Part 3: Out of The Frying Pan...

Story by t-ster on SoFurry

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#3 of The Choices of Fate

Well, Here's Part 3, Hope you enjoy! Please rate and Comment befor you leave.

If you have not read parts 1 and/or 2, please do so efor you read this.

Lastly, this story is my intellectual property, using this story or and character contained inside as your own is stealing, and ask before use any character in anything. Thanks!!


"Almost there" Jason said.

I had been blindfolded and lead to a car, and Jason was driving me to the wolf den, the Headquarters for the underground resistance that Emelia was leading. I suppose this was standard procedure for anyone new to the wolf pack, but I still didn't like it. Besides, I could see everything clearly anyway, since I am able to remotely view places. I was simply watching things unfold from just the other side of my blindfold. I decided against telling Jason about my new abilities. I felt Emelia should be the first to know.

They really didn't want anyone to know where the den was, considering how many times Jason double backed and changed roads. By my count, we passed some places five or six times already. I could tell that we were circling around an open field, and I hope that the wolf den isn't a series of tunnels.

"We're here, let me get out and open the door for you." Jason says after parking at the open field. Great, the den takes after its namesake.

Jason opens the door and helps me get out of the car. I still have to put on the act of not being able to see. He then takes the blindfold off of my eyes, and I return my vision to them. I act surprised and confused, which was pretty easy, all I had to add to how I was already feeling was a sense of not expecting it.

"I thought you were taking me to the wolf den?"

"I did, here we are." After saying that, he bends down and feels around in the grass. "Now where did that handle go?" After a several seconds of searching, he grabs hold of something and pulls.

I expect some tunnel to open or a trap door. Neither happen. In fact, it is more like an elevator. What looks like a phone booth rises from the ground a few feet in front of us, but you would have to be expecting something to happen to even notice it. The only reason I noticed was the fact that I happened to be looking in that area when the ground rose up, and I could see the transparent walls, or rather, the soil on the other side of them. Jason walks over and seemingly stands over a bottomless pit that just opened up. I walk over to him, giving him a questioning look.

"Pretty sophisticated for an underground resistance." I comment, stepping over the threshold of the elevator.

"From what we can tell, it was a bomb shelter. My family knows of it, and they gave their permission for us to use it as a base. We still don't quite know everythign about it, but we know enough to practically live there."

"So everyone who is a public member of the Grey Wolves lives here?"

"Yep, every single fur. They don't have anywhere else to go. We raid Krendall supply caravans to keep up with food and medicinal needs."

By that time, the elevator had started descending..There were no lights in the elevator shaft, so I could not tell how far down we were traveling. "So, how has Emelia been?"

"Weird. When I met her after the Seven Hour War, she was different. No one knows what happened to her, but she is determined to get back at the Krendall. She keeps on saying that the Krendall are beasts, or monsters. It's almost scary to see her like this. But I think she'll be happy to see you again."

We arrive at the bottom of the elevator, and there is a metallic door with a lighted button under a speaker.

"Wolves love the taste of fresh meat." A voice says over the speaker. Hmm, it sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it.

"But they like the taste of freedom best." Jason said into the speaker. The door opened, revealing a surprisingly spacious, yet clinical room. The bright lights of the room make me blink a few times to get my eyes adjusted. Inside the room, a lone figure stands, weapon poised towards the door that just opened. It takes me a few moments to remember the horse standing there.

"Benson? Wow, you look good."

"Kevin? Is that really you? Good to see you!" The black and white stallion says, lowering his gun and walking towards me with his hand out. I take his hand and we shake.

"So you joined the Wolves too? How did the invasion go for you?"

"Yeah, I joined early on. As for the invasion..." Benson lowered his eyes to the floor, unable to say more.

Jason took up the tale from there, "Benson lost his family during the invasion. He was with his prom date at her house when the Krendall arrived, they had already hit his house when he got there."

"The damned bastards killed my parents and my brother. They didn't have a chance."

