Behind the Curtain: Chapter VI

Story by Tyvara_Panther on SoFurry

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#6 of Behind the Curtain

The tribultaions of a vixen

*This story is copyrighted by Tyvara_Panther in February '08. Enjoy*

Sayrea woke, still under her covers. She could hear birds that twittered outside and feel the warmth of the sun on her heavily covered body. She didn't want to get up today--or ever again. She felt so miserable, so used, so ashamed, but no one could ever know. Vartouhi would only find out, and there were bound to be problems if she did, and considering how unpredictable the ocelot seemed to be, there was no telling what she would do if Sayrea disobeyed her again. Sayrea shuddered under the covers at that thought. She almost began to cry again, but she gave pause--for so long she had been tormented by the thought of loving Enerin, despite the fact that she would never see him again. Vartouhi's actions, especially those the previous night, made her almost certain that she would never see him again. It was that thought that kept her eyes dry. She'd known in her heart of hearts that Enerin was lost to her, and as she had left her home, each day that passed during her travels by carriage, she had become more and more certain that, that part of her life was over. All Vartouhi had done, was make her more aware of that fact. For days all Sayrea had been able to focus on was her loss of Enerin and her duty to Alirik. Now Enerin's importance seemed not only irrelevant, but even a little imbecilic. Sayrea felt like an utter fool. She knew that she still loved Enerin, but she would have to be content to have Enerin as an unrequited love.

"Who ever came up with the concept of unrequited love, needs to be shot." She mumbled forlornly to herself.

It was at that moment Sayrea felt a paw rest on her covered head. That sent her into violent shakes, but Willa quickly identified herself, and she immediately calmed. "Shhhhhh, child. It's only me. Are you not hungry today?"

At first Sayrea had been embarrassed that Willa had heard her, but what did it really matter? It didn't really affect anyone if she had an unrequited love, since it was the unrequited part that was the most important in that statement. "No," was her slightly cold reply.

"If you decide you're hungry, there will be food on your table at the normal hours."

Willa left after that and Sayrea was alone with her thoughts once again. She pulled the covers tighter around herself and began to cry. At first it was a few, little tears, but it quickly became large heavy drops that ran down her face and splashed onto the bed sheets. Her mind was a marathon of thoughts. She knew now that loving Enerin was a lost cause--or more accurately, it was her actively loving Enerin, that was pointless. Alirik, was her future mate--that was certain--and she knew she had to do everything she could to make sure she got married. At least then, she was certain that she would be safe, but she was at a loss as to how to convince Vartouhi that she only wanted to be married to Alirik, since that definitely wasn't all she wanted. She still pondered that as she fell back asleep.

When she woke, she was still bundled under the covers and the air was almost rancid. She wiggled under the covers until the tip of her nose emerged from the blankets and she took in a deep breath of fresh air. It was slightly cold against her nose and the air was slightly sweeter than she would have guessed, though not surprising since under her covers it smelled of tears, sweat, sex and sleep.

After a few moments with her nose out of the covers, she slowly began to uncover her head; her face felt overly warm as the cool air of her room hit her. She blinked a few times as she looked out at her room. There was a tray of food on her table, but she didn't feel the least bit hungry. It was still daylight outside, though it was getting darker; that meant, she had slept for a majority of the day. She still felt exhausted, and sadly, she still felt like crying. It was then that she heard a door open and she quickly slipped back underneath her covers. She waited, and prayed with every part of her that it wasn't Vartouhi. The smell under her bed was still rather toxic, but she just didn't want to face whoever had come into her room.

After a few moments of fretting she heard Willa's voice. "Your dinner with the Emperor is after dusk, you should get ready now."

"I'm not going." Was Sayrea's curt reply.

There was a long pause before Willa continued. "You have to go; the Emperor wants you to have dinner with him. He's not one to be ignored."

"I don't care. I can't see him. I'm a mess, and all I'll do is cry, and I can't tell him what happened, so I'm staying here." Sayrea said rapidly.

There was another pause before Willa gave her reply. "That's not wise. You don't wish to anger the Emperor do you?"

This time Sayrea paused as she mulled over all the information before she spoke. "I am in no position to anger Vartouhi."

"You are in no position to anger the Emperor."

Sayrea paused again. "What are the chances that the Emperor would go insane and kill me?" she asked.

"That," Willa said and continued with conviction, "would never happen."

"Then I'm staying here."

"So there is little chance I could persuade you otherwise?" Willa asked, with a slight pleading tone.


"Then I will tell the Emperor."

There was silence, followed by footsteps, followed by a door opening and closing. Sayrea gave a sigh of relief and wriggled out of the covers once again. She stayed in that position for so long the next thing she knew it was dark out and there was a knock at her door. Sayrea dove back under her covers and waited. The door was opened; Sayrea could hear whispers then footsteps, then Willa's voice.

