Passionate Escape: Chapter 7

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Well here is chapter seven guys, took me a little longer due to life and such. This chapter delves more into who Thomas is and what he means/meant to the main characters. After I finish this story I'm likely going to begin working on my book entitled "We the Gamers". It shall be about the impact of the video game industry on popular culture, various other industries, religion, other cultures, etc. A book written by a gamer for other gamers. Wish me luck guys!

Keith opened his eyes and rolled over against his fully naked sister, the dragoness still resting peacefully. Amy was to his left, curled up in an adorable position. The male smiled and stretched out, his muscles sore from the amorous excursions of last night. He folded his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling, replaying the incredible session in his mind. They had gone at it for a couple of hours, the bed sheets still sticky with their juices. The scent of passion and unrestrained sexual conquest hung in the room, lingering in his nostrils. It had been many years since he had experienced a night like that. All of his worries and doubts had fled his mind for a lengthy span of time, granting him peace and the ability to enjoy his situation. He slipped out of the covers and laid atop them, fully naked. The fan overhead blew a flurry of cool air onto him, his body still hot from his excursions. He looked over Diana's shoulder and saw all three of their phones sitting on the bed stand. He chuckled and carefully reached over the slumbering dragoness, careful not to disturb her. He flipped open his phone and saw he had about twelve new emails. He closed his phone with an audible snap, deciding he'd rather look at them later. He didn't want any distractions now; he just wanted to bask against these gorgeous females for as long as he could. The window was covered by drapes, allowing only scarce rays of light into the room. Keith slumped back down languidly, still exhausted. The ladies weren't up yet, so going back to sleep couldn't be any harm. His eyes grew heavy once more as he snuggled against the two warm bodies, lost in the thoughts of having his sister and girlfriend next to him as he began to drift off.

A couple hours later the dragon awoke to an empty bed, his tail sweeping the bed for any signs of warmth. His phone lay against his side where he had left it, a small blue light flash indicating he either had missed calls or more messages. He grabbed it and stood up carefully, stretching out his muscles, still recovering from his hazy mental state. He moved towards the door and grabbed a pair of boxers as he opened it. Looking back he saw how clean the room was, Amy and Diana's doing no doubt. No panties or bras in sight, even the bed had been made while he was sleeping on it. He walked into the living room and looked around for the girls, still finding not one trace of them. He sighed and sat down on his couch, deciding the best clue to their whereabouts would be on his phone. Sifting through his messages he indeed saw one sent by Amy.

"Hey sweetheart, Diana and I have gone out to bring back some groceries so that we can make you one hell of a breakfast! We know you need to rejuvenate from last night!" He chuckled to himself; merely thinking about what happened would get him fully hard again in short order. He began perusing his other messages, seeing one from a friend of his from work. The message inquired about his health and status of how his vacation was going. He promptly typed a response and sent it, happy to know that others were thinking about him. He checked the rest of his texts and emails, relieved to find no more cryptic messages. He yawned aloud and gazed at the time. It was 11:57 am, yet it felt earlier than that. He rose and walked towards the fridge, opening it and retrieving one of the several energy drinks he had stashed away. He popped the tab and took a heavy gulp, wincing as the carbonation burned his throat. He coughed a few times as his eyes watered, regretting his idiotic decision. Despite the burning sensation accompanied by ingesting a carbonated beverage too hastily, Keith had consumed the sugary concoction in less than a minute. He belched loudly and crushed the can, tossing it into the open garbage bin. He noticed it was halfway full yesterday evening, but now it was vacant save for that one can. He knew Amy was a neat freak; he enjoyed her enthusiasm for spotless cleanliness. The place was quiet without both of them around, he missed their presence already. In lieu of their absence, thoughts of the handgun sitting in his bedroom crawled across his mind once more. After last night's events he was definitely positive that it was no longer on his bed. With a heavy groan he went back into his room, the small package nowhere in sight. He turned to the armoire and began pulling out the individual drawers, inspecting them for his sought after item. He grew frustrated as several minutes passed to no avail, slamming his palms down onto the wooden finish. He concluded that one of the girls must have moved it without him knowing, and that they both may have opened it. It did not seem to affect their moods, and they had never mentioned it to him, so it seemed best to just not mention any more of it to them. He still needed to find the damn box though. He walked towards the bathroom and pressed open the door, flicking the light switch on the wall. There sitting right on the sink counter was his package, the tape removed around the seal. So the girls had looked at it, but he had yet to hold it in his own hands. He motioned for it but his hand froze in place. The mere act of him touching this weapon signified that he acknowledged the possibility that he would have to escalate the situation. He snarled and opened the box, gripping the handle and pulling out the handgun. The Glock was light, unloaded, and spotless. He held it up to the light and inspected the inside of the trigger guard, seeing his initials there. He smiled and rotated the weapon slowly, watching as the light played off the semi-reflective surface. It was a finely manufactured piece of equipment, something that excelled in offensive and defensive situations. Though for Keith he tried to keep his thoughts centered on purely defensive notions if the handgun ever came into play. He wanted to end this with as little violence as possible, and with that bastard firmly behind bars for the rest of his miserable life. But he knew Thomas, he knew what he was capable of, and he knew that the worst might come to pass.