"Sorry to hear that, my home was hit too, I don't know if my parents were there or not."

"Well, anyway, I doubt you came all the way to the Wolf Den to hear my sob story."

"He's here to join up, and to see Emelia."

"Ah, I suppose so. Trouble is, Em and the rest are out on a raid at the moment. We hope to get enough supplies together so we don't have to wait until the last minute to get more."

"Any Idea when they will be back?"

"They left fairly early to get set up. The plan was to hit the target in about half an hour, and be back by sundown." Benson replies.

"So I just wait here?"

"Well, normally, yes, but Emelia left special instructions in case you showed up."

"Really? What am I supposed to do?"

"I am to take you to see her. If we get you a gun, and leave as soon as we can, we should be able to get to the raid just as it is startiing." Benson says, checking his srist-watch.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"A bit, but we should have the element of surprise, and plenty of traps set up. There should be little resistance."

"Okay, where's my gun?"

"Over here." Benson walks over to a gun rack He hands me a rifle; compact, light, but very powerful, at least that's what he tells me. Along with the rifle, he hands me a 9mm pistol in a hip holster and a several clips of ammunition for each. "You do know how to use these, right?"

"Just point and click, right?"

"Seriously, do you know how to use them?"

"Do we have enough time for me to learn?"

"Good point. I guess the finer points can come later. For now, just keep your head down, and if any Krendall soldiers try to kill you, just shoot them."

"So bullets work against suits?"

"Suits? Hell no. Bullets won't even come close. Thankfully, there are no suits guarding supply lines, so we shouldn't run into any of them. If we DO run into any, run. You don't stand a chance against suits."

"Well, Benson, I should tell you, Kevin here killed two suits without even as much as a scratch on him."

"No way. It has to be a bluff."

"Krendall reports confirm it. Earlier today, even."

"That's impressive. You have to share how you did that with everyone. If we can find a way to beat the suits, we can actually do some damage."

"I'll be sure to share that story with everyone, but I would like to meet Emelia first."

"Sure thing, we should get going anyway. If you are good enough to take on suits, we need you in as many fights as possible." Benson says, the three of us getting back to the elevator.

As the elevator opens, I ask, "Are there any other entrances? This seems somewhat vulnerable. The Krendall could just keep you in here if they found the elevator."

Jason is quick to answer, "This is the only entrance we use, precisely for that reason. There are other ways out, but we don't know where they are top-side. If anyone gets captured, they will lead the Krendall to the elevator, and while the Krendall wait for us to come out, we escape out of the back doors."

"Seems like a good plan, so you have cameras and listening devices up top, then?"

"No, nothing as complex as that. We actually have periscopes, placed around the field. Electronic detection devices are vulnerable to EMP attacks."

"Like in the Seven-Hour War." Benson adds.

The rest of the elevator ride passes in silence. When the elevator reaches the top of the shaft, I notice the sunshine. When I had gone into the bunker, the sky was overcast. Now that the clouds had moved out of the way of the sunlight, I noticed how little the countryside had changed. The town had been all but leveled, but the rural areas seemed to be unscathed. The grass and trees never looked so good.

"Follow me, I'll lead you to Emelia." Benson said.

"Good luck, Kevin, You're gonna need it." Jason added.

"Aren't you coming with us?" I ask Jason.

"No can do, if I am seen at the raid, I'll be outlawed like the rest of the resistance. This way, I can still do my part to recruit people."

"Oh, but how would they know? I assume we conduct these raids in the countryside, to avoid detection?"

Benson explained this one, "They seem to have recording devices on their vehicles and in the helmets of the suits. I assume that is how they know you got rid of the two suits earlier. When they send out a recovery team, they look at the recordings."

"So why don't we remove the recordings?"

"It takes too much time, If we stand around fussing over the recorders or their data, we could get caught by backup or the recovery team."

"Ah, good point."