"The Emperor is here to see you."

Sayrea's heart did somersaults in her chest. "I don't wish to see him."

"It's not about wishing to see him, he is here to see you . . . now."

"I can't see him. Vartouhi would know."

"What do you expect me to say to him?"

"That I'm ill."

"Are you?"


"Very well." There were footsteps, more whispers, and footsteps again followed by Willa's voice next to her head. "I told him that you would see him when you are better."

"I don't think I can see him ever again." Sayrea wailed.

"You must see him. You must tell him what Vartouhi has done."

"Never. Never ever." Her head shook roughly and the sound of the sheets and covers reiterated her displeasure.

"Then you are a very foolish vixen." Willa said and left the room.

Sayrea once again uncovered her head and stared at her room. By the time supper was served Sayrea was beginning to feel the pangs of hunger. She hadn't eaten all day and when Willa brought a tray of food, Sayrea didn't cover her head again. She simply stared ravenously at the covered platter that Willa carried. The smells, that permeated into the room made her mouth water heavily and her stomach roar. Willa set the tray on her table without a look to Sayrea and left the room once again. Sayrea then slipped out of her covers and made her way to her table. She uncovered the platter and practically collapsed from hunger, the smells and sights that came from the tray were almost unbelievable. There was a plate of glazed partridges, another of mashed potatoes and kale, there was a bowl of thick pea soup, four slices of oven bottom bread and six small sweet buns, covered in white sugar icing and sprinkled with currants, there was also a small bowl of honey roasted almonds for after dinner. There was a small pitcher of a milky liquid and a pot of tea to accompany the fine fare.

Sayrea sat down at her table and took in the delicious smell of the food. After she arranged all the plates on her table to her liking, she began to eat and murred as she did so. The milky drink was sweetened chufa milk and the tea was a slightly sweet jasmine and orange brew. Everything tasted delicious and she savored each bite and sip. As she ate, she stared out her balcony window. It was a beautiful evening, with stars that twinkled in the slightly cloudy sky. There was a brisk breeze that brought in smells of the pine forest below. She could hear sounds of bess-beetles and katydids, mingled with the sounds of peafowls, and typical forest nighttime sounds.

Sayrea's mind still buzzed with thoughts of the previous evening. She was so lost and afraid and confused, that she felt overwhelmed; she wished she knew what it was she had done to get herself into such an unpleasant mess. She sighed as she nibbled a piece of oven bottom bread.

Her entire body felt exhausted, despite that she had slept all day and she had no idea how she would be able to keep the Emperor away, yet still marry him. No matter what she did, good or bad, she seemed to mess up. Sayrea was truly at a loss as to which course of action to take next. Willa was right, she really couldn't afford to anger the Emperor a second time, but she had no desire to find out exactly what Vartouhi was capable of.

Sayrea racked her brain for a solution as she ate; her mind a myriad of thoughts that didn't really seem to add up to anything useful, and as she finished her meal she decided that she would play sick for another day--an action, she hoped would give her another day to plan her next course of action.

When she could no longer stuff another bite of food into herself, Sayrea went back to bed, though she now had an entirely different problem--she couldn't sleep. She groaned and tossed for a few moments in bed before she sat up and picked up a book that rested on her night-stand. It was the same story she had been reading for the past few days, the fairytale she had loved so much as a child. When she read it, she felt some level of comfort, and so she opened the book and began to read. As Sayrea read, she began to remember that Alirik had told her she could have free reign of the library. There had always been a few topics she'd been interested in and never had a chance to study. She supposed that she could send Willa to fetch her books on the topics she wanted. That way she wouldn't have to leave her room.

She felt some comfort in her discovery of how to pass the time tomorrow and possibly for the next few days. It was a far superior idea, to that of simply lying and telling Alirik that she was ill. She'd rather not lie to a person who had the potential to send her home--an act which would render her destitute. This idea would also grant her the ability to follow Vartouhi's orders as well as Alirik's. Sayrea sighed pleasantly to herself and focused her attention on her book.

She read until she could no longer keep her eyes open, and the book was nearly finished. Sayrea resigned herself to finish the book in the morning and she snuggled under her covers and fell into a deep sleep. When she awoke, breakfast waited for her. Sayrea rolled out of bed in an almost automatic fashion and ate in the same manner. She still felt numb, though she believed she had more of a purpose than the day before, albeit a small purpose--but then--at least she had one.

As she ate, she heard Willa enter her room; her maid slowly walked in her direction before she spoke. "The Emperor has requested your presence at lunch. So you should probably bathe. You'll feel better after a bath and I'll change your sheets. Fresh sheets will help."

Sayrea nodded, and then shook her head. "No." She paused as she took a sip of tea before she continued, "I mean, I will take the bath, and yes please change my sheets, but I am not going to see the Emperor."

