A dog named Toby (6)

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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A dog named Toby Chapter 6 By Roofles

Three days later...

Cody bent his head a little lower, opening his mouth and licking that spongy sheath before him. Slurping at the opening making the dog underneath him quiver and groan at Cody's probing muscle. He tightened his grip on the dog's thigh as he nosed down the plumping sheath before him, taking in that thick musky smell of the dog's groin that only seemed to intensify with the dog's arousal.

The man ignored the black tip pocking from its home and headed north a bit more to the heavy sack hanging loosely between the dog's open and willing legs. Cody scooped one ball into his mouth and sucked on it. Toby murred loudly in approval and his toes curled as he was consumed so.

"Oh fuck, suck on my sack." Toby groaned humping a bit more into him. His legs tightened as he clenched his jaw at the feeling of the warm place. His eyes fluttered shut as Cody took his other ball in his hand and began to roll it around. A whine escaped Toby as he grinded his rear back into the mattress underneath him.

Cody shifted on the dog, squeezing the side of Toby's chest with his legs as he got into a comfortable position again. On all fours facing the dog's groin Cody continued his work. Letting the now soggy sack slipped from his lips. He pressed his nose between the base of Toby's now full sheath and his full sack breathing in the smell, feeling the warmth wash over his face as licked over it. Fingers tightened on the dog's thigh as he tasted that spot.

Toby could only grin at the treatment he was getting, giving the head between his legs a squeeze with his thighs. A full body massage with a happy ending. What more could the dog ask for. But he wasn't the only one enjoying himself he could see. The man ontop of him was hanging down half erect, swaying between his legs. Entrancing and hypnotizing the dog who watched its every movement with his full head swaying back and forth with its motion. Drool trickled down his chin as his pupils dialeted at the beautiful sight in front of him.

Toby licked at it but only managed to slap his nose with his broad tongue. He tried again leaning forward more. A fevor lust clouded his eyes as he nipped at it. Licking at it. Trying to taste what was just out of reach. Nosing forward more and sitting up he continued to pine licking his nose several times in failed attempts to get it. Toby gazed drifted high though along the sculpted rear before him and to the man's 'tail' hole.

Cody moved back about to go to the main course when he stopped, grabbing Toby's thigh harder as that cold wet nose pressed just above his hole and a hot, thick soggy tongue wiped acrossed his inner cheek like a warm sponge that had been put in a microwave. Cody was about to say something when he was the one to 'yipe' as teeth bit the side of his cheek, not enough to draw blood but enough to bruise and a deep snarl of a growl escaped the dog as he murred agaisnt him.

Paws held his thighs tightly as Toby licked up the other side almost nosing at his tender flesh pucker as he did so. Hottly a breath washed over the cool skin making Cody shiver in delight. Toby wasn't the only one panting now. That thick tongue teased across his hole, his tender flesh and pucker. His hips were forced up a bit higher as the dog nose down his taint and pressed deeply into Cody's sack. The cold wet nose sunk into his loose flesh and that tongue tried to slap up at it, only caress and slurping at the sack fruitlessly trying to reach his own nose through it.

Cody breath sharply moving back a bit more. His sack trailed across the dog's face and looking between his legs at him, Cody was sure Toby didn't mind being teabagged. His face alone was in pure bliss as he murred deeply again from his chest. Drool dripped down the front of the dog's muzzle as he soaked in the moment. His tongue greedily the drool collecting it, rolling it around in his muzzle before licking up at him some more. His soggy tongue dripped as it found and tasted his fleshy head. Across the slit and along the underside. And it wasn't just Cody who shuddered at the touch and feel of the warm tongue running down his length.

A low pleading whine escaped the dog as he opened his muzzle to except it all. Cody pulled up and away from it, looking down between his legs again. "You want it, boy?" He asked but he was the one that sounded nervous. Eyeing the row of sharp teeth in the cavern of a muzzle opening up to accept him. The tongue slapped in his maw hungrily as he ached to taste him.

