HM-01 The Mystery of the Old Lighthouse

Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#2 of Mysteries Inc

Follow along with the adventures of the California based Mysteries Incorporated "Teen Force" as they have adventures all over the world... all without the use of a Great Dane.

This is a collaboration effort with my sister.


When a shipload of diamonds vanishes in a fog bank without a trace, it's up to our heroes to solve the mystery. But when the old lighthouse that's not operated in years shines it's spooky light on the situation, it's gazoinks and zaniness for the junior sleuths!

Coming up next on the premiere episode of Hazardous Materials!

HM-01 The Mystery of the Old Lighthouse - 07/13/2005 **Alexander Hazard, Mark Merlin, Reena Dalton, Mikael Hawthorne & Lionel Flavelle, Ivan Kingsley, and Genie Hall are written by Darrel Vanwinkle

Victoria Lane, Trina Tracker, Kevin Seasons, Erina Osborne, Vincent Cabriano, and Hel Shadowspawn are written by Joanna Vanwinkle**

Mikael was making Kool-aid in the kitchen of his home.

Lionel sat in his chair studying his spell book.

At that moment, just outside on the lawn... Genie Hall and the Grim Reaper both appeared!

Grim said, "Now Genie... I said it was an opening! I didn't know what they had in mind! Honest!"

Genie growled, "And I told you that I wasn't going to kiss Odin's ass! Just forget it, Grim! I am NOT going to miss the guys' weekly meeting for anything!"

Grim exclaimed, "I don't see what you see in attending to this bunch of zanies!" And he vanished!

Genie grinned. "If you can't see that, then you'll never see, you twit!" And she headed toward the front door.

Just then, Victoria came skidding to a stop in the drive. She jumped out of the car, sure that Mark didn't enjoy the ride as much as she had.

"Hey, Genie! How're tricks with Grim? Is he still being a party pooper?" Victoria called, jogging over to Genie.

Vinnie appeared in Mikael's kitchen with bags full of food. "I probably got a little carried away but I'll take whatever doesn't get eaten and donate it to a local shelter," he said, as he started to pull a variety of food out of the bags.

As Mark was joining Victoria and Genie, Reena came driving up in that car that she had 'acquired'. "HI GUYS!" And she got up and came running up. "I'm glad I'm not late!"

Mark asked, "Where did you get that car?"

Reena grinned. "From a now-in-their-underwear trio of rapists."

Mikael smiled at Vinnie. "It's good to see you, brother spellcaster. I am making fruit punch and Kool-Aid."

Trina came tearing up the drive, the music in her convertible blaring at a deafening level. She pulled to a stop and cut the engine, cutting off the booming song in mid lyric. Hopping out, she tossed her long hair over her shoulder and joined the others in front of the door.

"I'm not late am I?" she asked sweetly.

"Are you sure?" Vinnie asked, winking. "I brought some good red wine for Hel, you and I. I don't suppose he's here yet?"

A black Rolls Royce pulled up at the house, and out stepped Ivan Kingsley and Alexander Hazard. Alex said, "Hi guys! Look who I picked up from a jewelry store!"

Ivan exclaimed, "I was giving a demonstration! For Pay!"

Genie grinned at Trina. "Hi," and she paused for affect. "Ka-trina!" Then she laughed!

Mikael smiled. "Silly, you know the Kool-Aid is for the others! And no, I haven't smelled Hel, as yet. He usually smells like Garm, and I don't smell that scent yet."

"Hey, Darlin" Victoria said to Alex. "Can I have a private word with you for a moment?"

Trina glared at Genie. "The only reason you get away with that is because you're already dead," she said darkly.

"Yes, I know. Just as I know that Vicki will more than likely help herself to some wine even though she really doesn't like it," Vinnie said, placing the bottle of wine in the refridgerator.

"I believe I'm the last to arrive," Hel said, appearing in the kitchen. "I had to take Garm home and listen to my sister bitch a little. It makes her feel oh so important," he said in a snooty voice.

Alex stepped aside with Victoria, while Reena and Mark headed into the house. Mark found Lionel, and sat in his lap, while Reena found Hel, and tried to kidnap him!

Reena said, "All mine! Hi Hel!"

Mikael grinned. "We're all here except Kevin, and Erina who is likely going to be fashionably late, if she comes at all. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of an Osborne?"

Victoria sighed. "I had another one of those dreams again. If I don't get some uninterrupted sleep soon I don't know what I'm going to do," she said, removing her sunglasses and rubbing her eyes.

"Hi, Reena," Hel said, hugging Reena tightly. "Yea I'm surprised she doesn't parachute in."

Just then they all heard the distinctive sound of a helicopter. It landed a safe distance from the cars and the house and the engine was cut. As the rotors began to slow, Erina and Kevin climbed out and ran toward the house.

"WOW! That is the first time I've ever ridden in a helicopter," Kevin exclaimed.

Alex waved at the arrivals. "Nice to see you guys, again. Looks like we're all here, for a change. The others are inside."

Genie said to Trina, "...and Odin wanted a new valkyrie, so he could have someone lick his rear end. I grabbed Grim and said, forget it. Besides, I didn't want to miss this meeting. I guess I'm lucky you guys let me hang out with you."

Mikael poked his feline head out of the front door. "Kool-Aid, Fruit Punch, and Alcohol are all ready, guys! Get your cute tushes in here!" He grinned and withdrew into the large house.

Erina gave Mikael a big kiss on the muzzle. "Awesome! Pour the wine! I just had an amazing day on the set."

Trina laughed, "I'd have told him just where he could stick that all-seeing eye of his. And you know you are always welcome to hang with us."

"Hi, Genie," Kevin said warmly as he entered Mikael's house.

The Friday Night Meeting - Mikael's Home

Soon, everyone was sitting inside in the large family sized rec room. Everyone had a drink, of some sort, and snacks. Lionel sat in his chair nearby, studying his spellbook in silence.

Mikael said, "Thank you all for attending another Friday night get together. Before we get down to business, does anyone want to make a statement?"

Alex grinned and exclaimed, "Vicky lost her virginity, again? That kind of statement?" There were some snickers in the room. Alex quickly continued. "I'm to be taking my Driver's Exam this coming Monday morning. If I pass, I won't be needing Reggie to drive me where ever I want to go anymore."

Ivan exclaimed, "I'm itching to pick some locks. Is that an okay statement?"

Hel tossed a wadded up bunch of locks to Ivan. "Knock yourself out, lad," he said with a wink.

"I'll have you know that I'm still a virgin, thankyouverymuch," Vicky said, playfully smacking Alex on the upper arm.

Kevin stood at that moment and said, in his most sorrowful tone of voice, "My mother is a horrible criminal." More snickers around the room.

Reena said, "My daddy threatened to whip my ass until the red lash marks glowed in the dark, if I didn't come home that second."

Genie said, "I cold-cock punched a shopping mall crook in the gut earlier today."

Mark smiled over at Lionel. "I have a crush on Lionel."

Lionel glanced up from his studies, as his ears pinkened!

"I just went through another tutor today," Trina laughed.

"I managed to scrape through another death-defying explosive car stunt," Erina said, sipping her wine.

Hel grinned evilly, "Garm wanted to come to the meeting."

Alex looked to Hel. "You should have let Garm come. He could have sat in my lap and I could share my drink and snacks with him." He grinned!

Mikael grinned, too. "Garm would molest you to no end, Alex. Everyone KNOWS that you're still virgin."

Mark and Ivan laughed!

"I'm still a virgin," Vinnie said so seriously that anyone who didn't fall over laughing obviously has something wrong with them.

"He'd already been away from his post for two days," Hel said, rolling his eyes at Vinnie's statement.

Alex asked, "Well, when is Garm's next day off? Or better yet, where are some of his litters?"