Willa looked both flabbergasted and furious, but her voice betrayed none of it. "And why is that?"

"Because I need you to go out and find me some books on Astronomy and I want some maps of the kingdom as well as any from the bordering countries."

"And why is this more important than your lunch with the Emperor?"

"Because he requested that I read. Read whatever I want so I will be a more lively conversationalist. I would rather wait until I've complied to the Emperor's wishes before our next encounter." Sayrea thought it sounded convincing enough.

Willa looked somewhat relieved, but it was only slightly. She simply nodded solemnly and walked to the main door. Willa had a conversation with a page on the other side of the door, and when she returned, she silently went about her duties.

When Sayrea's bath was ready, she had finished her meal, and thus began the task of scrubbing the previous nights off of her body and out of her fur. The perpetual silence that surrounded her made her slightly uncomfortable, but she would endure--she simply had to. Once clean and free of the disgust that had sat with her since her experience, she dried herself and applied an oil that smelled of myrrh, bergamot and the sweet flowers of the cananga tree. Once her fur and hair was soft again she got dressed. Nothing elaborate, just enough so that if she did receive guests, she would not be considered underdressed; that and the focus she gave to proper etiquette gave her mind something to occupy. It was a deep fern green dress with a pool of gathers at the back. The bodice buttoned down the front and was decorated with smoke grey silk ribbons, braids and fringe, that hung from the shoulders and bust-line. There was also a grey silk ribbon belt that fastened in the back, with two square panels that hung from it decorated with grey braids and fringe; the panels framed either side of her tail, and hid any appearance of the hole in the dress designed for it. She wore no gloves or hat.

When Sayrea had dressed, the page soon arrived with her books. He set them on Sayrea's table, which Willa had cleared of breakfast, and was sent to tell the Emperor of Sayrea's plans for the day. The vixen hoped it would keep the Emperor satisfied for a few more days. She had to think of her other options--though she wasn't counting on miracles.

The majority of her requested items were rolled maps and she sat down at her table and unrolled the first; it was the Lagomorpha' colonies, and she had no use for rabbits and their relations, so she rolled it back up and set it aside. The next she unrolled, was that of the Felidae Empire; that was where Vartouhi was from, so she left it unfurled and set it aside. The next was the Ursidae empire, she had only a small remembrance of bears; they were very secluded creatures, and seldom ventured beyond their borders; she put that map with the Lagomorph one. Next was the Mustelidae Empire, Sayrea stared at it for a few moments. It was so small compared to the others; this map even had all of the bordering countries. She sat and counted them, eleven in all and some of the surrounding countries borders looked as if they had hacked their way through other countries to get to the Mustelid borders. This really did make the Mustelid Empire the center of all of them. As she had counted, she had read over the Canidae Empire, she had quickly moved passed that one, but now, she wanted to see more; so she put the Mustelid map aside, and moved on. There was map of the Avian continent, she assumed that the page had tried to cover himself, and make sure Sayrea had all the maps of all the countries and empires and continents. She giggled to herself and made a note to find something nice to give the boy. The Avian continent was interesting, so she set it in her keep pile.

As she went on, she came across the Reptilian continent, Mammalian, Mystic, and Phanerozoic continent maps; the Rodentia, Marsupialia, Insectivora, Ungulata, Proboscidea, Procyonidae, Pinnipedia, and the Primate empires; as well as the Chiroptera's territories. Those she had no interest in, she rolled up and set aside, but she did have questions now for Alirik and she was determined to become more interesting.

First she looked at the map of the Canine Empire. She studied it and found all the towns she was familiar with, including her own. Her town really wasn't that far from the border. She found it quite odd that despite the closeness of her town to Alirik's kingdom, which is indeed what it appeared to be, she happened to become his forty-eighth wife. She supposed that he must have looked elsewhere in the kingdom before coming to her town. Sayrea really wasn't sure whether it made sense or not, she simply didn't understand how these things worked, and a part of her really didn't care to. Regardless of how Alirik found her, he had, and she was here, so she put the map down.

Next she picked up the Mustelid map. The scroll was large, but the actual land mass that made up the kingdom was remarkably small, it didn't fill the page like the other maps did. The more she looked the more she wondered, and in a flash she began to understand. Her first thought had been, that the other countries had cut through other countries to reach the Mustelid Empire, it was in fact the Mustelidae empire that had been cut up. She wondered how that had come to happen.

Sayrea looked up and noticed that the sun was setting--she had been reading all day. It was then that out of the corner of her eye, she saw Willa come out of her room, Sayrea half-watched as she slowly made her way towards her. She looked slightly worried, but no more than she had for the past few days. She stopped about halfway to Sayrea and said, "The Emperor requests your presence at dinner. I know you're not exactly dressed for dinner, but I could get you changed quickly and you could be there shortly."

"I'm not going." Sayrea said, and continued to study the maps.

