Ménage à Trois

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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Berry Punch sipped at her wine happily, humming a jaunty tune to herself. It was evening, the sun was setting, and the young earth pony was in a restaurant in Canterlot, not one of her usual haunts.

Candles lit the table, and the wine menu was lying on the empty plate in front of Berry Punch, and three entire wine bottles surrounded it. One of them was half-empty, and the earth pony was quickly working towards getting it completely so.

The earth pony had already been kicked out of the Ponyville inn for the day for 'drunken escapades'. So she had, of course, done the only sensible thing: she caught a train to Canterlot and continued to drink.

But this wine was terrible.

"Is there something wrong with the wine?" the restaurant owner asked. He was a handsome unicorn, named Fancy Pants. His wife Fleur De Lis hovered behind him, watching with disinterest.

"It's horrible," Berry Punch complained tipsily, holding up the glass as though it proved her point.

"I'm very sorry to hear that," Fancy Pants stated.

"You unicorns can't do anything right," Berry Punch slurred, waving a hoof. "You can't make wine, you can't work the fields. And you're all horrible lays!"

Fancy Pants scowled at that, his eyes narrowing. "I take offence to that!"

"You can damn well take a gate as well!" Berry Punch retorted, snorting and downing the rest of the glass of wine. "Lousy winemakers, lousy workers, lousy lays. Lousy unicorns."

"I assure you, we are none of those things," Fancy Pants said, snorting once at her.

"Well, your wine sucks, you don't work in a field... what yer gonna do, fuck me?" Berry Punch asked challengingly, looking back and forth between him and his wife. "Wait, wait... I'll need to find my magnifying glass first, so we can find your cock."

"I find your manner offensive, madam!" Fancy Pants stated, pointing a hoof at the door. "Leave!"

"I knew it," Berry Punch stated, scooping up her bottles of wine, and staggering tipsily. "Lousy winemakers, lousy workers, lousy lays. And when yer challenged, yer just run away."

Fleur stepped up closer to the stallion, and whispered something in his ear.

Fancy Pants paused at that, looking thoughtful, and then nodding once. "Very well. I take you up on your challenge."

Berry Punch blinked, processing that sentence for several moments. "What? Yer gonna screw me?"

"If you'll keep your voice down," Fancy Pants scowled, looking her up and down. "I will prove the honour of the unicorn race."

Berry Punch snorted, and then cast her gaze about. "What, right here? Over one of the tables, huh?"

"There is a hotel across the road," Fleur said quietly, licking her lips and looking the other mare up and down.

"Ooooo... yer wife got a thing for mares too, huh?" Berry Punch slurred with a grin. "Who knows... I might even enjoy this."

"So which of ya is gonna go first?" Berry Punch asked, as she stepped over to the bed, remarkably sure-hoofed for how much alcohol was in her system. The earth pony pulled herself up onto it, peering back over her shoulder, purple eyes narrowed and lustful as she brazenly slid her tail aside and lifted her rump upwards. The two unicorns were treated to the view of the earth pony's pink cunt, a sliver of bright colour amongst the darker purple of her fur.

Fancy Pants took a step forwards, but a hoof shot out to stop him. Fleur smile, narrowing her eyes slowly at Berry Punch, licking her lips. "Allow me, lover."

The male unicorn gave a nod of acquiescence, taking a step to the side and sitting down to watch, beginning to loosen his coat and take it off.

Fleur had no such issues, and stepped up onto the bed as well, sidling close to the earth pony.

"Ohhhh, you gonna try, huh?" Berry Punch asked with a tipsy giggle, wiggling her rump, a hoof pressing down across her own stomach to rub slowly at her eager sex, causing the plump outer lips to spread and reveal her slick inner flesh.

The unicorn female snorted once. "I will not try," she said in her haughty tone, lifting a hoof to lay atop Berry Punch's rump, pressing her nose close, inhaling the earth pony's delectable scent. "I will do," she stated, as she pressed in without hesitation and drew a firm lick against the outer lips of the plump pussy in front of her.