Mark said, "I think that's a really bad idea."

Genie said, "I think the puppies might be interesting to talk to. I love being able to communicate with anything."

"Well, technically, Garm doesn't have days off. I just let him loose ever now and then. Secondly, I really don't know if and where any of his litters might be," Hel said laughing.

Vicki sat curled up in one of Mikael's plush chairs, half listening to the others. This chair is so comfortable, she thought. I could almost just lay my head over and go to sleep. No one would even know, since she still had her sunglasses on. Hel's rich laughter was the last thing she heard before she drifted off.

Mikael grinned. "Okay guys... now you're just getting dirty. I think the statements are done with. Now we need to move into the business end of the meeting." He dimmed the lights, and started the slide projector.

The first picture displayed on the wall was one of those billionaire cargo ships.

Mikael said, "This is the Argo May. It was last seen entering a fog bank just down the coast of here. It's currently missing. As are all of it's diamond cargo. That's right, folks. I said, DIAMONDS." He said diamonds loud enough to stir Vicky.

Mikael put up the next picture. It was one of an old lighthouse. "This is the Gale Bay Lighthouse. Even though it's supposed to be locked up and no longer in use, witnesses reported that it was operational the same night as the Argo May's disappearance into that mysterious fog. Frankly, the police are baffled by the ship's disappearance."

Mikael brought the lights back to normal in the room. "The police haven't asked for any material help in this, but I think this would be the perfect first case for our little hazardous group. That is... if you want to do this. One of the oaths that I took long ago was that in order for me to keep my powers, I had to help others. And now, I seek to lend that help again. But the rest of you don't have to help me in this. But any help would be appreciated. I've now had my say... the floor is now open to the rest of you, and any further topics to discuss."

Mikael then had a seat, as he picked up his wine glass and sipped it.

"Diamonds?" Vicky said, jerking upright. "Why in the world would anyone ship diamonds by boat? Don't they know that there are still pirates out there?"

"I've heard of that lighthouse," Vinnie said. "It was condemned because every keeper that went to work there met with a mysterious accident. It had gotten to the point where no one wanted to work there. And then they tried to modernize it to be self-running but every effort met with more mysterious accidents and setbacks. Eventually they just gave up and closed it down. I thought they were going to demolish it years ago?"

"I'll happily help you," Erina said. "Everyone should do what they can to help others if they can. At least that's what I think."

Mark scritched Lionel's ears and neck fur. "Whatcha studying, Lionel?"

Lionel tensed up and blushed. "Um... the summon object spell. It keeps confusing me in mid casting."

Mark smiled. "Yeah, that's one of the harder spells. It took me a few months to get it right. But I believe in you, Lionel. You'll get it. Just keep trying."

Lionel glanced up at Mark. "Thank you, Mark. Um, are you gay or something? You seem to always spend time near me at every meeting."

Mark grinned, as he hugged Lionel, and whispered, "No, I'm not gay, Lionel. The two women in my life are Trina and Vicky, though I'd do anything for Trina. But aside from them, I like spending time with you because you're in training, like I am, in magic. And I like to compare notes with another student of magic. I'm certainly not Mikael's power level; but you're more closer to my abilities."

Lionel patted Mark's arm. "Thanks, Mark. You'd been making me nervous, but now, it's okay. Have a seat and maybe you can help me figure this stuff out."

Alex said, "I think we should all help you, Mikael. I mean... what else do we have going on in our lives? Aside from being grounded for leaving home without permission again, for some people, or attending a corporate business meeting, ahem, for people like me..."

Genie smiled. "Now there's an idea. And we can be the Hazardous Materials team. I got that out of something that Mikael said earlier. Unless someone has a better title for our little group..."

"Sounds like a pretty fair game plan to me," Erina said. "So when do we start?"

Mikael said, "It's pretty late, currently. Everyone can either opt to spend the night here and we head out in the morning, or... we can do the midnight prowl and possibly chance the wraths of certain people's parents. The choice is your's, my friends. As you know, there is plenty of room in my home for you all."

"Well, I can stay here," Vicky said. "Seeing as how my 'parents' are never anywhere to be found, and my brothers don't really pay that much attention to my comings and goings." And maybe I'll be able to get some sleep here without that damned dream tormenting me, she thought.

"I have to go back to D.C.," Kevin frowned. "I have a curfew, believe it or not. I have to be home by midnight or Mom sends out the troops."

"I'll crash here," Erina grinned. "I'll just have to go grab my duffle out of the chopper." And she headed out the door.

"Well, as much as I enjoy everyone's company, I'm afraid I'll have to return to my apartment," Vinnie said, smiling. "I value my privacy."

"I'm not about to go home! Are you nuts!? That stupid tutor is probably still babbling about the quantum trajectory of the second nth," Trina scowled. "Moron doesn't even know that the second nth is incapable of having a quantum trajectory," she muttered.

"I really don't need sleep," said Hel with a wink. "But I'll hang around here and help lay out a course of action for us to take in the morning. If that's alright with everyone?"

Alex sighed. "Like Kevin, I, too, have a curfew. So, I'll return when I can. In the meantime, maybe I can use my dad's influences, secretly, to find out some things about that ship."

Ivan sat up. "I know your mom, Kevin. Maybe I could call her, discreetly, and tell her that you're over at my place with some friends, watching some movies. And ask her for permission to keep you out of trouble for the night. It might give her a chance to do some bad-, I mean, good things for herself."

Reena said, "I better call home and tell my dad that I'm driving back. That way, he doesn't call out the law to come looking for me. I wonder if they've found those three rapists in their underwear yet...?" Reena went to use the phone.

Mark said to Alex, "Think you can give me a lift, Alex? I have a curfew, too. And doing as my parents ask is what keeps my ability to hang out with you guys open. If only my sister would learn that lesson. She got another spanking earlier tonight for lying to mom."

Genie smiled. "Like Hel, I don't need to sleep, so I'll sit up with Hel, and listen to what ideas he may have."

Mikael yawned, as he helped Lionel to his feet. "Crash where ever you like, guys. As you know from the New Year's Eve party, I have several open bedrooms. Come on, Lionel. You and I need to get ready for bed." And the two head off toward the master bedroom.

Kevin grinned. "Go ahead, Ivan. You know how Mom is though. Do you really think she'll go for it?"

Hel took Genie into the kitchen to the table where he pulled out several maps of the area in question. "Well, here's the lighthouse," he said pointing to a penisula jutting out into the ocean. "And I believe here is where the ship disappeared," he pointed to a place a ways off shore.

Erina came back in and went immediately to the room she had slept in after the New Years Eve party.

Victoria took a hot shower before retiring to the room she had claimed.

"Goodnight, everyone," Vinnie said, then disappeared quietly.

Trina had pulled out her cell phone and, after pushing a button was talking quietly into it. After a few moments she hung up. "My parents are cool. I'm going to bed," she said, and headed off to one of the bedrooms.

Ivan grinned, as he picked up the phone and dialed up the number for Hannah Seasons. After it rang a few times, Ivan said, "Hannah? This is Ivan Kingsley. I'm fine. Hey look...Kevin and some of his friends are over at my place watching some movies. He mentioned a curfew that you and him have set up. Do you think he could spend the night over here this once? If you'd rather, however, I can escort him home and personally run a security check on your home and those pesky locked filing cabinets you keep in the so-called secret room." He winked at Kevin as he said that part.

Alex and Mark got into the limousine and pulled away from Mikael's place.

The chauffeur asked, "Where to, Master Alexander?"

Alex grinned. "The scenic route, Reggie. Right by the old Gale Bay Lighthouse. Mark and I need to have a look at this place for a... business project that dad suggested to me."

Reggie nodded his head. "As you command, Master Alexander." And off they went.

