Hatred Chapter 4

Story by Wuffy01 on SoFurry

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#4 of Hatred

hehe, i fucking love the ending... just curious on what your reactions are :p

Hatred Chapter 4

The next day I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I shut the alarm off and removed the sticky note from my nose. If you haven't noticed, I'm not in the house. I left early to take the bus to school... I'll be waiting for at the front doors... Wunderbar, now what? I sigh as I get out of the couch and grab my keys and head out toward the door.

When I arrive at the school, I park the car and quickly get out. When I arrive at the door I see Anthony in front of the doors.

"We're going to talk about you're.... urges right now" Anthony said as he walked inside the school doors with me.

"P-please not here..." I pleaded with him, but to no avail.

"Nope, right here right now" He said and continued to stare at me as we walked down the hall with a couple of wandering eyes on us.

"I... I really don't know what to say love.... J-just that I'm fueled with anger when people try to beat me up or call me names.... I would get into details... but please not here... wait till were home" We arrived in our first period and sat down in our seats.

He just ignored me and grabbed a sheet of paper and started to write back. 'that's why you kill people? That's a stupid ass reason to' He handed the paper to me.

I read it and responded back. 'No, it's because of my mum and dad... and if I get into this, I'm going to leave with tears in my eyes. So if you care about me that much... please stop' I tossed the paper back at him in frustration.

"You two! Let me see that note you got there" The teacher pointed her ruler toward us.

"Please don't" We said in unison.

"And why not?" She beamed at us again.

"Because, I don't want you to read it... and if you do... it won't be pretty" I responded quickly, and snatched the paper away from Anthony.

"Yea teach... they may be talking about a way to fuck each other in school too" A student shouted from across the room while everyone just broke out in laugher.

I got out of my desk and made my way toward the student.

"Alex, I'll have to ask you to sit or I'll have to call up security" The teacher headed me a warning, heading toward the panic button.

"Go right ahead, I want everyone to see me kick this bitch's ass!" I quickly pick the kid out of his seat and slam him against the wall making him cry out in pain. "Don't pick on someone you can't stand up to" I spit on his face and slam him down on the desk and quickly walk out of class. Alex quickly ran out the room with me, pinning me onto the lockers.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?" He screamed in my face, and kept me pinned on the lockers.

"S-s-sorry... h-he just..." I pushed him off and out of my way as I run outside and head toward my car, getting in it and I starting to cry. WHY CAN'T I JUST FUCKING CONTROL MY ANGER? IT BECAUSE OF MY FUCKING DAD! THAT'S WHY, THAT LITTLE PRICK! I slam my paw down on the steering wheel, making the car beep.

After an hour of crying, I finally calm down and turn on Face Down-Red Jumpsuit Apparatus to calm myself down more before heading back inside to see if Anthony is okay. When the song finished I put get out my car as the song changed to Saving Isabel- Sailed Away.

I stayed in the car the rest of the school day, afraid of going back into school. I look over at the clock and see my mate open the door and get in, sighing heavily.

Minutes passed as I continued to look at my mate, finally opening my maw to say something. "My dad...." I whispered to him.

"What?" He replied finally looking back at me.

"It because of my dad... a-and what he did to me" I respond back in a raspy voice at the thought of it.

_ _

"Mom... Dad... I.. I have something to say" I gulped as I slowly approached them. They were good parents with caring hearts.... But my dad, he just hated everything I did.

"What is it now son" He just continued to read the daily newspaper, not even looking up at me.

I shudder thinking I should not even dare to say it, but I needed to. "I'm Gay..." Looking down ashamed of myself.

"Come here boy, its okay" My dad opened his arms as I slowly walked to him, and hugged back, only to be put into a tight hug that I can't escape.

"Dad.." I tried to escape his grasp, but he just held me in tighter. "Please... y-your h-hurting m-me!" I continue to struggle in his arms.

"No son of mine is going to be Gay!" He said screaming into my ears as he picked me up and tossed me onto the floor, making me wail out in pain. "I'm going to teach you to be straight boy!" He screamed at me again kicking me in the ribs.

