. and Mrs. Keating were both stunningly attractive, and she felt a little twinge of guilt for how sexy she found their three daughters, as well. Her thighs stirred at the thought of playing with all three of them, of being on the receiving end of Mrs. Keating's feline tongue. And the couple were influential enough they might be able to help her, if someone else figured out what was going on.

Mr. Keating's rock-solid embrace and his earnestly murmured words melted the knot in her stomach, leaving her feeling a little foolish for her panic. Her hips squirmed of their own accord, her body reminding her of its renewed lust, not to mention the throbbing rod that was pressed, hot but patient, between the cheeks of her ass. She found herself vaguely wondering if Kailee would be disappointed if she was a little less...snug on their next date.

She parted her lips and a soft, breathy, "Yes," escaped her.

"You're sure?" asked the huge man who embraced her, revealing a little more of his boyish excitement.

"Please," she replied with a whimper, rolling her hips back deliberately, nudging the tip of his cock.

Mr. Keating's hands shifted then. He pushed her shirt up, letting her braless breasts hang free toward the lush grass. He grabbed her sides, his paws so big that he could press his thumbs into her shoulder blades and still cup her breasts with his other fingers. She felt so small in his hands, and imagined how small Nikki and the other girls seemed to her. She moaned softly in his grip and as she pushed her hips backwards, he pushed his forward, pressing the pointed tip of his cock firmly against her pucker.

Mr. Keating squeezed her nipples between two fingers on each hands, and she felt him chuckle at the shiver and moan that brought out of her. His lips were by her ear again. "I'm not going to go slow, doe," he warned her.

She barely had time to nod. His hands held her firmly, pulling back as his hips pushed forward. The narrow feline tip made entry easy, but his cock thickened dramatically. He didn't pause or give her time to adjust. His big hands held her body, gentle but unyielding as he pulled her down over his cock. She rolled her head back, mouth hanging open as she was stretched and stuffed by the biggest cock she'd ever even thought of. The pain was brief, but it took her breath away. Her fingers furrowed trenches in the moist earth as Mr. Keating pushed until his hips finally bumped against her spread ass cheeks.

His hands held her comfortingly and he purred approvingly above her. She squirmed, finally finding her voice to make a sound, but only managing a whimper. Her breath was shallow and desperate as she tried to adjust around the massive thing inside her. Mr. Keating stroked her breasts soothingly and the tingling in her nipples soothed the heat in her taut anus. The pain washed away quickly, replaced by a delicious ache. She could feel her juices dribbling out of her warm cunny, coating Mr. Keating's balls and dripping down both of their thighs. He purred deeply, the sound so deep and profound that it vibrated his entire body slightly, and she could feel its echo in the shaft that filled her. She lowered her head and groaned needfully, rocking her hips back and grinding her ass into his hips.

"Mmmm, you're no amateur, are you Jane? Tight compared to my Sarah, but still. Hmmm, been using the neighborhood kids to practice?" His voice wasn't taunting but approving and aroused. "Only girls on your rounds, last I heard, so maybe a nice big strapon? Or just their perfectly sized little fists?"

She blushed and he chuckled without even seeing her face. The motion made her moan, made her insides clench and her hips push backwards. Mr. Keating made an approving sound above her.

As he had sunk inside her, the barbs had been nothing more than exotic texture on the shaft. With the sensation of being stretched, she had barely noticed them. But now the massive tiger who held her firmly in those big hands and pulled his hips back. The barbs reversed, dragging through her stretched flesh. They had no sharpness to them, just a fleshy rigidity that pulled at her as he pulled out, feeling like nothing she had ever experienced. She found her voice then, crying out in ecstasy into the afternoon breeze.

Then his hands tensed around her ribcage, fingers squishing her breasts to her chest as he pulled on her and thrust easily inside her. He was so massive that the casual thrust drove the wind from her lungs, leaving her gasping as her body quivered with pleasure. He pulled out again, the motion exquisitely slow, making her pussy clutch tightly around nothing, more of her arousal leaking out of her.

He began a slow, casual rhythm, filling her ass with a single, firm stroke, then pulling out of her with deliberate slowness. Her body quaked with a minor orgasm every time he pulled out of her and those silky barbs tugged at her flesh. Each time he thrust back inside her, it felt like she had no room for anything but him, including her breath, and her vision hazed a little. The pain of being stretched was distant now, and vaguely sweet. It was profoundly overpowered by the sensations of being so filled and the massaging of those little barbs that drove her insane.

He was saying something again, but she couldn't hear him. Her pulse throbbed in her ears as his pace increased. He had only pulled her body onto his shaft maybe a dozen times when she began to cum in earnest. Her body tensed and her fingers dug into the little trenches she had made in the manicured lawn. She tossed her head back and screamed in pleasure, her muscles clenching down around his shaft as it tried to pull out of her again.

She felt, more than heard, the thunder of his appreciative laughter. As her body quivered and spasmed around his manhood, his pace suddenly increased. When he brought her back onto his shaft, her buttocks smacked loudly against his granite-like thighs. His hands moved her like she was nothing, stuffing her again and again with his thickening shaft. Jane's head bobbed, her vision tightening onto a single blade of grass that she kept in her field of vision. Pleasure erupted in her, and she could feel the wetness on Mr. Keating's thighs when her ass slapped against them, knew she was squirting with incredible volume.

Then, to her amazement, she felt herself stretched even wider, practically to the point of breaking, or so it seemed. Her eyes snapped open at the sensation, mouth hanging open. Then the shaft plunged deep inside her, stealing her breath again. The base of his shaft had thickened to enormity and she was impaled upon it. She had the brief, fleeting thought that she could not possibly be fuller of anything when he proved her wrong again, pumping her full of his thick seed as he roared above her prone body. The last thing she felt was the incredible heat of his viscous spunk filling her, easing her clenched muscles before she passed out.



"Don't be mad, dear."

"But isn't that the babysitter?! Really, Bill, could you be more cliche? And the Tanas said she was so good!"

"Oh, she was!" Mr. Keating rumbled with laughter and there was the sound of a light slap that didn't entirely make him stop chuckling.

Jane moaned as she stirred to consciousness. She was so warm. When she shifted, she immediately remembered why. She blushed, squeezing her thighs together as tigercum dribbled out of her. Her panties, she discovered, were once again covering her butt.

"Don't worry, sweetie. I haven't ruined her. The local babysitter is a bit of an explorer, you see, and I think we've found an arrangement that'll suit all three of us..."

"Really?" Mrs. Keating's tone had changed. Jane looked up at her, her muscles complaining. The woman wore the same excited, predatory grin Jane had seen on her husband not long ago. Mrs. Keating's fingers idly toyed with the top button of her blouse as she looked down at Jane with half-lidded eyes. Jane's breath caught, staring up at the beautiful predatory woman, feeling the warmth between her thighs growing again. Mrs. Keating grinned wider.

"Tell me all about it..."

One Last Swim

Jenny Anderson turned slowly as she studied herself in the mirror, doing her best to be critical. The other girls in her class always talked about how they hated this or that about their bodies, and Jenny always felt a little left out. Even now,...

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Extracurricular Activities [ Commission ]

At 7:50 am, Lily waited patiently in the front row of her Algebra I class. In the seat next to her, her sister, Violet, drooped over her smartphone which she kept under the edge of her desk, thumbs flying across the screen. Ordinarily, the front three...

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Thanks for Everything

"Hey dyke, watch where you're going!" Nikki gasped for air as an elbow hit her ribs, knocking the breath out of her. She had tried to avoid the high school girls, but Mandy had moved to barrel right into her. Nikki stumbled to the ground, gasping...

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