Berry Punch gave a low moan of surprise and delight, her ears splaying back and her hoof faltering against the top of her sex. "Oooo, don't hold back on my account," she said with a heated giggle, lifting her rump higher and spreading her hindlegs a little bit further.

Fleur gave a huff, rolling her eyes. "Very well, you brought this on yourself," the unicorn stated, pressing her nose firmly against the slick cunt in front of her. There was a brief pause, as Fleur lifted a hoof to spread the earth pony open a little further, long enough for Berry Punch to squirm and peer back over her shoulder questioningly.

Fleur gave a sly grin, eyes narrowing, and then suddenly assaulted Berry Punch. The earth pony arched and cried out in delight as the unicorn swirled her tongue deep into her aching cunt, spreading her just a little with the strong muscle. A slick dribble of her liquids spilled from her quivering pussy, eagerly lapped up by the powerful, rapid strokes of Fleur's relentless tongue. The unicorn's hoof pressed between Berry Punch's thighs, pushing her own aside so that the Fleur could begin rubbing with an intense, firm motion, putting direct pressure and friction on the earth pony's clit.

A stifled gasp was muffled against Berry Punch's cunt, and the earth pony twisted slightly in place to look back over her shoulder, to see that Fancy Pants had pressed his own nose under his wife's styled tail, working his tongue against her pretty white cunt.

Fleur shuddered and spread her own hindlegs further, beginning to work at Berry Punch all the more eagerly, rubbing at her clit with firm pressure and swirling, rapid tongue strokes against her slick inner flesh relentlessly.

"Ah, you unicorns are good with yer tongues," Berry Punch panted breathlessly, her hips twitching and the muscles in her stomach rippling. "But yer still lousy-hah!-L-lousy lays!"

A short, derisive snort left the female unicorn, and she removed her hoof from Berry Punch's clit, breathing a heated exhalation over it-mixed with a moan-before pressing her nose down and capturing the earth pony's clit between her lips, suckling around it gently.

Berry Punch's eyes widened, and she clenched her teeth, her ears splaying back and hips twitching, a helpless groan leaving her lips through clenched teeth.

"Ahhh, f-fuck!" Berry Punch panted, eyes clenching closed and hips twitching, a hindleg lifting before pressing back down onto the bed, a slick dribble of her liquids spilling down onto Fleur's tongue.

There was a shifting of weight behind her, and Berry Punch felt Fleur twist her muzzle to the side, suckling all the more eagerly at her sensitive, aching clit, but leaving the base of the earth pony's cunt open to the air. Berry Punch wasn't sure what was going on, until she felt the weight of an extra pony join them on the bed. And then suddenly, Fancy Pants was there as well, leaning down to swirl his tongue quite expertly against the base of Berry Punch's cunt, even as Fleur suckled on her clit.

Berry Punch arched and groaned helplessly, her hindlegs quivering, going weak at the knees. She shuddered and straightened them shakily, her back arching, her cheeks flushing with heat as she tried her best to stave off her orgasm.

Without warning, Fancy Pants swirled his tongue upwards, over the base of the earth pony's quivering cunt, and then even higher.

Berry Punch's eyes went wide and her mouth parted in a 'o' of surprise as she felt Fancy Pant's swirl his tongue without hesitation right up over her rump and tailhole. The earth ponies legs quivered even further, and she snarled in delight, her back arching powerfully and all four hooves clenching at the bed as sweet orgasm rocked her form. The quivering purple cunt gave up repeated slick bursts of her liquids, and the two unicorns tongued at her almost urgently, slathering their tongues against the quivering outer lips and prolonging her pleasure.

The earth pony gave a low groan and collapsed on her stomach, panting hard.

Fleur grinned up at her husband, licking her lips a moment and then licking his lips, tasting the sweet liquids of Berry Punch's delight, her eyes asking a silent question.

Fancy Pants grinned down at his wife, and then nodded once.

Berry Punch perked her ears upwards, giving a questioning sound as she felt a pair of strong hooves gripping her hips and rolling her over. Still in a euphoric high, the earth pony allowed herself to be rolled, splaying out on her back with a low groan. A short gasp of surprise left her as Fluer suddenly buried her muzzle back between her thighs, eagerly tonguing and lapping at her wet cunt again.

