Ghosts N Stuff - The Possessive Type

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#3 of Ghosts N Stuff

It's getting a little late now, but Happy Halloween anyway :D

Five cubs, one haunted house, what's the worst that could happen?

Be warned, there's some creepy/squicky things in this story that I normally wouldn't include, but I figured it's not a halloween special unless you're willing to go the whole nine yards. I've split this up into 5 chapters for readability, but also because each chapter has different themes and fetishes. Tagging them separately allows people who might like some of the stuff, but not the other bits, to pick and choose.

In 'The Possessive Type' brothers Blaze and Thanatos explore the East wing, and each other :3

All characters are owned by their respective owners, but the story is all mine. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Thanatos and Blaze had wandered deep into the East wing of the house, passing through sets of double doors and along wide corridors, casting only cursory glances into a few side rooms along the way. Thanatos was chatting away as he normally did, with Blaze tuning him out as he normally had to, and neither had spotted anything remotely interesting yet. The decor was certainly plush and everything had a general air of expense, but it was hard to show off a particularly fancy chair or some mahogany wall paneling to your friends. Finally growing tired of his little brother's yammering, and coming to a halt between two doorways leading off the corridor, Blaze decided a bit of peace and quiet might help the search.

"Thana," he interrupted "why don't you check that room, while I poke around in here?" pointing over the younger dragon's shoulder, before jerking his thumb at the door behind him.

"Sure, bro." shrugged Thanatos, caught a touch off guard, but having no problem with the plan. "Bet I find something cool first!" he said, dashing toward the door.

Bustling through the somewhat stiff door, the dragon cub found himself in what looked like a study, the sort of place that might be filled with cool trinkets. Large wooden bookshelves and display cases lined the walls, while toward the middle of the room stood a large and imposing desk, behind it a matching and rather ornately carved chair. "Jackpot!" cried Thanatos excitedly, jogging to the nearest cabinet and flinging the doors open, beginning to rummage around for something to show his older brother. Not finding anything immediately, he looked up and took another survey of his surroundings, tail flicking restlessly behind him as he realised that he could be here for quite a while. The young drake considered finding Blaze and dragging him back here to help, but decided it would be better to find something first, as proof that this room could be a treasure trove.

It took Thanatos until the third cabinet to strike paydirt, pulling free what looked like a pocket watch, although he was unable to pry the case open to check. The silver cover glinted in the low light, a marked contrast to his dark scales, almost forcing the cub to stare at the bright reflection. "I gotta show this to Blaze!" exclaimed the juvenile dragon, scrambling to his feet and making for the exit, clutching at his prize. Bouncing out of the study and across the corridor, the dragon cub burst into the room his brother was exploring, immediately catching sight of his elder sibling. The older drake was stood facing away from the door, "Hey, big bro, look what I got!" shouted Thanatos, trying to get his attention. Blaze moved not a muscle, and with no small amount of confusion, Thanatos started to approach the motionless dragon.

"Blaze?" asked the dragon cub, slight worry beginning to enter his voice, as he made his way across what appeared to be a living room. Closing the distance, it became obvious that not only was his sibling acting oddly, he also wasn't wearing any clothes! The older dragon's dark blue scales were a deep black in the subdued light, but their distinctively golden edges shone brightly, much like the watch still clutched in the cub's paws. Stepping around the final plush sofa between him and his brother, Thanatos shakily tried talking again, swallowing down his building discomfort, wings twitching nervously behind him. "What's going on big bro?" he demanded, reaching out for Blaze's bare shoulder with a trembling paw.

The next thing Thanatos knew he was flat on his back, pressed into the soft carpet by his madly grinning brother, arms pinned down above his head. The young dragon started to ask what the hell was going on, but before the first syllable had escaped his lips, the cub felt his shout muffled. It took the dragon a few seconds to process what was happening, and once he did it simply made no sense. Blaze was making out with him! His older brother's scaled lips were mashed into his own, and the teen was sloppily working his forked tongue around Thanatos's mouth, the dragon cub too shocked to resist. Blushing deeply at the sudden and unexpected intimacy, Thanatos allowed his own tongue to flick against his sibling's, the two wriggling appendages coiling around each other in a mock embrace.