"Please! I'm sorry! I promise I won't be Gay, just please d-d-don't hurt me a-anymore!" I started to ball out, and curling myself into a ball.

"TOO FUCKING LATE BITCH!" He picked me up, and tossed my downstairs. Somehow, my body not passing out hearing my bones break everywhere.

I just shiver from the pain, coughing up blood all over the floor.

My dad grabs me by the tail and drags me to my room where he rips off my clothes, and strips down himself.

"Pl-please d-dad... i-it hurts" I whine in protest and shiver from the pure agonizing pain.

"You're not my son anymore" he grabs my waists and slams his cock into my ass, fucking my dry.

"AHHHH! IT HURTS!" I holler out in pain, nearly passing out from the agonizing pain.

"oh.. I-I'm sorry... I- I didn't know that" He leans over, and kisses my head lightly. "I that why you... kill people?" He asked, turning the car on, and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Y-yes... because they remind of my dad.... a-and I wanna take away their retched lives" I said smiling back to the thought of killing my parents.

"Well, I don't know what to do then hun.... I want to help you, but I know you'll just continue killing people behind my back.... and since you are.... I-I can't believe I'm saying this. I want to a help you.... K-kill"

"What? A-are you insane!? I protested against his idea. But on the other hand... He can help me, and it'll easier and more fun with him.... Or, he might just hate forever...

_"_Please love, I want to know your safe.... And- and I won't judge you one bit, I promise!" He responded back, looking at me as he pulled the car into the garage, and pet my head slowly.

I murred and nodded in response "Fine..." I get out the car and head inside, Anthony following right behind me.

"Good, no wh-" I hushed him up with my paw and pinned him to the wall.

"I fuck you, and hear you moan as groan for me" I smile deviously as I strip my clothes off in seconds.

"Hehe, horny aren't cha?" He chuckles as strips his clothes off too, tossing it onto the dining table "What is the big bad Wolf going to do to the helpless fox?" Swishing his tail happily, thinking about what I'm going to do to him.

"Well, if you follow me like a good boy, I may not put a collar and leash on you hehe" Giggles as I start to head downstairs, my pet following me the whole way.

"Yes sir!" He barked happily as he followed me into the basement.

I clip a dog collar and a black leash on him, and tugged on it, eliciting a yelp from the pet. "Now, be a good boy and lay down on you back for master... on the table" I giggled and watched him do just that

"Like this master?"

I walk over to him, and tie his hands and feet to the table so he can't move. "Perfect boy" I grab him balls, and start to massage them slowly, his tip sliding out of his sheath.

"W-what are you doing, master?" He asked curiously, as he lolls his tongue out from the treatment.

"Hehe, glad you asked boy... lets' see how long you can go without cumming" I laugh loudly as I grab his rock hard meat and run my claw up and down his shaft. "hehe hour one starts now"

"Ahh, p-please.... I-I'm too sensitive" He begged as he tries to thrust into my paw.

"Too bad, you'll survive" I continue to stroke him off, grabbing his cock and running my paw from the top of his tip, down to his know, massaging it slowly.

He just starts to moan, pant, and drool from the pleasure of me wanking him. "Ahh, m-master... I.. I'm g-going to c-cum soooonnnn"

I start to paw him off quicker, my paw moving up and down his shaft, massaging his knot and tip during the process. I let go of his cock right as he's about to cum as he moans loudly and thrust violently, trying desperately to cum.

As the hours pass, and I keep my mate on edge the whole time, hearing him beg to cum.

"Ma-master! Please let m-mmmm" He got cut off as I gagged him with a rag and continued paw him off, not stopping for anything this time.

"Oh look at this boy, you're going to cum very very soon" I smile as he leaks more pre and I continue to paw him off faster and faster with each fap. As I bring my paw down to his knot, squeezing hard, he comes hard all over himself.

"Mmmm" he mumbles through the gag.

"Aww, you're not done yet boy. I need to fuck your tight arse too" I smile deviously as I slide my cock into his ass, my knot pushing against his ring. I hear him moan through the gag as I slide my cock half way back out and thrust back in, starting to fuck his very slowly....