"N-not so s-soon!" Berry Punch gasped breathlessly, her eyes wide, a hoof flying to her muzzle for her to bite down on helplessly as the unicorn mare eagerly tongued and suckled at her aching, over-sensitive flesh.

Fleur paused in her suckling and tonguing to groan helplessly as Fancy Pants mounted her, grinding his solid cock between her legs and then sinking into her without hesitation, spreading her around him. His hips began a slow, firm motion, sliding deep inside his mare, sinking the black length of flesh firmly into her body.

Gritting her teeth, the unicorn mare shuddered, resting her chin on Berry Punch's stomach while her body tried to adjust to the thick cock spreading it. Berry Punch pushed herself up slightly, watching with interest as the stallion thrust jerkily into the mare.

Taking advantage of the respite, Berry Punch pulled away completely, panting softly as she rose on shaky hooves, leaning past Fleur's rump to peer sideways at where her cunt was being lewdly spread by the thick black cock. "Is she tight?" Berry Punch asked with a sly grin, a hoof sliding forwards to grab and squeeze gently around the stallion's testicles.

Fancy Pants grunted, his thrusts jerky and halting each time his mare's cunt squeezed around his eager thick cock. "Yes, she is quite snug," the stallion grunted, his hooves gripping her hips tighter as he thrust hard and sank himself hilt-deep inside the willing mare.

A low moan rose from both unicorn's, and Berry Punch grinned, slapping Fleur's rump playfully. "I wonder what will happen..." The earth pony didn't finish her sentence, instead wiggling between Fleur's fore and hindlegs, dropping onto her back and wrapping her hooves around the unicorn's hips, pulling her hips down.

Fancy Pants thick cock slipped from the wet pussy, trailing a slick dribble of her liquids from its tip. Berry Punch gave a giggle, swirling her tongue eagerly up over the white mare's cunt, suckling delicately at her clit for a moment, before pushing her mouth up to capture the black tip of Fancy Pants' throbbing cock, pulling it between her lips.

The stallion gave a low groan of delight as Berry Punch's mouth closed over his throbbing cock, a thick spurt of precum spilled into her muzzle, drooling from the corners of her lips. Berry Punch gave a soft sound of delight at the taste, swirling her tongue firmly against the drooling tip of the black cock without delay, grinning around her mouthful.

Fancy pants groaned softly, grinding his hips into the earth pony's muzzle, working his throbbing tip against her tongue and palate.

Berry Punch gave a muffled giggle around the length on her mouth, swirling her tongue over the top of it, before lifting a hoof to tug at the stallions rump, urging him to thrust into her mouth.

Fancy Pants didn't need to be told twice, immediately beginning to grind his hips in a slow, firm circular motion, sliding himself into the earth pony's muzzle, and then out again, only to repeat the process. Each circular grind of his hips pushed himself a tiny bit deeper into the eager, willing muzzle, testing how deep he could get.

Meanwhile, Fleur had recovered, and found herself devoid of penis and with a luscious earth pony cunt just begging for attention below her muzzle. Without hesitation, the mare leaned down and swirled her tongue heatedly from Berry Punch's clit, right to the base of her sex, making her arch and gasp in surprise as her sensitive depths were stimulated.

This stimulation, coupled with a push of Fancy Pants' hips, caused Berry Punch to shift, ending up with several inches of thick black pony cock shoved down her throat. She gagged momentarily, her stomach muscles heaving in an attempt to get the thick cock out of her throat.

Fancy Pants' drew back as he sensed her discomfort, pushing his hips up to rest the thick cock on Fleur's rump. Berry Punch coughed faintly, her eyes watering, panting for breath and working her muzzle a few times.

A firm lick from Fleur caused the earth pony to quiver and moan, before she threw her hooves around the other mare's rump and pull her down so that she could slather her tongue against the slick cunt eagerly. Fleur's sex was no longer spread, now back to being a tight pink slit amongst the white of her fur, with the slightly puffy, inflamed lips of her sex being the perfect beacon to guide Berry Punch's attentions.

