A Step Further…

Story by Tempest on SoFurry

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#4 of Taken by storm

A Step Further...

Upon waking, Tempest laid awake staring at his lovely mate and rubbed her waist gently as she slept. He was gleeful, beyond imagination, that he was once again able to be intimate and romantic with Kitty. The few days his parents had stayed had been unbearable for him. His mood improved even more, when he got a call from the FDDA.

"Hey Atticus, this is Rob. We found the problem with your Data Converter, and you can pick it up this afternoon. I still advise not activating it until Friday since the components need time to set in and assimilate. At least you'll have your D-fender back. I know how uneasy you must have felt without a way to... Oh right sorry. I forget the level of your power. Ah well enough of my rambling," Rob told Tempest over the phone.

"I've told you, it's not Atticus anymore, it's Tempest," he sighed teasingly as he heard the good news. "Anyway, that's great. We'll drop by and pick it up," he said joyously and set the phone down.

Kitty was up and cooking them some breakfast. She had not cooked before she met Tempest and now she was starting to get the hang of it, although her first couple of weeks at cooking had been utter failures. She was embarrassed to admit it, but she had burnt them so bad, no one would have been able to tell what they were supposed to be.

"Who was that Hun?" she asked curiously as she expertly crisped their bacon, and whisked the gravy.

"It was Rob. He says we can go and pick up the D-fender today," Tempest said eyeing Kitty's butt since she was turned so that she could cook. He stood up quietly and walked up to her just in time. She had turned off the burners off and bent over to pull out the biscuits.

Tempest stepped up behind her and as she bent, he began to grope and rub her beautiful pert ass. She let out a small cry and almost dropped the tray.

"Tempest you pervert!" She shouted and hit him as she set the tray down. She gasped though not remembering to control her strength, however it didn't matter. His scales were too strong and he was now a digimon.

"I can't help it that you're so sexy," he teased and he helped her set the table. He sat down at his spot and wasn't surprised when she sat on his lap. "Mmm, if you keep this up I'll have some sausage for you to eat too," he teased again as she hit him playfully.

"Can't you ever thing about anything but sex?" she asked as she ate a biscuit covered in strawberry jelly.

"Yeah, but it would be boring," he retorted facetiously. The rest of breakfast was normal and Kitty washed the dishes.

Later, at the FDDA, Tempest was reunited with his D-fender. Rob insisted on giving Tempest a skill test however, and it took mush longer than expected. They had him in a sealed training room and set out a few digi-droids. He made quick work of them, but then things began to turn bad.

A digital field opened up in the training room, and overrode the controls to lock it and Tempest in the room. A gloved hand escaped the field and a few daggers flew out as well. Tempest leapt back and narrowly missed them. The digimon was a Piedmon. He grinned and pulled out a sword. "So you're the new digimon, that dares defy our master," he laughed amused.

"What are you talking about?" Tempest demanded as he dodged a few attacks from the sword.

"First Knightmon, then Blossomon. My master is getting very fed up with your constant interfering with his plans to conquer this world. He made sure he sent out a Mega to finish you this time. TRUMP SWORD!" he yelled and threw four swords.

Tempest had been waiting for this and sent out a blast from his demon crusher. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to harm piedmon, and he took a devastating hit to his arm, by one of the swords.

"Tempest!!!" Kitty screamed from the control room, but she couldn't do anything. Tempest was beat left and right and piedmon finally raised his sword for the finisher.

Kitty screamed again as Piedmon thrusted his sword downward, but a bright light escaped the D-fender on his belt. After a moment the light disappeared and the sword was blocked by a guillotine sword held by what looked like a white D-mon.

"Nice try, but not good enough. I am Swordramon, a Mega of superior strength," he announced and effortlessly sent Piedmon backwards.

"What!? This cannot be! No single digimon can defeat me, unless they have an..." Piedmon was cut off by Swordramon's Dragon Blade attack and was digitized.

The digital field disappeared and Swordramon sheathed his sword. The controls were unlocked and Kitty practically flew down the stairs to greet him. Rob followed her with a serious look on his face.

"I was so worried. I thought I was going to lose you!" Kitty cried as she held onto Tempest tightly. Rob just stared at him with a look of silent anger.

"You idiot! You digitized him when he was about to spill some information that could have been useful!" Rob yelled at Tempest.

Tempest just looked shocked and stared at his hands before pulling out the D-fender to check his new form. He found out he had only a rookie and mega level form, and Swordramon was the Mega.

"Sorry Rob. I guess I just got carried away. I was so close to getting digitized myself, my digimon instincts must have taken over," he told his friend in all honesty.