The little drake had never been kissed before, and while he wasn't exactly enjoying it, it did feel oddly nice. Sharing in the panting, heated breaths of his sibling, Blaze's body pressed hard against his own, tongues stroking against each other, it was all so intense! Thanatos was pretty sure that he wasn't supposed to do this sort of thing, especially not with his elder brother, but in the current situation he didn't seem to have much choice. Lost in the passionate kiss, the dragon cub failed to notice that his wrists had been released, Blaze's wandering paws allowed to move unseen to their next target. With a loud ripping sound the younger dragon's shirt was torn away, his shocked gasp melting into the continued kiss, as the tattered remnants of his top were pulled free.

Quick and forceful movements dragged the smaller dragon's arms behind and under his back, and before Thanatos even knew what was happening, his big brother had bound his wrists tightly together. Now fairly well immobilised, the dragon cub felt Blaze pull away from him, breaking the lengthy kiss and slowly moving to stand. "What the hell are you doing!?" shouted the flustered little dragon, his outburst met with only a smirking grin, as the naked teenager crouched down at his feet. Thanatos watched as his sibling's paws gripped at the waistband of his pants, letting out a squeal of alarm as his shorts and underwear were pulled off in one swift motion. Tears welled in the cub's eyes as he laid naked on the plush carpet, his black and purple scaled body fully exposed, totally at the mercy of his seemingly insane brother.

Thanatos closed his eyes and began to sob, hoping against hope that this was all a bad dream, that when he opened his eyes everything would be ok. His hope was quickly dashed, feeling Blaze's paws grip and pull open his horned muzzle, stuffing his mouth with a ball of smooth fabric. The young dragon ran his tongue across the cloth gag, eyes flying open as he realised with disgust it was his own grey jockstrap, sweaty and musky from his earlier exertions. Wide eyed and breathing hard through his nose, the dragon cub watched as his brother descended over him, their naked forms pressed together in an incestous embrace.

Whining around the makeshift gag, Thanatos squirmed beneath Blaze, trying to escape from the bizarre situation. "Rrrrr, keep doing that Thana..." rumbled his big brother, the first words he had said since they separated in the hallway, "So smooth and soft..." the older dragon trailed off. To his horror, Thanatos felt his teenaged sibling hump against him, the unmistakable firmness of arousal pressing into his own limp cub cock. Screaming into his gag the small dragon wriggled even harder, succeeding only in pleasuring his elder brother, the larger male's thick shaft pulsing with every hump. "Oooh!" Blaze cooed into the young dragon's ear, "You feel so good little brother, I think you deserve a reward!"

Thanatos shivered as his ear was licked and nibbled at, the older dragon lingering for a while, grinding his fattening member against him. He watched as his sibling slowly lifted away from him, inadvertently looking down at their perverse joining, brotherly lengths pressed firmly against each other. The dragon cub blushed a deep crimson as he found himself unable to look away, staring at his brother's full length, comparing it to his own modest shaft. Blaze's dick pulsed against him, at least a foot of hot dragon flesh, tapering from thick base to flared tip. Ringed with prominent ridges, each one regularly studded with fleshy nubs, it was a truly imposing sight. Beads of pre formed at the tip of the huge cock, dripping onto the cub's soft purple belly scales, rubbed in by his own softly swaying member. Each grinding press forced more pre to leak from his sibling's shaft, rapidly coating both of their lengths and bellies in the slick goo. Thanatos's curious ogling was cut short, yelping into his jockstrap as his brother licked and sucked at his left nipple, a clawed hand pinching at his right.