Grinding his eager cock against his wife's rump, Fancy Pants leaned down and mounted her properly again, extending his head to capture her horn with his lips and pull it upright, sliding the rigid spire past his lips.

Berry Punch swirled her tongue eagerly against Fleur's puffy cunt, tonguing up against the inner flesh, enjoying the slick sensation of smooth pink flesh against her tongue. She felt a heated groan against her nethers, and twisted slightly to see why the other mare had stopped. Berry Punch wiped some of Fleur's liquids from her mouth with the back of her hoof, and watched Fancy Pants bobbing his muzzle on her horn for a few seconds, licking her lips at the taste of Fleur's liquids still strong in her muzzle, before saying, "Dude... that's kinda gay."

Fancy Pants blinked once, peering back at her. Berry Punch giggled, and then gave a swift kiss to Fleur's cunt, lapping some of the slick liquids from the outer lips, before reaching a hoof up to tap the stallion's haunch. "I'm ready this time," Berry Punch assured in a heated tone. "Fuck my muzzle, big boy!"

The stallion gave an eager sound at that, sliding his hips back and letting his cock bob down against the earth pony's muzzle. Immediately, she caught it with her hooves, guiding it into her eagerly awaiting muzzle and closing her lips on it.

Without delay, Fancy Pants began to thrust, rocking his hips back and forth and sliding himself in and out of Berry Punch's eagerly suckling muzzle. With an encouraging grunt, Berry Punch reached a hoof up to grip the stallion's haunch, and then tugged him against her powerfully, forcing him to sink inch after throbbing inch into her very throat.

Berry Punch mastered her gag reflex after a few moments, but was unable to halt the reflexive swallows. Fancy Pants groaned in delight, his ears pinning back and muzzle parting as he began to thrust again, eagerly fucking the earth pony's constricting throat, the reflexive swallows tugging and squeezing around his tip.

Fleur watched all this with interest, giving a tentative swirl of her tongue against the earth pony's clit again, tentatively, making sure she wouldn't make the purple mare choke.

Berry Punch quivered, but remained strong, spreading her hindlegs in invitation and urging the stallion to fuck her muzzle with a pointed tug of her hoof against his haunch. Fancy Pants heeded the encouragement willingly, gripping his wife's hips with his forehooves and using her for leverage, muzzlefucking the sexy earth pony with firm, deep motions.

After several long seconds of blissful humping, the stallion's motions were interrupted by a firm, insistent tapping at his cutie mark. Reading the hint correctly, he tugged himself back, slipping his saliva-slicked cock from the mare's muzzle.

Berry Punch took a deep inhale, panting hard for several long seconds and then closing her mouth, swallowing the buildup of saliva that had appeared there, before saying, with a naughty giggle. "I bet your wife never does that for you!"

Fleur raised a brow at that, and then snorted once, giving a haughty huff. Delicately, she turned herself around, sliding off of Berry Punch, and pushing her nose close to her husband's eager cock. "Do not hold back, lover," she murmured heatedly, grinning and parting her lips.

Fancy Pants grinned down at his wife, nodding once and slipping a hoof down to grip around the base of her horn. Fleur inhaled, taking a deep breath and holding it as her husband shoved his cock into her awaiting muzzle, and sank himself deep, deep inside her muzzle.

Berry Punch watched with wide eyes, rolling over onto her hooves and staring as the stallion shoved himself into the mare's mouth, sinking deep into her muzzle and throat. Fleur took it like a pro, she didn't even gag, just smiling up at her husband with watering eyes as he began to almost brutally fuck her muzzle. One hoof held around the base of Fleur's horn, while the other gripped the curve of her jaw, where it met her neck, while his hips shoved into her muzzle. With her head lowered and her rump raised, her muzzle and throat were aligned perfectly for her husband's stiff cock to shove right into both.

In just a few short thrusts, Fancy Pants had his entire cock buried in his wife's willing throat, her swallows around the thick member quite obvious as she smiled up at him with tearing eyes.

