A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 4

Story by Wrathn on SoFurry

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#4 of A Dragon's Journey

Multiple dimensions, realms, universes, oh my. Where will the fates take our young lovers next? Only the gods can say, but they're currently busy too...

"Well, you seem in high spirits, Shadow." Hunter remarked as the lovers returned to the meeting grounds. Shadow blushed as Serene sheepishly looked away. Bahamut laughed at the comment.

"Oh, leave them alone, Hunter. Besides, we have work ahead of us and time is not on our side. Tiamat, tell us what you discovered." They all looked at the five-headed dragon. "My eyes and ears in the realms have discovered that the entity called the Realm-Ender has been found and, as we thought, it is being controlled. Unfortunately, we are at a major disadvantage. This group, calling themselves The Saviors, has decreed that the realms are unfit to exist in, and as such, through their dark, arcane powers, they have decided to release the entity across all realms. They also realise that they themselves will cease to be but are content with the knowledge that the universe will be created anew with its rebirth." Both Shadow and Serene asked the question on everyone's mind. "How long do we have?" Tiamat bowed all five of her heads with remorse.

"Less than 1 standard year. They can only control a small part of the creature but with time, they will release it fully into the realms and we will cease to exist." The entire group looked at one another with shock.

"Can we stop it?"

Bahamut chose to answer. "We can but we will need help. Not from this realm, mind you, but from all of the realms. And dimensions." Hunter was the one who chose to interject this time. "All dimensions? I don't understand." Tiamat began. "There is more than one dimension, much like there is more than one realm. Think of it like an onion. Although there are many layers, each varying in size, they are all part of the same thing. There may be major differences, even similar ones, but they all exist at the same time. Now here is the hard part, especially for you two." Both Serene and Shadow looked at each other, then back at Tiamat. "What do you mean?" Tiamat sighed.

"You're going to have to split up."

"Split up? Are you serious?" Bahamut shook his head. "Yes, Shadow. I know it may come as a shock, but you will have to split up. We need to get reinforcements. Each one of us will be acting alone in different realms. It's the only way." Shadow simply shook his head. He was struggling with the possibility that he may never see his love again. But he also knew that it may be the only way.

"What if we can't get any help? Wouldn't that put us in the same situation we are in now?" Bahamut put his forearm around Shadow's lower neck. "It will. That's why we need to succeed. If we fail, we will cease to know how the events afterwards will unfold. All knowledge of these events will cease to exist and you will never see your mate give birth, or the joy of raising and teaching your young to hunt or even become gods themselves." Shadow was at a loss of words.

"Where will we be going?"

Bahamut looked at him and saw determination in the young dragon's eyes. "Each of you will be sent to a realm suited to your skills and qualifications. I know for certain you're going to be sent to a world that has had its share of setbacks but has persevered throughout its history. As for who you will meet there, I am at a loss. This world has had dragons in its myths and history and may even hold you either in the greatest respect or its worst fears. The choice is up to you on how you will choose your allies."

Shadow nodded once and replied, "I'm ready."

"Through this portal, you will encounter the worlds you have been chosen for to garner allies for the upcoming battle. Each is unique in its own right. You have only one month of our time to gather as many beings as possible. They may either simply choose to help us or you may find they attack you outright. Either way, we must not fail. Hunter, you're up first." Hunter looked at the group positioned around the glowing sphere of energy.

"I wish everyone the best of luck. And Shadow? I may not have been the best of father types, but you have been raised well. You've chosen the perfect mate and have qualities I wish I had. My love will always be with you."

And, before Shadow had a chance to reply, he walked through the portal. Serene soon followed suit. With a quick kiss and a nuzzle, words couldn't describe the fears they both possessed but also the hopes they had. Tiamat went through next, until only Bahamut and Shadow were left. With a nod and a bit of hesitation, Shadow walked through and vanished.

Where was he going?

Who was he going to find?

These questions burned in his mind as he rematerialized in his destination.
