The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll. Episode One: A dream come true.

Story by Demonfox666 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll

Devlin looked up at the ceiling and gave a small sigh. Rubbing his furry red arm, he closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

He had been dreaming of a beautiful naked fox goddess. The blue furred goddess had wanting Devlin for so long and was about to kiss him when his alarm clock woke him up.

"Why? Why is it that my dreams are not realities? I deserve something good like that," Devlin said softly. "I mean I could go out and try to date but I am not exactly the most charming guy in the world."

Devlin had the wrong idea. It wasn't so much that he was wasn't the most charming guy. It was the fact that he could never seal the deal at the end of the date. He could do all the show and dance with the flowers and the sweet words but he failed when it came time to kiss his date goodnight. He was hesitant for some odd reason. His mind was telling him to kiss her but his body didn't.

He got out of bed and pulled up his falling boxers. With a yawn, he stumbled around a little until he reached the kitchen and looked out the window. Seeing nothing of interest, He opened the fridge and took out a carton of milk.

"Hello sunshine. How are you doing today?" He got a glass and started to pour the milk into it. "I am doing just fine. As fine as any lonely guy can be." He shook his head and put the milk back in the fridge. "Oh who am I kidding? I am unlovable. Or better yet, I am not worthy of a second date." He shook his head. "It is too early to think about this dammit! You have a book to write."

Devlin was a book writer. He had written three books already. All three were published but none gave him any real fame. This upset him greatly because he worked so hard on those books. He wrote four or five pages every day and would even stay up late at night just going over each page to see if he made a mistake. All that work was for nothing.

There was a knock on the door then the dropping of something.

"What the hell? What was that?" Devlin was startled by the sudden noise. He then looked up at the clock. "It is six in the morning and I have a package. This would probably be the time that I open the door, pick up the box, open the box then watch as the box explodes and kills me." He chuckled a little then went over to the front door and opened it.

Instead of a box, he found the body of a blue feline girl. She was completely naked from head to toe. Her jet black hair covered most of her face but her little, pink nose could still be seen. It looked like she was asleep or knocked out cold.

Devlin did not know exactly what to do. He could just call the cops and let them deal with it...but what if this wasn't what it seemed? What if she was a present for him? It seemed unlikely but it could happen. At least it could in Devlin's mind.

"Well, I can't just let her stay like this. I have to do something," he said, picking her up and bringing her into the house.

He put her on the kitchen table and moved back a little, deciding what to do. Part of him wanted to call the cops. This was something for them to take care of. On the other hand, she was asleep or knocked out and in his house. He could easily take advantage of her. But that would be wrong. He could get in trouble and maybe even go to jail.

"You know what? I am just going to call the cops." He went over to the phone and picked up the receiver.

"Master...," said a small voice behind him. "Master..."

Devlin put down the receiver and turned around, looking at the feline's body. She was still motionless. Thinking that he was hearing things, he turned back around and picked up the receiver again.

"Master...," the voice said again. "Touch me master."

Devlin put down the phone again and went over to the feline. With a confused look on his face, he put his hand on her forehead.

"Master, do not worry about me. Please, feel free to use me as you wish."

Devlin looked completely surprised. Did she just say for him to use her as he wished? This was not what he expected to hear. It also made him a little bit suspicious.

"Really," He asked her. "Because I don't want to end up touching you in places and then ending up in jail as Bubba's play thing."

The feline shook her head and then pulled her hair away from her face with her right paw.

"That would never happen master. I am yours to do what you please." She looked at him with her eyes still closed. "Please master. Please touch me."

Devlin did what he was told and started to rub between the feline's legs with one of his paws. He smiled a little as he pressed one of his paw digits against the feline's warm slit. Part of him couldn't believe this was happening. He stopped for a moment and pinched himself just in case. When he felt the pinch, he knew that it wasn't a dream.

The feline, feeling Devlin's paw digit, gave a soft moan of pleasure. Her eyes opened up, showing off the blue orbs that her eyelids had been hiding. She then looked into Devlin's eyes.

"Please master. Please go on. It feels so good." She pushed her crotch up against his paw.

Granting her request, Devlin slowly slipped a digit into her. He could feel the heat coming off of her as well as the fact that her walls were wet which made it easy for his digit to go in.

"This is probably the best day of my..."

There was a knock on the door.

"God dammit. Why does this have to happen now? Of all the times..." He pulled his digit out of the feline. "Stay here," he ordered.

He went over to the door then opened it.

On the other side of the door was a man in a blue uniform. It was a police officer and he didn't look too happy at all to be where he was. He gave Devlin a cold, hard stare.

"Good morning sir," he said. "I am here because there was a report of an object falling from the sky and landing on your doorstep."

Devlin gave the officer a look of confusion. Did he just say that an object fell out of the sky?

Does that mean that the feline came from above? Was she an angel? If she was an angel, why didn't she have any clothes? So many questions and no answers for them.

"Something fell from sky and landed here? I am sorry officer but you must have the wrong house. The only thing that falls around here is my body when I am dizzy."

The reply was met with the cop's laughter.

"Really," the cop asked Devlin. "Don't get dizzy them. But on a serious note, I am very sure that this is the right house. I have the number of the house right here. This is sixty-six right?"

"Yes it is."

"Then I am at the right house."

"Officer, nothing fell down from the sky and landed on my doorstep. If something like that did happen, you would be the first one to know."

The officer looked at the ground and noticed a strand of long, jet black hair. He picked it up and examined it.

Devlin started to panic. The officer was going to start asking whose hair that was. He could just say that it was his own because he indeed had black hair but it wasn't that long.

"Is there someone in the house with you," the cop asked.

Devlin searched for an answer and quickly found one.

"No officer," he said with a grin, "but there was someone with me last night that left earlier this morning after a round of play fighting in bed. You should have seen her. She had looks that could kill and a mouth that could..."

"Stop right there." The cop looked slightly disturbed. "That was more than I ever needed to know. I am sorry I even asked that question."

"Sorry officer. I was just giving you the whole story so that you would understand."

" could have just said you had a guest over or you could have just said you had a lady over. You didn't need to go into what you were doing. I can draw my own conclusion."

"Sorry officer."

The officer nodded then looked around.

"I guess I don't really have a reason to be here anymore. Maybe the call was just a prank. It wouldn't be the first time that someone has pranked me. Damn kids."

Devlin shook his head.

"You are so right officer. Kids don't have any respect for the law these days. I blame society. Parents aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing and their kids are following in their footsteps. Even worse, nobody is doing anything about it."

The officer nodded.

"Damn right. You hit the nail on the head. Anyway, I will be going now. You have a nice day."

"You too officer."

He closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. He had pulled it off. He couldn't believe that he did but he did. If he didn't think of that, he probably would have told the truth and then it would have been chaos. There would have been a whole investigation with TV cameras, new reporters and lots and lots of police. Even though it was publicity, it wasn't the publicity that he wanted.

"Is there anything I can do for you master," a voice behind him asked.

Devlin quickly turned around and saw the female feline. She was sitting on her knees with her head looking down at the ground. Her tail was wrapped around her waist as if to protect it from harm.

"Yes there is something you can do for me," Devlin answered in a serious tone of voice. "You can tell me who you are and what you are."

The feline looked up at Devlin and closed her eyes.

"My name is Eros. I am a slave from another planet. My purpose in life is to serve you, my master."