Grunting in delight, the stallion slid back, and then shoved forwards again, and again and again, fucking the unicorn's muzzle with a rough, eager pace. And Fleur loved it. Berry Punch could only watch in awe as the other mare swallowed her husband's impressive length readily, and took him to the hilt in her muzzle. All while rubbing a hoof between her legs, massaging her leaking cunt!

But even Fleur had her limits, and she tapped her husbands rump, to signal him to pull back. Fancy Pants panted faintly as he slid back, sliding himself from his wife's muzzle with a grin at the earth pony.

Berry Punch gave the faintest of whimpers, knowing that she had to compete. Earth ponies were the better lays, after all!

Tentatively, the purple mare parted her jaws, closing her eyes. "Fuck me like you mean it," she whispered.

A mere moment later, Berry Punch found a thick black cock shoved deep in her muzzle, forcing its way down her throat. She gagged at first, but forced the sensation down with sheer willpower, before looking up at Fancy Pants and smiling hard. It was a well-known fact amongst the best of cocksuckers that smiling really, really hard suppressed the gag reflex.

The purple mare tried her best to breathe through her nose as the stallion began to muzzlefuck her, sliding himself back and then shoving forwards, spreading her throat with his impressive girth.

Again and again his hips surged, fucking her throat like a cunt, slick dribbles of precum drooling down the back of her throat. She couldn't taste them, but she could feel them, slick and enticing. She felt the member jerk and throb in her throat, and knew he was close, and a soft groan confirmed her suspicions. "G-gonna c-cum..." he panted breathlessly.

And then, her muzzle was free of cock. Berry Punch took a deep, grateful breath, panting for a second. Fleur was already moving back in to take Fancy Pants' eager length back into her muzzle and finish him off, but Berry Punch would have none of it. She muscled Fleur out of the way, and shoved her muzzle back over his cock.

The stallion shuddered and thrust on reflex, and Berry Punch took it smoothly, arching her head and suckling powerfully around the thick black member, but not allowing him back into her throat. Instead, she held him steady with her hooves, suckling and swirling her tongue around his tip, nursing on his cock with an urgent eagerness.

Fancy Pants whimpered softly, his back arching and his hips quivering. Berry Punch felt his cock twitch, and then throb, and then suddenly, cum. Cum everywhere.

Hot, slick bursts of unicorn spunk poured up into her mouth again and again. Each reflexive thrust of the stallion's hips brought a fresh burst of his essence pouring into her muzzle, splattering over the back of her throat and forcing Berry Punch to swallow urgently for fear of drowning. Even with her sudden gulping, the musky, gooey loads began to cascade from the corners of her mouth, splurting from around the clumsy seal her lips made at the tip of his jetting cock.

Fleur was there then, to take over, pulling Berry Punch back gently from the spurting cock. The earth pony gasped for air, muzzle parted wide and slick ropes of spunk drooling from her mouth as she took several more across the bridge of her nose and even in her mane before fleur daintily placed the tip of the cock in her mouth. She timed it perfectly, between the spurts, not even getting any of the goo on her chin as she suckled hard to make a seal, and then swallowed expertly in time with her husbands urgent pulses, taking down each jet of creamy seed with no problem.

Berry Punch glowered at the unicorn, and she just grinned back, even poking out her tongue while swallowing the slick bursts, without even spilling a single drop. Berry Punch did the only sensible thing, and quickly sidestepped behind Fleur, dragging a heated lick up over her puffy cunt and then swirling it up over her tight ass as well.

Fleur gagged in surprise, eyes widening, and then choked helplessly as she quivered. Berry Punch smirked smugly as the unicorn had to draw back, muzzle parting wide for breath as the last spurts of her husband's spunk spilled across her face.

""Y-you harlot!" Fleur accused, panting and looking back over her shoulder at Berry Punch, dribbles of gooey white spunk spilling from her tongue and the corners of her muzzle.

Berry Punch giggled, slipping around to pull the unicorn into a lustful kiss. Their tongues meshed, sharing the pooled liquids in their muzzles. Fancy Pants watched with interest, leaning close to inspect the joining of their tongues.

