Night from Hell

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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MUSK Incorporated was a huge conglomerate that focused on selling what the company called "Miracle Aphrodisiacs". Of course when the company first opened their market people were skeptical to say the least. A miracle scent that could entice anyone, male or female, and drive them to the brink of ecstasy with just one whiff... 'Yeah right...' was the general skepticism of the people... But as time passed people, be they anthors/furs or human, noticed a difference when using the small bottled vapors. At first the company packaged their products in elastic bottle but soon much more commercial forms of Musk began to show up in crystalline containers no bigger than a five year old's palm. Capped off with small rubber tops that could be twisted and popped by even a two year old the bottles were kept away from normal convenience stores. Instead when one wanted to purchase the little wonders all one had to do was look up on the Internet and purchase a bottle. Prices varied depending on what you wanted, how much of a quantity, and what type of Musk. There was Musk used to allure male wolves, female lions, and humans of either gender or almost every known species out their, and a few unknowns. The most inexpensive bottle could cost fifteen dollars for an eight ounce sized scent of Musk to three hundred and fifteen dollars; supposedly of a half gallon mini-barrel of Musk but that could have just been a rumor someone spread for gags. Nonetheless in the first two years Musk Incorporated opened its doors and offered their product people were rushing to purchase the little miracles. It was almost unsurprising to smell many people wearing a type of Musk during work, evening events, and bedtime romps. Then again, nighttime activities were what the company had advertised that you would get the best experiences out of their product. However, with everything good there is always something bad that looms behind it. Musk by itself was neither good nor bad but there were those who would abuse the products. Some would wear the scent during inappropriate times and even for personal gain. Lawsuits were common before the company began to offer warnings and limit the amount they sold and who they sold it to. But don't we all know that nothing can ever be really sanctioned...? Jonathon wondered into the cold dark night in the late Fall with his heavy coat covering his sleek form and a pair of boots on his clawed feet. The young anthro canine seemed almost nervous as he walked down the street of his neighborhood to the bus stop under the florescent lights of the lampposts. His ears laid down under his skullcap and jittery paws were kept tightly fisted in his pockets to keep from dancing around. The twelve year old anthro Labrador was unsure of himself as he had never done anything like this before and was grateful that his parents were asleep otherwise his tail would be in all sorts of trouble. 'Still might be.' Jonathon thought as he rounded the corner and stood by the bus sign on the corner of Isis and Third Street. Looking around to make sure he hadn't bee followed the pup of a boy curled his tail under his legs as he waited for the mechanical monster to pull up to him. When the city bus finally showed up Jonathon hopped into the heated area and paid his fair while keeping from looking at the human who was driving. The younger fur noted that no one was here at the moment and thanked his lucky stars that there wouldn't be anyone to notice him during his adventure. Sitting close to the front, the little male Lab swung his legs back and forth as he watched the houses of his street pass him by in a rush of light. Looking up at the full moon the little anthro prayed that he could pull off his caper and be back before the moon rose all the way into the sky. 'It'll be midnight when that happens and the buses stop running so you'll be stuck in town for the rest of the night if you don't hurry back.' Jon remembered what his best friend Sam had told him while the two were sitting under the middle school trees watching anybody to get close to them. The older German Shepherd/Wolf mixed teen had whispered into his friend's ear while Jon had raptly been paying attention. Clutching his paws in his pocket, Jonathon felt the paper money crinkled and bunch before he let the stuff go and relax. Jon was an only child to two parents who always seemed to be busy. The little Labrador was far from neglected but as he entered puberty he began to feel a change inside of himself and with his parents almost always gone Jon had to deal with those changes on his own. Well almost... Jon smiled to himself and his black muzzle split into a smile as he thought about his best friend who was always looking out for him. Sammy Anders was a fourteen year old German Shepherd/Wolf mix breed who had been kept back a year for some reason or another and had taken Jonathon under his shoulder to teach the pup about those things in life adults tended to shy away from. At fourteen Sam was tall, as his body had begun to fill out and develop muscles in places that hadn't had any before. Chest, arms, legs almost seemed bulky as the teenager grew into himself and he was just as friendly as could be, well to Jon anyway. The smaller Labrador was nothing like his friend, he was short, lanky and almost feminine in his appearance but that might have been because he was a late bloomer. Jon's voice was still meek and shy while his disposition wasn't any better as the twelve year old tended to veer away from contact with others and mostly hang around his buff, in Jon's opinion, looking friend. The