Thomas was an ex-Marine who excelled with firearms and was proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Keith still found it hard to believe that he had ever had respect for the fox at any point. Before his abusive nature settled in, he was Amy's boyfriend. The dragon and the canine were close friends during that time, growing closer every time they met. Thomas was always nice and cordial, but he would later be discovered as a violent time bomb. Keith remembered when he first began seeing bruises on Amy, areas where her short fur had been matted down by adequate pressure or stained red by her blood. He did not know what to make of it in the beginning, Amy had lied to him that she had started playing soccer. She even gave him the name of her supposed team, though a couple minutes in a search engine easily dispelled her claims. He began having his suspicions of what was really going on, but he kept quiet until one night when he and Diana were out with Amy and Thomas. They had a somewhat nice dinner, though the doberman's silence was unnerving for him and his sister. Thomas was unaffected by it, throwing occasional furtive glances towards Amy and smiling to himself. It wasn't until after the dinner when things began to unravel. The canine would always stay at least a few inches away from the fox at all times, never pressing against him unless he grabbed her. The way he handled her drew Keith's attention, it was forceful and possessive. He would clench his fists whenever the fox would yank her to him. He wasn't stupid; at that point he knew what was going on. He didn't know how to take charge of the situation; however, as he had never personally witnessed someone he cared for being in a physically abusive relationship. There was also the fact that Thomas was an ex-Marine with ample close quarters training. The dragon was not a novice though, having taken personal defense classes since he was a child. He was skilled in several styles including Aikido, Jiu Jitsu, and Krav Maga, so he could competently match Thomas in a fair fight. But Thomas was not known for fighting fair, in fact he was given a dishonorable discharge from service for quarreling with his squad leader and nearly breaking his neck over a trivial personal matter. Keith was still never sure why Amy stayed with him after he was booted out of the Corps for behavioral issues. It would have been better for her to have left before he started believing he was her alpha. She would explain to him how he would call her nearly every hour and keep track of where she was, even going so far as to spy on her texts to friends. She managed to keep her texts with Diana and Keith a secret by emailing them to him and deleting them from her device. That night was a turning point in all of their lives, when Keith decided to intervene and set events in motion that would take years before they were seen. After Thomas had tugged Amy forcefully one too many times, the dragon decided he had seen enough.

"Hey Thomas, look I think you are hurting her," spoke Keith, stepping in front of the couple whilst his sister slunk back a bit. The fox's eyes widened and his muscled tensed under his clothing, indicating a spike in his aggression. He pushed Amy away lightly, but enough for her to wince. He narrowed his gaze at Keith and displayed his toned chest prominently, acting as if his rule had been challenged.