Jason got in his car and drove off, while Benson and I head off to a grove of trees in the distance. After a few minutes of jogging, we arrive at the tree line.

"You know where they set up?" I ask.

"Not exactly, I have a good idea where, but in the end we will have to stumble around until we find'em."

"Great, lost in the woods." I grumble, attempting to make my way through the thickening undergrowth.

After a few moments, Benson stops in mid step, and motions for me to do the same. He then gives a whistle, sounds like a bird call. Then a whistle that sounds similar comes from ahead.

"I thought you were to stay in the den in case Jason brought someone?" A voice calls.

"I did, I brought the cub with me." Benson replies.

"You know that is not the operating procedure, unless..." A figure steps from the brush, an otter.

"Trevor? You too? Who didn't join the wolves?" This was quickly becoming a class reunion.

"Nice to see you too, Kevin. Listen, we don't have much time until the caravan is supposed to get here, and we don't want to give away our position, so bringing you to see Emelia know is out of the question. Just wait here and you can see her after the raid."

Trevor's words were punctuated by the sound of explosions coming from a bit further on in the forest. "Hmm, they're early..." mused Trevor, "But we were ready anyway."

"See? All we gotta do is wait for the raid to be over, and..." but Benson didn't finish the thought since a beam of white, coherent light struck a nearby tree with an audible sizzle.

"Uh-oh." both Benson and Trevor said, diving for cover.

"Don't tell me..." I mutter under a growl, "That only suits have energy rifles."

"No, " Benson says, since Trevor was too far away to hear my remark, "but these guards were not. We got bad intel, which means anything is possible. Also, only suits have energy rifles that discharge with white light."

"Great, I guess I showed up at just the right time. I wonder if the Sage planned this."


"Nothing. We need to get closer."

"Nonsense! We are going to get out of here. You can't fight suits!"

"I already have, and I can do so again. Besides, you guys need a distraction anyway, right? Get everyone out of here, I'll deal with the guards. I'll be sure to bring presents."

I toss my rifle over to Benson and run off towards the sound of fighting and where the beams were coming from, the shouts from Benson dying out to the gunfire and explosions. My shielding disintegrating the leaves and brushes that would have been in my path.

A few seconds later, I come to a clearing, well, actually, a path, in the woods. I immediately notice the two cars, the jeep, and the armored vehicle that looked like it was either a tank, or a heavy transport. The lead car looks like it won't be going anywhere for a long time, with black smoke rising from the engine compartment.

After taking stock of the vehicles, the guards are the next targets for my scrutiny. I see five suits and a dozen or so furs in combat fatigues. It is hard to tell what species the suits are, but the others are a mix of canine and feline furs. I guess they are the kind of guard the wolves were expecting. They are all facing me. The suits have their guns raised, and the 'regulars' (for lack of a better term) are either scared, or desperate. Either way, though, they all have their weapons trained on me. I teleport behind the closest suit, figuring they are the more immediate threat, and slice his throat open.

I look behind me to get my bearings for the next suit, but I don't see any more suits. I don't think they actually ran away. In lieu of a suit, I run towards the nearest regular, holding my red shimmering energy blade over my head, ready to strike. The dog fires a few rounds at me, none of which get through my shields. A few inches from being able to remove the dogs head from his shoulders, however, I stop. I realize the fear in his eyes. I felt the same way when I saw the ship above my house. The feeling that comes with watching your death approaching. I can't kill him.

Someone hits me from behind while I am stunned from seeing the look in the dog's eyes. My shields must have dropped slightly, since I stuble forward from the force of the blow. I turn around and don't see anything. It dawns on me that the suits' suits may have a type of cloaking mechanism. I really need to get a hold of one. Right now, though, I need to think of a way to see the invisible soldiers running around.

I could clear the area quick enough with a sudden energy discharge centered on me, in other words, exploding, but I can't bring myself to kill the regulars. They may be helping the Krendall, but they are furs, the same as me. Come to think of it, the suits are just furs too. Granted, they have the power suits, but they are still furs.