two were as tightly knit as packmates in the feral world and Jon found that to be okay. The two boys were almost always around each other and if one was some place the other would show up sooner or later. Staying over each other's houses during the weekends, playing video games, wrestling, and being kids Jon and Sam cared a lot for each other. It was because they were so close that Jon was able to talk to Sam about this and that and that was how he came to the subject that had bothered the young Lab. Jon had began to get stirrings inside of his groin whenever he looked at others, well other boys and had asked Sam was that normal. Needless to say that Sammy had been stunned into silence making Jon fidgety and cautious as if he had done something wrong by voicing his question. Sam had shaken himself from his inner musings and had laid down some of the heavy talk on Jon. The little Lab had learned, in the space of a few hours, more then he might have cared to but was happy that his best friend didn't reject him. Sam, had though, acted sort of distant from Jon in the pass few days making Jonathon worry about his friend but on confrontation the older teen had explained that he was... ...just going through a phase... Jon accepted the answer and soon both canines were back in solid grip of their companionship. It was at that time a few weeks ago that Jon had come across Sam holding something in his paws while rubbing his chest and stomach in pleasure. The little lab had startled the older boy when he burst into the room causing the halfling to toss the bottle of stuff away from himself and spill it over the room. Jonathon had apologized profusely about the mess and cleaned it up with a bunch of paper towels before asking what Sam had been doing. * * *

flashback scene

  • * * The small crystal like bottle flew from the off white furred canine's hand only to bop Jonathon on the head and then crash at the Labrador's feet. The scent was strong and made Jon's head spin before he noticed a growl coming from Sam's muzzle. The wrinkled mass of muscle on the older boy's face caused a surge of submission to rise from Jon and like a shot he was off and down the stairs in the Shepherd/Wolf's kitchen. Panicked that he had pissed of his friend the twelve year old grabbed a roll of paper towels from the top of the refrigerator and hurry back upstairs. Returning to the mess that he had caused Jon ripped a few sheets of white from the roll and hurriedly dabbed up the mess of musky liquid on the hardwood. While Jon was busy he failed to notice the morbid look on the mixed breed's face as Sam watched Jon wipe up the mess. A tear almost came to the fourteen year old's eyes as he watched the sweet smelling and blood pumping stuff being turned into wet garbage. Once everything was up Jon balled up the soggy paper towels and then ran back down to toss the mess away and pup the roll back atop the fridge. Going to his best friend's room once more the Labrador bowed his head as he apologized over and over again. "I'm really sorry about that Sam. I didn't mean for that to happen. I'll make it up, okay? I mean I..." "Don't...just don't worry about it. It...was just a stupid bottle..." though the mix breed tried to assure his friend his muzzle fought hard to unfurl from its tense form. Wiping his face with his hand Sam calmed his breathing and stopped his heart from hammering inside of his white furred chest as his blood returned from his malehood and pool elsewhere. "Really?" Jon looked into his best friend's sapphire blue eyes and his own russet brown shone with a light that didn't come from the ceiling fan. "Yeah...what are you doing here anyway?" Sam felt his erection slowly deflate and slip into his sheath and the older canine stood up in shorts and ripped tee to walk over to his little guy and stare down at him. The bulk of his muscular form overshadowed his friend but the disarming smile on his pale muzzle kept the Lab from fearing retribution. "You remember that we're supposed to do a report on the subject of werewolves right?" Jon blushed as he discretely sniffed in his friend's direction and caught the overpowering smell of horny male. "Oh yeah, that's right. Ms. K wanted us to partner up and do that stupid assignment. Man, I rather watch paint dry than write about something that's not real. Werewolves are for little kids since there are no such things." The older canine crossed his arms as he walked away from Jon aggravated. "We still have to do it, so come on and check out the books I snagged from the library." The little Lab shouldered his book bag onto the floor and then wagged his long black tail as he unzipped his pack and pulled out the tools for their research. "By the way, what was that stuff that you had?" Jon rubbed his forehead as he felt a small lump push up onto his cranium and then swell. "Oh it was that stuff I told you about." The German Shepherd/Wolf teen said off pawedly as he took one of the books from his little Labrador friend and switched on his computer. * * *

flash back end