Between the constant direct stimulation, and the unexpected assault on his nipples, the ten year old dragon felt his own shaft stiffen. This was all wrong! This wasn't meant to happen with other boys! His brother shouldn't be doing this to him! Whatever protests Thanatos could think of, his dick had other ideas, rapidly firming up and joining it's larger partner in leaking on the boyish dragon's purple tummy. "Mmmm, is my little Thana enjoying himself?" teased Blaze, pulling away from the cub's nipple, "Well then you should love what I do next!" Thanatos wasn't sure about that, but then all of this had felt pretty great so far, he just knew it shouldn't! For a while Blaze simply continued to rock their lengths against each other, smearing their combined juices and forcing Thanatos to shiver in pleasure. Eventually his older brother began to move down his body, flicking his tongue against his chest, pausing to slurp up some of the sticky ooze on his belly. Thanatos was sure of his sibling's eventual target, the large drake's wriggling tongue quickly approaching his fully erect cocklet.

The dragon cub realised with shame that he wanted it, that he was actively anticipating the feeling of his elder brother's tongue on his shaft, that he craved the feel of Blaze's scaled muzzle wrapped around his hard cub dick. Even though he knew it was wrong, even though one half of him hated the other half for wanting it, in that moment, he wanted it. As Blaze's tongue whipped past his straining length, a needy whine broke from Thanatos throat, quickly stifled by a gasp into his cotton gag. His brother had skipped straight past his twitching shaft, and was now lapping at his balls, occasionally planting a wet kiss against his smooth sack. The older dragon's dark paws had moved even lower, lifting Thanatos's legs over his shoulders, then gripping and squeezing at the cub's exposed butt.

With only the slightest shift in position, Blaze's tongue and muzzle were gone from Thanatos's balls, leaving them coated with cooling saliva. Snorts of air from his brother's nostrils played over the boyish dragon's sack, making the cub shiver and squirm in pleasure, while warm breath washed between his spread cheeks. The hot breath was quickly replaced with a hot tongue, long slurps pressing into the groove of the young dragon's rump, combined with short licks pressing right against his puckered hole. On a night of new, weird and pleasurable experiences for the fledgling dragon, this was perhaps the weirdest, and the best! Blaze's tongue wiggled and wormed it's way into him, muzzle sloppily kissing and sucking at his tailhole, a dual sensation unlike anything the cub had ever felt before.

After a few minutes of this constant pleasurable assault, Thanatos felt about ready to burst. He had no idea what the feeling was, but he knew it had been building since his big brother first started humping at him. He felt tingly, on edge, like he needed to pee, or like cresting the first big drop on a rollercoaster. It was an odd feeling, somewhere deep inside, but also focussed everywhere Blaze touched. One of his sibling's large paws fondled and caressed his pert sack, while the other gently stroked along his throbbing erection, squeezing and tugging at his foreskin. The cub didn't know what was going to happen, but he knew it was only seconds away from happening, his body tensing and teeth sinking into his jockstrap. In an instant, everything stopped. Blaze lifted his head from between Thanatos's legs and licked his lips, "You taste great baby brother," churred the older dragon "but I think it's my turn to have some fun."

Thanatos was left in a daze. He had been so close to... something, that now he had barely any idea what was going on, except that he had been picked up off the floor. By the time he regained his bearings Blaze had sat them in one of the chairs dotted around the room, and he was knelt straddling his sibling's lap, face to face with the bigger dragon. Clawed paws rubbed and stroked at his smooth rump, continuing to tease and excite the little dragon in equal measure. "This might hurt you a bit Thana, but it'll feel so good for me." his brother said, still smiling. The dragon cub had no idea what Blaze meant, but he didn't like the sound of it.

Before he could consider the comment any further, pain flared through his body, forcing him to scream into his gag. The pleasure he had been revelling in only moments earlier was replaced in an instant, agony now spreading from the cub's backside, a stinging fire that quickly brought tears to his eyes. The searing ache was pushing deeper, as though he was being skewered by a lick of flame, the burning sensation slowly filling him up. Through the tears he watched his brother's grin grow wider, "Aw, don't cry Thana," Blaze simpered insincerely, "you're almost half-way down."