"Why would you say that, she looks fine to me? Tell him babe," stated the fox in a heightened tone, eyes locked with the dragon's. The canine's gaze darted from one to the other, feeling like she was caught between an unstoppable force and an immovable object. She conceded to her boyfriend and drooped her shoulders reluctantly, the fight leaving her body.

"I'm perfectly fine Keith; it's just some playful activity." Her eyes betrayed her words, they were pleading to the drake to make the pain stop. The dragon scowled at the fox.

"Did you think we wouldn't notice the bruises and blood stains on her fur Thom? Look at how she acts around you, I bet she would love to run off at any second just to get away." Thomas turned to Amy, studying the various spots where it was apparent she had been bruised.

"Didn't she tell you she plays soccer? Injuries like that are common in the sport. I've been trying to convince her to quit and take up a less damaging hobby," said the fox nonchalantly. Keith ground his teeth together in frustration, knowing he was being fed an outright lie.

"Yeah, about that, I actually fact checked what Amy told me about her team and found all of it to be bullshit." This made the fox's ears flick, his impatience clear. The drake saw his left arm tense as he formed a fist, wondering what this confrontation would come to. The subdued Doberman shivered as she sensed the growing animosity between the two males. The dragoness standing behind them remained perfectly silent, staring directly at her brother in disbelief of his bravery. They looked as if they could go at each other's throats at any given moment. A low growl emanated from Thomas, a snarl coming from Keith right after.

"I want to hear what you are accusing me of. Go ahead and say it!" The fox was practically shouting now, his words echoing upon the walls of the alley. A few passersby's turned their heads briefly before quickly walking off before trouble started.

"Guys please stop this; let's just have a pleasant evening!" Amy whimpered pleadingly, folding her ears back.

"Quiet Amy, I want to hear him say it!" said the fox as he turned to glare at her. She took a few steps back, her fear of a violent reaction evident. The dragon scowled and stepped forward, keeping his right leg slightly behind him.

"I am telling you to stop abusing her. You will hurt her no more, or you will regret it." The silence that followed his words lingered for several long moments. Thomas's breath grew louder as his rage built. He turned back to face his challenger, his focus now solely on Keith.

"You do not threaten me you little worm. I am the alpha here; if I choose to punish my bitch then it is my choice to do so." Those poisonous words hung in the air, Keith's expression remaining static. Diana's hands were cupped over her mouth in disbelief, she really wanted to believe that the fox was not abusing Amy, but not there was no denying it. Tears hit the ground as the Doberman silently wept in fear and regret, only furthering to agitate her aggressor.

"Stop crying you cunt or I'll hit you again!" threatened Tom, motioning towards her with a deep growl. Before anyone could react, Keith launched himself directly at the fox, bringing his weight and strength down with a single fist. The blow struck Thomas in his solar plexus, knocking the air from his lungs. He reeled back and gasped, wheezing and grasping at his throat. Before he could recover the dragon landed a hard elbow blow to the top of his head, sending him onto the ground. The dragon stood back and assumed a defensive stance, keeping his right leg far behind for balance. The fox gagged but managed to stand back up astonishingly easily for someone who had just been effectively knocked out. Without warning he rushed Keith, catching the dragon by surprise this time. With terrifying strength Keith was lifted into the air and slammed back down with a painful thud. Saliva and mucus erupted from his throat as he rolled onto his side, trying to guard his midsection. He winced and yelled out as he felt a sharp kick to his back, lashing out his tail and grasping onto his assailant's other leg. He pulled with all his might and upturned Thomas, sending him onto his back as well. The dragon took this opening and rolled away a few feet and jumped back up, feet firmly planted as he faced the downed fox. Unsurprisingly he rose; his breathing strained from the earlier hit to his chest. Keith placed his right arm before him and drew his other back, assuming another defensive stance. He knew that Tom was too much of a hothead to ever go on the defensive; his temper was the easiest way to beat him. The fox slowly approached, his eyes strained from barely withheld rage. Without warning Diana jumped between them, halting Thomas as he gazed at her quizzically.