"Surely you've read enough in one day to have an engaging conversation with the Emperor."

"No, it's not." Now that was only half true. She had quite a few questions she could ask Alirik, but she simply refused to risk seeing Alirik so soon after Vartouhi's warning. In all actuality she knew she would have to see Alirik, and she would have to tell him what happened, and she would have to beg for his protection from his ocelot wife.

"So what would you like me to tell him?"

"Simply that I would like more time, I don't think that's too unreasonable a request."

"The Emperor won't be pleased."

"Well that's the only response I'm willing to give at this point."

"Very well, I'll tell him." With that, Willa left the room, and Sayrea went back to her maps.

Once Sayrea was alone again, her thoughts drifted back to her plan. Despite Vartouhi's warnings, Sayrea still had her duty to Alirik as her mate, and she needed Alirik to be her mate. She'd already been through the mental torture of knowing that if Alirik sent her away, she would become destitute. If her options were either face Vartouhi's wrath or Alirik's she would choose the more powerful of the two, and more specifically the one who could protect her from the other. The way Sayrea saw it, if Alirik couldn't control his wives, then all was lost anyway.

After a few hours of maps, Sayrea turned her attention to the books; generally they focused on constellations and the stories surrounding them. There were a few that covered star charts, theories on celestial movement, as well as records and descriptions of sighted astronomical bodies. She perused over the various books for the rest of the evening. After a while she became so bogged down by questions, that she was forced to write them all down. She planned to check them off as she asked. Not, in front of Alirik of course, but back in the privacy of her own bedroom, this way she would know which questions she had left to ask and even if she forgot later on, it was still something to occupy her time and mind.

When Sayrea had finished, dusk was a long past thought; her candles had burnt down to nubs, and the light they gave off wasn't much use for anything beyond seeing where she was going. So she left the scrolls and books where they were and crawled into bed.

The next morning Sayrea woke in a far better frame of mind then she had in the past few days. She was more certain that she was going to have to put her safety in Alirik's paws, but for now, she was determined to keep Vartouhi appeased at least for appearance sake, and if she could only keep Alirik at bay for just another day or so, she felt she'd have enough questions in her notebook to be an engaging enough conversationalist--at least for a while anyway. All this she thought while still encased in the warmth of her bed, and her mind was still in the midst of a semi-awake fog, when she heard Willa's door creak open. Sayrea sat up in bed and watched as her ermine maid tiptoed into her room. When Willa realized that Sayrea was awake, she ceased any attempt to maintain quiet and stopped where she was. "The Emperor has requested your presence at breakfast."

Sayrea cocked her head and raised a single eyebrow at her maid. "He's never asked for me to join him at breakfast before."

"He doesn't usually." Willa said as she began to walk toward Sayrea. "He likes to wake alone and greet the day in his own way."

"Then why ask me to join him?"

Willa shrugged, her face a blank expression. "I don't know why the Emperor does what he does. He's the Emperor."

Sayrea shrugged in response and added almost as if it were an afterthought. "I'm busy today."

Willa sighed. "So you mean to say that you're not going."


Willa's shoulders slumped, and she looked as if Sayrea had told her that she had just killed a beloved pet. "I'll tell him." Willa turned to go, then paused and turned back to face Sayrea, and added. "You can't keep avoiding the Emperor like this. Sooner or later something will give." Willa turned back around and added, with a hint of anger in her voice. "I can't believe you're going to let that feline win."

"Vartouhi hasn't won anything. I just need more time."

Sayrea's words caused Willa to turn around once again, her eyes somewhat brighter, but her voice sounded resigned. "Vartouhi always wins." And without another word, she left.

Once again alone in her room, Sayrea stretched and gave a wide, open-mouthed yawn. She rolled out of bed and adjusted her nightgown, which had tangled itself around her as usual. Her nails clicked against the wood floor as she walked out toward her balcony, and leaned against the railing as she rested on her crossed arms. She knew her plan was risky, and she knew that it was possible that her plan would fail miserably, but she had to try.

There had to be a way to appear as if she were obeying Vartouhi's wishes while still keeping with her duties to Alirik. The only option available to her would be to send Alirik messages and hope Vartouhi would not intercept them. There was no doubt that Vartouhi, or an underling had been watching her, and it was doubly likely that someone would still be watching, and also chances were high that if she was being watched, her letters to Alirik could be pinched. The option Vartouhi had presented was simply not realistic; she would be betraying everything she'd known. What was more, Sayrea couldn't fathom a relationship with a female, not that what Vartouhi had done hadn't felt good, it was the way it was done that left her sick inside, and in addition to that, Sayrea couldn't imagine submitting to Vartouhi in general. The female was obviously not right in the head.