Understanding crashed into Thanatos, making him flush and struggle against his bonds. His brother was inside him. He had barely been able to believe the size of his elder sibling's shaft, and now it was being stuffed into his diminutive frame, inch by excruciating inch. Whining and shouting through the jockstrap gag, Thanatos continued to struggle against his incestuous descent, pain all but forgotten in the face of his newfound anger. He saw Blaze tilt his head slightly, before seemingly coming to some sort of conclusion, his fixed smile growing even more fiendish. The older dragon's hands shifted upwards, gripping the impaled cub firmly by the waist, then yanked him down, hard. The small dragon felt as though he had been punched in the gut, all fight instantly knocked out of him as he struggled for breath. His butt was pressed flush with his big brother's scaled thighs, and he began to feel felt light headed, the strain on his tortured passage making it difficult to focus.

Blaze seemed utterly unconcerned, "I suppose I should have loosened you up some more," he sighed, "But you felt so tight, it seemed a shame to ruin you with my fingers." The young dragon felt paws clamp under his rump cheeks, squeezing and pulling at them, adding to the torment centred beneath his tail. "Much better for me to wreck your snug little hole this way, right baby brother?" Blaze continued, as Thanatos felt himself slowly lifted by his brother's strong arms. The slow ascent did nothing to dull the pain of his stretched ring, the ridged cock pulled and tugged against his insides, adding to the building ache the dragon cub was feeling. His sibling's dick had been pulled almost entirely free, with only the flared tip still breaching his spasming hole, and Thanatos hoped his ordeal was nearly over. Any such hope was quickly crushed, as the paws that had been gently lifting him switched directions in an instant, sending the short dragon plummeting back down the full length of draconic cock. Ridge after ridge sunk through his clenched opening, each one thicker than the last, forcefully widening the youngster's tailhole. A shout of pain was muffled by the jockstrap still crammed into his maw, wings beating weakly in protest, all totally ignored by his older sibling. The second descent onto his brother's shaft had been even more agonising than the first, so much so that feeling Blaze hilted against his rear was a welcome relief.

As he sat with the older dragon's member engulfed by his painfully spread passage, Thanatos felt a soft rubbing against his tummy. The dragon cub looked down at his brother's dark scaled paw, resting against the light purple of his belly, and groaned into his gag. The outline of Blaze's huge dick was clearly visible, lewdly bulging evidence of how deeply his sibling was stuffed into his rump. "This feels great Thana," churred Blaze, still stroking at the obscene bulge, "but I think it's time to speed things up." With clawed hands clamped onto his hips, the cub was forced into a rapid bouncing pace, riding the full length of his brother's flexing cock. Tears fell from Thanatos's cheeks as he was brutally ploughed, the physical stress slowly abating as his hole was fucked loose, replaced by the crushing distress of his brother doing this too him.

Every forced thrust into his depths wearied the little dragon, the fountain of pre oozing and spilling inside soothed and dulled his senses, lulling the cub closer to rest. Even the growing knot popping savagely through his gaped entrance failed to rouse him, his slack tailhole grasping around the base of his sibling's full eighteen inches barely drawing a gasp of breath in response. Thanatos's eyelids felt heavy, the constant assault on his backside slowly forgotten, his brother's gripping claws losing their sharpness. Heavier and heavier, his entire body felt like a lead weight, rising and falling in time with his heartbeat. He could still feel Blaze, holding him firmly by the thighs, and buried deeply under his tail, but everything felt softer. The ridged shaft he was impaled upon no longer worried him, the aching of his stretched inner walls no longer bothered him, he felt safe, peaceful. Another gush of pre washed into the cub, pushing him gently into unconsciousness, still being ravaged by his elder sibling.

As sleep overtook the young dragon, Thanatos's eyes shot open, a devilish smirk forming on his cherubic face. Blaze removed his paws from his kid brother's hips, grinning as he felt Thanatos still riding his throbbing pole, no longer needing any encouragement to take the full length of draconic dick. A glance down revealed his baby brother's firm and bobbing erection, droplets of immature pre leaking from the tip. Reaching around the bouncing dragon cub, he quickly unbound his sibling's wrists, taking one length of cloth to tie his own left arm to the chair. The other piece of shirt he handed to Thanatos, offering up his right arm to be tied down as well, which his little brother quickly did. Opening his mouth wide, he watched eagerly as the young drake spat out the soggy jockstrap gag, before balling it up and cramming it between Blaze's own lips.