Reena returned, and followed Trina. "My dad thinks I'm on my way home. Night everyone."

Genie looked at the maps that Hel had, and listened to his explanations and ideas.

"You stay the hell away from my stuff, Ivan! Keep him as long as you want, he can get home anytime he wants to. Just make sure he gets a decent meal. And make sure he is home Sunday night, he has to go to school on Monday. NO exceptions!" CLICK!

Ivan, who had been letting Kevin listen in on the call, hung up the phone and grinned at Kevin. "Did you know about the secret room in your house? Anyway, you're cleared until Sunday evening. Then, you have to go home. You have school on Monday."

"Yea, I know about it. I've been in there loads of time. Just don't tell Mom," Kevin winked.

When Reggie pulled the car up to the lighthouse, Alex and Mark got out of the limo. Alex said, "Wait here, Reggie. Mark and I just need to relieve ourselves. I knew we should have used the bathroom before we left Mikael's place."

Alex and Mark walked around the corner of the lighthouse.

Mark said, "The others would be having a cow if they knew what you were planning, Alex. You should have brought Ivan."

Alex grinned. "Hush and cast that spell of your's on this lock. I want to have a look inside the lighthouse."

Mark sighed. "Okay, here goes..." And he chanted the spell... "OPEN SESAME!" And the lock popped off of the door, falling to the ground and into the weeds.

Alex smiled. "If you're scared, you can go wait in the limo..."

Mark grred. "Vicky would kill me if I let you out of my sight. Let's just go in, look around and get going. I have to be home by midnight, you know."

Alex and Mark then entered the lighthouse...

Meanwhile, in Mikael's kitchen. Hel had produced the recent paper and some public info documents that he had 'borrowed' from the records office.

"Well, Genie, according to all public records, the lighthouse has been non-functioning for the past ten years. But, by all eye witness accounts, it was up and running the night the ship disappeared. And Vicky did have a good question earlier. Everyone knows that pirates still abound, though mainly in the Caribbean Islands. Just the circumstances makes me wonder if, perhaps, they were shipping more than diamonds," Hel said, pondering the map.

Genie asked, "How can we find out what else the ship was carrying?"

Lionel then entered the kitchen and poured two small cups with cream, before departing for the master bedroom again.

Genie arched an eye at that. "Seeing cat people kinda freaks me out, Hel. That's why most of us like having Garm around."

Hel laughed. "You freak out about cat people, but a massive giant dog doesn't give you pause? Anyway, I think you and I could do some snooping around the company's offices. Since you and I can both be invisible when we want to be." Hel said with a wink.

Ivan laid himself down on the sleeping bag in the floor of the guest bedroom, where he was allowing Kevin to have the bed. "Night Kevin. Sleep tight. Don't let the Notorious Crook Fairies bite." He grinned, as he zipped up his sleeping bag with him inside of it.

"I could have slept on the floor, Ivan," Kevin said, feeling bad that he had been given the bed. "And I'm sure I don't have anything that the Notorious Crook Fairies haven't already seen."

Ivan grinz. "If you want to share the bed, we can do that, Kev. True, I'm no Reena, but I'm slender." He chuckled.

Reena finished brushing her hair and got into the bed with Trina. "Night Trina. Handsome hunk dreams..." She winked, as she turned off the table lamp and covered herself up.

"Sorry, Ivan. That's not what I meant, but thanks for the offer," Kevin laughed. "Good night."

"I always have pleasant hunk dreams," Trina said, drifting off to sleep.

After a complete search of the lighthouse, Alex and Mark emerged and relocked the door, as they started back toward the limo.

Mark said, "There was no signs of the lighthouse ever being active."

Alex said, "I know, which is strange, because the reports said that it was operational that night. Maybe the others will have better luck tomorrow. Come on, I'll have Reggie drop you off at the Magic Mansion."

And they both got into the Limo, and Reggie drove off with them.

And... if nothing else occurs that night...

The Next Morning Came... *squish! squish! squish!*

Victoria was up before anyone else, except the people who don't need sleep, of course, and was drinking a cup of coffee while she watched the sun rise. Another sleepless night, she frowned into ther coffee cup. If she continued to have nights like that she was going to be completely worthless. If she could just figure out what it meant then maybe she'd be able to sleep through the night.

Mikael and Lionel came into the kitchen and the two began to prepare breakfast.

Mikael exclaimed, "You look rough, Victoria. That dream again?"

"Yea," she muttered, pouring some more coffee. "I don't suppose you know a spell or something that would possibly make it go away?"

Mikael hugged Victoria gently, licking her cheek lightly. "I have a spell whose slang title is 'Remote Control'. What it does is to allow you to change the channel whenever the channel with that dream comes on. Just like a TV set. And the new channel will be whatever dream any of your friends might be having. But I warn you that watching someone else's dreams can be far weirder than watching your own, and sometimes... more erotic. Sometimes not. Anyway... that's what I have. But according to the laws of witchcraft, I have to charge you with a fee for casting this spell for you. But because you and the others are helping me with my request, I can call this one a freebie. Do you want me to cast the spell on you?"

Lionel paid no attention to Mikael and Victoria, as he thought about Mark Merlin and prepared a bowl of catnip flavored rice crispies, dairy cream, and pure cane sugar.

Victoria rubbed her temples and laid her head on Mikael's shoulder. "Let me think about it. I'm not sure if watching someone else's dream is a good idea, but if I don't get some sleep soon I might as well take a header off the bridge. I haven't had a full night of actual rest in over a week. And I know I can't take much more of that. Lets just see if I can focus on the task at hand, and if you see that I'm starting to slide on something, let me know. Ok?"

Mikael smiled. "If you slide too far, I'll make sure you wake up as an animal." He winked.

Genie snickered from somewhere nearby.

Lionel knew well enough to not comment. Victoria might hurt him.

"That might be an improvement," Victoria said. "Turn me into a polar bear and send me to Alaska."

Hel chuckled as he mixed up some scrambled eggs.

Ivan walked in and grabbed some coffee. "Kevin is catching some extra 'Z's this morning. Did we all sleep well? Where are the lesbian girls, Trina and Reena, this morning?"

Erina stolled in and, taking Ivan's freshly poured coffee with a thanks, took a deep drink then grimaced. "That could use some Irish creme," she muttered.

Ivan said, "I didn't make this stuff, Erina."

Reena walked in at that moment. "Morning Kitty Kat fans! I slept good!"

Trina walked in, still dressed in her leopard print nightie and perched on the counter. "So what's our game plan?"

"That's ok, Ivan, I'll just have to tough it out," Erina said with a wink.

"If you don't like the coffee, then you can get up at 3 AM and make it next time," Victoria said, guzzling another cup.

Mikael grinned. "I believe Genie and Hel did some plotting all night long, seeing as how they don't need any sleep.

Ivan finished his coffee. "A Hel plan? This should be interesting then. Does it involve Garm pouncing Alex?" He winked.

Lionel snickered at that comment from behind his spellbook.

Reena said, "If it doesn't, I can always go to Garm and show him a good time! That poor young working class soldier..."

Genie rolled her eyes. "Will you people get over it already? Garm is NOT in this plan! Right Hel?"

"Most definitely not. I spent most of the night getting a head full from my bitchy sister about how insubordinate Garm was being now," Hel said, grinning.

Reena exclaimed, "Garm's only being like that because he knows that we want him!"

Mikael ahemed. "Back on topic, please."

Just then, the phone rang and Lionel answered it. "Hawthorne residence. Oh hello Mark." There was a pause. "You and Alex checked out the lighthouse on your way home last night?"

Genie arched an eye at that statement.