Come on, they are our enemy. It is fine to kill them. Huh? What was that? Just the voice of reason. Riiight. I still cannot kill them, and I don't know if any of the Grey wolves would be caught in the blast radius. Does it matter? They would die if you hadn't shown up, and if they die in some energy throw off, who cares? Me. Do you? Yes. You don't sound too convinced.. Well, it would be easier. That's more like it. The quicker you get done with these guys, the sooner you can see Emelia.. Yeah, that is true. Go ahead, what's stopping you?

I gather energy inside myself, getting ready to release it in a wave. While gathering energy, I notice two things. First, the furs I can see are all being drawn towards me. Second, this energy feels different, darker than the energy I have been using until now. It is also more potent. That difference is obvious when I release it. A black wave of energy explodes from my body as I roar, a mix of pain and excitement running through my body. The regulars are completely vaporized in an instant. The vehicles also seem to have taken heavy damage. The nearby foliage is withered and dying.

Also, what I can only guess were the suits are standing there, visible, and without armor. It is a sad sight. Without the suits, it is easy to tell now that they are, or rather, were, wolves. They no longer have any fur, their bare skin pen to the air. It seems, though, thatj their skin is slowly melting, either by contact with the atmosphere or from the sunlight, I can't tell. The lupines that were once so feared are now decrepit husks. It seems the suit was not only armor, but life support as well. The Krendall really are monsters for twisting the lives of these furs to their own ends. Either growing them as is or changing them somehow after they matured, Their lives have almost no meaning now. I can sense their pain, and am about to end their misery when the four bodies fall to the ground, lifeless.

The Krendall deserve to die for what they did. Maybe, who am I to judge? Kevin, the answer to the Krendall. Why else would you have shown up in Slip Space after you died? Okay, who are you? You, or rather, who you could be. Great, I'm arguing with myself, I have gone insane. Anyway, I am done listening to you, that energy scared me. I don't like how it felt. ...... No answer, good.

I look through the vehicles, avoiding the bodies on the ground as I do. I find some medical supplies along with some food in what is left of the cars. I blast the door to the armored vehicle with some energy, the familiar red kind, and find crates of weapons and ammo. I gather everything up, going as fast as I can before any more Krendall show up.

I hope everyone got back to the den all right. I wonder how I will get back, and then an idea hits me. I can teleport! Maybe I can teleport the supplies with me. I focus, picturing myself in the plain outside the den with the supplies I scrounged up. I open my eyes to see the plain. I look a bit closer and notice that I am close to where the elevator comes up at. I don't see anyone, so I start looking for the lever that Jason used.

After a couple of minutes of searching for the lever, I hear a rumble. Great, reinforcements, and I am standing right by the den with stolen goods. I should leave, so the wolves can fight on. Wait, the ground is's the elevator! They saw me up here and are getting me! I see two large tiger-morphs standing in the elevator, with guns, pointed at me. Yay, they don't trust me. "You, get the goods into the elevator and do it quickly. No funny stuff either." the one on the left says. I do as they say and load the crates into the elevator and keep my trap shut the entire trip back to the den.

When the doors open to the Wolf Den, the number of furs surprise me. I was expecting a handful of furs, but it seems more like a regiment. I am stunned, and almost miss the grunt that I tok to mean that I should get myself and the crates off of the elevator, quickly. I do so, and everyfur scrambles to take inventory and divide the plunder.

"Hey, I thought there was supposed to be more food and medical supplies?" A female voice cries out.

"Yeah, but these rifles are pretty cool." A gruff-sounding male answers.

"Just don't try it out in here, Jeff." Someone chides.

"Enough, enough. We have more important matters, like a new cub." A commanding voice says over the commotion.

The ruckus dies down, and everyone stops to stare at me. I feel a bit uncomfortable standing in front of the whole group.

"Kinda small, I bet I could beat him to a pulp, easy." One of the tigers who was in the elevator with me says.