Like waking from a lucid dream, reality snapped back around Blaze, his every muscle tensing before falling limp. Breathing hard, the fifteen year old tried to place himself, realizing with horror that he was exactly where he thought he was. Tied down to a chair and gagged, he watched as his kid brother continued to energetically ride his dick, occasionally pausing to grind down around his knot. He grunted and growled into his gag, trying to tell Thanatos to stop, trying to hold back his rapidly approaching release. The teenaged dragon had been compelled to molest and then rape his baby brother, he had stolen away Thana's innocence, and forever changed their relationship. He was buried knot deep in the boyish dragon, a seemingly impossible amount of cock wedged into the cub's petite frame. His brother would probably be scarred for life, maybe only mentally if he was lucky, and Blaze considered that maybe this wouldn't do the most healthy things to his own psyche either.

But whatever malevolent entity had been commanding him was gone now, leaving him alone responsible for whatever happened next. He could worry about the long term consequences later, right now he had to concentrate on not making things any worse! The older dragon's immediate concern was obvious, why wasn't Thanatos stopping? He wasn't being forced to ride him anymore, and while fucking your ten year old brother was one horrible thing, Blaze didn't even want to consider actually cumming in him. Oh no, that had been a dangerous thought to have. The dragon teen was desperately close to the edge, and the passage wrapped around his dick was so deliciously tight and ever so warm, sticky and slippery with his pre. Biting down on the jockstrap gag, Blaze made one last desperate attempt to hold off his release, repeating over and over in his head: It's your brother, It's your brother, It's your baby brother...

With that thought swimming around his mind, Blaze erupted into his little brother's tailhole, the dragon cub's eyes locked to his own. Whimpering into his gag in shame, he bucked up into the cub, actively forcing himself as deep as he could into his sibling. Spurt after spurt of hot draconic cum fired from his tip, his pulsing member squeezed and worked by Thanatos's passage, finally sealing their incestuous union. Blaze grunted and groaned as he continued to empty himself into his baby brother, balls pulling close to his body as they continued to release what felt like his biggest ever load, liberally painting his sibling's passage with thick spunk. Thana smiled down at him and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on his forehead, "That feels amazing, big brother..." he moaned.

Blaze was dumbfounded. His brother had enjoyed it? Breaking eye contact he looked down, shuddering as another weak squirt of jizz spurted from his dick. There, pressed between his blue scaled stomach and Thanatos's cum-filled tummy, was his young brother's fully hard cock. His little Thana really was enjoying this? Did that make it OK? No, of course not. But, maybe? The teenager was still trying to work out exactly how much of a cub-molesting monster he was, when he felt his sibling shift purposefully against him. With a sharp yank his brother pulled free from the tying knot, releasing a torrent of warm spunk from the cub's gaping tailhole. Thanatos slowly rose to his feet, Blaze's dick flopping out of the dragon cub's abused hole, still twitching as it oozed spooge. Feeling his little brother lift off of his slime covered member forced a growl into the large dragon's throat, before the cold air of the room settling over his sticky balls and shaft turned the growl into a sultry moan of pleasure.

The teen was mesmerised by his younger sibling's dick, the formerly innocent if annoying little dragon having seemingly transformed in front of his eyes, bobbing and twitching brazenly only inches from his face. Thanatos rubbed his bulging belly, as spunk leaked freely down his smooth inner thighs, "Wow, you sure did fill me up, big brother!" he giggled, gently pressing on his belly and causing more seed to drool down his legs. Blaze stared wide eyed at the amount of cum leaking from Thana, cum that he had deposited only moments earlier, and swallowed hard against his cloth gag. The cub reached one hand behind himself, which returned glistening and dripping with spunk, coated up to the wrist. "And you really stretched me out too," said Thanatos, licking his black paw clean. The boyish dragon murred around his fingers, then hopped backwards onto the floor, "I could barely fit one finger up there before."