There was another pause over the phone. "And there was no evidence that the lighthouse had ever been operative. I see. Yes, I'll tell them. By the way, will you be joining us today?" Another lengthy pause, though the whiny sister's voice could clearly be heard in the background on the other end of the phone. "Okay Mark. Thanks for calling. Yes, you're my friend. Goodbye." And Lionel hung up the phone.

Mikael said, "What did Mark say, Lionel?"

Lionel replied, "Mark is babysitting his brat sister today while his parents check out some finishing schools for that" and at this point, Lionel repeated the not so nice comments about the bratty sister that Mark had quoted over the phone. "Mark was upset that his sister causes the Hell, yet Mark feels punished that HE has to babysit her."

Ivan grinned. "Reminds me of my childhood. I had a bratty younger sister, too. Though my older sister was the one who taught me how to open locks."

Genie grinned, as well. "Well, we could always rescue Mark, but he has given us fair warning, and Mark DOES always do as his parents ask of him. I guess that's why they trust him to transform, I mean, to babysit his sister." She winked.

Trina frowned. "I really dislike his sister. She is such a whiny little brat."

Ivan grinned. "Kinda reminds me of Hel's sister. A whiny brat. And believe me, Victoria... you aren't really a super villain until you've had sisters who can beat the Hell out of you. And make you like it and beg for more." He winked.

"YOU had siblings?" Victoria asked, shocked. "I'd have never thought it."

Hel chuckled. "What can I say, father always did like me best."

Trina tapped her finger on the counter. "So how are we going to start this fun loving adventure?"

Mikael said, "As Mark said, he and Alex explored the lighthouse a little last night for a few minutes. They found nothing. So now, it's our turn to explore that condemned wreck. Alex is off checking on that ship through his father's connections. Hel? What did you and Genie come up with last night?"

"Well," Hel began, "if there was anything on that ship besides diamonds I'm sure they are keeping the records somewhere besides their main offices. It did occur to Genie and I that perhaps we are looking at more of a smuggling operation that ran into some 'other-worldly' misfortune."

Genie replied, "Yes, that's right. Being displaced, I can go places where a normal person can't. Therefore, I can walk through walls, if I have to. And nothing keeps Hel out, if he so chooses." She winked.

Erina seemed to ponder this as she sipped her coffee. "I suggest we get a small craft and get an ocean side view of the lighthouse and the area where the ship disappeared. I mean, let's face it, something that big had to go somewhere."

Mikael hummed. "Why don't you guys do that, while Lionel and I investigate the land around the lighthouse itself. Lionel can't swim, and as you know, we cats don't like water that much." He smiled at a thought. "Well, maybe not as much as Garm likes water."

Lionel giggled, as he cleaned some saucers for placement in the dish washer.

"All right. I'll take Hel, Genie, and Reena with me. Why don't you take Ivan, Kevin, and Trina with you. I can borrow a boat and some diving equipment without any problems. I have a pretty good idea where I want to start looking," Erina said, scritching Lionel behind the ear as she placed her coffee cup in the sink.

Ivan grinned. "Snooping for the law... I'll never get used to doing that. What would my old crony friends say?"

Genie laughed. "They'd probably try to kill you!"

Mikael grinned. "Make sure you take your cellphones with you. I am still expecting Alex to call in, as he hasn't done so, as yet. If you'll recall, he's using his father's business ties to see if he can find out if anything else was aboard that ship other than diamonds. Lionel, go see if Kevin is awake yet."

Seeing as how Kevin had not joined them yet that morning, Lionel headed off to the bedrooms to check on Kevin. When he got to the door, he peered inside.

Kevin 'sat' hovering at least three feet above the bed his eyes open yet vacant. He showed no outward signs that he noticed Lionel. Then he said, in a disconnected voice, "Tell the others I will catch up with them later. I am looking into something at the moment."

"I think you're old cronies would probably try to bribe you into giving them the inside dirt on how some things were going down," Trina said. "I'd better go change. Be back in a flash," she winked as she left the kitchen.

Victoria rubbed her eyes and poured another cup of coffee. "I still think it was pirates."

Lionel re-entered the kitchen and relayed Kevin's message and what it looked like he was doing.

Reena replied, "So that's how he searches for dates! I've been wondering!"

Genie glanced at Hel. "Do you get dates that way, too?"

Mikael giggled. "Enough. We need to get going, or the day will be gone before you know it. And yes, Erina has the clout for getting a boat and scuba gear. It pays to have Hollywood connections. The rest of us will head to the lighthouse."

Hel grinned evilly, "No, I just ask for a solstice sacrifice to get my dates."

Erina smiled, "I've already made the necessary calls and its waiting for us down at the docks. So lets head out."

Lionel then pondered to himself, I wonder how Mark is doing...?

"Marrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!!!!! Put me back together!!! Noooowwwwwwww!!!"

Mark grinned, because he had just sawed his little sister in half in the magic box. "Keep your shorts on. This is supposed to be fun. Didn't you do your magic homework like Mom asked?"

And so... the two teams departed from Mikael's San Francisco home heading to their assigned points of adventure.

In the meantime, Alex was pulling some strings with the authorities and business officials to get what he wanted... as well as, using a little known power he has that he tries not to let anyone see. Resist this, fools! Tell me what I want to know!

" you see, Mr. Hazard, that ship contains Professor Dainway's new invention for extracting salt from sea water. Such a device is worth sheer millions if used properly. But unfortunately, there are side affects in using it, which is why the professer was having it moved to his storage facility in Eureka, California. No one was supposed to know that the invention was aboard that ship. I guess we'll never know, because the professer was aboard the ship, as well."

Alex irked. "What sort of side affects?"

The businessman replied, "When the salt is extracted, the remaining liquid changes into nitroglycerin. And I don't need to tell you what that can do, do I?"

Alex double-irked!! "Thank you for your time, sir. Your information will be reimbursed." And Alex ran out of the offices! As he entered the fire escape stairwell, he began to shift between human form to his humanoid alien unicorn form in mid-run. And he also yanked out his cellphone and hit the memory key for accessing Victoria's number. "Please answer, Vicky!" He muttered as he continued his run.

Victoria was deep in thought trying to self-analyze the dream that has giving her months of sleepless nights when her cell phone began singing the theme from "Twilight Zone". "That's Alex," she explained to Mikael as she answered. "What's up?" she asked into the phone.

Mikael won't mention that his cellphone's tune for Alex is the theme song from The Last Unicorn.

Alex said, "Got info! Bad info! Side affects!" He then teleported from the fire escape to a location inside the Hazard limousine. "Drive! Go to the Lighthouse we went to last night!"

Reggie obeyed immediately, squalling the tires as he floored the limousine.

Alex said into the cellphone. "Professor Dainway and some crazy invention of his was aboard the ship the other night! The invention extracts salt from sea water... but there's a catch... a side affect... the remaining liquid becomes nitroglycerin! I'm on my way to the lighthouse, Vicky! Be careful!"

"NITROGLYCERIN!?!?" Vicky was instantly alert. "Mikael, we may have some problems." She relays what Alex told her. "He's meeting us at the lighthouse."

Mikael hummed. "This is starting to seem more non-supernatural than supernatural. An invention like that is a potentially deadly weapon. Anyway, let's get ourselves over to the lighthouse."

Vicky mutters, "I told you it was pirates."


Back at Mikael's house Kevin comes back to himself. "So that's what's going on," he scowls. He should have known that his mother would be involved in some way or another. It never seemed to fail. Well, granted that it was actually her involvement due to her legitimate job this time, but that still didn't change the fact that she had her fingers in the cookie jar again.

Mikael's Witch-Van pulled up in front of the lighthouse, and the crew of friends began piling out of the vehicle, just as the Hazard limousine pulled up, and everyone saw the humanoid unicorn man step out of the rear door, as Reggie said, "Master Alex, your father will throw a tantrum if he finds out that you were in that form."