"Both of you knock this off now!" she screamed at them, the scales around her eyes slick with tears. Both combatants seemed to ease up, Keith unlocking his fists gradually as Thomas took a step back. It was a few moments too late before the dragon noticed the fox's body tensing, his leg muscles very pronounced. He watched in horror as Tom leapt at his sister, landing a powerful blow against her jaw, knocking it out of place. Diana slumped back against the ground, lying motionless. This unfortunate event had bought Keith the opening he needed, as Thomas had temporarily shifted his focus. By the time the fox had landed the blow he was already only mere feet away. He stepped over his sister's crumpled form and rammed his elbow deep into Tom's gut, causing him to double over in agony. This was followed by a swift knee between his eyes, knocking him over and onto his side. The fox growled and raked his claws along the concrete, his vision blurry as his head spun from the disorienting barrage. He clambered to his feet; still confident he could best the dragon, only to be greeted by the site of the dragon spinning clockwise to deliver a powerful kick to his chest. The well-calculated strike sent him flying back once more, blood leaking from his lips. Amy watched the entire event unfold with sheer horror, unable to fully process what she was witnessing. Just mere minutes earlier they had all been getting along splendidly, but now Diana was crumpled onto the ground whilst Keith and Thomas went for each other's throats. It was not a childish quarrel either; they were attempting to inflict serious injury. The tears never stopped flowing, a scream stuck in her throat as she tried to close her eyes and pretend she was having a nightmare. But in the back of her head she knew what she was witnessing was all too real, and that someone could die. Thomas slammed Keith into the alley wall after catching his arm, the force of the impact dislodging a few loose bricks. The dragon let out a loud huff, his chest taking the brunt of the impact. He cried out in pain as the fox slammed his elbow against the back of his neck, holding his head in place whilst he held his arms back.

"I'm going to break your fucking neck against this wall!" roared out Tom, echoing a most frightening ferocity in his voice. The pressure against Keith's neck was growing unbearable, the rough texture of the brick grinding against his face. He knew he had little time to act and very few options available. Amy was having a nervous breakdown and Diana was still out cold, he'd have more luck wishing for a helpful stranger to pass by. He shifted his right leg, placing it behind the fox's. He locked it in placed and began pressing forward, using his tail to wrap around the other and constrict it. His only hope was to inflict enough pain to throw his opponent off. Thomas let out a yelp as his right knee was bent forward, his hold on Keith's arms faltering. His opening now made, the dragon wrestled his arms free and placed them on the wall. With all his strength he pushed himself backwards, falling on top of Tom. The fox wheezed from the weight on his chest, Keith rolling off and delivering a few punches to his face and stomach. The fight was turning around; he could tell the fox was burning too much energy. He knew that in most close quarter's battles it was feasible to conserve stamina whenever possible. He was surprised at the fox's durability; he definitely could take a few punches. Keith's neck ached terribly from where it was held in place, a muscle had likely been pulled. He glanced over at his sister, seeing that she was still breathing, then over to Amy, whom had stopped crying but was now motionless and staring as if she was frozen. The fox once again stood back up, albeit much slower this time. His movements were clearly weighted as fatigue was setting in. The dragon on the other hand still had a generous amount of energy left to burn should he need it. Thomas bum-rushed again, but this time it was too predictable. Keith moved aside and delivered a painful kick to the fox's spine, causing him to stumble. He followed up with three fast jabs between the shoulder blades, continuing to keep his attacker's flank facing him. Tom turned and was greeted by a hard left hook that was not quite enough to disorient him. He regained his footing and hammered Keith in the lower abdomen with a knee, breaking past the initial assault. The dragon winced as Thomas closed with another knee to his gut, winding him. Keith fought back, catching the next attempt to knee, digging his claws past the fabric and into flesh. He heard a loud yelp and felt the trickle of blood, continuing to dig further into his assailant's leg. He stopped as a hard elbow came down atop his skull, rattling his brain. He quickly regained and lifted with all the strength he could muster, displacing Thomas and throwing him against the wall he was previously against. With new distance between them, both combatants took the opportunity to rest. One doubled over, the other lowering onto one knee.