Berry Punch pulled back, panting for air, grinning messily at the mare, and then raising a brow at the stallion. "I hope you have enough stamina for round two... I don't know any earth pony who couldn't screw me at least twice."

Fancy Pants glanced at his wife, raising a brow.

Fleur gave a sly grin, wiping some errant cum from her lips with the back of a hoof. She pushed her nose into the air, and then decreed, "fuck her into a coma, lover. You can do me afterwards."

The stallion grinned at that, turning his gaze back to the earth pony, eyes narrowing.

Berry Punch snorted once, rolling her eyes. "Very prim and proper, that," she said, waggling a hoof, "And if you think you can fuck me into a coma, go right ahead! You might even make me cum!" The purple mare scrambled from the bed, lifting her chest onto a chair besides it and hiking her rump into the air, a hoof reaching back to pull her tail aside as she spread her hindlegs. With a quick arch of her back, she 'presented' to the stallion, grinning at him lustfully over her shoulder.

Fancy Pants grinned, slipping from the bed and stalking up behind the mare. The puffy outer lips of her cunt were swollen and eager, the pink inner flesh dripping with her slick liquids, forming a shiny trail down her inner thighs. Her entire crotch glistened with saliva and pussy juice, and it was all for him.

Berry Punch wiggled her hips enticingly. "C'mon big boy, or do you need a gilded invitation?" she teased, perking an ear at him.

A single glance was spared for his wife, and Fleur gave a slow, firm nod.

In an instant, Fancy Pants was upon her, shoving himself into her without hesitation or warning, spreading her around his thick black member.

Berry Punch cried out aloud, her eyes clenching closed and her cheeks flushing with warmth as her inner flesh clenched around the thick member shoving deep inside her.

With a low, lustful growl, the stallion gripped around her middle. Surprisingly powerful with his grip, he shifted and sank himself even further into her, determined to reach his limit. His hips rocked up against her own, and Berry Punch hiccuped, utterly filled to the brim with the slick cock, her outer lips clenching weakly around the very base of his throbbing cock.

The mare was given a few moments to adjust, before the powerful thrusts began. Fancy Pants drew back several inches, and then just shoved himself swiftly back inside her, spreading her so deep, deep inside again. Berry Punch cried out in helpless delight, her ears pinning back and hips rolling on reflex, her hooves gripping the chair under her.

Very quickly, Fancy Pants fell into a rhythm, sliding back and then shoving forwards, each time drawing a little bit further out of her clenching cunt, only to shove himself back in to the hilt. And each time, the delicious friction just got more and more intense.

The sounds of slick liquids filled the room as Berry Punch's sex gave up its delightful juices to try and ease the passage of the intruder penetrating her so deeply. She clenched her teeth in an effort to stave off her orgasm, but she was failing miserably.

Fancy Pants grinned and breathed heatedly against one of her ears, before nipping at it lustfully. "Hold on, babe, I'm gonna fuck you now."

Berry Punch blinked once, and then twisted her head to peer back at him in confusion. She had barely gotten her head turned before a powerful, firm thrust rocked her world. The black cock spread her so deep inside, and his hips literally ground up against her own in an attempt to get deeper. She felt his tip touch her deepest barrier, grazing against her cervix, and she just lost it.

The earth pony screamed in delight, the jolt of him touching her so deeply setting her off instantly, her cunt clenching around him almost violently, squeezing and quivering around his member in urgent, heated spasms, as a literal burst of her liquids gushed from around the embedded cock. Without even pausing, Fancy Pants drew back and then stabbed himself deep inside the clenching plump pussy of the purple earth pony, spearing her again and again. Berry Punch clenched her teeth, trying to ride out the pleasure of multiple orgasms as the unicorn rutted her into the chair so hard that it lifted onto two legs repeatedly, the wooden feet slamming down in time with the slaps of the stallion's hips against her own.