Sayrea heard her door open and she heard Willa leave her breakfast on her table. She was just about to leave the balcony when she heard another door creak open, but it wasn't one she was familiar with. She spun around in a panic and rushed to the balcony doors, and as she looked within she saw Alirik as he came through a sunken doorway next to her dresser. She stared at him, her mouth agape, eyes wide as she stuttered. "Wha . . . what . . . what are you doing here?"

He rushed to her and took her paws in his. "I had to know what was going on. You have been avoiding me for three days. What happened? If my kiss offended you, I take it back."

Sayrea turned her head away and closed her eyes. "No, that wasn't it." She sighed and looked at Alirik and gave her head a quick shake. "That wasn't it at all." She took her paws from his. "Things have been happening lately. I wanted to tell you." She said as she turned away slightly. "But I didn't think I could, and now . . . I have no choice." She leaned against the doorframe that lead out to the balcony. "I . . ." She paused as she felt her heart begin to palpitate wildly.

Alirik moved next to her and placed a gentle paw on her shoulder. "What . . . what happened?"

She looked at Alirik with tears in her eyes as she spoke with a voice that wavered slightly. "Vartouhi . . . she wants me to . . . she told me to stay away from you." She looked away with her last statement and continued to avert her gaze. "I find myself drawn to you. Not just because of my duty to you, but because . . . spending time with you . . . it helped."

Alirik continued to stare, a look of concern plastered across his fine features as Sayrea continued. "She came to me, the night . . . the last night I saw you. She . . ." She paused, as she squeezed her eyes and fists tight, in a vain attempt to maintain her composure. "She did things to me . . . she touched me. She wanted to show me what I could have if I left you alone." Sayrea could feel tears as they escaped, from her tightly pressed eyes and trail down her muzzle. She bit her lip to hold the rest at bay and gripped her paws into tighter fists. "She tied me up . . ." Sayrea stopped as she felt herself wrapped in Alirik's strong arms. He held her close, and she pressed her head tightly against his chest; her tail down so low, she could feel the tip brush her foot-paws, as she gripped Alirik's shirt and began to cry. Her entire body began to feel lighter as the pain of the past few days melted from her. Every last fear, pain, regret and sorrow was washed from her with her torrent of tears.

Alirik simply held her, and petted her head softly, and after what felt like hours Sayrea began to feel her legs begin to give and Alirik picked her up and sat down on the bed with her. She nuzzled into his neck as the last of her tears trailed down her face. She sniffed a little and Alirik pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her. She daintily wiped her nose and Alirik gave a gentle smile. "You may blow your nose in front of me. You have been crying a great deal; I can imagine you would need to."

Sayrea sat upright and slid off Alirik's lap. She turned away from him and blew her nose. The disgusting burbling sound she made made her want to die with embarrassment. What was worse was the sound refused to end, and when she was finally finished she felt as if she would cry all over again. She turned around and daintily wiped her nose again and set the handkerchief on her night stand. Alirik held out a paw to her and she took it, and sat on the bed next to him.

"There, you must feel a little better." Alirik said as he brushed her dark hair out of her face.

She looked at him with eyes red from crying. "Forgive me, I couldn't keep that a secret any longer."

"It is all right. I am glad you told me. Is there anything I can do?"

Sayrea shook her head, "That's the problem. I don't know what to do. I can't see you without Vartouhi knowing, and I'm afraid of what she might do next if she discovers I've seen you. I was hopping to send you letters explaining everything, but . . ."

"But there is a chance she could see them." Alirik interrupted with a sigh. "I see your problem." He said, and Sayrea felt as if all was lost until Alirik spoke again. "But I do not suffer from such a problem. Vartouhi had no knowledge of my presence here, not even my own guards or servants know. There are times when one needs to escape from the ever watchful eyes of guards. I have a variety of passages at my disposal; I could see you in secret."

"But then there is the problem of our mating. Vartouhi would surely know that I have gone against her wishes after that."

"My dear, she is my mate. I am no slave to her. If she is bothersome, I shall move you closer to my rooms and increase your guards. She can do nothing then. I want you to feel safe in this home, as it is yours."

Sayrea leaned against Alirik's shoulder as she whispered, "Thank you."

Alirik wrapped a paw around her and held her to him as he said, "I want you to be happy. If Vartouhi is a problem, I shall remove the problem for you. Have no fear." Sayrea gave a gentle nod and Alirik continued. "Now I bet you are famished after all that crying." Sayrea's stomach grumbled and they both laughed. "I see your stomach agrees." She nodded and Alirik led her to the table. He held out the chair for her, and when she sat he pushed her in slightly. He then moved to the other side of the table and uncovered the platter on her table which revealed a lavish display of food. There were thick slices of pita bread and a rich goat curd spread, hard-boiled eggs, fried dough topped with berries, a pitcher of water and a thick coffee drink with everything enough for two.

Sayrea looked at Alirik who sat down and scooted himself forward. "You planned on coming here?" She asked softly.

