A visitor in the night

Story by Rathsari on SoFurry

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It was just another normal night. unidentifiable dinner, and not enough time to read after. I just lay in the darkness, not tired, but not allowed to have light to read by. I was idlely rubbing myself, but bored, not planning on going any further. Spread out on my bed, I stretched my wings out as far as I dared, not wanting to knock something over, and letting my mind wander. A forest. a clearing. water. a huge fountain. lots of creatures, asleep in the sun.

I opened my eyes. It was dark. Too dark. had a streetlight gone out? No, it was darker than that. I turned, planning to go over to the window, when I got a three-fold shock! Someone was staring in, on the other side of the window! The second shock came as I recalled this was the third floor. My mind raced. A robber? A weapon? A defense? Why this window, instead of lower down? Then the final shock hit me as my eyes adjusted to the dimness. I knew him. No, her!

She was always the one at the spare lunch table, and I sat with her usually. Not out of pity or trying to pick her up. We mainly just chatted, eating, or read books. She was the one with the near-perfect grades, and never seemed to have friends, but never depressed about her introversion. She was the one the jocks always try to pick up, but always get bored, and give up. She was that cat, dark purple, and nice long hair, with a tail to match, with a beautiful body, and a smart brain. So why was she HERE, on a Friday night no less?

I quietly motioned for her to get back, and slowly opened the window, and let her climb in. As soon as I had closed the window, she suddenly wrapped her arms around me, and started crying into my feathers. I quietly comforted her, not asking, and caressing her tenderly, just waiting. We just stood there, me slowly making her relax, with words and touch. Her, hugging me so tight my lungs were running out of air, and sobbing onto my shoulder. She eventually was able to control herself, and, quietly talked, clearly still upset.

"I'm so sorry to barge in on you like this." She said.

"Meh. I was bored, nothing to do." I replied, noncommitedly, with a hint of a smile.

She quietly giggled. "Nothing? Really?" I suddenly realized she must have seen me, and wondered how long she had been there, and blushed, smiling.

"Well, lets just say nothing interesting." I replied, noticing she was blushing too. "It wasn't like I knew you were climbing up here tonight, was it?" I grinned.

She frowned at that comment. "So its true? You're really not interested in me? like all those others? what am I to you? *sigh* I'll prolly never meet someone like you again."

"Well, its not like I was never interested in you, as a girl. Its just that you had much more to offer which was more interesting." I stammered, blushing. "And what do you mean, never meet someone like me?"

She sighed. "My father wants to move. which means everything will change. I'll have to put up with a new set of students, and I can barely handle this set. And I've been there. the school looks like a dump, and it took hours to get there using the mag train."

I couldn't say much. all that came out was, "Bummer."

She smiled. "Yep. Bummer. And between the jocks, geeks, and freaks here, theres you."

I grinned. "And between the airheads, booknoses, and beauty snobs, theres you."

Giggling, she let go of me, finally letting my lungs free, and stepped back into the light coming from the window. "So you are interested in me, as a girl, as well?"

I looked at her, noting her shorts, matching her fur color nearly exactly, and her top perfectly... matched... I suddenly noticed that behind her, she was holding some white fabric, and two and two became four. I sat on my bed, turning away, blushing. "Why now? why here? why me?" I asked, unable to say anything else.

She giggled again, and I heard a soft fwoomp as she let go of the fabric. "Lets see, you seem to be the only one that half-cares about me, even though you never once asked me on a date, or even telephoned me. Now, because of my dad, I didn't have much time left in this city, and tonight was warm. Here, well, I was afraid you would say no, or not show up if I asked you to meet me, and do you think no one was watching every time you used the window to leave?" She replied, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me.

I turned to her, looking into her blue eyes. "you still didn't answer my question. WHY me?"

She smiled, looking back into my eyes. "Love's funny like that. You try to love someone, it fails, but sometimes, out of the blue, someone you see touches your heart, even if they don't realize it." she said, gently wrapping her tail around my back, clinging.

"Oh, I think I realized, I was just too nervous to do anything about it." I smiled, hugging her close, smiling as I felt her push her chest onto mine, and I gently kissed her, first on her neck, then on her cheek, and after looking into her eyes again, and watching them close, I kissed her full on, feeling her hug me close, and slowly push my lips apart, she licked my tounge, making me laugh from the sandpaper-like surface. I dug my hands into her long hair, scritching around her ears, leaning into the kiss. Hugging me close, she laid back onto the bed, pulling me down. Seeing her breasts right in front of me made me blush, but I thought 'In for a penny, in for a pound.' and nuzzled one, licking around the breast, and finding the nipple, rubbed a finger over it, giggling a bit as I felt her shiver from the touch. I lay next to her, staring at the ceiling. "So... you want me to be your boyfriend? is that why you came here?"

She nodded, "But you have to show it. Do stuff at school, maybe even come to the new one when I move, to stop the new jocks from harassing me again, and let me help you with your work."

"What do you mean? my grades are fine!" I whispered half angrily.

"Sure they are." She replied, with a hint of sarcasm. "Well, Do you...?"

"Be a couple, or...?" I answered, blushing again.

She grinned at me. "Why not both?"

I smiled, and snuggled tight, rubbing my chest over her chest and stomach, feeling her heartbeat, and smelling her unusual scent, and finally feeling over her soft shorts, smiling to myself. "Are you really sure? And you won't go blabbing off to your friends tomorrow, will you?"

