A Charr and his Thoughts Part 2 - The Arrangement

Story by Raktul on SoFurry

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#2 of Charr Stories (all)

YAY, next part up here :D have fun, hope you like it ^^

A Charr and his Thoughts

Part 2 - The Arrangement

It was dark, hot and very stuffy. The heart of a Fire Legion Camp was a base under Earth. Not many people were working there. Not much to do there. They were all out to fight. Just some Guards. And Shermaa, locked into a cage. As he slowly woke up, the stuffy smoke of the room and the dirty loincloth he only wore made a very unwelcoming feeling. "W... Where am I?" he asked to himself. "Where you are? Well, in the center of an Fire Legion Outpost if you can't see." An old guard on his left turned over to him. "You slept a long time... Well, I guess something like two Days." "Two days, but... but... No. That can't be... What happened to...? Oh no! Damn! No, no, no, that can't be true! That's just an bad dream..." Shermaa remembered slowly what happened. "Well, I guess not. I would be glad if it is so. Payment is miserable down here." The old guard said. The white - brown Charr broke out in Tears and howled: "Damn! I'm so fucking weak! No, why did this happen to me? Why me?" The Guard shook his head and said sadly: "I've seen a lot of things in my life. But a crying Charr? How disgraceful." Suddenly heavy steps came closer and 2 guards in impressive red - orange - black armour appeared. They opened the cage door and lead Shermaa off. The old man looked after them, bowed his head and said quietly: "What a pity..."

The young Charr was full of fear. What would happen to him now? Charr live, to die on the battlefield. That's the story he heard a lot in his childhood. But he didn't want to die now. And not here. He just started his Carrier of a warrior. Could that really be his end? He was led into a big room with a massive desk in the middle. The desk was fulfilled with the most delicious things he could think about. His mouth was watering as he just thought of it. In the room were also two chairs. One of them was empty. And in the other one sat a massive Charr with an enormous armour, decorated with loads of spikes. He had no helmet. He had a bad looking face with a gigantic scar over his right eye and two tremendous horns. And behind him three Guards in full body Armour. "Ah, did our special guest finally wake up? Hi, I'm Reycan, Marshall and Leader of this humble fortress. You're surely hungry. So please, sit down and eat with me." The Marshall said. The two guards, which led Shermaa here, stepped back and left the room. The young Charr sat down and slowly started to eat. It was an incredible taste! He couldn't remember when he was eating so well. "Well," the Leader started "I told you my name. Could you be so friendly to tell me yours too?" "Sh... Shermaa... Sir." Shermaa said. "Nice to meet you Shermaa. Could you tell me, where you come from?" Reycan asked. The young warrior stopped to eat, looked into the mean grinning of the Leader, hesitated shortly and replied proudly: "I'm from the eastern Iron Legion Outpost. And was just hunting, as, well... as your men caught me and brought me down here." "Well," The Leader started again. " As you probably might know, we from the Fire Legion have the reputation to crush any enemy immediately, that we see... But, I think it would be a pity, if I have to kill such a handsome, sexy Charr like you... I have a deal for you. I'll let your life and the life of all the others in your Outpost, except, they won't attack us first. The only thing you have to do, is to become my personal pet. Agree?" Shermaa had to gulp hard. What did he just hear? A personal Pet? Is it really worth? Is his live and all the others more worth, than his own honor? He had to think about it a long time. As he finally answered: "Agreed." "Agreed, what little pet?" The Marshall asked. "... Agreed... Master."