"When I got your refusal to join me at breakfast, I had our breakfast sent here. I knew you would have sent me away if I came by normal means, so I came through my secret passage. I needed to know what was wrong."

Sayrea began to load her plate as she asked, "Do you feel better now that you know?"

"Much." He said as he too loaded his plate, and began to eat.

As Sayrea followed suit, she felt a sense of deep relaxation wash over her. Things were going to be okay; she was going to be okay. Alirik had solved all of her problems in just a few moments and she smiled at the sudden sense of peace, and enjoyed her meal.

Alirik seemed to not be very talkative during his morning meal, so they ate in silence. Only when they had both finished did Alirik look up at her, "Did you enjoy your breakfast?"

Sayrea nodded and smiled as she said. "Yes, very much so. I don't believe I've ever eaten so well since coming here."

Alirik seemed pleased by that, as his shoulders relaxed and he smiled at her; Sayrea also noticed his tail perked a little. "I am glad that this is an improvement over your former life. I would hate for it to be otherwise."

Sayrea gave a slight grin as she said, "Why is that?"

Alirik looked at her with stoic seriousness. "A man is only allowed to have wives that he can afford, as is custom. A man may have as many mates as he pleases, but he must be able to take care of them all. To do otherwise would violate our traditions. I want my people to be able to respect me, I will not repeat the mistakes of those before me."

"So then which of the past rulers divided up the Mustelid Empire?"

Alirik stiffened and stared at Sayrea in shock. "How did you know that?"

"Well, I've been looking at maps of the surrounding countries as well as this one, and the map of the Mustelid Empire was all cut up. My own town falls well within the boarders of the old Mustelid Empire."

The Emperor's look of shock remained. "You really were busy yesterday."

Sayrea cocked her head slightly, "Of course; why, did you think I would lie to you?"

"You weren't sick the other day." He said with a slight grin.

"Actually, that was the day after . . . Vartouhi . . ."

"Say no more," Alirik said as he held up a paw. "I understand."

Sayrea complied and changed the subject, "You had said that you wanted me to learn more, so we could have more fulfilling conversations."

"That I did, I just never thought you would be so, thorough."

"I've always been interested in maps. My father's study had a few of them, but yours are much nicer."

"I would hope so; I paid quite a price for those maps. I have quite a fondness for them. They fascinate me, it is a skill I do not quite understand, but marvel at the results."

"I love how you can see everything, all the forests and rivers and lakes; it's very picturesque."

"As any good map should be." He smiled at her and added, "I would like to spend the day with you." Sayrea's eyes bugged slightly and Alirik continued. "Vartouhi does not know that I am here. I can easily have arrangements made for a covert stay if you would be more comfortable with that." Sayrea nodded slightly, but she felt worried still, something that seemed to show as Alirik continued to reassure her. "I will not allow a single female to come between the relationship we have begun to build."

Sayrea smiled at that, and Alirik placed a paw atop hers. She looked down at Alirik's paw then up into his eyes; he looked pleased. "I want what we have to continue. What time I have spent with you I've more than enjoyed."

Alirik gave Sayrea's paw a squeeze. "I am glad to hear you say that. I have enjoyed our time together as well."

They stared at one another for a moment, and then Sayrea pulled her paw from his and looked away shyly. "I would like to freshen up. You caught me just after I woke. I'm not exactly dressed appropriately for a visit from the Emperor."

Alirik gave a hearty laugh and added, "If you insist, though my plan is to make you my mate, and I should hope I would see you . . . dressed inappropriately from time to time."

Sayrea felt her entire body flush and she laid her ears back with fear and worry as she looked away. She had nearly forgotten that the cumulation of everything was to end in that. The only male she'd ever been with was Enerin. She knew the Emperor expected a virgin, though she knew she could explain her deflowered state with her tendency to masturbate. Though surely Alirik was no stranger to his mates' lack of virginity; Willa had mentioned that some of his wives had been married once before.

"I know that all of this is so sudden, but you do know I breed with my mates." Sayrea nodded, but refused to look up, and Alirik continued. "I would never want to cause you pain, and I would like you to be comfortable with the idea."

Sayrea looked at Alirik, her ears were still back, and her face appeared drawn and slightly scared, her eyes large and round. "I've always known that that was would happen." She said softly. "I have no objections to breeding with you." She paused and looked away for a quick moment. "There have been times when I've wanted that. But after Vartouhi . . . I feel so weird. I can't explain it, but I'm just a little distressed from all of this."

Alirik stood and knelt by her side; he took her paw in his and raised the other to her maw, and turned it toward him. He looked at her deeply, with eyes that conveyed a sea of concern. "I would never want to hurt you. Not ever. But if you do not feel ready quite yet, I understand."