A helpless whimper left the earth pony, and she collapsed weakly onto the chair, even as Fancy Pants continued to fuck her relentlessly, shoving himself deep, deep inside her willing body, forcing orgasm after orgasm onto her. His cock stiffened inside her, and her eyes widened.

The sudden, unexpected bursts of hot unicorn jism took Berry Punch by surprise. It had been so long since she'd let a stallion actually cum inside her that she'd forgotten entirely what it felt like. She whimepered and orgasmed again under the sensation of the hot bursts splashing across her insides, coating them in the hot mess. Her depths squeezed around his still-thrusting cock, milking and squeezing around it urgently, imploring it to give her everything it could. The hot bursts of spunk splattering against her inner flesh were delightful to her. She could feel each hot spurt, feel it splashing and pooling deep inside her squeezing cunt. She could even feel it being squeezed out and drooling down her inner thighs.

A hot tongue swirled up her inner thigh, trailing along a line of spunk, and Berry Punch gave a low groan, realising that Fleur must have crawled between their legs sometime between her earth-shattering orgasm and being fucked senseless.

A low groan left the earth pony, and she tried her best to keep her hindlegs straight, whimpering as the tongue swirled up over her burning cunt, trailing around where the cock was embedded deep inside her.

The thick cock was slid free from her body, falling free with a sense of relief for the earth pony, leaving her to lay there with the loads of spunk drooling from her gaping cunt.

"I-I can't believe you came in my fucking c-cunt," Berry Punch panted breathlessly, her head spinning as she tried to catch her breath. "F-fuck..." she whimpered, sliding a hoof down to her cunt and then bringing it in front of her muzzle to inspect the white film now covering it, as though to confirm that it was real.

"We're not done yet," Fleur breathed, fluttering her tongue along the tip of her husbands cock. Her horn glowed, and a sheen of magic encompassed the already slick member, and then faded, leaving a kind of gooey residue there.

Berry Punch gave a faint sound of confusion at that, peering back over her shoulder. Her hindlegs were still shaking, and dribbles of spunk were still spilling from her over-stuffed cunt. Surely he couldn't fuck her again? Her poor abused pussy couldn't take another pounding like that.

A soft, soothing tongue found the outer lips of her sex, and Berry Punch gave a low, clouded moan, and then a soft whimper. She was about to say that she took back what she said about unicorns being lousy lays, when Fancy Pants mounted her again.

But his cock didn't find her cunt.

Berry Punch's eyes widened as she felt the slick sensation of a thick cocktip pressing under her tail, rubbing up against her tailhole. She swallowed hard, and was about to tell him to stop, when Fleur closed her lips on her clit and began to suckle powerfully, while Fancy Pants pressed forwards and spread her suddenly around his tip.

A soft squeak left the earth pony as the thick cock spread the tight ring of her ass open around it, the magical lubricant helping to ease it inside. Her jaw clenched and her back arched as Fancy Pants continued pushing. After the initial resistance, the rest of the cock just slid inside, sinking and stretching her inner flesh. It didn't hurt at all, but it felt weird. Before Berry Punch even knew what was happening, Fancy Pants was deep inside her, spreading her around his entire cock, sunk deep in her tailhole.

Berry Punch whimpered. It was the strangest feeling in the world, having that thick cock so deep in her rump. She felt full, and could feel every single throb of it inside her.

"Hold on, baby," Fancy Pants warned.

Berry Punch swallowed heavily, eyes widening, her hooves automatically gripping around the edges of the seat.

Fancy Pants chuckled at her reaction, drawing back slowly. He thrust suddenly, catching Berry Punch by surprise, and she whimpered, her back arching helplessly. The tongue between her legs was forgotten against the sensations of getting her rump used for the first time. She wasn't sure if she liked it, but it didn't hurt, and Fancy Pants wasn't giving her time to complain.

Already, he was rocking himself back and forth, sliding back and humping forwards, sinking deep inside her gripping tailhole, slick dribbles of his precum drooling across her insides.

After a few moments of this treatment, Berry Punch relaxed enough to actually feel what was happening to her, and she whimpered helplessly, cheeks flushing with warmth and embarassment.