Not an hour after the battle he dedigivolved back into D-mon and they returned home. Kitty hadn't stopped holding him, but she had calmed down enough to stop crying. Something was definitely wrong with Kitty. She was a digimon, she was not supposed to be so emotional. Not even about a mate.

When they got home, Tempest laid Kitty in their bed and sat in the living room to think. He had a lot on his mind and needed to sort it all out. After thinking for a couple hours and not coming up with any answers he joined his sleeping mate in their bed. His D-fender began to buzz and light up though, so he picked it up impatiently and saw that the Data Converter was ready. He flipped the switch and reverted to his human for, glad to finally get some normalcy.

He had gotten the digivice fixed just in time. The next day he and Kitty had to attend his sister's wedding and he didn't know just how interesting it would actually be. They dressed and drove out to the church, luckily the wedding was close to town and they did not have to bother with the hassle of a long trip. Kitty was dressed in the lovely black silk dress that Tempest had bought her the day he proposed. Kitty had her engagement ring threaded on a tiny silver chain she had found. Tempest did not want to wear his until he told his parents about their engagement.

The wedding itself was a bore, but the reception was full of surprises. They had just approached Tempest's sister and parents to congratulate her.

"Hey Lizzy! Congrats... so how did you trick him? You slip a pill or something?" he teased. She laughed and playfully hit his forearm.

"Atti, Leave Elizabeth alone. Speaking of weddings, when are you two going to get hitched?" Keith asked his son.

Tempest nearly choked and coughed as Kitty happily locked her arm around his. She giggled at Tempest's shocked reaction.

"H-how did you know about us?" Tempest asked as he recovered.

"Well, when we stayed over, you tried way too hard to stay away from her. IT was pretty obvious really," Kim replied beaming.

"And you two are fine with it?" Kitty asked as the two nodded between laughs. "As for a date, we haven't really set one yet, but he proposed a few days before you showed up," Kitty told them as she excused them and pulled Tempest away.

"What are you doing?" he asked impatiently as she dragged him away from the reception to a large shrub and behind it.

"All this has gotten me so wet. I'm afraid that if I don't get release soon I'll have a mess on my dress," she said and slipped it off, before pulling off his pants for him.

"But here? In a bush?" he asked already hard.

"Yes now shut up and put that thing in my calling hole," She ordered, as she submitted to his will this time, by laying on her back for him.

He pushed it in and began to thrust, but slowly so that no one heard them. She grew impatient with such a slow and boring pace, that she pulled his head to her and whispered. "I'll start digging my claws into your back if you don't speed it up. I want it hard and fast," she commanded and gently raked his back in warning.

Her claws could tear his human form to shreds easily so he began thrust faster and harder to please his surprisingly dominating mate. Her moods were swinging violently. She was moaning loudly now and refused to listen to his efforts to quiet her. As he picked up speed and power, trying to hurry it along, she screamed in pleasure and came hard over his throbbing member. Her rippling pussy squeezed him tight, causing him to cum hard into her.

She panted happily and kissed him. She stood up with him to dress, but blushed furiously when she saw that the entire reception was staring at them from over the bush. "Um, h-hello. Isn't the weather nice?" she asked in a pitiful attempt to cover up her embarrassment.

They were teased by Lizzy and the younger couples, and Tempest's parents scolded them sternly for not keeping that in a private setting. He drove home flustered, but not nearly as moody as Kitty. Her mood and desires seemed to become even more uncontrollable soon after the show they had put on.

"I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to embarrass us. I-I don't know what was wrong with me," she tried to explain hopelessly.

Tempest only sighed and embraced her before they went to bed.

To Be Continued...

All Digimon are property of the TOEI company and hold all rights to them. However, Tempest is my own original character and I hold all rights to him.

The Real Trouble begins…

Tempest and Kitty returned home that night. Tempest was in bad spirits. Not only had they been told his Data Converter was worse than they thought, and that it would be a week before repairs could be made, but he couldn't drive in his new digimon...

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Love at First Fight

Series: Taken by Storm Title: Love at First Fight Written by: Renamon's Lover Main characters: Tempest/Renamon (Kitty) \*\*\* \*\*\*May add more minor characters later in the series. For 16 years he had trained in the ways of Martial...


A Night To Dismember

Series: Taken by Storm Title: A Night to Dismember Written by: Renamon's Lover Main characters: Tempest/Renamon (Kitty) \*\*\* \*\*\*May add more minor characters later in the series. When Kitty woke up, Tempest was gone. She rubbed her...