Sayrea looked down at Alirik and gave his paw a squeeze. "You don't know how much that means to me." She bent down and kissed Alirik's forehead. "Thank you."

Alirik smiled up at her and kissed her paw before he spoke. "I want you to be happy, and I will do whatever is in my power to make that possible."

"Well I definitely want to continue our relationship."

"Wonderful." Alirik said as he stood. "So what shall we do today?"

Sayrea followed Alirik as he stood and said. "I want to stay here."

"Very well then what would you like to spend our time together on?"

"Well, I've been going over the maps and I was hoping I could get you to answer a few questions."

"I will do my best."

So Sayrea stood and went to where Willa had placed her maps when she had brought in breakfast. All her maps and books were set up on her desk in the same piles she had put them in on her table. "Would you clear off the table please?" She then returned and laid the bundles that she wanted to look at first on the table.

She bent over the table and opened the map of the Mustelid Empire. As Sayrea leaned over the map, she traced her paw around the jagged line that represented the present borders. When her paw reached the Canine Empire, she stopped and looked up at Alirik. "My hometown falls within the old borders of your empire. I never would have noticed, except when I matched up the maps and each map has the old imperial borders. This is the only one that shows the new borders." She sat down in her chair and continued to look at Alirik. "My father had a map of the Canine Empire in his study; I couldn't figure out the difference between them until I lined up the maps, then I did it with all the others just to see if they were all the same." She paused and sucked her lip before she continued. "They were."

Alirik sat down and looked at Sayrea. "You were much busier than I would ever have guessed. I had never expected you to be so thorough." His white face suddenly brightened and he gave a soft smile before he added, "Your father was very persistent in informing me of your lack of schooling. Something he could not understand why I was not impressed with"

Sayrea's eyes widened at that statement and her fur stood on end. "What all did he tell you?" She asked as she chewed her lip slightly.

"Oh you have no need to fret, your mother was more informative than your father. As you know, she told me of your love of astronomy. She told me a few other things as well."

She continued to chew her lip as she spoke, "Such as?"

"Various things. She told me you had a fondness for coffee, you enjoyed spending time in your father's study. You liked horses, chocolate, and the color green. She was much more helpful than your father."

Sayrea stared at Alirik with her mouth agape. Some of those were things that she had not only never told her mother, but things she had tried--and spend some sleepless fret-filled nights agonizing--to keep a secret. If her mother had known that, then she had most likely known of her affair.

"They really were nothing bad. I swear to you, your mother's words reassured me."

"If you say so, then I will do my best to believe it." She said, though she still felt uncomfortable.

"If her words had not reassured me, you would not be here."

Sayrea gave a short nod, then she looked back at the map. "So, how is it that my hometown falls within the old borders of the Mustelid Empire, yet I've seen few if any of your kind in my town?"

"Your father did business with many of our people. I doubt that you have ever been to a market." She shook her head and Alirik continued. "Then that would explain most of it."

"What happened to all the Mustelid towns that were made a part of the other empires?"

"Many remained where they were. Some towns were taken over by the different empires, and became overrun with the other species."

"So, was my town a former Mustelid one?"

"No, but it neighbored two. One became abandoned and those people moved to the other town."


"I will admit I am surprised you find it so."

"And why is that?"

"Like I said earlier, your father made a very big ordeal over how you were raised and what you were capable of. What your mother said only gave me half hope, since I knew I would have to wait until I met you, and had time to spend with you so I could discover your personality."

Sayrea nodded, that answer seemed to make perfect sense. "So then, how did your empire get split up?"

Alirik looked at Sayrea, with a grim and slightly disturbed face. "My great-grandfather was not wise with his finances. This was something my grandfather discovered when he took the thrown. So his first act as Emperor was the dissection of the empire, on top of his unconventional ascension, something that made him very unpopular. My grandfather worked very hard to earn the respect of the people. Granted, he did so in very unconventional ways, but it worked and our family has prospered ever since." As Alirik spoke his tail swished excitedly.

Sayrea could see his pleasure as he reminisced. "You're proud of what your grandfather accomplished."

"How could I not be? He took the devastating existence my great-grandfather left him and turned it into one of the richest empires on the Mammalian continent. I owe everything I have to him, including all my wives."

"Why is that exactly?" Sayrea said as she slowly sat as she rested her elbows on the table and set her maw atop her paws.

"Our laws dictate that a male can only wed and have as many wives as he can afford." Alirik leaned back in his chair as he continued. "Without my grandfather's decision to take over the land of his enemies, my family would not be in the financial position it is today; not to mention that our Empire would have blinked out of existence." Sayrea fluttered her eyes with them left slightly wide as she spoke. "I had no idea that your laws dictate the ownership of wives."

Alirik gave a short guffaw. "No, not ownership; my country recognizes that a male may wish to enjoy the company of more than one female. In an attempt to prevent males from abusing such a concept the law was put in place so that the females are assured a good life."