The dog nodded with a whine his muzzle never shutting. Cody rubbed himself across the dog's muzzle who nommed as it passed by.

"How badly do you want it?" Cody asked pulling back a bit more.

Toby growled low and licked his chops. He pushed himself up with his arms until Cody couldn't stand any taller and slurped, wrapping that thick piece of meat with his tongue and pulled it into his glutton of a muzzle. Clamping shut around it with a low satisfied murr.

Bringing up an arm he wrapped it around Cody's waist and pulled him back down, easing the two until Cody was just laying on his face. His sack dangling across his muzzle once more. More than welcoming the comfortable position, Cody closed his eyes soaking in the feel of that warm, soggy cavern wrapped around his body. It was something that was quickly growing on him. Or rather he in it as he groaned low.

"Hm....yeah, just like that." Cody encouraged pushing down further into that muzzle. The cold nose pushed further against his sack making him shudder in contrast to the heated warmth of that long muzzle consuming him.

Toby slurped at his head, teasing the tip as he nursed on his body. The smell on his nostrils, the taste in his mouth. The warm body laying across him; the man going back to his groin. It was all too perfect the dog. He gripped the body tighter on top of him, pulling him down more not wanting to give him a chance to escape him again. Not wanting to let go as he sucked on Cody's core. Every tongue slap made him groan softly. Every slurping suck made him tense before moaning as he humped down some more.

Cody stroked and coaxed the rest of Toby out his sheath that had filled to almost breaking point; the knot had swelled almost trapped it inside. Slipping the loose flesh back over it Toby shivered at the release snorting against Cody in approval. Sliding a finger down the length, Cody dragged the sheath back further probing it with his fingers. Toby kicked a leg out at the first finger that stuck in and murred loudly around Cody's member, sucking more fevorently on it. The vibration coming from that muzzle only encouraged Cody as he slid another two fingers inside. Stretching and probing further into it.

Toby member shook as the first stray droplets of pre came out as his leg kicked out again. Cody bent his head down uncertain at first at the strange 'muscle' before him. Throwing caution to the wind he opened his mouth, scooped the tip into it and watched as Toby slowly slid himself further inside. His paws digging into the bed as he slowly humped forward tightening his vice like hold on his waist. The hard but spongy length trickled a bitter broth across his tongue that made his taste buds feel alive. Cody gulped the half shot down sucking to coax more of the nectar from him.

Without thought Cody slowly wrapped his fingers around the knot that had formed in the dog's length. Toby tensed almost instantly before humping hard against him with a whine. It was the first time he actually opened his muzzle to make a sound. A loud groaning murr escaped the dog as he rolled Cody to the side taking his length back into his muzzle. Nuzzling further into his groin the dog humped into the man again with a growl.

A slow pace that continued. One hump after another. Each quickening one after the other until the bed began to shake. Each hump brought that knot firmly against Cody's lips in a kiss as if the dog was trying to force it in. Cody wrapped a hand around it and gave it a strong squeeze every time it pressed back against him. Each time sent a quiver down the dog's length, more pre dripping from the tip as it did so.

Breathlessly the dog continued. His muscle flexing with each hump as he began a none stop routine. Only the strong paws holding Cody's thigh kept him in place as Toby heatedly began murring loudly as his eyes shut. A deep rumbling growl filled his chest and with one final push his sunk his knot into Cody's mouth and spilled into him with a loud gasp, recoiling his muzzle from Cody. Jolting as his sack tightened against him Toby clawed at the bed with a paw.

"Ooooh, CODY. Cody. Cody." He repeated as every last drop spilled into the mouth sealed by his knot. His tip jumped uncontrollably as a whine escaped through his murring growl.

Cody opened his mouth widely to let the knot slip out and coughed a few times rubbing his throat. That final thrust caused Toby to slide down his throat and although it wasn't the first time, Cody was just caught off guard. "Yum." He said sitting up a bit wincing as he rubbed his throat. "Now that's a full breakfast."