Trevor steps forward, "Heh, he may be small, but he sure is strong, he is a martial artist, and much more."

"By the way, why was he at the raid and how did he get all this? we abandoned the raid after the suits showed themselves." The other tiger questions.

"That would be better answered by him. I, for one, would like to hear this story." A very familiar voice says. Furs part to show a ruby dragoness.

"Emelia, good to see you agian."

"Good to see you too, Kevin. I am waiting to hear your story."

"Right." I tell them about the fight against the suits, choosing to leave out the details about the voice and the energy.

"You have to be kidding me." some fur remarks.

"Prove it!" another fur yells, which is soon taken up to a chant by the whole crowd, even Emelai and Trevor.

"Fine, FINE!!" I yell above the crowd. I think for a bit as to how to demonstrate my abilities in the simplest way possible. I decide to use my energy sword on some metal that I create. After creating the plate of metal, I invite anyone who wants to test it out.A few come up, some try to bend it, others simply weigh it. No matter how much they try, though, it does not budge. I then form my energy blade and effortlessly cut through the plate of metal. There are murmurs among the crowd.

I try another idea. "Fine, if there is any fur who wishes to fight me, go ahead. You may use any means, and I do mean ANY means, you like to defeat me. I guarantee your safety."

A few furs step forward, but after a forest wolf steps forward, the rest fade back into the crowd. Good, I thought there would be a key fighter in the group, and if I beat him, I would not be questioned. "All right, looks like you are my only challenger. As I said, you may use anything you like. The fight is over if either of us concedes or dies."

"I thought you said you guarantee our safety. Going back on your word?" the Wolf says.

"No, it's just that I feel I need to say that just in case. I don't like contacting the dead to get their admission of defeat. I am not perfect, after all."

"Tch, fine, whatever."

The wolf charges at me, strange how every brawler does that. I decide to toy with him for a bit. The instant before his puch would make contact with my head, I teleport behind him. I tap him on the shoulder. When he turns around, I teleport onto his outstretched arm. My weight on his arm is enough to bring him to the ground, yeowling in pain. I step off his hand.

"Had enough? Or should we continue? I could actually try fighting against you, but I think it would just be more pain and embarrassment for you." I say, bending over.

The wolf decides to try a trick of his own. While I am bent over, he swings his good arm in an uppercut while standing up. I thought he might try that, and am ready for it. I dodge the punch, and bring my elbow into his solar plexus. The wolf crumples, breathless, but alive.

"Do you concede now?"

"Y-yes. You are as strong as you say." the wolf manages to gasp out.

"Any other challengers? No? Fine, does this mean I am accepted into the Wolves?"

"Not quite, but it is a good first step." Emelia answers.

The crowd disperses, some furs go into hallways in the back of the room, others stand aroudn in clusters in the main room. Benson and Trevor walk up.

"Good show, and nice haul on your first raid." Benson says.

"How long have you been able to do that stuff? That's pretty cool." Trevor gushes.

"Heh, slow down guys. I just got through two fights. I could use a rest."

Benson laughs, "Perhaps, but we have a message, from Em."

"Yeah, she would like to talk with you, in private." Trevor says with a wink.

"Something tells me it is just a talk, at least for now, Trevor. Thank you, though. I guess I have an appointment with the alpha wolf." I stop and look around, "Uhh, where is she?"

"In her quarters. And something tells me you will be spending plenty of time there yourself." says Trevor with another wink. They lead me to a nondescript door and knock three times.

A voice calls from the other side, "Yes?"

Benson responds, "We brought him, like you asked."

"It's open."

We walk into the room, which is sparsly decorated, much like the rest of the bunker, but it still carries the definite mark of a female. It is neat, and all the decorations are placed in optimum position to be seen. Emelia's scent permeates the room.

"Thank you, you two may leave now." Emelia says, lounging on a couch along the far wall. She is still wearing her combat fatigues. They don't flatter her, but she's still far from ugly.