Alex replied, "Then don't tell him. This is Hazardous Materials business. Besides, if we solve this mystery, my friends and I can lay low while father gets the credit for recovering the ship and it's contents. It's all good for business."

Reggie rolled his eyes and said, "This is the worst."

Mikael grinned. "Nicely shredded duds, Alex. Let me whip you up something a little less revealing." And he cast a spell around Alex, which conjured a long dark red, blue and black cloak, which Alex graciously put on himself.

"Thanks Mikael. Where's Kevin and Mark?"

Ivan said, "Kevin will be catching up with us and Mark is sitting on a baby."

Victoria smiled in spite of herself. She couldn't get enough of Alex in his natural form. Just seeing him eased some of the tension from her and made her feel slightly refreshed. Not well rested, but it was better than the constant exhaustion of late that she'd been suffering.

Just then Kevin appeared amongst the crew. "I have some news. I did a little probing into the government angle of this case. It turns out that the pentagon had contracted Professor Dainway to work on a project that would extract salt from sea water."

"But the side effect makes things go boom," Vicky said.

"Yes. But that was fine with the Pentagon. They were in the process of moving Professor Dainway and his project to a more secure location when the ship disappeared," Kevin finished.

Alex added, "Um, here's an added newsflash, Kevin... the professor was aboard the ship. So whoever has the invention also has the professor."

"That could be because Professor Dainway was notorious for not putting anything down that could be deciphered by anyone other than himself. He used a code for everything. He's the only one who can successfully make his invention work," Kevin said.

"Oh, that's just bloody wonderful," Vicky said. "So what should we do first?"

Lionel then said, "I think I see the boat that Erina and Hel's team were supposed to have gotten with the scuba gear." He pointed out into the bay.

Suddenly, there came an explosion of smoke and fire, as Mark's father appeared with Mark! "Here you go, Mark. And be careful. Magic isn't always the answer to problems. We'll see you on Sunday evening." Then, Mr. Merlin vanished in another explosion of fire and smoke!

Mark grinned at the others! "Hi guys! Mom and dad got done early and are letting me spend the night with Mikael!"

Mikael grinned. "Glad to have you aboard, Mark. Looks like you and Trina get to hang out together."

Mark laughed. "You mean Trina isn't where the action is?"

"Darling, I'm always where the action is," Trina said with a wink.

"Ok, so let's get into this lighthouse and do some serious snooping," Vicky said.

Mark winked back. "But Hel's out there."

Ivan was already doing his thing on the Lighthouse's front door. "I swear... this place needs a Carrington Security System..." The lock was in his hand as he said this.

Mikael laughed.

"Yes, I know, but I'm here so this must be where the action is."

Vicky smiled. "It's a good thing it doesn't. Now shall we see what's going on in this place?"

Kevin looked up at the lighthouse and said, "Something doesn't feel quite right about this place."

Mark said, "Alex and I know what you mean, Kevin. We were in this place last night, and it felt wrong then..."

Alex nodded his muzzle. "Yes, it did."

"Uh, guys. Vicky just went in without us, so do you think we can get a move on now?" Trina asked, heading for the door.

Alex, can you feel the vortexal power coming from inside? Kevin mentally asked.

Alex mentally replied to Kevin, I feel something odd about this place, but I can't seem to place my hoof on what that feeling is... it's... familiar...

Ivan headed inside, eager to see what other locks are inside.

Mikael said. "Let's get in there, guys, before Vicky decides to change the place into another gang headquarters."

Vicky was standing just inside the door, her eyes open wide staring straight ahead toward the place where the floor should have been. "Is it just me or is something seriously missing from this picture?" she asked quietly.

"Wow," Trina said, "it's no wonder they couldn't get this place up and running."

"Something is definitely not right with this place," Kevin muttered.

Mark said, "Last night, Alex and I walked up around the side..." he pointed to a spot. "...right over there. And spiraled up to the top of the lighthouse... but this place now... looks like a hollow shell. Where's the rooms and the stairwell and the old portrait on the wall?"

Alex nodded his head. "Mark is right. There was a lot more here last night as opposed to what isn't here now."

Meanwhile, at Erina's rented boat with scuba gear, Genie was helping Erina and Reena into their gear. "It looks like the others entered the lighthouse, guys. Are we about ready to go over the side of the boat?"

Reena replied, placing her goggles over her eyes, "I'm all set. But I hope I don't meet any rapists down there, or some more people will end up in their underwear."

Erina laughed. "Actually I would prefer to run into rapists, at least we know what their after."

Hel was standing at the edge of the boat, completely nude except for the soft leather loincloth that he wore. His black flesh seemed to gleam in the early morning sunlight and his white flesh glowed. His flaxen hair moved gently in the breeze as he looked into the water.

Erina winked at the others. "I think we have the better deal over here anyway don't you?" she asked, looking over Hel's broad, muscled back appreciatively.

Genie grinned. "I wouldn't know. I'm already dead."

Reena laughed. "My daddy would have my hide if I made an affirmative comment. And so saying that, into the drink I go..." And dove into the water and accepted the airtank from Genie. "We going in or not?"

Hel smiled. "Look out below," he said as he vaulted into the air and executed a perfect half pike into the ocean.

"What a God" Erina said, slipping over the side of the boat.

Genie grinned. "What a ham... no wonder Garm likes him. You're next, Erina. Being dead and displaced, I don't need the air tanks or goggles."

Under the water, Reena was getting a good gandering look at a god with a flapping flap. :)

Erina checked her tanks and her goggles. "I'm all set," she said, then positioned her aspirator and went under in a flurry of bubbles.

Genie grinned and stepped off on top of the water for a few steps, then slowly sank down into the water with precision control.

Reena pointed Erina at the flapping flap and winked.

Erina winked back and started after Hel.

Reena followed suit, as she swam after Hel, too.

Genie rolled her eyes and shrugged. "What are they thinking? We're down here on business." Then she glanced at a nearby humpback whale. "What are you looking at?" Then she too headed off after the others.

Ivan was examining the insides of the lighthouse, carefully, using his expert skills that he was famous for. "I think I found something, guys. It's an electronic eye beam. Someone knows that we are here..."

"Well, that is interesting," Vicky said. "Now why would someone want to keep an eye on a dilapated hollow lighthouse?"

Mark hummed. "When is a lighthouse not a lighthouse?"

Alex replied, "When it's the lair entrance for someone doing something illegal."

Ivan grinned. "Now guys... I'm trying to walk the straight and narrow these days. Don't make me play my Notorious Crook theme song..."

Mikael asked, "YOU have a theme song? I didn't know that! I want a theme song, too!"

"Only the really, truly great ones get a theme song," Vicky said, walking along the perimeter.

Alex grinned as he whispered to Mikael, "Vicky's theme song is the theme music from the TruTV show, "Cops"." ;)

Mikael grinned. "I can believe that."

"I wonder," Vicky muttered, blatantly ignoring them. "Here goes nothing," she said, and stepped out into the nothingness.

Lionel was fully expecting Vicky to hover in midair for a second or two, then fall Scooby Doo style straight into the basement!

But instead...

Vicky walks right through what appears to be a sophisticated optical illusion and into a room just beyond the point of entry. And the fight is on, as two big thugs try to tackle and capture Vicky!

It didn't even take a blink of an eye for Vicky to resort to her streetfighting ways. She kicked one guy in the groin as she scrambled out of reach of the thugs. And that was the last thing she remembered as something overtook her and she began glowing with a white hot intensity that baked the thugs as they reached for her.

Ivan sniffed the air. "Um, guys? Does anyone smell cooking flesh and baking hair?"

Mark sniffed the air. "Yeah and it's rank... and it smells like poop is mixed in with it."