"Is that...enough?" asked Keith mockingly, surprised when he saw Tom nod his head in submission. He stood back up and sighed heavily, painful injuries now apparent as his adrenaline ran dry. From the uneven breathing he could guess that Tom had weathered a worse beating, blood dripping from his left nostril and fur on his lower lip torn away. Both were at the edge of consciousness, lack of oxygen and exhaustion setting in. The dragon stared at the defeated fox intensely.

"If you ever come near Amy or my sister again then I will kill you. Now get out of my sight you bastard," he stated calmly but aggressively, shocked once more to see Thomas's ears fold back. He had not anticipated the hotheaded ex-Marine to back off so readily, it brought him pleasure to know that he could stand toe-to-toe with a trained combatant. He let out a long huff, languidly turning to face Amy, whom had regained her composure and was now sitting next to her purse. His sister had finally come to, sitting up and rubbing her temple where she had been struck. Two shattered teeth lay in her lap, dried blood covering her lips. She raised her head and looked at him, her eyes going wide suddenly. A sharp pain erupted from the back of his head as everything went black.

"Keith!" he heard a distant voice calling to him, but he was unable to respond. An ungodly pain flared from his skull, his senses overloaded from the agony. He felt something hot and sticky dripping down his neck, likely his own blood. He was lying face down against a hard surface, the scent of rubber and filth overpowering. He wheezed hard, moving his claws along the ground to feel the texture of the surface. He concluded that he was on the alley floor, his olfactory senses told him as much. Heavy footsteps approached behind him, but he could not turn to face them. He heard a voice in five different directions, straining to make out the words.

"One more should do it, then to take care of the witnesses. Shouldn't be too much trouble. You should have left well enough alone buddy, but hey, what can ya do?" For the first time in what felt like his entire life he felt fear seizing him. Not for his own life, but for those of Amy and Diana. He wouldn't be able to protect them from this monster; Tom would continue to terrorize more people. He growled as loud as he could, trying to pull himself up. He cried out as a hard foot landed on his back, keeping him pinned. He felt vulnerable now, an antagonizing chuckle rising from the thing he had called friend not long ago. He had some fight left in him, but even he knew it wasn't enough to help him escape his dire predicament. The dragon closed his eyes tightly, remorsefully relinquishing himself to his fate. He hoped at least that his two companions would meet a swifter fate than he. It was on that night that Keith faced a challenge he could not overcome on his own. He lacked the ability to protect and watch over his most cherished loved ones. The fight was brutal and lengthy, and he had made the mistake of turning his back on a still dangerous foe. In keeping Thomas occupied, he had bought himself some time. A loud boom rang out, echoing from the enclosed space. Thomas stared wide-eyed at the Doberman, who was now holding a small handgun. Her eyes were filled with burning hatred, aiming the next shot right between his eyes. He immediately dropped the blood splattered brick and stepped back, his mouth agape.

"Babe, what are you doing? Where did you get that?" he inquired carefully, taking another small step backwards. She growled at him, the barrel following his movement, still trained on his head.

"I'm done. No more will you hit me you fucking bastard. You have touched me for the last time, and I will not let you brutalize my friends!" She was screaming at him now, her fangs bared. The fox saw her killer instinct taking hold, knowing he would be dead in a moment unless he acted quickly.

"You were so fucking sweet the first few months we dated, and then you changed! You became angrier around me, then that one night you actually struck me! What happened to you? What did being in service do to you?" Her hands were shaking now, though not enough to throw off her aim. Keith slowly pulled himself into a sitting position, his equilibrium coming back. Diana rushed over, pulling her brother into her arms, helping him onto his feet. She shot the fox a venomous glare, raising the fur on the back of his neck. He was no longer at an advantage; he could not face all three of them.

"Amy I..." He stammered, his words rushed as his heart raced. He kept inching backwards, hoping he would find an opportunity to flee.