"Hard to imaging the last time we saw each other our biggest concern was what college we were going to attend." I say after the other two leave.

"I know, but I did not want to talk to you about the last time we were together. I have some more important matters to discuss with you. Please, have a seat."

I sit down in a chair after pulling it closer to the couch. "What would you like to discuss?"

"Mostly, what you have been up to the past two weeks."

I tell her the same story I told her parents, about looking for my parents and deciding to find my friends.

"So you are sticking with that story?"


"We have bugged my parents' place, just to see who asks about whom in the Wolves. We heard your entire discussion with my parents. We also know that story is a lie, since your parents have been in searching for you too, and had even enlisted us to look for you."

"So, why are you so insistent?"

"If you must know, we are just covering our tails. With what you did back at the raid and the supplies you came back with, there are only two possibilities I can of for what happened; you either got in with the Krendall or you somehow found a place to learn how to do some pretty amazing things. I'd put money on the latter."

"What makes you sure I'm not in with the Krendall? I've only been here a few hours."

"Well, you are still you. If you were working for the Krendall, you would have lost yourself."

"How do you know that?"

"Well, You are the first fur I feel I can tell this to, but hre goes. After you didn't show up at Plendon, the Krendall did. There were about twenty other furs there too, mostly local kids. Instead of zapping the place, they invaded with ground troops, mostly suits. No one gave a fight, and they took us aboard one of their ships. I was a prisoner for three days. I ws not given any food or water, and I was about to give up. Then they gave me some food, laced with some kind of drug. At that time, I couldn't tell, but after a few meals, I could tell something was strange. The other furs all became strange, like zombies. They were mindless, slaves to the orders of the Krendall.

"After three days of that, I somehow managed to keep my mind, but just barely. I could feel my will slipping. Then I remembered Prom night. That memory stayed with me, and bave me something to fight for. It was then that I felt that I would see you again someday. Two days later, they dumped me in the shell of Plenburg. It seems a fire swept through that area of Blenburg. After seeing what I had seen, and going through what I had gone through, I had to fight back. I gathered others who would fight, and started the Grey Wolves."

"Wow, I never knew. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"If it weren't for you, I would not have made it out of there. I would be one of them. Anyway, you still have not answered my question. What have you been up to?"

"I suppose you deserve to know..." I recount all that had happened, my death, my time in Slip Space, the fight with the two suits, and finding the Wolves. "And then Benson showed me to the Raid, You know what happened after that."

"So, you DID die."

"Yeah... wait, what do you mean?"

"I had a feeling, I couldn't explain it, but when you didn't show up at the high school, I knew you were dead. Yet, lately I also felt that you would show up soon. And here you are."

"That is almost as weird as...."

"Weird as what?"

"Back at the raid. When I got rid of the soldiers, I heard a voice."

"A voice?"

"Yeah, said it was me, or something. Anyway, the voice told me to kill the soldiers, and not to care if any innocent furs would be hurt. I didn't want to kill them, I just,..did. The scariest part, though, is that part of me enjoyed it. The energy I used also felt different, more malign, It was also more potent. I don't know what to do. It would be easy to use this new power, but I don't know what will happen to me."

"Hey, don't worry, we have plenty of time before we have to go on another raid. And even then, the chances are slim we will need you to any of that special stuff. I won't ask you to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing." When did her paw get on my knee?

"Thanks. I really needed someone to say that."

She moves her other paw to my muzzle, and guides me to a kiss. I can't describe how good it feels to kiss her again, but the kiss is short-lived.

When the shock from the kiss wears off, I ask, "Where did that come from?"

"It has been two weeks, a woman gets lonely."

"I don't think you've been lonely, you could have your pick of anyone here."

"Didn't we go over this last time? If I can choose, I choose you."

"Heh, I guess you did say that last time."

"And you dying didn't change anything. You may have a new body, and can do some pretty remarkable things, but you are still the Kevin I fell in love with."

