A Charr and his Thoughts Part 3 - A happy End?

Story by Raktul on SoFurry

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#3 of Charr Stories (all)

Ok, here is the last part of my Story. i hope you enjoy reading! Please give me Feedback and Rating would be nice too ^^

If you see any spelling mistakes just ignore them, it`s kinda hard for me to write in English but i try my best. :D

So, yeah. have fun! :3

A Charr and his Thoughts

Part 3 - A happy End?

Shermaa opened his eyes widely in shock and lifted himself up. What happened with him? The last thing he could remember was the naked Marshall on the smudgy desk, who gave him drugs. What happened then, he didn't know. But where is he now again? The room he was in, was big and very bright. There was only a big desk, a bookshelf and a bed, where he was on, in this room. Nothing more. The young Charr was muffled in thick, warm blankets and he wore clean clothes. Guards or anyone else was not there. Only he, alone, with a lot of questions. In the next moment someone knocked soft on the room door. Shermaa startled and looked scared to the door. Slowly the door opened and a face looked into the room. It took a moment, before he realized, who this person was. It was Samokles who entered the room with a slowly motion. "Samokles!" the young Warrior shouted full of delight. He jumped of his bed, ran over to him and hugged him heavily with tears in his eyes. He looked up and said: "I'm so glad to see you!" Samokles patted gently over the head of his young friend and answered with a big smile: "I'm also glad to see you too! You've done a lot of stress to us Kiddo!" He looked better than any time before. His fur shone blacker, his dark blue eyes gloomed more and his Armour seemed to shine in a new gloss. He only looked graceful. Shermaa was so fixed on Samokles, that he didn't hear him speaking and just understood what he said. "What? Why? How? Why I'm here anyway? What happened to me?" he reacted. "Calm down for a moment and sit down. I'll tell you the whole story."

"I wanted to visit you in the Outpost 3 days ago to see how you were doing. As we reached the Camp, the Marshall told us, he sent you away, to go hunting some time ago and you didn't come back. He said you would probably somewhere fell off and died or a scouting Troup of Fire Legions might have killed you. I and my men went out, to search for you or your dead Body. After a long time we just wanted to give up searching for you, as suddenly a Scout of my Troup made Report. He said, he spotted and Fire-Legion Outpost down the hill. We decided to look there for some Informations about you and the war. We stormed the fortress, which was in this moment sadly empty of Guards. We went to the room of the Leader of this Camp, overwhelmed him and his 3 Guards and chained them down. We had to kill all of his Guards till he told us, where u were. AS we were there, we found you curling up like a ball, naked and dirty, laying down on a raddled bed. You weren't responsive in this moment, because you got apparently drugged by the Marshall of this Camp. Beside of that I was very glad to find you alive. We brought you, the Marshall of the Fire - Legion Outpost and some very useful Informations about the war, back to the black citadel. I washed you, gave you new clothes and laid you down in my bed. That was accurately one day ago. I'm jolly glad you're alive Kiddo. Now please tell me, why we found you there?" That all was nearly too much for Shermaa. Pictures shot up his head, what happened before his rescue. In fact, he was not very glad to remember. And what did Samokles said? He washed him? At this Thought he got a little bit red. He slowly started to tell his Story. For sure, he didn't speak out his true Feelings about Samokles. "You got raped by the Marshall? He will get a sound flogging from me today, that's for sure." Samokles said, smiling.

Shermaa again thought about his stay at the Fire Legion Outpost as a Pet. He remembered, how he manifested the picture of Samokles, everytime he got "raped" to enrich himself with joy. He should tell him about his true feelings. Now, where they are alone it would be the perfect time. He just came to that decision and wanted to rang out his voice, as suddenly someone knocked at the door. "Come in!" Samokles shouted. A young Guard opened the door, saluted and said: "General, The emperor wants to speak to you, immediately!" "I'll come straight away." The General answered with a lowered voice. He stood up, turned over to his fosterling and said: "I'm sorry Kid, but we have to continue this conversation a little bit later. See ya!" With these words, he stepped out of the room fast and banged the door behind him. Shermaa was alone, again. A little bit depressive, that he couldn't let his heart speak, he went over to the bed and lay down again. He closed his eyes and entered again the wonderful relaxing land of Thoughts. He didn't know when, but he fell asleep sometime because in his head, different kind of feelings made colorful and expression rich pictures. He flew anywhere between space and time, happy with himself. He didn't know how long he slept, but as he woke up, the little window on his upper right, let through a dusky, dark glow. Shermaa shivered. He stood up and thought to himself, that he should view the citadel, cause it was a long time ago, when he was here the last time. He went out and frightened determined, that nobody was here. Everything seemed to sleep. There were no voices, light or people. He slowly looked around, as he started to hear quiet shouting and clanking of machines. He ran to a window, and teared opened it. With frightened he established, that his home, the black citadel got attacked by the Fire Legion. They would probably revenged for their destroyed Outpost. Shermaa saw hundreds of Soldiers, fighting for their lives. He continued watching the scene and saw Samokles, fighting brave on the front line, stretched down one enemy after another. Shermaa was scared about him and had to help him. He just wanted to run to the main entrance, as a passing Guard saw him: "Hey, you! Go away from that window and head home! Explicit Order from the emperor, every citizen or young warrior has to stay intern. So make your way home!" Shermaa didn't have a choice, looked down to the brave warrior one last time and finally headed back to his room with a lowered head. As he didn't have something to do, he laid back on the bed again and started to dream one more time. But this time he wasn't happy. In Contrary.