Mikael said, "Now we know where Reena's rapists are today. They must've jumped Vicky." ;)


Just then, Vicky came stumbling out of the illusion and collapsed on the floor, out cold, but still hot to the touch.

"Whoa!" Kevin yelped, jumping back from Vicky's steaming body.

Mikael cast a spell on the techno illusion and it disintegrated immediately, then Mikael got to work on removing the bodies of the 'thugs'. "I hope we can explain this to the police without getting canned. Lionel and I can't be seen by the public or there will be a panic. Cat people are a little more than the locals can handle."

Ivan said, "I'll set the stage for the cops, Mikael. Heck, I was just with them yesterday on L.A. News, so I should be able to iron things out with them. I'll just tell them that one of my cronies sent some thugs after me for turning good and they had a firebomb that backfired on them."

Kevin was seeing to Vicky, "She seems ok," he said. "Maybe now she'll be able to get some sleep."

Alex mentally told Kevin, at that point, what nightmares that Vicky had been having. So you see... if Vicky is able to get some sleep now, it'd be a miracle.

Mark looked at Trina and said, "Get a load of this scientific equipment, Trina. Some of this stuff looks like your dad's line of knowledge. And the monitors and this shipping radio."

Trina looked over the equipment. "Well, this is an advanced GPS tracking system with homing capabilities," she said. "It uses the radio transmissions to home in on a target giving specific longitude and latitude coordinates."

Vicky's eyes flew open and she jumped up. "WHAT THE HELL?!?" she yelled, looking around wildly.

"Easy!" Kevin said, backing off. Trina glanced over towards them. "You passed out," Kevin explained, watching Vicky warily.

Alex giggled. "Kevin wasn't touching anything private..." He crossed his fingers openly. "...honest!" ;) He winked at Kevin.

Ivan hummed... "Moving right along... This is quite the little set up. I wonder if Hel's sex squad has found anything under the sea?"

Vicky scowled at Kevin.

"Look at that," Hel said, motioning toward the base of the cliff. "Doesn't that look like a cave entrance?"

Genie replied, "Looks like it to me, Hel. Don't forget that only you and I can talk underwater like this. The air breathers over there are mortals... I think..."

Reena wanted to jack-slap Genie for that remark, but Genie was already dead. The other thing Reena pondered was if the cave was underwater, then how'd anyone get the ship into the cave without flooding the ship's cargo.

Erina was already heading for the cave. Only one way to find out, she thought.

"Yes, I know Genie, but they can still hear me and it looks like Erina has the right idea. Let's check it out," he said with a grin.

Genie grinned. "Erina's only going first so you can see her butt."

Reena about choked on her oxygen, as she headed into the cave too.

"Well it's only fair since she's been looking at mine," Hel said with a laugh.

For some reason, Genie found that statement distasteful and disgusting, as she proceeded into the cave to see what the others were doing in there.

Reena continued to swim after Erina, all the while thinking... duh DUH! duh DUH! duh DUH! doodoodooDUH! CHOMP!

At some point Erina turned on the highly powered underwater light that she had borrowed along with the diving equipment. The cave seemed to go on for some distance. Of course, being underwater made it difficult to tell in what direction they were going, whether they were going up or down.

As Genie was moving along, the Grim Reaper showed up beside her! "I think I may have found you another opening. The Greek goddess Artemis needs a caddy, of sorts, in an upcoming hunting trip. I realize that this might only be a temporary position, but it would give you something to do..." That's when he saw the fish swimming around them. "We're underwater, aren't we?"

Genie grinned. "Took you that long to figure it out, huh?"

"Hello, Grim. How are things?" Hel asked, keeping an eye on Erina and Reena.

Erina had come to a point in the cavern that opened up and split off into two directions. She looked at Reena and shrugged, indicating she wasn't sure which way they should go.

Grim said, "How I am is that I am keeping track of my little displaced girl here and trying to find her a replacement life to be in. As you know, when Death makes a mistake like this, he has to make amends. This rarely ever happens, but because it did happen, I have to get Genie a new life. Of course, she has to approve of the life I have found for her. How are you these days, Hel? Odd that I don't see Garm with you. Your sister is throwing another tizzy about him being gone from his post again."

Reena shrugged as well, then noticed what was behind them! She then pointed at her watch, then at herself, then pointed down one cave. She pointed at Erina, then pointed down the other cave. Reena then swam off down the cave she had chosen.

Genie replied, "Artemis needs a caddy, does she? Isn't Darek and Shane enough for her? I think you just want to put me in a life away from my friends. That's what I think. What would your son and his girlfriend say about this?"

Grim growled, "You leave them out of this! This isn't about them and you know it!"

Hel arched a brow. "Garm's AWOL again? Hm. Well, I have nothing to do with it this time," he said, noticing the girls splitting up. "Uh, Genie, you go with Erina and I'll follow Reena. We don't want them getting into trouble."

Genie grinned. "Come on, Grim. We have to follow Erina the stunt demon."

Grim grinned. There was more truth to that statement than Genie knew.

Back in the lighthouse, Vicky still felt disoriented. "What the hell is that stench? It smells like burnt hair or something," she said, wrinkling her nose. Of course, she had smelled worse out on the streets, but that wasn't the point. "And just what the hell is up with all this fancy smansy equipment?"

"I'm going to see if I can get into the archived, encrypted database and see what transmissions they intercepted, if any," Trina said, pulling up a chair to the console. "Why don't you guys do a sweep of the rest of the lighthouse and see what you can find?"

Kevin frowned. "I still feel something that feels like a vortex somewhere closeby."

Alex explained Ivan's prefabricated story to Vicky to see if she bought the explanation on what happened.

Mikael said to Kevin, "Hello? This is San Francisco, Kevin! It's a magic users hot spot! Not to mention the were-community, the witches, the demons, the weirdos and the hippies. You are going to be sensing magical activity around here. It's part of the reason Lionel and I moved here. The Ley Lines are fantastic in this region."

Mark headed off to explore the lighthouse. He often found it strange that their little group consisted of powered people, and no non-powered people. He was really wishing that they'd make some non-powered friends.

"I know what magical vortexes feel like, Mikael," Kevin said. "I don't think this is one of them. I think it is more of a scientificly fabricated one."

Vicky eyed Alex skepticly. "I really hope you don't expect me to buy that," she said seriously.

Alex shrugged his shoulders and replied, "It was Ivan's idea."

Ivan then told Vicky the truth about what SHE did. "Now, do you fully expect to believe that one? Because the thugs bodies are outside in some coffins that Mikael summoned. I have to wait outside for the law to show up so I can convince them that these crooks did this to themselves."

Mikael said to Kevin, "Are you suggesting a Tech Gate mechanism?"

As Mark was exploring an upper floor of the lighthouse, his cellphone went off, playing the first few bars of the Scooby Doo Movies theme song. "Hello? Mark speaking." The voice on the other end said something. "Oh, Hi Andrew. Am I busy? Well... if you don't count exploring an old creepy lighthouse with my friends as being busy, then no, I'm not too busy. What's up?" There was a form of excited reply. "Oh? When are you going to be coming out to California?" There was another lengthy reply. "In 2 weeks, huh?" Another short reply. "What's that? You want me to meet you at the bus station? I can do that. Will your folks and sister be coming too?" There came a reply that made Mark frown. "Divorce and foster homes... I understand, Andrew... but running out here isn't the safest solution. Someone is sure to miss seeing you where you're supposed to be and..." Andrew apparently said something else. "I see. Well, if you're intent on coming, I'll meet you at the bus station in two weeks. I still think it's dangerous for you to be traveling alone, but if I can't talk you out of it, I'll see about finding you some place to stay out here. See you in two weeks, Andrew." Mark said goodbye. "Goodbye Andrew."