Blaze was still in shock, and watching his baby brother fist himself so nonchalantly was not helping his mental state, neither was the hungry look the cub was giving his messy crotch. Fresh cum was still trickling fitfully from his shaft, slimy rivulets running down all sides of his slick length, gathering and pooling on his belly and balls. Blaze wrinkled his nose at the gooey mess, before hissing in shock into the jockstrap gag, as Thanatos ran a finger from sticky base to dribbling tip. The cub lifted the dirty finger to his lips, and without a moments hesitation began to suckle on it, letting his eyes fall closed in obvious pleasure. "Mmmmm, I love your flavour, big brother" cooed the little dragon, "Almost as much as I love my own."

Hearing the ten year old talk about enjoying the taste of his own ass made Blaze's ears burn, matched equally by the flush of his cheeks, as his flared tip twitched out another dollop of dragon cream. As the latest glob of jizz began its slow descent, Thanatos's hot maw fully engulfed the older dragon's flagging length, effortlessly gulping it into his eagerly swallowing throat. The cub suckled and slurped greedily around the softening cock, draining the last of the syrupy load directly directly into his already cum-filled belly. Blaze shivered as he felt his baby brother's agile tongue flicking against his tip, then coiling down and around his shaft, working between his sensitive ridges. Only moments earlier his huge cock had been buried in the small dragon's ass, and now Thana was eagerly sucking and licking it clean, happily gathering up the gooey result of their mating. His young brother drew slowly off his softening dick, lips tightly sealed around the sizeable girth, giving a final suck at the tip as he pulled away. Blaze watched enraptured as Thanatos made a sultry show of his mouthful, spunk pooling around his tongue, then tilted his head back and audibly gulped down every last drop.

Apparently satisfied with the cleanliness of his sibling's shaft, the fledgling dragon brought his muzzle lower, lapping softly at his Blaze's spent balls. The teenager could only moan as each of his sensitive orbs were bathed by his kid brother's tongue, the flicking appendage working around his taut sack, slurping off any errant dribbles of spooge. Blaze felt the wet tongue working down over his taint, leaving a trail of spittle across the sensitive blue scales, then starting to lick gently at his puckered anal ring. The soft flicks built to long messy slurps, the flexible tongue working to loosen up his clenched opening, the cub's horned muzzle pushed firmly between his rump cheeks. Thanatos's snaking tongue finally breached the elder dragon, sinking deeply inward as Blaze gasped in pleasure into his gag, before the short drake pulled his muzzle away entirely. "Mmmm, you seemed to really enjoy fucking me" lilted Thanatos, licking his lips as he eyed up his brother's saliva coated hole, "So I think I'll try it too!"

Blaze gawked as his little brother lifted his scaled legs, yanking his much larger body to the edge of the seat with an unnatural strength, leaving him perfectly positioned to be fucked by his younger sibling. The cub wasted no time, immediately thrusting the entirety of his comparatively small dick into his elder brother's accommodating passage, moaning cutely as he bottomed out. Thanatos fucked as fast as he could, pounding at Blaze's relaxed entrance without constraint, giving everything over to rutting into the warm tunnel. With each thrust, the ten year old's sweet moans slowly transitioned to desperate, animalistic grunts. Humping madly, Thanatos hunched further over Blaze's blue scaled chest, before looking up with panic in his eyes. "Blaze, what's happening?" grunted the young dragon, hips still pistoning at a rapid pace, the older dragon gagged and unable to answer. Thanatos cried out in pleasure, slumping forwards and beating his wings, "It feels so good, I can't stop!"

Feeling a hot flood deep in his gut, Blaze realised that Thanatos had reached his peak, warm draconic seed spraying against his insides. The cub was collapsed against his front, breathing heavily against his chest, as he continued to fire off. The older dragon figured that big loads must run in the family, his immature sibling pumping enough spooge into his gut to leave him feeling rather full. "Blaze, I, what happened?" whined the confused cub, still panting with exertion, slowly softening inside his big brother. With his muzzle still gagged the older dragon could only mumble in response, trying to draw Thanatos's attention, and eventually succeeding. The young dragon looked on the verge of tears as he pulled the soggy jockstrap from Blaze's muzzle, "Why did you do all those things to me!?" he shouted, voice breaking and tail whipping angrily behind him.