  • * * Through the rest of the day the two best friends worked on their school project and talked about this and that. Jon questioned Sam during different intervals and the little Labrador was working on a way to pay his friend back. When the twelve year old had innocently grilled his friend the following week about the bottle and where Sam had gotten it from the younger fur had concocted his plans and was now making his way into the city, or better to say the city slums. When his destination was in sight Jon pulled the cord and the bus rider let him off but not without a funny look on his furless face. "Are you sure this is where you need to be kid?" the human asked while keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him. "Yes. This is it." Jon nodded to assure himself before turning and looking at the man. "You'll be back in an hour right?" "Either me or one of the other bus drivers. Hey..." Jon stopped himself from taking one step out of the bus and gazed at the human in question. "You stay in the streetlights and be careful okay? This is the wrong side of town for a kid to be in." Jon nodded once more and then thanked the man before hopping out of the bus and watching the doors close behind him. The bus driver gave the Labrador a once over one more time and then sped off into the dark night. Jon sighed and clutched his hands into his pocket while taking a gander around and surveying the place he was in. The slums were just that; the poor part of town that few lived in and fewer wanted to live in. The place was clean to say the least but the air was heavy with depression, the moon almost seemed dim as it shone down from above, and the small collection of people, furs and humans, walking around was less than settling to Jon's point of view. The Labrador raised his muzzle to the sky and watched as the moon rose into the darkness and began walking down the desolate street with his hands clutched in his pockets. He had to get back home before the buses stopped running or else... Shaking his head the twelve year old quickened his pace and made for the street he needed unknowing that a shadow was behind him and it was gaining distance towards him. It took twenty minutes but Jon found the street he needed to be on and the person he was looking for. A panther male was busy smoking a cigarette in what had to be the most obvious position that he was selling something illegal with the faded coat on and the empty look on his face but to the Labrador he was a saint. "Excuse me..." Jon timidly called out making the tall male turn and look around before dropping his aloof gaze down "What are you doing here kid? Shouldn't you be home sleeping somewhere?" the panther dropped to his knees to stare at the boy and his heavy trench coat pooled at his knees while he kept his balance. "ummm...I need something from you. I mean you got something to get me off." Jon kept a hard gaze on his face as he looked at the older man and the panther dropped the cigarette as he stared incredulously. "hahaHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!" the panther fell onto his hands and knees as he began to choke on his laughter. A few people looked at him with an array of faces but none would get close to see what was going on. Jon felt his resolve shiver and then crumble as he began to curl in on himself at the older man's laughter. His face scrunched up and tears began to well in his eyes as the little Lab felt himself really out of place. "Oh god kid! Thank you! I needed that, badly." As the panther rose up to his feet again he wiped the tears from his eyes and then stared at the boy before picking up his cigarette and taking a quick puff. "So who are you and where did you come from. Little cutey." The older man couldn't help but let some of his lust slip from his restraint as he licked his lips at the Labrador. He liked them young but something told him that it would be a bad idea to try and have some fun with this kid, not just because it was wrong, that never stopped him before, but just a feeling he had. "Uhmmm...I wanted to buy something from you." Jon blinked away his tears as he thought about the reason he was out here in the middle of the night talking to some stranger. "Oh really? And what...did you buy from me...?" the panther felt his lions start to stir as his lust for the boy bubble up. Though it might be wrong, if the kid knew what he wanted then... "I wanted to buy a bottle of Musk from you." The panther felt himself deflate as his visions of rapture fizzled like flat soda. "Oh...what kind?" The older male couldn't help the disdain from slipping into his voice as his shoulders sunk and his whiskers droop. "Uhmm one for a wolf and German Shepherd." Jon figured that if he mixed the two he could get the right scent for Sam and then he could make up for causing the older teen waste his original bottle. " much you got?" "Twenty five dollars and sixty cent." Jon had to remember to keep some money for the bus ride home. "Give." The panther reached out his paw as he waited for the small pup to hand over the loot. His disappointment for the night fading as he thought about being able to pay for the water bill one way or another tonight. Jon reached into his pocket and pulled out his allowance for the week, minus what he spent with Sam on junk food, and gave it to the older male. The panther counted the ones and change before nodding and ducking off into the shadows. In the next minute he returned with two crystal bottles in hand and gave them to the Labrador. "Don't use them all at once, okay?" The twelve year old nodded his head and then sped off back to the buss stop. "Oh well...least I got paid. Shit now I'm horny." Turning his head both up and down the street the panther male reached into his trench coat and started to rub his pulsing sheath with his well-trimmed claws. "Ohhh...damn this feels good...huh...?" the panther stopped his ministrations when his senses told him that something was close by. Something dangerous. Steeping back into the shadows the panther reached for his gun and cocked the safety off while waiting. For a minute he felt like paranoia had gripped him and then something heavy landed on his back causing him to crash onto the ground. Wrestling from under the, whatever it was, the panther got onto his back and looked to see something out of a horror show. Pure white fangs glittered in the dark light and strings of silver dripped from the large muzzle inches from his nose. "HOLY SHI