Mark put his cellphone away and sighed. "I hope things don't get any worse..." And at that moment, Mark fell down a coal chute, slid past the ground floor and lands with a dusty POOF in the basement!!! And yes, he hollared all the way down!

Vicky rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I'm losing it, aren't I? First, I have these wild, far out dreams for months, and now I'm barbequing people. What is happening to me?" she asked, looking back and forth between Alex and Ivan. She sat on the floor, sighing, she was exhausted and just the energy that it took to continue standing was too much for her. "I'll just sit here and rest for a minute. You guys do what you have to," she said, closing her eyes.

Kevin pondered that possibility. "It could be, but it is almost like an artificial black hole of miniscule proportions. The problem is, it keeps fluxing. Like it is getting power surges or something." Kevin shrugged. "I can't be sure, my area of expertise is mental not scientific/magical."

Trina was intently going over the database when they all heard Mark yell. Her head shot up. "MARK!?"

Vicky raised her head and opened her eyes. "Sounds like he just shot down past us," she said, eying the floor.

Mikael said to Kevin, "This is just a thought... but... could you be sensing Vicky and the sudden power surge she just had?"

Alex said, "It certainly sounded like he ended up in the basement. But how? We didn't find a way down there last night. And I don't see a descending staircase here on the ground floor, either."

Lionel said, "I wonder where Vinnie is today? He's the only one who hasn't reported in."

"Well, I might have thought so, but I was sensing it before she did her thing," Kevin said quietly.

Just then Vinnie appeared. "Sorry I'm late, I had some business to take care of this morning. Have I missed anything?"

Ivan proceeded to tell Vinnie what they knew so far.

Alex said, "There must be a way into the basement..."

Mikael hummed at Kevin's response. "Maybe you and I can find this vortex energy you're talking about. Where should we look first?"

Mark coughed a bit as he stood up slowly, brushing the coal dust off of his clothes. "Aw man... my white suit is dirty..."

Kevin considered for a moment. "Let's see if we can get to the top of the lighthouse and check it out up there first."

Vinnie shook his head. "Figures I'd miss out on all the excitement. Hold on a moment and let me get to Mark," he said and vanished, appearing in front of Mark. "You're a mess," he said, stating the obvious.

Mark replied, "Yeah. I fell down the coal chute. What is this room? I thought it was a basement, but it looks more like someone's storage warehouse... and there's a ship of some sort docked over there."

Mikael nodded his head, as he escorted Kevin upstairs to the top of the lighthouse. "Don't know why you want to be up here for..."

Alex then changed back into his human form. "Well... looks like I need to recharge my mystical energy again. Father warned me this might happen. I better get me a change of clothes out of the limousine before someone sees something exposed that they shouldn't see." And he headed out to the limousine.

Lionel giggled. "Too late." he whispered.

"I wonder if that is the ship that we're looking for," Vinnie wondered aloud. "Shall we check it out?" he asked Mark.

"What the hell is that?" Kevin interrupted, indicating the device that was anchored where the light should have been.

Vicky smiled as she watched Alex leave the lighthouse. "It's a toss up as to which bod, I like best," she murmured to herself.

The cave that Erina had followed seemed to be getting darker and darker, if that were possible. She had long since shut off her oxygen tank to conserve it for later, opting instead to use her inborne ability to not need to breathe. "What do you think, Genie? I'm beginning to believe this way leads nowhere."

Genie said, "Which would indicate that Reena's in trouble again? Maybe you're right."

Grim exclaimed, "This tunnel leads to the sleeping pit of a giant kraken. Her summer residence, as it were. Her winter residence is in the Mediterranean."

Genie hummed. "Okay, Erina. We better head back then and..."

Grim said, "Forget that. I'll just teleport the lot of us over to Hel and Reena."


Reena about screamed underwater!

"Good lord, Grim, are you trying to fuck up and get another spirit to have to deal with?" Erina demanded, glaring at him. "You know you can't do that shit with Reena, you'll give her a heart attack."

Hel chuckled. "Calm down, Reena."

"And another thing, Grim, if you knew what was down that tunnel why didn't you say something before instead of letting us waste our time? I swear," Erina mumbled frustrated. "Hey, what's that up ahead?" she asked.

Mikael looked at the odd looking thing. "I don't know what it is, Kevin. I'm a warlock, not a mechanic."

Mark said, "Let's go take a closer look, Vinnie. There had been 2 guards in the lighthouse, so I wonder who's down here? It's awfully quiet."

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed all over the warehouse under the lighthouse, as something that looked like a T-Rex burst out of a small building and came charging at Vinnie and Mark!!!

Alex sat in the backseat of the limo, getting into a spare set of his clothes. "What was that horrible noise? Did Vicky fart or something?"

"!!DNUORG RUOY DLOH!!" Vinnie shouted, causing the monster to freeze in it's tracks. "I think that would be the guard down here," he said, pushing Mark into action.

"Oh, Lord, now what?" Trina said, looking up from the console again.

Vicky was on her feet in an instant. "It came from down below, I'm going to see if I can't find a way down there from this level. Watch yourself, Trina," she said, taking off.

"Sure, no problem. Why don't everyone just take off and leave me here by myself?" Trina muttered, leaning against the console. She didn't notice that her elbow hit one of the buttons.

The mechanism started to hum. "That doesn't sound good," Kevin said. "And I'm starting to get a fluxing sensation, how about you?"

And as Alex watched, the whole lighthouse suddenly sank into the ground rapidly, and another lighthouse arose in it's place! "What the heck? What have they done now?" Alex rushed forward to see if the others were okay.

Inside the now submerged lighthouse, Lionel looked at Trina. "Something tells me that wasn't a good thing, was it?"

Mikael looked at Kevin as the surroudings were now underground. "Someone pushed a button!"

Mark cast a spell. "X-Ray Vision!" And he looked at the T-Rex... "Vinnie, it's a robot, but it's really sophisticated. Like a hollywood robot."

Reena headed for the surface of the water and broke through. "Hey! It's the ship! And Vinnie, Mark, and a frozen T-Rex!"

Genie grinned. "Grim, go away. Please."

Grim replied, "Nothing doing. You're my responsibility."

"Well, damn!" she said, looking down at the console. "I have no idea which button I pushed."

"Well, at least the fluxing sensation has subsided," Kevin said with a shrug.

"A Hollywood robot? This is getting ridiculous," Vinnie said, frowning.

Erina surfaced behind Reena. "Hey! I know that T-Rex!"

Hel looked at Grim. "I think you need to go now, Grim. You do have other duties to be seeing to, don't you?"

Grim replied, "Unfortunately, yes. There is a riot in Tehran and the leader of the coup is going to be shot. And if I'm not there, everyone will think that he is immune to gunshots." *POOFS* He's gone!

Genie surfaced near Erina. "You know that T-Rex? Why is it down here? And who's controlling it?"

Reena then leaped up out of the water and for affect shouted, "Flame On!" as she suddenly alit in a ball of fire! "That is so much better! I hate getting wet! Makes me smell like a wet dog in heat!"

Mark said, "Look Vinnie! It's Hel and the others!"

At that moment, a laser beam just barely missed Mark and Vinnie from behind, and it came from the weird device on top of the now underground lighthouse!

Mikael shouted, "Look out, Kevin! That thing just got active again!"

Lionel said to Trina, "You gotta do something, Trina. That sounded like a laser."

Ivan had been outside with the police, and now they were trying to help Alex get the replacement lighthouse's door open. "As you can see, officers, a lighthouse that goes up and down is highly suspicious behavior."

Alex hummed. "Can't you pick the lock, Ivan?"

Ivan replied, "I'm trying to, but it's one of those electronic locks. Do I look like Videoman?"

Alex growled, "Either you unlock it or I'll call Switcher Woman out here!"

Ivan irked! And redoubled his efforts on the lock!!