"Stop moving! You were going to kill us, why shouldn't I blow out the back of your skull right now?" He knew she was right; he would have had to kill them to erase any witnesses. He was dishonorably discharged from the Marines because of severe mental issues, namely sociopathy. He had killed others before in combat, feeling nothing for the lives he took afterward. The brass had been looking to ax him for some time, waiting for that one failure that just could not be forgiven. That failure came in the form of a stray fragmentation grenade he had tossed into the home of a civilian family, believing several insurgents were camping inside. The horrendous slaughter had barely even affected him, the fox stating afterwards in court that he was simply mistaken in his actions and that it would not occur again. He was never given a chance to redeem himself again after that, they only desired to have him out of the service and prescribed medication for his various issues. The medication worked for a while, he was still taking it around the same time he met Amy. She had fallen in love with the wrong side of him, seeing his true self after he had quit taking his medicine. She wanted the attentive, loving side she had grown accustomed to. And there they found themselves, one pointing a gun at another. How far their relationship had sunken to arrive at that point, there was no coming back from this for either of them. The damage was permanent and unshakable.

"Get out of my life! Never approach or talk to me again. This is the end Thomas; there is nothing left for us! I will never be yours, now leave." Her words were forceful, carrying a significant impact. The fox blinked for a moment, dazed by her animosity. He noticed her finger tightening around the trigger, a clear indication that his presence was no longer desired. With no more fight left in him, the disturbed fox fled into the night.

Since that night, not a single one of the trio had seen Tom until the unfortunate night Diana was assaulted. That is not to say that strange things had not happened during that long period of his absence. Several months before the dragoness's hospitalization, Amy had contacted the police about a hooded stranger who would stand in front of her apartment complex and just stare in the direction of her room. One terrifying night the figure had ascended the staircase and proceeded to camp in front of her door, presumably waiting for her to open it. Other times Diana would receive phone calls at her place, the only sound coming from the other line a horrid scraping, like a knife dragging across a chalkboard. Keith himself was the subject of oddball harassment, receiving ghastly emails from completely alien contacts loaded with picture attachments of mutilated corpses and dead animals. He would usually receive one email at the first of every month, on the 15th, and then the 27th. He had just figured it was a troll until he noticed the timed pattern; the 27th is what stood out the most to him. Two years ago November 27th was the night that the fateful incident with Thomas occurred. Keith figured the coward was using a proxy to scramble his actual IP and email address, allowing him to harass the dragon unimpeded. Keith simply ignored the messages and told his friends and family to ignore anyone sending disgusting pictures. For a while the harassment waned, but then he began receiving threatening letters dabbled with what appeared to be blood. He immediately handed the letters over to the authorities where he lived, asking them to run a test on the dried fluid. A few days later he received a call confirming that it was, in fact, blood. This discovery terrified him, it was no longer harassment he was dealing with, he was being stalked. He filed for a restraining order against Thomas, handing over all the evidence he could. It did not take long for the request to be approved, and an additional warrant for his arrest was placed, wanting him for questioning about the bloody letters. Keith immediately scheduled a flight to see his sister and lover, spending a week with them before returning home. They never did catch the fox, whom was likely running with a gang by then who would cover for him should anyone come searching for his whereabouts.

The dragon's phone rang loudly in his lap, snapping his attention away from times past. He saw that it was Diana and answered hastily.

"Hey sis."

"Hello brother, feeling sore from last night?" Her question made him smirk, partially from the implication of banging his sister, mostly because he was sore.

"You know me, quick to recover," he joked, turning his head towards the curtain concealing the balcony. He rose to his feet and strode over, parting the fabric to gaze at the lovely day laid out before him.

"Amy and I are almost done shopping; we have a few treats to bring back with us. What's on your mind bro?" His eyes flitted towards a single potted red rose, sitting on one of the chairs. He smiled and closed his eyes.

"Just thinking of the years gone by sis, just thinking of years gone by."