A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 6

Serene, on the other hand, was in a completely different situation than Shadow as she walked through the portal leading from the gods realm. Almost upon rematerializing, she was taken prisoner, tied to a stake, and hauled off to some unknown area of...

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 5

He materialised, only to find himself almost immediately surrounded by humans. They were pointing what appeared to be some sort of mechanised weapon at him. One human, the leader by the look of his clothing, waked forward. "Can you understand us,...

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 4

"Well, you seem in high spirits, Shadow." Hunter remarked as the lovers returned to the meeting grounds. Shadow blushed as Serene sheepishly looked away. Bahamut laughed at the comment. "Oh, leave them alone, Hunter. Besides, we have work ahead of us...

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 3

"Where are we?" Serene asks as the haze around them dissipates. "Welcome to the realm of the gods." Suddenly, a giant five-headed dragon saunters over. "Lord Bahamut, surely you aren't forgetting us goddesses?" Bahamut turns his head slightly. "My...

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 2

"Father?" "You may come in, my child. He may have courted death but fear not. He's out of Death's domain and in the hands of us once again. Although he may not look it, he will soon wake. You may stay here with him if you would like. Before his match,...

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 1

Half-breed. Of all the insults he had been called his entire life, that one stung the worst. Although he was born a full-blooded dragon, his mother had fallen gravid with egg from a feral. Unfortunately, she had died laying the egg. Not from the size,...

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