The grin on Reycan's face got nastier than all the times before and in the next moment he shoved down all the eating stuff aside on the stony floor and said: " Knee yourself onto the desk! Yeah... Now, You, Guard, help him to get clean!" One of the Guards behind Reycan started to undress himself, got on the desk and started to lick the Butthole of the little warrior, who started to moan immediately. It was already a hot scene, but the Marshall wanted more: "You, other Guard, get to the desk, and show me, how much our new pet can swallow." A second Guard got undressed and moved slowly to the desk, where he rammed his hardened cock into the jaw of the young Charr. He couldn't believe what he was just doing. It was disgusting and incredibly awesome at same time. The Leader, who still stayed serious and not excited, saw, that the loincloth of Shermaa was lifted completely and slowly got wet from the inside. Reycan started to grin again and gave his next order: "Now you can have fun too. Last Guard, go, get some cream of our little friend." The last Guard got his Armour off, ran to the desk, ripped off the loincloth and started to lick the young Charr's dick. Shermaa's whole Body started to shiver of excitement. He never believed that this would feel so good. He shortly took out the cock of the Guard to let out a loud moan, to start sucking again. Slowly the Marshall began to enjoy the show. He started to fondle his dick, under his heavy armour and continued watching the scene. Meanwhile, the room was filled with loud moaning and a strong scent of sweat. Precum began to drip on the table. And as the Captain saw this, he knew it would be time for a new order: "OK, Time for change!" he yelled.

It didn't take long, as the new position was taken. The one Guard, who licked the Tailhole of his Opponent, lifted himself up, and tipped with the top of his dick on the Butthole of Shermaa. The one, who sucked his dick, turned around, so Shermaa had the possibility to fuck someone, which was a totally new experience for him. But he still had to suck the strong smelling cock of the second Guard. Reycan who liked what he saw, get used of his Armour and continued fondling his hardening cock under his underwear. "You can start then." He said in his normal deep voice. Just a moment later, the white brown Charr Male felt a well known pain, that went from his butt over his whole body. The Guard behind him had started to enter him. With the pressure from behind, Shermaa got pressed forward into the Tailhole of the person in the front. As his dick passed the tight spot at the beginning and slipped inside further he moaned very loud, because a shock of excitement and lust shot through his body. The shoving, good-feeling pressure from behind and the strong smelling cock in his jaw increased his Lust-level enormous and he knew, that this show, wouldn't last very long. Reycan, who liked what he saw, meanwhile ripped of his underwear and gave his fully erected and with precum slimy cock hard strokes. Everyone of the room was just moaning and enjoying the show. It was the Guard, who got a Blowjob, which came first and caused a chain reaction. His seed shot with huge flows in the jaw of the young Charr, who desperate tried to swallow all of it. Totally tried in vain, because more than the half of it ran out of his mouth, over his chin to drip on the lower layed Charr Guard, who just got penetrated with hard strokes from Shermaa. Both of it, gave such a high ebullition, that he couldn't hold it any longer. His self stroked cock shot enormous loads of cum over the whole desk. With his inevitable jerking from his Body, his ass muscles twitched together hard and gave the dick from the young Charr a big boost in direction erection. He in turn, with his mouth full of cum was the next one who capitulated, moaned loud and shot his seed right into the Tailhole of the Guard below him. Certainly not all of it fit in and the rest splattered out and ran down on the table. The young warrior had to shiver hard too and that was the point for the last Guard to give up. He was fast enough to pull out his dick and shot his huge load over the hairy back of Shermaa. All four members moaned loud, before they broke down over each other hard panting. They needed a few seconds of rest, before they were strong enough to stand up again. The Marshall clapped and shouted with an evil grin: "Nice Show, men! You have time now, to get to clean up yourself and I'll see you here in one hour again. Understood?" "Yes, Sir!" the three Guards shouted back, grabbed their Armour and ran out of the room.

