The Cave. Part one

Story by Todwolf Ruziki Malachi on SoFurry

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this it part one of a short story im working on just to gather inspiration and ideas for my book, The Forbidden Love.

I'll try to upload this one as frequently as possible.

tell me what you guys think of it though, I always appreciate feedback.

and i know i have mediocre grammar so telling me to fix it wont really help. that's just as a heads up, besides, don't look for errors.

just enjoy reading it. that's why i put it up here. :D

Once upon a time there was a young male wolf man. He lived in a magical forest filled with trees that towered over even the nine-hundred foot giants that roamed the land. He, sadly was only one in a small amount of wolves left, about 5,000 in total, and there were few females to breed with. He had no worries about having to fight other males for women though, he didn't fancy them much at all, in fact, he says to himself he'd rather have another male as a mate. All the other males would either laugh or just stop talking to him all together once they found out. He had pretty much become an outcast to his kind. This is why he roams these woods, just to get away from the taunting. This is where his journey begins. Rexius, the young wolf, walked almost aimlessly through the winter forest; the snow crunching under his foot-paws as he walked further on in the seemingly endless land of magic. Several hours had passed since he had started walking, and his feet were starting to get cold, even through his leather shoes. He needed to find a place to keep warm for the night, he dared not to travel back to his village, the taunting would be intolerable. He continued on for a few more minutes before bumping into something furry. He froze in fear the it may be a giant, and that it would kill him for being a disturbance. The ten foot tall figure turned around and looked down at him, not making so much as a noticeable breath. Rexius looked up at the tall figure covered head to toe in grey fur. it was a wolf, ten feet tall, very muscular and wore a loincloth that was barely big enough to even cover the opening of his sheath. Rexius only being six feet nine inches tall, felt like an even shorter creature than he was. He blushed under his fur and started to mumble words to the tall wolf but he couldn't form a proper sentence. The larger wolf then picked him up without a second thought or any hesitation and laid Rexius across his shoulder and began to walk in hes previous direction. The wind was starting to blow a bit harder than before as the massive wolf continued walking deeper into the forest, the sky only being lit up by the setting sun. They arrived at a large stone cave at the base of one of the various mountains in the land, the wolf tossing Rexius onto a heap of cow hides then turning around heading back out of the cave. There was a fire in the middle which warmed Rexius up from being in the cold so long. He climbed down from the hides that must be the wolf's bed, and walked towards the fire, holding out his paws to warm up a bit faster. He walked around the cave just to explore where the wolf had brought him, looking at all the different paintings on the cave walls. All of them were of a large wolf sitting next to a smaller one, but not much smaller, in front of a fire. "This wolf... must feel a bit lonely, all by himself in this cave." Rexius began to pity the larger wolf, understanding what its like to be alone in the world. He went back to the mound of hides and sat in front staring into the dimming fire. The cave was starting to get cold again, He looked to the mouth of the cave wondering when the wolf would return. Only a few more minutes passed before he heard footsteps crunching in the snow, he turned to see the wolf enter the cave with two arm-fulls of tree branches that were the size of logs. The wolf sat them in the far corner of the cave to dry out and be ready for use the following week. Rexius watched the wolf poke at the fire with a large stick to keep it going for a few more hours. The large wolf then stood and sat next to Rexius on the mound of cow hides, his loincloth now not being helpful to him at all because it had fallen to the side revealing all of what it had already failed to hide to begin with. The large wolf then spoke, in a deep, rich tone of voice that was almost seductive to Rexius's ears. "I'm sorry that I brought you here without words, friend. It's just that you looked cold and needed a place to get warm for the night." He looked down at Rexius and gave a soft smile then turned to look at the small fire eating away at the wood. Rexius then responded, stuttering a bit out of nervousness. "I-it's alright... I d-did need a place t-t-to stay for the night...... It's c-cold out there you know..." The large wolf looked at him still with that same soft smile on his face then spoke. "So do you have a name little one?" Rexius hesitated before answering, blushing under his fur and twiddling his thumbs. "R-Rexius..... what about you?" there was a long silence between them before the wolf responded. "Tom. My name is Tom"