"You sure? We just met."

She pokes me in the ribs, making me yell in surprise. "Same soft spots, and I could tell when I watched you fight Greg."

"I guess I can't fool you."

We lock lips a second time. More passionate and longer this time. When we move apart I have to catch my breath.

"Are you sure you want this?" I ask her, still breathless.

"Why are you always asking me that? Don't you think I know you are a kind person yet?"

"Well, I guess I'm nervous, Prom Night I was a virgin, and now the world has been turned upside-down. I don't even know if I can trust myself anymore."

"Hey, I said there would be plenty of time to figure things out. Right now, it's just you and me, and our love for each other. I will always be here for you."

"And I will be here for you. I love you."

"And I, you. Enough talk, lets get to the action."

She then takes my lips and sticks her tongue between my lips. I respond in kind, moving my hands up her back, pressing her closer to me. I know what she said is true, and I want her to know I was sincere as well. I try to put all of my feelings for her in my actions, since words fail me. I crossed dimensions to find her again.

My thoughts are stopped as she pulls away for a third time. This time though, it is to remove her top. I follow her lead. We both disrobe. "Couch or bed?" She asks.

"Bed, there's plenty of time to experiment later, I want this to be certain to be enjoyable."

We both get on the bed, our scales the only covering we have. It fells so long since I last saw her in only her scales. I have to remind myself that it has only been two weeks, even though I died and the world was conquered, we are still two dragons who love each other, and no matter what happens, that will not change.

I really need to stop having internal monologue when my dragoness needs me. She on her back already wtih her legs open, inviting me in. Not wanting to keep her waiting any longer, I move up to her, bringing my head to her crotch. Breathing in her lovely scent, I gently lick her folds. Her moans drive me deeper. As I explore deeper into her depths, I try to gather as much of her delectable juices as I can on my tongue on each pass. She still tastes as sweet as ever, and it still has the hint of her musk to it. I can feel her walls convulsing around my tongue, telling me how close she is. I push deeper, opening my maw further, trying to brush my teeth against her clit. As my teeth lightly touch her clit, she moans loudly, her whole body quaking. Her juices flow copiously unto my tongue and into my mouth, coating my muzzle and making a wt spot on the bed.

"You taste as good as ever, Em."

"What about you?"

"Find out for yourself."


She kicks me over, so I am lying on my back, and crawls down to my groin. My member was already standing at full attention. It had been two weeks since he has had anything to do. As soon as her hand touches my cock, pre starts leaking out. She licks up the pre, causing more to flow. She then closes her lips around the head, circling her tongue around the tip. I can feel my orgasm approaching. "I...I'm a-about to..." I cry, just before I erupt into her mouth. Her cheeks puff out as I pump more and more seed into her greedy maw. When I feel the end of my spasms, She sits up, her cheeks still full of my spunk. She looks me in the eye as she swallows, ending with a pleased sigh.

"Had enough? " She coyly asks.

"Have you?"

She moves so her hips are above mine, her lower lips dripping on my shaft, still sensitive from my last peak. "Not even close." She impales herself on me, hilting herself in one, fluid motion. I can't believe how good it feels to be in her again! Her walls are milking and squeezing me. She moans as she pulls herself up off me, pushing me out of her. She cries out in pleasure as she falls back onto my shaft, going faster and faster every time. I feel her walls squeeze even harder as she comes on my member, her moans turning into a load roar. I try to hold out for her, to let her come again before I do, but I can't. Just after her roar dies down, I shoot the first squirt of my juice into her womb, setting her off again. Her body locks up, quivering in pleasure. Her muzzle open in a silent scream. My own roar loud enough for both of us.

Both of us try to catch our breath, neither of us noticing the scent of our sex or the wet spot on the bed. I can feel consciousness slipping, still buried inside Emelia. With the last of my energy, I reach out and hug her, wanting to tell her how much I love her, but not having any air with which to do so.