"Was there a time when that didn't happen?"

"Yes, in the time before the Ermine came. There were little laws back then. Females were given no rights and little respect, and it was not much better for children or orphans."

"I never realized your culture was so elaborate. You have such a rich history."

Alirik smiled and said, "Well I am glad you are enjoying yourself."

"I usually enjoy myself." Sayrea said with a smile and quick flutter of eyelashes. Sayrea was indeed pleased with her time spent with Alirik. He treated her in a way that no male ever had. With Enerin, their relationship had mainly revolved around sex and passion. Alirik spoke to her as if he actually cared about what she thought, and no one had ever done that before, male or female--well, maybe Vartouhi, but Sayrea could no longer trust in anything Vartouhi had ever said, or ever would say. Sayrea was now quite convinced that the ocelot was completely deranged, and now with Alirik's assurance of protection, she felt confident that she could avoid the feline in the future.

Sayrea and Alirik's conversation lasted long into the evening. They spoke mostly of the exports of the Mustelid Empire and how they were acquired. As the daughter of a spice planter she held some interest in trade--not the figures, but the product; especially the raw materials they came from. By the end of the evening Sayrea knew that the Mustelid's exported silk, linen, amber, myrrh, soapstone, gold, lapis lazuli, silver, some spices and electrum.

After a light dinner of sliced fruit, cheese, and bread, Alirik bade her a good night. He stood at the entrance to the hidden passageway as Sayrea waited. Alirik smiled at her and took her paws in his; he held them to his lips and kissed them deeply. "I had a wonderful evening with you." He said as he pulled her close to him; one paw released hers to wrap around her waist as he held her close. "Please do not keep me away again." He rested his head atop hers and she rested against his chest. His tail moved around to brush against hers.

Sayrea's heart began to flutter and she pulled back to look up at Alirik, she laid her ears back daintily, low and slightly curved as she twitched her whiskers. Her eyes large and round as she stared upward. "I promise I won't."

Alirik leaned forward and kissed her. The paw that had held hers, now cupped her cheek and maw. His tail brushed hers as their tongues gently played; their whiskers flicked and tickled each other, and as Alirik pulled her closer she felt his erection press against her thigh, and as she moaned softly, Alirik broke the kiss and pulled away. "I will see you tomorrow again for breakfast." He cupped her cheek once more and rubbed his thumb over her cheekbone. "Good night my love." He kissed her nose and released her. He turned toward the passage, then looked over his shoulder and added, "Sleep well." With that, he left and closed the door behind him.

Once alone, Sayrea turned and looked around her room. The only evidence of her visitor, were the extra dishes from dinner. She waked to her bed, as a feeling of drowsiness washed over her, but as she did so she passed her bureau and caught a glimpse of herself and she stopped dead. She turned to look at herself better and realized that she had been in her nightgown all day. It took her a few more moments to gather her breath and she rushed to Willa's door. She rapped on it sharply and Willa soon appeared.

"Yes Milady?" Willa said, as she rested her paw against the door frame.

"Alirik is going to have breakfast with me tomorrow. I can't look like this again. Could you help me get everything ready for tomorrow?"

"Of course milady. Would you like me to run you a bath?"

"Yes please."

"Then if you'll go to your dresser and select your clothes for tomorrow, I will make sure it is fresh for tomorrow."

Sayrea nodded and went to her dresser as Willa went into the bathroom. As she opened the doors and looked inside, all the dresses looked different. She couldn't see one that she had worn in the previous days. She marveled at the new dresses, each with the feel of the finest silks, satin, velvet, and linen; all in a variety of shades of green, grey and gold. Sayrea selected a pear green velvet corset with myrtle green satin trim and long satin sleeves with golden silk puffs pulled through the seams. The corset was embroidered with golden thread in a manner that gave the impression of golden beads. The skirt was layered, tiers of velvet and satin, in colors that matched the corset. When she had finished with her selection Willa returned from the bathroom and bustled Sayrea in that direction. Once Sayrea was settled in the tub Willa left to her duties.

When Sayrea had finished her bath Willa had returned, and dried her, then brushed an oil of vanilla, and juniper into her fur and hair to soften it, and by the time she was finished Sayrea was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open, so Willa helped her into bed. "I will wake you before the Emperor arrives." She smiled as she tucked the vixen into bed. "Sleep well, mistress." Almost as soon as Sayrea snuggled into the soft satin sheets of her bed, she fell asleep. It was a sleep full of pleasant dreams of her sweet Alirik, and their days ahead.

*Comments are welcomed. Please comment. I love comments, comments make me want to post more often and work harder toward completing stories. Anything is welcome, questions, comments, critiques, all these things help me become a better writer so please, let me know what you think--and even if you all hate me, then I'll know whether writing is even something I could pursue publicly -- Thanks ^ ^ *