Blaze was lost for words. How could he explain any of what had happened? He wasn't even sure of half of it himself, and what he was sure of, he wasn't sure he liked. "I'm so sorry Thana, I couldn't help it." he said weakly, as tears fell from his brother's eyes, splashing against his dark blue chest. He was rather scared that the cub would run screaming from the room any minute, not that he could blame him, so some practicality was needed. "Could you untie me?" Blaze asked, wiggling his wrists for effect, hoping his brother was not so traumatised as to refuse to let him go. Thankfully, Thanatos seemed willing to take the chance, loosening the bonds on one wrist enough that the older dragon was able to finish untying himself. Finally freed, Blaze gingerly wrapped his sibling in a warm embrace, trying desperately not to frighten his baby brother with any sudden moves. Resting his head on top of his brother's, the large dragon sighed, "I didn't mean to hurt you..." he rumbled, in what he hoped was a soothing tone.

"Well you did!" shouted Thanatos, jumping to his feet, his floppy cock slipping free from the large drake. Blaze winced at the shout, and the sudden movement that had left his used passage feeling oddly empty, then looked up at the short dragon. His baby brother was staring at the hole he had just finished breeding, the big drake blushing under the intense gaze, feeling thin spooge running from his stretched rear. Moving away from the chair, a pained expression flashed across the cub's face, tail tucking between his legs. "And it still hurts!" he bawled, tears streaming down his face, as he dropped to his knees in obvious discomfort. "It hurts everywhere, it, you..." The dragon cub trailed off as he collapsed onto his side, sobbing uncontrollably and hugging his knees to his chest.

Jumping to his feet in alarm, Blaze moved quickly to crouch by his little brother, the dragon cub whimpering something unintelligible as he did so. The larger dragon moved to lay behind his brother, curling his scaled body around Thanatos's much smaller form. "Please, Thana, talk to me?" he prompted, gently entwining his tail with his brother's, pressing close against the cub.

The small dragon continued to sob, but slowly regained some modicum of composure as he was held. "You, you put your thing inside me." Thanatos said flatly, all anger and pain gone from his voice. Blaze could think of nothing to say, though he was barely paying attention anyway, experiencing an unexpected crisis as he snuggled around the back of his baby brother. "And then, I, I did it to you." the cub continued, providing unintentional provocation for his older brother's predicament.

The dragon teen's cock was pressed into the cub's lower back, thick ridges fully pronounced, throbbing with barely suppressed need. He could feel his baby brother's watery spooge dribbling out of his rear, and knew his own thick spunk was leaking from the cub's sloppily gaping hole. Their brotherly coupling had been exquisitely thorough, forcing onto both of them an intimacy and understanding of each others bodies, of the sort that no siblings should share. But it couldn't be taken back, and at this point Blaze wasn't sure he would undo it, even if he could. Licking his lips he realised he could still taste his brother, so fresh and relatively unspoiled, a forbidden fruit ripe for the picking. Even after all Thanatos had been through tonight, his innocence was mostly intact, but the older dragon already had plans to change that.

"Thana, please, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Blaze's words were hollow, and he knew they were hollow. As he held his sobbing, naked and ever so vulnerable little brother, he could feel pre dribbling from his painfully hard shaft. It took all his will not to grind against the cub, to force himself on Thanatos's juvenile body, to use him for his pleasure. Visions of mounting the fledgling drake flitted through Blaze's mind, perverse thoughts of the feel of his sibling's muzzle and ass, the myriad of positions and activities the cub's supple body could provide. Consoling Thanatos was the furthest thing from his mind, his head spinning with incestuous possibilities, even as the small dragon continued to weep. "I'm so sorry baby brother..." he choked out, struggling for sincerity, trying to feel anything but simple lust. The older dragon was already considering exactly when he would next get a chance to abuse his cubby fuck toy. He couldn't wait to be in complete control, and to see exactly what his little brother could take.

Ahh, brotherly love. Isn't it wonderful how even the most traumatic experiences can bring family closer together? I'm pretty sure after tonight, Blaze and Thana are going to be spending a lot more time together ^.^

Chapter 3 'Alone Together' should be next week, but I'm a little behind, so it might be late >.<