He was haunted in his dreams from evil nightmares. He saw himself in a dark room and many people were dying from creepy smiling faces. He and Samokles stood back on back and fought for their lives. Samokles got killed, and Shermaa was lonely, again. He got frightened and backed up to a wall. The creepy looking faces got nearer and more threatening. Suddenly one of the creatures jumped to him. Shermaa screamed and shot out of his bed. He was bathed in sweat and in that moment, a flash, lightened the room. Meanwhile it got dark outside and it began to rain. Heavy thunder rumbled after the flashing light. Shermaa jumped off his bed and hurried outside. Meanwhile the fight ended and the attackers got fought back. Samokles was not to see anywhere. Another flash, lightened the hall and he saw many dirty, bloody and exhausted faces in Detail. He went through the rows and asked for Samokles, where he was. Nobody knew. He wandered around, till his questions got responded from an old Legionnaire: "I'm very sorry Kid, but I think he won't survive this night. He got hit very hard and is lying in the sickbay at the moment. He was an good soldier." The old man walked away with a bounded head. Shermaa ran through the city with full of fear. He just couldn't belief what he just heard. He headed to the military hospital, opened the door fast and saw the heavy wounded warrior lying on a bed. He slept at the moment, because you could see his breathing in his chest. Shermaa walked slowly and with disbelief over to the bleeding General and looked down on the pitiful person. He couldn't wear it any longer, broke out in tears and fell down on his knees. Sobbing, he shouted in the cutted face of his friend: "You damn fool!" Why couldn't you be more carefully? I just found you and now you have to go again? Forever? That's just not fair! Why can't you just stay with me? Why do you do that to me? Why?" he cried out loud and crouched down on the floor, beside his slowly dying friend.

One week later Shermaa wanted to visit his Friend in the hospital. He got the Message, Samokles, would be healthy and awake again. He just wanted to go out of the room, as the door opened just in front of him and Samokles stood smiling in the doorway. He had a big scar over his whole chest but he was alive. Shermaa was so glad to see him that healthy, ran to him with watering eyes, hugged him and said: "I thought it would be over with you. I thought I would never see your friendly, smiling face once again." He sobbed into his friend. Samokles looked at him with his typical smile, didn't say anything and closed the door behind him. Now there was it again. That perfect moment for the true meaning of his feelings, Shermaa thought to himself. He built up his courage and said quietly: "Samokles.. I.. Well, I... I lov -" he didn't manage to say much more, because the handsome General already pressed his lips over the young Charrs yap and hugged him intimate. Both of them were chained into a long passion full kiss. In Shermaa's heart, a firework started to explode, spreading all the different colors and feelings through his body. As they disengaged, Samokles smiled, looked down at his Friend's eyes and said softly: "I know Shermaa. And I love you. With everything I have." These words caused a feeling of facility and happiness in Shermaa. They also made him blush hardly. "But let that be our little secret, Okay?" The General asked.

Shermaa nodded and both were driven into a passion full kiss again. Shermaa suddenly felt Samokles' Hands, sliding from his back, down to his rump and started to massage it. Because of the intimate felling, Shermaa moaned out a little bit and felt something hard, pressing on his shank. He looked down and saw a bump in the trousers of his Lover. He grinned, continued kissing and started to crawl his Friend's hardening cock. Both of them, continuing kissing, were wandering to the bed, and let themselves falling on it. After some time, Shermaa's face wandered deeper till he reached the good looking bulge, and undressed Samokles, till his hardening cock was standing out like a rocket. It looked better than in his dreams. Shermaa smiled and started to take care of it. He began slowly to lick the tip of the hard, pink thing, to taste the small amount of pre, which already started to come out. Samokles moaned out a bit, and turned Shermaa in the 69 Position where he gave his favor back and started to take care of his Lover's cock. At this position, they remained a bit as Samokles finally reached forward a bit more, to lick the Tailhole of his Friend. He in his part, took Samokles' dick in his throat as far as he could and collected some pre cum, that coated the inner rooms of his slimy mouth. Shermaa also lost a few drops of pre, as Samokles massaged his ass harder and started to shove a claw of him carefully out and in. Shermaa took out the dick of the General and said: "I want to feel you inside me, Samokles, PLEASE, NOW!" Samokles grinned and did as he was pleased to. He laid Shermaa on his back and put his dick at the entrance of the nearly unused Asshole of his friend. "You're ready, Kid?" Samokles asked grinning. His friend nodded and it didn't take long, as he felt this good feeling pain at his butt entrance. He couldn't wait any longer and wanted to feel Samokles deep inside him. He shoved back his Butt, as hard as he could and felt a warm stick, slipping inside him till the end. Samokles moaned out and started to fuck his Friend with everything he had to give. The room now was fulfilled with hot panting, moaning and Sweat. Samokles grabbed the Dick of his Friend and penetrated him, in the same Rhythm as he struck his cock. Shermaa felt a huge pressure started to charge inside him. "I will... cum soon.." he heavily brought out between his hard panting. Samokles was also ready as he was and answered: "Me... Me too, Kid. Let us cum together!" Shermaa felt the General's dick twitching inside him and knew that he was ready. "Fill me with all you have!" he shouted and not any time longer he felt a hot stream inside him, filling him up with good feelings. That feeling was so enormous, that he couldn't hold it any longer too and came in the Hand of his Lover. His seed squirted out, all over his own face. It was a great feeling. He moaned out load, as Samokles did.

He felt some more hot squirts inside him, as his Friend finally took out his cock and both of them broke down beneath each other on the soft, messed up bed, panting heavily. They looked deeply into the others eyes and Shermaa suddenly felt a heavy tiredness. Before he closed his eyes he said softly: "I love you that much, Samokles." "And I love you too, Shermaa" Samokles gave back and kissed his new found Love, softly on his Forehead. Both of them started to drift away, together united in love, in the infinite land of dreams.

END of Part 3 and End of Story.