Shermaa just wanted to go too, as the deep voice of the Leader rung out: "Not you, Pet. You'll stay in here." Shermaa couldn't belief what he just heard. He was totally down and overstrained and the Leader surely knew and he still wanted something from him? He turned around and saw the Marshall standing in the middle of the mess, right on the table with a rock hard cock and said with an evil grin: "Come up here, Pet. Now everyone is away and I can do everything with you, I want to." He wore a sully look and added: "Just come up. I won't bite." The broken warrior lowed his head and walked slowly to the waiting Marshall. As he reached him, he looked up and saw a grinning Boss, holding something behind his back. Reycan didn't wait too long to lift this secret. He fetched out a leathery black leash and said: "Put this on, Pet!" Shermaa couldn't belief it and answered indignant: "I'm not that low in my dignity, to wear this. U can't do that to me!" Reycan grinned even more and said with a low voice: "Oh, You don't want to? Well, I heard from the Leader of the scout Troop, who captured you, that you screamed at your arrest something like "I love you Samokles." Randomly I know who that is. Isn't that this annoying General from the Iron Legion? And doesn't he have a council with all the Charr Legions in two days? Do you think it would be bad for his reputation if everybody knows about your feelings? It doesn't matter to me. It's all your decision." Shermaa hesitated a long time, before he finally kneed down in front of Reycan and said: "Let me be your Pet and do to me whatever you want, Master." With a big smile, the Marshall took the leash and bound it on his new pet. In this moment he didn't see that the broken warrior lost a few teardrops. "Here, eat it!" Reycan hold a small glowing mushroom in his hand. "Don't worry it's just a little Aphrodisiacal." Shermaa did as he was pleased to and ate the small fungus. The Marshall pulled his new found pet nearer to him and said: "Now start!" The prisoner did his job as he was pleased to and started to lick under loud moaning of his Master his dick. His cock had a strange smell. Not bad and that was the reason, that Shermaa's penis started to grow again. He was infused with new fire and started to suck more vigorous and tried to get more of his Master's cock in his jaw. His Master, however, was unpleased because it was too slow for him. So he laid one hand on the back head of his victim and shoved, with the other hand pulling on the leash, his whole cock inside his pet. Shermaa was scared from this action, and needed to get distance from the cock, because he needed to cough a lot. "I have something for you. Close your eyes and open your mouth!" The Leader gave his orders. With tears in his eyes, the young Charr did so and it didn't take long, as he felt some waterdrops on his face. As he opened his eyes, a stream of yellow, salty tasting water shot into his face and ran down over his whole body, where it formed a puddle on the desk beneath him. The gigantic pee stream, that Reycan let down on his victim just didn't want to stop. Shermaa opened his jaw wider to try to drink all of the juice his Master gave him. He started to love it, to be treaten as dirt. As his Master was finished, Shermaa stormed over to him and started to suck the last few drops on the creamy cock as hard as he could. Now he managed it, to get all of it immediately in his throat. Suddenly he noticed that the drugs started to work. He felt light as a feather and happier in his act of Sex then any time before. The taste of the Marshall's Precum was incredibly delicious. He was full of new eagerness to let his Boss cum. Reycan noticed that new eagerness and had to hold his Sexslave back, because he had more in his sense than just that: "You want more? OK, then you'll get more." He set the Position of the young Charr in his favorite. He wanted to continue in Doggy Style. The getting stronger of the drug, made the impatient slave only have one thought left. Sex. And nothing more. Without warning, Reycan stroke his with precum and salivary overdrawn dick like a drill to the half in the Butthole of his victim. This one shivered from Lust and pain. Not different from the second stroke, that went inside him till the end. Reycan sent his pet with heavy fucking movements on cloud Nr. 7. Shermaa, who due to the drugs only felt happiness, noticed, that his environment started to blur and saw in his delirium only one picture. He and Samokles together united in love. With this picture, so many Feelings came up, that he screamed out, grasped his dick and with a few last strokes finally came again right over the smudgy desk. The sweating and panting Marshall, was ready to shoot in this moment too and unloaded his charge right into the nearly unused Tailhole of his Slave. Both of them Sreamed out and Shermaa collapsed on the desk and vanished the reality in his Delirium.

Any time he opened his eyes shortly and saw the blurred picture of his beloved Samokles, smiling over him. He closed his eyes happily again, not knowing if that was reality, a hallucination or just a dream and drifted off again in his infinit world of Thoughts.

END of Part 2

Hope you enjoyed reading as much as i enjoyed writing. GIve me Feedback, so i know if i should write the next part. I will probably do it anyway, but i would be glad about cretique :D

The one who finds spelling mistakes, can keep them :P

Thanks for reading ^^