"F-fuck! Fuck!" Berry Punch suddenly cried, gripping the chair tightly again as the stallion took her rump with firm, deep strokes. Fleur giggled, swirling her tongue heatedly against the quivering earth pony cunt, suckling her husbands spunk from the drooling entrance.

"What was that?" Fancy Pants breathed against Berry Punch's ear, nipping at it in a dominant fashion. "What do you want?"

"F-fuuuuck!" Berry Punch whimpered, her hooves shaking as she tried her best to keep her balance on the chair. With a particularly powerful thrust, she overbalanced completely, the chair rolling and clattering away as the earth pony fell to her chest.

The two unicorns were with her all the way, the stallion gripping around her middle and just fucking her all the harder, while the mare tended to the drooling mixture of male and female cum, slathering her tongue across Berry Punch's dribbling sex eagerly.

"Say it," Fancy Pants urged with a grin, grinding himself deep inside her rump while his wife suckled and tongued at her burning cunt. "Say that unicorns are the best and I'll fuck you like you want."

"F-Fuck me!" Berry Punch whimpered, trying to push her hips back against the unicorn, her shaky legs tensing and quivering in the attempt.

"Say it!" the stallion urged, grinning devilishly.

Berry Punch shuddered and cried out, biting her bottom lip and shivering, her clenching cunt spilling more of the unicorn's spunk for Fleur to dutifully tongue clean.

"U-Unicorns are g-good l-lays!" Berry Punch managed to squeak out, "Now f-fu-hah!"

Berry Punch didn't even manage to finish her sentence, as both unicorns sprang into action.

Fancy Pants gripped around her middle all the tighter, and then shoved himself into her, beginning to rut her tight tailhole with a fervent, eager pace, hips slapping against her own in a rough rhythm. Fleur giggled and slipped down to suckle, and then nip and graze her teeth over the earth pony's clit.

The barrage of stimulation set Berry Punch off, and she whimpered in delight, stuffing a hoof against her muzzle to stifle her scream of delight as she was fucked so well, an earth-shattering orgasm overtaking her.

Screaming hoarsely into her hoof and the carpet, Berry Punch wasn't sure how long she was in a state of climax for. But the next thing she knew, Fancy Pants was shoving himself into her urgently, gripping around her middle.

The earth ponies eyes widened, and she tensed up on instinct, realising that the unicorn was about to dump his load into her rump!

And then it was too late. The throbbing cock stiffened deep inside her body, tensing and jerking several times, before sudden hot bursts of gooey spunk splattering across her insides for the second time that night. Berry Punch wasn't prepared for it. She didn't scream, she didn't moan, she just melted. The hot sensation of cum splattering across the insides of her tight rump sent her into a mind-numbing orgasm so powerful that she felt like she was just floating on a cloud.

By the time Berry Punch came down off her high, Fancy Pants had already tugged himself out of her clenching rump. The earth pony could only lay there, chest down, rump up, her well-used cunt and rump on display, both of them leaking sluggish white dribbles of the unicorn's spunk. Berry Punch realised she was drooling on the carpet, but she didn't even care, fucked absolutely senseless.

She tried to say something to the couple, and was surprised to discern that Fancy Pants was already screwing his wife. His stamina was insane.

Berry Punch only had one last thought before she passed out:

I will never insult a unicorn's sexual prowess again.

Berry Punch staggered into the house she and Cherilee shared. She bounced off the counter, weak-legged, and then slumped at the base of it with a low groan. She popped a birth control pill, and then washed it down with a swig of wine, giving a low, cloudy groan.

Cherilee's face appeared over the edge of the counter. "What happened to you?"

Berry Punch gave a cheerful smile up at the teacher, and held her bottle of wine aloft in a drunken salute. "Drank two bottles of wine, insulted some fancy unicorns. They took me to a hotel, and fucked my brains out. Pretty much fucked me stupid, came in my cunt, and then he fucked my rump. I came so hard I passed out," the mare said shamelessly.

Cherilee looked the other mare up and down, and then sniffed once, before returning to writing out her lesson plan. "Slow day, huh?"

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