" the only sound that followed was the wet sounds of blood being spilt and the chocked off coughs of someone drowning. A howl ran through the night and a monster padded from the darkness with its muzzle streaked in crimson. Licking its teeth the monster sniffed the air and then dashed off into the night after a more tantalizing meal. As the monster ran off while taking the cover of shadow and night with him another form walked from the night and looked down at the panther that was still fighting for his life. The person knelt down next to the dying feline and then took the gun from his hand before pressing down a cloth wrapped in heavy solution. The panther heaved a few moments and then lay still. The person picked out a cell phone from his pocket and then dialed a number and waited. Jon was almost skipping as he raced to the bus stop with his prize in hand. His tail wagged like a humming bird's wing as he held onto the two bottles in each of his pockets and kept from yipping. Sam would be proud of him for doing something grown up like this and replacing the stuff he had caused the older boy to waste. As Jon got to the bus stop he had to pant opened muzzled as the subtle exertion wore him down and the excitement began to fade. Looking up to the moon that had only gone half way into the sky Jon leaned into the bus signpost and waited. Pulling out one of the bottle the twelve year old looked at the dark liquid swirling in the crystal like bottle and then smiled in triumph. Closing his eyes the little Labrador felt himself doze off for a second before something nagged at the back of his mind. Opening his brown eyes in confusion the little Lab wandered what was wrong when he saw something moving at incredible speeds...towards him. Instinct made the Lab dodge out of the way but as he did his wiry from hit the pavement with a heavy thump and crash. Looking down at himself Jon felt tears come to his eyes as he noted the crystal bottle shatter to break his fall and the liquid vapors splash onto his chest. 'Sam's present...oh no...' Jon got up from the ground but as he did his instincts flared and he looked up to see the thing that had passed him walk into the streetlight. Jon felt his heart clench as he noted the monster before him with its red muzzle and bulky form steeping up to him. '....a....a...a...werewolf!' Sam mentally screamed as looked at the creature and noted the correlation between it and the books he had studied. The thick fur, sharp fangs, amber eyes, long claws, and the madness on its face were all the signs the book had said were related to a werewolf. Jon took a step back and the beast followed in suit. Another step and then another and before he could actually recall himself doing, so the little Labrador was off like a shot. The werewolf gave a cruel cough like chuckle before it lopped off after its dinner. A form ducked from the shadows and trailed the beast while another form followed behind the third. A sick game of follow the leader ensued with Jonathon being the leader in a flight for his life. The werewolf kept a steady distance as he let his prey dive into the nearby empty warehouse down the street and slammed the rickety door shut before running up the stairs of the place. Jonathon rapidly panted as he felt his mind try to come to grip with what was going on. His rational side said that it was impossible that he was being chased by a werewolf but his canine instincts barked back that the thing behind him was both a wolf and inhumane and coming to kill them. Jon believed his instincts on this subject and hightailed it to the second floor of the building while trying to find a way out and back to the bus stop. A crash downstairs made Jon whimper and freeze up for a second before he ran up to the third floor and the to the roof. Hurriedly opening the door the little Labrador ran to the edge of the empty apartment building and then looked to see what lied ahead. The other roof was at least a good three yards in distance, there wasn't a stairwell to climb down, and no fire escape. Jonathon looked to the full moon that was rising to the center of the sky and the twelve year old wondered if the bus would be coming soon. Looking at the other apartment Jon saw that the other building had a fire escape and if he could just jump over to it... A loud roar sounded behind him and Jon turned in time to see the werewolf rushing towards him again. Backing up the pup hit the back of his knee against the wall and lost his balance tumbling over. His weight worked against him and soon Jon was free falling to the ground when suddenly a paw reached out and caught him. Looking up the boy gazed into amber eyes before yelling out. A sudden rush of air passed the Labrador as Jonathon was pulled up and into the arms of the werewolf. The beast snarled at the boy as he brought the child close to his face and then licked his neck. The dried flakes of crimson from his earlier kill flaked of and onto Jon who began to sob upon realizing his fate. The werewolf snorted before a strong scent caught onto his nose making the beast sniff at the boy. A large black appendage wrinkled as the werewolf took in the smell of a heavy musk and felt its lions stir. Gazing at the boy the creature felt its senses spark and the need to rut overcame its need to eat. Tossing the boy to the ground the creature tore at the boy's clothes ripping the thin material off of the Lab's thin frame. Jon whimpered as he noted the change in the werewolf and the look in its hellfire lit eyes. Getting dropped onto the ground was less than pleasant but when the beast started to