She propped herself up on her elbows, looking at me quizzicly. "What friends? You're the only one who even bothers to notice me. What would make me betray that trust?"

I shrugged, rubbing slowly over the front of her shorts, trying to figure which smells were coming from her, and which were from her nether regions. My hands grabbed the bottom edges of her shorts, and pulled them down easily, she giving a small kick to dislodge them from her ankles, and I quickly tossed them over to where her top lay. I just laid there, kneeling, and looking at the floor, savoring the anticipation, wondering how she would look. When I realized she was still looking at me, I looked up, expecting her to be sitting there, as naked as I was. I nearly groaned when I saw the panties, but stopped just in time, and started slowly rubbing over the final layer of cloth, noticing the slight dampness of it. She grinned at me, and pulling her legs up, deftly pulled her panties off, and tossed them at me. Smelling the new odor, I smiled, and tossed it to the bundle of clothes. When I looked back, she was no longer sitting on the edge of the bed, but lying down, near the other side of the bed, looking at me. I stood up to get onto the bed next to her, when she giggled, covering her mouth to keep from bursting into laughter. Quickly I realized what she was giggling at, and blushed deeply. "What? I didn't giggle when I felt you wet, did I?" I said as I laid on the bed next to her.

"True, but still. If females had a more obvious way of showing, you'd be giggling as well." She replied, causing me to giggle a bit, before kissing her again, starting to scritch her ears again, making her press against me and purr, making me smile, and stopping briefly to pull a quilt over us (we both were starting to get chilly), cupped my hand around her damp fur, and pushed my middle finger in, causing her to purr deeper. "I'm doing all this for you, and I feel like my balls are going to pop." I said, grinning at her.

Taking the hint, she moved a hand over, and started touching me, and started rubbing, gently and slowly, half-unsure what to do. I continued rubbing, knowing what I was looking for, but unsure where it was, and when I found the hard nodule, I grinned, and started rubbing furiously, causing her to stop her activity, and start mrring, before lying on her back and started spasming all over. Only when she stopped convulsing did I let go of her most sensitive spot.

Looking at me, she looked quite dizzy. I wondered if I had overdone it. "I'm, I'm sorry..." I said, hoping I hadn't done something wrong.

"Sorry? For what? That was awesome." she said, clearly trying to recover from my stimulation.

I let her relax, as I lent my head on her chest, listening to her heart. watching, waiting. When she put her hand on my head, and started nudging it off my chest, I got up, and got above her, looking at her, and rested my whole body, but not all my weight on her. "Are you sure you want me to?" I asked, just touching my aroused member to her.

"Yes. Please." she replied.

I hugged her close, and slowly pressed inward. When I felt some resistance, I stopped and looked at her. "What now?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Keep going." she answered, closing her eyes tight, and hugging my chest.

I kept pushing, slowly adding more pressure, until suddenly, the resistance disappeared, and suddenly I was completely inside her.

At that same time, she yowled, trying to keep it quiet, and shuddered, hugging me tighter than when she first came in.

"You were... but I was... and you... and me" I stammered, trying to take all the info in at once.

"Yep. Guess I just never found anyone else." She smiled.

"Ditto." I said, rubbing away her new tears. "Are you ok?" I asked, feeling guilty.

"Pretty much. I knew it would hurt and all, but goddess, ouch. Its ok though, I'll live." she replied, comforting me.

I pulled out slightly, before pushing back in, savoring everything i could about this moment. After a few more times, she smiled, and holding me close, rolled over to the center of the bed, with her now on top.

I smiled up, and felt her start to move as well, and after a while a steady rythum developed. "Is this it?" I asked, starting to wonder what all the fuss was about.

"I don't think so... Just be patient." She answered, pressing herself against me, and I smiled as I felt how both of our heartrates were rising, wondering what was coming next.

I continued to pick up the pace, wrapping my wings around her under the quilt, and grinned as she started to show her signs of climaxing, I too was feeling my own half familiar feelings when I had passed this way alone. Realizing that the end was near, I tried to slow down, to stay away from the edge, but to no avail. she continued the motions, pulling me over the edge. A soft body, love. connected. goddess, this is what life was, she was my goddess...

when my mind gave me a chance for a rational thought again, she was on her side, next to me. I held her close. "This is a perfect moment." was all I could think of.

"It is, isn't it?" She replied dreamily.

Something hit me. "All these times we chatted, I never asked your name. Is this a bad time to ask?" I blushed.

She laughed, holding me close. "Nope. Kirsten. I'm bad with names too" she said, giggling to herself.

Feeling around, I noticed one of my feathers had come loose. I carefully picked it up, and stuck it into Kirsten's hair. I waited for a responce, but I soon realized she had fallen asleep. I smiled, hugged her tight, and quickly followed her.

I woke up late the next morning, I could still smell her. I opened my eyes, smiling expecting her to still be next to me. but she was gone. was it all just a dream? I looked around. The pile of clothes was gone Oh well. No, she had left a piece of evidence. On my pillow was a long dark hair. knowing whose it was, I took it up and deftly tied it around my finger, smiling to myself. as I got up and ready to go, I realized it was Saturday! oh well, I would have to wait for two days. But could I survive until then? I got up, and decided to head out anyway. Maybe I'll run into her.