Toby grinned sticking his tongue out. Cody ran a hand over his still erect self and began rubbing himself as he breathed slowly.

Toby swatted his hand away. "Let me get my meal." The dog said pushing him back a bit. Cody gladly opened his legs for him.

A broad tongue ran underneath his sack. Bouncing on ball on his nose Toby looked up at him like a trained seal.

"Don't play with your food." Cody said resting back against the headboard of the bed. He watched the sight with a smug smile, opening his legs a bit more.

"I do what I want." Toby growled moving back. His tongue slapped his nose again.

The dog scooted forward lifting on of his legs up onto his shoulder before curling his back and taking Cody's whole length back into his muzzle. Sliding it into perfectly he clamped shut around it. Bobbing up and down Toby began to pump him applying suction as he rose and a firm tongue as he sunk back into it.

Cody rolled his foot closing his eyes and enjoyed himself.

Toby's fingers gripped his other thigh as he let his leg go, making sure it stayed up on his shoulder. Without letting the cock slip from his muzzle, Toby stuck two finger's into his maw. Covering them in saliva before pulling them back. Dipping the paw down he ran one finger over Cody's pucker making him tense. Without even waiting he slipped the other one in making the man groan low. It was soon followed by the other finger.

Finger fucking his pucker Toby quickened his pace. Bobbing up and down faster as he humped his body against Cody. Who groaned loudly and began humping into that muzzle.

A second passed before Toby forced his finger's all the way in. Going fully down on Cody. And closing his throat to collect all the seed building up on his tongue.

Cody held it in as long as he could before shaking as he spilled into the hungry dog that continued to nurse long after he had finished. His member finally slurped from the dog's muzzle that sadly watch it go as Cody let his leg rest back on the bed.

Toby jumped over his other leg and nuzzled up against his chest as Cody continued to soak in his release. A paw rubbed his stomach, along his happy trail and a dull nailed finger dipped into his belly button. He nuzzled against his chest some more, kicking against the bed as he scooted closer.

"How was that?" Toby asked swallowing loudly again. He opened his ear up and listened to Cody's heart beating loudly in his chest as he continued to pant.

"Good. Real good." Cody said still breathing heavily. He groaned getting up. Toby laid against him hinting hinting heavily at wanted he wanted as his fingers trailed across his side as the man got up off the bed.

Cody grabbed the shirt on the chair and looked it over before realizing it was Toby's. The dog watched him. He opened his legs as Cody looked over. Toby rubbed his sheath, teasing it down a bit.

"Where'd I put my shirt?" Cody asked looking around the room. The dog frowned and sat up a bit with a gruff sigh.

"I think it was in the other room. Where you ravaged me on the coach. Before we retreated to the bedroom." Toby said annoyed.

"Ok." Cody said but made no move to go fetch it. Toby grinned hoping he'd come back to bed but Cody didn't. The man began collecting his briefs, pants and wallet. Checking his phone to see if he had any messages.

"So..." Toby asked looking away from the man. "Your not doing this with anyone else are you?"

Cody looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What exaclty?"

"This." He said pointing between the two of them. "Your not seeing anyone else are you."

"We're not dating." Cody answered but didn't elaborate."I'm going to take a shower."

"Didn't you like just take one." Toby laughed though his ears fell at the blunt remark. His previous wagging tail stopped and fell dead to his side.

"I don't like smelly like wet horn dog," Cody teased in good jest as he headed down the hall. Toby sniffed under his arm at the remark, wrinkling his nose. He happened to like his musk. It had character. But in this case he happened to agree, like the good puppy he was. Jumping to his feet he walked off the bed and quickly followed behind.

"I think I'll take one too." He said aloud behind Cody.

"Ok." Cody said over his shoulder standing in the hallway butt naked in the othe man's apartment. "I'll only take a second." And with that shut and locked the door to the bathroom.

Toby pouted in front of it. That was defiantly not what he meant. He reached a paw out and scratched at the wooden frame but the water had already turned on and his plea fell on deaf ears. "Damnit all..." He said resting back against the wall.