"That takes care of him," Hel chuckled.

"Well, the last time I saw it, it was being refurbished to take preprogrammed instructions. Kind of an AI upgrade," Erina said, leaving the water.

"So I see. That confirms that this is connected to the ocean," Vinnie said. "What in the universe!?" he shouted as the laser barely missed them.

"Holy Mark and Vinnie, Mikael!" Kevin exclaimed.

"I'm looking, I'm looking!" Trina was frantically doing a search for the correct button to stop the laser.

Vicky closed her eyes. 'All right,' she thought to herself, 'so you wanna do wierd shit without my knowledge do you. Well, by Hel, you'll do it now when I need you to or you won't do it at all!' And instantly the air around Vicky crackled, vibrated, and hummed. The floor below her began to glow red, orange, yellow, and then white as it quickly vaporized below her, allowing her to fall slowly through the new hole into the underground cove.

Lionel exclaimed, "Maybe if we pulled the plug?" He was hoping that wasn't a stupid idea.

The laser shot off again, striking the now flaming Reena! She yelled, "Unless you want my daddy on your case, you better stop shooting at me!!"

Genie said, "Hum... I'm heading inside that ship. T-Rex and that laser have to be getting their instructions from somewhere, and I'm betting it's a hidden room." And with that, she passed right through the ship's hull into the belly of the ship!

Mikael shouted, "BALL OF FORCE!!!" And the weird little item that was shooting the lasers was suddenly encased in a force field of magical warlock power! "That should stop any more surprises, Kevin. But now we know that someone doesn't want us down here."

Outside, Ivan was pleased when he succeeded in getting the electronic lock open! "There! We're in!" And he, Alex, and the police officers charged inside and down the descending staircase to the lower levels. Ivan then shouted a warning to anyone who might not be in human form or displaying powers, "We're coming with the police! We'll be there in a few moments!"

Reena immediately landed on the docks and extinguished her flames. "Good old Ivan... I sure am glad he shouted off that warning."

Mikael said, "I have to get Lionel out of here, Kevin. Cat people and all. Dammit, I really hate having to hide our identities to others, but some people can see through disguise spells." And Mikael teleported to Lionel, grabbed him, and teleported back to their San Francisco home!

Trina doubled her efforts to find a plug to pull, to no avail. "Oh boy. This is not good! IVAN! A LITTLE HELP HERE!" she shouted.

"Um," Vicky said, still glowing and crackling. "I can't seem to shut it off now."

"Hold on, Vicky," Vinnie said, and, without touching her, he transported her outside of Mikael's house inside of a containment field. "Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten yourself into."

Erina climbed on top of the T-Rex and opened the control panel on the back of it's head. She pulled a few wires, effectively dismantling the robot. "That takes care of that," she said, triumphantly, sliding down the tail.

Ivan pointed the police to the missing ship, as he headed inside the original lighthouse to help Trina with the control panel. "Cavalry is here! Trina. Let's see what we can do with this thing!"

Alex and the police arrived on the docks, just as Genie emerged on the upper deck. And she was holding someone. Well, she was holding the person before she threw him over the side and into the awaiting arms of the police.

Genie exclaimed, "Professor Dainway! He saw how valuable his invention would be to people who would pay the high prices he was going to ask for, and he staged his own disappearance. The ship's crew are locked up in the ship's brig, right where the professer put them when he arranged this little hoax."

Ivan and Trina soon emerged from the lighthouse. Ivan said, "The console could be operated by remote control. Trina and I found the AI box inside one of the repair hatches. When we pulled it out, the whole console went dead."

"I know you!" Erina shouted, indicating 'Professor Dainway'. "You were fired from the studio for making some of the AI robots a little too dangerous for the stunt people."

"Uh, guys," Kevin said, climbing down from the top of the lighthouse. "That's not the real Professor Dainway. The real Professor Dainway is about 80 plus years old."

"So just who is he?" Trina asked, wanting to punch the guy in the face.

Genie said, "So who is he? He put up quite a fight when I surprised him prepping the professor's invention for a firing."

Alex hummed. "I think I know..." And Alex picked up some seaweed and walked over and put the seaweed just under the guy's nose on his upper lip. "Does this help jog your memory, Erina?"

"I don't believe it!" Erina exclaimed.

Trina looked the guy over. "So can I punch him in the face now?"

One of the police officers said, "It's Sime Habree. A crooked arms dealer. He escaped from an armed escort just a few months ago, and no one was sure where he had gone to."

Alex said, "Right. And the professor's invention would have made the perfect weapon to sell on the black market. Too bad the invention requires a component that he doesn't have."

Sime growled, "What do you mean? It's flawless as a weapon!"

Alex replied, "Had you studied the professor's notes more clearly, you'd have realized that the salt extractor requires intense cold conditions for it to even operate."

Genie said, "And that explains why the professor had the invention stored in that giant cooler in the ship's hold."

Ivan now said, "Smuggling a weapon like that out of the country... and not cutting Madame Borva in on a cut of the profits. That's not very smart, Sime. Not very smart at all. Now you have to deal with Trina Tracker and the Hazardous Materials team."

The other police officer snapped the handcuffs on Sime and said, "Where he's going, cutting may be right up his alley... cutting granite blocks, that is... come on, you..." And the two police officers escorted Sime out of the area.

Mark grinned at the others. "That wasn't so bad. Can we head back to Mikael's now? I need to wash my clothes while I'm spending the night there. Oh! What are you going to do with T-Rex, Erina?"

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, the studio has been looking for it for an upcoming movie that its working on. I'll just return it to them, along with the remote control," Erina winked.

Kevin, who had disappeared down into the hold of the ship, reappeared with the crew and the real Professor Dainway. "Hey, guys! Meet the REAL Professor Dainway. He said that he had started keeping detailed notes these past couple of years because of his health, and the main reason for the transport of the machine was to have it dismantled."

"Well, that's a relief," Trina said. "Let's go check and see how Vicky is."

Mikael and Lionel worked with Vinnie in trying to get Vicky's power turned off.

Mikael said, "Well, if we can't get her power turned off, then Vicky will have to face her dad when we call him to help her turn it off."

"You are so not calling my dad," Vicky fumed, literally.

"Well, how'd you turn it on?" Vinnie asked. "Maybe if you did that in reverse it would shut off."

"I guess I could try that," she said, closing her eyes. 'All right,' she thought to herself, 'you have done your thing and now you can stop. Take a break or something. I don't need this right now!' And instantly the power stopped, leaving nothing but a small scorched area beneath Vicky's feet. She opened her eyes. "It worked! Too bad it takes so much concentration and time or that could be a kick ass power." Vicky frowned.

"All right, team, gather round," Hel said, since everyone expected a God to have powers he could transport them all without raising any undue questions. And instantly they were all at Mikael's house.

"Cool, you managed to turn them off!" Trina said, excited.

"Yea. I got shafted with these powers," Vicky grumbled.

Mark said, "I thought the last guy who shafted you ended up getting the hell beat out of him by your dad? Mikael? I need to use your laundry room. Come on, Lionel... we can have a classroom magic study session while I'm doing this."

Lionel smiled, and just before he headed off with Mark, he said, "Some unicorns have some mighty interesting goodies when they're wearing shredded clothes."


Mikael giggled. "Don't worry about it, Alex. Lionel won't tell anyone. He's a cat person, remember?"

Ivan grinned, then shouted, "Look out, Alex!!!"

And at that moment, Alex found himself UNDER a very heavy Garm, who was wearing a spiked collar, with a trailing broken chain!!!

Everyone laughed out loud, as the scene scrolled skyward, and the ending credits began to scroll past...

**End of Episode One: The Mystery of the Old Lighthouse

Stay tuned for Episode Two: The Haunted Toy Factory**