rip off his clothes the twelve year old felt his mind go blank and darkness rushed up on him. The werewolf had just finished throwing away the leftover strips of cloth from the boy and felt his sheath swell and bulge with his length filling with blood. The pinkish-red tip rose from the dark fur while twin orbs dropped down past his legs and fill with vile seed. The beast bent over its prey and then sniffed again for the scent that drove him wild before something heavy broke off against his head. Growling and spitting onto the Lab the creature turned to see what had hit him before he got a second blast against his head. Thin splinters of wood broke off at a plank of wood rose into the air for a third time and crash against the werewolf's skull again. When the next blow came the werewolf whipped out its paws and caught its assailant with its claws making the assaults cease. Looking up while shaking its head the creature saw a white furred version of itself standing while gripping its middle section in pain. Though much smaller the scent of wolf was heavy in the blood that was soaking the material the other was wearing and the werewolf snarled before steeping to the one who had brazenly challenged him. Sam swore as he felt his fur get moist in his own blood but knew that the damage was minimal and he would heal...if he lived after tonight. The thing, whatever it was, had chased Jonathon for so long that the fourteen year old was glad that his best friend had stopped in the abandoned apartments when he did. The teenager hadn't been excepting anything like this when he set off before the younger boy so the short burst had winded him but Sam would be damned to let anything happen to his pup. Releasing his midsection the halfbreed raised his weapon into his hands like a baseball bat and then waited for the monster to make his move. The werewolf snarled and growled as its head still rung in pain but kept advancing on the other. Seeing that the challenger had a weapon the werewolf flexed its claws and dove for the other wolf. Quickly dodging the attack Sam sidestepped out of the way and then hit the creature over the back of the head for a fourth time. The monster howled and whipped around slashing its claws at the other and raking his talons down Sam's chest. The fourteen year old howled as pain lanced through him but kept himself on his feet despite his bleeding. The two circled each other again before the werewolf lunged at Sam. The teen tried to make another counter with the plank but the large piece of wood was caught in the fearsome grip of the beast and the snapped like a twig. Now without a weapon to aid him Sam took the moment of distraction and ran his own claws down the creature's face. Blood soaked his ebony points before the beast grabbed him around the throat and then slammed him onto the floor. The two wolves stared at each other; the werewolf had blood dripping onto Sam's wrinkled muzzle and over the teenager's poised fangs while snarling down at the boy and slowly chocking him to death. Sam tried to flay himself free but his wounds throbbed and his blood began to pour onto the ground beneath him. The werewolf opened its muzzle and growled a vicious roar before something gleamed in the light of the moon and hit him in the face, shattering. Pulling back the werewolf rubbed the glass like shards from his face and looked to see where the attack had come from. Standing onto shaky feet was none other than Jon who had woken up to see his best friend get taken down. Not knowing what was going on as fear had clouded his mind when the werewolf raised its paw the twelve year old had searched around and then found the last bottle of Musk he had bought. Throwing with ample dexterity, the young Lab hit the monster dead on and now watched s the beast bore its fangs at him. A single shot rang out through the air and the werewolf's head exploded on a splash of blood and gray matter. The flecks of organic matter swept over Sam and covered the fourteen year old since he was so close and made a mess of his clothes and fur. The body of the werewolf fell to the ground unceremoniously and then lay silent as Sam and Jon looked on before turning to see who had shot the beast. The two boys looked to see a human male standing with a smoking gun and a pissed off look on his face. The man walked over to Sam and then pointed the barrel of the gun at the halfbreed. The blood soaked and tired Shepherd/Wolf widely open his cerulean eyes before the human and then watched as the man began to pull the trigger. "NO!" a shout came almost from the distance before a large furry form crashed into the human and knocked him back. The human lost his footing over the prone body of the werewolf and then cascaded down to the pavement below. An ear splitting crash sounded and Jon walked around the body of the werewolf over to the edge of the building to see. The pup cringed and looked away before running back to his best friend and hugging him tightly. The blood and other matter from the werewolf soaked into the Lab's fur but the twelve year old couldn't care as he clutched onto his friend for dear life. "'s okay..." Sam muttered as he nuzzled the little Labrador and then held him quietly in his arms. Jon looked at his friend and then out of fear and then need to reassure himself that the nightmare was over kissed the shepherd/wolf mix. Two tongues played in each other's mouths as the boys released the tension of the night into each other through passion and let the passion slowly draw out of them into the night. There on the abandoned apartment rooftop found the pup and the teen canines swapping sit, as they say, while the body of a werewolf cooled and twitched near them.